该篇幅介绍如何使用FT2232H适配器和开源调式工具OpenOCD对ARM Cortex M系列MCU进行SWD接口调试?
如何连接FT2232HL Debuger Adapter和目标板的的SWD调试接口?
从OPENOCD开源代码中 https://sourceforge.net/p/openocd/code/ci/master/tree/tcl/interface/ftdi/swd-resistor-hack.cfg 描述:
线连接方式讲的很清楚。FTDI FT2232D芯片侧TDI和TDO之间连接一个(220~470欧姆的电阻),然后将TDO连到目标板的SWDIO信号上, TCK连接目标板上的SWCLK信号上。
(AD0) ADBUS0 (PIN #16) TCK --> SWCLK
(AD2) ADBUS2 (PIN #18) TDO --> SWDIO
Debuger Adapter 和目标板连接好后,接下来我们可以用OPENOCD连上目标板。OPENOCD环境搭建大家可以参考如何搭建OpenOCD环境基于Window10+Cygwin?
如何理解Debuger Adapter和目标板CPU配置文件?
在用OPENOCD接入目标板之前,我们必须准备两个配置文件,一个是FT2232D Debuger Adapter配置文件,一个是目标板的配置文件。你也可以弄成一个配置文件。弄成两个会比较符合OPENOCD的使用。Debuger Adapter一般放在..\scripts\interface\ftdi\目录。目标板的配置文件一般放在..\scripts\target\目录。
- #
- # Connect TDI to SWDIO via a suitable series resistor (220-470 Ohm or
- # so depending on the drive capability of the target and adapter);
- # connect TDO directly to SWDIO.
- #
- # You also need to have reliable GND connection between the target and
- # adapter. Vref of the adapter should be supplied with a voltage equal
- # to the target's (preferrably connect it to Vcc). You can also
- # optionally connect nSRST. Leave everything else unconnected.
- #
- # FTDI Target
- # ---- ------
- # 1 - Vref ----------------- Vcc
- # 3 - nTRST -
- # 4 - GND ----------------- GND
- # 5 - TDI ---/\470 Ohm/\--- SWDIO
- # 7 - TMS -
- # 9 - TCK ----------------- SWCLK
- # 11 - RTCK -
- # 13 - TDO ----------------- SWDIO
- # 15 - nSRST - - - - - - - - - nRESET
- #
- #
- # FTDI FT2232HL
- #
- # https://ftdichip.com/products/ft2232hl/
- #
- adapter driver ftdi
- # select swd interface protocol
- transport select swd
- # FT2232D has two USB Serial Converter A/B VendorID (0x0403) DeviceID (0x6010)
- # USB Serial Converter A ADBUS
- # USB Serial Converter B ACBUS
- ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6010
- # ftdi_device_desc description
- # 指定调试器的描述符。
- # ftdi_serial serial-number
- # 指定调试器的Serial Number。
- # ftdi_channel channel
- # 指定FTDI设备的Channel。对应FT232H来说,只有Channel 0(默认),FT2232H/FT4232H是Channel 0和Channel 1。
- adapter speed 1000
- # ftdi_layout_init [data] [direction]
- # 指定FTDI GPIO的初始数据和方向,16bit数据宽度。
- # 参数data中1表示高电平,0表示低电平,而参数direction中1表示输出,0表示输入(注意与常规的设定不同)
- ftdi_layout_init 0x0018 0x05fb
- # This means: ADBUS(bit7~bit0)
- # Low output data = 0x18 // 0001 1000
- # Low direction = 0xfb // 1111 1011
- # High direction = 0x05 // 0000 0101
- # 默认情况下是JTAG,如果要使用SWD,则需要配置SWD_EN。
- ftdi_layout_signal SWD_EN -data 0
- # ftdi_layout_signal name [-data|-ndata data_mask] [-input|-ninput input_mask] [-oe|-noe oe_mask] [-alias|-nalias name]
- # 创建一个名字为name的信号。
- # [-data|-ndata data_mask]
- # data_mask:pin mask ndata:invert -data:normal bit
- # data_mask是对应pin脚的掩码,-ndata表示输入数据反向,-data则不反向。
- # [-input|-ninput input_mask]
- # input_mask:pin mask -input:input pin enable -ninput:input pin disable
- # input_mask:表示对应pin脚是否为输入,-input表示输入,-ninput表示非输入。
- # [-oe|-noe oe_mask]
- # oe_mask:pin mask -oe:output pin enable noe:output pin disable
- # oe_mask:表示对应pin脚是否为输出,-oe表示输出,-noe表示非输出。
- # [-alias|-nalias name]
- # -alias:Normal logic -nalias:Opposite logic
- # 如果使用-alias(或-nalias),则创建的信号相同(或数据取反)到已指定的信号名称。
- ftdi_layout_signal nSRST -data 0x0010
- # ftdi_set_signal name 0|1|z
- # 输出信号
- # -0:输出低
- # -1:输出高
- # -z:设置为高阻态
- # ftdi_get_signal name
- # 读取信号
- # ftdi_tdo_sample_edge rising|falling
- # -rising, TCK上升沿采样TDO,默认
- # -falling, TCK下降沿采样TDO
在ftdi_ft2232d.cfg文件中注释已经很清楚的介绍了每条针对debuger adatper的配置命令。
- 下面是我写的目标板的配置文件nxp_s32k3x4.cfg
- # script for s32k3xx family
- #
- # s32k3xx devices support both JTAG and SWD transports.
- # 下面两个文件是必须的因为涉及到JTAG 和 SWD 接口通用,即使你由SWD换成了JTAG方式一下脚本一样支持
- source [find target/swj-dp.tcl]
- source [find mem_helper.tcl]
- # 如果芯片名不存在使用s32k3xx为芯片名
- if { [info exists CHIPNAME] } {
- } else {
- set _CHIPNAME s32k3xx
- }
- # 设置芯片大小端格式
- set _ENDIAN little
- # 为加载RAM BIOS ELF文件,设置256KB的RAM空间并且准备清零
- # Work-area is a space in RAM used for flash programming
- # By default use 256kB
- if { [info exists WORKAREASIZE] } {
- } else {
- set _WORKAREASIZE 0x40000
- }
- # 检查芯片的DAP/TAP的ID是否是0x6ba00477, Cortex M7的DAP ID统一为0x6ba00477
- #jtag scan chain
- if { [info exists CPUTAPID] } {
- } else {
- if { [using_jtag] } {
- # See STM Document RM0385
- # Section 40.6.3 - corresponds to Cortex-M7 with FPU r1p2
- set _CPUTAPID 0x6ba00477
- } {
- set _CPUTAPID 0x6ba02477
- }
- }
- # 检测_CPUTAPID是不是0x6ba02477,如果是创建芯片的DAP,创建DAP接口后便可以通过DAP访问芯片所有AP接口寄存器。
- swj_newdap $_CHIPNAME armv7m -irlen 4 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0xf -expected-id $_CPUTAPID
- dap create $_CHIPNAME.dap -chain-position $_CHIPNAME.armv7m
- if {[using_jtag]} {
- jtag newtap $_CHIPNAME bs -irlen 5
- }
- global TARGET
- set TARGET $_CHIPNAME.armv7m
- # 创建芯片 Target,这个过程中通过DAP接口搜索所有AP。
- # 由于NXP S32K344存在多cortex_m 内核互联的MEM AP.会导致target_examine失败。
- # 因为我知道S32K344的Cortex M7 core 0的MEM AP为4,所以我指定检索-ap-num 4
- target create ${TARGET}.cm7_0 cortex_m -endian $_ENDIAN -dap $_CHIPNAME.dap -ap-num 4 -coreid 0
- # 必须init target相关的dap mmw mdw 才能在脚本成功被调用,不然后报错。
- init
- # 我在ftdi_ft2232d.cfg中,我设定了ADBUS4管脚为目标板的硬件RST
- # 硬件复位
- ftdi_set_signal nSRST 0
- # 延时100ms
- adapter srst delay 100
- # 硬件解复位
- ftdi_set_signal nSRST 1
- # 注意:由于S32K344的debug 模式不是默认开启,需要通过DAP访问SDA-AP使能Debug模式
- # 如果不使能DAP是无法接入Cortex M7 core 0的MEM AP
- # Enable Cortex-M7 Core0 debug request
- s32k3xx.dap apreg 7 0x80 0x300000f0
- # 复位Cortex-M7 Core0内部寄存器配置
- cortex_m reset_config sysresetreq
- cortex_m reset_config vectreset
- # 启动调试模式,让Cortex-M7 Core0 halt等待下面得加载命令。
- halt
- # 为加载RAM BIOS ELF文件,设置256KB的RAM空间并且准备清零
- ${TARGET}.cm7_0 configure -work-area-phys 0x20400000 -work-area-size $_WORKAREASIZE -work-area-backup 0
- # 这里是加载我特意准备为实现烧写功能得RAM ELF文件。该RAM ELF是通过调试串口UART实现FLASH文件烧写。
- # 注意在load_image之前必须得把target halt。
- load_image D:/Work_Data/my_projects/S32K344_EVB/xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15-win32-x64/xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15/bin/Dio_example_DS.elf
- # 这里我RAM ELF得起始地址是0x20400010,这里指定从0x20400010恢复。resume 是把PC指针指向0x20400010,释放了debug 模式。
- resume 0x20400010
- #下面是Target事件,其实它得实现方式类似于我们在代码里函数钩子。
- # 因为每个芯片得Target Events处理是不一样的。这些事件需要做特殊处理
- # 由于S32K3芯片的特殊性,如果不使能DAP是无法接入Cortex M7 core 0的MEM AP。
- # 所以我增加了SDA AP使能在examine-start,确保在target_examine之前物理通路是通的。
- ${TARGET}.cm7_0 configure -event examine-start {
- # Enable Cortex-M7 Core0 debug request
- s32k3xx.dap apreg 7 0x80 0x300000f0
- }
- # 为了在Telnel或者gdb调试过程中发起reset init/halt
- ${TARGET}.cm7_0 configure -event reset-init {
- # Keep the old DEMCR value.
- set old [mrw 0xE000EDFC]
- mww 0xE000ED08 0x20430000
- # Enable vector catch on reset.
- mww 0xE000EDFC 0x01000001
- # Issue local reset via AIRCR.
- mww 0xE000ED0C 0x05FA0001
- # Restore old DEMCR value.
- mww 0xE000EDFC $old
- cortex_m reset_config sysresetreq
- cortex_m reset_config vectreset
- mww 0x402DC140 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC144 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC134 0x0000F7DF 1
- mww 0x402DC100 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC104 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC000 0x00005AF0 1
- mww 0x402DC000 0x0000A50F 1
- mww 0x402DC330 0xB1E0FFF8 1
- mww 0x402DC334 0x812AA407 1
- mww 0x402DC338 0xBBF3FE7E 1
- mww 0x402DC33C 0x00000141 1
- mww 0x402DC300 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC304 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC000 0x00005AF0 1
- mww 0x402DC000 0x0000A50F 1
- mww 0x402DC530 0x29FFFFF0 1
- mww 0x402DC534 0xC48987F9 1
- mww 0x402DC500 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC504 0x00000001 1
- mww 0x402DC000 0x00005AF0 1
- mww 0x402DC000 0x0000A50F 1
- # Disable WATCHDOG
- mwb 0x40280003 0x80 1
- mww 0x40210020 0x00400000 1
- mww 0x40210024 0x03030000 1
- mww 0x40210028 0x00050000 1
- mww 0x4021002C 0x00000000 1
- mww 0x40210030 0x20400000 1
- mww 0x40210034 0x00080008 1
- mww 0x40210038 0xFFFB0000 1
- mww 0x4021003C 0x00000001 1
- }
在运行OPENOCD之前必须得需要安装SysProgs USB Driver Tool。
处理用于OpenOCD的USB驱动程序可能会很麻烦,尤其是在Windows上。 SysProgs USB驱动程序工具简化了很多操作:
•从 https://visualgdb.com/UsbDriverTool 下载该工具并安装(实际上,它只是将文件解压缩到您选择的文件夹中)
看到USB Serial Converter A/B Vendor ID 0403 Device ID 6010的两个USB设备。
选择USB Serial Converter A,将它的USB驱动安装成WinUSB.
- $ openocd.exe -f ftdi_ft2232d.cfg -f nxp_s32k3x4.cfg
- Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0 (2021-03-23-12:47)
- Licensed under GNU GPL v2
- For bug reports, read
- http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
- Info : FTDI SWD mode enabled
- Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED #忽略这两个错误
- Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED
- Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
- Info : SWD DPIDR 0x6ba02477
- Info : s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0: hardware has 8 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
- Info : starting gdb server for s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 on 3333
- Info : Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
- Info : Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
- Info : Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
- $ openocd.exe -f ftdi_ft2232d.cfg -f nxp_s32k3x4.cfg -d3
- Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0 (2021-03-23-12:47)
- Licensed under GNU GPL v2
- For bug reports, read
- http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html
- User : 13 3 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler(): debug_level: 3
- User : 14 5 options.c:63 configuration_output_handler():
- Debug: 15 7 options.c:244 add_default_dirs(): bindir=/usr/local/bin
- Debug: 16 8 options.c:245 add_default_dirs(): pkgdatadir=/usr/local/share/openocd
- Debug: 17 10 options.c:246 add_default_dirs(): exepath=/usr/local/bin
- Debug: 18 12 options.c:247 add_default_dirs(): bin2data=../share/openocd
- Debug: 19 14 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding C:/Users/wezhu/AppData/Roaming/OpenOCD
- Debug: 20 16 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding /home/WeZhu/.config/openocd
- Debug: 21 18 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding /home/WeZhu/.openocd
- Debug: 22 20 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding /usr/local/bin/../share/openocd/site
- Debug: 23 23 configuration.c:42 add_script_search_dir(): adding /usr/local/bin/../share/openocd/scripts
- Debug: 24 25 configuration.c:97 find_file(): found ftdi_ft2232d.cfg
- Debug: 25 26 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter driver ftdi
- Debug: 27 28 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport select swd
- Info : 28 30 ftdi.c:1035 ftdi_swd_init(): FTDI SWD mode enabled
- Debug: 29 31 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - ftdi_vid_pid 0x0403 0x6010
- Debug: 31 33 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - adapter speed 1000
- Debug: 33 35 core.c:1822 jtag_config_khz(): handle jtag khz
- Debug: 34 37 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface specific speed value
- Debug: 35 39 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface specific speed value
- Debug: 36 41 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - ftdi_layout_init 0x0018 0x05fb
- Debug: 38 42 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - ftdi_layout_signal SWD_EN -data 0
- Debug: 40 44 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - ftdi_layout_signal nSRST -data 0x0010
- ……
- ……
- Debug: 206 1311 ftdi.c:648 ftdi_initialize(): ftdi interface using shortest path jtag state transitions
- Debug: 207 1363 mpsse.c:422 mpsse_purge(): -
- Debug: 208 1366 mpsse.c:703 mpsse_loopback_config(): off
- Debug: 209 1369 mpsse.c:748 mpsse_set_frequency(): target 1000000 Hz
- Debug: 210 1372 mpsse.c:740 mpsse_rtck_config(): off
- Debug: 211 1376 mpsse.c:729 mpsse_divide_by_5_config(): off
- Debug: 212 1379 mpsse.c:709 mpsse_set_divisor(): 29
- Debug: 213 1388 mpsse.c:772 mpsse_set_frequency(): actually 1000000 Hz
- Debug: 214 1395 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface specific speed value
- Debug: 215 1399 core.c:1789 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
- Debug: 216 1406 mpsse.c:748 mpsse_set_frequency(): target 1000000 Hz
- Debug: 217 1410 mpsse.c:740 mpsse_rtck_config(): off
- Debug: 218 1418 mpsse.c:729 mpsse_divide_by_5_config(): off
- Debug: 219 1430 mpsse.c:709 mpsse_set_divisor(): 29
- Debug: 220 1432 mpsse.c:772 mpsse_set_frequency(): actually 1000000 Hz
- Debug: 221 1441 core.c:1785 adapter_khz_to_speed(): convert khz to interface specific speed value
- Debug: 222 1446 core.c:1789 adapter_khz_to_speed(): have interface set up
- Info : 223 1452 core.c:1565 adapter_init(): clock speed 1000 kHz
- Debug: 224 1462 openocd.c:157 handle_init_command(): Debug Adapter init complete
- Debug: 225 1466 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - transport init
- Debug: 227 1475 transport.c:239 handle_transport_init(): handle_transport_init
- Debug: 228 1480 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - dap init
- Debug: 230 1486 arm_dap.c:106 dap_init_all(): Initializing all DAPs ...
- Debug: 231 1497 ftdi.c:1209 ftdi_swd_switch_seq(): JTAG-to-SWD
- Info : 233 1500 adi_v5_swd.c:136 swd_connect(): SWD DPIDR 0x6ba02477
- Debug: 234 1510 arm_adi_v5.c:653 dap_dp_init(): s32k3xx.dap
- Debug: 235 1514 arm_adi_v5.c:698 dap_dp_init(): DAP: wait CDBGPWRUPACK
- Debug: 236 1521 arm_adi_v5.h:506 dap_dp_poll_register(): DAP: poll 4, mask 0x20000000, value 0x20000000
- Debug: 237 1532 arm_adi_v5.c:706 dap_dp_init(): DAP: wait CSYSPWRUPACK
- Debug: 238 1538 arm_adi_v5.h:506 dap_dp_poll_register(): DAP: poll 4, mask 0x80000000, value 0x80000000
- Debug: 239 1552 openocd.c:174 handle_init_command(): Examining targets...
- Debug: 240 1563 target.c:1644 target_call_event_callbacks(): target event 19 (examine-start) for core s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0
- Debug: 241 1569 arm_adi_v5.c:776 mem_ap_init(): MEM_AP Packed Transfers: enabled
- Debug: 242 1576 arm_adi_v5.c:787 mem_ap_init(): MEM_AP CFG: large data 0, long address 0, big-endian 0
- Debug: 243 1584 target.c:2406 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe000ed00, value: 0x411fc272
- Debug: 244 1587 cortex_m.c:2194 cortex_m_examine(): Cortex-M7 r1p2 processor detected
- Debug: 245 1596 cortex_m.c:2206 cortex_m_examine(): cpuid: 0x411fc272
- Debug: 246 1600 target.c:2406 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe000ef40, value: 0x10110021
- Debug: 247 1611 target.c:2406 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe000ef44, value: 0x11000011
- Debug: 248 1619 cortex_m.c:2226 cortex_m_examine(): Cortex-M7 floating point feature FPv5_SP found
- Debug: 249 1629 target.c:2406 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe000edf0, value: 0x01010001
- Debug: 250 1633 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe000edfc, value: 0x01000000
- Debug: 251 1643 target.c:2406 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe0002000, value: 0x10000081
- Debug: 252 1646 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0002008, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 253 1654 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe000200c, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 254 1664 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0002010, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 255 1669 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0002014, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 256 1678 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0002018, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 257 1683 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe000201c, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 258 1690 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0002020, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 259 1694 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0002024, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 260 1700 cortex_m.c:2308 cortex_m_examine(): FPB fpcr 0x10000081, numcode 8, numlit 0
- Debug: 261 1708 target.c:2406 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe0001000, value: 0x40000000
- Debug: 262 1712 cortex_m.c:2024 cortex_m_dwt_setup(): DWT_CTRL: 0x40000000
- Debug: 263 1719 target.c:2406 target_read_u32(): address: 0xe0001fbc, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 264 1730 cortex_m.c:2031 cortex_m_dwt_setup(): DWT_DEVARCH: 0x0
- Debug: 265 1733 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0001028, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 266 1743 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0001038, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 267 1751 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0001048, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 268 1763 target.c:2494 target_write_u32(): address: 0xe0001058, value: 0x00000000
- Debug: 269 1767 cortex_m.c:2078 cortex_m_dwt_setup(): DWT dwtcr 0x40000000, comp 4, watch/trigger
- Info : 270 1776 cortex_m.c:2318 cortex_m_examine(): s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0: hardware has 8 breakpoints, 4 watchpoints
- Debug: 271 1784 target.c:1644 target_call_event_callbacks(): target event 21 (examine-end) for core s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0
- Debug: 272 1799 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - flash init
- Debug: 274 1806 tcl.c:1324 handle_flash_init_command(): Initializing flash devices...
- Debug: 275 1818 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - nand init
- Debug: 277 1822 tcl.c:498 handle_nand_init_command(): Initializing NAND devices...
- Debug: 278 1827 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - pld init
- Debug: 280 1832 pld.c:206 handle_pld_init_command(): Initializing PLDs...
- Info : 281 1841 gdb_server.c:3503 gdb_target_start(): starting gdb server for s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 on 3333
- Info : 282 1850 server.c:310 add_service(): Listening on port 3333 for gdb connections
- Debug: 283 1858 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - s32k3xx.dap apreg 7 0x80 0x300000f0
- Info : 285 1864 server.c:310 add_service(): Listening on port 6666 for tcl connections
- Info : 286 1870 server.c:310 add_service(): Listening on port 4444 for telnet connections
- Debug: 287 1879 command.c:146 script_debug(): command - init
下面我可以通过Telent 端口4444登录到目标板内核Cortex-M7内部查看响应DAP的信息。
- 1. Click Start.
- 2. Select Control Panel.
- 3. Choose Programs and Features.
- 4. Click Turn Windows features on or off.
- 5. Select the Telnet Client option.
- Click OK. A dialog box appears to confirm installation. The telnet command should now be available.
安装完Telnet客户端后,我们直接在运行里敲cmd进入windows 命令行. 进入到命令行后执行telnet localhost 4444
- Open On-Chip Debugger
- > dap
- adapter
- adapter assert |deassert [srst|trst [assert|deassert srst|trst]]
- adapter deassert |assert [srst|trst [deassert|assert srst|trst]]
- adapter driver driver_name
- adapter list
- adapter name
- adapter speed [khz]
- adapter srst
- adapter srst delay [milliseconds]
- adapter srst pulse_width [milliseconds]
- adapter transports transport ...
- adapter usb
- adapter usb location [<bus>-port[.port]...]
- dap
- dap create name '-chain-position' name
- dap info [ap_num]
- dap init
- dap names
- reset_config [none|trst_only|srst_only|trst_and_srst]
- [srst_pulls_trst|trst_pulls_srst|combined|separate]
- [srst_gates_jtag|srst_nogate] [trst_push_pull|trst_open_drain]
- [srst_push_pull|srst_open_drain]
- [connect_deassert_srst|connect_assert_srst]
- s32k3xx.dap
- s32k3xx.dap apcsw [value [mask]]
- s32k3xx.dap apid [ap_num]
- s32k3xx.dap apreg ap_num reg [value]
- s32k3xx.dap apsel [ap_num]
- s32k3xx.dap baseaddr [ap_num]
- s32k3xx.dap dpreg reg [value]
- s32k3xx.dap info [ap_num]
- s32k3xx.dap memaccess [cycles]
- s32k3xx.dap ti_be_32_quirks [enable]
- swd newdap
- dap: command requires more arguments
通过dap info [ap_num]可以查看到到底有多少个AP连接到SWD上
- > dap info 1
- SWD DPIDR 0x6ba02477
- AP ID register 0x54770002
- Type is MEM-AP APB
- MEM-AP BASE 0x80000003
- Valid ROM table present
- Component base address 0x80000000
- Peripheral ID 0x000008e995
- Designer is 0x08e, Freescale (Motorola)
- Part is 0x995, Unrecognized
- Component class is 0x1, ROM table
- MEMTYPE system memory not present: dedicated debug bus
- ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0x1003
- Component base address 0x80001000
- Peripheral ID 0x04003bb908
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x908, CoreSight CSTF (Trace Funnel)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x12, Trace Link, Funnel, router
- ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0x2003
- Component base address 0x80002000
- Peripheral ID 0x04003bb908
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x908, CoreSight CSTF (Trace Funnel)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x12, Trace Link, Funnel, router
- ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0x3003
- Component base address 0x80003000
- Peripheral ID 0x04003bb908
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x908, CoreSight CSTF (Trace Funnel)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x12, Trace Link, Funnel, router
- ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0x4003
- Component base address 0x80004000
- Peripheral ID 0x04001bb961
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x961, CoreSight TMC (Trace Memory Controller)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x32, Trace Link, FIFO, buffer
- ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0x5003
- Component base address 0x80005000
- Peripheral ID 0x04001bb961
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x961, CoreSight TMC (Trace Memory Controller)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x32, Trace Link, FIFO, buffer
- ROMTABLE[0x14] = 0x6003
- Component base address 0x80006000
- Peripheral ID 0x04001bb961
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x961, CoreSight TMC (Trace Memory Controller)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x32, Trace Link, FIFO, buffer
- ROMTABLE[0x18] = 0x7003
- Component base address 0x80007000
- Peripheral ID 0x04001bb961
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x961, CoreSight TMC (Trace Memory Controller)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x32, Trace Link, FIFO, buffer
- ROMTABLE[0x1c] = 0x8003
- Component base address 0x80008000
- Peripheral ID 0x04004bb917
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x917, CoreSight HTM (AHB Trace Macrocell)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x43, Trace Source, Bus
- ROMTABLE[0x20] = 0x9003
- Component base address 0x80009000
- Peripheral ID 0x04005bb906
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x906, CoreSight CTI (Cross Trigger)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x14, Debug Control, Trigger Matrix
- ROMTABLE[0x24] = 0xa003
- Component base address 0x8000a000
- Can't read component, the corresponding core might be turned off
- > dap info 2
- AP ID register 0x84770001
- Type is MEM-AP AHB3
- MEM-AP BASE 0xf0000003
- Valid ROM table present
- Component base address 0xf0000000
- Can't read component, the corresponding core might be turned off
- > dap info 4
- AP ID register 0x84770001
- Type is MEM-AP AHB3
- MEM-AP BASE 0xe00fe003
- Valid ROM table present
- Component base address 0xe00fe000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb4c8
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x4c8, Cortex-M7 ROM (ROM Table)
- Component class is 0x1, ROM table
- MEMTYPE system memory present on bus
- ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0x1003
- Component base address 0xe00ff000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb4c7
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x4c7, Cortex-M7 PPB ROM (Private Peripheral Bus ROM Table)
- Component class is 0x1, ROM table
- MEMTYPE system memory present on bus
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0xfff0f003
- Component base address 0xe000e000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb00c
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0xc, Cortex-M4 SCS (System Control Space)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0xfff02003
- Component base address 0xe0001000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb002
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x2, Cortex-M3 DWT (Data Watchpoint and Trace)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0xfff03003
- Component base address 0xe0002000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb00e
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0xe, Cortex-M7 FPB (Flash Patch and Breakpoint)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0xfff01003
- Component base address 0xe0000000
- Peripheral ID 0x04000bb001
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x1, Cortex-M3 ITM (Instrumentation Trace Module)
- Component class is 0xe, Generic IP component
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0xfff41002
- Component not present
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x14] = 0xfff42002
- Component not present
- [L01] ROMTABLE[0x18] = 0x0
- [L01] End of ROM table
- ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0xfff43003
- Component base address 0xe0041000
- Peripheral ID 0x04001bb975
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x975, Cortex-M7 ETM (Embedded Trace)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x13, Trace Source, Processor
- ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0xfff44003
- Component base address 0xe0042000
- Peripheral ID 0x04004bb906
- Designer is 0x4bb, ARM Ltd
- Part is 0x906, CoreSight CTI (Cross Trigger)
- Component class is 0x9, CoreSight component
- Type is 0x14, Debug Control, Trigger Matrix
- ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0x1ff02002
- Component not present
- ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0x0
- End of ROM table
- > dap info 6
- AP ID register 0x001c0030
- Unknown AP type
- > dap info 7
- AP ID register 0x001c0040
- Unknown AP type
dap info 显示的内容我就不再展开了,里面的对应内容大家可以在Arm CoreSight SoC-400 Technical Reference Manual , CoreSight Components Technical Reference Manual ,ARM® Debug Interface Architecture Specification ADIv5.0 to ADIv5.2 和 Arm Cortex-M7 Processor Technical Reference Manual 找到对应关系和解释。
大家还可以通过 s32k3xx.dap apreg ap_num reg [value] 访问所有可以见到的AP的寄存器内容。
我们选择AP4 MEM-AP AHB AP 参考文档ARM® Debug Interface Architecture Specification ADIv5.0 to ADIv5.2 章节 7.The Memory Access Port (MEM-AP) Table 7-6 Summary of Memory Access Port (MEM-AP) registers
读取0xFC IDR, Identification Register
- > s32k3xx.dap apreg 4 0xFC
- 0x84770001
读取0xF8 BASE, Debug Base Address register
- > s32k3xx.dap apreg 4 0xF8
- 0xe00fe003
如果你想获取Cortex M7内部寄存器的访问,
- > s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 #这个是我们在目标板配置文件中给Target的命名
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm core_state ['arm'|'thumb']
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm disassemble address [count ['thumb']]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm mcr cpnum op1 CRn CRm op2 value
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm mrc cpnum op1 CRn CRm op2
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm reg
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm semihosting ['enable'|'disable']
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm semihosting_cmdline arguments
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm semihosting_fileio ['enable'|'disable']
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arm semihosting_resexit ['enable'|'disable']
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arp_examine ['allow-defer']
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arp_halt
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arp_halt_gdb
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arp_poll
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arp_reset
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 arp_waitstate
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 array2mem arrayname bitwidth address count
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 cget target_attribute
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 configure [target_attribute ...]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 cortex_m
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 cortex_m maskisr ['auto'|'on'|'off'|'steponly']
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 cortex_m reset_config ['sysresetreq'|'vectreset']
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 cortex_m vector_catch ['all'|'none'|('bus_err'|'chk_err'|...)*]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 curstate
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 eventlist
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 examine_deferred
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 invoke-event event_name
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 itm
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 itm port <port> (0|1|on|off)
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 itm ports (0|1|on|off)
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mdb address [count]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mdd address [count]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mdh address [count]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mdw address [count] #双字节读取
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mem2array arrayname bitwidth address count
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mwb address data [count]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mwd address data [count]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mwh address data [count]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mww address data [count] #双字节写入
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 rtt
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 rtt channellist
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 rtt channels
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 rtt polling_interval [interval]
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 rtt setup <address> <size> <ID>
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 rtt start
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 rtt stop
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 tpiu
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 tpiu config (disable | ((external | internal (<filename> | <:port> | -)) (sync <port
- width> | ((manchester | uart) <formatter enable>))
- <TRACECLKIN freq> [<trace freq>]))
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 was_examined
- s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0: command requires more arguments
或者你直接使用mww 和mdw 命令也可以。因为OpenOCD默认使用 s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mww 和 s32k3xx.armv7m.cm7_0 mdw替换。
举例:向寄存器0x402DC000 ,写入0x0000A50F
> mww 0x402DC000 0x0000A50F 1
- > mdw 0x402DC000 1
- 0x402dc000: 00005af0
我们可以使用arm-none-eabi-gdb 工具进行断点调试。GDB登录端口3333
arm-none-eabi-gdb 软件资源很多Windows10的资源如下:
- D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\10 2020-q4-major\bin>arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe D:\Work_Data\my_projects\S32K344_EVB\xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15-win32-x64\xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15\bin\Dio_example_DS.elf
- D:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain\10 2020-q4-major\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe: warning: Couldn't determine a path for the index cache directory.
- GNU gdb (GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 10-2020-q4-major)
- Copyright (C) 2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
- This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
- There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
- Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
- This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-w64-mingw32 --target=arm-none-eabi".
- Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
- For bug reporting instructions, please see:
- <https://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/bugs/>.
- Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
- <http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/documentation/>.
- For help, type "help".
- Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
- Reading symbols from D:\Work_Data\my_projects\S32K344_EVB\xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15-win32-x64\xpack-openocd-0.10.0-15\bin\Dio_example_DS.elf...
- (gdb) target remote
- Remote debugging using
- main () at ../src/main.c:74
- 74 DelayCount++;
- (gdb) bt
- #0 main () at ../src/main.c:74
- (gdb) b main
- Breakpoint 1 at 0x204002a0: file ../src/main.c, line 55.
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
- 0x204002d8 in main () at ../src/main.c:74
- 74 DelayCount++;
- (gdb) bt
- #0 0x204002d8 in main () at ../src/main.c:74
- (gdb) list
- 69 /* Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_Output_LED_D78, STD_LOW); */
- 70 Siul2_Dio_Ip_WritePin(PTB_L_HALF, LED_PIN_PIN, 0U);
- 71 /*delay*/
- 72 while(DelayCount<10000)
- 73 {
- 74 DelayCount++;
- 75 }
- 76 DelayCount = 0;
- 77 }
- 78
- (gdb) print
- The history is empty.
- (gdb) print DelayCount
- $1 = 0
- (gdb) set step-mode
- (gdb) si
- 72 while(DelayCount<10000)
- (gdb) si
- 0x204002ce 72 while(DelayCount<10000)
- (gdb) si
- 74 DelayCount++;
- (gdb) c
- Continuing.
- Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
- main () at ../src/main.c:74
- 74 DelayCount++;
- (gdb) list
- 69 /* Dio_WriteChannel(DioConf_DioChannel_Digital_Output_LED_D78, STD_LOW); */
- 70 Siul2_Dio_Ip_WritePin(PTB_L_HALF, LED_PIN_PIN, 0U);
- 71 /*delay*/
- 72 while(DelayCount<10000)
- 73 {
- 74 DelayCount++;
- 75 }
- 76 DelayCount = 0;
- 77 }
- 78
- (gdb)
GDB的命令大家可以看宋宝华的Linux gdb调试器用法全面解析和GDB GUI 工具Eclipse使用方法在如何结合Eclipse+OpenOCD+arm-none-eabi-gdb实现可视化在线调试ARM Cortex M7内核?文章中介绍。
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