1,理解shell script。
2,shell script可以被看出批处理文件,也可被看成程序语言。
2,运行shell script程序
以bash程序来运行,通过“bash shell.sh"或“sh shell.sh"来运行。
为什么sh shell.sh可以运行呐?
3,编写第一个shell script程序
[root@localhost scripts]# env
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir scripts [root@localhost ~]# cd scripts/ [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh01.sh #!/bin/bash #加载环境配置文件/声明shell # Program: #井号表示注释 # This program shows "Hello World!" in your screen. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH echo -e "Hello World! \a \n" #主程序 exit 0 #运行结果告知(定义回传值) #将script放置到家目录~/scripts目录中 #.sh有文件权限 [root@localhost scripts]# ll total 4 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 240 Nov 27 09:57 sh01.sh
#要求:使用read命令撰写个scripto让用户输人frstnamne与last name后,在屏幕上显示“Your full name is:”的内容 [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh02.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: #User inputs hisfirst name andlast name. Program shows his full name. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH read -p "Please input your first name:" firstname read -p "Please input your last name:" lastname echo -e "\nYour full name is:$firstname $lastname" [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh02.sh Please input your first name:1 Please input your last name:1 Your full name is:1 1
#创建三个空文件验证 [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh03.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: #Program creates three files,which named by user's input and date command. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH #让使用者输入文件名称,并获得fileuser这个变量 echo -e "I wile use 'touch' command to create 3 files." read -p "Please input your filename:" fileuser #为了避免用户随意按“Enter”键,利用变量功能分析文件名是否设置? filename=${fileuser:-"filename"} #取得所需的文件名 date1=${date --date='2 days ago' +%Y%m%d} date1=${date --date='1 days ago' +%Y%m%d} date3=${date +%Y%m%d} #这三行设置文件名 file1=${filename}${date1} file2=${filename}${date2} file3=${filename}${date3} #创建文件 touch "$file1" touch "$file2" touch "$file3" #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh03.sh I wile use 'touch' command to create 3 files. Please input your filename:script [root@localhost scripts]# ll total 12 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 27 14:51 script20231125 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 27 14:51 script20231126 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Nov 27 14:51 script20231127 -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 233 Nov 27 11:43 sh01.sh -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 365 Nov 27 11:44 sh02.sh -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 876 Nov 27 14:50 sh03.sh
#declare来定义变量的类型,利用“$((计算式))”来进行数值运算。bash shell默认是整数。 #输入两个变量,将两个变量内容相乘,最后输出相乘的结果。 [root@localhost scripts]# cat sh04.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: #User input 2 integer numbers;program will cross three two numbers. # History # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH echo -e "You SHOULD input 2 numbers, I will cross them!\n" read -p "first number:" firstnu read -p "second number:" secnu total=$(($firstnu*$secnu)) echo -e "\nThe result of $firstnu $secnu is ==>$total" #结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh04.sh You SHOULD input 2 numbers, I will cross them! first number:2 second number:3 The result of 2 3 is ==>6
在数值的运算上,可以使用“declare i total-SfirstnsSsecnu",也可以使用上面的方式来表示。建议使用下面的方式进行运算:var=$( (运算内容))
[root@localhost scripts]# echo $firstname $lastname #首先确定变量并不存在
[root@localhost scripts]# sh sh02.sh
Please input your first name:Bobby
Please input your last name:Yang
Your full name is:Bobby Yang #在脚本运行中,这两个变量会生效
[root@localhost scripts]# echo $firstname $lastname
[root@localhost scripts]# source sh02.sh
Please input your first name:Bobby
Please input your last name:Yang
Your full name is:Bobby Yang #在script运行中,这两个变量会生效
[root@localhost scripts]# echo $firstname $lastname
Bobby Yang #有数据产生
[root@localhost ~]# test -e /dmtsai
[root@localhost ~]# test -e /dmtsai && echo "exist0" || echo "Not exist"
Not exist
[root@localhost scripts]# vim sh05.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # User input a filename, program will check the flowing: # 1.)exist? 2.)file/directory? 3.)file permissions # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH #让使用者输入文件名,并且判断使用者是否输人了字符串 echo -e "Please input a filename, I will check the filename's type and permission \n\n" read -p "Input a filename : " filename test -z $filename && echo "You MUST input a filename." && exit 0 #判断文件是否存在,若不存在则显示信息并结束脚本 test ! -e $filename && echo "The filename '$filename' DO NOT exist" && exit 0 #开始判断文件类型与属性 test -f $filename && filetype="regulare file" test -d $filename && filetype="directory" test -r $filename && perm="readanle" test -w $filename && perm="$perm writable" test -x $filename && perm="$perm executable" #开始输出信息 echo "The filename: $filename is a $filetype" echo "And the permissions are : $perm" #结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh05.sh Please input a filename, I will check the filename's type and permission Input a filename : sh02.sh The filename: sh02.sh is a regulare file And the permissions are : readanle writable
[root@localhost ~]# [ -z "$HOME0" ] #[]两端必须为空格字符分隔。
[root@localhost ~]# echo $?
#-z string含义是,若string长度为0,则为真。
[root@localhost scripts]# vim sh06.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # This program shows the's choice # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N): " yn #“=”与"=="是一样的效果 #[ ]中的逻辑与和逻辑或使用-a 和-o 表示(-a: and, -o: or) [ "$yn" == "Y" -o "$yn" == "y" ] && echo "OK, continue" && exit 0 [ "$yn" == "N" -o "$yn" == "n" ] && echo "Oh, interrupt" && exit 0 echo "I don't know what your choice is" && exit 0 #结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh06.sh Please input (Y/N): n Oh, interrupt
if [条件判断式];then
fi <==将if反写,结束if之意
#将sh06.sh修改成if...then形式 [root@localhost scripts]# cp sh06.sh sh06-2.sh [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh06-2.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # This program shows the's choice # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N): " yn #“=”与"=="是一样的效果 if [ "$yn" == "Y" ] || [ "$yn" == "y" ] ;then echo "OK, continue" exit 0 fi if [ "$yn" == "N" ] ||[ "$yn" == "n" ] ;then echo "Oh, interrupt" exit 0 fi echo "I don't know what your choice is" && exit 0 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh06-2.sh Please input (Y/N): y OK, continue
if [条件判断式]; then
#多个条件判断(if...elif...elif... else)分多种不同情况运
if [条件判断式一]; then
当条件判断式成立时, 可以进行的命令工作内容:
elif [ 条件判断式二]; then
[root@localhost scripts]# vim sh06-3.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # This program shows the's choice # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH read -p "Please input (Y/N): " yn #“=”与"=="是一样的效果 if [ "$yn" == "Y" ] || [ "$yn" == "y" ] ;then echo "OK, continue" elif [ "$yn" == "N" ] ||[ "$yn" == "n" ] ;then echo "Oh, interrupt" else echo "I don't know what your choice is" && exit 0 fi [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh06-3.sh Please input (Y/N): n Oh, interrupt
[root@localhost scripts]# vim sh09.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Check $1 is wqual to "hello" # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH if [ "$1" == "hello" ]; then echo "Hello, how are you ?" elif [ "$1" == " " ]; then echo "You MUST input parmeters, ex> {$0 someword}" else echo "The only parameter is 'hello', ex> {$0 hello}" fi [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh09.sh
**3,netstat命令:**查询到目前主机开启的网络服务端口(service posts)。
[root@localhost ~]# netstat -tuln
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
#封包格式 本地IP:端口 远程ip:端口 是否监听
#重点是“Local Address(本地主机的IP与端口对列)”,代表的是本机所启动的网络服务。
[root@localhost scripts]# vim sh10.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Using netstat and grep to detect WWW.SSH,FTP and Mail services. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH #先做一些告诉的动作 echo "Now, I will detect your ,Linux server's services!" echo -e "The www, ftp, ssh, and mail will be detect! \n" #开始进行一些测试的工作,并且也输出一些信息 testing=$(netstat--tuln | grep ":80 ") if [ "$testing" != "" ]; then echo "WWW is running in your system." fi testing=$(netstat--tuln | grep ":22 ") if [ "$testing" != "" ]; then echo "WWW is running in your system." fi testing=$(netstat--tuln | grep ":21 ") if [ "$testing" != "" ]; then echo "WWW is running in your system." fi testing=$(netstat--tuln | grep ":25 ") if [ "$testing" != "" ]; then echo "WWW is running in your system." fi [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh10.sh
case $变量名称in <==关键字为case,变量前有$符
"第一个变量内容" <==每个变量内容建议用双引号括起来,关键字则为小括号)
;; <==每个类别结尾使用两个连续的分号来处理
*) <==最后一个变量内容都会用*来代表所有其他值
exit 1
esac <==最终的case结尾!思考一下case反过来写是什么
[root@localhost scripts]# vim sh09-2.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Show "Hello" from $1....by using case .... esac # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH case $1 in "hello") echo "Hello, how are you ?" ;; "") echo "You MUST input parmeters, ex> {$0 someword}" ;; *) #其实就相当于通配符,0~无穷多个任意字符之意 echo "Usage $0 {hello}" ;; esac #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh09-2.sh You MUST input parmeters, ex> {sh09.sh someword} [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh09.sh smile Usage sh09.sh {hello} [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh09.sh hello Hello, how are you ?
一般来说,使用“case 变量in” 时,当中的那个“$变量" -般有以下两种取得方式。
#下面以一个例子来进一步说明:让用户能够输人one、two、three, 并且将用户的变量显到屏幕上,如果不是one、two、three,就告诉用户仅有这3种选择。 [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh12.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # This script only accepts the flowing parameter: one,two or three. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH echo "This program will print your selection !" # read -p "Input your choice:" choice #暂时取消,可以替换 # case $choice in #暂时取消,可以替换 case $1 in #现在使用,可以用上面两行替换 "one") echo "Your choice is ONE" ;; "two") echo "Your choice is TWO" ;; "three") echo "Your choice is THREE" ;; *) echo "Usage $O {one|two|three}" ;; esac #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh12.sh two This program will print your selection ! Your choice is TWO [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh12.sh test This program will print your selection ! Usage {one|two|three} #而如果使用互动式时,那么将上面第10, 11 行的#去掉,并将12行加上注解(#),就可以让用户输人参数了。
while [ condition ] <== 中括号内的状态就是判断式
do <==do是循环的开始!
done <==done是循环的结束
until [ condition ]
#我们以while来做个简单的练习。假设要让用户输人yes或者是YES才结束程序的运行,否则就一直运行并提示用户输入字符。 [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh13.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Repeat question until user input correct answer. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH while [ "$yn" != "yes" -a "$yn" != "YES" ] do read -p "Please input yes/YES to stop this program: " yn done echo "OK! you input the correct answer." #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh13.sh Please input yes/YES to stop this program: yes OK! you input the correct answer. #而如果$yn是'yes'或'YES'时,就会离开循环”,那如果使用until呢? [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh13-2.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Repeat question until user input correct answer. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH until [ "$yn" == "yes" -o "$yn" == "YES" ] do read -p "Please input yes/YES to stop this program:" yn done echo "OK! you input the correct answer." #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh13-2.sh Please input yes/YES to stop this program:yes OK! you input the correct answer.
#如果想要计算+2+3+..+100的值。 [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh14.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Use loopto calculate "1+2+3+.. .+100" result. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH s=0 #这是累加的数值变量 i=0 #这是累计的数值,即1, 2,3... while [ "$i" != "100" ] do i=$(($i+1)) #每次i都会添加1 s=$(($s+$i)) #每次都会累加一次 done echo "The result of '1+2+3+...+100' is ==> $s" #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh14.sh The result of '1+2+3+...+100' is ==> 5050
for var in con1 con2 con3 ...
#例1:假设有三种动物,分别是dog、cat、 elephant,如果每一行都要求按“There are dog.."的样式输出,则可以如此撰写程序: [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh15.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Use loopto calculate "1+2+3+.. .+100" result. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH for animal in dog cat elephant do echo "There are ${animal}s..." done #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh15.sh There are dogs... There are cats... There are elephants...
#例2,由于系统里面的各种账号都是写在/etc/passwd内的第一一 列,能不能在通过管道命令cut找出单纯的账号名称后,以id及finger分别检查用户的识别码与特殊参数? [root@localhost scripts]# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/dvd.repo [root@localhost scripts]# mkdir /iso [root@localhost scripts]# mount /dev/cdrom /iso/ mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only [root@localhost scripts]# yum info finger -y [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh16.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Use id, finger command to check system account's information. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH users=$(cut -d ':' -f1 /etc/passwd) #获取账号名称 for username in $users #开始循环 do id $username finger $username done #运行上面的脚本,系统账号就会被找出检查 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh16.sh
#例3,换个角度来看,如果现在需要连串的数字 来进行循环呢?举例来说, 想要利用ping这个可以判断网络状态的命令来进行网络状态的实际检测,要侦测的域是本机所在的192.168.10.1~。 由于有100台主机,总不会在for后面输人1~ 100吧? [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh17.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Use ping command to check the network' s PC state. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH network="192.168.10" #先定义一个网络号(网络ID) for sitenu in $(seq 1 100) # seq为sequence (连续)的缩写之意 do #下面的语句取得ping的回传值是正确的还是失败的 ping -c 1 -w 1 ${network}.${sitenu} &> /dev/null && result=0 || result=1 #开始显示结果是正确的启动(UP )还是错误的没有连通( DOWN ) if [ "$result" == 0]; then echo "Server ${network} .${sitenu} is UP." else echo "Server ${network}.${sitenu} is DOWN." fi done #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh17.sh sh17.sh: line 15: [: missing `]' Server is DOWN. sh17.sh: line 15: [: missing `]'
#例4,如果想要让用户输入某个目录名,然后找出目录内的文件权限 [root@localhost scripts]# vim sh18.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Use ping command to check the network' s PC state. # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH #先看看这个目录是否存在 read -p "Please input a directory: " dir if [ "$dir" == "" -0 ! -d "$dir" ]; then echo "The $dir is NOT exist in your system." exit 1 fi #开始测试文件 filelist=$(ls $dir) #列出所有在该目录下的文件名称 for filename in $filelist do perm="" test -r "$dir/$filename" && perm="Sperm readable" test -w "$dir/$filename" && perm="$perm writable" test -x "$dir/$filename" && perm="$perm executable" echo "The file $dir/$filename's permission is $perm " done #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh18.sh Please input a directory: /root sh18.sh: line 11: [: too many arguments The file /root/anaconda-ks.cfg's permission is Sperm readable writable ......
for ((初始值;限制值;执行步长))
[root@localhost scripts]# vim sh19.sh #!/bin/bash # Program: # Try do calculate 1+2+....+${your_input} # History: # 2023/11/27 Bobby First release PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin export PATH read -p "Please input a number, I will count for 1+2+... +your_input: " nu s=0 for ((i=1; i<=$nu; i=i+1)) do s=$(($s+$i)) done echo "The result of '1+2+3+...+$nu' is ==>$s" #运行结果 [root@localhost scripts]# sh sh19.sh Please input a number, I will count for 1+2+... +your_input: 10000 The result of '1+2+3+...+10000' is ==>50005000
[root@localhost scripts]# sh [-nvx] script.sh
#例题1:测试sh16.sh有无语法错误 [root@localhost scripts]# sh -n sh16.sh #例题2:将sh15.sh的运行过程全部列出来 [root@localhost scripts]# sh -x sh15.sh + PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin + export PATH + for animal in dog cat elephant + echo 'There are dogs...' There are dogs... + for animal in dog cat elephant + echo 'There are cats...' There are cats... + for animal in dog cat elephant + echo 'There are elephants...' There are elephants...
ts]# sh sh19.sh
Please input a number, I will count for 1+2+… +your_input: 10000
The result of ‘1+2+3+…+10000’ is ==>50005000
## 8.6 对shell script进行追踪与调试
[root@localhost scripts]# sh [-nvx] script.sh
#例题1:测试sh16.sh有无语法错误 [root@localhost scripts]# sh -n sh16.sh #例题2:将sh15.sh的运行过程全部列出来 [root@localhost scripts]# sh -x sh15.sh + PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin + export PATH + for animal in dog cat elephant + echo 'There are dogs...' There are dogs... + for animal in dog cat elephant + echo 'There are cats...' There are cats... + for animal in dog cat elephant + echo 'There are elephants...' There are elephants...
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