图1 功能模块划分图
图2 登录E-R图
图3 学生E-R图
表1 登录用户名和密码
字段 | 数据类型 | 说明 |
Username | varchar | 用户名 |
Password | varchar | 登录密码 |
图4 录入信息后的用户名和密码
表2 学生信息表
字段 | 数据类型 | 说明 |
id | int | 编号 |
name | varchar | 姓名 |
sex | varchar | 性别 |
telephone | varchar | 联系方式 |
number | varchar | 学号 |
birthday | varchar | 出生日期 |
note | varchar | 政治面貌 |
图5 录入信息后的学生信息表
图6 系统执行流程图
类名 | 类的成员属性和方法 | 说明 |
Connect. java | private static String driverName | driverName |
private static String url | url | |
private static String userName,private static String password | 用户名和密码 | |
private Connection conn | Connection对象 | |
private Statement stmt | Statement对象 | |
public Connect() | 加载数据库 | |
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException | 获取数据库连接 |
类名 | 类的成员属性和方法 | 说明 |
StudentSystem.java | JButton searchBtn, createBtn, updateBtn, deleteBtn,exitBtn | 定义5个系统功能按钮,用于事件响应 |
JTable infoTable | 定义5个表格,用于显示学生信息 | |
JLabel keyLab | 定义1个标签,用于提醒用户输入信息 | |
JTextField keyText | 定义1个文本框,用于用户查询信息 | |
private Map<String, String> PersonInfo | 私有化Map集合对象 | |
public StudentSystem() | 在面板中添加组件、标签和文本框 | |
public static void flashInfo() | 将学生信息写入数据库 | |
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) | 功能按钮监听 | |
protected void searchInfo(String key) | 实现查询信息 | |
public static Vector<String> column | 实例化用于存储表格数据的Vector数组 | |
public static Vector<Vector<String>> info = new Vector<Vector<String>>() | 实例化用于存储学生信息的Vector数 |
类名 | 类的成员属性和方法 | 说明 |
Login. java | public void showUI | 登录界面按钮、标签和组件 |
button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() | 内部类用于监听用户鼠标事件 |
类名 | 类的成员属性和方法 | 说明 |
MyDialog.java | private JPanel pCenter, pSouth | 定义2个面板 |
private JLabel nameLab, sexLab, mailLab, birthLab, phoneLab,noteLab | 定义6个学生信息标签,用于提示 | |
private JTextField nameText, mailText, birthText, phoneText,noteText | 定义6个学生信息文本框用于输入信息 | |
private JComboBox<String> sex | 定义1个下拉列表组件 | |
private JButton yesBtn, noBtn | 定义2个按钮,用于给用户选择储存方式 | |
public MyDialog(String title, Map<String, String> info) | 构造方法,用于窗口添加组件和标案等 | |
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) | 系统功能按钮监听器模块 | |
public void insertPerson() | 添加信息当用户输入无效信息时提示模块 | |
public void dbinsertPerson() | 将新建的学生信息写入数据库的表中模块 | |
public void fileinsertPerson() | 将新建的学生信息写入文件中模块 | |
public void deletePerson() | 删除指定学生信息模块 | |
public void updatePerson() | 修改指定学生信息模块 |
- public class Connect {
- private static String driverName="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
- private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jdbc?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&ServerTimezone=GMT&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC";
- private static String userName = "root";
- private static String password = "111111";
- private Connection conn;
- private Statement stmt;
- public Connect() {
- try {
- Class.forName(driverName);//加载数据库
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
- return DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);//使用DriverManger获取数据库连接
- }
- public void dispose() {
- try {
- if (conn != null) {
- conn.close();
- }
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
图7 登录界面
图8 程序判断用户名和密码是否正确
- public class Login {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Login l=new Login();//实例化Login对象
- l.showUI();
- }
- public void showUI() {
- JFrame login=new JFrame();//创建一个JFrame容器窗口
- login.setTitle("登录系统");//设置标题
- login.setSize(340,240);//设置窗口大小
- login.setDefaultCloseOperation(3);//0-DO_NITHING窗口无法关闭;1-HIDE隐藏程序界面但没有关闭程序;2-DISPOSE自动隐藏释放窗体,继续运行应用程序;3-EXIT
- login.setLocationRelativeTo(null);//设置窗口位置相对于指定组件的位置
- login.setResizable(false);//设置窗口不可被调整大小,布尔值
- //FlowLayout fl=new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,5,5);
- login.setLayout(new FlowLayout());//FloeLayout默认居中对齐,水平、垂直间距默认为5个单位
- login.setVisible(true);//窗体可见
- //用户名标签组件
- JLabel labname=new JLabel();
- labname.setText("用户名:");
- labname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));//设置最适合窗口的位置(setPreferredSize)和JLable标签组件的宽度和高度(Dimension)
- login.add(labname);//加入JFrame窗口
- JTextField textname=new JTextField();//创建一个JTextField文本框用于输入用户名
- textname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
- login.add(textname);//加入到JFrame窗口中
- //密码标签组件
- JLabel labpassword=new JLabel();
- labpassword.setText("密 码:");
- labpassword.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));
- login.add(labpassword);
- JPasswordField jp=new JPasswordField();
- jp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
- login.add(jp);
- //登录按钮
- JButton button=new JButton();
- button.setText("登录");
- button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 40));
- login.add(button);
- login.setVisible(true);
- //为登录键添加鼠标事件监听器
- button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
- Connect dbconn = new Connect();//实例化Connect对象
- Statement stmt = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- try {
- //用于创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库,通常用来执行不带参数的 SQL 语句
- stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
- //select * from查询在数据库中表内信息
- rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_login where username='"+textname.getText()+"' and password='"+jp.getText()+"'");
- if (rs.next()) {
- new StudentSystem();//主界面
- login.dispose();//释放界面窗口占用的屏幕资源
- }else{
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "用户名或密码不正确!!!","提示",2);//java弹窗
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "提示内容" ,"标题", -1~3);
- }
- rs.close();
- } catch (SQLException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因,显示出更深的调用信息
- //System.out.println(e1);
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- if (rs != null) {
- rs.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
图9 主界面
- public StudentSystem() {
- PersonInfo = new HashMap<String, String>();//数组和链表的结合体,HashMap底层就是一个数组结构,数组中的每一项又是一个链表。新建一个HashMap的时候,就会初始化一个数组
- Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 15);//设置字体,类型和大小;Front.PLAIN普通,Front.BLOD加粗,Front.ITALIC斜体
- JPanel pNorth = new JPanel();
- pNorth.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
- keyLab = new JLabel("请输入关键字:");
- keyText = new JTextField(10);//搜索文本框
- //创建系统功能按钮
- searchBtn = new JButton("搜索学生信息");
- createBtn = new JButton("新增学生信息");
- updateBtn = new JButton("修改学生信息");
- deleteBtn = new JButton("删除学生信息");
- exitBtn = new JButton("退出系统");
- //设置字体大小
- keyLab.setFont(font);
- searchBtn.setFont(font);
- createBtn.setFont(font);
- updateBtn.setFont(font);
- deleteBtn.setFont(font);
- exitBtn.setFont(font);
- //添加监听器
- searchBtn.addActionListener(this);
- createBtn.addActionListener(this);
- updateBtn.addActionListener(this);
- deleteBtn.addActionListener(this);
- exitBtn.addActionListener(this);
- //在JPanel面板的上方加入搜索功能所需的一系列组件
- pNorth.add(keyLab);
- pNorth.add(keyText);
- pNorth.add(searchBtn);
- //在JPanel面板下方加入系统功能组件
- JPanel pSouth = new JPanel();
- pSouth.add(createBtn);
- pSouth.add(updateBtn);
- pSouth.add(deleteBtn);
- pSouth.add(exitBtn);
- //表格数据
- column = new Vector<String>();
- column.add("编号");
- column.add("姓名");
- column.add("性别");
- column.add("电话");
- column.add("学号");
- column.add("生日");
- column.add("政治面貌");
- flashInfo();//将数据存入数据库
- infoTable = new JTable(info, column);
- TableColumn column1 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
- TableColumn column3 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
- JScrollPane pCenter = new JScrollPane(infoTable);//创建垂直滚动面板
- this.add(pNorth, "North");
- this.add(pCenter, "Center");
- this.add(pSouth, "South");
- this.setTitle("学生信息管理系统");
- this.setSize(800, 450);
- this.setVisible(true);
- this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
- this.setResizable(false);
- this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
- }
- public static void flashInfo() {
- Connect dbconn = new Connect();
- Statement stmt = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- info.clear();
- try {
- stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();//创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库
- rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_book");//下达命令执行查询语句并且存放在ResultSet对象中
- while (rs.next()) {
- Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();
- row.add(rs.getString(1));
- row.add(rs.getString(2));
- row.add(rs.getString(3));
- row.add(rs.getString(4));
- row.add(rs.getString(5));
- row.add(rs.getString(6));
- row.add(rs.getString(7));
- info.add(row);
- }
- rs.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- if (rs != null) {
- rs.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
图10 新建学生信息界面
- public void dbinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入数据库的表中
- boolean flag=true;
- String sql = "insert into my_address_book(name, sex, telephone, number, birthday, note)value(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
- try {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
- pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
- pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
- pstmt.executeUpdate();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人失败!");//提示弹窗
- flag = false;
- } finally {
- dispose();
- if (flag) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人成功!");//提示弹窗
- }
- StudentSystem.flashInfo();//将数据写入数据库
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
- public void fileinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入文件中
- boolean flag=true;
- try {
- StringBuffer sbf=new StringBuffer();
- sbf.append(nameText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append((String) sex.getSelectedItem()).append(" ")
- .append(phoneText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append(mailText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append(birthText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append(noteText.getText());
- File file = new File("information.txt");
- FileOutputStream fos = null;
- if(!file.exists()){
- file.createNewFile();//如果文件不存在,创建该文件
- fos = new FileOutputStream(file);//首次写入获取
- }else{
- //如果文件已存在,就在文件末尾追加写入
- fos = new FileOutputStream(file,true);
- }
- OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "gbk");//指定以UTF-8格式写入文件
- osw.write(sbf.toString());
- osw.write("\r\n");
- osw.close();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人失败!");//提示弹窗
- flag = false;
- } finally {
- dispose();
- if (flag) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人成功!");//提示弹窗
- }
- }
- }
图11 未选择删除对象提示信息
图12 删除成功提示
图13 删除指定对象信息后返回主界面
- public void deletePerson() {//删除信息
- String sql = "delete from my_address_book where id=?";
- try {
- PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
- pstmt.setString(1, id);
- pstmt.executeUpdate();
- }
- catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- dispose();
- StudentSystem.flashInfo();
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
图14 未选择修改对象程序提示
图15 修改指定对象信息界面
- public void updatePerson() {//修改信息
- if (nameText.getText().isEmpty()) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请输入姓名!");
- }
- String sql = "update my_address_book set name=?,sex=?,telephone=?,number=?,birthday=?,note=? where id=?";
- try { PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
- pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
- pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(7, id);
- pstmt.executeUpdate();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- dispose();
- StudentSystem.flashInfo();
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void flashInfo() {
- Connect dbconn = new Connect();
- Statement stmt = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- info.clear();
- try {
- stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();//创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库
- rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_book");//下达命令执行查询语句并且存放在ResultSet对象中
- while (rs.next()) {
- Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();
- row.add(rs.getString(1));
- row.add(rs.getString(2));
- row.add(rs.getString(3));
- row.add(rs.getString(4));
- row.add(rs.getString(5));
- row.add(rs.getString(6));
- row.add(rs.getString(7));
- info.add(row);
- }
- rs.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- if (rs != null) {
- rs.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
图16 以政治面貌查询学生信息
图17 以姓名关键字查询学生信息
- protected void searchInfo(String key) {//搜索
- Connect dbconn = new Connect();
- Statement stmt = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- try {
- stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
- String sql = "select * from my_address_book where name like'%" + key + "%'";
- String sql2 = "select * from my_address_book where sex like'%" + key + "%'";
- String sql3 = "select * from my_address_book where telephone like'%" + key + "%'";
- String sql4 = "select * from my_address_book where number like'%" + key + "%'";
- String sql5 = "select * from my_address_book where birthday like'%" + key + "%'";
- String sql6 = "select * from my_address_book where note like'%" + key + "%'";
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql2);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql3);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql4);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql5);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql6);
- info.clear();
- while (rs.next()) {
- Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();//创建自增长数组
- row.add(rs.getString(1));//向Vector中添加值
- row.add(rs.getString(2));
- row.add(rs.getString(3));
- row.add(rs.getString(4));
- row.add(rs.getString(5));
- row.add(rs.getString(6));
- row.add(rs.getString(7));
- info.add(row);
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- if (rs != null) {
- rs.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);//构造一个 DefaultTableModel,并通过将 data 和 columnNames 传递到 setDataVector 方法来初始化该表。
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);//数据绑定
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
- package com.txl;
- import java.sql.Connection;
- import java.sql.DriverManager;
- import java.sql.ResultSet;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.sql.Statement;
- public class Connect {
- private static String driverName = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
- private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jdbc?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&ServerTimezone=GMT&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC";
- private static String userName = "root";
- private static String password = "111111";
- private Connection conn;
- private Statement stmt;
- public Connect() {
- try {
- Class.forName(driverName);//加载数据库
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
- return DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);//使用DriverManger获取数据库连接
- }
- public void dispose() {
- try {
- if (conn != null) {
- conn.close();
- }
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- package com.txl;
- import java.awt.FlowLayout;
- import java.awt.Dimension;
- import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
- import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
- import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
- import java.sql.ResultSet;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.sql.Statement;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import javax.swing.JFrame;
- import javax.swing.JButton;
- import javax.swing.JLabel;
- import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
- import javax.swing.JTextField;
- import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
- //登录界面
- public class Login {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Login l=new Login();//实例化Login对象
- l.showUI();
- }
- public void showUI() {
- JFrame login=new JFrame();//创建一个JFrame容器窗口
- login.setTitle("登录系统");//设置标题
- login.setSize(340,240);//设置窗口大小
- login.setDefaultCloseOperation(3);//0-DO_NITHING窗口无法关闭;1-HIDE隐藏程序界面但没有关闭程序;2-DISPOSE自动隐藏释放窗体,继续运行应用程序;3-EXIT
- login.setLocationRelativeTo(null);//设置窗口位置相对于指定组件的位置
- login.setResizable(false);//设置窗口不可被调整大小,布尔值
- //FlowLayout fl=new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,5,5);
- login.setLayout(new FlowLayout());//FloeLayout默认居中对齐,水平、垂直间距默认为5个单位
- login.setVisible(true);//窗体可见
- //用户名标签组件
- JLabel labname=new JLabel();
- labname.setText("用户名:");
- labname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));//设置最适合窗口的位置(setPreferredSize)和JLable标签组件的宽度和高度(Dimension)
- login.add(labname);//加入JFrame窗口
- JTextField textname=new JTextField();//创建一个JTextField文本框用于输入用户名
- textname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
- login.add(textname);//加入到JFrame窗口中
- //密码标签组件
- JLabel labpassword=new JLabel();
- labpassword.setText("密 码:");
- labpassword.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));
- login.add(labpassword);
- JPasswordField jp=new JPasswordField();
- jp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
- login.add(jp);
- //登录按钮
- JButton button=new JButton();
- button.setText("登录");
- button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 40));
- login.add(button);
- login.setVisible(true);
- //为登录键添加鼠标事件监听器
- button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
- Connect dbconn = new Connect();//实例化Connect对象
- Statement stmt = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- try {
- //用于创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库,通常用来执行不带参数的 SQL 语句
- stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
- //执行查询;用statement类的executeQuery()方法来下达select指令以查询数据库,把数据库响应的查询结果存放在ResultSet类对象中供我们使用
- //select * from查询在数据库中表内信息
- rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_login where username='"+textname.getText()+"' and password='"+jp.getText()+"'");
- if (rs.next()) {
- new StudentSystem();//主界面
- login.dispose();//释放登录界面窗口占用的屏幕资源
- }else{
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "用户名或密码不正确!!!","提示",2);//java弹窗JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "提示内容" ,"标题", -1~3);
- }
- rs.close();
- } catch (SQLException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因,显示出更深的调用信息
- //System.out.println(e1);
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- if (rs != null) {
- rs.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- package com.txl;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import java.sql.Connection;
- import java.sql.ResultSet;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.sql.Statement;
- import java.util.*;
- import javax.swing.*;
- import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
- import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
- public class StudentSystem extends JFrame implements ActionListener {//继承自JFrame使得这个类成为一个窗体,可以对窗体的属性进行扩展并且可以定义自己需要的特殊操作方法
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;//把java对象序列化而后进行保存
- private Map<String, String> PersonInfo;
- public static Vector<Vector<String>> info = new Vector<Vector<String>>();
- private JLabel keyLab;
- private JButton searchBtn, createBtn, updateBtn, deleteBtn,exitBtn;
- public static JTable infoTable;
- private JTextField keyText;
- public static Vector<String> column;
- public StudentSystem() {
- PersonInfo = new HashMap<String, String>();//数组和链表的结合体,HashMap底层就是一个数组结构,数组中的每一项又是一个链表。新建一个HashMap的时候,就会初始化一个数组
- Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 15);//设置字体,类型和大小;Front.PLAIN普通,Front.BLOD加粗,Front.ITALIC斜体
- JPanel pNorth = new JPanel();
- pNorth.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
- keyLab = new JLabel("请输入关键字:");
- keyText = new JTextField(10);//搜索文本框
- //创建系统功能按钮
- searchBtn = new JButton("搜索学生信息");
- createBtn = new JButton("新增学生信息");
- updateBtn = new JButton("修改学生信息");
- deleteBtn = new JButton("删除学生信息");
- exitBtn = new JButton("退出系统");
- //设置字体大小
- keyLab.setFont(font);
- searchBtn.setFont(font);
- createBtn.setFont(font);
- updateBtn.setFont(font);
- deleteBtn.setFont(font);
- exitBtn.setFont(font);
- //添加监听器
- searchBtn.addActionListener(this);
- createBtn.addActionListener(this);
- updateBtn.addActionListener(this);
- deleteBtn.addActionListener(this);
- exitBtn.addActionListener(this);
- //在JPanel面板的上方加入搜索功能所需的一系列组件
- pNorth.add(keyLab);
- pNorth.add(keyText);
- pNorth.add(searchBtn);
- //在JPanel面板下方加入系统功能组件
- JPanel pSouth = new JPanel();
- pSouth.add(createBtn);
- pSouth.add(updateBtn);
- pSouth.add(deleteBtn);
- pSouth.add(exitBtn);
- //表格数据
- column = new Vector<String>();
- column.add("编号");
- column.add("姓名");
- column.add("性别");
- column.add("电话");
- column.add("学号");
- column.add("生日");
- column.add("政治面貌");
- flashInfo();//将数据存入数据库
- infoTable = new JTable(info, column);
- TableColumn column1 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
- TableColumn column3 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
- JScrollPane pCenter = new JScrollPane(infoTable);//创建垂直滚动面板
- this.add(pNorth, "North");
- this.add(pCenter, "Center");
- this.add(pSouth, "South");
- this.setTitle("学生信息管理系统");
- this.setSize(800, 450);
- this.setVisible(true);
- this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
- this.setResizable(false);
- this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
- }
- public static void flashInfo() {
- Connect dbconn = new Connect();
- Statement stmt = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- info.clear();
- try {
- stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();//创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库
- rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_book");//下达命令执行查询语句并且存放在ResultSet对象中
- while (rs.next()) {
- Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();
- row.add(rs.getString(1));
- row.add(rs.getString(2));
- row.add(rs.getString(3));
- row.add(rs.getString(4));
- row.add(rs.getString(5));
- row.add(rs.getString(6));
- row.add(rs.getString(7));
- info.add(row);
- }
- rs.close();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- if (rs != null) {
- rs.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- int rowNum = infoTable.getSelectedRow();//返回第一个选定行的索引
- if (rowNum != -1) {
- PersonInfo = new HashMap<String, String>();
- //将值插入HasMap中
- PersonInfo.put("id", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 0));//返回表格row和column位置的单元格值
- PersonInfo.put("name", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 1));
- PersonInfo.put("sex", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 2));
- PersonInfo.put("telephone", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 3));
- PersonInfo.put("number", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 4));
- PersonInfo.put("birthday", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 5));
- PersonInfo.put("note", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 6));
- }
- if (e.getSource() == searchBtn) {//搜索
- String keyStr = keyText.getText();
- searchInfo(keyStr);
- } else if (e.getSource() == createBtn) {//新建
- MyDialog InsertPane = new MyDialog("新建学生信息", new HashMap<String, String>());
- InsertPane.setVisible(true);
- } else if (e.getSource() == updateBtn) {//修改
- if (rowNum == -1) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请选择学生");//提示弹窗
- }
- MyDialog UpdatePane = new MyDialog("修改学生信息", PersonInfo);
- UpdatePane.setVisible(true);
- } else if (e.getSource() == deleteBtn) {//删除
- if (rowNum == -1) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请选择学生");//提示弹窗
- }
- MyDialog DeletePane = new MyDialog("删除学生信息", PersonInfo);
- DeletePane.setVisible(true);
- }else if(e.getSource()==exitBtn) {//退出
- this.setVisible(false);
- }
- }
- protected void searchInfo(String key) {//搜索
- Connect dbconn = new Connect();
- Statement stmt = null;
- ResultSet rs = null;
- try {
- stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
- String sql = "select * from my_address_book where name like'%" + key + "%'";
- /*String sql2 = "select * from my_address_book where sex like'%" + key + "%'";
- String sql3 = "select * from my_address_book where telephone like'%" + key + "%'";*/
- //String sql4 = "select * from my_address_book where number like'%" + key + "%'";
- /*String sql5 = "select * from my_address_book where birthday like'%" + key + "%'";
- String sql6 = "select * from my_address_book where note like'%" + key + "%'";*/
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
- /*rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql2);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql3);*/
- //rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql4);
- /*rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql5);
- rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql6);*/
- info.clear();
- while (rs.next()) {
- Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();//创建自增长数组
- row.add(rs.getString(1));//向Vector中添加值
- row.add(rs.getString(2));
- row.add(rs.getString(3));
- row.add(rs.getString(4));
- row.add(rs.getString(5));
- row.add(rs.getString(6));
- row.add(rs.getString(7));
- info.add(row);
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- try {
- if (stmt != null) {
- stmt.close();
- }
- if (rs != null) {
- rs.close();
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);//构造一个 DefaultTableModel,并通过将 data 和 columnNames 传递到 setDataVector 方法来初始化该表。
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);//数据绑定
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- new StudentSystem();
- }
- }
- package com.txl;
- import java.awt.FlowLayout;
- import java.awt.Font;
- import java.awt.GridLayout;
- import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
- import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileOutputStream;
- import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
- import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
- import java.sql.SQLException;
- import java.util.Map;
- import javax.swing.JButton;
- import javax.swing.JComboBox;
- import javax.swing.JDialog;
- import javax.swing.JLabel;
- import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
- import javax.swing.JPanel;
- import javax.swing.JTextField;
- import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
- import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
- public class MyDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;//把java对象序列化而后进行保存
- private Connect dbconn = new Connect();
- private static String id;
- private JPanel pCenter, pSouth;
- private JLabel nameLab, sexLab, mailLab, birthLab, phoneLab,noteLab;
- private JTextField nameText, mailText, birthText, phoneText,noteText;
- private JComboBox<String> sex;
- private JButton yesBtn, noBtn;
- public MyDialog() {}
- public MyDialog(String title, Map<String, String> info) {
- id = info.get("id");
- if("删除联系人".equals(title)) {
- deletePerson();
- }else {
- Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 14);
- String[] sexType = { "-请选择-","男", "女" };//下拉列表组件添加内容
- pCenter = new JPanel();
- pCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 1));
- nameLab = new JLabel("姓名:");
- sexLab = new JLabel("性别:");
- mailLab = new JLabel("学号:");
- birthLab = new JLabel("生日:");
- phoneLab = new JLabel("电话:");
- noteLab = new JLabel("政治面貌:");
- nameLab.setFont(font);
- sexLab.setFont(font);
- mailLab.setFont(font);
- birthLab.setFont(font);
- phoneLab.setFont(font);
- noteLab.setFont(font);
- nameText = new JTextField(10);
- mailText = new JTextField(10);
- birthText = new JTextField(10);
- phoneText = new JTextField(10);
- noteText = new JTextField(10);
- sex = new JComboBox<String>(sexType);
- JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();
- jp1.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
- jp1.add(nameLab);
- jp1.add(nameText);
- JPanel jp5 = new JPanel();
- jp5.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
- jp5.add(sexLab);
- jp5.add(sex);
- nameText.setText(info.get("name"));
- sex.setSelectedItem(info.get("sex"));
- JPanel jp2 = new JPanel();
- jp2.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
- jp2.add(mailLab);
- jp2.add(mailText);
- mailText.setText(info.get("number"));
- JPanel jp3 = new JPanel();
- jp3.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
- jp3.add(birthLab);
- jp3.add(birthText);
- birthText.setText(info.get("birthday"));
- JPanel jp4 = new JPanel();
- jp4.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
- jp4.add(phoneLab);
- jp4.add(phoneText);
- phoneText.setText(info.get("telephone"));
- JPanel jp6 = new JPanel();
- jp6.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
- jp6.add(noteLab);
- jp6.add(noteText);
- noteText.setText(info.get("note"));
- pCenter.add(jp1);
- pCenter.add(jp5);
- pCenter.add(jp2);
- pCenter.add(jp3);
- pCenter.add(jp4);
- pCenter.add(jp6);
- pSouth = new JPanel();
- yesBtn = new JButton("以数据库保存");
- yesBtn.addActionListener(this);
- noBtn = new JButton("以文件保存");
- noBtn.addActionListener(this);
- pSouth.add(yesBtn);
- pSouth.add(noBtn);
- this.add(pCenter, "Center");
- this.add(pSouth, "South");
- this.setTitle(title);
- this.setSize(400, 450);
- this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
- this.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- }
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {//系统功能按钮监听器
- if (e.getSource() == yesBtn) {
- if (this.getTitle().equals("新建学生信息")) {
- dbinsertPerson();
- } else if (this.getTitle().equals("修改学生信息")) {
- updatePerson();
- } else if (this.getTitle().equals("删除学生信息")) {
- deletePerson();
- }
- } else if (e.getSource() == noBtn) {
- fileinsertPerson();
- }
- }
- public void insertPerson() {
- if (nameText.getText().isEmpty()) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请输入姓名!");//提示弹窗
- return;
- }
- }
- public void dbinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入数据库的表中
- boolean flag=true;
- String sql = "insert into my_address_book(name, sex, telephone, number, birthday, note)value(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
- try {
- //PreparedStatement 对象已预编译过,所以其执行速度要快于 Statement 对象,多次执行的 SQL 语句经常创建为 PreparedStatement 对象,以提高效率。作为 Statement 的子类,PreparedStatement 继承了 Statement 的所有功能
- PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
- pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
- pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
- pstmt.executeUpdate();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息失败!");//提示弹窗
- flag = false;
- } finally {
- dispose();
- if (flag) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息成功!");//提示弹窗
- }
- StudentSystem.flashInfo();//将数据写入数据库
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
- public void fileinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入文件中
- boolean flag=true;
- try {
- StringBuffer sbf=new StringBuffer();
- sbf.append(nameText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append((String) sex.getSelectedItem()).append(" ")
- .append(phoneText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append(mailText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append(birthText.getText()).append(" ")
- .append(noteText.getText());
- File file = new File("information.txt");
- FileOutputStream fos = null;
- if(!file.exists()){
- file.createNewFile();//如果文件不存在,就创建该文件
- fos = new FileOutputStream(file);//首次写入获取
- }else{
- //如果文件已存在,就在文件末尾追加写入
- fos = new FileOutputStream(file,true);
- }
- OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "gbk");//指定以UTF-8格式写入文件
- osw.write(sbf.toString());
- osw.write("\r\n");
- osw.close();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息失败!");//提示弹窗
- flag = false;
- } finally {
- dispose();
- if (flag) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息成功!");//提示弹窗
- }
- }
- }
- public void deletePerson() {//删除信息
- String sql = "delete from my_address_book where id=?";
- try {
- //PreparedStatement 对象已预编译过,所以其执行速度要快于 Statement 对象,多次执行的 SQL 语句经常创建为 PreparedStatement 对象,以提高效率。作为 Statement 的子类,PreparedStatement 继承了 Statement 的所有功能
- PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
- pstmt.setString(1, id);
- pstmt.executeUpdate();
- }
- catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- dispose();
- StudentSystem.flashInfo();
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "删除成功!");
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
- public void updatePerson() {//修改信息
- if (nameText.getText().isEmpty()) {
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请输入姓名!");//提示弹窗
- }
- String sql = "update my_address_book set name=?,sex=?,telephone=?,number=?,birthday=?,note=? where id=?";
- try {
- //PreparedStatement 对象已预编译过,所以其执行速度要快于 Statement 对象,多次执行的 SQL 语句经常创建为 PreparedStatement 对象,以提高效率。作为 Statement 的子类,PreparedStatement 继承了 Statement 的所有功能
- PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
- pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
- pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
- pstmt.setString(7, id);
- pstmt.executeUpdate();
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } finally {
- dispose();
- StudentSystem.flashInfo();
- DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
- StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
- TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
- column1.setMaxWidth(40);
- column1.setMinWidth(40);
- TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
- column3.setMaxWidth(40);
- column3.setMinWidth(40);
- }
- }
- }
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