latex 编辑公式时需要合并行与列
使用 \multirow
和 \multicolumn
% \footnotesize \small \begin{equation} \Delta l_p = \left \{ \setlength\arraycolsep{2pt} \begin{array}{lll} A , & F, & \multirow[t]{2}{1cm}{$ \mathrm{for~} k = 3,6,7, $} \\ B, & G, & \\ C , & H, & \multirow[t]{2}{1cm}{$ \mathrm{for~} k = 2,10,8, $} \\ D, & I, & \\ E, & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\mathrm{for~} k=10, 4,} \end{array} \right. \label{Eq::Length} \end{equation} \normalsize
The multirow, bigstrut and bigdelim packages
hvposi defines the vertical positioning of the text in the multirow block. Thedefault is [c] which means the text will be vertically
centered. Other options are [t] for top alignment and [b] for bottom alignment.
hnrowsi is the number of rows to span. You should leave the other rows empty at this column, otherwise the stuff created by \multirow
will over-write it. With a positive value of hnrowsi the spanned columns are this row and (hnrowsi-1) rows below it. With a negative
value of hnrowsi they are this row and (1-hnrowsi) above it. Fractional values are permitted for hnrowsi; this allows for some fine-tuning.
hbigstrutsi is mainly used if you’ve used the bigstrut package. In that case it is the total number of uses of \bigstrut within the rows
being spanned. Count 2 uses for each \bigstrut, 1 for each \bigstrut[hx i] where hx i is either t or b. The default is 0. The hbigstrutsi parameter can optionally be preceded by a prefix letter t, b or tb for finer control. See section 3.5 for details. The letter may be separated from the number by a space character.
hwidthi is the width to which the text is to be set. Special values are * to indicate that the text parameter’s natural width is to be
used, and = to indicate that the specified width of the column in which the \multirow entry is set should be used.
hvmovei is a length used for fine-tuning: the text will be raised (or lowered, if hvmovei is negative) by that length above (below) wherever it would otherwise have gone.
可以通过 [hvmovei]
参数调整合并后 竖直方向位置。没有找到直接可以使用的 垂直居中 命令。
\multicolumn{1}{c}{\multirow{3}[2]{*}[-0.5em]{Heat Y}}
The multirow, bigstrut and bigdelim packages
Vertical Alignment in multirow using cells with >1 lines
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