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linux中screen命令的用法_linux screen 设置缓冲区

linux screen 设置缓冲区


From: http://www.9usb.net/201002/linux-screen-mingling.html










screen [-AmRvx -ls -wipe][-d <作业名称>][-h <行数>][-r <作业名称>][-s ][-S <作业名称>]

-A -[r|R]          将所有的视窗都调整为目前终端机的大小。
-c filename        用指定的filename文件替代screen的配置文件’.screenrc’.
-d [pid.tty.host]  断开screen进程(使用该命令时,screen的状态一定要是Attached,也就是说有用户连在screen里)。一般进程的名字是以pid.tty.host这种形式表示(用screen -list命令可以看出状态)。
-D [pid.tty.host]  与-d命令实现一样的功能,区别就是如果执行成功,会踢掉原来在screen里的用户并让他logout。
-h <行数>         指定视窗的缓冲区行数。

-ls或–list        显示目前所有的screen作业。
-m                    即使目前已在作业中的screen作业,仍强制建立新的screen作业。
-p number or name  预先选择一个窗口。
-r [pid.tty.host]  恢复离线的screen进程,如果有多个断开的进程,需要指定[pid.tty.host]
-R                      先试图恢复离线的作业。若找不到离线的作业,即建立新的screen作业。
-s shell             指定建立新视窗时,所要执行的shell。
-S <作业名称>  指定screen作业的名称。(用来替代[pid.tty.host]的命名方式,可以简化操作).
-v                     显示版本信息。
-wipe                检查目前所有的screen作业,并删除已经无法使用的screen作业。
-x                     恢复之前离线的screen作业。


screen -d -r:连接一个screen进程,如果该进程是attached,就先踢掉远端用户再连接。

screen -D -r:连接一个screen进程,如果该进程是attached,就先踢掉远端用户并让他logout再连接

screen -ls或者-list:显示存在的screen进程,常用命令

screen -m:如果在一个Screen进程里,用快捷键crtl+a c或者直接打screen可以创建一个新窗口,screen -m可以新建一个screen进程。

screen -dm:新建一个screen,并默认是detached模式,也就是建好之后不会连上去。

screen -p number or name:预先选择一个窗口。


1> 要进行某项操作时,先使用命令创建一个Screen:
[linux@user~]$ screen -S test1

[linux@user~]$ Ctrl+a+d                    #按Ctrl+a,然后再按d即可保留Screen
[detached]                                 #这时会显示出这个提示,说明已经保留好Screen了

[linux@user~]$ exit                        #这样就表示成功退出了
[screen is terminating]

3> 如果你上一次保留了Screen,可以使用命令查看:
[linux@user~]$ screen -ls
There is a screen on:
9649.test1   (Detached)

[linux@user~]$ screen -r test1 (or 9649)


Ctrl+a c :创建窗口

Ctrl+a w :窗口列表

Ctrl+a n :下一个窗口

Ctrl+a p :上一个窗口

Ctrl+a 0-9 :在第0个窗口和第9个窗口之间切换

Ctrl+a K(大写) :关闭当前窗口,并且切换到下一个窗口(当退出最后一个窗口时,该终端自动终止,并且退回到原始shell状态)

exit :关闭当前窗口,并且切换到下一个窗口(当退出最后一个窗口时,该终端自动终止,并且退回到原始shell状态)

Ctrl+a d :退出当前终端,返回加载screen前的shell命令状态




How do I Use Multiple Screens on One Terminal over ssh session?

by on December 7, 2005 · 22 comments· LAST UPDATED January 24, 2009

in , ,

Most of the time GUI is not available on remote Linux system, you login over ssh and start to work, if you need to run two or three task at a time, you login over ssh two or three times. However, with screen windows manager utility you can run multiple terminals at the same time from single console login over ssh session (UNIX guru uses the term called  multiplexing for this concept). Any seasoned Linux admin should be aware of this nifty tool :)

Install screen if it is not installed under Debian Linux

Type the following command:
# apt-get install screen

FreeBSD user can use ports to install screen

# cd /usr/ports/misc/screen
# make install clean

Login to remote server over ssh

$ ssh me@myserver.com

(C) Start screen session. You can name your window/session (1 is name of session):
$ screen -S 1

Let us start pine mail reader on first session or window.
$ pine

(D) Next you would like to download something from ftp/http site while you are reading emails. You need to create another screen window by pressing special key combination. Press CTRL + a  followed by c key (first hit CTRL+a, releases both keys and press c).  As soon as you hit 'c' you will get new shell prompt at console. Now use wget to download belenix.iso.bz2 (Solaris live CD) from net:
$ wget http://www.genunix.org/distributions/belenix_site/binfiles/belenix.iso.bz2

(E) But how do I switch between these two tasks?

  • Switching between windows is the specialty of screen utility. So to switch between pine and wget window (or session) press CTRL+a followed by n key (first hit CTRL+a, releases both keys and press n).
  • To list all windows use the command CTRL+a followed by " key (first hit CTRL+a, releases both keys and press " ).
  • To switch to window by number use the command CTRL+a followed by ' (first hit CTRL+a, releases both keys and press ' it will prompt for window number).

Common screen commands

screen commandTask
Ctrl+a cCreate new window
Ctrl+a kKill the current window / session
Ctrl+a wList all windows
Ctrl+a 0-9Go to a window numbered 0 9, use Ctrl+a w to see number
Ctrl+a Ctrl+aToggle / switch between the current and previous window
Ctrl+a SSplit terminal horizontally into regions and press Ctrl+a c to create new window there
Ctrl+a :resizeResize region
Ctrl+a :fitFit screen size to new terminal size. You can also hit Ctrl+a F for the the same task
Ctrl+a :removeRemove / delete region. You can also hit Ctrl+a X for the same taks
Ctrl+a tabMove to next region
Ctrl+a D (Shift-d)Power detach and logout
Ctrl+a dDetach but keep shell window open
Ctrl-a Ctrl-\Quit screen
Ctrl-a ?Display help screen i.e. display a list of commands
Suggested readings:

See screen command man page for further details:
man screen


