主要内容为moveit中opml 以及 部分书上内容
核心节点move group。
机器人必须放开joint trajectory action控制器。
The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface to a joint trajectory controller
The joint trajectory action is a node that provides an action interface for tracking trajectory execution. It passes trajectory goals to the controller, and reports success when they have finished executing. The joint trajectory action can also enforce constraints on the trajectory, and abort trajectory execution when the constraints are violated.
Joint Trajectory Action Controller
The Joint Trajectory Action Controller executes joint-space
trajectories on a set of joints. It takes, as a command, a message
specifying the desired position and velocity of each joint at every
point in time, and executes this command as well as the mechanism
allows.The Joint Trajectory Action Controller takes the trajectory points and
interpolates between them using splines. If you’ve specified
accelerations, it will use quintic splines, otherwise if you’ve
specified velocities, it will use cubic splines. (If you specify
neither accelerations nor velocities it will interpolate between the
positions linearly, however specifying only positions is discouraged,
as the linear interpolation will lead to discontinuities in the
followed trajectory).
The primary way to send trajectories to the Joint Trajectory Action
Controller is by connecting to the
control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryAction on the
follow_joint_trajectory topic. The action goal specifies the
trajectory, and (optional) tolerances, which override the tolerances
given on the parameter server. See the action definition for more
information on what to send.
这个存疑,貌似现在用的是joint trajectory controller?
state-of-the-art sampling-based 基于最先进的采样技术
longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.01
The maximum distance between consecutive waypoints along the solution path
it defines the same discretization of robot motions for collision checking, but it does so at an absolute level instead of using fractions of the state space.
approximate the coverage of a configuration space
This settings is used by planners such as KPIECE, BKPIECE, LBKPIECE, and PDST. For more information read the corresponding publications.
1 Setting the group parameter enforce_joint_model_state_space enforces the use of joint space for all plans. 强制对所有规划使用关节空间
2 默认情况下,带有方向路径约束的规划请求在笛卡尔空间中采样,以便调用IK充当生成采样器。
3 这里提到了轨迹优化。
In some motion planning problems, you might not want just any valid
path between your start and goal states. You might be interested in
the shortest path, or perhaps the path that steers the farthest away
from obstacles. In these cases you’re looking for an optimal path: a
path which satisfies your constraints (connects start and goal states
without collisions) and also optimizes some path quality metric. Path
length and path clearance are two examples of path quality metrics.
Motion planners which attempt to optimize path quality metrics are
known as optimizing planners.
planning request adapters 对运动规划请求进行预处理和后处理。
move group节点中的规划场景监听器(显示器)。
碰撞检测中可以利用assistant sutup来设置ACM免碰撞矩阵,1为不会碰撞。
1 transmission 这里承接之前的ros control笔记中提到的,注意我看的古月居的书里这里 actuor 也配置了hardwareinterface 但是之前的文档里说只要joint中配置就行了
moveit_ros_warehouse:Database plugins for storing scene and configuration data
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