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电话框架分为4个层次,分别为:应用层、框架层(framework层,简称fw)、RIL(Radio Interface Layer)、modem。



框架层:包括telephony fw、telecom fw。Code分别位于frameworks/opt/telephony、frameworks/base/telecomm。

RIL:位于User Libraries层中的HAL层,提供AP(Application Processor,应用处理器)和BP(Baseband Processor,基带处理器)之间的通信功能。RIL通常分为RILJ、RILC,RILJ即为java的RIL.java,code位于框架层,RILC才是真正的RIL层。Android的RIL驱动模块,在hardware/ril目录下,一共分rild,libril.so以及librefrence_ril.so三个部分。





  • packages/apps/Dialer/java/com/android/dialer/dialpadview/DialpadFragment.java


  1. @Override
  2. public void onClick(View view) {
  3. int resId = view.getId();
  4. if (resId == R.id.dialpad_floating_action_button) {
  5. view.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.VIRTUAL_KEY);
  6. handleDialButtonPressed();
  7. }

找到拨号界面对应的l ayout 界面布局文件dialer/dialpadview/res/layout/dialpad_fragment.xml ,其中就包含了打开拨号盘的浮动按钮,其定义如下 

 在该类中 运行:handleDialButtonPressed(); 方法,判断是否号码是否为空,是否非法等情况


10 之前没有这一步,直接调用 DialerUtils.startActivityWithErrorToast() 方法

携带Intent.ACTION_CALL的Intent Action会走到TelecomUtil placeCall流程,否则直接context.startActivity(intent);

  1. public static void startActivityWithErrorToast(
  2. final Context context, final Intent intent, int msgId) {
  3. try {
  4. if ((Intent.ACTION_CALL.equals(intent.getAction()))) {
  5. placeCallOrMakeToast(context, intent);
  6. } else {
  7. context.startActivity(intent);

startActivityWithErrorToast() 方法 调用下列方法


  1. private static void placeCallOrMakeToast(Context context, Intent intent) {
  2. final boolean hasCallPermission = TelecomUtil.placeCall(context, intent);
  3. if (!hasCallPermission) {
  4. Toast.makeText(context, "Cannot place call without Phone permission", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
  5. .show();
  6. }
  7. }
  1. public static boolean placeCall(Context context, Intent intent) {
  2. if (hasCallPhonePermission(context)) {
  3. getTelecomManager(context).placeCall(intent.getData(), intent.getExtras());
  4. return true;
  5. }
  6. return false;
  7. }

TelecomManager.placeCall主要获取TelecomService的Binder接口,跨进程进入到TelecomService(system进程)内部,至此 com.android.dialer 进程的工作暂时完成

  1. private static TelecomManager getTelecomManager(Context context) {
  2. return (TelecomManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);
  3. }

Telecom Manager 获取ITelecomService 服务并调用其placeCall 方法继续传递intent 发出通话呼叫请求,将涉及第一次跨进程的服务调用。

  1. public void placeCall(Uri address, Bundle extras) {
  2. ITelecomService service = getTelecomService();
  3. if (service != null) {
  4. if (address == null) {
  5. Log.w(TAG, "Cannot place call to empty address.");
  6. }
  7. try {
  8. service.placeCall(address, extras == null ? new Bundle() : extras,
  9. mContext.getOpPackageName());
  10. } catch (RemoteException e) {
  11. Log.e(TAG, "Error calling ITelecomService#placeCall", e);
  12. }
  13. }
  14. }

其中,getTelecomService() 方法

  1. private ITelecomService getTelecomService() {
  2. if (mTelecomServiceOverride != null) {
  3. return mTelecomServiceOverride;
  4. }
  5. return ITelecomService.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE));
  6. }



  1. private final ITelecomService.Stub mBinderImpl = new ITelecomService.Stub() {
  2. @Override
  3. public void placeCall(Uri handle, Bundle extras, String callingPackage) {
  4. try {
  5. synchronized (mLock) {
  6. final UserHandle userHandle = Binder.getCallingUserHandle();
  7. long token = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
  8. try {
  9. final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL, handle);
  10. mUserCallIntentProcessorFactory.create(mContext, userHandle)
  11. .processIntent(
  12. intent, callingPackage, hasCallAppOp && hasCallPermission);
  13. }
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }


  1. public void processIntent(Intent intent, String callingPackageName,
  2. boolean canCallNonEmergency, boolean isLocalInvocation) {
  3. // Ensure call intents are not processed on devices that are not capable of calling.
  4. if (!isVoiceCapable()) {
  5. return;
  6. }
  7. String action = intent.getAction();
  8. if (Intent.ACTION_CALL.equals(action) ||
  9. Intent.ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED.equals(action) ||
  10. Intent.ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY.equals(action)) {
  11. processOutgoingCallIntent(intent, callingPackageName, canCallNonEmergency,
  12. isLocalInvocation);
  13. }
  14. }
  • Intent.ACTION_CALL: 可以拨打普通呼叫
public static final String ACTION_CALL = "android.intent.action.CALL";
  • Intent.ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED:可以拨打任意类型号码
public static final String ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED = "android.intent.action.CALL_PRIVILEGED";
  • Intent.ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY:可以拨打紧急呼叫
public static final String ACTION_CALL_EMERGENCY = "android.intent.action.CALL_EMERGENCY";


  1. private void processOutgoingCallIntent(Intent intent, String callingPackageName,
  2. boolean canCallNonEmergency, boolean isLocalInvocation) {
  3. ------
  4. ------
  5. int videoState = intent.getIntExtra(
  7. VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY);
  8. Log.d(this, "processOutgoingCallIntent videoState = " + videoState);
  9. intent.putExtra(CallIntentProcessor.KEY_IS_PRIVILEGED_DIALER,
  10. isDefaultOrSystemDialer(callingPackageName));
  11. // Save the user handle of current user before forwarding the intent to primary user.
  12. intent.putExtra(CallIntentProcessor.KEY_INITIATING_USER, mUserHandle);
  13. sendIntentToDestination(intent, isLocalInvocation, callingPackageName);
  14. }

sendIntentToDestination 方法:

  1. private boolean sendIntentToDestination(Intent intent, boolean isLocalInvocation,
  2. String callingPackage) {
  3. intent.putExtra(CallIntentProcessor.KEY_IS_INCOMING_CALL, false);
  4. intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND);
  5. if (isLocalInvocation) {
  6. // We are invoking this from TelecomServiceImpl, so TelecomSystem is available. Don't
  7. // bother trampolining the intent, just sent it directly to the call intent processor.
  8. // TODO: We should not be using an intent here; this whole flows needs cleanup.
  9. Log.i(this, "sendIntentToDestination: send intent to Telecom directly.");
  10. synchronized (TelecomSystem.getInstance().getLock()) {
  11. TelecomSystem.getInstance().getCallIntentProcessor().processIntent(intent,
  12. callingPackage);
  13. }
  14. } else {
  15. // We're calling from the UserCallActivity, so the TelecomSystem is not in the same
  16. // process; we need to trampoline to TelecomSystem in the system server process.
  17. Log.i(this, "sendIntentToDestination: trampoline to Telecom.");
  18. TelecomManager tm = (TelecomManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE);
  19. tm.handleCallIntent(intent);
  20. }
  21. return true;
  22. }

安卓10 这里去除了以前的广播机制


  1. public void processIntent(Intent intent, String callingPackage) {
  2. final boolean isUnknownCall = intent.getBooleanExtra(KEY_IS_UNKNOWN_CALL, false);
  3. Log.i(this, "onReceive - isUnknownCall: %s", isUnknownCall);
  4. Trace.beginSection("processNewCallCallIntent");
  5. if (isUnknownCall) {
  6. processUnknownCallIntent(mCallsManager, intent);
  7. } else {
  8. processOutgoingCallIntent(mContext, mCallsManager, intent, callingPackage);
  9. }
  10. Trace.endSection();
  11. }

processOutgoingCallIntent方法,调用CallsManager的startOutgoingCall()方法创建Call,后new NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster,调用processIntent()方法:

CallsManager 创建Call, 链接,监听Call状态

下面先分析  startOutgoingCall()方法, 

再分析 new NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster,的processIntent()方法

  1. static void processOutgoingCallIntent(
  2. Context context,
  3. CallsManager callsManager,
  4. Intent intent,
  5. String callingPackage) {
  6. --------
  7. // Send to CallsManager to ensure the InCallUI gets kicked off before the broadcast returns
  8. // 先执行此处代码,更新 ui 界面
  9. CompletableFuture<Call> callFuture = callsManager
  10. .startOutgoingCall(handle, phoneAccountHandle, clientExtras, initiatingUser,
  11. intent, callingPackage);
  12. final Session logSubsession = Log.createSubsession();
  13. callFuture.thenAccept((call) -> {
  14. if (call != null) {
  15. Log.continueSession(logSubsession, "CIP.sNOCI");
  16. try {
  17. // 实际的,将上层信息下发到telephony, ril
  18. sendNewOutgoingCallIntent(context, call, callsManager, intent);
  19. } finally {
  20. Log.endSession();
  21. }
  22. }
  23. });
  24. }

其中的 sendNewOutgoingCallIntent 方法如下定义:‘

  1. static void sendNewOutgoingCallIntent(Context context, Call call, CallsManager callsManager,
  2. Intent intent) {
  3. // Asynchronous calls should not usually be made inside a BroadcastReceiver because once
  4. // onReceive is complete, the BroadcastReceiver's process runs the risk of getting
  5. // killed if memory is scarce. However, this is OK here because the entire Telecom
  6. // process will be running throughout the duration of the phone call and should never
  7. // be killed.
  8. final boolean isPrivilegedDialer = intent.getBooleanExtra(KEY_IS_PRIVILEGED_DIALER, false);
  9. NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster broadcaster = new NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster(
  10. context, callsManager, call, intent, callsManager.getPhoneNumberUtilsAdapter(),
  11. isPrivilegedDialer);
  12. // If the broadcaster comes back with an immediate error, disconnect and show a dialog.
  13. NewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcaster.CallDisposition disposition = broadcaster.evaluateCall();
  14. if (disposition.disconnectCause != DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED) {
  15. disconnectCallAndShowErrorDialog(context, call, disposition.disconnectCause);
  16. return;
  17. }
  18. broadcaster.processCall(disposition);
  19. }
  1. public void processCall(CallDisposition disposition) {
  2. if (disposition.callImmediately) {
  3. boolean speakerphoneOn = mIntent.getBooleanExtra(
  5. int videoState = mIntent.getIntExtra(
  7. VideoProfile.STATE_AUDIO_ONLY);
  8. placeOutgoingCallImmediately(mCall, disposition.callingAddress, null,
  9. speakerphoneOn, videoState);
  10. // Don't return but instead continue and send the ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL broadcast
  11. // so that third parties can still inspect (but not intercept) the outgoing call. When
  12. // the broadcast finally reaches the OutgoingCallBroadcastReceiver, we'll know not to
  13. // initiate the call again because of the presence of the EXTRA_ALREADY_CALLED extra.
  14. }

其中 placeOutgoingCallImmediately 代码:

  1. private void placeOutgoingCallImmediately(Call call, Uri handle, GatewayInfo gatewayInfo,
  2. boolean speakerphoneOn, int videoState) {
  3. Log.i(this,
  4. "Placing call immediately instead of waiting for OutgoingCallBroadcastReceiver");
  5. // Since we are not going to go through "Outgoing call broadcast", make sure
  6. // we mark it as ready.
  7. mCall.setNewOutgoingCallIntentBroadcastIsDone();
  8. mCallsManager.placeOutgoingCall(call, handle, gatewayInfo, speakerphoneOn, videoState);
  9. }


先执行了 startOutgoingCall 方法 ,然后再 执行 broadcaster. processCall () 方法 


这里先设置一个分支,先分析 callsManager.startOutgoingCall 方法

CallsManager 的拨号处理流程

CallsManager.statOutgoingCall 的主要逻辑是创建、更新和保存Call 对象

startOutgoingCall 新建一个(或者重用) call, 将CallsManager绑定监听该 call, 然后通知 callsManager 的监听者, 添加了一个 call

  1. Call startOutgoingCall(Uri handle, PhoneAccountHandle phoneAccountHandle, Bundle extras) {
  2. Call call = getNewOutgoingCall(handle);
  3. // 如果是MMI 号码
  4. if ((isPotentialMMICode(handle) || isPotentialInCallMMICode) && !needsAccountSelection) {
  5. // 让CallsManager监听call的行为
  6. call.addListener(this);
  7. } else if (!mCalls.contains(call)) {
  8. // 确保Call不会重复添加(getNewOutgoingCall有重用机制)
  9. // 添加call, 然后callsManager通知监听者,添加了一个call
  10. addCall(call);
  11. }
  12. return call;
  13. }

addCall 方法:addCall 添加call, 然后callsManager通知监听者,添加了一个call

CallsManager对象将保存多个Call 对象到mCalls 集合中, Call 对象则设置Listener 对象为
CallsManager , 对象之间相互引用。而CallsManager 对象通过 mlisteners  发出onCallAdded 消息
回调。那么mlisteners 究竟是什么呢?摘录出Calls

