随着开发程序的增多,任务调度以及任务之间的依赖关系管理就成为一个比较头疼的问题,随时少量的任务可以用linux系统自带的crontab加以定时进行,但缺点也很明细,不够直观,以及修改起来比较麻烦,容易出错,这时候就需要调度工具来帮忙,不知道大家都接触过哪些调度工具,我这边接触过airflow、oozie、 Kyligence,但今天我想推荐的调度工具是dolphinscheduler,下面就从安装部署来简单介绍下该工具。
tar -zxvf apache-dolphinscheduler-3.1.8-bin.tar.gz
mv apache-dolphinscheduler-3.1.8-bin dolphinscheduler-3.1.8
进入解压后的文件到 dolphinscheduler-3.1.8/bin/env目录,vim dolphinscheduler_env.sh配置dolphinscheduler的数据源、zookeeper连接信息以及spark、flink、datax、seatunnel安装目录地址
export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME:-"/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_181-cloudera"} # Database related configuration, set database type, username and password export DATABASE=${DATABASE:-"mysql"} export SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=${DATABASE} export SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL=${SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL:-"jdbc:mysql://ds1:3306/dolphinscheduler?useSSL=false"} export SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME=${SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME:-"root"} export SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD=${SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD:-"*****"} # DolphinScheduler server related configuration export SPRING_CACHE_TYPE=${SPRING_CACHE_TYPE:-none} export SPRING_JACKSON_TIME_ZONE=${SPRING_JACKSON_TIME_ZONE:-"Asia/Shanghai"} export MASTER_FETCH_COMMAND_NUM=${MASTER_FETCH_COMMAND_NUM:-10} # Registry center configuration, determines the type and link of the registry center export REGISTRY_TYPE=${REGISTRY_TYPE:-zookeeper} export REGISTRY_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING=${REGISTRY_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT_STRING:-ds1:2181,ds2:2181,ds3:2181} # Tasks related configurations, need to change the configuration if you use the related tasks. export HADOOP_HOME=${HADOOP_HOME:-"/application/hadoop"} export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=${HADOOP_CONF_DIR:-"/application/hadoop/etc/hadoop"} export SPARK_HOME2=${SPARK_HOME2:-"/application/spark"} export PYTHON_HOME=${PYTHON_HOME:-"/usr/bin/python"} export HIVE_HOME=${HIVE_HOME:-"/application/hive"} export FLINK_HOME=${FLINK_HOME:-"/application/flink"} export DATAX_HOME=${DATAX_HOME:-"/opt/soft/datax"} export SEATUNNEL_HOME=${SEATUNNEL_HOME:-"/application/seatunnel"} export CHUNJUN_HOME=${CHUNJUN_HOME:-/opt/soft/chunjun} export PATH=$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$SPARK_HOME/bin:$PYTHON_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$HIVE_HOME/bin:$FLINK_HOME/bin:$DATAX_HOME/bin:$SEATUNNEL_HOME/bin:$CHUNJUN_HOME/bin:$PATH
vim install_env.sh编辑dolphinscheduler的master、worker、apiserver、alterserver、服务器上安装的路径以及部署的用户名和zookeeper的注册路径
ips=${ips:-"ds1,ds2,ds3"} # Port of SSH protocol, default value is 22. For now we only support same port in all `ips` machine # modify it if you use different ssh port sshPort=${sshPort:-"22"} # A comma separated list of machine hostname or IP would be installed Master server, it # must be a subset of configuration `ips`. # Example for hostnames: masters="ds1,ds2", Example for IPs: masters="," masters=${masters:-"ds1,ds2,ds3"} # A comma separated list of machine <hostname>:<workerGroup> or <IP>:<workerGroup>.All hostname or IP must be a # subset of configuration `ips`, And workerGroup have default value as `default`, but we recommend you declare behind the hosts # Example for hostnames: workers="ds1:default,ds2:default,ds3:default", Example for IPs: workers=",," workers=${workers:-"ds1:default,ds2:default,ds3:default"} # A comma separated list of machine hostname or IP would be installed Alert server, it # must be a subset of configuration `ips`. # Example for hostname: alertServer="ds3", Example for IP: alertServer="" alertServer=${alertServer:-"ds3"} # A comma separated list of machine hostname or IP would be installed API server, it # must be a subset of configuration `ips`. # Example for hostname: apiServers="ds1", Example for IP: apiServers="" apiServers=${apiServers:-"ds2"} # The directory to install DolphinScheduler for all machine we config above. It will automatically be created by `install.sh` script if not exists. # Do not set this configuration same as the current path (pwd). Do not add quotes to it if you using related path. installPath=${installPath:-"/application/dolphinscheduler"} # The user to deploy DolphinScheduler for all machine we config above. For now user must create by yourself before running `install.sh` # script. The user needs to have sudo privileges and permissions to operate hdfs. If hdfs is enabled than the root directory needs # to be created by this user deployUser=${deployUser:-"root"} # The root of zookeeper, for now DolphinScheduler default registry server is zookeeper. zkRoot=${zkRoot:-"/dolphinscheduler"}
进入解压后的文件目录dolphinscheduler-3.1.8/api-server/conf,vim common.properties编辑资源配置路径,dolphinscheduler-3.1.8/worker-server/conf目录下的common.properties也需要配置
data.basedir.path=/application/data # resource view suffixs #resource.view.suffixs=txt,log,sh,bat,conf,cfg,py,java,sql,xml,hql,properties,json,yml,yaml,ini,js # resource storage type: HDFS, S3, OSS, NONE resource.storage.type=HDFS # resource store on HDFS/S3 path, resource file will store to this base path, self configuration, please make sure the directory exists on hdfs and have read write permissions. "/dolphinscheduler" is recommended resource.storage.upload.base.path=/dolphinscheduler # The AWS access key. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required resource.aws.access.key.id=minioadmin # The AWS secret access key. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required resource.aws.secret.access.key=minioadmin # The AWS Region to use. if resource.storage.type=S3 or use EMR-Task, This configuration is required resource.aws.region=cn-north-1 # The name of the bucket. You need to create them by yourself. Otherwise, the system cannot start. All buckets in Amazon S3 share a single namespace; ensure the bucket is given a unique name. resource.aws.s3.bucket.name=dolphinscheduler # You need to set this parameter when private cloud s3. If S3 uses public cloud, you only need to set resource.aws.region or set to the endpoint of a public cloud such as S3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn resource.aws.s3.endpoint=http://localhost:9000 # alibaba cloud access key id, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS resource.alibaba.cloud.access.key.id=<your-access-key-id> # alibaba cloud access key secret, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS resource.alibaba.cloud.access.key.secret=<your-access-key-secret> # alibaba cloud region, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS resource.alibaba.cloud.region=cn-hangzhou # oss bucket name, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS resource.alibaba.cloud.oss.bucket.name=dolphinscheduler # oss bucket endpoint, required if you set resource.storage.type=OSS resource.alibaba.cloud.oss.endpoint=https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com # if resource.storage.type=HDFS, the user must have the permission to create directories under the HDFS root path resource.hdfs.root.user=root # if resource.storage.type=S3, the value like: s3a://dolphinscheduler; if resource.storage.type=HDFS and namenode HA is enabled, you need to copy core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml to conf dir resource.hdfs.fs.defaultFS=hdfs://ds1:8020 # whether to startup kerberos hadoop.security.authentication.startup.state=false # java.security.krb5.conf path java.security.krb5.conf.path=/opt/krb5.conf # login user from keytab username login.user.keytab.username=hdfs-mycluster@ESZ.COM # login user from keytab path login.user.keytab.path=/opt/hdfs.headless.keytab # kerberos expire time, the unit is hour kerberos.expire.time=2 # resourcemanager port, the default value is 8088 if not specified resource.manager.httpaddress.port=8088 # if resourcemanager HA is enabled, please set the HA IPs; if resourcemanager is single, keep this value empty yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm.ids=ds1 # if resourcemanager HA is enabled or not use resourcemanager, please keep the default value; If resourcemanager is single, you only need to replace ds1 to actual resourcemanager hostname yarn.application.status.address=http://ds1:%s/ws/v1/cluster/apps/%s # job history status url when application number threshold is reached(default 10000, maybe it was set to 1000) yarn.job.history.status.address=http://ds1:19888/ws/v1/history/mapreduce/jobs/%s # datasource encryption enable datasource.encryption.enable=false # datasource encryption salt datasource.encryption.salt=!@#$%^&* # data quality option data-quality.jar.name=dolphinscheduler-data-quality-dev-SNAPSHOT.jar #data-quality.error.output.path=/tmp/data-quality-error-data # Network IP gets priority, default inner outer # Whether hive SQL is executed in the same session support.hive.oneSession=true # use sudo or not, if set true, executing user is tenant user and deploy user needs sudo permissions; if set false, executing user is the deploy user and doesn't need sudo permissions sudo.enable=true setTaskDirToTenant.enable=false
CREATE USER '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dolphinscheduler.* TO '{user}'@'%';
CREATE USER '{user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dolphinscheduler.* TO '{user}'@'localhost';
进入到dolphinscheduler-3.1.8目录下,执行bash tools/bin/upgrade-schema.sh命令进行初始化,此时注意是否有错误信息,初始化成功后,可执行bin/install.sh命令,dolphinscheduler即可自行安装到配置文件里的安装路径,并将安装服务复制到定义的worker-server节点,接着输入以下地址看看是否能够登录http://ds2:12345/dolphinscheduler/ui(此处的ds2是配置文件中定义的apiserver),当看到以下界面是证明启动成功,初始账号密码为admin/dolphinscheduler123
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