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python3 openpyxl操作excel

pip install openpyxl==3.0.0








pip3 install openpyxl==3.0.0


  1. if __name__ == '__main__':
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook()
  4. # grab the active worksheet
  5. ws = wb.active
  6. # Data can be assigned directly to cells
  7. ws['A1'] = 42
  8. # Rows can also be appended
  9. ws.append([1, 2, 3])
  10. # Python types will automatically be converted
  11. import datetime
  12. ws['A2'] = datetime.datetime.now()
  13. # Save the file
  14. wb.save("sample.xlsx")





创建编写excel ( Write a workbook )

  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter # 引入获取列字母的方法
  4. wb = Workbook() # 创建Workbook
  5. dest_filename = 'empty_book.xlsx' # 设置保存的空xlsx文件名
  6. # 创建第一个sheet
  7. ws1 = wb.active
  8. ws1.title = "range names" # 设置sheet name
  9. # 往第一个sheet写入40行 区间0-600 的数据
  10. for row in range(1, 40):
  11. ws1.append(range(600))
  12. ws1.append(['1','2','3']) # 在最后的行再增加一行123
  13. # 创建第二个sheet,以及同时设置sheet name为 Pi
  14. ws2 = wb.create_sheet(title="Pi")
  15. ws2['F5'] = 3.14 # 设置F5的单元格数值为 3.14
  16. # 创建第三个sheet,以及设置sheet name 为 Data
  17. ws3 = wb.create_sheet(title="Data")
  18. for row in range(10, 20): # 设置10~20行数据
  19. for col in range(10, 54): # 设置 10~54 列数据
  20. _ = ws3.cell(column=col, row=row, value="{0}".format(get_column_letter(col)))
  21. print('col = {}, row = {}, value = {}'.format( col, row, get_column_letter(col) ))
  22. print(ws3['AA10'].value) # 打印 AA10 单元格的数据, 为:AA
  23. wb.save(filename=dest_filename) # 保存excel文件
  24. if __name__ == '__main__':
  25. main()





在在这里可以看到特定的单元格值的设置可以使用 ws[单元格编号] 来进行设置。



读取已存在的excel文件数据 (Read an existing workbook)

  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import load_workbook
  3. wb = load_workbook(filename='empty_book.xlsx')
  4. sheet_ranges = wb['range names']
  5. print(sheet_ranges['D18'].value)
  6. if __name__ == '__main__':
  7. main()





使用格式化数据(Using number formats)

  1. def main():
  2. import datetime
  3. from openpyxl import Workbook
  4. wb = Workbook() # 创建Workbook
  5. dest_filename = 'format_book.xlsx'
  6. ws = wb.active
  7. # set date using a Python datetime
  8. ws['A1'] = datetime.datetime.now()
  9. print(ws['A1'].number_format)
  10. wb.save(filename=dest_filename) # 保存excel文件
  11. if __name__ == '__main__':
  12. main()





使用excel的公式(Using formulae)


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook()
  4. ws = wb.active
  5. # add a simple formula
  6. ws["A1"] = "=SUM(1, 1)"
  7. wb.save("formula.xlsx")
  8. if __name__ == '__main__':
  9. main()



合并/拆分单元格的示例 (Merge / Unmerge cells)

  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook()
  4. ws = wb.active
  5. # 合并A1至D1 四个单元格并赋值
  6. ws['A1'] = '合并A1至D1 四个单元格并赋值'
  7. ws.merge_cells('A1:D1')
  8. # 合并A3至D3 四个单元格,然后再拆分,确认是否恢复
  9. ws['A3'] = '合并A3至D3 四个单元格,然后再拆分,确认是否恢复'
  10. ws.merge_cells('A3:D3')
  11. ws.unmerge_cells('A3:D3')
  12. # 合并多行多列单元格,从第五行开始,合并至第九行,从第一列开始,合并至第四列
  13. ws['A5'] = '合并多行多列单元格,从第五行开始,合并至第九行,从第一列开始,合并至第四列'
  14. ws.merge_cells(start_row=5, start_column=1, end_row=9, end_column=4)
  15. # 拆分多行多列
  16. ws['A13'] = '首先合并,然后再拆分'
  17. ws.merge_cells(start_row=13, start_column=1, end_row=16, end_column=4)
  18. ws.unmerge_cells(start_row=13, start_column=1, end_row=16, end_column=4)
  19. wb.save("merge_unmerge.xlsx")
  20. if __name__ == '__main__':
  21. main()



插入图片示例 (Inserting an image)

  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. from openpyxl.drawing.image import Image
  4. wb = Workbook()
  5. ws = wb.active
  6. ws['A1'] = 'You should see three logos below'
  7. # create an image
  8. img = Image('logo.jpg')
  9. # add to worksheet and anchor next to cells
  10. ws.add_image(img, 'A2')
  11. wb.save('logo.xlsx')
  12. if __name__ == '__main__':
  13. main()



设置excel中的group (Fold (outline))

  1. def main():
  2. import openpyxl
  3. wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
  4. ws = wb.create_sheet()
  5. ws.column_dimensions.group('A', 'D', hidden=True)
  6. ws.row_dimensions.group(1, 10, hidden=True)
  7. wb.save('group.xlsx')
  8. if __name__ == '__main__':
  9. main()



只读模式(Read-only mode)


  1. from openpyxl import load_workbook
  2. wb = load_workbook(filename='large_file.xlsx', read_only=True)
  3. ws = wb['big_data']
  4. for row in ws.rows:
  5. for cell in row:
  6. print(cell.value)

只写模式(Write-only mode)

  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook(write_only=True) # 设置只写模式
  4. ws = wb.create_sheet()
  5. # now we'll fill it with 100 rows x 200 columns
  6. for irow in range(100):
  7. ws.append(['%d' % i for i in range(200)])
  8. # save the file
  9. wb.save('new_big_file.xlsx') # doctest: +SKIP
  10. if __name__ == '__main__':
  11. main()




  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook(write_only = True)
  4. ws = wb.create_sheet()
  5. from openpyxl.cell import WriteOnlyCell
  6. from openpyxl.comments import Comment
  7. from openpyxl.styles import Font
  8. cell = WriteOnlyCell(ws, value="hello world")
  9. cell.font = Font(name='Courier', size=36)
  10. cell.comment = Comment(text="A comment", author="Author's Name")
  11. ws.append([cell, 3.14, None])
  12. wb.save('write_only_file.xlsx')
  13. if __name__ == '__main__':
  14. main()




插入行和列数据(Inserting rows and columns)



>>> ws.insert_rows(7)


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook()
  4. ws = wb.create_sheet('test_insert')
  5. # 往第一个sheet写入40行 区间0-600 的数据
  6. for row in range(1, 40):
  7. ws.append(range(600))
  8. ws.insert_rows(7) # 在第7行插入空白的一行
  9. wb.save('write_only_file.xlsx')
  10. if __name__ == '__main__':
  11. main()




删除行和列 (Deletinng rows and columns)

  1. delete_rows(self, idx, amount=1) # 删除某行 idx为开始删除的行数,amount为后续需要继续删除的行数
  2. delete_cols(self, idx, amount=1) # 删除某列 idx为开始删除的列数,amount为后续需要继续删除的行数
  1. ws.delete_rows(idx=1, amount=2) # 删除前两行
  2. ws.delete_cols(idx=2,amount=1) # 删除第2


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook()
  4. ws = wb.create_sheet('test_insert')
  5. # 往第一个sheet写入40行 区间0-600 的数据
  6. for row in range(1, 40):
  7. ws.append(range(600))
  8. ws.insert_rows(7) # 在第7行插入空白的一行
  9. ws.delete_rows(idx=1, amount=2) # 删除前两行
  10. ws.delete_cols(idx=2,amount=1) # 删除第2
  11. wb.save('write_only_file.xlsx')
  12. if __name__ == '__main__':
  13. main()



移动单元格(Moving ranges of cells)

>>> ws.move_range("D4:F10", rows=-1, cols=2)


>>> ws.move_range("G4:H10", rows=1, cols=1, translate=True)



Chart types

The following charts are available:


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. wb = Workbook()
  4. ws = wb.active
  5. for i in range(10):
  6. ws.append([i])
  7. from openpyxl.chart import BarChart, Reference, Series
  8. values = Reference(ws, min_col=1, min_row=1, max_col=1, max_row=10)
  9. chart = BarChart()
  10. chart.add_data(values)
  11. ws.add_chart(chart, "E15")
  12. wb.save("SampleChart.xlsx")
  13. if __name__ == '__main__':
  14. main()



2D Area Charts


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl import Workbook
  3. from openpyxl.chart import (
  4. AreaChart,
  5. Reference,
  6. Series,
  7. )
  8. wb = Workbook()
  9. ws = wb.active
  10. rows = [
  11. ['Number', 'Batch 1', 'Batch 2'],
  12. [2, 40, 30],
  13. [3, 40, 25],
  14. [4, 50, 30],
  15. [5, 30, 10],
  16. [6, 25, 5],
  17. [7, 50, 10],
  18. ]
  19. for row in rows:
  20. ws.append(row)
  21. chart = AreaChart()
  22. chart.title = "Area Chart"
  23. chart.style = 13
  24. chart.x_axis.title = 'Test'
  25. chart.y_axis.title = 'Percentage'
  26. cats = Reference(ws, min_col=1, min_row=1, max_row=7)
  27. data = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=1, max_col=3, max_row=7)
  28. chart.add_data(data, titles_from_data=True)
  29. chart.set_categories(cats)
  30. ws.add_chart(chart, "A10")
  31. wb.save("area.xlsx")
  32. if __name__ == '__main__':
  33. main()




设置excel的样式(Working with styles)


Styles are used to change the look of your data while displayed on screen. They are also used to determine the formatting for numbers.

Styles can be applied to the following aspects:

  • font to set font size, color, underlining, etc. 设置字符大小、颜色、下划线
  • fill to set a pattern or color gradient 填充图案和网格的颜色
  • border to set borders on a cell 设置单元格的边框
  • cell alignment 设置单元格居中、居上等位置
  • protection

The following are the default values 默认的样式参数

  1. >>> from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, Border, Side, Alignment, Protection, Font
  2. >>> font = Font(name='Calibri',
  3. ... size=11,
  4. ... bold=False,
  5. ... italic=False,
  6. ... vertAlign=None,
  7. ... underline='none',
  8. ... strike=False,
  9. ... color='FF000000')
  10. >>> fill = PatternFill(fill_type=None,
  11. ... start_color='FFFFFFFF',
  12. ... end_color='FF000000')
  13. >>> border = Border(left=Side(border_style=None,
  14. ... color='FF000000'),
  15. ... right=Side(border_style=None,
  16. ... color='FF000000'),
  17. ... top=Side(border_style=None,
  18. ... color='FF000000'),
  19. ... bottom=Side(border_style=None,
  20. ... color='FF000000'),
  21. ... diagonal=Side(border_style=None,
  22. ... color='FF000000'),
  23. ... diagonal_direction=0,
  24. ... outline=Side(border_style=None,
  25. ... color='FF000000'),
  26. ... vertical=Side(border_style=None,
  27. ... color='FF000000'),
  28. ... horizontal=Side(border_style=None,
  29. ... color='FF000000')
  30. ... )
  31. >>> alignment=Alignment(horizontal='general',
  32. ... vertical='bottom',
  33. ... text_rotation=0,
  34. ... wrap_text=False,
  35. ... shrink_to_fit=False,
  36. ... indent=0)
  37. >>> number_format = 'General'
  38. >>> protection = Protection(locked=True,
  39. ... hidden=False)
  40. >>>

单元格样式和命名样式(Cell Styles and Named Styles)


Cell Styles

Cell styles are shared between objects and once they have been assigned they cannot be changed. This stops unwanted side-effects such as changing the style for lots of cells when instead of only one.


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl.styles import colors
  3. from openpyxl.styles import Font, Color
  4. from openpyxl import Workbook
  5. import datetime
  6. wb = Workbook()
  7. ws = wb.active
  8. a1 = ws['A1']
  9. d4 = ws['D4']
  10. ft = Font(color=colors.RED) # 设置字体
  11. a1.font = ft
  12. ws['A1'] = datetime.datetime.now()
  13. d4.font = ft
  14. ws['D4'] = 'd4内容'
  15. # If you want to change the color of a Font, you need to reassign it::
  16. a1.font = Font(color=colors.RED, italic=True) # the change only affects A1
  17. wb.save("cell_styles.xlsx")
  18. if __name__ == '__main__':
  19. main()



Copying styles

Styles can also be copied


  1. >>> from copy import copy
  2. >>>
  3. >>> ft1 = Font(name='Arial', size=14)
  4. >>> ft2 = copy(ft1)
  5. >>> ft2.name = "Tahoma"
  6. >>> ft1.name
  7. 'Arial'
  8. >>> ft2.name
  9. 'Tahoma'
  10. >>> ft2.size # copied from the
  11. 14.0

Basic Font Colors

Colors are usually RGB or aRGB hexvalues. The colors module contains some handy constants

字体的样式可以使用RGB或者aRGB 16进制的设置方式

  1. >>> from openpyxl.styles import Font
  2. >>> from openpyxl.styles.colors import RED
  3. >>> font = Font(color=RED)
  4. >>> font = Font(color="FFBB00")

There is also support for legacy indexed colors as well as themes and tints


  1. >>> from openpyxl.styles.colors import Color
  2. >>> c = Color(indexed=32)
  3. >>> c = Color(theme=6, tint=0.5)


  • 首先找到excel中一个背景色的颜色RGB数值

  • 然后将RGB数值转为16进制


  • 设置字体颜色代码如下:
  1. # 设置字体颜色以及主题
  2. ws['A3'].font = Font(color="00807E")
  3. ws['A3'] = '使用16进制格式设置颜色'
  • 生成excel如下:

Applying Styles


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl.workbook import Workbook
  3. from openpyxl.styles import Font, Fill
  4. wb = Workbook()
  5. ws = wb.active
  6. a1 = ws['A1']
  7. a1.font = Font(size=12, bold=True)
  8. ws['A1'] = '设置字体大小为12,粗体'
  9. a2 = ws['A2']
  10. a2.font = Font(size=24,underline="single")
  11. ws['A2'] = '设置字体大小24,下划线'
  12. wb.save("14_apply_styles.xlsx")
  13. if __name__ == '__main__':
  14. main()



Styling Merged Cells

The merged cell behaves similar to other cell ojects. Its value and format is defined in its top-left cell. In order to change the border of the whole merged cell, change the border of its top-left cell. The formatting is generated for the purpose of writing.


  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl.styles import Border, Side, PatternFill, Font, GradientFill, Alignment
  3. from openpyxl import Workbook
  4. wb = Workbook()
  5. ws = wb.active
  6. ws.merge_cells('B2:F4') # 合并 B2:F4 的单元格
  7. top_left_cell = ws['B2'] # 设置合并单元格的左上角单元格
  8. top_left_cell.value = "My Cell"
  9. thin = Side(border_style="thin", color="000000")
  10. double = Side(border_style="double", color="ff0000")
  11. # 设置左上角样式
  12. top_left_cell.border = Border(top=double, left=thin, right=thin, bottom=double) # 设置边框
  13. top_left_cell.fill = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="DDDDDD") # 设置背景色填充
  14. top_left_cell.fill = GradientFill(stop=("000000", "FFFFFF")) # 设置渐变色
  15. top_left_cell.font = Font(b=True, color="FF0000") # 设置字体的颜色
  16. top_left_cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center") # 设置内容的居中
  17. wb.save("15_styles.xlsx")
  18. if __name__ == '__main__':
  19. main()



Named Styles

In contrast to Cell Styles, Named Styles are mutable. They make sense when you want to apply formatting to lots of different cells at once. NB. once you have assigned a named style to a cell, additional changes to the style will not affect the cell.


Once a named style has been registered with a workbook, it can be referred to simply by name.


Creating a Named Style

  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl.styles import NamedStyle, Font, Border, Side
  3. from openpyxl import Workbook
  4. wb = Workbook()
  5. ws = wb.active
  6. # 创建命名样式highlight
  7. highlight = NamedStyle(name="highlight")
  8. highlight.font = Font(bold=True, size=20) # 设置粗体以及字体大小20
  9. bd = Side(style='thick', color="000000") # 设置黑色粗体线条
  10. highlight.border = Border(left=bd, top=bd, right=bd, bottom=bd) # 设置边框
  11. wb.add_named_style(highlight) # 将命名样式注册到wb
  12. ws['A1'].style = highlight # 设置命名样式
  13. ws['A1'] = 'A1内容'
  14. ws['D5'].style = 'highlight' # 也可以使用命名样式的name来设置样式
  15. ws['D5'] = 'D5内容'
  16. ws['D8'].style = highlight
  17. ws['D8'] = 'D8内容'
  18. wb.save("16_styles.xlsx")
  19. if __name__ == '__main__':
  20. main()




  1. def main():
  2. from openpyxl.styles import NamedStyle, Font, Border, Side, Alignment
  3. from openpyxl import Workbook
  4. wb = Workbook()
  5. ws = wb.active
  6. # 创建命名样式highlight
  7. highlight = NamedStyle(name="highlight")
  8. highlight.font = Font(bold=True, size=20) # 设置粗体以及字体大小20
  9. bd = Side(style='thick', color="000000") # 设置黑色粗体线条
  10. highlight.border = Border(left=bd, top=bd, right=bd, bottom=bd) # 设置边框
  11. wb.add_named_style(highlight) # 将命名样式注册到wb
  12. ws['A1'].style = highlight # 设置命名样式
  13. ws['A1'] = 'A1内容'
  14. ws['A1'].alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center") # 设置内容的居中
  15. ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 70 # 设置行高
  16. ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 20 # 设置宽度
  17. ws['D5'].style = 'highlight' # 也可以使用命名样式的name来设置样式
  18. ws['D5'] = 'D5内容'
  19. ws['D8'].style = highlight
  20. ws['D8'] = 'D8内容'
  21. wb.save("16_styles.xlsx")
  22. if __name__ == '__main__':
  23. main()





  1. def main():
  2. import datetime
  3. from openpyxl.styles import NamedStyle, Font, Border, Side, Alignment
  4. from openpyxl.styles import Border, Side, PatternFill, Font, GradientFill, Alignment
  5. from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter # 引入获取列字母的方法
  6. from openpyxl import Workbook
  7. wb = Workbook()
  8. ws = wb.active
  9. ws.title = 'report'
  10. # 创建标题样式
  11. title_style = NamedStyle("title_style")
  12. title_style.font = Font(name='微软雅黑', bold=True, size=11, color="FFFFFF")
  13. title_style.fill = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="00807E") # 设置背景色填充
  14. # title_style.fill = GradientFill(stop=("00807E", "FFFFFF")) # 设置渐变色
  15. # bd = Side(style='thick', color="000000") # 设置黑色粗体线条 线条的类型:{'mediumDashDotDot', 'mediumDashed', 'thin', 'dashDotDot', 'double', 'medium', 'thick', 'dashed', 'mediumDashDot', 'dotted', 'slantDashDot', 'dashDot', 'hair'}
  16. bd = Side(style='thin', color="000000") # 设置黑色dashed线条
  17. title_style.border = Border(left=bd, top=bd, right=bd, bottom=bd) # 设置边框
  18. title_style.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center", wrap_text=True) # 设置内容的居中以及自动换行 wrap_text=True
  19. # 将命名样式注册到wb
  20. wb.add_named_style(title_style)
  21. # 设置标题
  22. title_value = [
  23. "编号",
  24. "任务名称",
  25. "脚本名称",
  26. "测试项",
  27. "接口",
  28. "压测时长(秒)",
  29. "并发用户数",
  30. "每秒启动用户数",
  31. "平均响应时间 Average(ms)",
  32. "最短响应时间Min(ms)",
  33. "90%响应时间(ms)",
  34. "99%响应时间(ms)",
  35. "最长响应时间Max(ms)",
  36. "失败率Error(%)",
  37. "服务器每秒处理请求数QPS(个)",
  38. "服务器ServerName",
  39. "CPU Avg 消耗(%)",
  40. "CPU Max 消耗(%)",
  41. "内存消耗(%)",
  42. "磁盘I/O %Busy",
  43. "网络IO Recv/Trans M/S", "",
  44. "nmon文件",
  45. "压测完成时间" ]
  46. row = 1 # 设置写标题的行
  47. # 设置行高
  48. ws.row_dimensions[row].height = 60 # 设置第一行的行高
  49. for i in range(0, len(title_value)):
  50. col = i + 1 # 设置写标题内容的列
  51. ws.column_dimensions[str(get_column_letter(col))].width = 15 # 设置列的宽度
  52. # 设置单元格
  53. s = str(get_column_letter(col)) + str(row)
  54. ws[s].style = title_style # 也可以使用命名样式的name来设置样式
  55. ws[s] = title_value[i]
  56. ws.merge_cells('U1:V1') # 合并 U1:V1 的单元格
  57. # 创建内容样式
  58. content_style_grey = NamedStyle("content_style_grey")
  59. content_style_grey.font = Font(name='Arial', size=10, color="000000")
  60. content_style_grey.fill = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="D9D9D9") # 设置背景色填充
  61. content_style_grey.border = Border(left=bd, top=bd, right=bd, bottom=bd) # 设置边框
  62. content_style_grey.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center",wrap_text=True) # 设置内容的居中以及自动换行 wrap_text=True
  63. content_style_white = NamedStyle("content_style_white")
  64. content_style_white.font = Font(name='Arial', size=10, color="000000")
  65. content_style_white.border = Border(left=bd, top=bd, right=bd, bottom=bd) # 设置边框
  66. content_style_white.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center",wrap_text=True) # 设置内容的居中以及自动换行 wrap_text=True
  67. # 注册内容样式
  68. wb.add_named_style(content_style_grey)
  69. wb.add_named_style(content_style_white)
  70. # 设置内容
  71. content_values = [
  72. [ "1", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250", "250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api01", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82", "server_api01_190603_1125.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  73. [ "2", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250", "250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api02", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82", "server_api02_190603_1125.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  74. [ "3", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250", "250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api03", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82", "server_api03_190603_1125.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  75. [ "4", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1250", "500", "88", "6", "320", "320", "7251", "0(0.00%)", "1130.70", "server_api01", "39.93", "53.7", "23.41%", "1.3", "8.06", "2.27", "server_api01_190603_1131.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  76. [ "5", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1500", "500", "124", "6", "430", "430", "3120", "1(0.00%)", "1292.40", "server_api02", "45.02", "63.0", "23.41%", "2.3", "9.47", "2.66", "server_api01_190603_1137.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  77. [ "5", "测试压测项目927", "3_locustfile_api_2.py", "测试接口2", "GET /apis2", "180秒", "1500", "500", "124", "6", "430", "430", "3120", "1(0.00%)", "1292.40", "server_api02", "45.02", "63.0", "23.41%", "2.3", "9.47", "2.66", "server_api01_190603_1137.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  78. [ "6", "测试压测项目928", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2000", "500", "248", "6", "610", "610", "3404", "31(0.01%)", "1539.60", "server_api03", "53.68", "75.1", "23.43%", "2", "12.1", "3.41", "server_api01_190603_1143.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  79. [ "7", "测试压测项目928", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2300", "500", "321", "6", "810", "810", "3247", "63(0.02%)", "1618.90", "server_api04", "55.15", "80.2", "23.43%", "2", "13.57", "3.83", "server_api01_190603_1150.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  80. [ "8", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2500", "500", "369", "6", "900", "900", "3733", "41(0.01%)", "1717.90", "server_api05", "57.72", "81.0", "23.41%", "1.7", "13.5", "3.79", "server_api01_190603_1156.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  81. [ "9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6", "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05", "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon",datetime.datetime.now()],
  82. ["10", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口2", "GET /apis2", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250","250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api01", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82","server_api01_190603_1125.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  83. ["11", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口2", "GET /apis2", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250","250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api01", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82","server_api01_190603_1125.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  84. ["12", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口2", "GET /apis2", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250","250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api01", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82","server_api01_190603_1125.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  85. ]
  86. # 设置内容
  87. for content_value in content_values:
  88. row = row + 1 # 设置行
  89. # 设置行高
  90. ws.row_dimensions[row].height = 26.7 # 设置第一行的行高
  91. for i in range(0, len(content_value)):
  92. col = i + 1 # 设置写标题内容的列
  93. # 设置单元格
  94. s = str(get_column_letter(col)) + str(row)
  95. ws[s].style = content_style_white # 也可以使用命名样式的name来设置样式
  96. ws[s] = content_value[i]
  97. # 设置合并单元格 ws.merge_cells('A1:D1')
  98. row_list = []
  99. for row in ws.iter_rows(): # 遍历所有行的
  100. row_list.append(row)
  101. for i in range(0,len(row_list)):
  102. row = row_list[i]
  103. print('i = %d' % i)
  104. print('遍历 row = {0}'.format(row))
  105. task_name = row[1].value
  106. script_name = row[2].value
  107. test_case_name = row[3].value
  108. api_name = row[4].value
  109. run_time = row[5].value
  110. users = row[6].value
  111. rate = row[7].value
  112. average_response_time = row[8].value
  113. min_response_time = row[9].value
  114. percent_90_response_time = row[10].value
  115. percent_99_response_time = row[11].value
  116. max_response_time = row[12].value
  117. failures = row[13].value
  118. requests = row[14].value
  119. print('task_name = %s, script_name = %s, test_case_name = %s, api_name = %s, run_time = %s, users = %s, rate = %s, average_response_time = %s, min_response_time = %s, percent_90_response_time = %s, percent_99_response_time = %s, max_response_time = %s, failures = %s, requests = %s' % (
  120. task_name, script_name, test_case_name, api_name, run_time, users, rate, average_response_time, min_response_time, percent_90_response_time, percent_99_response_time, max_response_time, failures, requests
  121. ))
  122. if i > 1:
  123. pre_row = row_list[i-1]
  124. def merge_pre_cell(num):
  125. for i in range(1,num):
  126. if row[i].value == pre_row[i].value: # 逐级递进合并上下单元格,如果其中一项不同,则退出合并循环
  127. pre_coord = str(get_column_letter(pre_row[i].column)) + str(pre_row[i].row)
  128. now_coord = str(get_column_letter(row[i].column)) + str(row[i].row)
  129. ws.merge_cells("{0}:{1}".format(pre_coord, now_coord))
  130. else:
  131. break
  132. merge_pre_cell(15)
  133. wb.save("17_styles.xlsx")
  134. if __name__ == '__main__':
  135. main()

生成的excel报表 如下:






  1. import datetime
  2. import time
  3. from openpyxl.styles import Border, Side, PatternFill, Font, GradientFill, Alignment, NamedStyle
  4. from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter # 引入获取列字母的方法
  5. from openpyxl import Workbook
  6. class CreateReport():
  7. """创建压测结果excel报告"""
  8. def __init__(self):
  9. self.wb = Workbook()
  10. self.excel = "report_{0}.xlsx".format(time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S',time.localtime()))
  11. self.ws = self.wb.active
  12. self.ws.title = 'report'
  13. # 设置标题内容
  14. self.title_value = [
  15. "编号",
  16. "任务名称",
  17. "脚本名称",
  18. "测试项",
  19. "接口",
  20. "压测时长(秒)",
  21. "并发用户数",
  22. "每秒启动用户数",
  23. "平均响应时间 Average(ms)",
  24. "最短响应时间Min(ms)",
  25. "90%响应时间(ms)",
  26. "99%响应时间(ms)",
  27. "最长响应时间Max(ms)",
  28. "失败率Error(%)",
  29. "服务器每秒处理请求数QPS(个)",
  30. "服务器ServerName",
  31. "CPU Avg 消耗(%)",
  32. "CPU Max 消耗(%)",
  33. "内存消耗(%)",
  34. "磁盘I/O %Busy",
  35. "网络IO Recv/Trans M/S", "",
  36. "nmon文件",
  37. "压测完成时间"
  38. ]
  39. # 设置内容
  40. self.content_values = [
  41. ["1", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250",
  42. "250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api01", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82",
  43. "server_api01_190603_1125.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  44. ["2", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250",
  45. "250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api02", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82",
  46. "server_api02_190603_1125.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  47. ["3", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1000", "300", "63", "6", "250",
  48. "250", "3047", "0(0.00%)", "935.80", "server_api03", "33.83", "46.6", "23.41%", "1.3", "6.41", "1.82",
  49. "server_api03_190603_1125.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  50. ["4", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1250", "500", "88", "6", "320",
  51. "320", "7251", "0(0.00%)", "1130.70", "server_api01", "39.93", "53.7", "23.41%", "1.3", "8.06", "2.27",
  52. "server_api01_190603_1131.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  53. ["4", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis2", "180秒", "1250", "500", "88", "6",
  54. "320", "320", "7251", "0(0.00%)", "1130.70", "server_api01", "39.93", "53.7", "23.41%", "1.3", "8.06",
  55. "2.27", "server_api01_190603_1131.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  56. ["4", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis2", "180秒", "1250", "500", "88", "6",
  57. "320", "320", "7251", "0(0.00%)", "1130.70", "server_api01", "39.93", "53.7", "23.41%", "1.3", "8.06",
  58. "2.27", "server_api01_190603_1131.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  59. ["4", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis2", "180秒", "1250", "500", "88", "6",
  60. "320", "320", "7251", "0(0.00%)", "1130.70", "server_api01", "39.93", "53.7", "23.41%", "1.3", "8.06",
  61. "2.27", "server_api01_190603_1131.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  62. ["5", "测试压测项目927", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口2", "GET /apis", "180秒", "1500", "500", "124", "6",
  63. "430", "430", "3120", "1(0.00%)", "1292.40", "server_api02", "45.02", "63.0", "23.41%", "2.3", "9.47",
  64. "2.66", "server_api01_190603_1137.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  65. ["6", "测试压测项目928", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口2", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2000", "500", "248", "6",
  66. "610", "610", "3404", "31(0.01%)", "1539.60", "server_api03", "53.68", "75.1", "23.43%", "2", "12.1",
  67. "3.41", "server_api01_190603_1143.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  68. ["7", "测试压测项目928", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口2", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2300", "500", "321", "6",
  69. "810", "810", "3247", "63(0.02%)", "1618.90", "server_api04", "55.15", "80.2", "23.43%", "2", "13.57",
  70. "3.83", "server_api01_190603_1150.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  71. ["8", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2500", "500", "369", "6",
  72. "900", "900", "3733", "41(0.01%)", "1717.90", "server_api05", "57.72", "81.0", "23.41%", "1.7", "13.5",
  73. "3.79", "server_api01_190603_1156.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  74. ["9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6",
  75. "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05",
  76. "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  77. ["9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口3", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6",
  78. "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05",
  79. "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  80. ["9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口4", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6",
  81. "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05",
  82. "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  83. ["9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口5", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6",
  84. "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05",
  85. "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  86. ["9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口5", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6",
  87. "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05",
  88. "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  89. ["9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口5", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6",
  90. "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05",
  91. "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  92. ["9", "测试压测项目929", "2_locustfile_api_空业务.py", "测试接口1", "GET /apis", "180秒", "2800", "500", "464", "6",
  93. "900", "900", "2333", "98(0.03%)", "1801.30", "server_api06", "61.1", "81.2", "23.45%", "1.7", "13.05",
  94. "3.68", "server_api01_190603_1202.nmon", datetime.datetime.now()],
  95. ]
  96. def _create_title_style(self):
  97. """设置excel标题样式"""
  98. title_style = NamedStyle("title_style")
  99. title_style.font = Font(name='微软雅黑', bold=True, size=11, color="FFFFFF")
  100. title_style.fill = PatternFill("solid", fgColor="00807E") # 设置背景色填充
  101. bd = Side(style='thin', color="000000") # 设置黑色dashed线条
  102. title_style.border = Border(left=bd, top=bd, right=bd, bottom=bd) # 设置边框
  103. title_style.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center",wrap_text=True) # 设置内容的居中以及自动换行 wrap_text=True
  104. return title_style
  105. def _set_title(self):
  106. """设置excel标题"""
  107. # 设置标题内容
  108. title_value = self.title_value
  109. # 设置标题样式
  110. title_style = self._create_title_style()
  111. # 将命名样式注册到wb
  112. self.wb.add_named_style(title_style)
  113. # 设置写标题的行
  114. row = 1
  115. # 设置行高
  116. self.ws.row_dimensions[row].height = 60 # 设置第一行的行高
  117. for i in range(0, len(title_value)):
  118. col = i + 1 # 设置写标题内容的列
  119. # 设置列的宽度
  120. if col == 1:
  121. self.ws.column_dimensions[str(get_column_letter(col))].width = 8
  122. elif col == 3:
  123. self.ws.column_dimensions[str(get_column_letter(col))].width = 25
  124. else:
  125. self.ws.column_dimensions[str(get_column_letter(col))].width = 15
  126. # 设置单元格
  127. s = str(get_column_letter(col)) + str(row)
  128. self.ws[s].style = title_style # 也可以使用命名样式的name来设置样式
  129. self.ws[s] = title_value[i]
  130. self.ws.merge_cells('U1:V1') # 合并 U1:V1 的单元格
  131. def _save(self):
  132. """保存excel报表"""
  133. self.wb.save(self.excel)
  134. def _create_content_style(self):
  135. """设置excel内容样式"""
  136. bd = Side(style='thin', color="000000") # 设置黑色dashed线条
  137. content_style = NamedStyle("content_style")
  138. content_style.font = Font(name='Arial', size=10, color="000000")
  139. content_style.border = Border(left=bd, top=bd, right=bd, bottom=bd) # 设置边框
  140. content_style.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center", vertical="center",wrap_text=True) # 设置内容的居中以及自动换行 wrap_text=True
  141. return content_style
  142. def _set_content(self):
  143. """设置报表每一行的数据"""
  144. # 注册内容样式
  145. content_style = self._create_content_style()
  146. self.wb.add_named_style(content_style)
  147. # 设置内容
  148. row = 1
  149. for content_value in self.content_values:
  150. # 设置行
  151. row = row + 1
  152. # 设置行高
  153. self.ws.row_dimensions[row].height = 26.7 # 设置第一行的行高
  154. for i in range(0, len(content_value)):
  155. col = i + 1 # 设置写标题内容的列
  156. # 设置单元格
  157. s = str(get_column_letter(col)) + str(row)
  158. self.ws[s].style = content_style # 也可以使用命名样式的name来设置样式
  159. self.ws[s] = content_value[i]
  160. def _content_merge_cells_col(self):
  161. """横向初次递进准备合并内容的单元格的下一行为空"""
  162. # 设置合并单元格 ws.merge_cells('A1:D1')
  163. row_list = []
  164. for row in self.ws.iter_rows(): # 遍历所有行的
  165. row_list.append(row)
  166. for i in range(0, len(row_list)):
  167. row = row_list[i]
  168. if i > 1:
  169. pre_row = row_list[i - 1]
  170. # todo:采用多次覆盖合并的方式
  171. def merge_pre_cell(layer): # layer为递进需要合并的标题数量
  172. for i in range(1, layer):
  173. if row[i].value == pre_row[i].value: # 逐级递进合并上下单元格,如果其中一项不同,则退出合并循环
  174. pre_coord = str(get_column_letter(pre_row[i].column)) + str(pre_row[i].row)
  175. now_coord = str(get_column_letter(row[i].column)) + str(row[i].row)
  176. self.ws.merge_cells("{0}:{1}".format(pre_coord, now_coord))
  177. self.ws.unmerge_cells("{0}:{1}".format(pre_coord, now_coord))
  178. else:
  179. break
  180. merge_pre_cell(15)
  181. def _is_merged(self,cell_coord):
  182. """输入单元格的坐标,判断是否被合并"""
  183. # ex: print( 'B2单元格是否被合并 = ', _is_merged('B2') )
  184. for merged_cell in self.ws.merged_cells.ranges:
  185. # print('merged_cell = %s' % merged_cell)
  186. if cell_coord in merged_cell:
  187. return True
  188. return False
  189. def _content_merge_cells_row(self):
  190. """纵向二次合并单元格数据,解决初次合并不完整的问题"""
  191. sheet_report = self.wb[self.ws.title]
  192. # print(sheet_report.merged_cells)
  193. max_row, max_column = sheet_report.max_row, sheet_report.max_column # 获取sheet表中的最大row column
  194. # print('max_row = %s' % max_row)
  195. # print('max_column = %s' % max_column)
  196. # ws.unmerge_cells(start_row=13, start_column=1, end_row=16, end_column=4)
  197. # ws.merge_cells(start_row=13, start_column=1, end_row=18, end_column=4)
  198. # 遍历一列的每行数据
  199. def traverse_column(col):
  200. start_row = 2
  201. end_row = 2
  202. start_column = col
  203. end_column = col
  204. column_letter = get_column_letter(col)
  205. for i in range(2, max_row+1):
  206. # 设置单个的单元格
  207. cell = sheet_report['{0}{1}'.format(column_letter,i)]
  208. print("cell.value = %s, cell.row = %s, cell.column = %s" % (cell.value, cell.row, cell.column) )
  209. # 设置下一个单元格
  210. next_cell = None
  211. if i < max_row: # 当前的单元格还不是最后一行的单元格,那么则需要判断下一个单元格
  212. next_cell = sheet_report['{0}{1}'.format(column_letter,i+1)]
  213. print("next_cell.value = %s, next_cell.row = %s, next_cell.column = %s" % (next_cell.value, next_cell.row, next_cell.column))
  214. else:
  215. next_cell = None
  216. print("没有下一行的单元格数据了!")
  217. # 记录第一行数据不为空的单元格为合并的起始
  218. if cell.value is not None:
  219. start_row = cell.row
  220. print('合并单元格的起始行数 start_row = %s' % start_row)
  221. # 记录最后一行空数据,并且下一行的单元格数据不为空的单元格为合并的终止
  222. if cell.value is None:
  223. if next_cell is not None:
  224. if next_cell.value is not None:
  225. end_row = cell.row
  226. print('合并单元格的终止行数 end_row = {0}'.format(end_row))
  227. print('start_row = %s, end_row = %s' % (start_row, end_row))
  228. # 合并多行单元格
  229. self.ws.merge_cells(start_row=start_row, start_column=start_column, end_row=end_row,
  230. end_column=end_column)
  231. else: # 当到了最后一个单元格,则合并最后一次即可
  232. end_row = cell.row
  233. print('合并最后一个单元格的终止行数 end_row = {0}'.format(end_row))
  234. print('start_row = %s, end_row = %s' % (start_row, end_row))
  235. # 合并多行单元格
  236. self.ws.merge_cells(start_row=start_row, start_column=start_column, end_row=end_row,end_column=end_column)
  237. # 设置需要合并单元格的列
  238. for col in range(2,16):
  239. traverse_column(col=col)
  240. def report(self):
  241. """创建excel报表"""
  242. self._set_title()
  243. self._set_content()
  244. self._content_merge_cells_col()
  245. self._content_merge_cells_row()
  246. self._save()
  247. return self.excel
  248. def _test():
  249. """测试创建报表"""
  250. excel = CreateReport().report()
  251. print('excel = %s' % excel)
  252. if __name__ == '__main__':
  253. _test()


