鉴于此,采用小波包分析对一维时间序列信号进行谐波干扰去除,运行环境为MATLAB R2021B。
- function [P,F,PWR] = computePersistence(opts, plotFlag)
- % Compute persistence spectrum
- % Cache probability min threshold and set it to zero in opts so that
- % spectrogram is computed with no threshold.
- minThreshold = opts.MinThreshold;
- opts.MinThreshold = 0;
- [Pspectrogram,F,~,FRES,TRES,zMin,zMax] = computeSpectrogram(opts, false);
- Npoints = length(F);
- numSpectralWindows = size(Pspectrogram,2);
- f1 = opts.FrequencyLimits(1);
- f2 = opts.FrequencyLimits(2);
- % Add 5% cushion so that there is some empty space above and below the
- % persistence spectrum image.
- pwrCushion = 0.05*abs(zMax-zMin);
- zMin = zMin-pwrCushion;
- zMax = zMax+pwrCushion;
- if coder.target('MATLAB')
- persistenceObj = signalanalyzer.internal.PersistenceSpectrum;
- else
- persistenceObj = signal.internal.codegenable.pspectrum.PersistenceSpectrum;
- end
- persistenceObj.setup(f1,f2,Npoints,zMin,zMax,opts.NumPowerBins);
- persistenceObj.computeSpectrum(Pspectrogram(:));
- P = persistenceObj.fetchPersistenceSpectrum2D();
- P = 100*(P/numSpectralWindows); % convert to probability in percentage
- F = persistenceObj.fetchFrequencyVector();
- PWR = persistenceObj.fetchMagnitudeVector(); % this is in dB
- if minThreshold > 0
- P(P<minThreshold) = 0;
- end
- if plotFlag
- if opts.IsSingle
- P = single(P);
- F = single(F);
- PWR = single(PWR);
- end
- signal.internal.pspectrum.displayPersistence(PWR,F,P,...
- opts.IsNormalizedFreq,opts.MinThreshold,FRES,TRES,numSpectralWindows);
- end
- % Convert PWR to linear before returning
- PWR = 10.^(PWR/10);
- %完整代码可通过知乎学术咨询获得:https://www.zhihu.com/consult/people/792359672131756032?isMe=1
- end
工学博士,担任《Mechanical System and Signal Processing》《中国电机工程学报》《控制与决策》等期刊审稿专家,擅长领域:现代信号处理,机器学习,深度学习,数字孪生,时间序列分析,设备缺陷检测、设备异常检测、设备智能故障诊断与健康管理PHM等。
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