关键字: [Amazon Web Services re:Invent 2023, Aerospike, Real Time Database, Aerospike, Machine Learning, Latency, Transactions Per Second, Fraud Detection]
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AI/ML 应用程序渴望海量数据集,并且这种趋势正在成为主流。这意味着您管理持续变化并对数据永不满足需求的解决方案是不可或缺的。了解领先的组织如何标准化使用高效的云数据库来处理指数级增长。Aerospike首席执行官 Subbu Iyer 与 Riskified 的工程副总裁 Guy Machlev 和 Freewheel(Comcast 子公司)的数据副总裁 Xinyu Huang 将展示基于亚马逊云科技的实时应用程序设计,如何帮助企业应对当今动荡的市场压力。亚马逊云科技专家讨论了亚马逊云科技基础设施如何独特地设计用于支持大规模、高增长、任务关键型的工作负载。本讲座由亚马逊云科技合作伙伴 Aerospike 为您带来。
The video discusses the practical challenges faced by enterprises in leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to achieve tangible business value. As speaker Linh Ly Gwenap explains, although AI has the potential to bring about significant improvements in efficiency and cost savings, successful deployment requires massive computational power, data storage, and real-time data pipelines – all of which can be expensive. Gwenap highlights statistics such as the explosive power consumption of computation, particularly for training compute-intensive AI models. Some estimates suggest that training a single AI model may have a carbon footprint comparable to a transcontinental flight across the Americas.
However, Gwenap points out that if used wisely, AI also addresses issues like energy consumption. The key is to build systems that can fully utilize the potential of AI. One major challenge is to consume enough real-time data so that AI models can provide useful, context-related recommendations that align with the current situation of the enterprise and the world at large. Therefore, businesses face the pressure of constantly ingesting new data to keep the models updated. The goal is to have enough background information to understand what is happening rather than just yesterday's events and to quickly leverage AI-generated insights and suggestions. This requires an efficient basic data infrastructure.
Aerospike provides a high-performance real-time database to meet these demands. Amit Shah of Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技) and Shay Peretz of fraud prevention platform Riskified discuss how Aerospike's technology helps customers satisfy the speed and scalability requirements of real-time AI applications.
Shah explains that clients like Riskified, an Aerospike customer, process millions of transactions per second with sub-millisecond latency requirements. To support this throughput while maintaining low latency, Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of custom computational, memory, storage, and network features tailored to these workloads. For example, Amazon Web Services has collaborated with Aerospike to optimize its Nitro SSD storage system to specifically cater to Aerospike's database needs. This reduces delays for joint customers by 70% and increases cost-effectiveness by 25% – representing significant gains in the cutting-edge field.
Amazon Web Services (亚马逊云科技) has partnered with Aerospike to enable the core database as well as its latest graph database and VectorDB to run on Amazon Web Services' based Arm Graviton processor. Graviton provides high performance at low cost, which is crucial for real-time AI. This joint innovation allows customers to affordably and sustainably leverage AI.
From a customer's perspective, Peretz explained how Riskified utilizes Aerospike as a reliable and scalable data pipeline for its fraud detection platform. Riskified processes billions of e-commerce transaction data points, enriching them in the Aerospike database before providing them to applications for real-time fraud scoring and AI model training. With Aerospike, Riskified can ingest the large and diverse data required to train highly accurate AI models and drive real-time approvals and rejections of transactions. This prevents fraud while minimizing false positives that could annoy legitimate customers.
By combining Aerospike's high-performance real-time database with Amazon Web Services' cloud infrastructure, storage, and processing, customers like Riskified can deploy their AI models into production to achieve concrete business value. The collaboration between Aerospike and Amazon Web Services supports enterprises in overcoming technical and economic challenges in real-time AI, harnessing these powerful technologies to drive efficiency, growth, and innovation.
In summary, this video highlighted the infrastructure challenges in real-time AI and how Aerospike's database and Amazon Web Services' computing capabilities work together to help customers meet the speed, scalability, sustainability, and cost requirements needed to deploy AI in the real world. This partnership enables businesses to intelligently unlock the potential of AI.
作为一家专注于高性能实时数据库的公司,Aerospike致力于优化吞吐量和快速响应时间,以满足各种严苛需求。例如,Riskified这样的客户每秒可处理数十亿笔交易,延迟低于毫秒,得益于Aerospike的支持。通过与亚马逊云科技的紧密合作,Aerospike充分利用后者的丰富实例类型(如Graviton和Nitro SSD)以实现最佳性能价格比。同时,Aerospike的地域分布式架构支持全球覆盖和业务连续性。
此外,Aerospike的store特性和即将推出的vector DB旨在使其实时数据库成为构建实时AI应用程序的理想平台。通过紧密整合数据获取、模型训练和推理过程,Aerospike助企业充分发挥数据价值。
2023亚马逊云科技re:Invent全球大会 - 官方网站
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