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机器学习 社交网络_机器学习从业人员在社交媒体上的自我推广会是什么样子?...

机器学习 社交网络_机器学习从业人员在社交媒体上的自我推广会是什么样子?...

机器学习 社交网络

意见 (Opinion)

“When you’re good at something, you’ll tell everyone. When you’re great at something, they’ll tell you.”

“当你擅长某件事时,你会告诉所有人。 当您擅长某事时,他们会告诉您。”

― Walter Payton


Let’s kick things off with a definition of self-promotion. I would like you to remember this definition at various point of this article.

L et以自我提升的定义开始一切。 我希望您在本文的各个地方都记得这个定义。

Self-promotion is the act of exposing and showcasing your capabilities, achievement and actions through your voice.


People tend to shun the idea self-promotion, as there are ‘not so nice’ traits that are attributed to individuals who self promote, for example, arrogance, overconfidence, attention-seeking etc.


But let’s remember this is 2020, the world is noisier, and it’s easy for you to go unnoticed, regardless of how hard-working or talented you might be.


Don’t be afraid to shamelessly plug yourself. Just make sure you are doing it at the right time, the right place and to the right audience.

不要害怕无耻地堵塞自己。 只要确保您在正确的时间,正确的位置和正确的受众上进行操作即可。

For example, I tend to shamelessly plug my weekly newsletter to machine learning practitioners for them to subscribe and receive friend links to my articles and other AI/ML content I create.

例如,我倾向于无耻地将我的每周时事通讯插入机器学习从业者,以使他们订阅并接收我的文章和我创建的其他AI / ML内容的朋友链接。

本文将介绍自我提升对机器学习从业者的重要性,并添加可用于通过社交媒体为自己辩护的现代方法。 (This article will present the importance of self-promotion for machine learning practitioners and add modern methods you can use to advocate for your self through social media.)

您为什么还要费心自我促进? (Why Should You Even Bother To Self-Promote?)

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Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash
Zoltan TasiUnsplash拍摄的照片

Since when was it a requirement for machine learning practitioners to have sales and marketing skills or even build a personal brand?


Let me state the obvious.


The average machine learning practitioner is good at their job, and the majority of us are passionate about technologies and its possibility.


A machine learning engineer that understands the principles of software engineering; is aware of at least three modern programming language; has an online portfolio; even knows the secrets of Tesla autonomous vehicle systems — joking is in this day and age considered good.

懂软件工程原理的机器学习工程师; 至少了解三种现代编程语言; 有在线投资组合; 甚至都知道特斯拉自动驾驶汽车系统的秘密-在当今时代, 开玩笑被认为是很好的。

Not great, good.


Merit can get you far within the AI and machine learning industry.


Self-promotion without merit is just noise. But merit without self-promotion, is in most cases, silence.

无能为力的自我提升只是噪音。 但是在大多数情况下,没有自我促进的优点就是沉默。

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Photo by Khadim Fall on Unsplash
照片由 Khadim Fall Unsplash

What is silence?


Silence is being overlooked even though you might be the best person for the job.


Silence is not getting that promotion or raise you deserve.


Silence is your best work going unnoticed.


Here are some convincing career-related reasons why you should self- promote :


  • The competition is fierce.

  • Everyone can do what you can, and in some cases, they could be better.

  • You are not as unique as you thought you were, there are several other engineers with the same skillset and tech stack as you.

  • You are just as worthy of being recognised as the next person.


自我推广的方式 (Ways You Can Self Promote)

Now that you are convinced you should at least be doing some form of self-promotion. Here are a few easy ways of promoting yourself online.

现在,您已经确信自己至少应该进行某种形式的自我推广。 这里有一些简单的在线提升方式。

1.中 (1. Medium)

Medium is not just a blogging platform.


Well, it is.


But from now on, you need to see Medium as a platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise. Medium is your portfolio, personal brand and channel to the rest of the world.

但是从现在开始,您需要将Medium作为展示您的知识和专长的平台。 中等是您的投资组合,个人品牌和通往世界其他地区的渠道。

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Rush Hour 3 尖峰时刻3

‘ME’ is the first two letters in the word Medium. Me, as in YOU.

“ ME”是单词Medium中的前两个字母。 我,就像你一样。

Not me, You…


What I’m trying to say is that Medium is a self-serving platform that can be leveraged to communicate your skills and expertise to the right audience.


The right audience, in this case, could be customers, recruiters, clients, or future employers.


Here are ways I self promote on Medium:


Action: Pick an ML topic such as backpropagation or model implementation and write and publish an article that showcases your knowledge on your chosen topic. Aim to repeat this process 5–10 times. Place links to your published articles in your resume, and share on LinkedIn.

一个ction:选择一个ML的话题,如反向传播或模型实现和写作和出版,展示你所选择的主题你的知识的文章。 旨在重复此过程5-10次。 将您发布的文章的链接放在简历中,然后在LinkedIn上分享。

2. YouTube (2. YouTube)

Image for post
freestocks.org from freestocks.org,来自 Pexels Pexels

Using YouTube as self-promotion requires more work and effort than the other self-promotion methods included in this article. But if done correctly, self-promotion on YouTube can set you apart from the crowd.

与本文中包含的其他自我推广方法相比,将YouTube用作自我推广需要更多的工作和精力。 但是,如果做得正确,YouTube上的自我推广可以使您与众不同。

For machine learning practitioners, self-promotion can take the following form:


Let me bring your attention to an intuitive method of self-promotion that I’ve stumbled upon recently.


Ken Jee is a name some machine learning practitioners might be familiar with; he creates YouTube contents that are focused on Data Science related topics.

Ken Jee是一些机器学习从业者可能熟悉的名称。 他创建了专注于数据科学相关主题的YouTube内容

Ken has a video series where he provides an in-depth review of machine learning practitioners portfolios and resumes. His reviews are useful for both the portfolio and resume owners, but also for machine learning practitioners that have similar skill sets or resumes to those that are presented in his video series.

Ken拥有一个视频系列,其中他对机器学习从业者的作品集和简历进行了深入的回顾。 他的评论对投资组合和简历所有者都非常有用,而且对于具有与他的视频系列中介绍的技能或简历相似的技能或简历的机器学习从业人员也很有用。

Review of Data Science Portfolio 数据科学组合回顾
Review of Data Science Resumes 数据科学简历审查

Now it might not be evident to you how Ken Jee reviewing your resume or portfolio could be seen as self-promotion, so let me make it a bit clearer.

现在,您可能还看不到Ken Jee对您的简历或投资组合的评论如何被视为是自我提升,所以让我将其变得更加清晰。

Ken Jee YouTube platform currently has 78,000 subscribers, and thousands of machine learning practitioners watch his videos. Some of the viewers of his videos could be machine learning practitioners that are in a position to hire and recruit talent.

Ken Jee YouTube平台目前有78,000名订阅者,数千名机器学习从业者观看了他的视频。 他的视频的某些观看者可能是可以聘用和招募人才的机器学习从业人员。

Ken Jee reviewing your portfolio or resume not only provides you with some useful feedback from a well experienced Data Scientist, but it also exposes you to potential employers looking for cost-free methods of recruiting talents.

Ken Jee审查您的投资组合或简历不仅为您提供了来自经验丰富的数据科学家的有用反馈,而且还使您接触了寻求免费成本招募人才的潜在雇主。

Creating machine learning related content on YouTube is a self-promotion method that provides a ton of upside.


I believe that an interview for a role or pitch to a client will go a lot smoother if you can send them a link to your YouTube channel where you’ve creatively showcased your skillset and expertise.


Action: If you have a bit more time and resource, why not create a YouTube channel and describe some machine learning concepts and ideas in video form. Or if you are camera shy like me, why not send your portfolios and resumes to kenjee.ds@gmail.com

行动 :如果您有更多的时间和资源,为什么不创建一个YouTube频道并以视频形式描述一些机器学习的概念和想法。 或者,如果您像我一样害羞,为什么不将您的作品集和简历发送至kenjee.ds@gmail.com

3.领英 (3. LinkedIn)

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Photo by inlytics on Unsplash

You probably saw this platform coming from a mile away.


LinkedIn is the go-to social media platform for professionals. It’s a tool that can be utilised for several purposes, and one of the most common uses of LinkedIn is self-promotion.

LinkedIn是专业人士的社交媒体平台。 它是一种可以用于多种目的的工具,而LinkedIn的最常见用途之一就是自我推广。

You’ve probably seen students and machine learning practitioners post up certificates of course completion on LinkedIn; this is a method of self-promotion. And you don’t have to worry about all the negative traits that are associated with self-promotion, LinkedIn is a platform that encourages the self advocation.

您可能已经看到学生和机器学习从业者在LinkedIn上发布了课程结业证书; 这是一种自我提升的方法。 您不必担心与自我促销有关的所有负面特征,LinkedIn是鼓励自我崇尚的平台。

But, why do should machine learning practitioners even self-promote on LinkedIn?


LinkedIn has over 700M+ users, so it’s safe to assume that your future customers, mentor, clients, students and employers are all on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn拥有超过7 亿用户 ,因此可以安全地假设您的未来客户,导师,客户,学生和雇主都在LinkedIn上。

Here’s the thing, self promotion is not just exclusive to achievements and success. I’ve seen individuals that have posted about job rejections or academic failures.

在这里,自我提升不只是成就和成功的专有。 我见过有人张贴有关工作被拒绝或学术失败的文章。

Why would you do this?


Well, firstly machine learning is a tough field, and failures don’t necessarily translate to incompetence, the majority of machine learning practitioners are aware of this. The courage to undertake a program or even starting a project is an attribute that the machine learning community admires and applaud.

好吧,首先,机器学习是一个艰巨的领域,失败不一定转化为无能,大多数机器学习从业者都意识到这一点。 勇于承担一个程序甚至开始一个项目的勇气是机器学习社区赞赏和赞扬的属性。

Perhaps you are not job seeking at the moment; nonetheless, LinkedIn is an effective platform to promote projects, research or ideas you are currently working on, finished or unfinished.

也许您现在不在找工作; 尽管如此,LinkedIn是一个有效的平台,可以促进您当前正在研究,完成或未完成的项目,研究或想法。

Remember that you don’t only want to promote the end results of your journey, let people know about the progress and the little wins you make in between.


Action: Create a LinkedIn account if you don’t already have one. Connect and follow like-minded individuals or people you admire within your field. Don’t be afraid to post developments that occur within your machine learning career.

行动 :如果您还没有一个LinkedIn帐户,请创建一个。 在您的领域内联系并关注志趣相投的人或人。 不要害怕发布您的机器学习生涯中发生的发展。

结论 (Conclusion)

There’s an additional benefit to creating accounts and content within all the social platforms for self-promotion I’ve included in this article.


Every mentioned platform has a high domain authority with google page rankings. This means when people search your name, they will find the content you create on these platforms.

每个提到的平台都具有与Google页面排名相关的高域权限。 这意味着当人们搜索您的名字时,他们会在这些平台上找到您创建的内容。

What is the first thing you do when you meet someone new? You search their name on Google right.

当遇到新朋友时,您要做的第一件事是什么? 您可以在Google右侧搜索他们的名字。

Employees and clients are doing the exact same thing. They are searching your name on Google when they come across your resume or profile. And the best thing that can happen is for your best work and projects being the first thing they are exposed to.

员工和客户正在做完全相同的事情。 当他们遇到您的履历或个人资料时,他们正在Google上搜索您的名字。 最好的事情是您的最佳工作和项目,这是他们所面临的第一件事。

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Article author’s name searched on Google.

I’ll end things here.


Remember when you are good you tell others, but when you are great others will tell you. But you have to put a lot of effort to let people know you are good. Don’t go unnoticed.

记住,当你好时,你会告诉别人,但是当你好时,别人会告诉你。 但是您必须付出很大的努力才能让人们知道您是好的。 不要被忽视。

希望您觉得这篇文章有用。 (I hope you found the article useful.)

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翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/what-does-self-promotion-on-social-media-look-like-for-machine-learning-practitioners-710f18524d8e

机器学习 社交网络

