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(解析+源码)基于JAVA Swing+MySQL实现学生信息管理系统(增、删、改、查)数据库/文件存储_学生信息管理系统实现增删改查




  1. 登录系统;
  2. 新建学生信息:添加学生信息;
  3. 删除学生信息:对指定学生信息进行删除;
  4. 修改学生信息:对指定学生信息进行修改
  5. 查找学生信息:输入名字关键字、学号、政治面貌等查询符合条件的学生;
  6. 退出系统。



图1 功能模块划分图


2.1 数据库E-R模型

图2 登录E-R图

图3 学生E-R图

2.2 数据库关系模型--二维表

表1 登录用户名和密码










图4 录入信息后的用户名和密码

表2 学生信息表

























图5 录入信息后的学生信息表



图6 系统执行流程图








private static String driverName


private static String url


private static String userName,private static String password


private Connection conn


private Statement stmt


public Connect()


public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException







JButton searchBtn, createBtn, updateBtn, deleteBtn,exitBtn


JTable infoTable


JLabel keyLab


JTextField keyText


private Map<String, String> PersonInfo


public StudentSystem()


public static void flashInfo()


 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


protected void searchInfo(String key)


public static Vector<String> column


public static Vector<Vector<String>> info = new Vector<Vector<String>>()








public void showUI


button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()







private JPanel pCenter, pSouth


private JLabel nameLab, sexLab, mailLab, birthLab, phoneLab,noteLab


private JTextField nameText, mailText, birthText, phoneText,noteText


private JComboBox<String> sex


private JButton yesBtn, noBtn


public MyDialog(String title, Map<String, String> info)


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)


public void insertPerson()


public void dbinsertPerson()


public void fileinsertPerson()


public void deletePerson()


public void updatePerson()



4.1 连接数据库


  1. 加载jdbc驱动程序;
  2. 创建数据库的连接;
  3. 创建StatementConnect
  4. 执行SQL语句;


  1. public class Connect {
  2. private static String driverName="com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
  3. private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jdbc?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&ServerTimezone=GMT&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC";
  4. private static String userName = "root";
  5. private static String password = "111111";
  6. private Connection conn;
  7. private Statement stmt;
  8. public Connect() {
  9. try {
  10. Class.forName(driverName);//加载数据库
  11. } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  12. e.printStackTrace();
  13. }
  14. }
  15. public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
  16. return DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);//使用DriverManger获取数据库连接
  17. }
  18. public void dispose() {
  19. try {
  20. if (conn != null) {
  21. conn.close();
  22. }
  23. if (stmt != null) {
  24. stmt.close();
  25. }
  26. } catch (SQLException e) {
  27. e.printStackTrace();
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }

4.2 登录界面


  1. 定义输入用户名和密码所需文本框以及提示组件;
  2. 创建按钮和鼠标事件监听器;
  3. 获取数据库用户资料并判断用户名和密码是否正确;
  4. 显示主界面进行增、删、改、查操作;


图7 登录界面

图8 程序判断用户名和密码是否正确


  1. public class Login {
  2. public static void main(String args[]) {
  3. Login l=new Login();//实例化Login对象
  4. l.showUI();
  5. }
  6. public void showUI() {
  7. JFrame login=new JFrame();//创建一个JFrame容器窗口
  8. login.setTitle("登录系统");//设置标题
  9. login.setSize(340,240);//设置窗口大小
  10. login.setDefaultCloseOperation(3);//0-DO_NITHING窗口无法关闭;1-HIDE隐藏程序界面但没有关闭程序;2-DISPOSE自动隐藏释放窗体,继续运行应用程序;3-EXIT
  11. login.setLocationRelativeTo(null);//设置窗口位置相对于指定组件的位置
  12. login.setResizable(false);//设置窗口不可被调整大小,布尔值
  13. //FlowLayout fl=new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,5,5);
  14. login.setLayout(new FlowLayout());//FloeLayout默认居中对齐,水平、垂直间距默认为5个单位
  15. login.setVisible(true);//窗体可见
  16. //用户名标签组件
  17. JLabel labname=new JLabel();
  18. labname.setText("用户名:");
  19. labname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));//设置最适合窗口的位置(setPreferredSize)和JLable标签组件的宽度和高度(Dimension)
  20. login.add(labname);//加入JFrame窗口
  21. JTextField textname=new JTextField();//创建一个JTextField文本框用于输入用户名
  22. textname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
  23. login.add(textname);//加入到JFrame窗口中
  24. //密码标签组件
  25. JLabel labpassword=new JLabel();
  26. labpassword.setText("密 码:");
  27. labpassword.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));
  28. login.add(labpassword);
  29. JPasswordField jp=new JPasswordField();
  30. jp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
  31. login.add(jp);
  32. //登录按钮
  33. JButton button=new JButton();
  34. button.setText("登录");
  35. button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 40));
  36. login.add(button);
  37. login.setVisible(true);
  38. //为登录键添加鼠标事件监听器
  39. button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
  40. public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
  41. Connect dbconn = new Connect();//实例化Connect对象
  42. Statement stmt = null;
  43. ResultSet rs = null;
  44. try {
  45. //用于创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库,通常用来执行不带参数的 SQL 语句
  46. stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
  47. //select * from查询在数据库中表内信息
  48. rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_login where username='"+textname.getText()+"' and password='"+jp.getText()+"'");
  49. if (rs.next()) {
  50. new StudentSystem();//主界面
  51. login.dispose();//释放界面窗口占用的屏幕资源
  52. }else{
  53. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "用户名或密码不正确!!!","提示",2);//java弹窗
  54. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "提示内容" ,"标题", -1~3);
  55. }
  56. rs.close();
  57. } catch (SQLException e1) {
  58. e1.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因,显示出更深的调用信息
  59. //System.out.println(e1);
  60. } finally {
  61. try {
  62. if (stmt != null) {
  63. stmt.close();
  64. }
  65. if (rs != null) {
  66. rs.close();
  67. }
  68. } catch (SQLException e1) {
  69. e1.printStackTrace();
  70. }
  71. }
  72. }
  73. });
  74. }
  75. }

4.3 主界面


  1. 定义输入信息和功能选择所需文本框以及按钮;
  2. 创建键盘和鼠标事件监听器;
  3. 根据用户选择执行对应模块。


 图9 主界面


  1. public StudentSystem() {
  2. PersonInfo = new HashMap<String, String>();//数组和链表的结合体,HashMap底层就是一个数组结构,数组中的每一项又是一个链表。新建一个HashMap的时候,就会初始化一个数组
  3. Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 15);//设置字体,类型和大小;Front.PLAIN普通,Front.BLOD加粗,Front.ITALIC斜体
  4. JPanel pNorth = new JPanel();
  5. pNorth.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
  6. keyLab = new JLabel("请输入关键字:");
  7. keyText = new JTextField(10);//搜索文本框
  8. //创建系统功能按钮
  9. searchBtn = new JButton("搜索学生信息");
  10. createBtn = new JButton("新增学生信息");
  11. updateBtn = new JButton("修改学生信息");
  12. deleteBtn = new JButton("删除学生信息");
  13. exitBtn = new JButton("退出系统");
  14. //设置字体大小
  15. keyLab.setFont(font);
  16. searchBtn.setFont(font);
  17. createBtn.setFont(font);
  18. updateBtn.setFont(font);
  19. deleteBtn.setFont(font);
  20. exitBtn.setFont(font);
  21. //添加监听器
  22. searchBtn.addActionListener(this);
  23. createBtn.addActionListener(this);
  24. updateBtn.addActionListener(this);
  25. deleteBtn.addActionListener(this);
  26. exitBtn.addActionListener(this);
  27. //在JPanel面板的上方加入搜索功能所需的一系列组件
  28. pNorth.add(keyLab);
  29. pNorth.add(keyText);
  30. pNorth.add(searchBtn);
  31. //在JPanel面板下方加入系统功能组件
  32. JPanel pSouth = new JPanel();
  33. pSouth.add(createBtn);
  34. pSouth.add(updateBtn);
  35. pSouth.add(deleteBtn);
  36. pSouth.add(exitBtn);
  37. //表格数据
  38. column = new Vector<String>();
  39. column.add("编号");
  40. column.add("姓名");
  41. column.add("性别");
  42. column.add("电话");
  43. column.add("学号");
  44. column.add("生日");
  45. column.add("政治面貌");
  46. flashInfo();//将数据存入数据库
  47. infoTable = new JTable(info, column);
  48. TableColumn column1 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  49. column1.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
  50. TableColumn column3 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  51. column3.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
  52. JScrollPane pCenter = new JScrollPane(infoTable);//创建垂直滚动面板
  53. this.add(pNorth, "North");
  54. this.add(pCenter, "Center");
  55. this.add(pSouth, "South");
  56. this.setTitle("学生信息管理系统");
  57. this.setSize(800, 450);
  58. this.setVisible(true);
  59. this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
  60. this.setResizable(false);
  61. this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  62. }
  63. public static void flashInfo() {
  64. Connect dbconn = new Connect();
  65. Statement stmt = null;
  66. ResultSet rs = null;
  67. info.clear();
  68. try {
  69. stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();//创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库
  70. rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_book");//下达命令执行查询语句并且存放在ResultSet对象中
  71. while (rs.next()) {
  72. Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();
  73. row.add(rs.getString(1));
  74. row.add(rs.getString(2));
  75. row.add(rs.getString(3));
  76. row.add(rs.getString(4));
  77. row.add(rs.getString(5));
  78. row.add(rs.getString(6));
  79. row.add(rs.getString(7));
  80. info.add(row);
  81. }
  82. rs.close();
  83. } catch (SQLException e) {
  84. e.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因
  85. } finally {
  86. try {
  87. if (stmt != null) {
  88. stmt.close();
  89. }
  90. if (rs != null) {
  91. rs.close();
  92. }
  93. } catch (SQLException e) {
  94. e.printStackTrace();
  95. }
  96. }
  97. }

4.4 新建学生信息


  1. 定义表格所需集合;
  2. 定义一个用于连接数据库的对象;
  3. 定义新建学生信息的相关组件;
  4. 把组件添加到窗体;
  5. 调用新建学生信息界面的方法;
  6. 调用数据库连接;
  7. 录入学生信息;
  8. 选择储存方式;
  9. 判断信息是否正确;
  10. 完成相应功能。


 图10 新建学生信息界面


  1. public void dbinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入数据库的表中
  2. boolean flag=true;
  3. String sql = "insert into my_address_book(name, sex, telephone, number, birthday, note)value(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
  4. try {
  5. PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
  6. pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
  7. pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
  8. pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
  9. pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
  10. pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
  11. pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
  12. pstmt.executeUpdate();
  13. } catch (SQLException e) {
  14. e.printStackTrace();
  15. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人失败!");//提示弹窗
  16. flag = false;
  17. } finally {
  18. dispose();
  19. if (flag) {
  20. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人成功!");//提示弹窗
  21. }
  22. StudentSystem.flashInfo();//将数据写入数据库
  23. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
  24. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
  25. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  26. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  27. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  28. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  29. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  30. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  31. }
  32. }
  33. public void fileinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入文件中
  34. boolean flag=true;
  35. try {
  36. StringBuffer sbf=new StringBuffer();
  37. sbf.append(nameText.getText()).append(" ")
  38. .append((String) sex.getSelectedItem()).append(" ")
  39. .append(phoneText.getText()).append(" ")
  40. .append(mailText.getText()).append(" ")
  41. .append(birthText.getText()).append(" ")
  42. .append(noteText.getText());
  43. File file = new File("information.txt");
  44. FileOutputStream fos = null;
  45. if(!file.exists()){
  46. file.createNewFile();//如果文件不存在,创建该文件
  47. fos = new FileOutputStream(file);//首次写入获取
  48. }else{
  49. //如果文件已存在,就在文件末尾追加写入
  50. fos = new FileOutputStream(file,true);
  51. }
  52. OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "gbk");//指定以UTF-8格式写入文件
  53. osw.write(sbf.toString());
  54. osw.write("\r\n");
  55. osw.close();
  56. } catch (Exception e) {
  57. e.printStackTrace();
  58. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人失败!");//提示弹窗
  59. flag = false;
  60. } finally {
  61. dispose();
  62. if (flag) {
  63. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建联系人成功!");//提示弹窗
  64. }
  65. }
  66. }

4.5 删除学生信息


  1. 选择删除对象
  2. 调用数据库连接;
  3. 删除学生信息;
  4. 完成相应功能。


 图11 未选择删除对象提示信息

 图12 删除成功提示

 图13 删除指定对象信息后返回主界面


  1. public void deletePerson() {//删除信息
  2. String sql = "delete from my_address_book where id=?";
  3. try {
  4. PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
  5. pstmt.setString(1, id);
  6. pstmt.executeUpdate();
  7. }
  8. catch (SQLException e) {
  9. e.printStackTrace();
  10. } finally {
  11. dispose();
  12. StudentSystem.flashInfo();
  13. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
  14. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
  15. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  16. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  17. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  18. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  19. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  20. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  21. }
  22. }

4.6 修改学生信息


  1. 定义修改叙述信息的相关组件;
  2. 加载数据库,获得选中的那一行的所有信息;
  3. 把组件添加到窗体;
  4. 调用修改学生信息界面的方法;
  5. 修改学生信息;
  6. 完成相应功能。


 图14 未选择修改对象程序提示

 图15 修改指定对象信息界面


  1. public void updatePerson() {//修改信息
  2. if (nameText.getText().isEmpty()) {
  3. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请输入姓名!");
  4. }
  5. String sql = "update my_address_book set name=?,sex=?,telephone=?,number=?,birthday=?,note=? where id=?";
  6. try { PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
  7. pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
  8. pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
  9. pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
  10. pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
  11. pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
  12. pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
  13. pstmt.setString(7, id);
  14. pstmt.executeUpdate();
  15. } catch (SQLException e) {
  16. e.printStackTrace();
  17. } finally {
  18. dispose();
  19. StudentSystem.flashInfo();
  20. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
  21. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
  22. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  23. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  24. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  25. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  26. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  27. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }
  31. public static void flashInfo() {
  32. Connect dbconn = new Connect();
  33. Statement stmt = null;
  34. ResultSet rs = null;
  35. info.clear();
  36. try {
  37. stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();//创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库
  38. rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_book");//下达命令执行查询语句并且存放在ResultSet对象中
  39. while (rs.next()) {
  40. Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();
  41. row.add(rs.getString(1));
  42. row.add(rs.getString(2));
  43. row.add(rs.getString(3));
  44. row.add(rs.getString(4));
  45. row.add(rs.getString(5));
  46. row.add(rs.getString(6));
  47. row.add(rs.getString(7));
  48. info.add(row);
  49. }
  50. rs.close();
  51. } catch (SQLException e) {
  52. e.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因
  53. } finally {
  54. try {
  55. if (stmt != null) {
  56. stmt.close();
  57. }
  58. if (rs != null) {
  59. rs.close();
  60. }
  61. } catch (SQLException e) {
  62. e.printStackTrace();
  63. }
  64. }
  65. }

4.7 查找学生信息


  1. 定义查找学生信息的相关组件;
  2. 通过读取用户输入信息建立数据库连接读取数据;
  3. 以表格形式显示查找结果
  4. 完成相应功能。


 图16 以政治面貌查询学生信息

 图17 以姓名关键字查询学生信息


  1. protected void searchInfo(String key) {//搜索
  2. Connect dbconn = new Connect();
  3. Statement stmt = null;
  4. ResultSet rs = null;
  5. try {
  6. stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
  7. String sql = "select * from my_address_book where name like'%" + key + "%'";
  8. String sql2 = "select * from my_address_book where sex like'%" + key + "%'";
  9. String sql3 = "select * from my_address_book where telephone like'%" + key + "%'";
  10. String sql4 = "select * from my_address_book where number like'%" + key + "%'";
  11. String sql5 = "select * from my_address_book where birthday like'%" + key + "%'";
  12. String sql6 = "select * from my_address_book where note like'%" + key + "%'";
  13. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
  14. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql2);
  15. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql3);
  16. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql4);
  17. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql5);
  18. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql6);
  19. info.clear();
  20. while (rs.next()) {
  21. Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();//创建自增长数组
  22. row.add(rs.getString(1));//向Vector中添加值
  23. row.add(rs.getString(2));
  24. row.add(rs.getString(3));
  25. row.add(rs.getString(4));
  26. row.add(rs.getString(5));
  27. row.add(rs.getString(6));
  28. row.add(rs.getString(7));
  29. info.add(row);
  30. }
  31. } catch (SQLException e) {
  32. e.printStackTrace();
  33. } finally {
  34. try {
  35. if (stmt != null) {
  36. stmt.close();
  37. }
  38. if (rs != null) {
  39. rs.close();
  40. }
  41. } catch (SQLException e) {
  42. e.printStackTrace();
  43. }
  44. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);//构造一个 DefaultTableModel,并通过将 data 和 columnNames 传递到 setDataVector 方法来初始化该表。
  45. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);//数据绑定
  46. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  47. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  48. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  49. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  50. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  51. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  52. }
  53. }





  1. package com.txl;
  2. import java.sql.Connection;
  3. import java.sql.DriverManager;
  4. import java.sql.ResultSet;
  5. import java.sql.SQLException;
  6. import java.sql.Statement;
  7. public class Connect {
  8. private static String driverName = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
  9. private static String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jdbc?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&ServerTimezone=GMT&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC";
  10. private static String userName = "root";
  11. private static String password = "111111";
  12. private Connection conn;
  13. private Statement stmt;
  14. public Connect() {
  15. try {
  16. Class.forName(driverName);//加载数据库
  17. } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
  18. e.printStackTrace();
  19. }
  20. }
  21. public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
  22. return DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);//使用DriverManger获取数据库连接
  23. }
  24. public void dispose() {
  25. try {
  26. if (conn != null) {
  27. conn.close();
  28. }
  29. if (stmt != null) {
  30. stmt.close();
  31. }
  32. } catch (SQLException e) {
  33. e.printStackTrace();
  34. }
  35. }
  36. }


  1. package com.txl;
  2. import java.awt.FlowLayout;
  3. import java.awt.Dimension;
  4. import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
  5. import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
  6. import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  7. import java.sql.ResultSet;
  8. import java.sql.SQLException;
  9. import java.sql.Statement;
  10. import java.util.Vector;
  11. import javax.swing.JFrame;
  12. import javax.swing.JButton;
  13. import javax.swing.JLabel;
  14. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
  15. import javax.swing.JTextField;
  16. import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
  17. //登录界面
  18. public class Login {
  19. public static void main(String args[]) {
  20. Login l=new Login();//实例化Login对象
  21. l.showUI();
  22. }
  23. public void showUI() {
  24. JFrame login=new JFrame();//创建一个JFrame容器窗口
  25. login.setTitle("登录系统");//设置标题
  26. login.setSize(340,240);//设置窗口大小
  27. login.setDefaultCloseOperation(3);//0-DO_NITHING窗口无法关闭;1-HIDE隐藏程序界面但没有关闭程序;2-DISPOSE自动隐藏释放窗体,继续运行应用程序;3-EXIT
  28. login.setLocationRelativeTo(null);//设置窗口位置相对于指定组件的位置
  29. login.setResizable(false);//设置窗口不可被调整大小,布尔值
  30. //FlowLayout fl=new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,5,5);
  31. login.setLayout(new FlowLayout());//FloeLayout默认居中对齐,水平、垂直间距默认为5个单位
  32. login.setVisible(true);//窗体可见
  33. //用户名标签组件
  34. JLabel labname=new JLabel();
  35. labname.setText("用户名:");
  36. labname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));//设置最适合窗口的位置(setPreferredSize)和JLable标签组件的宽度和高度(Dimension)
  37. login.add(labname);//加入JFrame窗口
  38. JTextField textname=new JTextField();//创建一个JTextField文本框用于输入用户名
  39. textname.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
  40. login.add(textname);//加入到JFrame窗口中
  41. //密码标签组件
  42. JLabel labpassword=new JLabel();
  43. labpassword.setText("密 码:");
  44. labpassword.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(60, 60));
  45. login.add(labpassword);
  46. JPasswordField jp=new JPasswordField();
  47. jp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 30));
  48. login.add(jp);
  49. //登录按钮
  50. JButton button=new JButton();
  51. button.setText("登录");
  52. button.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 40));
  53. login.add(button);
  54. login.setVisible(true);
  55. //为登录键添加鼠标事件监听器
  56. button.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
  57. public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
  58. Connect dbconn = new Connect();//实例化Connect对象
  59. Statement stmt = null;
  60. ResultSet rs = null;
  61. try {
  62. //用于创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库,通常用来执行不带参数的 SQL 语句
  63. stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
  64. //执行查询;用statement类的executeQuery()方法来下达select指令以查询数据库,把数据库响应的查询结果存放在ResultSet类对象中供我们使用
  65. //select * from查询在数据库中表内信息
  66. rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_login where username='"+textname.getText()+"' and password='"+jp.getText()+"'");
  67. if (rs.next()) {
  68. new StudentSystem();//主界面
  69. login.dispose();//释放登录界面窗口占用的屏幕资源
  70. }else{
  71. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "用户名或密码不正确!!!","提示",2);//java弹窗JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "提示内容" ,"标题", -1~3);
  72. }
  73. rs.close();
  74. } catch (SQLException e1) {
  75. e1.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因,显示出更深的调用信息
  76. //System.out.println(e1);
  77. } finally {
  78. try {
  79. if (stmt != null) {
  80. stmt.close();
  81. }
  82. if (rs != null) {
  83. rs.close();
  84. }
  85. } catch (SQLException e1) {
  86. e1.printStackTrace();
  87. }
  88. }
  89. }
  90. });
  91. }
  92. }


  1. package com.txl;
  2. import java.awt.*;
  3. import java.awt.event.*;
  4. import java.sql.Connection;
  5. import java.sql.ResultSet;
  6. import java.sql.SQLException;
  7. import java.sql.Statement;
  8. import java.util.*;
  9. import javax.swing.*;
  10. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
  11. import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
  12. public class StudentSystem extends JFrame implements ActionListener {//继承自JFrame使得这个类成为一个窗体,可以对窗体的属性进行扩展并且可以定义自己需要的特殊操作方法
  13. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;//把java对象序列化而后进行保存
  14. private Map<String, String> PersonInfo;
  15. public static Vector<Vector<String>> info = new Vector<Vector<String>>();
  16. private JLabel keyLab;
  17. private JButton searchBtn, createBtn, updateBtn, deleteBtn,exitBtn;
  18. public static JTable infoTable;
  19. private JTextField keyText;
  20. public static Vector<String> column;
  21. public StudentSystem() {
  22. PersonInfo = new HashMap<String, String>();//数组和链表的结合体,HashMap底层就是一个数组结构,数组中的每一项又是一个链表。新建一个HashMap的时候,就会初始化一个数组
  23. Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.PLAIN, 15);//设置字体,类型和大小;Front.PLAIN普通,Front.BLOD加粗,Front.ITALIC斜体
  24. JPanel pNorth = new JPanel();
  25. pNorth.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
  26. keyLab = new JLabel("请输入关键字:");
  27. keyText = new JTextField(10);//搜索文本框
  28. //创建系统功能按钮
  29. searchBtn = new JButton("搜索学生信息");
  30. createBtn = new JButton("新增学生信息");
  31. updateBtn = new JButton("修改学生信息");
  32. deleteBtn = new JButton("删除学生信息");
  33. exitBtn = new JButton("退出系统");
  34. //设置字体大小
  35. keyLab.setFont(font);
  36. searchBtn.setFont(font);
  37. createBtn.setFont(font);
  38. updateBtn.setFont(font);
  39. deleteBtn.setFont(font);
  40. exitBtn.setFont(font);
  41. //添加监听器
  42. searchBtn.addActionListener(this);
  43. createBtn.addActionListener(this);
  44. updateBtn.addActionListener(this);
  45. deleteBtn.addActionListener(this);
  46. exitBtn.addActionListener(this);
  47. //在JPanel面板的上方加入搜索功能所需的一系列组件
  48. pNorth.add(keyLab);
  49. pNorth.add(keyText);
  50. pNorth.add(searchBtn);
  51. //在JPanel面板下方加入系统功能组件
  52. JPanel pSouth = new JPanel();
  53. pSouth.add(createBtn);
  54. pSouth.add(updateBtn);
  55. pSouth.add(deleteBtn);
  56. pSouth.add(exitBtn);
  57. //表格数据
  58. column = new Vector<String>();
  59. column.add("编号");
  60. column.add("姓名");
  61. column.add("性别");
  62. column.add("电话");
  63. column.add("学号");
  64. column.add("生日");
  65. column.add("政治面貌");
  66. flashInfo();//将数据存入数据库
  67. infoTable = new JTable(info, column);
  68. TableColumn column1 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  69. column1.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
  70. TableColumn column3 = infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  71. column3.setPreferredWidth(30);//自适应
  72. JScrollPane pCenter = new JScrollPane(infoTable);//创建垂直滚动面板
  73. this.add(pNorth, "North");
  74. this.add(pCenter, "Center");
  75. this.add(pSouth, "South");
  76. this.setTitle("学生信息管理系统");
  77. this.setSize(800, 450);
  78. this.setVisible(true);
  79. this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
  80. this.setResizable(false);
  81. this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
  82. }
  83. public static void flashInfo() {
  84. Connect dbconn = new Connect();
  85. Statement stmt = null;
  86. ResultSet rs = null;
  87. info.clear();
  88. try {
  89. stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();//创建一个 Statement 对象,封装 SQL 语句发送给数据库
  90. rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from my_address_book");//下达命令执行查询语句并且存放在ResultSet对象中
  91. while (rs.next()) {
  92. Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();
  93. row.add(rs.getString(1));
  94. row.add(rs.getString(2));
  95. row.add(rs.getString(3));
  96. row.add(rs.getString(4));
  97. row.add(rs.getString(5));
  98. row.add(rs.getString(6));
  99. row.add(rs.getString(7));
  100. info.add(row);
  101. }
  102. rs.close();
  103. } catch (SQLException e) {
  104. e.printStackTrace();//在命令行打印异常信息在程序中出错的位置及原因
  105. } finally {
  106. try {
  107. if (stmt != null) {
  108. stmt.close();
  109. }
  110. if (rs != null) {
  111. rs.close();
  112. }
  113. } catch (SQLException e) {
  114. e.printStackTrace();
  115. }
  116. }
  117. }
  118. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
  119. int rowNum = infoTable.getSelectedRow();//返回第一个选定行的索引
  120. if (rowNum != -1) {
  121. PersonInfo = new HashMap<String, String>();
  122. //将值插入HasMap中
  123. PersonInfo.put("id", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 0));//返回表格row和column位置的单元格值
  124. PersonInfo.put("name", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 1));
  125. PersonInfo.put("sex", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 2));
  126. PersonInfo.put("telephone", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 3));
  127. PersonInfo.put("number", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 4));
  128. PersonInfo.put("birthday", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 5));
  129. PersonInfo.put("note", (String) infoTable.getValueAt(rowNum, 6));
  130. }
  131. if (e.getSource() == searchBtn) {//搜索
  132. String keyStr = keyText.getText();
  133. searchInfo(keyStr);
  134. } else if (e.getSource() == createBtn) {//新建
  135. MyDialog InsertPane = new MyDialog("新建学生信息", new HashMap<String, String>());
  136. InsertPane.setVisible(true);
  137. } else if (e.getSource() == updateBtn) {//修改
  138. if (rowNum == -1) {
  139. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请选择学生");//提示弹窗
  140. }
  141. MyDialog UpdatePane = new MyDialog("修改学生信息", PersonInfo);
  142. UpdatePane.setVisible(true);
  143. } else if (e.getSource() == deleteBtn) {//删除
  144. if (rowNum == -1) {
  145. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请选择学生");//提示弹窗
  146. }
  147. MyDialog DeletePane = new MyDialog("删除学生信息", PersonInfo);
  148. DeletePane.setVisible(true);
  149. }else if(e.getSource()==exitBtn) {//退出
  150. this.setVisible(false);
  151. }
  152. }
  153. protected void searchInfo(String key) {//搜索
  154. Connect dbconn = new Connect();
  155. Statement stmt = null;
  156. ResultSet rs = null;
  157. try {
  158. stmt = dbconn.getConnection().createStatement();
  159. String sql = "select * from my_address_book where name like'%" + key + "%'";
  160. /*String sql2 = "select * from my_address_book where sex like'%" + key + "%'";
  161. String sql3 = "select * from my_address_book where telephone like'%" + key + "%'";*/
  162. //String sql4 = "select * from my_address_book where number like'%" + key + "%'";
  163. /*String sql5 = "select * from my_address_book where birthday like'%" + key + "%'";
  164. String sql6 = "select * from my_address_book where note like'%" + key + "%'";*/
  165. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
  166. /*rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql2);
  167. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql3);*/
  168. //rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql4);
  169. /*rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql5);
  170. rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql6);*/
  171. info.clear();
  172. while (rs.next()) {
  173. Vector<String> row = new Vector<String>();//创建自增长数组
  174. row.add(rs.getString(1));//向Vector中添加值
  175. row.add(rs.getString(2));
  176. row.add(rs.getString(3));
  177. row.add(rs.getString(4));
  178. row.add(rs.getString(5));
  179. row.add(rs.getString(6));
  180. row.add(rs.getString(7));
  181. info.add(row);
  182. }
  183. } catch (SQLException e) {
  184. e.printStackTrace();
  185. } finally {
  186. try {
  187. if (stmt != null) {
  188. stmt.close();
  189. }
  190. if (rs != null) {
  191. rs.close();
  192. }
  193. } catch (SQLException e) {
  194. e.printStackTrace();
  195. }
  196. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);//构造一个 DefaultTableModel,并通过将 data 和 columnNames 传递到 setDataVector 方法来初始化该表。
  197. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);//数据绑定
  198. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  199. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  200. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  201. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  202. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  203. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  204. }
  205. }
  206. public static void main(String[] args) {
  207. new StudentSystem();
  208. }
  209. }


  1. package com.txl;
  2. import java.awt.FlowLayout;
  3. import java.awt.Font;
  4. import java.awt.GridLayout;
  5. import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
  6. import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
  7. import java.io.File;
  8. import java.io.FileOutputStream;
  9. import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
  10. import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
  11. import java.sql.SQLException;
  12. import java.util.Map;
  13. import javax.swing.JButton;
  14. import javax.swing.JComboBox;
  15. import javax.swing.JDialog;
  16. import javax.swing.JLabel;
  17. import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
  18. import javax.swing.JPanel;
  19. import javax.swing.JTextField;
  20. import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
  21. import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
  22. public class MyDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
  23. private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;//把java对象序列化而后进行保存
  24. private Connect dbconn = new Connect();
  25. private static String id;
  26. private JPanel pCenter, pSouth;
  27. private JLabel nameLab, sexLab, mailLab, birthLab, phoneLab,noteLab;
  28. private JTextField nameText, mailText, birthText, phoneText,noteText;
  29. private JComboBox<String> sex;
  30. private JButton yesBtn, noBtn;
  31. public MyDialog() {}
  32. public MyDialog(String title, Map<String, String> info) {
  33. id = info.get("id");
  34. if("删除联系人".equals(title)) {
  35. deletePerson();
  36. }else {
  37. Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 14);
  38. String[] sexType = { "-请选择-","男", "女" };//下拉列表组件添加内容
  39. pCenter = new JPanel();
  40. pCenter.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 1));
  41. nameLab = new JLabel("姓名:");
  42. sexLab = new JLabel("性别:");
  43. mailLab = new JLabel("学号:");
  44. birthLab = new JLabel("生日:");
  45. phoneLab = new JLabel("电话:");
  46. noteLab = new JLabel("政治面貌:");
  47. nameLab.setFont(font);
  48. sexLab.setFont(font);
  49. mailLab.setFont(font);
  50. birthLab.setFont(font);
  51. phoneLab.setFont(font);
  52. noteLab.setFont(font);
  53. nameText = new JTextField(10);
  54. mailText = new JTextField(10);
  55. birthText = new JTextField(10);
  56. phoneText = new JTextField(10);
  57. noteText = new JTextField(10);
  58. sex = new JComboBox<String>(sexType);
  59. JPanel jp1 = new JPanel();
  60. jp1.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
  61. jp1.add(nameLab);
  62. jp1.add(nameText);
  63. JPanel jp5 = new JPanel();
  64. jp5.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
  65. jp5.add(sexLab);
  66. jp5.add(sex);
  67. nameText.setText(info.get("name"));
  68. sex.setSelectedItem(info.get("sex"));
  69. JPanel jp2 = new JPanel();
  70. jp2.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
  71. jp2.add(mailLab);
  72. jp2.add(mailText);
  73. mailText.setText(info.get("number"));
  74. JPanel jp3 = new JPanel();
  75. jp3.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
  76. jp3.add(birthLab);
  77. jp3.add(birthText);
  78. birthText.setText(info.get("birthday"));
  79. JPanel jp4 = new JPanel();
  80. jp4.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
  81. jp4.add(phoneLab);
  82. jp4.add(phoneText);
  83. phoneText.setText(info.get("telephone"));
  84. JPanel jp6 = new JPanel();
  85. jp6.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
  86. jp6.add(noteLab);
  87. jp6.add(noteText);
  88. noteText.setText(info.get("note"));
  89. pCenter.add(jp1);
  90. pCenter.add(jp5);
  91. pCenter.add(jp2);
  92. pCenter.add(jp3);
  93. pCenter.add(jp4);
  94. pCenter.add(jp6);
  95. pSouth = new JPanel();
  96. yesBtn = new JButton("以数据库保存");
  97. yesBtn.addActionListener(this);
  98. noBtn = new JButton("以文件保存");
  99. noBtn.addActionListener(this);
  100. pSouth.add(yesBtn);
  101. pSouth.add(noBtn);
  102. this.add(pCenter, "Center");
  103. this.add(pSouth, "South");
  104. this.setTitle(title);
  105. this.setSize(400, 450);
  106. this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
  107. this.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
  108. }
  109. }
  110. public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {//系统功能按钮监听器
  111. if (e.getSource() == yesBtn) {
  112. if (this.getTitle().equals("新建学生信息")) {
  113. dbinsertPerson();
  114. } else if (this.getTitle().equals("修改学生信息")) {
  115. updatePerson();
  116. } else if (this.getTitle().equals("删除学生信息")) {
  117. deletePerson();
  118. }
  119. } else if (e.getSource() == noBtn) {
  120. fileinsertPerson();
  121. }
  122. }
  123. public void insertPerson() {
  124. if (nameText.getText().isEmpty()) {
  125. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请输入姓名!");//提示弹窗
  126. return;
  127. }
  128. }
  129. public void dbinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入数据库的表中
  130. boolean flag=true;
  131. String sql = "insert into my_address_book(name, sex, telephone, number, birthday, note)value(?,?,?,?,?,?)";
  132. try {
  133. //PreparedStatement 对象已预编译过,所以其执行速度要快于 Statement 对象,多次执行的 SQL 语句经常创建为 PreparedStatement 对象,以提高效率。作为 Statement 的子类,PreparedStatement 继承了 Statement 的所有功能
  134. PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
  135. pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
  136. pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
  137. pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
  138. pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
  139. pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
  140. pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
  141. pstmt.executeUpdate();
  142. } catch (SQLException e) {
  143. e.printStackTrace();
  144. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息失败!");//提示弹窗
  145. flag = false;
  146. } finally {
  147. dispose();
  148. if (flag) {
  149. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息成功!");//提示弹窗
  150. }
  151. StudentSystem.flashInfo();//将数据写入数据库
  152. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
  153. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
  154. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  155. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  156. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  157. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  158. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  159. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  160. }
  161. }
  162. public void fileinsertPerson(){//将新建的学生信息写入文件中
  163. boolean flag=true;
  164. try {
  165. StringBuffer sbf=new StringBuffer();
  166. sbf.append(nameText.getText()).append(" ")
  167. .append((String) sex.getSelectedItem()).append(" ")
  168. .append(phoneText.getText()).append(" ")
  169. .append(mailText.getText()).append(" ")
  170. .append(birthText.getText()).append(" ")
  171. .append(noteText.getText());
  172. File file = new File("information.txt");
  173. FileOutputStream fos = null;
  174. if(!file.exists()){
  175. file.createNewFile();//如果文件不存在,就创建该文件
  176. fos = new FileOutputStream(file);//首次写入获取
  177. }else{
  178. //如果文件已存在,就在文件末尾追加写入
  179. fos = new FileOutputStream(file,true);
  180. }
  181. OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "gbk");//指定以UTF-8格式写入文件
  182. osw.write(sbf.toString());
  183. osw.write("\r\n");
  184. osw.close();
  185. } catch (Exception e) {
  186. e.printStackTrace();
  187. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息失败!");//提示弹窗
  188. flag = false;
  189. } finally {
  190. dispose();
  191. if (flag) {
  192. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "新建学生信息成功!");//提示弹窗
  193. }
  194. }
  195. }
  196. public void deletePerson() {//删除信息
  197. String sql = "delete from my_address_book where id=?";
  198. try {
  199. //PreparedStatement 对象已预编译过,所以其执行速度要快于 Statement 对象,多次执行的 SQL 语句经常创建为 PreparedStatement 对象,以提高效率。作为 Statement 的子类,PreparedStatement 继承了 Statement 的所有功能
  200. PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
  201. pstmt.setString(1, id);
  202. pstmt.executeUpdate();
  203. }
  204. catch (SQLException e) {
  205. e.printStackTrace();
  206. } finally {
  207. dispose();
  208. StudentSystem.flashInfo();
  209. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
  210. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "删除成功!");
  211. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
  212. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  213. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  214. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  215. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  216. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  217. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  218. }
  219. }
  220. public void updatePerson() {//修改信息
  221. if (nameText.getText().isEmpty()) {
  222. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "请输入姓名!");//提示弹窗
  223. }
  224. String sql = "update my_address_book set name=?,sex=?,telephone=?,number=?,birthday=?,note=? where id=?";
  225. try {
  226. //PreparedStatement 对象已预编译过,所以其执行速度要快于 Statement 对象,多次执行的 SQL 语句经常创建为 PreparedStatement 对象,以提高效率。作为 Statement 的子类,PreparedStatement 继承了 Statement 的所有功能
  227. PreparedStatement pstmt = dbconn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
  228. pstmt.setString(1, nameText.getText());
  229. pstmt.setString(2, (String) sex.getSelectedItem());
  230. pstmt.setString(3, phoneText.getText());
  231. pstmt.setString(4, mailText.getText());
  232. pstmt.setString(5, birthText.getText());
  233. pstmt.setString(6, noteText.getText());
  234. pstmt.setString(7, id);
  235. pstmt.executeUpdate();
  236. } catch (SQLException e) {
  237. e.printStackTrace();
  238. } finally {
  239. dispose();
  240. StudentSystem.flashInfo();
  241. DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(StudentSystem.info, StudentSystem.column);
  242. StudentSystem.infoTable.setModel(model);
  243. TableColumn column1 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
  244. column1.setMaxWidth(40);
  245. column1.setMinWidth(40);
  246. TableColumn column3 = StudentSystem.infoTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
  247. column3.setMaxWidth(40);
  248. column3.setMinWidth(40);
  249. }
  250. }
  251. }

