在运行期间, RabbitMQ 节点将根据工作负载消耗不同数量的内存和磁盘空间. 当使用率激增时, 内存和可用磁盘空间都可能达到潜在的危险水平. 比如内存的不断消
耗, 可能导致节点被“操作系统的内存不足进程终止机制”杀掉.
为了降低这些情况的可能性, RabbitMQ 具有两个可配置的资源水位警戒线. 当触发警戒线时, RabbitMQ将阻止发布消息的 connection.
Modern client libraries support connection.blocked notification (a protocol extension), so
applications can monitor when they are blocked.
在 rabbitmq 集群模式下, 内存和磁盘的告警是整个集群范围内的, 如果一个节点出现了告警, 则整个集群的所有节点都会阻塞 connection. 目的是阻止生产者, 消费
者可以继续消费而不受影响. 虽然协议允许生产者和消费者在单个 connection 的同一个 channel 或不同 channel 上进行操作, 但是这个逻辑是不完美的. 在实践上建
议仅将单个 connection 用于生产或者消费.
When an alarm is in effect, publishing connections will be blocked by TCP back pressure. In practice this means that publish operations will
eventually time out of fail outright. Application developers must be prepared to handle such failures and use publisher confirms to keep
track of what messages have been successfully handled and processed by RabbitMQ.
** It is strongly recommended that OS swap or page files are enabled. **
- # new style config format, recommended
- vm_memory_high_watermark.relative = 0.4
vm_memory_high_watermark.absolute = 2GB
disk_free_limit.relative = 1.0
disk_free_limit.absolute = 1GB
RabbitMQ connection 的创建, 消费者与生产者要分开, 如果你使用 SpringAMQP 的话, 它已经提供了这样的功能:
- // To avoid deadlocked connections, it is generally recommended to use a separate connection for publishers
- // and consumers (except when a publisher is participating in a consumer transaction).
- rabbitTemplate.setUsePublisherConnection(true);
- private CachingConnectionFactory getCachingConnectionFactory() {
- CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();
- cachingConnectionFactory.setAddresses(rabbitProperties.getAddresses());
- cachingConnectionFactory.setUsername(rabbitProperties.getUsername());
- cachingConnectionFactory.setPassword(rabbitProperties.getPassword());
- cachingConnectionFactory.setVirtualHost(rabbitProperties.getVirtualHost());
- cachingConnectionFactory.setPublisherConfirms(rabbitProperties.isPublisherConfirms());
- cachingConnectionFactory.setPublisherReturns(rabbitProperties.isPublisherReturns());
- cachingConnectionFactory.addChannelListener(rabbitChannelListener);
- cachingConnectionFactory.addConnectionListener(rabbitConnectionListener);
- cachingConnectionFactory.setRecoveryListener(rabbitRecoveryListener);
- return cachingConnectionFactory;
- }
- @Bean("test-consumer-connection-factory")
- public CachingConnectionFactory consumerCachingConnectionFactory() {
- return getCachingConnectionFactory();
- }
- @Bean
- @Primary
- public CachingConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory() {
- return getCachingConnectionFactory();
- }
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