这个系列目的是揭开嵌入的神秘面纱,并展示如何在你的项目中使用它们。第一篇博客介绍了如何使用和扩展开源嵌入模型,选择现有的模型,当前的评价方法,以及生态系统的发展状态。第二篇博客将会更一步深入嵌入并解释双向编码和交叉编码的区别。进一步我们将了解 检索和重排序 的理论。我们会构建一个工具,它可以来回答大约 400 篇 AI 的论文的问题。我们会在末尾大致讨论一下两个不同的论文。
你可以在这里阅读,或者通过点击左上角的图标在 Google Colab 中运行。现在我们正式开始学习!
Sentence Transformers 支持两种类型的模型: Bi-encoders 和 Cross-encoders。Bi-encoders 更快更可扩展,但 Cross-encoders 更准确。虽然两者都处理类似的高水平任务,但何时使用一个而不是另一个是相当不同的。Bi-encoders 更适合搜索,而 Cross-encoders 更适合分类和高精度排序。下面讲下细节
我们之前见过的模型都是双向编码器。双向编码器将输入文本编码成固定长度的向量。当我们计算两个句子的相似性时,我们通常将两个句子编码成两个向量,然后计算它们之间的相似性 (比如,使用余弦相似度)。我们训练双向编码器去优化,使得在问题和相关句子之间的相似度增加,而在其他句子之间的相似度减少。这也解释了为啥双向编码器更适合搜索。正如之前博客所说,双向编码器非常快,并且易于扩展。如果提供多个句子,双向编码器会独立编码每个句子。这意味着每个句子嵌入是互相独立的。这对于搜索来书是好的,因为我们可以并行编码数百万的句子。然而,这同样意味着双向编码器不知道任何关于句子之间的关系的知识。
为啥使用这个而不用其他的?交叉编码更慢并且需要更多的内存,但同样更精确。一个交叉编码器对于比较几十个句子是一个很好的选择。如果我们要比较成千上万个句子,一个双向编码器是更好的选择,因为否则的话,它将会非常慢。如果你更在乎精度并且想高效的比较成千上万个句子呢?这有个当你想要检索信息的经典示例,在那个示例中,一个选择是首先使用双向编码器去减少候选数量 (比如,获取最相关的 20 个例子),然后使用交叉编码器获得最终结果。这个也叫做重排序,在信息检索中是一个常用的技术。我们将在后面学习更多关于这个的内容。
正如之前所说,交叉编码器同时编码两个句子,并输出一个分类标签。交叉编码器第一次生成一个单独的嵌入,它捕获了句子的表征和相关关系。与双向编码器生成的嵌入 (它们是独立的) 不同,交叉编码器是互相依赖的。这也是为什么交叉编码器更适合分类,并且其质量更高,他们可以捕获两个句子之间的关系!反过来说,如果你需要比较上千个句子的话,交叉编码器会很慢,因为他们要编码所有的句子对。
一个交叉编码器需要同时编码所的句子对,所以它需要编码六个句子对 (AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD)。
让我们再扩展一下,如果你要 100,000 个句子,并且你需要比较所有的可能对:
一个双向编码器需要编码 100,000 个句子。
一个交叉编码器需要编码 4,999,950,000 个句子对。(用 组合数公式: n! / (r!(n-r)!)
, 这里面 n = 100,000, r = 2) 所以扩展并不好
他们可以被用于不同的任务。例如,对于段落检索 (给定一个问题和一个段落,段落是否与问题相关)。让我们看一个快速代码片段,使用一个小的交叉编码模型训练这个:
!pip install sentence_transformers datasets
- from sentence_transformers import CrossEncoder
- model = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-TinyBERT-L-2-v2', max_length=512)
- scores = model.predict([('How many people live in Berlin?', 'Berlin had a population of 3,520,031 registered inhabitants in an area of 891.82 square kilometers.'),
- ('How many people live in Berlin?', 'Berlin is well known for its museums.')])
- scores
array([ 7.152365 , -6.2870445], dtype=float32)
- model = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/stsb-TinyBERT-L-4')
- scores = model.predict([("The weather today is beautiful", "It's raining!"),
- ("The weather today is beautiful", "Today is a sunny day")])
- scores
array([0.46552283, 0.6350213 ], dtype=float32)
假设你有一个有 100,000 个句子的语料库并且想要对给定查询找到最相关的句子。第一步就是使用双向编码器去检索很多候选 (为了确保召回)。然后,使用交叉编码器去重新排序候选并且得到最终的带有高精度的结果。这是高层次上看这个系统的样子
让我们试一试执行一个论文搜索系统!我们将使用一个 AI Arxiv 数据集,这个是在 Pinecone 上关于重排序极好的教程 。其目的是问 AI 一个 问题,我们获得最相关的论文部分并且回答问题。
- from datasets import load_dataset
- dataset = load_dataset("jamescalam/ai-arxiv-chunked")
- dataset["train"]
- Found cached dataset json (/home/osanseviero/.cache/huggingface/datasets/jamescalam___json/jamescalam--ai-arxiv-chunked-0d76bdc6812ffd50/0.0.0/8bb11242116d547c741b2e8a1f18598ffdd40a1d4f2a2872c7a28b697434bc96)
- 0%| | 0/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
- Dataset({
- features: ['doi', 'chunk-id', 'chunk', 'id', 'title', 'summary', 'source', 'authors', 'categories', 'comment', 'journal_ref', 'primary_category', 'published', 'updated', 'references'],
- num_rows: 41584
- })
如果你检查了数据集,它是一个划分切块好的 400 篇 Arxiv 论文,切块意味着每个部分被分成更小的部分,以使模型更容易处理。这里是一个样本:
- {'doi': '1910.01108',
- 'chunk-id': '0',
- 'chunk': 'DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller,\nfaster, cheaper and lighter\nVictor SANH, Lysandre DEBUT, Julien CHAUMOND, Thomas WOLF\nHugging Face\n{victor,lysandre,julien,thomas}@huggingface.co\nAbstract\nAs Transfer Learning from large-scale pre-trained models becomes more prevalent\nin Natural Language Processing (NLP), operating these large models in on-theedge and/or under constrained computational training or inference budgets remains\nchallenging. In this work, we propose a method to pre-train a smaller generalpurpose language representation model, called DistilBERT, which can then be finetuned with good performances on a wide range of tasks like its larger counterparts.\nWhile most prior work investigated the use of distillation for building task-specific\nmodels, we leverage knowledge distillation during the pre-training phase and show\nthat it is possible to reduce the size of a BERT model by 40%, while retaining 97%\nof its language understanding capabilities and being 60% faster. To leverage the\ninductive biases learned by larger models during pre-training, we introduce a triple\nloss combining language modeling, distillation and cosine-distance losses. Our\nsmaller, faster and lighter model is cheaper to pre-train and we demonstrate its',
- 'id': '1910.01108',
- 'title': 'DistilBERT, a distilled version of BERT: smaller, faster, cheaper and lighter',
- 'summary': 'As Transfer Learning from large-scale pre-trained models becomes more\nprevalent in Natural Language Processing (NLP), operating these large models in\non-the-edge and/or under constrained computational training or inference\nbudgets remains challenging. In this work, we propose a method to pre-train a\nsmaller general-purpose language representation model, called DistilBERT, which\ncan then be fine-tuned with good performances on a wide range of tasks like its\nlarger counterparts. While most prior work investigated the use of distillation\nfor building task-specific models, we leverage knowledge distillation during\nthe pre-training phase and show that it is possible to reduce the size of a\nBERT model by 40%, while retaining 97% of its language understanding\ncapabilities and being 60% faster. To leverage the inductive biases learned by\nlarger models during pre-training, we introduce a triple loss combining\nlanguage modeling, distillation and cosine-distance losses. Our smaller, faster\nand lighter model is cheaper to pre-train and we demonstrate its capabilities\nfor on-device computations in a proof-of-concept experiment and a comparative\non-device study.',
- 'source': 'http://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.01108',
- 'authors': ['Victor Sanh',
- 'Lysandre Debut',
- 'Julien Chaumond',
- 'Thomas Wolf'],
- 'categories': ['cs.CL'],
- 'comment': 'February 2020 - Revision: fix bug in evaluation metrics, updated\n metrics, argumentation unchanged. 5 pages, 1 figure, 4 tables. Accepted at\n the 5th Workshop on Energy Efficient Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing\n - NeurIPS 2019',
- 'journal_ref': None,
- 'primary_category': 'cs.CL',
- 'published': '20191002',
- 'updated': '20200301',
- 'references': [{'id': '1910.01108'}]}
- chunks = dataset["train"]["chunk"]
- len(chunks)
现在,我们将使用一个双向编码器来编码所有的切块到嵌入。我们将会截断过长的段落,最大不超过 512 token。注意,短文本是许多嵌入模型的缺点之一!我们将会特别使用 multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1 模型。这是一个小模型,用来训练把问题和段落编码成小的嵌入空间。因为这是一个双向编码器模型,所以很快和易扩展。
在我这个普通的电脑上嵌入所有的 40,000+ 文章大概需要 30 秒。注意,我们只要嵌入一次,然后可以保存到磁盘并且之后加载。在生产环境中,你可以把嵌入保存到数据库中并从中加载嵌入。
- from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
- bi_encoder = SentenceTransformer('multi-qa-MiniLM-L6-cos-v1')
- bi_encoder.max_seq_length = 256
- corpus_embeddings = bi_encoder.encode(chunks, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=True)
Batches: 0%| | 0/1300 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
- from sentence_transformers import util
- query = "what is rlhf?"
- top_k = 25 # how many chunks to retrieve
- query_embedding = bi_encoder.encode(query, convert_to_tensor=True).cuda()
- hits = util.semantic_search(query_embedding, corpus_embeddings, top_k=top_k)[0]
- hits
- [{'corpus_id': 14679, 'score': 0.6097552180290222},
- {'corpus_id': 17387, 'score': 0.5659530162811279},
- {'corpus_id': 39564, 'score': 0.5590510368347168},
- {'corpus_id': 14725, 'score': 0.5585878491401672},
- {'corpus_id': 5628, 'score': 0.5296251773834229},
- {'corpus_id': 14802, 'score': 0.5075011253356934},
- {'corpus_id': 9761, 'score': 0.49943411350250244},
- {'corpus_id': 14716, 'score': 0.4931946098804474},
- {'corpus_id': 9763, 'score': 0.49280521273612976},
- {'corpus_id': 20638, 'score': 0.4884325861930847},
- {'corpus_id': 20653, 'score': 0.4873950183391571},
- {'corpus_id': 9755, 'score': 0.48562008142471313},
- {'corpus_id': 14806, 'score': 0.4792214035987854},
- {'corpus_id': 14805, 'score': 0.475425660610199},
- {'corpus_id': 20652, 'score': 0.4740477204322815},
- {'corpus_id': 20711, 'score': 0.4703512489795685},
- {'corpus_id': 20632, 'score': 0.4695567488670349},
- {'corpus_id': 14750, 'score': 0.46810320019721985},
- {'corpus_id': 14749, 'score': 0.46809980273246765},
- {'corpus_id': 35209, 'score': 0.46695172786712646},
- {'corpus_id': 14671, 'score': 0.46657535433769226},
- {'corpus_id': 14821, 'score': 0.4637290835380554},
- {'corpus_id': 14751, 'score': 0.4585301876068115},
- {'corpus_id': 14815, 'score': 0.45775431394577026},
- {'corpus_id': 35250, 'score': 0.4569615125656128}]
- #Let's store the IDs for later
- retrieval_corpus_ids = [hit['corpus_id'] for hit in hits]
- # Now let's print the top 3 results
- for i, hit in enumerate(hits[:3]):
- sample = dataset["train"][hit["corpus_id"]]
- print(f"Top {i+1} passage with score {hit['score']} from {sample['source']}:")
- print(sample["chunk"])
- print("\n")
- Top 1 passage with score 0.6097552180290222 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05862:
- learning from human feedback, which we improve on a roughly weekly cadence. See Section 2.3.
- 4This means that our helpfulness dataset goes ‘up’ in desirability during the conversation, while our harmlessness
- dataset goes ‘down’ in desirability. We chose the latter to thoroughly explore bad behavior, but it is likely not ideal
- for teaching good behavior. We believe this difference in our data distributions creates subtle problems for RLHF, and
- suggest that others who want to use RLHF to train safer models consider the analysis in Section 4.4.
- 5
- 1071081091010
- Number of Parameters0. Eval Acc
- Mean Zero-Shot Accuracy
- Plain Language Model
- 1071081091010
- Number of Parameters0. Eval Acc
- Mean Few-Shot Accuracy
- Plain Language Model
- RLHFFigure 3 RLHF model performance on zero-shot and few-shot NLP tasks. For each model size, we plot
- the mean accuracy on MMMLU, Lambada, HellaSwag, OpenBookQA, ARC-Easy, ARC-Challenge, and
- TriviaQA. On zero-shot tasks, RLHF training for helpfulness and harmlessness hurts performance for small
- Top 2 passage with score 0.5659530162811279 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.07842:
- preferences and values which are difficult to capture by hard- coded reward functions.
- RLHF works by using a pre-trained LM to generate text, which i s then evaluated by humans by, for example,
- ranking two model generations for the same prompt. This data is then collected to learn a reward model
- that predicts a scalar reward given any generated text. The r eward captures human preferences when
- judging model output. Finally, the LM is optimized against s uch reward model using RL policy gradient
- algorithms like PPO ( Schulman et al. ,2017). RLHF can be applied directly on top of a general-purpose LM
- pre-trained via self-supervised learning. However, for mo re complex tasks, the model’s generations may not
- be good enough. In such cases, RLHF is typically applied afte r an initial supervised fine-tuning phase using
- a small number of expert demonstrations for the correspondi ng downstream task ( Ramamurthy et al. ,2022;
- Ouyang et al. ,2022;Stiennon et al. ,2020).
- A successful example of RLHF used to teach a LM to use an extern al tool stems from WebGPT Nakano et al.
- (2021) (discussed in 3.2.3), a model capable of answering questions using a search engine and providing
- Top 3 passage with score 0.5590510368347168 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.09288:
- 31
- 5 Discussion
- Here, we discuss the interesting properties we have observed with RLHF (Section 5.1). We then discuss the
- limitations of L/l.sc/a.sc/m.sc/a.sc /two.taboldstyle-C/h.sc/a.sc/t.sc (Section 5.2). Lastly, we present our strategy for responsibly releasing these
- models (Section 5.3).
- 5.1 Learnings and Observations
- Our tuning process revealed several interesting results, such as L/l.sc/a.sc/m.sc/a.sc /two.taboldstyle-C/h.sc/a.sc/t.sc ’s abilities to temporally
- organize its knowledge, or to call APIs for external tools.
- SFT (Mix)
- SFT (Annotation)
- RLHF (V1)
- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
- Reward Model ScoreRLHF (V2)
- Figure 20: Distribution shift for progressive versions of L/l.sc/a.sc/m.sc/a.sc /two.taboldstyle-C/h.sc/a.sc/t.sc , from SFT models towards RLHF.
- Beyond Human Supervision. At the outset of the project, many among us expressed a preference for
现在,让我们通过高精度的交叉编码器模型重排序。我们将使用 cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2 模型。这个模型是在 MS MARCO 数据集上微调的,它是一个大型真实问答信息检索数据集。这使得这个模型在进行问答时非常适合决策。
我们将使用同样的问题和我们从双向编码器获得的前 10 个块。让我们看看结果!回想一下,交叉编码器需要成对的,所以我们将创建问题和每个块的对。
- from sentence_transformers import CrossEncoder
- cross_encoder = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2')
- cross_inp = [[query, chunks[hit['corpus_id']]] for hit in hits]
- cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp)
- cross_scores
- array([ 1.2227577 , 5.048051 , 1.2897239 , 2.205767 , 4.4136825 ,
- 1.2272772 , 2.5638275 , 0.81847703, 2.35553 , 5.590804 ,
- 1.3877895 , 2.9497519 , 1.6762824 , 0.7211323 , 0.16303705,
- 1.3640019 , 2.3106787 , 1.5849439 , 2.9696884 , -1.1079378 ,
- 0.7681126 , 1.5945492 , 2.2869687 , 3.5448399 , 2.056368 ],
- dtype=float32)
让我们增加一个新的属性 cross-score
- for idx in range(len(cross_scores)):
- hits[idx]['cross-score'] = cross_scores[idx]
- hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda x: x['cross-score'], reverse=True)
- msmarco_l6_corpus_ids = [hit['corpus_id'] for hit in hits] # save for later
- hits
- [{'corpus_id': 20638, 'score': 0.4884325861930847, 'cross-score': 5.590804},
- {'corpus_id': 17387, 'score': 0.5659530162811279, 'cross-score': 5.048051},
- {'corpus_id': 5628, 'score': 0.5296251773834229, 'cross-score': 4.4136825},
- {'corpus_id': 14815, 'score': 0.45775431394577026, 'cross-score': 3.5448399},
- {'corpus_id': 14749, 'score': 0.46809980273246765, 'cross-score': 2.9696884},
- {'corpus_id': 9755, 'score': 0.48562008142471313, 'cross-score': 2.9497519},
- {'corpus_id': 9761, 'score': 0.49943411350250244, 'cross-score': 2.5638275},
- {'corpus_id': 9763, 'score': 0.49280521273612976, 'cross-score': 2.35553},
- {'corpus_id': 20632, 'score': 0.4695567488670349, 'cross-score': 2.3106787},
- {'corpus_id': 14751, 'score': 0.4585301876068115, 'cross-score': 2.2869687},
- {'corpus_id': 14725, 'score': 0.5585878491401672, 'cross-score': 2.205767},
- {'corpus_id': 35250, 'score': 0.4569615125656128, 'cross-score': 2.056368},
- {'corpus_id': 14806, 'score': 0.4792214035987854, 'cross-score': 1.6762824},
- {'corpus_id': 14821, 'score': 0.4637290835380554, 'cross-score': 1.5945492},
- {'corpus_id': 14750, 'score': 0.46810320019721985, 'cross-score': 1.5849439},
- {'corpus_id': 20653, 'score': 0.4873950183391571, 'cross-score': 1.3877895},
- {'corpus_id': 20711, 'score': 0.4703512489795685, 'cross-score': 1.3640019},
- {'corpus_id': 39564, 'score': 0.5590510368347168, 'cross-score': 1.2897239},
- {'corpus_id': 14802, 'score': 0.5075011253356934, 'cross-score': 1.2272772},
- {'corpus_id': 14679, 'score': 0.6097552180290222, 'cross-score': 1.2227577},
- {'corpus_id': 14716, 'score': 0.4931946098804474, 'cross-score': 0.81847703},
- {'corpus_id': 14671, 'score': 0.46657535433769226, 'cross-score': 0.7681126},
- {'corpus_id': 14805, 'score': 0.475425660610199, 'cross-score': 0.7211323},
- {'corpus_id': 20652, 'score': 0.4740477204322815, 'cross-score': 0.16303705},
- {'corpus_id': 35209, 'score': 0.46695172786712646, 'cross-score': -1.1079378}]
你可以从上面的数据看到,交叉编码器的结果和双向编码器的结果并不一致。神奇的是,一些最前面的交叉编码器结果 (14815 和 14749) 的结果其有着最低的双向编码器分数。这很合理,因为双向编码器比较的是问题和文档在嵌入空间的相似性,但交叉编码器考虑的是问题和文档在嵌入空间的相关性。
- for i, hit in enumerate(hits[:3]):
- sample = dataset["train"][hit["corpus_id"]]
- print(f"Top {i+1} passage with score {hit['cross-score']} from {sample['source']}:")
- print(sample["chunk"])
- print("\n")
- Top 1 passage with score 0.9668010473251343 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05862:
- Stackoverflow Good Answer vs. Bad Answer Loss Difference
- Python FT
- Python FT + RLHF(b)Difference in mean log-prob between good and bad
- answers to Stack Overflow questions.
- Figure 37 Analysis of RLHF on language modeling for good and bad Stack Overflow answers, over many
- model sizes, ranging from 13M to 52B parameters. Compared to the baseline model (a pre-trained LM
- finetuned on Python code), the RLHF model is more capable of distinguishing quality (right) , but is worse
- at language modeling (left) .
- the RLHF models obtain worse loss. This is most likely due to optimizing a different objective rather than
- pure language modeling.
- B.8 Further Analysis of RLHF on Code-Model Snapshots
- As discussed in Section 5.3, RLHF improves performance of base code models on code evals. In this appendix, we compare that with simply prompting the base code model with a sample of prompts designed to
- elicit helpfulness, harmlessness, and honesty, which we refer to as ‘HHH’ prompts. In particular, they contain
- a couple of coding examples. Below is a description of what this prompt looks like:
- Below are a series of dialogues between various people and an AI assistant. The AI tries to be helpful,
- Top 2 passage with score 0.9574587345123291 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.07459:
- We examine the influence of the amount of RLHF training for two reasons. First, RLHF [13, 57] is an
- increasingly popular technique for reducing harmful behaviors in large language models [3, 21, 52]. Some of
- these models are already deployed [52], so we believe the impact of RLHF deserves further scrutiny. Second,
- previous work shows that the amount of RLHF training can significantly change metrics on a wide range of
- personality, political preference, and harm evaluations for a given model size [41]. As a result, it is important
- to control for the amount of RLHF training in the analysis of our experiments.
- 3.2 Experiments
- 3.2.1 Overview
- We test the effect of natural language instructions on two related but distinct moral phenomena: stereotyping
- and discrimination. Stereotyping involves the use of generalizations about groups in ways that are often
- harmful or undesirable.4To measure stereotyping, we use two well-known stereotyping benchmarks, BBQ
- [40] (§3.2.2) and Windogender [49] (§3.2.3). For discrimination, we focus on whether models make disparate
- decisions about individuals based on protected characteristics that should have no relevance to the outcome.5
- To measure discrimination, we construct a new benchmark to test for the impact of race in a law school course
- Top 3 passage with score 0.9408788084983826 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.07842:
- preferences and values which are difficult to capture by hard- coded reward functions.
- RLHF works by using a pre-trained LM to generate text, which i s then evaluated by humans by, for example,
- ranking two model generations for the same prompt. This data is then collected to learn a reward model
- that predicts a scalar reward given any generated text. The r eward captures human preferences when
- judging model output. Finally, the LM is optimized against s uch reward model using RL policy gradient
- algorithms like PPO ( Schulman et al. ,2017). RLHF can be applied directly on top of a general-purpose LM
- pre-trained via self-supervised learning. However, for mo re complex tasks, the model’s generations may not
- be good enough. In such cases, RLHF is typically applied afte r an initial supervised fine-tuning phase using
- a small number of expert demonstrations for the correspondi ng downstream task ( Ramamurthy et al. ,2022;
- Ouyang et al. ,2022;Stiennon et al. ,2020).
- A successful example of RLHF used to teach a LM to use an extern al tool stems from WebGPT Nakano et al.
- (2021) (discussed in 3.2.3), a model capable of answering questions using a search engine and providing
这里我们使用了 cross-encoder/ms-marco-MiniLM-L-6-v2, 这个模型已经有三年历史了,并且很小。它是 很多年前的最好的重新排序模型之一。
对于选择模型,我建议去 MTEB leaderboard,点击 reranking,选择一个适合你需求的模型。平均列可以很好地代表总体质量,但你可能对数据集特别感兴趣 (例如,检索选项卡中的 MSMarco)
注意,模型老模型,比如 MiniLM, 并不在那里。另外,并不是所有的模型都是交叉编码器,所以总是要实验,如果增加第二阶段,更慢的重新排序器是否值得。这里有一些有趣的发现:
E5 Mistral 7B Instruct (2023 年 12 月): 这是一个基于解码器的嵌入 (不同于我们之前学的基于编码器的)。这一点很有趣,因为使用解码器而不是编码器是一个新趋势,这样可以容纳更长的文本。这里是 相关论文
BAAI Reranker (2023 年 9 月): 一个高质量重排序模型,其大小适中 (只有 278M 的参数)。让我们用这个模型获得结果并比较。
- # Same code as before, just different model
- cross_encoder = CrossEncoder('BAAI/bge-reranker-base')
- cross_inp = [[query, chunks[hit['corpus_id']]] for hit in hits]
- cross_scores = cross_encoder.predict(cross_inp)
- for idx in range(len(cross_scores)):
- hits[idx]['cross-score'] = cross_scores[idx]
- hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda x: x['cross-score'], reverse=True)
- bge_corpus_ids = [hit['corpus_id'] for hit in hits]
- for i, hit in enumerate(hits[:3]):
- sample = dataset["train"][hit["corpus_id"]]
- print(f"Top {i+1} passage with score {hit['cross-score']} from {sample['source']}:")
- print(sample["chunk"])
- print("\n")
- Top 1 passage with score 0.9668010473251343 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05862:
- Stackoverflow Good Answer vs. Bad Answer Loss Difference
- Python FT
- Python FT + RLHF(b)Difference in mean log-prob between good and bad
- answers to Stack Overflow questions.
- Figure 37 Analysis of RLHF on language modeling for good and bad Stack Overflow answers, over many
- model sizes, ranging from 13M to 52B parameters. Compared to the baseline model (a pre-trained LM
- finetuned on Python code), the RLHF model is more capable of distinguishing quality (right) , but is worse
- at language modeling (left) .
- the RLHF models obtain worse loss. This is most likely due to optimizing a different objective rather than
- pure language modeling.
- B.8 Further Analysis of RLHF on Code-Model Snapshots
- As discussed in Section 5.3, RLHF improves performance of base code models on code evals. In this appendix, we compare that with simply prompting the base code model with a sample of prompts designed to
- elicit helpfulness, harmlessness, and honesty, which we refer to as ‘HHH’ prompts. In particular, they contain
- a couple of coding examples. Below is a description of what this prompt looks like:
- Below are a series of dialogues between various people and an AI assistant. The AI tries to be helpful,
- Top 2 passage with score 0.9574587345123291 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.07459:
- We examine the influence of the amount of RLHF training for two reasons. First, RLHF [13, 57] is an
- increasingly popular technique for reducing harmful behaviors in large language models [3, 21, 52]. Some of
- these models are already deployed [52], so we believe the impact of RLHF deserves further scrutiny. Second,
- previous work shows that the amount of RLHF training can significantly change metrics on a wide range of
- personality, political preference, and harm evaluations for a given model size [41]. As a result, it is important
- to control for the amount of RLHF training in the analysis of our experiments.
- 3.2 Experiments
- 3.2.1 Overview
- We test the effect of natural language instructions on two related but distinct moral phenomena: stereotyping
- and discrimination. Stereotyping involves the use of generalizations about groups in ways that are often
- harmful or undesirable.4To measure stereotyping, we use two well-known stereotyping benchmarks, BBQ
- [40] (§3.2.2) and Windogender [49] (§3.2.3). For discrimination, we focus on whether models make disparate
- decisions about individuals based on protected characteristics that should have no relevance to the outcome.5
- To measure discrimination, we construct a new benchmark to test for the impact of race in a law school course
- Top 3 passage with score 0.9408788084983826 from http://arxiv.org/pdf/2302.07842:
- preferences and values which are difficult to capture by hard- coded reward functions.
- RLHF works by using a pre-trained LM to generate text, which i s then evaluated by humans by, for example,
- ranking two model generations for the same prompt. This data is then collected to learn a reward model
- that predicts a scalar reward given any generated text. The r eward captures human preferences when
- judging model output. Finally, the LM is optimized against s uch reward model using RL policy gradient
- algorithms like PPO ( Schulman et al. ,2017). RLHF can be applied directly on top of a general-purpose LM
- pre-trained via self-supervised learning. However, for mo re complex tasks, the model’s generations may not
- be good enough. In such cases, RLHF is typically applied afte r an initial supervised fine-tuning phase using
- a small number of expert demonstrations for the correspondi ng downstream task ( Ramamurthy et al. ,2022;
- Ouyang et al. ,2022;Stiennon et al. ,2020).
- A successful example of RLHF used to teach a LM to use an extern al tool stems from WebGPT Nakano et al.
- (2021) (discussed in 3.2.3), a model capable of answering questions using a search engine and providing
- for i in range(25):
- print(f"Top {i+1} passage. Bi-encoder {retrieval_corpus_ids[i]}, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) {msmarco_l6_corpus_ids[i]}, BGE {bge_corpus_ids[i]}")
- Top 1 passage. Bi-encoder 14679, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 20638, BGE 14815
- Top 2 passage. Bi-encoder 17387, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 17387, BGE 20638
- Top 3 passage. Bi-encoder 39564, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 5628, BGE 17387
- Top 4 passage. Bi-encoder 14725, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14815, BGE 14679
- Top 5 passage. Bi-encoder 5628, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14749, BGE 9761
- Top 6 passage. Bi-encoder 14802, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 9755, BGE 39564
- Top 7 passage. Bi-encoder 9761, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 9761, BGE 20632
- Top 8 passage. Bi-encoder 14716, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 9763, BGE 14725
- Top 9 passage. Bi-encoder 9763, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 20632, BGE 9763
- Top 10 passage. Bi-encoder 20638, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14751, BGE 14750
- Top 11 passage. Bi-encoder 20653, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14725, BGE 14805
- Top 12 passage. Bi-encoder 9755, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 35250, BGE 9755
- Top 13 passage. Bi-encoder 14806, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14806, BGE 14821
- Top 14 passage. Bi-encoder 14805, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14821, BGE 14802
- Top 15 passage. Bi-encoder 20652, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14750, BGE 14749
- Top 16 passage. Bi-encoder 20711, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 20653, BGE 5628
- Top 17 passage. Bi-encoder 20632, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 20711, BGE 14751
- Top 18 passage. Bi-encoder 14750, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 39564, BGE 14716
- Top 19 passage. Bi-encoder 14749, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14802, BGE 14806
- Top 20 passage. Bi-encoder 35209, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14679, BGE 20711
- Top 21 passage. Bi-encoder 14671, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14716, BGE 20652
- Top 22 passage. Bi-encoder 14821, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14671, BGE 14671
- Top 23 passage. Bi-encoder 14751, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 14805, BGE 20653
- Top 24 passage. Bi-encoder 14815, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 20652, BGE 35209
- Top 25 passage. Bi-encoder 35250, Cross-encoder (MS Marco) 35209, BGE 35250
双向编码器在获取有关 RLHF 的结果时表现不错,但对于获取好的,精确的关于什么是 RLHF 的响应却很困难。我看了每个模型的前 5 个结果。通过查看段落,17387 和 20638 是唯一真正回答了问题的段落。尽管三个模型中 17387 的排名都更高,但有趣的是双向编码器的 20638 的排名很低,而其他两个交叉编码器的排名都更高。你可以在下面找到这些内容:
语料库 ID | 相关文本和总结 | 双向编码器位置 (前 10) | MSMarco 位置 | BGE 位置 |
14679 | Discusses implications and applications of RLHF but no definition. | 1 | 20 | 4 |
17387 | Describes the process of RLHF in detail and applications | 2 | 2 | 3 |
39564 | This chunk is messy and is more of a discussion section intro than an answer | 3 | 18 | 6 |
14725 | Characteristics about RLHF but no definition of what it is | 4 | 11 | 8 |
20638 | “increasingly popular technique for reducing harmful behaviors in large language models” | 10 | 1 | 2 |
5628 | Discusses the reward modeling (a component) but does not define RLHF | 5 | 3 | 16 |
14815 | Discusses RLHF but does not define it | 24 | 4 | 1 |
14749 | Discusses impact of RLHF but it has no definition | 19 | 5 | 15 |
9761 | Discusses the reward modeling (a component) but does not define RLHF | 7 | 7 | 5 |
重排序是一个频繁出现在库中的特性; llamaindex
允许你使用 VectorIndexRetriever
来检索和 LLMRerank
来重排序 (见 教程),Cohere 提供了一个 重排序端点 并且 qdrant 支持同样的功能。然而,正如你所见,这样实现起来非常简单。如果你有一个高质量的双向编码器模型,你可以使用它来进行重排序,并从中获益于它的速度。
LLMs as rerankers
一些人用生成式大模型作为重排器。例如, OpenAI 的 Coobook 有一个例子,其中他们使用 GPT-3 作为重排器,通过构建一个提示,要求模型确定文档是否与文档相关。尽管这展示了大模型惊人的能力,但这通常不是最优的该任务选择,甚至会更糟,更贵比交叉编码器更慢。
实验会证明什么工作是最适合你的数据。使用大模型作为重排器在你的文档非常长是可能会有帮助 (对于基于 BERT 的模型来说,这可能是一个挑战)。
如果你对科研任务的嵌入特别感兴趣,我建议你查看 AllenAI 的 SPECTER2,这是一个为科学论文生成嵌入的一组模型。这些模型可以用于预测链接、查找最近的论文、为给定查询找到候选论文、使用嵌入作为特征对论文进行分类等等!基础模型是在 scirepeval 上训练的,这是一个包含数百万个科学论文引用的数据集。在训练之后,作者使用 适配器 对模型进行了微调,这是一个参数高效微调库 (如果你不知道这是什么,不用担心)。作者将一个小型神经网络,称为适配器,连接到基础模型上。这个适配器被训练去执行一个特定的任务,但是为特定的任务训练需要的数据要比整个模型训练少得多。由于这些差异,我们需要使用 transformers
和 adapters
- model = AutoAdapterModel.from_pretrained('allenai/specter2_base')
- model.load_adapter("allenai/specter2", source="hf", load_as="proximity", set_active=True)
我建议阅读模型卡以了解更多关于模型及其使用信息。你还可以阅读 论文 以获取更多细节。
增强 SBERT 是一种用于收集数据以改善双向编码器的方法。预训练和微调双向编码器需要大量的数据,因此作者建议使用交叉编码器来标记大量输入对的集合,并将其添加到训练数据中。例如,如果你有非常少的标记数据,你可以训练一个交叉编码器,然后标记未标记的对,这可以用来训练一个双向编码器。你是如何生成对的?我们可以使用句子的随机组合,然后使用交叉编码器对它们进行标记。这将导致大多数是负对,并倾斜标签分布。为了避免这种情况,作者探索了不同的技术:
使用 **核密度估计 (KDE)**,目标是让小型的金数据集和增强数据集之间有类似的标签分布。这是通过放弃一些负对来实现的。当然,这将效率低下,因为你需要生成很多对才能得到几个正对。
BM25 是一种基于重叠的搜索引擎算法 (例如,词频、文档长度等)。基于此,作者获取最相似的句子来检索最相似的 k 个句子,然后使用交叉编码器对它们进行标记。这是高效的,但只有在句子之间重叠很少时才能捕捉到语义相似性。
语义搜索采样 在金数据上训练双向编码器,然后用来采样其他相似的对。
BM25 + 语义搜索采样 结合了前两种方法。这有助于找到词汇和语义上相似的句子。
在 Sentence Transformers 文档 中有很好的图表和示例脚本来做这件事。
好了,我们刚才学会了怎么做一件很酷的事情: 检索和重新排序,这是句子嵌入的一个非常常见的任务。我们了解了双向编码器和交叉编码器有什么不同,以及什么时候该用哪一个。还学到了一些提升双向编码器性能的技巧,比如增强 SBERT。
别担心,代码可以随便改,随便玩!如果你觉得这篇博客不错,给个 赞或者分享 一下吧,这对我来说是个很大的鼓励!
如果使用双向编码器比较 30,000 个句子,我们需要生成多少个嵌入?使用交叉编码器进行推理需要运行多少次?
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