在选项里设置文本为: zh_cn,utf-8
在F:\Program Files (x86)\gitBash\Git\etc\bash.bashrc末尾添加:
sagar@DESKTOP-QM75KNS MINGW64 /f/prjs/cesium/cesiumEffects/fregata-cesium-web (master) $ tail -n 15 /f/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/gitBash/Git/etc/bash.bashrc shopt -q login_shell || . /etc/profile.d/git-prompt.sh # 让ls和dir命令显示中文和颜色 alias ls='ls --show-control-chars --color' alias dir='dir -N --color' # # 设置为中文环境,使提示成为中文 # export LANG="zh_CN" # # 输出为中文编码 # export OUTPUT_CHARSET="utf-8" export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 # 可以输入中文 set meta-flag on set output-meta on set convert-meta off
sagar@DESKTOP-QM75KNS MINGW64 /f/prjs/cesium/cesiumEffects/fregata-cesium-web (master) $ git diff src/routes/index.ts diff --git a/src/routes/index.ts b/src/routes/index.ts index 1cb13a4..235460a 100644 --- a/src/routes/index.ts +++ b/src/routes/index.ts @@ -131,6 +131,12 @@ export const appRouter = { path: "dynamicWire", meta: { title: "动态线", icon: "ios-pin" }, component: () => import("@/views/app/case/dynamicWire") + }, + { + name: "warshipDefendAir", + path: "warshipDefendAir", + meta: { title: "舰船防空", icon: "ios-pin" }, + component: () => import("@/views/app/case/warshipDefendAirScence") } ] }
注意将powershell还有其他用到exe 的地方加入到环境变量,避免出现找不到exe
"$schema": "https://aka.ms/terminal-profiles-schema", "defaultProfile": "{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}", //默认终端 "alwaysShowTabs": true, //始终显示标签 "initialCols": 120, //默认列数 "initialRows": 30, //默认行数 // You can add more global application settings here. // To learn more about global settings, visit https://aka.ms/terminal-global-settings // If enabled, selections are automatically copied to your clipboard. "copyOnSelect": false, // If enabled, formatted data is also copied to your clipboard "copyFormatting": false, "requestedTheme": "system",//主题 "showTabsInTitlebar": true,//在标题栏中显示终端窗口标签栏 "showTerminalTitleInTitlebar": true,//在标签栏中显示终端标签 // A profile specifies a command to execute paired with information about how it should look and feel. // Each one of them will appear in the 'New Tab' dropdown, // and can be invoked from the commandline with `wt.exe -p xxx` // To learn more about profiles, visit https://aka.ms/terminal- profile-settings "profiles": { "defaults": { // Put settings here that you want to apply to all profiles. "useAcrylic": true,//使用不透明度 "acrylicOpacity": 0.66,//不透明度 "closeOnExit": true,//退出后关闭 // 启动菜单一定要设置为 <.>,否则后面重要的一步将会无效! "startingDirectory": "C:\\Users\\sagar\\Desktop", // 字体 "fontFace": "Consolas", "fontSize": 12, "historySize": 9001, "padding": "5, 5, 20, 25", "snapOnInput": true, // 颜色 "colorScheme": "Solarized Dark Higher Contrast" // "colorScheme": "Git Flat UI" // "colorScheme": "One Half Dark" }, "list": [ { // Powershell 7.1.0-preview.2 配置 "guid": "{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}", "hidden": false, "name": "pwsh 7 (^ ~ ^)", "icon": "F:\\Program Files (x86)\\PowerShell7_1\\7\\assets\\Powershell_av_colors.ico", //设置图标 // 注意:一定要写上 -nologo,否则开启 powershll 会有一段话输出,很讨厌! "commandline": "pwsh.exe -nologo" }, { // gitbash "guid": "{564e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}", "hidden": false, "name": "gitbash 7 (^ ~ ^)", "icon": "F:\\Program Files (x86)\\PowerShell7_1\\7\\assets\\Powershell_av_colors.ico", //设置图标 "startingDirectory": "F:\\prjs\\", // 注意:一定要写上 -nologo,否则开启 powershll 会有一段话输出,很讨厌! "commandline": "bin\\bash.exe" }, { // Make changes here to the powershell.exe profile. "guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}", "name": "Windows PowerShell", "commandline": "powershell.exe", "hidden": false }, { // Make changes here to the cmd.exe profile. "guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}", "name": "cmd", "commandline": "cmd.exe", "hidden": false, "useAcrylic": true,//使用不透明度 "acrylicOpacity": 0.75,//不透明度 "closeOnExit": true,//退出后关闭 "colorScheme": "Solarized Dark Higher Contrast", "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",//光标颜色 // 光标类型,可选值 "vintage" ( ▃ ), "bar" ( ┃ ), // "underscore" ( ▁ ), "filledBox" ( █ ), "emptyBox" ( ▯ ) "cursorShape": "bar", "fontFace": "Consolas",//字体 "fontSize": 12, "historySize": 9001,//历史大小 "padding": "0, 0, 0, 0", "snapOnInput": true,//嗅探输入 "startingDirectory": "%Workspaces%"//初始目录 }, { "guid": "{b453ae62-4e3d-5e58-b989-0a998ec441b8}", "hidden": false, "name": "Azure Cloud Shell", "source": "Windows.Terminal.Azure", "useAcrylic": true,//使用不透明度 "acrylicOpacity": 0.75,//不透明度 "closeOnExit": true,//退出后关闭 "colorScheme": "Solarized Dark Higher Contrast", "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",//光标颜色 // 光标类型,可选值 "vintage" ( ▃ ), "bar" ( ┃ ), // "underscore" ( ▁ ), "filledBox" ( █ ), "emptyBox" ( ▯ ) "cursorShape": "bar", "fontFace": "Consolas",//字体 "fontSize": 12, "historySize": 9001,//历史大小 "padding": "0, 0, 0, 0", "snapOnInput": true,//嗅探输入 "startingDirectory": "%Workspaces%"//初始目录 } // { // "guid": "{07b52e3e-de2c-5db4-bd2d-ba144ed6c273}", // "hidden": false, // "name": "Ubuntu-20.04", // "source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl", // "useAcrylic": true,//使用不透明度 // "acrylicOpacity": 0.75,//不透明度 // "closeOnExit": true,//退出后关闭 // "colorScheme": "Solarized Dark Higher Contrast", // "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",//光标颜色 // // 光标类型,可选值 "vintage" ( ▃ ), "bar" ( ┃ ), // // "underscore" ( ▁ ), "filledBox" ( █ ), "emptyBox" ( ▯ ) // "cursorShape": "bar", // "fontFace": "Consolas",//字体 // "fontSize": 12, // "historySize": 9001,//历史大小 // "padding": "0, 0, 0, 0", // "snapOnInput": true,//嗅探输入 // "startingDirectory": "%Workspaces%"//初始目录 // } ] }, // Add custom color schemes to this array. // To learn more about color schemes, visit https://aka.ms/terminal-color-schemes "schemes": [ { "name": "Homebrew", "black": "#000000", "red": "#FC5275", "green": "#00a600", "yellow": "#999900", "blue": "#6666e9", "purple": "#b200b2", "cyan": "#00a6b2", "white": "#bfbfbf", "brightBlack": "#666666", "brightRed": "#e50000", "brightGreen": "#00d900", "brightYellow": "#e5e500", "brightBlue": "#0000ff", "brightPurple": "#e500e5", "brightCyan": "#00e5e5", "brightWhite": "#e5e5e5", "background": "#283033", "foreground": "#00ff00" }, { "name": "Solarized Dark Higher Contrast", "black": "#002831", "red": "#d11c24", "green": "#6cbe6c", "yellow": "#a57706", "blue": "#2176c7", "purple": "#c61c6f", "cyan": "#259286", "white": "#eae3cb", "brightBlack": "#006488", "brightRed": "#f5163b", "brightGreen": "#51ef84", "brightYellow": "#b27e28", "brightBlue": "#178ec8", "brightPurple": "#e24d8e", "brightCyan": "#00b39e", "brightWhite": "#fcf4dc", "background": "#001e27", "foreground": "#9cc2c3" }, { "name": "Solarized Dark - Patched", "black": "#002831", "red": "#d11c24", "green": "#738a05", "yellow": "#a57706", "blue": "#2176c7", "purple": "#c61c6f", "cyan": "#259286", "white": "#eae3cb", "brightBlack": "#475b62", "brightRed": "#bd3613", "brightGreen": "#475b62", "brightYellow": "#536870", "brightBlue": "#708284", "brightPurple": "#5956ba", "brightCyan": "#819090", "brightWhite": "#fcf4dc", "background": "#001e27", "foreground": "#708284" }, { "name": "Obsidian", "black": "#000000", "red": "#a60001", "green": "#00bb00", "yellow": "#fecd22", "blue": "#3a9bdb", "purple": "#bb00bb", "cyan": "#00bbbb", "white": "#bbbbbb", "brightBlack": "#555555", "brightRed": "#ff0003", "brightGreen": "#93c863", "brightYellow": "#fef874", "brightBlue": "#a1d7ff", "brightPurple": "#ff55ff", "brightCyan": "#55ffff", "brightWhite": "#ffffff", "background": "#283033", "foreground": "#cdcdcd" }, { "name": "Campbell", "foreground": "#CCCCCC", "background": "#0C0C0C", "black": "#0C0C0C", "blue": "#0037DA", "brightBlack": "#767676", "brightBlue": "#3B78FF", "brightCyan": "#61D6D6", "brightGreen": "#16C60C", "brightPurple": "#B4009E", 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"#50FA7B", "purple": "#BD93F9", "red": "#FF5555", "white": "#F8F8F2", "yellow": "#F1FA8C" }, { "name" : "One Half Dark", "foreground" : "#DCDFE4", "background" : "#282C34", "black" : "#282C34", "blue" : "#008cff", "brightBlack" : "#008cff", "brightBlue" : "#008cff", "brightCyan" : "#56B6C2", "brightGreen" : "#98C379", "brightPurple" : "#C678DD", "brightRed" : "#E06C75", "brightWhite" : "#DCDFE4", "brightYellow" : "#E5C07B", "cyan" : "#56B6C2", "green" : "#98C379", "purple" : "#C678DD", "red" : "#E06C75", "white" : "#DCDFE4", "yellow" : "#E5C07B" }, { "name": "Atom", "foreground": "#c5c8c6", "background": "#161719", "black": "#000000", "blue": "#85befd", "brightBlack": "#000000", "brightRed": "#fd5ff1", "brightGreen": "#94fa36", "brightYellow": "#f5ffa8", "brightBlue": "#96cbfe", "brightPurple": "#b9b6fc", "brightCyan": "#85befd", "brightWhite": "#e0e0e0", "cyan": "#85befd", "green": "#87c38a", "purple": "#b9b6fc", "red": "#fd5ff1", "white": "#e0e0e0", "yellow": "#ffd7b1" }, { "name": "Git Flat UI", "foreground": "#DCDFE4", "background": "#1A1A1A", "black": "#282C34", "blue": "#61AFEF", "brightBlack": "#5A6374", "brightBlue": "#61AFEF", "brightCyan": "#56B6C2", "brightGreen": "#19A33A", "brightPurple": "#C678DD", "brightRed": "#E06C75", "brightWhite": "#DCDFE4", "brightYellow": "#E5C07B", "cyan": "#56B6C2", "green": "#19A33A", "purple": "#C678DD", "red": "#E06C75", "white": "#DCDFE4", "yellow": "#E5C07B" } ], // Add custom keybindings to this array. // To unbind a key combination from your defaults.json, set the command to "unbound". // To learn more about keybindings, visit https://aka.ms/terminal-keybindings "keybindings": [ // Copy and paste are bound to Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V in your defaults.json. // These two lines additionally bind them to Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. // To learn more about selection, visit https://aka.ms/terminal-selection { "command" : "newTab", "keys" : ["ctrl+N"] }, { "command" : "closeTab", "keys" : ["ctrl+w"] }, { "command" : "closePane", "keys" : ["ctrl+w"]}, { "command" : "copy", "keys" : ["ctrl+c"]}, { "command" : "paste","keys" : ["ctrl+v"]}, { "command" : "find","keys" : ["ctrl+f"]},//搜索框 { "command" : "splitVertical", "keys": ["alt+-"]},//垂直方向分屏 { "command" : "splitHorizontal", "keys": ["alt+="]},//水平方向分屏 { "command" : "increaseFontSize", "keys": ["ctrl+]"]},//增大字体 { "command" : "decreaseFontSize", "keys": ["ctrl+["]},//减小字体 { "command" : "duplicateTab", "keys" : ["ctrl+shift+d"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile0","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+1"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile1","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+2"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile2","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+3"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile3","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+4"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile4", "keys" : ["ctrl+shift+5"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile5","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+6"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile6","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+7"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile7","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+8"]}, { "command" : "newTabProfile8","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+9"]}, { "command" : "openNewTabDropdown","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+space"]}, { "command" : "openSettings","keys" : ["ctrl+,"]},//打开配置文件 { "command" : "nextTab","keys" : ["ctrl+tab"]},//上一个tab { "command" : "prevTab","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+tab"]},//下一个tab { "command" : "scrollDown","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+down" ]},//向下滚动 { "command" : "scrollUp","keys" : ["ctrl+shift+up"]},//向上滚动 { "command" : "scrollUpPage","keys" : ["pgup"]},//向上翻页 { "command" : "scrollDownPage","keys" : ["pgdn"]},//向下翻页 { "command" : "switchToTab0","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+1"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab1","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+2"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab2","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+3"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab3","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+4"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab4","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+5"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab5","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+6"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab6","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+7"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab7","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+8"]}, { "command" : "switchToTab8","keys" : ["ctrl+alt+9"]}, { "command": {"action": "copy", "singleLine": false }, "keys": "ctrl+c" }, // Press Ctrl+Shift+F to open the search box // Press Alt+Shift+D to open a new pane. // - "split": "auto" makes this pane open in the direction that provides the most surface area. // - "splitMode": "duplicate" makes the new pane use the focused pane's profile. // To learn more about panes, visit https://aka.ms/terminal-panes { "command": { "action": "splitPane", "split": "auto", "splitMode": "duplicate" }, "keys": "alt+shift+d" } ] }
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