THRESHOLD = (24, 48, 28, 72, -8, 60) import sensor, image, time from ws2812 import WS2812 import utime import pyb from pyb import Pin,Timer from pyb import USB_VCP ring = WS2812(spi_bus=2, led_count=8) sensor.reset() sensor.set_vflip(True) sensor.set_hmirror(True) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # 80x60 (4,800 pixels) - O(N^2) max = 2,3040,000. #sensor.set_windowing([0,20,80,40]) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # WARNING: If you use QQVGA it may take seconds clock = time.clock() # to process a frame sometimes. #clock = time.clock() # to process a frame sometimes. usb = USB_VCP() count = 0 now_x = 0 temp = 0 data = [ (18, 6, 0), (15, 9, 0), (12, 12, 0), (9, 15, 0), (6, 18, 0), (3, 21, 0), (0, 24, 0), (8, 8, 8), ] # red data1 = [ (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 0), ] # Green data2= [ (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 0), ] # Blue data3= [ (0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255), (0, 0, 255), ] # 前进代码 def Gun_shoot_forward(): tim = Timer(4, freq=40000) # Frequency in Hz # p0 p = pyb.Pin("P8", pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) p.high() # 生成1kHZ方波,使用TIM4,channels 1 and 2分别是 50% 和 75% 占空比。 ch1 = tim.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=Pin("P7"), pulse_width_percent=50) # 旋转多少s之后,停止伸缩 time.sleep_ms(1000) # 关闭pwm波 ch1 = tim.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=Pin("P7"), pulse_width_percent=50) # 回退代码 def Gun_shoot_back(): tim = Timer(4, freq=40000) # Frequency in Hz # p0 p = pyb.Pin("P8", pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) p.low() # 生成1kHZ方波,使用TIM4,channels 1 and 2分别是 50% 和 75% 占空比。 ch1 = tim.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=Pin("P7"), pulse_width_percent=50) # 旋转多少s之后,停止伸缩 time.sleep_ms(1000) # 关闭pwm波 ch1 = tim.channel(1, Timer.PWM, pin=Pin("P7"), pulse_width_percent=50) # 扫描靶心 def Scan_target(): while True: clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot().lens_corr(1.8) #.binary([THRESHOLD]).negate() thr = (0, 128) blobs = img.find_blobs([THRESHOLD],merge=True) flag = False output_str="P1" if not usb.debug_mode_enabled(): usb.write(output_str + "\n") for blob in blobs: if(blob.cx()>40 and blob.cx() < 120 and blob.cy()>20 and blob.cy() < 100 and blob.roundness() > 0.44): img.draw_cross(blob.cx(), blob.cy(), color = 127) temp = blob.cx() else: count = 0 now_x = 0 temp = 0 flag = True break if flag or len(blobs) == 0: continue if(count < 5): now_x = now_x + temp count = count + 1 else: now_x = now_x/5 if now_x/5 <= 81 and now_x >= 79: output_str="ST" if not usb.debug_mode_enabled(): usb.write(output_str + "\n") return else: output_str="[%d]" % (now_x) if not usb.debug_mode_enabled(): usb.write(output_str + "\n") count = 0 now_x = 0 continue def Led_show(status): if status == 1: # 红灯 ring.show(data1) sleep_ms(1000) ring.show(data) sleep_ms(500) ring.show(data1) sleep_ms(1000) ring.show(data) sleep_ms(500) ring.show(data1) elif status == 2: # 绿灯 ring.show(data2) sleep_ms(1000) ring.show(data) sleep_ms(500) ring.show(data2) sleep_ms(1000) ring.show(data) sleep_ms(500) ring.show(data2) elif status == 3: # 蓝灯 ring.show(data3) sleep_ms(1000) ring.show(data) sleep_ms(500) ring.show(data3) sleep_ms(1000) ring.show(data) sleep_ms(500) ring.show(data3) else : # 异常数据则回归正常白灯 ring.show(data) # 完成任务也是正常的白灯 ring.show(data) if __name__=='__main__': while True: # print("1: " + str(time.time())) if(usb.any( )): Status_type = usb.recv(1, timeout=5000) if not usb.debug_mode_enabled(): usb.send("Status") # 接收到状态机 if Status_type == b'R': Led_show(1) # 亮红灯 elif Status_type == b'G': Led_show(2) # 亮绿灯 elif Status_type == b'B': Led_show(3) # 亮蓝灯 elif Status_type == b'S': Scan_target() # 扫描靶心进行移动 elif Status_type == b'X': Gun_shoot_forward() # 当车停稳定后开始进行打靶 Gun_shoot_back() else: continue time.sleep_ms(10) # print("2: " + str(time.time()))
import gc try: import pyb except ImportError: import machine as pyb class WS2812: """ Driver for WS2812 RGB LEDs. May be used for controlling single LED or chain of LEDs. Example of use: chain = WS2812(spi_bus=1, led_count=4) data = [ (255, 0, 0), # red (0, 255, 0), # green (0, 0, 255), # blue (85, 85, 85), # white ] chain.show(data) Version: 1.0 """ buf_bytes = (0x88, 0x8e, 0xe8, 0xee) def __init__(self, spi_bus=1, led_count=1, intensity=1): """ Params: * spi_bus = SPI bus ID (1 or 2) * led_count = count of LEDs * intensity = light intensity (float up to 1) """ self.led_count = led_count self.intensity = intensity # prepare SPI data buffer (4 bytes for each color) self.buf_length = self.led_count * 3 * 4 self.buf = bytearray(self.buf_length) # SPI init #self.spi = pyb.SPI(spi_bus, pyb.SPI.MASTER, baudrate=3200000, polarity=0, phase=1) self.spi = pyb.SPI(spi_bus, pyb.SPI.MASTER, baudrate=6400000, polarity=0, phase=1) # turn LEDs off self.show([]) def show(self, data): """ Show RGB data on LEDs. Expected data = [(R, G, B), ...] where R, G and B are intensities of colors in range from 0 to 255. One RGB tuple for each LED. Count of tuples may be less than count of connected LEDs. """ self.fill_buf(data) self.send_buf() def send_buf(self): """ Send buffer over SPI. """ self.spi.send(self.buf) gc.collect() def update_buf(self, data, start=0): """ Fill a part of the buffer with RGB data. Order of colors in buffer is changed from RGB to GRB because WS2812 LED has GRB order of colors. Each color is represented by 4 bytes in buffer (1 byte for each 2 bits). Returns the index of the first unfilled LED Note: If you find this function ugly, it's because speed optimisations beated purity of code. """ buf = self.buf buf_bytes = self.buf_bytes intensity = self.intensity mask = 0x03 index = start * 12 for red, green, blue in data: red = int(red * intensity) green = int(green * intensity) blue = int(blue * intensity) buf[index] = buf_bytes[green >> 6 & mask] buf[index+1] = buf_bytes[green >> 4 & mask] buf[index+2] = buf_bytes[green >> 2 & mask] buf[index+3] = buf_bytes[green & mask] buf[index+4] = buf_bytes[red >> 6 & mask] buf[index+5] = buf_bytes[red >> 4 & mask] buf[index+6] = buf_bytes[red >> 2 & mask] buf[index+7] = buf_bytes[red & mask] buf[index+8] = buf_bytes[blue >> 6 & mask] buf[index+9] = buf_bytes[blue >> 4 & mask] buf[index+10] = buf_bytes[blue >> 2 & mask] buf[index+11] = buf_bytes[blue & mask] index += 12 return index // 12 def fill_buf(self, data): """ Fill buffer with RGB data. All LEDs after the data are turned off. """ end = self.update_buf(data) # turn off the rest of the LEDs buf = self.buf off = self.buf_bytes[0] for index in range(end * 12, self.buf_length): buf[index] = off index += 1
# THRESHOLD = (68, 84, -7, 10, -19, 8) THRESHOLD = (68, 83, -11, 10, -6, 23) # Grayscale threshold for dark things... # THRESHOLD = (65, 83, -24, 9, -13, 29) # THRESHOLD = (29, 100, 45, 127, 5, 127) import sensor, image, time sensor.reset() sensor.set_vflip(True) sensor.set_hmirror(True) sensor.set_pixformat(sensor.RGB565) sensor.set_framesize(sensor.QQVGA) # 120x160 (4,800 pixels) - O(N^2) max = 2,3040,000. #sensor.set_windowing([0,20,80,40]) sensor.skip_frames(time = 2000) # WARNING: If you use QQVGA it may take seconds clock = time.clock() # to process a frame sometimes. from pyb import UART from pyb import USB_VCP usb = USB_VCP() count = 0 now_x = 0 now_y = 0 temp = 0 temp1 = 0 # uart = UART(3, 19200) output_str="openmv_basic" if not usb.debug_mode_enabled() and usb.isconnected(): usb.write(output_str) while True: clock.tick() img = sensor.snapshot().lens_corr(1.8) #.binary([THRESHOLD]).negate() thr = (0, 128) blobs = img.find_blobs([THRESHOLD],merge=True) # and blob.area()>4000 and blob.area() < 7500 SeeFlag = False if(usb.any( )): Ask = usb.recv(1, timeout=5000) if not usb.debug_mode_enabled(): if Ask == b'W': # 询问型号 answer = "openmv_basic" usb.write(answer) # 返回说明是底部openmv for blob in blobs: if(blob.cx()>10 and blob.cx() < 160 and blob.cy()>10 and blob.cy() < 110 and blob.area()>3500 and blob.area()<8500 and blob.density() > 0.35): # if(blob.cx()>10 and blob.cx() < 160 and blob.cy()>10 and blob.cy() < 110 and blob.area()>3500): # print(blob.density()) # print(blob.area()) # print(blob.density()) img.draw_cross(blob.cx(), blob.cy(), color = 127) temp = blob.cx() SeeFlag = True temp1 = blob.cy() if not SeeFlag: now_x = 0 now_y = 0 temp = 0 temp1 = 0 count = 0 continue # 将反应速度提到3 if(count < 3): now_x = now_x + temp now_y = now_y + temp1 count = count + 1 else: now_x = now_x/3 now_y = now_y/3 #print(now_x,now_y) #output_str="[%d,%d]" % (now_x,now_y) #uart.write(output_str) # 因为摄像头横过来了,将x,y呼唤,所以将中线x变成60,y中线变成80 output_str="[%d,%d]" % (now_y,now_x) if not usb.debug_mode_enabled() and usb.isconnected(): usb.write(output_str) else: print(output_str) count = 0 now_x = 0 now_y = 0 continue
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