-- 创建ods库
create database if not exists ods_didi;
-- 创建dw库
create database if not exists dw_didi;
-- 创建app库
create database if not exists app_didi;
Hadoop集群的使用 一键启动 cd /export/onekey/ ./start-all.sh 一键关闭 cd /export/onekey/ ./stop-all.sh web查看HDFS页面 Hive 启动 1. 进入到/export/server/hive-2.1.0/bin目录中 2. 执行以下命令:./beeline 3. 输入:!connect jdbc:hive2://node1:10000,回车 4. 输入用户名:root 5. 在输入密码位置直接回车,即可使用命令行连接到Hive,然后就可以执行HQL了。 Zeppelin 浏览器访问 打开浏览器,输入地址访问:
create table if not exists ods_didi.t_user_order( orderId string comment '订单id', telephone string comment '打车用户手机', lng string comment '用户发起打车的经度', lat string comment '用户发起打车的纬度', province string comment '所在省份', city string comment '所在城市', es_money double comment '预估打车费用', gender string comment '用户信息 - 性别', profession string comment '用户信息 - 行业', age_range string comment '年龄段(70后、80后、...)', tip double comment '小费', subscribe int comment '是否预约(0 - 非预约、1 - 预约)', sub_time string comment '预约时间', is_agent int comment '是否代叫(0 - 本人、1 - 代叫)', agent_telephone string comment '预约人手机', order_time string comment '预约时间' ) partitioned by (dt string comment '时间分区') ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ;
create table if not exists ods_didi.t_user_cancel_order( orderId string comment '订单ID', cstm_telephone string comment '客户联系电话', lng string comment '取消订单的经度', lat string comment '取消订单的纬度', province string comment '所在省份', city string comment '所在城市', es_distance double comment '预估距离', gender string comment '性别', profession string comment '行业', age_range string comment '年龄段', reason int comment '取消订单原因(1 - 选择了其他交通方式、2 - 与司机达成一致,取消订单、3 - 投诉司机没来接我、4 - 已不需要用车、5 - 无理由取消订单)', cancel_time string comment '取消时间' ) partitioned by (dt string comment '时间分区') ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ;
create table if not exists ods_didi.t_user_pay_order( id string comment '支付订单ID', orderId string comment '订单ID', lng string comment '目的地的经度(支付地址)', lat string comment '目的地的纬度(支付地址)', province string comment '省份', city string comment '城市', total_money double comment '车费总价', real_pay_money double comment '实际支付总额', passenger_additional_money double comment '乘客额外加价', base_money double comment '车费合计', has_coupon int comment '是否使用优惠券(0 - 不使用、1 - 使用)', coupon_total double comment '优惠券合计', pay_way int comment '支付方式(0 - 微信支付、1 - 支付宝支付、3 - QQ钱包支付、4 - 一网通银行卡支付)', mileage double comment '里程(单位公里)', pay_time string comment '支付时间' ) partitioned by (dt string comment '时间分区') ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ;
create table if not exists ods_didi.t_user_evaluate(
id string comment '评价日志唯一ID',
orderId string comment '订单ID',
passenger_telephone string comment '用户电话',
passenger_province string comment '用户所在省份',
passenger_city string comment '用户所在城市',
eva_level int comment '评价等级(1 - 一颗星、... 5 - 五星)',
eva_time string comment '评价时间'
partitioned by (dt string comment '时间分区')
mkdir -p /export/data/didi
load data local inpath '/export/data/didi/order.csv' into table t_user_order partition (dt='2020-04-12');
load data local inpath '/export/data/didi/cancel_order.csv' into table t_user_cancel_order partition (dt='2020-04-12');
load data local inpath '/export/data/didi/pay.csv' into table t_user_pay_order partition (dt='2020-04-12');
load data local inpath '/export/data/didi/evaluate.csv' into table t_user_evaluate partition (dt='2020-04-12');
create table if not exists dw_didi.t_user_order_wide( orderId string comment '订单id', telephone string comment '打车用户手机', lng string comment '用户发起打车的经度', lat string comment '用户发起打车的纬度', province string comment '所在省份', city string comment '所在城市', es_money double comment '预估打车费用', gender string comment '用户信息 - 性别', profession string comment '用户信息 - 行业', age_range string comment '年龄段(70后、80后、...)', tip double comment '小费', subscribe int comment '是否预约(0 - 非预约、1 - 预约)', subscribe_name string comment '是否预约名称', sub_time string comment '预约时间', is_agent int comment '是否代叫(0 - 本人、1 - 代叫)', is_agent_name string comment '是否代叫名称', agent_telephone string comment '预约人手机', order_date string comment '预约时间,yyyy-MM-dd', order_year string comment '年', order_month string comment '月', order_day string comment '日', order_hour string comment '小时', order_time_range string comment '时间段', order_time string comment '预约时间' ) partitioned by (dt string comment '时间分区') ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ;
select orderId, telephone, lng, lat, province, city, es_money, gender, profession, age_range, tip, subscribe, case when subscribe = 0 then '非预约' when subscribe = 1 then'预约' end as subscribe_name, date_format(concat(sub_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as sub_time, is_agent, case when is_agent = 0 then '本人' when is_agent = 1 then '代叫' end as is_agent_name, agent_telephone, date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') as order_date, -- 2020-1-1 --->2020-01-01 year(date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as order_year, --2020 month(date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as order_month, --12 day(date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as order_day, --23 hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) as order_hour, case when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 1 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 5 then '凌晨' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 5 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 8 then '早上' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 8 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 11 then '上午' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 11 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 13 then '中午' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 13 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 17 then '下午' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 17 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 19 then '晚上' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 19 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 20 then '半夜' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 20 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 24 then '深夜' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) >= 0 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 1 then '深夜' else 'N/A' end as order_time_range, date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as order_time from ods_didi.t_user_order where dt = '2020-04-12' and length(order_time) >= 8 ;
insert overwrite table dw_didi.t_user_order_wide partition(dt='2020-04-12') select orderId, telephone, lng, lat, province, city, es_money, gender, profession, age_range, tip, subscribe, case when subscribe = 0 then '非预约' when subscribe = 1 then'预约' end as subscribe_name, date_format(concat(sub_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as sub_time, is_agent, case when is_agent = 0 then '本人' when is_agent = 1 then '代叫' end as is_agent_name, agent_telephone, date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd') as order_date, -- 2020-1-1 --->2020-01-01 year(date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as order_year, --2020 month(date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as order_month, --12 day(date_format(order_time, 'yyyy-MM-dd')) as order_day, --23 hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) as order_hour, case when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 1 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 5 then '凌晨' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 5 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 8 then '早上' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 8 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 11 then '上午' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 11 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 13 then '中午' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 13 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 17 then '下午' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 17 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 19 then '晚上' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 19 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 20 then '半夜' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) > 20 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 24 then '深夜' when hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) >= 0 and hour(date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) <= 1 then '深夜' else 'N/A' end as order_time_range, date_format(concat(order_time,':00'), 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') as order_time from ods_didi.t_user_order where dt = '2020-04-12' and length(order_time) >= 8;
create table if not exists app_didi.t_order_total(
date_val string comment '日期(年月日)',
count int comment '订单笔数'
partitioned by (month string comment '年月,yyyy-MM')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
insert overwrite table app_didi.t_order_total partition(month='2020-04')
count(orderid) as total_cnt
dt = '2020-04-12'
-- 创建保存日期对应订单笔数的app表
create table if not exists app_didi.t_order_subscribe_percent(
date_val string comment '日期',
subscribe_name string comment '是否预约',
percent_val string comment '百分比'
)partitioned by (month string comment '年月yyyy-MM')
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' ;
-加载数据到app表 insert overwrite table app_didi.t_order_subscribe_percent partition(month='2020-04') select '2020-04-12', '预约', concat(round(t1.total_cnt /t2.total_cnt *100,2),'%') as subscribe from ( select count(orderid) as total_cnt from dw_didi.t_user_order_wide where subscribe = 1 and dt = '2020-04-12' )t1, ( select count(orderid) as total_cnt from dw_didi.t_user_order_wide where dt = '2020-04-12' )t2 union all select '2020-04-12', '非预约', concat(round(t1.total_cnt /t2.total_cnt *100,2),'%') as nosubscribe from ( select count(orderid) as total_cnt from dw_didi.t_user_order_wide where subscribe = 0 and dt = '2020-04-12' )t1, ( select count(orderid) as total_cnt from dw_didi.t_user_order_wide where dt = '2020-04-12' )t2 ;
create table if not exists app_didi.t_order_timerange_total(
date_val string comment '日期',
timerange string comment '时间段',
count int comment '订单数量'
partitioned by (month string comment '年月,yyyy-MM')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
insert overwrite table app_didi.t_order_timerange_total partition(month = '2020-04')
count(*) as order_cnt
dt = '2020-04-12'
group by
create table if not exists app_didi.t_order_province_total(
date_val string comment '日期',
province string comment '省份',
count int comment '订单数量'
partitioned by (month string comment '年月,yyyy-MM')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
insert overwrite table app_didi.t_order_province_total partition(month = '2020-04')
count(*) as order_cnt
dt = '2020-04-12'
group by
order by order_cnt desc
create table if not exists app_didi.t_order_age_and_time_range_total(
date_val string comment '日期',
age_range string comment '年龄段',
order_time_range string comment '时段',
count int comment '订单数量'
partitioned by (month string comment '年月,yyyy-MM')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
insert overwrite table app_didi.t_order_age_and_time_range_total partition(month = '2020-04')
count(*) as order_cnt
dt = '2020-04-12'
group by
create table if not exists app_didi.t_order_profession_total_topn(
date_val string comment '日期',
profession string comment '职业',
Order_cnt int comment '订单数量',
rk int comment '排名'
partitioned by (month string comment '年月,yyyy-MM')
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' ;
insert overwrite table app_didi.t_order_profession_total_topn partition(month = '2020-04') select * from ( select *, dense_rank() over(order by total_cnt desc) as rk from ( select '2020-04-12', profession, count(orderid) as total_cnt from dw_didi.t_user_order_wide group by profession )t )tt where rk <=3 ;
create table if not exists app_didi.t_order_cancel_order_percent(
date_val string comment '日期',
cancel_order_percent string comment '百分比'
partitioned by (month string comment '年月,yyyy-MM')
row format delimited fields terminated by ','
insert overwrite table app_didi.t_order_cancel_order_percent partition(month = '2020-04')
'2020-04-12' date_val
concat(round(t1.total_cnt/t2.total_cnt * 100,2),'%') as percent_val
(select count(*) total_cnt from ods_didi.t_user_cancel_order where dt='2020-04-12')t1
(select count(*) total_cnt from dw_didi.t_user_order_wide where dt='2020-04-12')t2 ;
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