需要自己注册一个Kaggle账号才能获取:Pima Indians Diabetes Database | Kaggle
- import torch
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import seaborn as sns
- import torch.nn.functional as F
- doc = pd.read_csv('G:/diabetes.csv') # 读取数据集信息,改成自己的csv文件所在的目录,不能有中文
- # print(doc.head()) # 显示导入的数据前5行 此处必须加print 否则不显示不报错
- print(doc.shape[0], doc.shape[1]) # 查看数据集行数和列数 大小为768*9
- # 查看是否有空缺值 两种方法 发现没有
- # print(doc.isnull().sum())
- # print(doc.isna().sum())
- # 分别检查数据中有存在零的情况 (怀孕次数不需要检查)如下:
- print("Glucose=0: ", doc[doc.Glucose == 0].shape[0]) # 血糖有5例为零,不符合实际情况
- print("BloodPressure=0:", doc[doc.BloodPressure == 0].shape[0]) # 血压有35例为零
- print("SkinThickness=0:", doc[doc.SkinThickness == 0].shape[0]) # 皮肤厚度有227例为零
- print("Insulin=0:", doc[doc.Insulin == 0].shape[0]) # 胰岛素有374例为零
- print("BMI=0:", doc[doc.BMI == 0].shape[0]) # BMI有11例为零
- print("DiabetesPedigreeFunction=0:", doc[doc.DiabetesPedigreeFunction == 0].shape[0]) # 糖尿病谱系功能无异常
- print("Age=0:", doc[doc.Age == 0].shape[0]) # 年龄无异常
- # 处理无效值
- # 删除 Glucose 和 BMI 中无效的行
- doc_next = doc[(doc.Glucose != 0) & (doc.BMI !=0)]
- print(doc_next.shape) # 此时数据大小变为 752*9
- # 对于确实量大的用平均值填充
- def mean_column(feature):
- temp = doc_next[doc_next[feature] != 0]
- temp = temp[[feature, 'Outcome']].groupby(['Outcome'])[[feature]].mean().reset_index() # 重置索引
- return temp
- print(mean_column('BloodPressure'))
- # 血压数据填充
- doc_next.loc[(doc_next['Outcome'] == 0) & (doc_next['BloodPressure'] == 0), 'BloodPressure'] = \
- mean_column('BloodPressure')['BloodPressure'][0]
- doc_next.loc[(doc_next['Outcome'] == 1) & (doc_next['BloodPressure'] == 0), 'BloodPressure'] = \
- mean_column('BloodPressure')['BloodPressure'][1]
- # 皮肤厚度数据填充
- doc_next.loc[(doc_next['Outcome'] == 0) & (doc_next['SkinThickness'] == 0), 'SkinThickness'] = \
- mean_column('SkinThickness')['SkinThickness'][0]
- doc_next.loc[(doc_next['Outcome'] == 1) & (doc_next['SkinThickness'] == 0), 'SkinThickness'] = \
- mean_column('SkinThickness')['SkinThickness'][1]
- # 胰岛素数据填充
- doc_next.loc[(doc_next['Outcome'] == 0) & (doc_next['Insulin'] == 0), 'Insulin'] = \
- mean_column('Insulin')['Insulin'][0]
- doc_next.loc[(doc_next['Outcome'] == 1) & (doc_next['Insulin'] == 0), 'Insulin'] = \
- mean_column('Insulin')['Insulin'][1]
- # 检验是否还有零值
- """
- print("Glucose=0: ", doc_next[doc_next.Glucose == 0].shape[0]) # 血糖有5例为零,不符合实际情况
- print("BloodPressure=0:", doc_next[doc_next.BloodPressure == 0].shape[0]) # 血压有35例为零
- print("SkinThickness=0:", doc_next[doc_next.SkinThickness == 0].shape[0]) # 皮肤厚度有227例为零
- print("Insulin=0:", doc_next[doc_next.Insulin == 0].shape[0]) # 胰岛素有374例为零
- print("BMI=0:", doc_next[doc_next.BMI == 0].shape[0]) # BMI有11例为零
- print("DiabetesPedigreeFunction=0:", doc_next[doc_next.DiabetesPedigreeFunction == 0].shape[0]) # 糖尿病谱系功能无异常
- print("Age=0:", doc_next[doc_next.Age == 0].shape[0]) # 年龄无异常
- """
- # 全部列显示出来
- # pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 10)
- # print(doc_next.head(10))
- # 特征选取
- inputs, outputs = doc_next.iloc[:, 0:8], doc_next.iloc[:, 8]
- # 归一化
- # 输入归一化
- inputs_mean = inputs.mean()
- inputs_std = inputs.std()
- inputs = (inputs - inputs_mean) / inputs_std
- # print(inputs.shape, outputs.shape)
- # training set and testing set
- in_train = inputs.iloc[0:602, :]
- in_train = in_train.values # 想转为tensor类型,得把数值提取出来
- in_train = torch.tensor(in_train).to(torch.float32) # 将DataFrame类型转换为Tensor类型,然后再转为float32类型,否则无法输入到网络中
- out_train = outputs.iloc[0:602]
- out_train = out_train.values
- out_train = torch.tensor(out_train).to(torch.float32).reshape(602, 1)
- in_test = inputs.iloc[602:, :]
- in_test = in_test.values
- in_test = torch.tensor(in_test).to(torch.float32)
- out_test = outputs.iloc[602:]
- out_test = out_test.values
- out_test = torch.tensor(out_test).to(torch.float32)
- # print(in_test.shape, out_test.shape)
- # 定义网络
- class Net(torch.nn.Module):
- def __init__(self):
- super(Net, self).__init__()
- self.linear1 = torch.nn.Linear(8, 72)
- self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(72, 64)
- self.linear3 = torch.nn.Linear(64, 1)
- def forward(self, x):
- x = F.relu(self.linear1(x))
- x = F.relu(self.linear2(x))
- x = F.relu(self.linear3(x))
- return x
- model = Net()
- # 定于损失函数和优化器
- criterion = torch.nn.MSELoss(size_average=None)
- optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.1)
- loss_store = [] # 用于存储每一步的loss值,用于之后的plt绘制
- iter = [] # 每执行一步,iter都会加一,否则如果在plt.plot()中直接用epoch或者len(str(loss_store)会出现维度不匹配
- def train():
- acc = 0
- for epoch in range(1001):
- iter.append(epoch) # iter空间加一
- out_pred = model(in_train) # 将training set输入到网络中,得到输出的predication
- # print(out_pred)
- loss = criterion(out_pred, out_train) # 计算损失(目标真实值和预测值)
- # print(epoch, loss.item())
- optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度清零
- loss.backward() # 反向传播
- optimizer.step() # 梯度更新
- loss_store.append(loss.item()) # 存储loss值
- if epoch % 10 == 0:
- out_pred_lable = torch.where(out_pred >= 0.5, torch.tensor([1.0]), torch.tensor([0.0])) # condition (bool型张量) :当condition为真,返回x的值,否则返回y的值
- # print(out_train)
- acc = torch.eq(out_pred_lable, out_train.reshape(602, 1)).sum().item()
- print(epoch, loss.item(), 'accuracy: ', 100 * acc / len(in_train))
- plt.plot(iter, loss_store)
- plt.xlabel('epoch')
- plt.ylabel('Loss')
- plt.grid() # 显示网格
- plt.show() # 这一步必须加,没有就不会出图
- def test():
- acc = 0
- # 测试无需计算梯度
- with torch.no_grad():
- out_test_pre = model(in_test)
- print(out_test_pre.shape)
- # predicted = out_test_pre.argmax(dim=0, keepdim=True)
- # print(predicted)
- out_pred_test_lable = torch.where(out_test_pre >= 0.5, torch.tensor([1.0]), torch.tensor([0.0]))
- acc = torch.eq(out_pred_test_lable, out_test.reshape(150, 1)).sum().item()
- print('accuracy: ', 100*acc/len(in_test))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- train()
- # test()
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