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| 翻译:邓永嘉

| 校对:王永雷、陈久宁

| 编辑:金心悦

| 设计:张千禧

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Randall Monroe 的XKCD漫画展示了目前开源面临的困境:过度依赖少数项目维护志愿者。



Log4j是Sonatype公司旗下的Black Duck Open Hub所研发的研究工具。Log4j有着440,000行代码,由近200名开发人员贡献了将近24,000行代码。其实与其他开源项目相比,这是一个庞大的开发团队。但是如果关注数据的话,就会发现超过70%的工作是仅仅靠五个人来完成的。


“如今几乎没有人愿意为现有的开源项目作出贡献”,来自DNS网络公司NS1的杰出工程师Jeremy Strech说,“因为通常来说,这没有直接的物质回报,也很少提供荣誉----大多数用户甚至不知道他们所用的软件是谁维护的。”











“这是一个很现实的问题”,Data.org的执行董事Danil Mikhailov说,该组织是由万事达包容性发展中心和洛克菲勒基金会支持,旨在促进使用数据科学来应对当今社会所面临的巨大挑战的非营利性组织。

虽然几乎所有组织都在使用着开源软件,但只有少数组织为这些项目作出了贡献。The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 在 9 月发布的一项调查中,42% 的参与者表示,他们至少有时会为开源项目做出贡献。






“当原始数据来源发生变化且你所使用的是不同的版本时,你的技术负债将越来越多。而这些差异是以天为单位迅速增长的。”VMware 开源营销和战略总监 Suzanne Ambiel 表示,“所以你很快就会变成一个开源项目里独一无二变体的‘自豪’用户和维护人员。”





云安全供应商 Sysdig 的首席技术官兼创始人 Loris Degionni 也赞同这一观点:“找到为开源做出贡献的员工无疑就找到一座金矿,”他说。



“当原始数据来源发生变化且你所使用的是不同的版本时,你的技术负债将越来越多...所以你很快就会变成一个开源项目里独一无二变体的”自豪“用户和维护人员。”— Suzanne Ambiel,VMware 开源营销和战略总监




在 The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 的 9 月调查中,近 53% 的拥有 OSPO的组织表示,由于拥有了OSPO,他们看到了更多创新,而近 43% 的组织表示,他们在外部开源项目的参与度上有所增加。


网络安全公司 ThreatX 的首席创新官 Tom Hickman 表示,为开源社区做出贡献,不仅有助于社区,还有助于为社区做出贡献的公司。



Cloud Native Computing Foundation 的首席技术官 Chris Aniszczyk 说,世界上许多巨头公司都为开源作出了贡献。他还提到,开源贡献者的指数是作为公司是否有所作为的参考。

科技巨头占据了这份榜单的主导地位:谷歌、微软、红帽、英特尔、IBM、亚马逊、Facebook、VMware、GitHub 和 SAP 依次是排名前 10 的贡献者。但Aniszczyk 表示,但也有很多终端用户公司进入前 100 名,包括 Uber、BBC、Orange、Netflix 和 Square。





    ——Tom Hickman,ThreatX 首席创新官


“同样的逻辑也适用于 OSPO,这就是为什么你会看到许多领先的公司,例如Apple、Meta、Twitter、Goldman Sachs、Bloomberg 和 Google 都拥有 OSPO。他们走在了趋势的前面。”


根据Red Hat 2月分发布的一项调查,82%的IT领导者更倾向于选择为开源社区作出贡献的软件供应商。



根据 The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 9 月份的调查,57% 拥有 OSPO 的组织将使用它们来进一步发展战略关系和建立合作伙伴关系。

十年前,Mark Hinkle 在 Citrix 工作时创办了一个开源计划办公室。他指出了在内部拥有一个 OSPO将如何使公司受益。



如今,他是云原生开源集成平台 TriggerMesh 的首席执行官兼联合创始人。




在 The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 的 9 月份调查中,有 63% 的公司表示,拥有OSPO 对其工程或产品团队的成功至关重要,高于上一年度该项研究数据的 54%。

其中77% 的人表示他们的开源程序对他们的软件实践产生了积极影响,例如提高了代码质量。


“首先,节流一下”,VMware 的 Ambiel 建议道。




Ambiel 说,开源计划办公室不仅可以帮助制定为开源社区做出贡献的商业案例,还可以帮助公司以安全、可靠和健全的方式来做这件事。



Aqua Security的开发人员倡导者Anaïs Urlichs则认为,支持开源的承诺必须从高层开始。




*The New Stack 是 Insight Partners 的全资子公司,Insight Partners 是本文提到的以下公司的投资者:Sysdig、Aqua Security。

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How an OSPO Can Help Your Engineers Give Back to Open Source


When it comes to open source software, there’s a big and growing problem: most organizations are takers, not givers. 


There’s a classic XKCD comic that shows a giant structure representing modern digital infrastructure, dependent on a tiny component created by “some random person in Nebraska” who has been “thanklessly maintaining since 2003.”


Randall Monroe’s XKCD comic illustrates the open source dilemma: overreliance on a small number of volunteer project maintainers.

Randall Monroe 的XKCD漫画展示了目前开源面临的窘境:过度依赖少数项目维护志愿者的志愿服务。

This would have been funny, except that this is exactly what happened when security vulnerabilities were discovered in Log4j last December.


The Java-based logging tool is ubiquitous in enterprise publications. In the last three months, for example, Log4j has been downloaded more than 30 million times, according to a report by the enterprise software company Sonatype.


The tool has 440,000 lines of code, according to Synopsys‘ Black Duck Open Hub research tool, with nearly 24,000 contributions by nearly 200 developers. That’s a large dev team compared to other open source projects. But looking closer at the numbers, more than 70% of commits were by just five people.

根据Synopsys(新思)公司旗下的Black Duck Open Hub 研究工具显示。Log4j有着440,000行代码,由近200名开发人员贡献了将近24,000行代码。其实与其他开源项目相比,这是一个庞大的开发团队。但是如果关注数据的话,就会发现超过70%的提交是仅仅靠五个人来完成的。

Log4j’s home page lists about a dozen members on its project team. Most projects have far fewer developers working on them — and that presents a problem for the organizations that depend on them.


“There is little incentive for anyone today to contribute to an existing open source project,” said Jeremy Stretch, distinguished engineer at NS1, a DNS network company. “There’s usually no direct compensation, and few accolades are offered — most users don’t even know who maintains the software that they use.”

“如今的人没有什么动力去为现有的开源项目做贡献”,来自DNS网络公司NS1的杰出工程师Jeremy Strech说,“因为通常来说,这没有直接的物质回报,也很少提供荣誉----大多数用户甚至不知道他们所用的软件是谁维护的。”

The most common motivation among open source contributors is to add a feature that they themselves want to see, he said. “Once this has been achieved, the contributor rarely sticks around.”


Meanwhile, as a project becomes more popular, the burden on the core team of maintainers keeps increasing.


“More users means more feature requests and more bug reports — but not more maintainers,” Stretch said. “What was once an enjoyable hobby can quickly become a tedious chore, and many maintainers understandably opt to simply abandon their projects altogether.”


Part1The Tragedy of the Commons

The open source software ecosystem is a perfect example of the “tragedy of the commons.”


And the tragedy is — when everyone uses, but no one contributes, that resource — whether it’s an overrun park or an open source project — eventually collapses from overuse and underinvestment. Everyone loves using free stuff, but everyone expects someone else to take care of it.


This approach can save you money in the short term, but it can become a fatal flaw over time. Especially since open source software is everywhere, running everything.


Linux, for example, the open source operating system, runs on 96% of the world’s top 1 million servers, and 90% of all cloud infrastructure is on Linux. Not to mention that 85% of all smartphones in the world run Linux, in the form of the Android OS.


Then there’s Java, Apache, WordPress, Cassandra, Hadoop, MySQL, PHP, ElasticSearch, Kubernetes — the list of ubiquitous open source projects goes on and on.

还有Java, Apache, WordPress, Cassandra, Hadoop, MySQL, PHP, ElasticSearch, Kubernetes--这些常见开源项目的列表还在逐渐增加着。

Without open source, much of today’s technical infrastructure would immediately grind to a halt.


“It is a real problem,” said Danil Mikhailov, executive director at Data.org, a nonprofit backed by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Rockefeller Foundation that promotes the use of data science to tackle society’s greatest challenges.

“这是一个很现实的问题”,Data.org的执行董事Danil Mikhailov说,该组织是由万事达包容性发展中心和洛克菲勒基金会支持,旨在促进使用数据科学来应对当今社会所面临的巨大挑战的非营利性组织。

While nearly all organizations use open source software, only a minority contribute to those projects. Forty-two percent of participants in a survey released in September by The New Stack, Linux Foundation Research, and the TODO Group said tthey contribute at least sometimes to open source projects.

虽然几乎所有组织都在使用着开源软件,但只有少数组织为这些项目作出了贡献。The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 在 9 月发布的一项调查中,42% 的参与者表示,他们至少有时会为开源项目做出贡献。

The same study showed that only 36% of organizations train their engineers to contribute to open source.


Individual companies should support projects that they use the most and are critical to their success, Mikhailov said: “If you use, you contribute.”


Part2OSPO Benefits:Less Tech Debt,Better Recruiting

Participating in open source communities — especially when guided by an in-house open source program office (OSPO) — can help ensure the health of projects critical to your organization’s success, improve those projects’ security, and allow your engineers to have more impact in the projects’ development road map.


Say, for example, a company uses an open source tool and modifies it a little to make it better. If that improvement isn’t contributed back to the community, then the official version of the open source project will start to diverge from what the company is using


“You start to grow technical debt because when the original source changes and you’ve got a different version. Those differences grow rapidly, compounding daily. It doesn’t take long for you to be the proud user and maintainer of a one-of-a-kind open source project variant,” said Suzanne Ambiel, director, open source marketing and strategy at VMware.

“当原始代码来源发生变化且你所使用的是不同的版本时,你的技术负债将越来越多。而这些差异是以天为单位迅速增长的。”VMware 开源营销和战略总监 Suzanne Ambiel 表示,“所以你很快就会变成一个开源项目里独一无二变体的‘自豪’用户和维护人员。”

“The technical debt gets bigger and bigger and it gets very expensive for a company to manage.”


Support for open source activity can also be a recruiting tool. “It’s really a talent magnet,” said Ambiel. “It’s one of the things that new hires look for.”


Some engineering managers might worry that open source contributions will detract from core product development,  she said. Their rationale, she added, might run along the lines of, “I only have so much talent, and so many hours, and I need them to only work on things where I can measure and see the return on investment.”


But that attitude, she said, is shortsighted. Supporting employees who contribute to open source communities can build skills and develop talent, she said.


Loris Degionni, chief technology officer and founder at Sysdig, a cloud security vendor, echoed this notion: “Finding employees who contribute to open source is a gold mine,” said.

云安全供应商 Sysdig 的首席技术官兼创始人 Loris Degionni 也赞同这一观点:“找出为开源做出贡献的员工无疑就找到一座金矿,”他说。

These employees are more capable of delivering features a company wants to use and merge them into community-supported standards, he said. And in a war for talent, companies that embrace open source are more attractive to developers.


“Lastly, open source is driven by a community of technical experts you may not be able to hire,” he said. “When employees actively contribute and collaborate with these experts, they’ll be better informed of best practices and bring them back to your organization.


“You start to grow technical debt because when the original source changes and you’ve got a different version … It doesn’t take long for you to be the proud user and maintainer of a one-of-a-kind open source project variant.”
—Suzanne Ambiel, director, open source marketing and strategy, VMware

— Suzanne Ambiel,VMware 开源营销和战略总监

“All of this should be rewarded — developers shouldn’t have to spend their free time honing their skills, as your company will quickly see benefits from their efforts.”


An OSPO, Degionni suggested, can help achieve these goals, as well as help prioritize contributions and ensure collaboration. In addition, they can help provide governance that mirrors what companies would have for internally developed applications.


“Members of the open source team are also in a position to be great internal evangelists for open source technologies, and act as bridges between the organization and the broader community,” he added.


In the September survey from The New Stack, Linux Foundation Research and the TODO Group, nearly 53% of organizations with OSPOs said they saw more innovation as a result of having an OSPO, while almost 43% said they saw increased participation in external open source projects.

在 The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 的 9 月调查中,近 53% 的拥有 OSPO的组织表示,由于拥有了OSPO,他们看到了更多创新,而近 43% 的组织表示,他们在外部开源项目的参与度上有所增加。

Part3More OSPO Benefits:A Business Edge

Contributing to open source communities doesn’t just help the communities, but the companies that contribute to them, said Tom Hickman, chief innovation officer at ThreatX, a cybersecurity firm.

网络安全公司 ThreatX 的首席创新官 Tom Hickman 表示,为开源社区做出贡献,不仅有助于社区,还有助于为社区做出贡献的公司。

“Growing the community of developers around a project helps the code base, and attracts more developers,” he said. “It can become a virtuous circle.”


Also, companies that contribute to open source projects get twice the productive value from their use of open source than companies that don’t, according to research by Harvard Business School.


Many of the biggest companies in the world are contributing to open source, said Chris Aniszczyk, chief technology officer at Cloud Native Computing Foundation. He pointed to the Open Source Contributor Index as a reference for exactly just how much companies are doing.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation 的首席技术官 Chris Aniszczyk 说,世界上许多巨头公司都为开源作出了贡献。他还提到,开源贡献者的指数是作为公司是否有所作为的参考。

The tech giants dominate the list: Google, Microsoft, Red Hat, Intel, IBM, Amazon, Facebook, VMware, GitHub and SAP are the top 10 contributors, in that order. But there are also a lot of end users on the top 100 list, said Aniszczyk, including Uber, the BBC, Orange, Netflix, and Square.

科技巨头占据了这份榜单的主导地位:谷歌、微软、红帽、英特尔、IBM、亚马逊、Facebook、VMware、GitHub 和 SAP 依次是排名前 10 的贡献者。但Aniszczyk 表示,但也有很多终端用户公司进入前 100 名,包括 Uber、BBC、Orange、Netflix 和 Square。

“We’ve always known working in upstream projects is not just the right thing to do —it’s the best approach to open source software development and the best way to deliver open source benefits to our customers,” he said. “It’s great to see that IT leaders recognize this as well.”


To contribute alongside these giants, companies need to have their own open source strategies, and having an open source program office can help.


“OSPOs provide a critical center of competency in a company when it comes to utilizing open source software,” he said.

It’s similar to the way that companies have security operations centers, he said.


“Growing the community of developers around a project helps the code base, and attracts more developers. It can become a virtuous circle.”
—Tom Hickman, chief innovation officer, ThreatX

——Tom Hickman,ThreatX 首席创新官

“If you don’t make the investment in a security team, you generally don’t expect your software to be secure or be able to respond to security incidents in a timely fashion,” he said.


“The same logic applies to OSPOs and is why you see many leading companies out there such as Apple, Meta, Twitter, Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg, and Google all have OSPOs. They are ahead of the curve.”

“同样的逻辑也适用于 OSPO,这就是为什么你会看到许多领先的公司,例如 Apple、Meta、Twitter、Goldman Sachs、Bloomberg 和 Google 都拥有 OSPO。他们走在了趋势的前面。”

Support for open source activity within your organization can become a differentiator and marketing opportunity for software vendors.


According to a Red Hat survey released in February, 82% of IT leaders are more likely to select a vendor who contributes to the open source community.

根据Red Hat2月分发布的一项调查,82%的IT领导者更倾向于选择为开源社区作出贡献的软件供应商。

Respondents said that when vendors support open source communities they are more familiar with open source processes and are more effective if customers have technical challenges.


But it’s not just software vendors who benefit.


According to September’s survey by The New Stack, Linux Foundation Research, and the TODO Group, 57% of organizations with OSPOs use them to further strategic relationships and build partnerships.

根据 The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 9 月份的调查,57% 拥有 OSPO 的组织将使用它们来进一步发展战略关系和建立合作伙伴关系。

Mark Hinkle started an open source program office back when he worked at Citrix a decade ago. He pointed out how having an OSPO in-house benefited the company.

十年前,Mark Hinkle 在 Citrix 工作时创办了一个开源计划办公室。他指出了在内部拥有一个 OSPO将如何使公司受益。

“For us the biggest job was to educate our employees who weren’t familiar with open source to get involved and be good community members,” he said. “We also provided guidance on how to make sure our IP didn’t enter projects without proper understanding and we made sure we didn’t incorporate open source that conflicted with our enterprise software licensing.”


The OSPO also helped Citrix identify strategic opportunities for the company to participate in open source projects and trade organizations like The Linux Foundation, he said.


Today, he’s the CEO and co-founder of TriggerMesh, a cloud native, open source integration platform.

如今,他是云原生开源集成平台 TriggerMesh 的首席执行官兼联合创始人。

There are some significant economic benefits to participating in the open source ecosystem, he said.


“We participate in Knative to share the development of our underlying platform but we develop value-added services as part of our business,” he said. “By sharing the R and D for the platform, it gives us more resources to develop our own differentiated technology.”


Part4How to Get Started in Open Source

Sixty-three percent of companies in the September survey from The New Stack, Linux Foundation Research and the TODO Group said that having an OSPO was very or extremely critical to the success of their engineering or product teams, up from 54% in the previous annual study.

在 The New Stack、Linux Foundation Research 和 TODO Group 的 9 月份调查中,有 63% 的公司表示,拥有OSPO 对其工程或产品团队的成功至关重要,高于上一年度该项研究数据的 54%。

In particular, 77% said that their open source program had a positive impact on their software practices, such as improved code quality.

其中77% 的人表示他们的开源程序对他们的软件实践产生了积极影响,例如提高了代码质量。

But companies can’t always contribute to every single open source project that they use.


“First, thin the herd a little bit,” advised VMware’s Ambiel.

“首先,节流一下”,VMware 的 Ambiel 建议道。

Companies should look at the projects that make the most sense for their use cases. This is an area where an OSPO can help set priorities and ensure technical and strategic alignment.


Then, developers should go and check out the projects themselves. Projects typically offer online documentation, often with contributor guides, governance documents, and lists of open issues.


“For the projects that rise to the top of your strategic list, introduce yourself — say hello,” she said. “Go to the Slack channel or the distribution list and ask where they need help. Maybe they don’t need help and everything is good. Or maybe they can use a new person to review code.”


An open source program office can not only help make a business case for contributing to the open source community, Ambiel said, but can help companies do it in a way that’s safe, secure and sound.

Ambiel 说,开源项目办公室不仅可以帮助制定为开源社区做出贡献的商业案例,还可以帮助公司以安全、可靠和健全的方式来做这件事。

“If I work for a company and want to contribute to open source, I don’t want to accidentally disclose, divulge or undermine any patents,” she said. “An OSPO helps you make smart choices.”


An OSPO can also help provide leadership and the guiding philosophy about supporting open source, she said. “It can provide guidance, mentorship, coaching and best practices.”


Commitment to support open source has to start at the top, said Anaïs Urlichs, developer advocate at Aqua Security.

Aqua Security的开发人员倡导者Anaïs Urlichs则认为,支持开源的承诺必须从高层开始。

“Too often,” she said, “companies do not value investment into open source, so employees are not encouraged to contribute to it.”


In those cases, employees with a passion for open source end up contributing during their free time, which is not sustainable.


“If companies rely on open source projects, it is important to make open source contributions part of an engineer’s work schedule,” she said. “Some companies define a time percentage that employees can contribute to open source as part of their normal workday.”


The New Stack is a wholly owned subsidiary of Insight Partners, an investor in the following companies mentioned in this article: Sysdig, Aqua Security.

The New Stack 是 Insight Partners 的全资子公司,Insight Partners 是本文提到的以下公司的投资者:Sysdig、Aqua Security。

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开源社成立于 2014 年,是由志愿贡献于开源事业的个人成员,依 “贡献、共识、共治” 原则所组成,始终维持厂商中立、公益、非营利的特点,是最早以 “开源治理、国际接轨、社区发展、开源项目” 为使命的开源社区联合体。开源社积极与支持开源的社区、企业以及政府相关单位紧密合作,以 “立足中国、贡献全球” 为愿景,旨在共创健康可持续发展的开源生态,推动中国开源社区成为全球开源体系的积极参与及贡献者。

2017 年,开源社转型为完全由个人成员组成,参照 ASF 等国际顶级开源基金会的治理模式运作。近八年来,链接了数万名开源人,集聚了上千名社区成员及志愿者、海内外数百位讲师,合作了近百家赞助、媒体、社区伙伴。


