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省赛:由于这个比赛是两年一届,并未做足充分的准备,但是通过一定的单片机基础,加上速成能力,也就是熬夜学,通过疯狂的网络搜索,在省赛第5  入选国赛



最开始考虑的使用openmv,或者opencv在树莓派上做图像识别。 这个方案现阶段真不建议尝试,说实话,效果很不好。先不说准确率了,光是识别帧率就低到离谱。 所以当时也很巧合,发现一款很不错,上手很简单的开发板。就是Sipeed科技推出的几款k210芯片的开发板,第一眼看到,真是精致,再了解它的功能,简直强大,再看它的价格,wc,好划算(虽然这一年涨价了,还涨了不少)。尤其是这么小巧的一个板子,跑图像识别真是强,还很流畅,为什么呢?自己去看吧。



  1. #2023 10 15 派大星改
  2. # object classifier boot.py
  3. # generated by maixhub.com
  4. from fpioa_manager import *
  5. from modules import ultrasonic
  6. from fpioa_manager import fm
  7. from Maix import GPIO
  8. import math
  9. import struct
  10. import sensor, image, lcd, time
  11. import KPU as kpu
  12. import gc, sys
  13. from Maix import GPIO
  14. from machine import UART
  15. from machine import Timer,PWM
  16. #
  17. #
  18. i= 8
  19. # 定义超声波传感器的触发引脚和回响引脚
  20. trig_pin = 0
  21. echo_pin = 1
  22. #控制串口通信
  23. board_info_tx=15
  24. board_info_rx=17
  25. # 将GPIO口初始化为输入/输出模式
  26. fm.register(trig_pin, fm.fpioa.GPIO0)
  27. fm.register(echo_pin, fm.fpioa.GPIO1)
  28. trig = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO0, GPIO.OUT)
  29. echo = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO1, GPIO.IN)
  30. tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER0, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PWM) #控制2个云台舵机
  31. S1 = PWM(tim, freq=50, duty=0, pin=21)
  32. tim = Timer(Timer.TIMER1, Timer.CHANNEL0, mode=Timer.MODE_PWM)
  33. S2 = PWM(tim, freq=50, duty=0, pin=23)
  34. value = 0xFF
  35. s = struct.pack('B', value)
  36. list_of_values = [255]*3
  37. s = struct.pack('3B', *list_of_values) #串口通信结束符
  38. fm.register(board_info_tx,fm.fpioa.UART1_TX,force=True)
  39. fm.register(board_info_rx,fm.fpioa.UART1_RX,force=True)
  40. uart_A = UART(UART.UART1, 115200, 8, None, 1, timeout=1000, read_buf_len=4096)
  41. #uart_A = UART(UART.UART1, 115200,read_buf_len=4096)
  42. def Servo_1(servo,angle):
  43. S1.duty((angle+90)/180*10+2.5) #竖直舵机
  44. def Servo_2(servo,angle):
  45. S2.duty((angle+90)/270*10+2.5) #水平舵机
  46. #超声波
  47. def measure_distance():
  48. trig.value(0) # 发送触发信号
  49. time.sleep_ms(2)
  50. trig.value(1)
  51. time.sleep_us(10)
  52. trig.value(0)
  53. start_time = time.ticks_ms()
  54. while echo.value() == 0 and time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), start_time) < 3000:
  55. pass
  56. # 如果等待超时,返回错误代码 -1
  57. if time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), start_time) >= 3000:
  58. print("Error: no echo received!")
  59. return -1
  60. # 记录回响信号的时间戳
  61. t1 = time.ticks_us()
  62. while echo.value() == 1:
  63. pass
  64. t2 = time.ticks_us()
  65. print(t2)
  66. # 计算距离(单位:厘米)
  67. duration = t2 - t1
  68. distance = duration * 0.017
  69. print(distance)
  70. if distance < 15: #距离判断
  71. write_str = ("t20.bco=63488")
  72. uart_A.write(write_str)
  73. print("满载")
  74. uart_A.write(s)
  75. else:
  76. write_str = ("t20.bco=34784")
  77. uart_A.write(write_str)
  78. print("未满载")
  79. uart_A.write(s)
  80. return
  81. def lcd_show_except(e):
  82. import uio
  83. err_str = uio.StringIO()
  84. sys.print_exception(e, err_str)
  85. err_str = err_str.getvalue()
  86. img = image.Image(size=(224,224))
  87. img.draw_string(0, 10, err_str, scale=1, color=(0xff,0x00,0x00))
  88. lcd.display(img)
  89. #开机启动
  90. ########################################################################################################################
  91. def main(labels = None, model_addr="/sd/m.kmodel", sensor_window=(224, 224), lcd_rotation=0, sensor_hmirror=False, sensor_vflip=False):
  92. sensor.reset()
  93. sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565)
  94. sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QVGA)
  95. sensor.set_windowing(sensor_window)
  96. sensor.set_hmirror(sensor_hmirror)
  97. sensor.set_vflip(sensor_vflip)
  98. sensor.run(1)
  99. lcd.init(type=1,invert=1) #小LCD屏幕
  100. lcd.rotation(lcd_rotation)
  101. lcd.clear(lcd.WHITE)
  102. if not labels:
  103. with open('labels.txt','r') as f:
  104. exec(f.read())
  105. if not labels:
  106. print("no labels.txt")
  107. img = image.Image(size=(320, 240))
  108. img.draw_string(90, 110, "no labels.txt", color=(255, 0, 0), scale=2)
  109. lcd.display(img)
  110. return 1
  111. try:
  112. img = image.Image("startup.jpg")
  113. lcd.display(img)
  114. except Exception:
  115. img = image.Image(size=(320, 240))
  116. img.draw_string(90, 110, "loading model...", color=(255, 255, 255), scale=2)
  117. lcd.display(img)
  118. task = kpu.load(model_addr)
  119. try:
  120. ####################################循环######################################################################################
  121. a= 0
  122. while(a<3):
  123. print("启动")
  124. write_str = ("page main") #跳到计数主屏幕
  125. uart_A.write(write_str)
  126. uart_A.write(s)
  127. print(write_str)
  128. a+=1
  129. while(True):
  130. Servo_1(S1, i)
  131. Servo_2(S2, 0)
  132. time.sleep_ms(500)
  133. measure_distance() #满载检查
  134. print("满载jianche ")
  135. write_str = ("n5.val=0") #初始化串口屏幕
  136. uart_A.write(write_str)
  137. uart_A.write(s)
  138. print(write_str)
  139. while(True):
  140. img = sensor.snapshot()
  141. t = time.ticks_ms()
  142. fmap = kpu.forward(task, img)
  143. t = time.ticks_ms() - t
  144. plist=fmap[:]
  145. pmax=max(plist) #判断最大置信度
  146. if pmax < 0.4: #检测空物品
  147. empty_str = "Not subject"
  148. img.draw_string(0, 0, empty_str, scale=2)
  149. lcd.display(img)
  150. Servo_1(S1, i)
  151. Servo_2(S2, 0)
  152. break
  153. max_index=plist.index(pmax)
  154. img.draw_string(0,0, "%.2f : %s" %(pmax, labels[max_index].strip()), scale=2)
  155. img.draw_string(0, 200, "t:%dms" %(t), scale=2)
  156. lcd.display(img)
  157. if plist.index(pmax)==0 or plist.index(pmax)==6: #fruit "vegetable" 厨余垃圾
  158. if pmax >= 0.5:
  159. time.sleep_ms(50) #等待垃圾掉落待静止的时间
  160. Servo_2(S2,90)
  161. time.sleep_ms(1000)
  162. Servo_1(S1,-20)
  163. time.sleep_ms(1500)
  164. #write_str = ()
  165. Servo_1(S1,i)
  166. time.sleep_ms(400)
  167. Servo_2(S2,0)
  168. time.sleep_ms(1000)
  169. uart_A.write("t7.txt=\"厨余垃圾\"")
  170. print("厨余垃圾ok")
  171. uart_A.write(s)
  172. time.sleep_ms(450) #舵机归位
  173. Servo_1(S1,i)
  174. time.sleep_ms(450)
  175. break
  176. #time.sleep_ms(500) #等待垃圾掉落待静止的时间
  177. if plist.index(pmax)== 1 or plist.index(pmax)==2 or plist.index(pmax)== 7: #capsule 有害垃圾
  178. if pmax >= 0.6: #0.5
  179. time.sleep_ms(50) #时隔几秒后继续检测垃圾
  180. #Servo_2(S2,90)
  181. #time.sleep_ms(500)
  182. Servo_1(S1,-30)
  183. time.sleep_ms(1500)
  184. #write_str = ()
  185. uart_A.write("t7.txt=\"有害垃圾\"")
  186. print("有害垃圾ok")
  187. uart_A.write(s)
  188. time.sleep_ms(450) #舵机归位
  189. Servo_1(S1,i)
  190. Servo_2(S2,0)
  191. time.sleep_ms(450)
  192. break
  193. if plist.index(pmax)==4 or plist.index(pmax)==8: #bottle 可回收垃圾
  194. if pmax >= 0.5:
  195. time.sleep_ms(50) #等待垃圾掉落待静止的时间
  196. Servo_2(S2,180)
  197. time.sleep_ms(1000)
  198. Servo_1(S1,-20)
  199. time.sleep_ms(1500)
  200. #write_str = ()
  201. Servo_1(S1,i)
  202. time.sleep_ms(400)
  203. Servo_2(S2,0)
  204. time.sleep_ms(1000)
  205. uart_A.write("t7.txt=\"可回收垃圾\"")
  206. print("可回收垃圾ok")
  207. uart_A.write(s)
  208. time.sleep_ms(1200) #舵机归位
  209. break
  210. if plist.index(pmax)==3 or plist.index(pmax)== 5 or plist.index(pmax)== 9: #cigarette 其他垃圾
  211. if pmax >= 0.7: #0.5
  212. time.sleep_ms(50) #等待垃圾掉落待静止的时间
  213. Servo_2(S2,-90)
  214. time.sleep_ms(1000)
  215. Servo_1(S1,-20)
  216. time.sleep_ms(1500)
  217. #write_str = ()
  218. Servo_1(S1,i)
  219. time.sleep_ms(400)
  220. Servo_2(S2,0)
  221. time.sleep_ms(1000)
  222. uart_A.write("t7.txt=\"其他垃圾\"")
  223. print("其他垃圾ok")
  224. uart_A.write(s)
  225. time.sleep_ms(450) #舵机归位
  226. Servo_1(S1,i)
  227. Servo_2(S2,0)
  228. time.sleep_ms(500)
  229. break
  230. uart.deinit() # uart.deinit()和kpu.deinit(task)用于关闭UART和释放模型资源。
  231. del uart
  232. except Exception as e:
  233. raise e
  234. finally:
  235. if not task is None:
  236. kpu.deinit(task)
  237. if __name__ == "__main__":
  238. try :
  239. #labels = ["bottle", "brick", "capsule", "pill", "stone", "vegetable"]
  240. #labels = ["chuyu", "dainci", "jiaolang", "shitou", "shuiping", "taoci", "yaobaozhung", "yilaguan"]
  241. labels = ["chuyu", "dainci", "jiaolang", "shitou", "shuiping", "taoci", "xiaotudou", "yaobaozhung", "yilaguan", "zhuangtou"]
  242. main(labels=labels, model_addr="/sd/m.kmodel")
  243. except Exception as e:
  244. sys.print_exception(e)
  245. lcd_show_except(e)
  246. finally:
  247. gc.collect()

识别:K210,虽然这东西是挺强的,但是模型有点难训练。我们是根据maixpy 官网的本地环境来进行训练的,环境有点麻烦,也可以直接CPU跑 但是有点发烫 我电脑都跑坏了,修了我300大洋,所以还是使用GPU跑,训练速度也快、



  1. import time
  2. from fpioa_manager import fm
  3. from Maix import GPIO
  4. # 定义超声波传感器的触发引脚和回响引脚
  5. trig_pin = 0
  6. echo_pin = 1
  7. # 将GPIO口初始化为输入/输出模式
  8. fm.register(trig_pin, fm.fpioa.GPIO0)
  9. fm.register(echo_pin, fm.fpioa.GPIO1)
  10. trig = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO0, GPIO.OUT)
  11. echo = GPIO(GPIO.GPIO1, GPIO.IN)
  12. def measure_distance():
  13. # 发送触发信号
  14. trig.value(0)
  15. time.sleep_ms(2)
  16. trig.value(1)
  17. time.sleep_us(10)
  18. trig.value(0)
  19. # 等待回响信号
  20. while echo.value() == 0:
  21. pass
  22. t1 = time.ticks_us()
  23. while echo.value() == 1:
  24. pass
  25. t2 = time.ticks_us()
  26. # 计算距离(单位:厘米)
  27. duration = t2 - t1
  28. distance = duration * 0.034 / 2
  29. return distance
  30. while True:
  31. distance = measure_distance()
  32. print("Distance: %.2f cm" % distance)
  33. time.sleep(1)


压缩:我们使用的是电动推杆,用arduino uno 控制 通过监听串口判断是不是可回收垃圾,然后启动


