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uniapp多端h5+小程序+app弹窗组件|uniApp自定义popup组件_popupdialog slots

popupdialog slots

ua-popup 基于uniapp增强版弹框|对话框|模态框组件。支持超过20+参数、6+弹窗类型及多种弹窗动画,可编译到h5+app+小程序端,可使用组件式+函数式两种调用方式。




// 引入自定义弹框组件
import uaPopup from './components/ua-popup/index.vue'
Vue.component('ua-popup', uaPopup)
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  • 标签式
<ua-popup v-model="showConfirm" shadeClose="false" title="标题" xclose z-index="2001"
    content="<div style='color:#ff557f;padding:20px 40px;'>一切都将一去杳然,任何人都无法将其捕获。</div>"
        {text: '取消', click: hideConfirm},
        {text: '确定', style: 'color:#00aa00;', click: handleInfo},
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  • 函数式
export default {
    methods: {
        // 函数式嵌套调用
        handleInfo() {
            let $ua = this.$refs.uapopup
            let $toast = this.$refs.uatoast
                content: '人生漫漫,且行且珍惜',
                customStyle: {'background-color': 'rgba(170, 0, 127, 0.6)', 'color': '#fff'},
                time: 3,
                onClose() {
                        type: 'android',
                        content: '<div style="color:#aa007f">预测未来的最好办法是自己亲手创造未来</div>',
                        customStyle: {'width': '200px'},
                        btns: [
                                text: 'close', click() {
                                text: 'Get一下',
                                style: 'color:#00aa00;',
                                click() {
                                        type: 'toast',
                                        icon: 'loading',
                                        content: '请稍后...',
                                        opacity: .2,
                                        time: 2,
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<ua-popup v-model="showMulityBtns" anim="fadeInDown" title="<b style='color:#03a9f4;'>Title</b>" :z-index="6666"
			content="<div style='padding:10px 35px;'>Lately did you ever feel the pain In the morning as it soaks it to the bone?</div>"
				{text: 'later', style: 'color:#aa557f;'},
				{text: 'cancel', style: 'color:#ff5500;'},
				{text: 'ok', style: 'color:#00aa00;', click: handleInfo},
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<ua-popup v-model="showActionPicker" anim="footer" type="actionsheetPicker" round title="标题"
				{text: '取消'},
				{text: '确定', style: 'color:#00aa00;', click: handleInfo},
			<!-- 自定义内容 -->
			<ul class="list" style="padding:50px;">
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<ua-popup v-model="showComponent" xclose xposition="top" :shadeClose="false" content="自定义模板信息"
				{text: '确认', style: 'color:#00aa00;', click: hideComponent},
			@open="handleOpen" @close="handleClose"
			<template slot="content"><div style="color:#aa007f;padding: 0 10px;">实力的来源不是胜利。唯有奋斗才能增强实力。当你历经苦难而不气馁,那便是实力。</div></template>
			<view style="padding: 0 20px 20px;">
				<image src="https://img.yzcdn.cn/vant/apple-2.jpg" style="width:100%;" @click="handleContextPopup" />
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## props [参数配置]
v-model				当前组件是否显示
title				标题(支持富文本div标签、自定义插槽内容)
content				内容(支持富文本div标签、自定义插槽内容)
type				弹窗类型(toast | footer | actionsheet | actionsheetPicker | android/ios)
customStyle			自定义弹窗样式
icon				toast图标(loading | success | fail | warn | info)
shade				是否显示遮罩层
shadeClose			是否点击遮罩时关闭弹窗
opacity				遮罩层透明度
round				是否显示圆角
xclose				是否显示关闭图标
xposition			关闭图标位置(left | right | top | bottom)
xcolor				关闭图标颜色
anim				弹窗动画(scaleIn | fadeIn | footer | fadeInUp | fadeInDown)
position			弹出位置(top | right | bottom | left)
follow				长按/右键弹窗(坐标点)
time				弹窗自动关闭秒数(123)
zIndex				弹窗层叠(默认202107)
btns				弹窗按钮(参数:text|style|disabled|click)
## slot [插槽]
<template slot="title"></template>
<template slot="content"></template>
## emit
open        		打开弹出层时触发(@open="xxx")
close       		关闭弹出层时触发(@close="xxx"------------------------------------------
## event
onOpen      		打开弹窗回调
onClose     		关闭弹窗回调
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	<!-- #ifdef APP-NVUE -->
	<view v-if="opts.visible" class="ua__popup" :class="{'ua__popup-closed': closeAnim}">
	<!-- #endif -->
	<!-- #ifndef APP-NVUE -->
	<view v-show="opts.visible" class="ua__popup" :class="{'ua__popup-closed': closeAnim}">
	<!-- #endif -->
		<!-- 遮罩层 -->
		<view v-if="opts.shade && opts.shade!='false'" class="uapopup__overlay" @touchstart="handleShadeClick" :style="{'opacity': opts.opacity >= 0 ? opts.opacity : '', 'z-index': oIndex-1}"></view>
		<!-- 窗口层 -->
		<view class="uapopup__wrap" :style="{'z-index': oIndex}">
			<view class="uapopup__child" :id="'uapopup-'+uuid" :class="['anim-'+opts.anim, opts.type&&'popui__'+opts.type, opts.round&&'round', opts.position]" :style="[opts.follow&&positionStyle, opts.customStyle]">
				<!-- //标题 -->
				<view v-if="opts.title || $slots.title" class="uapopup__title">
					<template v-if="$slots.title"><slot name="title" /></template>
					<rich-text v-else :nodes="opts.title"></rich-text>
				<!-- //toast -->
				<!-- <view v-if="opts.type=='toast'&&opts.icon" class="toast__icons" :class="['toast__icons-'+opts.icon]" :style="{'background-image': `url(${toastIcon[opts.icon]})`}"></view> -->
				<image v-if="opts.type=='toast'&&opts.icon" class="toast__icons" :class="['toast__icons-'+opts.icon]" :src="toastIcon[opts.icon]" mode="widthFix"></image>
				<!-- //内容 -->
				<view v-if="opts.content || $slots.content" class="uapopup__content">
					<template v-if="$slots.content"><slot name="content" /></template>
					<rich-text v-else :nodes="opts.content"></rich-text>
				<slot />
				<!-- //按钮组 -->
				<view v-if="opts.btns" class="uapopup__actions">
					<rich-text v-for="(btn,index) in opts.btns" :key="index" class="btn" :class="{'disabled': btn.disabled}" :style="btn.style" @click="handleBtnClick($event, index)" :nodes="btn.text"></rich-text>
				<!-- //关闭按钮 -->
				<view v-if="opts.xclose" class="uapopup__xclose" :class="opts.xposition" :style="{'color': opts.xcolor}" @click="close"></view>

 * @Desc     uniapp全端自定义弹框组件
 * @Time     andy by 2021/7/10
 * @About    Q:282310962  wx:xy190310
	let index = 0
	export default {
		data() {
			return {
				// 混入props参数,处理函数式调用
				opts: {
					visible: false,
				toastIcon: {
				closeAnim: false,
				oIndex: 202107,
				timer: null,
				// 长按定位初始化(避免弹框跳动闪烁)
				positionStyle: { position: 'absolute', left: '-999px', top: '-999px' },
		watch: {
			value(val) {
				const type = val ? 'open' : 'close'
		computed: {
			uuid() {
				return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)
		methods: {
			// 打开弹框
			open(options) {
				if(this.opts.visible) return
				this.opts = Object.assign({}, this.$props, options)
				this.opts.visible = true
				// nvue 的各组件在安卓端默认是透明的,如果不设置background-color,可能会导致出现重影的问题
				// #ifdef APP-NVUE
				if(!this.opts.customStyle['background'] && !this.opts.customStyle['background-color']) {
					this.opts.customStyle['background'] = '#fff'
				// #endif
				let _index = ++index
				this.oIndex = _index + parseInt(this.opts.zIndex)
				typeof this.opts.onOpen === 'function' && this.opts.onOpen()
				// 长按处理
				if(this.opts.follow) {
			// 关闭弹框
			close() {
				if(!this.opts.visible) return
				this.closeAnim = true
				setTimeout(() => {
					this.opts.visible = false
					this.closeAnim = false
					this.$emit('input', false)
					typeof this.opts.onClose === 'function' && this.opts.onClose()
					this.timer && clearTimeout(this.timer)
					delete this.timer
				}, 200)
			// 获取dom宽高
			getDom(id) {
				return new Promise((resolve, inject) => {
					uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#uapopup-' + id).fields({
						size: true,
					}, data => {
			// 自适应坐标点
			getPos(x, y, ow, oh, winW, winH) {
				let l = (x + ow) > winW ? x - ow : x;
				let t = (y + oh) > winH ? y - oh : y;
				return [l, t];
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<!-- 长按弹窗1 -->
<ua-popup v-model="showContextMenu1" type="contextmenu" :follow="follow1" opacity=".35"
        {text: '置顶聊天', click: handleContextPopup},
        {text: '标记为未读', style: 'color:#00aa00;'},
        {text: '少一点预设的期盼,那份对人的关怀会更自在', style: 'color:#ff007f;'},
        {text: '心有多大,舞台就有多大', style: 'color:#09f;'},
        {text: '关闭', style: 'color:#aaaa7f;', click: hideContextMenu1},

<!-- 长按弹窗2 -->
<ua-popup v-model="showContextMenu2" type="contextmenu" :follow="follow2" opacity="0"
        {text: '置顶联系人', click: handleContextPopup},
        {text: '设置备注信息'},
        {text: '星标好友'},
        {text: '删除', click: hideContextMenu1},
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end, 使用uni-app自定义多端弹窗插件就介绍到这里。希望能喜欢~~



