With Unity 2020.2, we’re continuing our 2020 focus on performance, stability and workflow improvements. Join the beta and let us know what you think about the upcoming tools.
借助 Unity 2020.2 ,我们将继续在2020年专注于性能,稳定性和工作流程改进。 加入测试版,让我们知道您对即将推出的工具的看法。
Based on our community’s feedback, we committed to ensuring greater stability and improving quality of life for all users as we entered 2020. This included making the Unity 2019 LTS the default version. We also reduced the number of TECH streams from three releases per year to just two to provide an extended stabilization phase.
根据我们社区的反馈,我们 致力于在 进入2020年时 为所有用户确保更高的稳定性和生活质量。 这包括将 Unity 2019 LTS设置为默认版本 。 我们还将TECH流的数量从每年的三个版本减少到只有两个,以提供扩展的稳定阶段。
Before we dive into what’s new in the beta, let’s summarize what will come next:
For those of you who prefer to wait until the software is out of beta, we expect the full release of Unity 2020.2 to ship later this year with a TECH release level of stability. Early feedback from all of you beta users is a crucial component of our work towards this goal.
对于那些希望等到该软件过测试版之前的人,我们预计Unity 2020.2的完整版本将在今年晚些时候以TECH发行版的稳定性发布。 大家Beta用户的早期反馈是我们朝着这个目标努力的重要组成部分。
The Unity 2020 LTS release is currently scheduled for March 2021. Unity 2020 LTS will contain all the new features and improvements from 2020.1 and 2020.2, as well as all fixes we’ve added in subsequent updates. This way the long-term support (LTS) release will bring maximum stability for those of you aiming to ship your projects in the near future.
该 统一2020 LTS版 目前预定2021年三月统一2020 LTS将包含所有的新功能和改进的2020.1和2020.2,以及所有修补我们在后续的更新中加入。 这样,长期支持(LTS)版本将为那些打算在不久的将来交付项目的人们带来最大的稳定性。
As we look beyond this year, we are evolving how we work. We are focusing on select things, and doing them better. We are assigning bigger teams to deliver higher quality on the features that are most important to you. Learn more about our focus areas for 2021 in our recent blog post.
在展望今年之后,我们正在发展工作方式。 我们专注于精选事物,并将其做得更好。 我们正在分配更大的团队,以提供对您最重要的功能更高的质量。 在我们 最近的博客文章中 了解有关2021年重点领域的更多 信息 。
We created an overview of some of the new features and improvements you might find interesting to try out. We’ll also show you some of the upcoming features in action during the Unity 2020.2 beta webinar. Members of our R&D teams will be there to answer your questions live, like we did for the previous beta. To take part, sign up here:
我们概述了一些您可能会感兴趣的新功能和改进。 我们还将在 Unity 2020.2 beta网络研讨会 期间向您展示一些即将使用的功能 。 我们的研发团队成员将在那里现场回答您的问题,就像我们在 上一个 Beta版中 所做的一样 。 要参加,请在这里注册:
Join the rest of the community in our Betas & Experimental Features forums to talk about specific feature areas. If you want to be among the first to learn about new features or packages available for feedback, we also encourage you to sign up for our beta newsletter.
加入我们的 Beta和实验功能论坛 中的社区其他成员, 讨论特定的功能区域。 如果您想成为第一个了解可用于反馈的新功能或软件包的人,我们也建议您 注册我们的beta新闻 。
As projects grow in complexity, compiling new code changes can become increasingly slower, and start impacting your team’s workflow and productivity. In Unity 2020.2, we designed several features to help optimize compilation times.
随着项目的复杂性增加,编译新代码更改的速度可能会越来越慢,并开始影响团队的工作流程和生产力。 在Unity 2020.2中,我们设计了一些功能来帮助优化编译时间。
We use Roslyn reference assemblies in the compilation pipeline to avoid unnecessary recompiling of asmdef references if the public metadata for the assembly does not change when compiling scripts for the Editor; for example, if you modify only private methods or fields, only the modified assembly will be recompiled. With Roslyn analyzers you can run C# code analyzers asynchronously in the background inside the Unity Editor without interrupting the user iteration workflow and run them synchronously from the command line. Consider using Roslyn analyzers and ruleset files in Unity projects to inspect your code for style, quality, and other issues. In Unity 2020.2 we now also offer a “-deterministic” compilation option when compiling C#; however, it doesn’t support the use of AssemblyVersion with a wildcard(*), in which case an error message will be emitted with details about how to disable deterministic compilation.
如果在编译编辑器的脚本时,程序集的公共元数据没有更改,则在编译管道中 使用 Roslyn参考程序集 ,以避免不必要的asmdef引用重新编译。 例如,如果仅修改私有方法或字段,则仅修改后的程序集将被重新编译。 使用 Roslyn分析器, 您可以 在Unity编辑器中在后台异步 运行 C#代码分析器 ,而无需中断用户迭代工作流并从命令行同步运行它们。 考虑在Unity项目中使用Roslyn分析器和规则集文件来检查代码中的样式,质量和其他问题。 在Unity 2020.2中, 当编译C#时, 我们现在还提供了 “- 确定性 ”编译 选项。 但是,它不支持将AssemblyVersion与通配符(*)一起使用,在这种情况下,将发出一条错误消息,其中包含有关如何禁用确定性编译的详细信息。
Editor Iteration Profiler (EIP) can help you identify bottlenecks in your code during domain reloads (Enter Playmode, Script Compilation, etc.). It’s an experimental feature and available as a research Package – just follow the instructions to try it out, and share your feedback with us.
编辑器迭代探查器(EIP) 可帮助您在域重新加载(输入播放模式,脚本编译等)期间识别代码中的瓶颈。 这是一项实验性功能,可以作为研究套件使用-只需 按照说明 进行尝试,并与我们分享您的反馈即可。
Root Namespace is a new field in the asmdef inspector that is used to automatically add a namespace when creating a new script in Unity and in Visual Studio and Rider.
根命名空间 是 asmdef检查器中 的新字段 ,用于在Unity和Visual Studio和Rider中创建新脚本时自动添加命名空间。
0-Change rebuilds in IL2CPP platforms. If you make changes that don’t involve code changes, for example to materials, shaders or prefabs, IL2CPP conversion from .NET assemblies to C++ will be skipped. This will improve artist workflows and speed up iteration.
在IL2CPP 平台中进行 0更改重建 。 如果您进行的更改不涉及代码更改,例如对材料,着色器或预制件的更改,则将跳过从.NET程序集到C ++的IL2CPP转换。 这将改善艺术家的工作流程并加快迭代速度。
IL2CPP player build time improvement. The process of converting .NET assemblies into C++ files has historically been single threaded. In Unity 2020.2, the application that processes the conversion (il2cpp.exe) takes advantage of modern multi-core processors, dramatically decreasing the overall IL2CPP player build times. Find more information in the forum thread.
IL2CPP播放器构建时间缩短 。 过去,将.NET程序集转换为C ++文件的过程是单线程的。 在Unity 2020.2中,处理转换的应用程序(il2cpp.exe)充分利用了现代多核处理器的优势,大大缩短了IL2CPP播放器的总体构建时间。 在 论坛主题中 查找更多信息 。
C# 8 support. Unity 2020.2 supports all the new C# 8 features and enhancements, except default interface methods.
C#8支持 。 除默认接口方法外, Unity 2020.2支持所有 新的C#8功能 和增强功能。
Time.deltaTime stability improvements. Frame time calculations are more stable now, providing much smoother object movement when the game is running at a stable frame rate. Unity 2020.2 has time stability improvements on iOS, macOS, PS4, Switch, tvOS, UWP, Windows and Xbox One. Improvements on Android, Windows/Linux on Vulkan and XR will come later. See this forum discussion for more details.
Time.delta时间稳定性得到改善。 现在,帧时间计算更加稳定,当游戏以稳定的帧速率运行时,对象运动更加流畅。 Unity 2020.2在iOS,macOS,PS4,Switch,tvOS,UWP,Windows和Xbox One上的时间稳定性得到了改进。 稍后将对Android,Vulkan和XR上的Windows / Linux进行改进。 有关 更多详细信息, 请参 见此论坛讨论 。
Unity Linker performs static analysis to strip managed code. It also recognizes a number of Attributes and allows you to annotate dependencies where it is unable to identify them. In Unity 2020.2 the tool received API updates to match Mono IL Linker. Starting in 2020.1 some simple reflection patterns can now be automatically detected, avoiding the need to use link.xml files.
Unity Linker 执行静态分析以剥离托管代码。 它还可以识别许多属性,并允许您在无法识别它们的地方注释依赖项。 在Unity 2020.2中,该工具收到了API更新以匹配 Mono IL Linker 。 从2020.1开始,现在可以自动检测一些简单的反射模式,而无需使用link.xml文件。
Unity Safe Mode is available in 2020.2 beta, we are improving how Unity behaves when opening a project that has script compilation errors. If there are compilation errors at Editor startup, you will be prompted to enter Safe Mode. Safe Mode is designed to provide the best environment for resolving errors, so that you can quickly return your project to a functional state, without waiting for unnecessary imports of your project’s assets. This feature will simplify and speed up the process of upgrading a project to a new Unity version, and it will help teams working on large projects by reducing the number of cases in which the library folder contains incorrect import artifacts. You can provide feedback in the forum.
Unity安全模式 在2020.2 beta中可用,我们正在改进打开有脚本编译错误的项目时Unity的行为。 如果编辑器启动时出现编译错误,系统将提示您进入安全模式。 安全模式旨在为解决错误提供最佳的环境,以便您可以快速将项目返回到功能状态,而不必等待不必要的项目资产导入。 此功能将简化并加速将项目升级到新的Unity版本的过程,并且它将通过减少库文件夹包含不正确的导入工件的案例数来帮助团队进行大型项目。 您可以在 论坛中 提供反馈 。
We exposed the existing Profiler stats as Runtime API. This allows you to read the values of performance statistics for the existing Profiler areas such as memory, rendering and others in Players. You can use that data to display performance heads-up displays (HUDs) on your project while running on the target device or to build other performance tooling for your own needs.
我们将现有的 Profiler统计信息 公开 为Runtime API。 这使您可以 读取现有Profiler区域的性能统计信息值,例如Player中的内存,渲染和其他区域。 您可以使用该数据在目标设备上运行时在项目上显示性能平视显示(HUD),或构建满足自己需求的其他性能工具。
We also added a number of visualization improvements. The ability to add charts in the Profiler Window gives you more performance context for either existing or user-generated Profiler statistics. Flow Events charts can now display serial task dependencies in the Profiler Timeline and help you identify which tasks in a sequence of operations your application is spending time on.
我们还添加了许多 可视化方面的改进。 在Profiler窗口中 添加 图表 的功能 为现有的或用户生成的Profiler统计信息提供了更多的性能上下文。 Flow Events图表 现在可以 在Profiler时间轴中 显示 串行任务的依存关系, 并帮助 您确定应用程序花费时间的一系列操作中的哪些任务。
Finally we made a large number of Core Performance Improvements, including:
最后,我们进行了大量的 核心性能改进 , 包括:
Camera.main used to be a performance costly function to call. With this optimization a dedicated list of objects with the main camera tag is maintained, and searching this list is almost instantaneous.
Camera.main 曾经是一项性能昂贵的调用函数。 通过这种优化,可以维护带有主摄像机标签的专用对象列表,并且搜索该列表几乎是即时的。
UV Unwrapping on model import has been a time-consuming operation, as the unwrapping happens in a separate process. This process is now being kept alive, making this operation up to 50x faster
在模型导入 中进行 UV展开 是一项耗时的操作,因为展开是在单独的过程中进行的。 现在,此过程一直有效,使此操作的速度提高了50倍
Gizmo rendering is now considerably faster, for both general gizmos and LightProbe gizmos.
现在,对于普通Gizmos和LightProbe Gizmos, Gizmo渲染的 速度都大大提高了。
Nested Prefab loading in the editor has been optimized and sped up by up to 20x.
编辑器中的 嵌套式预制件加载 已进行了优化,并加快了20倍。
Workflow improvements are one of the main pillars of this year’s release. Our teams have been monitoring user feedback and requests, and how the experience can be improved for all teams that interact with the Editor on a daily basis. We are also inviting testers to try an early version of the new tools that will help you localize your projects and tooling.
工作流程的改进是今年发布的主要Struts之一。 我们的团队一直在监视用户的反馈和请求,以及每天与编辑器进行交互的所有团队如何改善体验。 我们还邀请测试人员试用新版工具的早期版本,以帮助您本地化项目和工具。
A Localization package is now available for testing, providing tools for adding support for multiple languages and regional variants in text or culture-specific assets, such as audio or textures, to your project. To get this Preview package, type in com.unity.localization under “Add package from git URL” in the Package Manager. Or follow the instructions in the documentation to add it by editing your project manifest. This guide will help you get started, and you can let us know what you think in the forum. Help us make it better by sharing your feedback directly with the team – register for a user interview.
本地化包 现在可用于测试,添加了多国语言和文字或文化的特定资产,如音频或纹理区域的变体的支持,您的项目提供工具。 要获取此预览包, 请 在“包管理器”中的“从git URL添加包”下 键入 com.unity.localization 。 或者按照 指示 在文档中编辑您的项目清单进行添加。 本 指南 将帮助您入门,并且可以在 论坛中 告诉我们您的想法 。 直接与团队分享您的反馈,帮助我们做得更好– 注册 用户面试。
Editor package localization. Users or developers of Unity, packages or custom tools can add support for Japanese, Korean, Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional with this new Experimental feature (enabled if you install a Language pack module). Create dictionaries (PO files using GNU gettext) for any of the supported languages and desired features. Learn more about the work in the forum.
编辑器程序包本地化 。 Unity的用户或开发人员,程序包或自定义工具可以通过此新的实验性功能(如果安装了语言包模块,则可以启用)来添加对日语,韩语,简体中文和繁体中文的支持。 为任何受支持的语言和所需的功能 创建词典(使用 GNU gettext的 PO文件 )。 在 论坛上 了解有关该工作的更多信息 。
PhysX Articulation Body component improvements. You can now link Rigidbody hierarchies to ArticulationBody hierarchies with regular joints, solved by the iterative solver and propagating the resulting forces in both of the hierarchies automatically. This is particularly helpful if you work in robotics or physics-based games. Additionally, new APIs are exposed that include support for physically based inverse kinematics (IK).
PhysX关节身体组件的改进 。 现在,您可以将Rigidbody层次结构链接到带有规则关节的ArticulationBody层次结构,这些关节由迭代求解器求解,并自动在两个层次结构中传播合力。 如果您从事机器人或基于物理的游戏,这将特别有用。 此外, 还公开 了 新的 API ,其中包括对基于物理的逆运动学(IK)的支持。
Asset Database consistency check. Unity 2020.2 provides a feature that checks assets produced by importers remain consistent with the original asset and its dependencies. It can be enabled by manual Reimport or command line.
资产数据库 一致性检查 。 Unity 2020.2提供了一项功能,可以检查进口商生产的资产是否与原始资产及其依存关系一致。 可以通过手动重新导入或命令行启用它。
Unity Accelerator now comes with the ability to mirror cache along with the new policy table where users can centralize access restrictions for items stored in their Accelerators. Join in the forum discussions.
现在, Unity Accelerator 可以镜像缓存以及新的策略表,用户可以在其中集中管理其Accelerators中存储的项目的访问限制。 加入 论坛讨论 。
Prefab support for AssetPostprocessor. If OnPostprocessPrefab is implemented, post-processors can modify the prefab. All added objects will get the DontSaveInEditor flag to avoid changes being applied to the source prefab.
对 AssetPostprocessor的 预制支持 。 如果 实现了OnPostprocessPrefab,则后处理器可以修改预制件。 所有添加的对象都将获得DontSaveInEditor标志,以避免将更改应用于源预制件。
Prefabs import boasts a set of improvements to increase correctness, performance, scalability, cacheability and other attributes. Regarding script dependencies, Prefabs that contain MonoBehaviours will now be in sync with the script and won’t lose references in the case of compile errors. Learn more about the work in the forum.
预制件的进口 具有一系列改进,以提高准确性,性能,可伸缩性,可缓存性和其他属性。 关于 脚本依赖性 ,包含MonoBehaviours的预制件现在将与脚本同步,并且在编译错误的情况下不会丢失引用。 在 论坛上 了解有关该工作的更多信息 。
Unity Hub version 2.4.0 delivers several improvements to the UX such as clearer messaging and workflows for managing projects, downloads, Unity editors and modules. It also brings new dynamic downloadable templates to make learning game development more fun.
Unity Hub 2.4.0版对UX进行了一些改进,例如更清晰的消息传递和用于管理项目,下载,Unity编辑器和模块的工作流。 它还带来了新的动态可下载模板,使学习游戏开发更加有趣。
Package Manager – scoped registries UX and management improvements. A new dialogue informs users when a new scoped registry is added to the project. Manage all scoped registries in the project (add/remove registry and scope) from Project Settings. You can filter “Unity Registry” and “My Registry” packages by author to more easily browse or search packages from their source registry.
软件包管理器–范围内的注册表 UX和管理改进。 新的对话通知用户何时将新的作用域注册表添加到项目中。 通过“项目设置”管理项目中的所有作用域注册表(添加/删除注册表和作用域)。 您可以按作者筛选“ Unity注册表”和“我的注册表”软件包,以更轻松地从源注册表中浏览或搜索软件包。
Quick Search 2.0 comes with more search tokens and provides contextual completion to assist when typing queries. Scene searching is no longer limited to the open Scene; it’s now possible to search through all the Scenes and Prefabs of your project at once. This is achieved by indexing their content, which happens in the background and can be configured using the Index Manager.
快速搜索 2.0提供了更多的搜索令牌,并提供了上下文补全功能,以帮助您键入查询。 场景搜索不再仅限于打开的场景; 现在可以一次搜索项目的所有场景和预制件。 这是通过对它们的内容建立索引来实现的,该内容发生在后台,可以使用索引管理器进行配置。
Finally, Unity 2020.2 also comes packed quality-of-life improvements across the Editor such as:
最后,Unity 2020.2还带来了 整个编辑器 的生活质量改善 ,例如:
Arrays and Lists in the inspector are reorderable, and the attribute [NonReorderable] can disable this function
Scene move/rotate/scale handle lines are thicker and configurable
Texture import pipeline for 2DArray and 3D textures – import your “flipbook” array/3D textures directly without having to write custom C# code
用于2DArray和3D纹理的纹理导入管道–直接导入“动画书”数组/ 3D纹理,而无需编写自定义C#代码
The hierarchy view improvements:
分层结构视图 的改进:
new “Create Empty Parent” item
version status for Prefabs is displayed
when you create a new object it has the Rename mode by default
you can mark an object as “default parent” in Hierarchy view, so when you drag new assets into the Scene they get parented to that object
The hierarchy view improvements:
分层结构视图 的改进:
Mesh inspector can visualize blend shapes
Multiple Prefabs can be dragged into the Scene simultaneously
Inspector properties Copy/Paste supports user-defined C# types
Scripting #define directives in the Project Settings are now shown as an Array
项目设置中的 脚本 #define指令 现在显示为数组
Frame Selected on an already selected object zooms into its pivot point
Project window asset renames and moves are undoable
GameObject inspector displays selected object count next to the name field]
With Unity 2020.2 we continue our focus on quality-of-life fixes through upgrading aggregate workflows and the general user experience working with our artist tooling. We are working towards bringing more consistency across all our node-based development tools and maturing our rendering pipelines.
借助Unity 2020.2,我们将继续关注生活质量修复,方法是升级总体工作流程以及使用我们的美术工具工作的一般用户体验。 我们正在努力为我们所有基于节点的开发工具带来更大的一致性,并逐步完善渲染流程。
Shader Graph 10.0 includes several new features that improve the workflow for technical artists. Graph Editor performance has been improved. The end point of the Graph is now a modular collection of feature blocks (the Master Stack) rather than a monolithic Master Node. This allows a single graph to be easily switched between shader models such as Lit or Hair. The Graph Inspector consolidates the settings from Master Nodes and other nodes on the graph into a single location, and also controls the active Target and shading model for the graph. The Graph now visually indicates which features and nodes are compatible with the current setting selections. Note that with Unity 2020.2, your existing Graphs will upgrade to use Master Stacks. Check the Upgrade Guide in the Shader Graph package docs for further explanation of these workflow improvements.
Shader Graph 10.0包括一些新功能,这些功能可以改善技术美术人员的工作流程。 图形编辑器的性能已得到改善。 现在,图形的终点是功能块(主堆栈)的模块化集合,而不是单片式主节点。 这样就可以在着色器模型(例如Lit或Hair)之间轻松切换单个图形。 Graph Inspector将图上主节点和其他节点的设置合并到一个位置,并控制图的活动Target和Shading模型。 图形现在可以直观地指示哪些要素和节点与当前设置选择兼容。 请注意,使用Unity 2020.2,您现有的图形将升级为使用主堆栈。 查看 Shader Graph软件包文档中的 《 升级指南》,以 获取有关这些工作流程改进的进一步说明。
VFX Graph updates in Unity 2020.2 include a number of features and improvements. The addition of Output Events allows users to synchronize lights, sound, physical reactions, or game play based on Spawn Events via a delegate interface in C#. Among the experimental features, Static Mesh Sampling enables the spawning of particles directly from meshes. The Multi-Mesh feature allows for up to 4 meshes to be used by the same mesh output, making it easier to add per-particle variety to your effects. With Per Particle LOD, you’ll be able to optimize your effects by setting LOD meshes based on the screen size in the mesh output. We also added frustum culling as an optimization to discard the rendering of off-screen particles. Experimental features are hidden behind the experimental checkbox in Preferences > Visual Effect.
Unity 2020.2中的 VFX Graph 更新包括许多功能和改进。 输出事件的添加使用户可以通过C#中的委托接口基于Spawn Events同步灯光,声音,身体React或游戏。 在实验功能中,静态网格采样可直接从网格中生成粒子。 多重网格功能允许同一网格输出最多使用4个网格,从而更轻松地为您的效果添加每个粒子种类。 使用“逐粒子” LOD,您将能够根据网格输出中的屏幕大小设置LOD网格来优化效果。 我们还添加了视锥剔除作为优化,以舍弃屏幕外粒子的渲染。 实验功能隐藏在“偏好设置”>“视觉效果”中的实验复选框的后面。
For Global Illumination, we increased the bounce limit for both GPU and CPU Lightmappers. In addition, they now use Blue Noise Sampling to improve the quality of lightmaps. We have reduced memory usage in the GPU Lightmapper when baking large lightmaps by disabling progressive updates when memory runs low and added the ability for the lightmapper to automatically throttle memory usage internally. This means that larger projects can be baked with GPU Lightmapper.
对于“全局照明”,我们增加了 GPU和CPU光照贴图 的跳出限制 。 此外,他们现在使用 蓝噪声采样 来改善光照贴图的质量。 通过在内存不足时禁用渐进式更新, 减少了 烘焙大型光照贴图时 GPU Lightmapper 中的内存使用量, 并增加了lightmapper内部自动限制内存使用量的功能。 这意味着可以使用GPU Lightmapper烘焙更大的项目。
Unity 2020.2 also brings a series of improvements for those working with cinematics or in the Media and Entertainment industry:
Unity 2020.2还为从事电影或媒体娱乐业的人们带来了一系列改进:
Recorder API enables the automation of video recording in the Editor in a Continuous Integration system, useful when a team member updates an asset to automatically generate a new video version
通过Recorder API, 可以在持续集成系统中的编辑器中实现视频录制的自动化,这在团队成员更新资产以自动生成新的视频版本时非常有用
ProRes encoding is now available in the Unity Recorder for native high-quality and video-editing-friendly video output on Windows and Mac Editor
现在,Unity Recorder中可以使用 ProRes编码 ,以便在Windows和Mac Editor上输出本机高质量和易于视频编辑的视频
More passes available (motion vectors, more lighting passes), compressed EXR and HDR output for the AOV Recorder (HDRP only). AOV Recorder allows you to export render passes for external compositing in software like Nuke or Da Vinci Resolve
可用于 AOV记录器的 更多通道(运动矢量,更多照明通道),压缩EXR和HDR输出 (仅HDRP)。 AOV Recorder允许您导出渲染通道,以在Nuke或Da Vinci Resolve之类的软件中进行外部合成
UI Toolkit is included in the Editor as a fully integrated core feature, and we made a Preview version that you can install to access the new runtime UI features. It’s available in the Package Manager by adding com.unity.ui under “Add package from git URL”. TextMesh Pro’s core text technology is being integrated in UI Toolkit as the way to render fonts, and we’re adding support for the new Input System and for Sprites and SpriteAtlas. We also added “live reload” of UXML and USS in the GameView.
UI Toolkit 作为完全集成的核心功能 包含在编辑器 中,我们制作了一个Preview版本,您可以安装该版本来访问新的运行时UI功能。 在“包管理器”中,可以 通过 在“从git URL添加包”下 添加 com.unity.ui来 使用它 。 TextMesh Pro的核心文本技术已作为呈现字体的方式集成在UI工具包中,并且我们正在添加对新输入系统以及Sprites和SpriteAtlas的支持。 我们还在GameView中添加了UXML和USS的“实时重载”。
For the UI Builder available as a Preview package, we’ve added several usability improvements such as multi-selection support and in-place text editing directly in the Canvas. We’re also improving working with multiple UI documents by authoring subdocuments in context or in isolation. Furthermore, you can enable Editor Extension Authoring to see controls meant for use within the Editor.
对于 作为预览包提供 的 UI Builder ,我们添加了一些可用性改进,例如多选支持和直接在Canvas中进行就地文本编辑。 我们还通过在上下文中或单独创建子文档来改善与多个UI文档的协作。 此外,您可以启用“编辑器扩展创作”以查看打算在编辑器中使用的控件。
We aim to incorporate user feedback related to the Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) as we continue to evolve the SRP and improve the quality of the graphics packages. You can see our roadmap here.
我们的目标是在 不断发展SRP并提高图形包质量的同时 ,纳入与 可编写脚本的渲染管道 (SRP) 相关的用户反馈 。 您可以 在此处 查看我们的路线图 。
Screen Space Ambient Occlusion in URP, image courtesy of Synty Studios
URP中的屏幕空间环境光遮挡,图片由Synty Studios提供
The Universal Render Pipeline (URP), now in version 10, has new features that bring it closer to parity with the Built-In Render Pipeline. With Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) you can improve the visual quality of ambient lighting in your scenes. SSAO approximates brightness or darkness of a specific surface based on its surrounding surfaces and how exposed it is to ambient lighting. You can now lower your build data size and improve loading times by stripping out certain shaders that aren’t in use. With URP Lit Shader you now have additional surface inputs such as detail, detail normal, height and parallax maps. The URP now supports Clear Coat maps through the new Complex Lit shader. Clear Coat maps can be used to simulate and mimic materials such as car paint.
该 通用渲染管道 (URP),现在在版本10,具有使其更接近平价内置渲染管道的新功能。 使用“屏幕空间环境光遮挡”(SSAO),可以改善场景中环境照明的视觉质量。 SSAO根据其周围表面及其在环境光下的照射程度来估计特定表面的亮度或暗度。 现在,您可以通过去除某些未使用的着色器来降低构建数据大小并缩短加载时间。 现在,借助URP Lit Shader, 您可以拥有更多的表面输入,例如局部,局部法线,高度和视差贴图。 现在,URP通过新的Complex Lit着色器支持Clear Coat贴图。 Clear Coat贴图可用于模拟和模拟材料,例如汽车漆。
New additions to version 10 of the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) include better tools to help you debug lighting. For example, lighting debug view modes allows you to separate, visualize and debug the various components of lighting in your scene. This release includes additional improvements to the Decal system. As part of these improvements, a new Decal layers feature allows you to specify which decals affect which Materials on a layer-by-layer basis. Path tracing supports fog absorption and Subsurface Scattering for use when you make organic materials, like skin, look smooth and natural rather than rough and plastic-like. HDRP also includes a new depth of field mode for producing path-traced images with high-quality defocus blur and much more. There are improvements to ray tracing as well. HDRP ray tracing now has a set of fallbacks for transparents so the visuals of transparent GameObjects are coherent both with and without recursive rendering and refraction. With this release HDRP supports colored ray-traced shadows for transparent and transmissive GameObject. Additionally the denoiser for ray-traced shadows now produces higher quality results. HDRP’s ray-traced reflection (RTR) solution now supports transparent materials, useful for transparent surfaces such as windows or water. See more information on new HDRP additions and improvements.
高清晰度渲染管线 (HDRP) 版本10的新增功能 包括更好的工具,可帮助您调试照明。 例如, 照明调试视图模式 允许您分离,可视化和调试场景中照明的各个组成部分 。 此版本包括对Decal系统的其他改进。 作为这些改进的一部分,新的 贴花图层 功能 允许您 逐层 指定哪些贴花会影响哪些材质。 路径跟踪 支持 雾吸收 和次表面 散射 ,当您使有机材料(如皮肤)看起来光滑自然时,而不是像塑料一样粗糙而光滑。 HDRP还包括新的 景深模式 ,可产生具有高质量散焦模糊等的路径跟踪图像。 光线跟踪也有改进。 HDRP光线跟踪现在具有一组透明项的备用项,因此无论是否使用递归渲染和折射,透明GameObjects的视觉效果都是一致的。 在此版本中,HDRP支持彩色的光线跟踪阴影,以实现透明和透明的GameObject。 此外,光线跟踪阴影的去噪器现在可以产生更高质量的结果。 HDRP的射线追踪反射(RTR)解决方案现在支持透明材料,可用于透明表面,例如窗户或水。 查看 有关新增的HDRP和改进的 更多信息 。
Path-traced subsurface scattering
Refinements in the recent 2D tools and the 2D experience within the Unity Editor can be found in this release alongside stability and performance improvements.
在此版本中,除了稳定性和性能方面的改进之外,还可以找到 最新 2D工具的改进 和Unity Editor中的2D体验。
Streamlined menus. 2D menu items are now displayed in dedicated top-level menus for object and asset creation. We’ve also added menus for some of the newer features. This improved user experience (UX) should be more intuitive for new users and faster for those working on 2D projects.
精简菜单 。 现在,二维菜单项显示在专用的顶层菜单中,用于创建对象和资产。 我们还添加了一些较新功能的菜单。 对于新用户而言,这种改进的用户体验(UX)应该更直观,而对2D项目工作的用户则应该更快。
Improved 2D default assets. Previously, new 2D GameObjects were represented by a small pixel sprite that users had to change to make the GameObject usable. Now, you can pick from among a variety of 2D GameObjects with primitive shapes that will also match their Collider 2D shape, several predefined 2D Physics, Tilemaps and Sprite Shape options – all of which improves gameplay prototyping and general usability. Let us know what you think in the forum.
改进了2D默认资产 。 以前,新的2D游戏对象由一个小的像素精灵表示,用户必须进行更改才能使游戏对象可用。 现在,您可以从各种原始形状的2D游戏对象中进行选择,这些原始形状也将与它们的Collider 2D形状相匹配,还提供了几个预定义的2D Physics,Tilemaps和Sprite Shape选项-所有这些都可以改善游戏原型和通用性。 让我们知道您在 论坛中的 想法 。
Tilemap Extras preview package. A selection of tools from the 2D Extras GitHub repository are now available via Package Manager. This gives you easier access to the tools while we consolidate new changes into the package. Some of the features in this package are Animated tiles, Rule Tiles for all Tilemap types and different brushes. Read more about it in the Tilemap Extras documentation. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the repository over the years. Please join us in the Tilemap Extras forum to let us know what you think.
Tilemap Extras预览包 。 现在可以通过Package Manager获得2D Extras GitHub存储库中的一些工具。 在我们将新更改整合到软件包中的同时,这使您可以更轻松地访问这些工具。 此程序包中的某些功能包括“动画图块”,“所有图块图类型”的“规则图块”和不同的画笔。 在Tilemap Extras 文档中 阅读有关它的更多信息 。 感谢多年来为存储库做出贡献的每个人。 请加入 Tilemap Extras论坛 ,让我们知道您的想法。
2D Animation 5.0 with 2D IK. In the new 2D Animation package version, 2D IK is no longer a standalone package. Improvements include hideable gizmos and better visualization of IK handles. 2D IK allows animators using 2D skeletal animation to save time by automatically calculating the position and rotation of a chain of bones realistically following the parent bone.
具有 2D IK的 2D动画5.0 。 在新的2D动画软件包版本中,2D IK不再是独立软件包。 改进之处包括可隐藏的小控件和IK控制柄的更好可视化。 2D IK允许使用2D骨骼动画的动画师通过自动计算逼近父骨骼的骨骼链的位置和旋转来节省时间。
Whether you’re building experiences for augmented or virtual reality, mobile, web, desktop or consoles, we work closely with key platform partners to ensure your development process is optimized for whatever comes next.
Native Apple Silicon support. With Unity 2020.2, you can target the next evolution of Mac hardware with native support for Apple silicon for the standalone player. Check out the forum for more information and discussion.
本机Apple Silicon支持 。 借助Unity 2020.2,您可以针对Mac硬件的下一个发展目标,为独立播放器提供对Apple芯片的本地支持。 查看 论坛 以获取更多信息和讨论。
Unity running on Apple silicon
Adaptive Performance 2.0 comes with new Sample Projects to showcase different new features including Variable Refresh Rate, Scalers, and Adaptive Performance Simulator extension to emulate Adaptive Performance on any device. Learn more about it in the forum.
Adaptive Performance 2.0随附了新的 示例项目, 以展示不同的新功能,包括可变刷新率,缩放器和Adaptive Performance Simulator扩展,以在任何设备上模拟Adaptive Performance。 在 论坛上 了解更多信息 。
Input System 1.1 brings a series of fixes and some improvements: You can now save and load rebinds as JSON (see the RebindSaveLoad.cs sample script) and Device layouts can now be precompiled, greatly reducing instantiation time and garbage collection (GC) heap cost for these devices. Help us with feedback in the Input System forum.
Input System 1.1带来了一系列修复和一些改进:现在,您可以将重新绑定保存和加载为JSON(请参阅RebindSaveLoad.cs示例脚本),并且可以预先编译设备布局,从而大大减少了实例化时间和垃圾回收(GC)堆成本对于这些设备。 在输入系统 论坛中 帮助我们提供反馈 。
The Unity Distribution Portal (UDP) enables you to distribute your game to multiple app stores through a single hub. In Unity2020.2 the UDP Package works independently from UnityIAP, meaning you can add the UDP package to your project whether or not UnityIAP is implemented in the project, and if it is, you can do so without risking conflicts. To enable UDP simply go to the Services Window.
该 统一配送门户网站 (UDP),可以通过一个单一的枢纽发布你的游戏到多个应用程序商店。 在Unity2020.2中,UDP包独立于UnityIAP起作用,这意味着您可以将UDP包添加到项目中,无论项目中是否实现了UnityIAP,如果这样做,则可以避免冲突。 要启用UDP,只需转到“服务”窗口。
Updates to Game Foundation, our prebuilt and extensible common in-app purchase (IAP) game system, include the option to quickly add inventory, currency, purchasing and in-game store features to your games, with flexible common systems and customizable prefabs provided out of the box.
Game Foundation的 更新是 我们预先构建的可扩展的通用应用程序内购买(IAP)游戏系统,其中包括可以快速添加库存,货币,购买和游戏内商店功能到您的游戏的选项,并提供了灵活的通用系统和可定制的预制件的盒子。
A friendly reminder: before you take the beta for a spin, we encourage you to back up your project. This advice always applies when you are working with our beta and Preview packages. Remember, the beta is not intended to be used for production – it is for you to evaluate new features and for us to garner your feedback. For projects that are in production, we recommend that you use verified packages and our most recent Unity 2019 LTS.
温馨提示:在试用Beta之前,我们建议您备份项目。 当您使用我们的Beta和Preview软件包时,此建议始终适用。 请记住,该Beta版不打算用于生产,它是供您评估新功能并让我们收集您的反馈。 对于正在生产的项目,建议您使用经过验证的软件包和最新的 Unity 2019 LTS 。
Happy testing! We look forward to reviewing your feedback.
测试愉快! 我们期待着您的反馈意见。
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