- unsigned int TestAsOne0(char log) {
- int i;
- unsigned int num=0, val;
- for(i=0; i<8; i++) {
- val = log >> i; //移位
- val &= 0x01; //与1相与
- if(val)
- num++;
- }
- return num;
- }
- BOOL HexToDec( LPCTSTR shex,int& idec ) {
- int i,mid;
- int len = lstrlen( shex );
- if( len>8 )
- return FALSE;
- mid = 0;
- idec = 0;
- for( i=0;i<len;i++ ) {
- if( shex[i]>='0'&&shex[i]<='9' )
- mid = shex[i]-'0';
- else if( shex[i]>='a'&&shex[i]<='f' )
- mid = shex[i] -'a' +10;
- else if( shex[i]>='A'&&shex[i]<='F' )
- mid = shex[i] -'A' +10;
- else
- return FALSE;
- mid <<= ((len-i-1)<<2); // 移位表示变为2的n次方倍
- idec =idc+mid;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }

- void main(){
- char a[50];memset(a,0,sizeof(a));
- int i=0,j;
- char t;
- cin.getline(a,50,'\n');
- for(i=0,j=strlen(a)-1;i<strlen(a)/2;i++,j--) {
- t=a[i];
- a[i]=a[j];
- a[j]=t;
- }
- cout<<a<<endl;
- }
- void frequency( String& s, char& A[ ], int& C[ ], int &k )
- {
- int i, j, len = s.length( );
- if ( !len ) { cout << "The string is empty. " << endl; k = 0; return; }
- else
- {
- A[0] = s[0]; C[0] = 1; k = 1; /*语句s[i]是串的重载操作*/
- for ( i = 1; i < len; i++ ) C[i] = 0; /*初始化*/
- for ( i = 1; i < len; i++ )
- { /*检测串中所有字符*/
- j = 0; while ( j < k && A[j] != s[i] ) j++; /*检查s[i]是否已在A[ ]中*/
- if ( j == k )
- { A[k] = s[i]; C[k]++; k++ } /*s[i]从未检测过*/
- else C[j]++; /*s[i]已经检测过*/
- }
- }
- }

- #include <assert.h>
- template <class Type> class Queue { //循环队列的类定义
- public:
- Queue ( int=10 );
- ~Queue ( ) { delete [ ] elements; }
- void EnQueue ( Type & item );
- Type DeQueue ( );
- Type GetFront ( );
- void MakeEmpty ( ) { length = 0; } //置空队列
- int IsEmpty ( ) const { return length == 0; } //判队列空否
- int IsFull ( ) const { return length == maxSize; } //判队列满否
- private:
- int rear, length; //队尾指针和队列长度
- Type *elements; //存放队列元素的数组
- int maxSize; //队列最大可容纳元素个数
- };

- template <class Type>
- Queue<Type>:: Queue ( int sz ) : rear (maxSize-1), length (0), maxSize (sz)
- {//建立一个最大具有maxSize个元素的空队列。
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>elements = new Type[maxSize];<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//创建队列空间
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span> assert ( elements != 0 );<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//断言: 动态存储分配成功与否
- }
- template<class Type>
- void Queue<Type> :: EnQueue ( Type &item )
- {
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>assert ( ! IsFull ( ) );<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//判队列是否不满,满则出错处理
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>length++;<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//长度加1
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>rear = ( rear +1) % maxSize;<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//队尾位置进1
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>elements[rear] = item;<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//进队列
- }
- template<class Type>
- Type Queue<Type> :: DeQueue ( )
- {
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>assert ( ! IsEmpty ( ) ); <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//判断队列是否不空,空则出错处理
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>length--;<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//队列长度减1
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return elements[(rear-length+maxSize) % maxSize];<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//返回原队头元素值
- }
- template<class Type>
- Type Queue<Type> :: GetFront ( )
- {
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>assert ( ! IsEmpty ( ) );
- <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>return elements[(rear-length+1+maxSize) % maxSize];<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>//返回队头元素值
- }

- #include <iostream.h>
- class RecurveArray
- { //数组类声明
- private: int *Elements; //数组指针
- int ArraySize; //数组尺寸
- int CurrentSize; //当前已有数组元素个数
- public :
- RecurveArray ( int MaxSize =10 ) :
- ArraySize ( MaxSize ), Elements ( new int[MaxSize] ){ }
- ~RecurveArray ( ) { delete [ ] Elements; }
- void InputArray(); //输入数组的内容
- int MaxKey ( int n ); //求最大值
- int Sum ( int n ); //求数组元素之和
- float Average ( int n ); //求数组元素的平均值
- };
- void RecurveArray :: InputArray ( )
- { //输入数组的内容
- cout << "Input the number of Array: \n";
- for ( int i = 0; i < ArraySize; i++ ) cin >> Elements[i];
- }
- int RecurveArray :: MaxKey ( int n )
- { //递归求最大值
- if ( n == 1 ) return Elements[0];
- int temp = MaxKey ( n - 1 );
- if ( Elements[n-1] > temp ) return Elements[n-1];
- else return temp;
- }
- int RecurveArray :: Sum ( int n ) { //递归求数组之和
- if ( n == 1) return Elements[0];
- else return Elements[n-1] + Sum (n-1);
- }
- float RecurveArray :: Average ( int n ) { //递归求数组的平均值
- if ( n == 1) return (float) Elements[0];
- else return ( (float) Elements[n-1] + ( n - 1) * Average ( n - 1 ) ) / n;
- }
- int main ( int argc, char* argv [ ] ) {
- int size = -1;
- cout << "No. of the Elements : ";
- while ( size < 1 ) cin >> size;
- RecurveArray ra ( size );
- ra.InputArray();
- cout<< "\nThe max is: " << ra.MaxKey ( ra.MaxSize ) << endl;
- cout<< "\nThe sum is: " << ra.Sum ( ra.MaxSize ) << endl;
- cout<< "\nthe avr is: " << ra.Average ( ra.MaxSize ) << endl;
- return 0;
- }

- #include <iostream.h> //定义在头文件"RecurveList.h"中
- class List;
- class ListNode { //链表结点类
- friend class List;
- private:
- int data; //结点数据
- ListNode *link; //结点指针
- ListNode ( const int item ) : data(item), link(NULL) { } //构造函数
- };
- class List { //链表类
- private:
- ListNode *first, current;
- int Max ( ListNode *f );
- int Num ( ListNode *f );
- float Avg ( ListNode *f, int& n );
- public:
- List ( ) : first(NULL), current (NULL) { } //构造函数
- ~List ( ){ } //析构函数
- ListNode* NewNode ( const int item ); //创建链表结点, 其值为item
- void NewList ( const int retvalue ); //建立链表, 以输入retvalue结束
- void PrintList ( ); //输出链表所有结点数据
- int GetMax ( ) { return Max ( first ); } //求链表所有数据的最大值
- int GetNum ( ) { return Num ( first ); } //求链表中数据个数
- float GetAvg ( ) { return Avg ( first ); } //求链表所有数据的平均值
- };
- ListNode* List :: NewNode ( const int item ) { //创建新链表结点
- ListNode *newnode = new ListNode (item);
- return newnode;
- }
- void List :: NewList ( const int retvalue ) { //建立链表, 以输入retvalue结束
- first = NULL; int value; ListNode *q;
- cout << "Input your data:\n"; //提示
- cin >> value; //输入
- while ( value != retvalue )
- { //输入有效
- q = NewNode ( value ); //建立包含value的新结点
- if ( first == NULL ) first = current = q;//空表时, 新结点成为链表第一个结点
- else { current->link = q; current = q; } //非空表时, 新结点链入链尾
- cin >> value; //再输入
- }
- current->link = NULL; //链尾封闭
- }
- void List :: PrintList ( )
- { //输出链表
- cout << "\nThe List is : \n";
- ListNode *p = first;
- while ( p != NULL ) { cout << p->data << ' '; p = p->link; }
- cout << ‘\n’;
- }
- int List :: Max ( ListNode *f )
- { //递归算法 : 求链表中的最大值
- if ( f ->link == NULL ) return f ->data; //递归结束条件
- int temp = Max ( f ->link ); //在当前结点的后继链表中求最大值
- if ( f ->data > temp )
- return f ->data; //如果当前结点的值还要大, 返回当前检点值
- else return temp; //否则返回后继链表中的最大值
- }
- int List :: Num ( ListNode *f )
- { //递归算法 : 求链表中结点个数
- if ( f == NULL ) return 0; //空表, 返回0
- return 1+ Num ( f ->link ); //否则, 返回后继链表结点个数加1
- }
- float List :: Avg ( ListNode *f , int& n )
- { //递归算法 : 求链表中所有元素的平均值
- if ( f ->link == NULL ) //链表中只有一个结点, 递归结束条件
- {
- n = 1; return ( float ) (f ->data );
- }
- else
- { float Sum = Avg ( f ->link, n ) * n; n++; return ( f ->data + Sum ) / n; }
- }
- #include "RecurveList.h" //定义在主文件中
- int main ( int argc, char* argv[ ] )
- {
- List test; int finished;
- cout << “输入建表结束标志数据 :”;
- cin >> finished; //输入建表结束标志数据
- test.NewList ( finished ); //建立链表
- test.PrintList ( ); //打印链表
- cout << "\nThe Max is : " << test.GetMax ( );
- cout << "\nThe Num is : " << test.GetNum ( );
- cout << "\nThe Ave is : " << test.GetAve () << '\n';
- printf ( "Hello World!\n" );
- return 0;
- }

- 【参考答案】
- String & String :: Replace ( String & t, String &v)
- {
- if ( ( int id = Find ( t ) ) == -1 ) //没有找到,当前字符串不改,返回
- { cout << “The (replace) operation failed.” << endl; return *this; }
- String temp( ch );//用当前串建立一个空的临时字符串
- ch[0] = '\0'; curLen = 0; //当前串作为结果串,初始为空
- int j, k = 0, l; //存放结果串的指针
- while ( id != -1 ) {
- for ( j = 0; j < id; j++) ch[k++] = temp.ch[j];
- curLen += id + v.curLen; //修改结果串连接后的长度
- if ( curLen <= maxLen ) l = v.curLen; //确定替换串v传送字符数l
- else { l = curLen - maxLen; curLen = maxLen; }
- for ( j = 0; j < l; j++ ) ch[k++] = v.ch[j];
- //连接替换串v到结果串ch后面
- if ( curLen == maxLen ) break; //字符串超出范围
- for ( j = id + t.curLen; j < temp.curLen; j++ )
- temp.ch[j- id - t.curLen] = temp.ch[j]; //删改原来的字符串 temp.curLen -= ( id + t.curLen );
- id = temp.Find ( t ); }
- return *this;
- }

- 【参考答案】
- void Josephus( int A[ ], int n, s, m ){
- int i, j, k, tmp;
- if ( m == 0 ) {
- cout << "m = 0是无效的参数!" << endl;
- return;
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) A[i] = i + 1; /*初始化,执行n次*/
- i = s - 1; /*报名起始位置*/
- for ( k = n; k > 1; i-- ) { /*逐个出局,执行n-1次*/
- if ( i == k ) i = 0;
- i = ( i + m - 1 ) % k; /*寻找出局位置*/
- if ( i != k-1 ) {
- tmp = A[i]; /*出局者交换到第k-1位置*/
- for ( j = i; j < k-1; j++ ) A[j] = A[j+1];
- A[k-1] = tmp;
- }
- }
- for ( k = 0; k < n / 2; k++ ) { /*全部逆置, 得到出局序列*/
- tmp = A[k]; A[k] = A[n-k+1]; A[n-k+1] = tmp;
- }
- }

- class String
- {
- public:
- String(const char *str = NULL); // 普通构造函数
- String(const String &other); // 拷贝构造函数
- ~ String(void); // 析构函数
- String & operate =(const String &other); // 赋值函数
- private:
- char *m_data; // 用于保存字符串
- };
请编写 String 的上述 4 个函数。
- // String 的析构函数
- String::~String(void)
- {
- delete [] m_data;
- // 由于 m_data 是内部数据类型,也可以写成 delete m_data;
- }
- // String 的普通构造函数
- String::String(const char *str)
- {
- if(str==NULL)
- {
- m_data = new char[1]; // 若能加 NULL 判断则更好
- *m_data = ‘\0’;
- }
- else
- {
- int length = strlen(str);
- m_data = new char[length+1];
- strcpy(m_data, str);
- }
- }
- // 拷贝构造函数
- String::String(const String &other)
- {
- int length = strlen(other.m_data);
- m_data = new char[length+1]; // 若能加 NULL 判断则更好
- strcpy(m_data, other.m_data);
- }
- // 赋值函数
- String & String::operate =(const String &other)
- {
- if(this == &other)
- return *this;
- delete [] m_data;
- int length = strlen(other.m_data);
- m_data = new char[length+1];
- strcpy(m_data, other.m_data);
- return *this;
- }

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