常见的图像金字塔有两类,一种是高斯金字塔(Gaussian Pyramid),另一种的拉普拉斯金字塔(Laplacian Pyramid)。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 import numpy as np def blur(image, kernel_scale=1.0): """ Blur image using a fixed kernel. Kernel scale can be set. Parameters ---------- image: image data read by opencv. kernel_scale: the scale factor of kernel. """ blur_kernel = np.array( [[1, 4, 6, 4, 1], [4, 16, 24, 16, 4], [6, 24, 36, 24, 6], [4, 16, 24, 16, 4], [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]]) / 256. blurred_image = cv2.filter2D(image, ddepth=-1, kernel=blur_kernel * kernel_scale, borderType=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT101) return blurred_image def pyramid_down(image): """ Down sample an image by 2x. Parameters ---------- image: image data read by opencv. """ blurred_image = blur(image) image_down = blurred_image[::2, ::2] return image_down def pyramid_up(image, dst_size=None, dtype=np.uint8): """ Up sample an image by 2x. The output size and data type can be set. Parameters ---------- image: image data read by opencv. dst_size: the output size. Note that the difference of dst_size and 2*image_size should be <=2. dtype: the output data type. """ # check dst_size height, width = image.shape[:2] if dst_size is None: dst_size = (width * 2, height * 2) else: if abs(dst_size[0] - width * 2) > 2 or \ abs(dst_size[1] - height * 2) > 2: raise ValueError(r'the difference of dst_size and 2*image_size ' r'should be <=2.') # create a new buffer that has the dst_size dst_width, dst_height = dst_size if image.ndim == 2: image_up = np.zeros(shape=(dst_height, dst_width), dtype=dtype) else: channel = image.shape[2] image_up = np.zeros(shape=(dst_height, dst_width, channel), dtype=dtype) image_up[::2, ::2] = image image_up = blur(image_up, 4.0) return image_up
, 需要把待求差的两个变量的类型先从uint8转为float32,然后再做求差操作。2、由拉普拉斯金字塔重建图像的过程如果使用uint8也容易产生截断误差,所以在做加法时也需要转float32。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np from resample import pyramid_down from resample import pyramid_up def image_to_gaussian_pyramid(image, level, cut_size=(3, 3)): """ Build gaussian pyramid for an image. The size of the output component is arranged in descending order. Parameters ---------- image: input image data read by opencv. level: level of output pyramid. cut_size: the minimal size of pyramid component, smaller than which the building process will be stopped. """ gaussian_pyramid = [image] if level <= 1: return gaussian_pyramid for i in range(level - 1): # check down-sampled image size, should be >= cut_size height, width = image.shape[:2] height_down = (height + 1) // 2 width_down = (width + 1) // 2 if width_down < cut_size[0] or height_down < cut_size[1]: break # down sample image = pyramid_down(image) gaussian_pyramid.append(image) return gaussian_pyramid def gaussian_to_laplacian_pyramid(gaussian_pyramid): """ Build a laplacian pyramid from gaussian pyramid. The size of the output component is arranged in ascending order. """ laplacian_pyramid = [gaussian_pyramid[-1]] level = len(gaussian_pyramid) if level == 1: return laplacian_pyramid for i in range(level - 1, 0, -1): up_size = gaussian_pyramid[i - 1].shape[:2][::-1] image_up = pyramid_up(gaussian_pyramid[i], up_size) # compute difference, use float type to avoid exceeding uint8 limit diff = np.float32(gaussian_pyramid[i - 1]) - np.float32(image_up) laplacian_pyramid.append(diff) return laplacian_pyramid def image_to_laplacian_pyramid(image, level, cut_size=(3, 3)): """ Build a laplacian pyramid from an image. The size of the output component is arranged in an ascending order. Parameters ---------- image: input image data read by opencv. level: level of output pyramid. cut_size: the minimal size of pyramid component, smaller than which the building process will be stopped. """ gaussian_pyramid = image_to_gaussian_pyramid(image, level, cut_size) laplacian_pyramid = gaussian_to_laplacian_pyramid(gaussian_pyramid) return laplacian_pyramid def laplacian_pyramid_to_image(laplacian_pyramid): """ Reconstruct an image from laplacian pyramid. """ image = laplacian_pyramid[0] level = len(laplacian_pyramid) for i in range(1, level): up_size = laplacian_pyramid[i].shape[:2][::-1] image = pyramid_up(image, up_size, np.float32) image = np.float32(image) + laplacian_pyramid[i] image = np.uint8(np.clip(np.round(image), 0, 255)) return image def get_pyramid_index(original_index, level): """ Get the index of a certain pyramid component corresponding to an index of original image Parameters ---------- original_index: the index of original image. level: level for pyramid component. """ if level < 0: raise ValueError("level can NOT be less than 0") if level == 0: return original_index base = 2 ** level mod = original_index % base if base == 2 * mod: # decimal part is 0.5 return int(round(original_index / base / 2)) * 2 else: return int(round(original_index / base))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 import numpy as np from pyramid import image_to_gaussian_pyramid from pyramid import image_to_laplacian_pyramid def gaussian_pyramid_test(): level = 5 image = cv2.imread(r'undead.png') height, width, channel = image.shape gau_pyr = image_to_gaussian_pyramid(image, level) # plot output = np.zeros((height, width * 2, channel), dtype=np.uint8) x = 0 for i in range(level): height, width = gau_pyr[i].shape[:2] output[:height, x:x + width] = gau_pyr[i] x += width cv2.imwrite('gaussian_pyramid_test.png', output) def laplacian_pyramid_test(): level = 5 image = cv2.imread(r'undead.png') height, width, channel = image.shape lap_pyr = image_to_laplacian_pyramid(image, level) # plot output = np.zeros((height, width * 2, channel), dtype=np.float32) x = width * 2 for i in range(level - 1, -1, -1): height, width = lap_pyr[i].shape[:2] if i == 0: output[:height, x - width:x] = lap_pyr[i] else: output[:height, x - width:x] = lap_pyr[i] * 10 x -= width cv2.imwrite('laplacian_pyramid_test.png', output) if __name__ == '__main__': gaussian_pyramid_test() laplacian_pyramid_test()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 import numpy as np from pyramid import image_to_laplacian_pyramid from pyramid import laplacian_pyramid_to_image from pyramid import get_pyramid_index if __name__ == '__main__': x1 = 160 x2 = 154 level = 5 undead = cv2.imread(r'undead.png') human = cv2.imread(r'human.png') h1, w1 = undead.shape[:2] h2, w2 = human.shape[:2] laplacian_pyramid_undead = image_to_laplacian_pyramid(undead, level) laplacian_pyramid_human = image_to_laplacian_pyramid(human, level) laplacian_pyramid_blending = [] for i in range(level): k = level - i - 1 k1 = get_pyramid_index(w1 - x1, k) k2 = get_pyramid_index(x2, k) a = laplacian_pyramid_undead[i] b = laplacian_pyramid_human[i] splicing = np.concatenate([a[:, :k1], b[:, k2:]], axis=1) laplacian_pyramid_blending.append(splicing) blending_image = laplacian_pyramid_to_image(laplacian_pyramid_blending) cv2.imwrite('laplacian_pyramid_blending.png', blending_image)
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