This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Sat Mar 17 14:24:30 CST 2018
There was an unexpected error (type=Unauthorized, status=401).
Authentication Failed: Could not obtain access token
这个错误只在使用Aut horizationCode中才会出现,就说客户端反复刷新带有code和state的参数导致的,由于code已经使用过一次,刷新过后会导致code过期,所以你反复使用会认为是非法的操作,所以可能是"CSRF攻击"。
- server:
- session:
- cookie:
- name: x x x
客户端配置文件添加这句话即可,有兴趣参考国外大神GitHub连接: https://github.com/eugenp/tutorials/tree/master/spring-security-sso
主要判断请求用户是否已经被用户授权,若已授权则返回新的authorization_code , 反之 跳转到用户授权页面
- @RequestMapping({"/oauth/authorize"})
- public ModelAndView authorize(Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam Map<String, String> parameters, SessionStatus sessionStatus, Principal principal) {
- // 根据请求参数封装 认证请求对象 ---- > AuthorizationRequest
- // Pull out the authorization request first, using the OAuth2RequestFactory. All further logic should
- // query off of the authorization request instead of referring back to the parameters map. The contents of the
- // parameters map will be stored without change in the AuthorizationRequest object once it is created.
- AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = this.getOAuth2RequestFactory().createAuthorizationRequest(parameters);
- //获取请求中的response_type类型,并检验; 此方法只支持 code 类型和 token类型
- Set<String> responseTypes = authorizationRequest.getResponseTypes();
- if (!responseTypes.contains("token") && !responseTypes.contains("code")) {
- throw new UnsupportedResponseTypeException("Unsupported response types: " + responseTypes);
- } else if (authorizationRequest.getClientId() == null) {
- throw new InvalidClientException("A client id must be provided");
- } else {
- try {
- //大家在自定义授权页面的时候在security中设置拦截了/oauth/authorize的,经常会出现匿名用户访问的原因就在这里,因为你不拦截的话他是不会进入security的自定义认证流程中去
- if (principal instanceof Authentication && ((Authentication)principal).isAuthenticated()) {
- //获取客户端详情
- ClientDetails client = this.getClientDetailsService().loadClientByClientId(authorizationRequest.getClientId());
- // The resolved redirect URI is either the redirect_uri from the parameters or the one from
- // clientDetails. Either way we need to store it on the AuthorizationRequest.
- String redirectUriParameter = (String)authorizationRequest.getRequestParameters().get("redirect_uri");
- // 如果数据库中配置了Client的redirect client则请求的redirect URL必须与数据库中配置的相匹配OK
- //如果数据库中无配置,则直接返回请求中携带的redirect url
- String resolvedRedirect = this.redirectResolver.resolveRedirect(redirectUriParameter, client);
- if (!StringUtils.hasText(resolvedRedirect)) {
- throw new RedirectMismatchException("A redirectUri must be either supplied or preconfigured in the ClientDetails");
- } else {
- authorizationRequest.setRedirectUri(resolvedRedirect);
- //根据ClientDetail 校验请求的scoppe
- // We intentionally only validate the parameters requested by the client (ignoring any data that may have
- // been added to the request by the manager).
- this.oauth2RequestValidator.validateScope(authorizationRequest, client);
- // 此处检测请求的用户是否已经被授权,或者有配置默认授权的权限; 若已经有accessToke存在或者被配置默认授权的权限则返回含有授权的对象
- //用到userApprovalHandler---- > TokenStoreUserApprovalHandler
- // Some systems may allow for approval decisions to be remembered or approved by default. Check for
- // such logic here, and set the approved flag on the authorization request accordingly.
- authorizationRequest = this.userApprovalHandler.checkForPreApproval(authorizationRequest, (Authentication)principal);
- // TODO: is this call necessary?
- boolean approved = this.userApprovalHandler.isApproved(authorizationRequest, (Authentication)principal);
- //若已经授权则直接返回对应的视图,返回的视图中包含新生成的authorization_code(固定长度的随机字符串)值,此处新生成的code会存与库中
- // Validation is all done, so we can check for auto approval...
- authorizationRequest.setApproved(approved);
- if (authorizationRequest.isApproved()) {
- if (responseTypes.contains("token")) {
- return this.getImplicitGrantResponse(authorizationRequest);
- }
- if (responseTypes.contains("code")) {
- return new ModelAndView(this.getAuthorizationCodeResponse(authorizationRequest, (Authentication)principal));
- }
- }
- // Place auth request into the model so that it is stored in the session
- // for approveOrDeny to use. That way we make sure that auth request comes from the session,
- // so any auth request parameters passed to approveOrDeny will be ignored and retrieved from the session.
- model.put("authorizationRequest", authorizationRequest);
- //未被授权者跳转到授权界面,让用户选择是否授权
- return this.getUserApprovalPageResponse(model, authorizationRequest, (Authentication)principal);
- }
- } else {
- throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException("User must be authenticated with Spring Security before authorization can be completed.");
- }
- } catch (RuntimeException var11) {
- sessionStatus.setComplete();
- throw var11;
- }
- }
- }

用于处理用户授权页面的结果 , 用户是否授予第三方权限 ; 请求中必须包参数 user_oauth_approval
- @RequestMapping(
- value = {"/oauth/authorize"},
- method = {RequestMethod.POST},
- params = {"user_oauth_approval"}
- )
- public View approveOrDeny(@RequestParam Map<String, String> approvalParameters, Map<String, ?> model, SessionStatus sessionStatus, Principal principal) {
- if (!(principal instanceof Authentication)) {
- sessionStatus.setComplete();
- throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException("User must be authenticated with Spring Security before authorizing an access token.");
- } else {
- //获取当前session中存放的 authorizationRequest
- AuthorizationRequest authorizationRequest = (AuthorizationRequest)model.get("authorizationRequest");
- if (authorizationRequest == null) {
- sessionStatus.setComplete();
- throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot approve uninitialized authorization request.");
- } else {
- RedirectView var8;
- try {
- Set<String> responseTypes = authorizationRequest.getResponseTypes();
- authorizationRequest.setApprovalParameters(approvalParameters);
- //根据用户是否授权更新 authorizationRequest 对象中的 approved 属性;
- authorizationRequest = this.userApprovalHandler.updateAfterApproval(authorizationRequest, (Authentication)principal);
- boolean approved = this.userApprovalHandler.isApproved(authorizationRequest, (Authentication)principal);
- authorizationRequest.setApproved(approved);
- if (authorizationRequest.getRedirectUri() == null) {
- sessionStatus.setComplete();
- throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot approve request when no redirect URI is provided.");
- }
- if (authorizationRequest.isApproved()) {
- View var12;
- if (responseTypes.contains("token")) {
- var12 = this.getImplicitGrantResponse(authorizationRequest).getView();
- return var12;
- }
- //生成Authorization_code 并储存,返回给客户端
- var12 = this.getAuthorizationCodeResponse(authorizationRequest, (Authentication)principal);
- return var12;
- }
- var8 = new RedirectView(this.getUnsuccessfulRedirect(authorizationRequest, new UserDeniedAuthorizationException("User denied access"), responseTypes.contains("token")), false, true, false);
- } finally {
- sessionStatus.setComplete();
- }
- return var8;
- }
- }
- }
- //部分无关紧要源码省略
- ....................
- }

- //此方法主要作用为:提取客户端的Client_id 和 Client_secret 传递给你AuthenticationManager进行认证
- public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws AuthenticationException, IOException, ServletException {
- //验证请求的方法是否支持 , POST 、 GET 此处只支持POST方法
- if (this.allowOnlyPost && !"POST".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())) {
- throw new HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException(request.getMethod(), new String[]{"POST"});
- } else {
- //获取客户端信息
- String clientId = request.getParameter("client_id");
- String clientSecret = request.getParameter("client_secret");
- //如果身份已经认证 直接放行,无需在进行认证
- //(此处有疑问,SecurityContextHolder.getContext() 获取的Authentication一定是当前用户的认证信息吗,如何保证??????????)
- // If the request is already authenticated we can assume that this
- // filter is not needed
- Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
- if (authentication != null && authentication.isAuthenticated()) {
- return authentication;
- } else if (clientId == null) {
- throw new BadCredentialsException("No client credentials presented");
- } else {
- if (clientSecret == null) {
- clientSecret = "";
- }
- clientId = clientId.trim();
- UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(clientId, clientSecret);
- //提交给AuthenticationManager 进行身份认证 ---- > 类 AbstractUserDetailsAuthenticationProvider
- return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authRequest);
- }
- }
- }

- @RequestMapping(value = "/oauth/token", method=RequestMethod.POST)
- public ResponseEntity<OAuth2AccessToken> postAccessToken(Principal principal, @RequestParam
- Map<String, String> parameters) throws HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException {
- if (!(principal instanceof Authentication)) {
- throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException(
- "There is no client authentication. Try adding an appropriate authentication filter.");
- }
- //通过clientId 获取客户端详情
- String clientId = getClientId(principal);
- ClientDetails authenticatedClient = getClientDetailsService().loadClientByClientId(clientId);
- //获取请求的相关参数,如grant_type,client_id,scope(此处会依据用户的权限进行过滤)等, 封装组建TokenRequest
- TokenRequest tokenRequest = getOAuth2RequestFactory().createTokenRequest(parameters, authenticatedClient);
- if (clientId != null && !clientId.equals("")) {
- // Only validate the client details if a client authenticated during this
- // request.
- if (!clientId.equals(tokenRequest.getClientId())) {
- // double check to make sure that the client ID in the token request is the same as that in the
- // authenticated client
- throw new InvalidClientException("Given client ID does not match authenticated client");
- }
- }
- //对客户端传入的Scope进行校验 , Scope超限将直接抛出异常
- if (authenticatedClient != null) {
- oAuth2RequestValidator.validateScope(tokenRequest, authenticatedClient);
- }
- if (!StringUtils.hasText(tokenRequest.getGrantType())) {
- throw new InvalidRequestException("Missing grant type");
- }
- if (tokenRequest.getGrantType().equals("implicit")) {
- throw new InvalidGrantException("Implicit grant type not supported from token endpoint");
- }
- // grant_type=authorzation_code 时清空scope
- if (isAuthCodeRequest(parameters)) {
- // The scope was requested or determined during the authorization step
- if (!tokenRequest.getScope().isEmpty()) {
- logger.debug("Clearing scope of incoming token request");
- tokenRequest.setScope(Collections.<String> emptySet());
- }
- }
- //grant_type=refresh_token 时 需要设置scope ,因为它有自己的scope
- if (isRefreshTokenRequest(parameters)) {
- // A refresh token has its own default scopes, so we should ignore any added by the factory here.
- tokenRequest.setScope(OAuth2Utils.parseParameterList(parameters.get(OAuth2Utils.SCOPE)));
- }
- //为客户端生成token (此处会验证客户端的grant_type,只有检验通过才会生成Token) ------- >类 DefaultTokenServices
- OAuth2AccessToken token = getTokenGranter().grant(tokenRequest.getGrantType(), tokenRequest);
- if (token == null) {
- throw new UnsupportedGrantTypeException("Unsupported grant type: " + tokenRequest.getGrantType());
- }
- //封装返回
- return getResponse(token);
- }

- @Transactional
- public OAuth2AccessToken createAccessToken(OAuth2Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
- //首先尝试获取当前存在的Token
- OAuth2AccessToken existingAccessToken = tokenStore.getAccessToken(authentication);
- OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken = null;
- //如果accesToken已存在并且没有失效,则重新保存并返回;如果accessToken失效,则提取refrehToken并清除老的AccessToken;
- //如果accessToken为null,则直接生成新的Token
- if (existingAccessToken != null) {
- if (existingAccessToken.isExpired()) {
- if (existingAccessToken.getRefreshToken() != null) {
- refreshToken = existingAccessToken.getRefreshToken();
- // The token store could remove the refresh token when the
- // access token is removed, but we want to
- // be sure...
- tokenStore.removeRefreshToken(refreshToken);
- }
- tokenStore.removeAccessToken(existingAccessToken);
- }
- else {
- // Re-store the access token in case the authentication has changed
- tokenStore.storeAccessToken(existingAccessToken, authentication);
- return existingAccessToken;
- }
- }
- //老的refreshToken 不失效将会复用,失效的话生成新的RefresshToken
- // Only create a new refresh token if there wasn't an existing one
- // associated with an expired access token.
- // Clients might be holding existing refresh tokens, so we re-use it in
- // the case that the old access token
- // expired.
- if (refreshToken == null) {
- refreshToken = createRefreshToken(authentication);
- }
- // But the refresh token itself might need to be re-issued if it has
- // expired.
- else if (refreshToken instanceof ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) {
- ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken expiring = (ExpiringOAuth2RefreshToken) refreshToken;
- if (System.currentTimeMillis() > expiring.getExpiration().getTime()) {
- refreshToken = createRefreshToken(authentication);
- }
- }
- //生成新的accessToken,并储存 , 保存refreshToken
- OAuth2AccessToken accessToken = createAccessToken(authentication, refreshToken);
- tokenStore.storeAccessToken(accessToken, authentication);
- // In case it was modified
- refreshToken = accessToken.getRefreshToken();
- if (refreshToken != null) {
- tokenStore.storeRefreshToken(refreshToken, authentication);
- }
- return accessToken;
- }

,然后将Authentication放入上下文 ; 获取Authentication成功将会允许访问资源
- try {
- //提取请求携带的Token组建一个认证Authentication ,Token提取过程:从Hander和url中获取携带的Token
- Authentication authentication = tokenExtractor.extract(request);
- if (authentication == null) {
- if (stateless && isAuthenticated()) {
- if (debug) {
- logger.debug("Clearing security context.");
- }
- SecurityContextHolder.clearContext();
- }
- if (debug) {
- logger.debug("No token in request, will continue chain.");
- }
- }
- else {
- request.setAttribute(OAuth2AuthenticationDetails.ACCESS_TOKEN_VALUE, authentication.getPrincipal());
- if (authentication instanceof AbstractAuthenticationToken) {
- AbstractAuthenticationToken needsDetails = (AbstractAuthenticationToken) authentication;
- needsDetails.setDetails(authenticationDetailsSource.buildDetails(request));
- }
- //获取Token携带的认证信息 , Oauth2AuthenticationMananger主要做三件是1、通过token获取用户的Oauth2Authentcation对象(TokenServices);2、验证访问的资源resourceId是否符合范围;3、验证客户端访问的Scope(clientDetailsService)
- Authentication authResult = authenticationManager.authenticate(authentication);
- if (debug) {
- logger.debug("Authentication success: " + authResult);
- }
- //将当前的Authentication 放入Context中 ,访问后面资源
- eventPublisher.publishAuthenticationSuccess(authResult);
- SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(authResult);
- }
- }
- catch (OAuth2Exception failed) {
- SecurityContextHolder.clearContext();
- if (debug) {
- logger.debug("Authentication request failed: " + failed);
- }
- eventPublisher.publishAuthenticationFailure(new BadCredentialsException(failed.getMessage(), failed),
- new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken("access-token", "N/A"));
- authenticationEntryPoint.commence(request, response,
- new InsufficientAuthenticationException(failed.getMessage(), failed));
- return;
- }
- chain.doFilter(request, response);
- }

); resourceId
是否符合范围; 验证客户端访问的Scope
- if (authentication == null) {
- throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token (token not found)");
- }
- String token = (String) authentication.getPrincipal();
- //通过token获取用户的Oauth2Authentcation对象(TokenServices);
- OAuth2Authentication auth = tokenServices.loadAuthentication(token);
- if (auth == null) {
- throw new InvalidTokenException("Invalid token: " + token);
- }
- //验证访问的资源resourceId是否符合范围;
- Collection<String> resourceIds = auth.getOAuth2Request().getResourceIds();
- if (resourceId != null && resourceIds != null && !resourceIds.isEmpty() && !resourceIds.contains(resourceId)) {
- throw new OAuth2AccessDeniedException("Invalid token does not contain resource id (" + resourceId + ")");
- }
- //验证客户端访问的Scope(clientDetailsService)
- checkClientDetails(auth);
- if (authentication.getDetails() instanceof OAuth2AuthenticationDetails) {
- OAuth2AuthenticationDetails details = (OAuth2AuthenticationDetails) authentication.getDetails();
- // Preserve the authentication details if any from the one loaded by token services
- details.setDecodedDetails(auth.getDetails());
- }
- auth.setDetails(authentication.getDetails());
- auth.setAuthenticated(true);
- return auth;

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