react 对象克隆
Alright, alright, alright. I heard you like React, and Airbnb, but what is this Elasticsearch thing I'm talking about. Don't worry. This blog post will give you a kickstart in understanding the basics of Elasticsearch - What is it? Why should you care about it? and, how can you use it with React to build powerful apps painlessly.
好吧好吧好吧 我听说您喜欢React和Airbnb,但我所说的Elasticsearch是什么。 不用担心 这篇博客文章将为您提供一个了解Elasticsearch基础的起点-这是什么? 你为什么要关心它? 以及如何与React一起使用它来轻松构建强大的应用程序。
What is Elasticsearch and why should you care about it?
Elasticsearch is a super fast open-source full-text search engine. It allows you to store, search, and analyze big volumes of data quickly (we are talking milliseconds here). It is generally used as the underlying engine/technology that powers applications that have complex search features and requirements. You can read more about it here.
Elasticsearch是一个超快速的开源全文搜索引擎 。 它使您可以快速存储 , 搜索和分析大量数据(此处我们以毫秒为单位)。 它通常用作支持具有复杂搜索功能和要求的应用程序的基础引擎/技术。 您可以在此处了解更多信息。
With Elasticsearch, you can build build a fast search utilizing its powerful query DSL. However, setting up elasticsearch correctly requires a lot of work. For instance, the data mapping, analyzers and tokenizers need to be set correctly or you may not receive accurate search results back. Besides, the more filters that get applied along with the search query, the more complex the resulting search query becomes.
借助Elasticsearch,您可以利用其强大的查询DSL构建快速搜索。 但是,正确设置弹性搜索需要大量工作。 例如,数据映射,分析器和标记器必须正确设置,否则您可能无法收到准确的搜索结果。 此外,与搜索查询一起应用的过滤器越多,结果搜索查询将变得越复杂。
We, at Appbase, have built some open-source tools to help you do all these things with the matter of some clicks.
In this blog post, with the help of some of these tooling, we will utilize the strengths of Elasticsearch with React to build powerful apps.
How to use Elasticsearch with React?
We will be using - ReactiveSearch, an open-source React UI components library for Elasticsearch that I am a contributor to. It offers a range of highly customizable rich UI components that can connect with any Elasticsearch server and provide you an appropriate default search query for all generic use-cases (like Ecommerce, Yelp, Meetups, etc) bundled into these components.
我们将使用- ReactiveSearch ,一个开源阵营的UI组件库Elasticsearch,我是一个贡献者。 它提供了一系列高度可定制的丰富UI组件,它们可以与任何Elasticsearch服务器连接,并为您绑定到这些组件中的所有通用用例(例如,电子商务,Yelp,Meetups等)提供适当的默认搜索查询。
Wait, why do I need ReactiveSearch now?
ReactiveSearch simplifies the entire process of connecting to an elasticsearch index, making queries, fetching and rendering results in sleek UI, not just that, it also lets you make your components talk to each other, i.e. if Component-A gets updated, Component-B gets to know and it can update itself without needing any manual interaction.
This whole component-to-component subscription comes in handy when you have dynamic filters present on your screen, such as in case of E-commerce apps where Selecting a category of Appliances, also changes the sub-categories available, their prices and what not.
当您在屏幕上显示动态过滤器时,例如在“电子商务”应用程序中选择“设备类别”也会更改可用的子类别,其价格以及不更改哪些子类别时,整个组件到组件的订阅将非常有用。 。
ReactiveSearch helps you create significantly smarter apps easily and in a declarative fashion.
Even if you’ve never used Elasticsearch before you should be able to follow along with this blog post and build your very own Elasticsearch powered search UI using ReactiveSearch.
Here is an example that generates a searchbox UI with some suggestions as you type.
- <DataSearch
- componentId="search"
- dataField="name"
- placeholder="Search housings..."
- iconPosition="left"
- />
In order to build an Airbnb-like search application, we will need a set of things before we get started with writing actual code:
Dataset for Airbnb housing properties - We found an amazing dataset for Airbnb Seattle at https://www.kaggle.com/airbnb/seattle which we will be using for our app in this tutorial.
Airbnb房屋属性的数据集 -我们在https://www.kaggle.com/airbnb/seattle上找到了一个很棒的Airbnb Seattle数据集,我们将在本教程中将其用于我们的应用程序。
Elasticsearch hosting - You can set up and install an Elasticsearch server by following the official installation guide, or you can create a free account at appbase.io which provides Elasticsearch hosting as a service and is easy to use. For simplicity, we will be using appbase.io service to get started with.
Elasticsearch托管 -您可以按照官方安装指南来设置和安装Elasticsearch服务器,也可以在appbase.io上创建一个免费帐户,该帐户将Elasticsearch托管作为服务提供并且易于使用。 为简单起见,我们将使用appbase.io服务开始使用。
I've already created an appbase app with airbnb data-set. You can check out the cleaned up dataset over here in the data browser tool:
我已经使用airbnb数据集创建了一个appbase应用程序。 您可以在此处使用数据浏览器工具检出清理后的数据集:
The credentials of the above app are:
- app="housing"
- credentials="0aL1X5Vts:1ee67be1-9195-4f4b-bd4f-a91cd1b5e4b5"
- type="listing"
You can clone this dataset and generate credentials for your very own app by clicking on the Clone this app button on the bottom left.
您可以通过单击左下方的“ 克隆此应用程序”按钮来克隆此数据集并为您自己的应用程序生成凭据。
If you have tried out the Create React App before, you will feel right at home as we build this app.
如果您以前尝试过Create React App ,那么在我们构建此应用程序时,您会感到宾至如归。
Create React App
Initialize the CRA setup. We will use yarn
as the package manager, you can also use npm
初始化CRA设置。 我们将使用yarn
- yarn global add create-react-app
- create-react-app airbedscd airbeds
- yarn start
One of the great benefits of using CRA is that it works without requiring to set up a build configuration.
At this point, you should have a directory structure similar to this:
- airbeds
- ├── README.md
- ├── node_modules
- ├── package.json
- ├── .gitignore
- ├── yarn.lock
- ├── public
- │ └── favicon.ico
- │ └── index.html
- │ └── manifest.json
- └── src
- └── App.css
- └── App.js
- └── App.test.js
- └── index.css
- └── index.js
- └── logo.svg
- └── registerServiceWorker.js

Install reactivesearch
Next, we will install ReactiveSearch.
yarn add @appbaseio/reactivesearch@2.16.1
(Note: This post is compatible with ReactiveSearch v2, hence the use of 2.16.1 version. v3 has a very different syntax structure, I will update this post at a later point to work with v3.)
( 注意:此文章与ReactiveSearch v2兼容,因此使用2.16.1版本。v3具有非常不同的语法结构,我将在以后的某个位置更新此文章以使用v3。)
Next step is to connect with our elasticsearch index at appbase (or your own Elasticsearch server if you are not using appbase).
Adding the first ReactiveSearch component: ReactiveBase
All the ReactiveSearch components are wrapped inside a container component - ReactiveBase
which glues the Elasticsearch index and the ReactiveSearch components together. We’ll use this in /src/App.js
所有ReactiveSearch组件包装容器组件内- ReactiveBase
其中胶合的Elasticsearch指数和ReactiveSearch组分一起。 我们将在/src/App.js
- import React, { Component } from 'react';
- import { ReactiveBase } from '@appbaseio/reactivesearch';
- class App extends Component {
- render() {
- return (
- <section className="container">
- <ReactiveBase
- app="housing"
- credentials="0aL1X5Vts:1ee67be1-9195-4f4b-bd4f-a91cd1b5e4b5"
- type="listing"
- >
- Hello from ReactiveSearch!
- </ReactiveBase>
- </section>
- );
- }
- }
- export default App;

Notice that we are using the app credentials from the previous step. You may use the ones I’ve provided here as is, or if you cloned this dataset in your own app earlier, you can get them from the app’s credentials page - copy the Read-only
API key.
请注意,我们正在使用上一步中的应用程序凭据。 您可以按原样使用我在此处提供的内容,或者如果您以前在自己的应用程序中克隆了此数据集,则可以从应用程序的凭据页面获取它们-复制Read-only
If you’re already familiar with Elasticsearch, and have decided to use an Elastisearch server of your own, you will need to pass a url prop referring to your own Elasticsearch cluster URL.
Now let’s start the server with yarn start
现在,让我们用yarn start
Components we will need to begin with:
- import { DateRange } from '@appbaseio/reactivesearch';
- <DateRange
- dataField="date_from"
- componentId="DateRangeSensor"
- title="When"
- numberOfMonths={1}
- queryFormat="basic_date" // yyyyMMdd
- />
is a mandatory prop which requires specifying a unique string which indentifies this particular component. It is used internally by ReactiveSearch lib, as well as by some of the other user facing props.
是强制性道具,需要指定一个唯一字符串来标识此特定组件。 它由ReactiveSearch lib内部以及其他一些面向props的用户内部使用。
prop tells DataSearch which fields to query on. It can take either a string (single field) or an Array of strings (multiple fields).
属性告诉DataSearch要查询哪些字段。 它可以使用一个字符串(单个字段)或一个字符串数组(多个字段)。
Since dates can be written in many different formats, like milliseconds since epoch, or yyyyMMdd, or YYYY-MM-DD or one with an associated timestamp etc, we need to tell the DateRange component about the indexed date field’s data format using the queryFormat
prop. You can read more about the DateRange component in its document reference over here.
道具。 您可以在此处的文档参考中了解有关DateRange组件的更多信息。
Here, we will use NumberBox
- import { NumberBox } from '@appbaseio/reactivesearch';
- <NumberBox
- componentId="GuestSensor"
- dataField="accommodates"
- title="Guests"
- defaultSelected={2}
- data={{
- start: 1,
- end: 16
- }}
- />
the data
prop accepts an object with start and end values for the minimum and maximum guests that will be accommodated and the defaultSelected
prop initializes with the component’s UI with a value from within the data range.
- import { RangeSlider } from '@appbaseio/reactivesearch';
- <RangeSlider
- componentId="PriceSensor"
- dataField="price"
- title="Price Range"
- range={{
- start: 10,
- end: 250
- }}
- rangeLabels={{
- start: "$10",
- end: "$250"
- }}
- defaultSelected={{
- start: 10,
- end: 50
- }}
- stepValue={10}
- react={{
- and: ["DateRangeSensor"]
- }}
- />

Here, we created a RangeSlider, which has a configurable range prop, that controls the bounds of the slider, and also allow us to add labels and pre-select a range using rangeLabels
and defaultSelected
props. You can read about the RangeSlider component over here.
道具预先选择一个范围。 您可以在此处阅读有关RangeSlider组件的信息 。
This time around, we also use a new react prop, which updates the prices dynamically based on the selected date range and number of guests. Every time there is a change in the dates or the number of guests, the price range histogram changes. This is a key feature of ReactiveSearch that lets you create dynamically updating UI components. You can read more about it here.
这次,我们还使用了一个新的react道具,该道具会根据所选的日期范围和客人人数动态更新价格。 每当日期或来宾人数发生变化时,价格范围直方图都会发生变化。 这是ReactiveSearch的一项关键功能,可让您创建动态更新的UI组件。 您可以在此处了解更多信息。
- import { ResultCard } from '@appbaseio/reactivesearch';
- <ResultCard
- componentId="SearchResult"
- dataField="name"
- from={0}
- size={10}
- onData={this.onData}
- pagination={true}
- react={{
- and: ["GuestSensor", "PriceSensor", "DateRangeSensor"]
- }}
- />
Besides all the straight-forward props, ResultCard takes in a special onData prop which is a callback function that returns the mappings between the elements of the ResultCard and the fields in the database. For our case, the onData method would look something like this:
除了所有简单明了的道具外,ResultCard还带有一个特殊的onData道具,它是一个回调函数,该函数返回ResultCard的元素与数据库中的字段之间的映射。 对于我们的情况,onData方法将如下所示:
- onData(data) {
- return {
- image: data.image,
- title: data.name,
- description: (
- <div>
- <div className="price">${data.price}</div>
- <p className="info">{data.room_type} · {data.accommodates} guests</p>
- </div>
- ),
- url: data.listing_url,
- };
- }
Here, we are returning an object that maps the image, title, desc and url fields of the card layout to the specific fields in the the database or a valid React element expressed in JSX.
Lets put these these components together in the src/App.js
file. While doing this, I will also add placeholder classes in the className
and innerClass
props that we will inject via a stylesheet in the next section.
文件中。 在此过程中,我还将在innerClass
- import React from 'react';
- import { ReactiveBase, NumberBox, DateRange, RangeSlider, ResultCard } from '@appbaseio/reactivesearch';
- export default () => (
- <div className="container">
- <ReactiveBase
- app="housing"
- credentials="0aL1X5Vts:1ee67be1-9195-4f4b-bd4f-a91cd1b5e4b5"
- type="listing"
- theme={{
- primaryColor: '#FF3A4E',
- }}
- >
- <nav className="nav">
- <div className="title">airbeds</div>
- </nav>
- <div className="left-col">
- <DateRange
- dataField="date_from"
- componentId="DateRangeSensor"
- title="When"
- numberOfMonths={2}
- queryFormat="basic_date"
- initialMonth={new Date('04-01-2017')}
- />
- <NumberBox
- componentId="GuestSensor"
- dataField="accommodates"
- title="Guests"
- defaultSelected={2}
- labelPosition="right"
- data={{
- start: 1,
- end: 16,
- }}
- />
- <RangeSlider
- componentId="PriceSensor"
- dataField="price"
- title="Price Range"
- range={{
- start: 10,
- end: 250,
- }}
- rangeLabels={{
- start: '$10',
- end: '$250',
- }}
- defaultSelected={{
- start: 10,
- end: 50,
- }}
- stepValue={10}
- interval={20}
- react={{
- and: ['DateRangeSensor'],
- }}
- />
- </div>
- <ResultCard
- className="right-col"
- componentId="SearchResult"
- dataField="name"
- size={12}
- onData={data => ({
- image: data.image,
- title: data.name,
- description: (
- <div>
- <div className="price">${data.price}</div>
- <p className="info">{data.room_type} · {data.accommodates} guests</p>
- </div>
- ),
- url: data.listing_url,
- })}
- pagination
- react={{
- and: ['GuestSensor', 'PriceSensor', 'DateRangeSensor', 'search'],
- }}
- innerClass={{
- resultStats: 'result-stats',
- list: 'list',
- listItem: 'list-item',
- image: 'image',
- }}
- />
- </ReactiveBase>
- </div>
- );

You should see a fully functional UI that works. Slide through the prices and you will see the results change in the card layout. The only thing missing at this point is the layout arrangement and the styles. We will add these in the next step.
您应该会看到一个功能齐全的UI。 滑过价格,您会看到结果在卡布局中有所变化。 此时唯一缺少的是布局安排和样式。 我们将在下一步中添加它们。
ReactiveSearch provides us with scoped styled components, while leaving the choice of layout to the user.
To keep things simple, we will use the following stylesheet and get things going:
- .container {
- display: flex;
- padding-top: 52px;
- }
- .container .nav {
- width: 100%;
- position: fixed;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- z-index: 1;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
- background-color: #FF3A4E;
- color: #fff;
- height: 52px;
- padding: 0 25px;
- }
- .container .left-col {
- width: 320px;
- height: 100%;
- padding: 15px 20px;
- position: fixed;
- left: 0;
- right: 0;
- border-right: 1px solid #f0f0f0;
- }
- .container .left-col > div {
- margin: 40px 0;
- }
- @media all and (max-width: 768px) {
- .container .left-col {
- position: static;
- width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- border-right: 0;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0;
- }
- }
- .container .right-col {
- width: calc(100% - 320px);
- position: relative;
- left: 320px;
- padding: 25px 30px;
- background-color: #fbfbfb;
- }
- .container .right-col .list {
- margin-bottom: 30px;
- }
- .container .right-col .list-item {
- max-width: none;
- min-width: 0;
- width: calc(30% - 16px);
- height: auto;
- background-color: transparent;
- border: 0;
- border-radius: 0;
- box-shadow: none;
- position: relative;
- padding: 0;
- }
- .container .right-col .list-item h2 {
- padding-bottom: 4px;
- }
- .container .right-col .list-item .image {
- background-size: cover;
- }
- .container .right-col .list-item .price {
- width: 70px;
- height: 44px;
- background-color: #424242;
- position: absolute;
- top: 160px;
- left: 0;
- color: #fafafa;
- font-size: 18px;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: center;
- align-items: center;
- letter-spacing: 0.03rem;
- }
- .container .right-col .list-item .info {
- color: #555;
- font-size: 14px;
- margin-bottom: 4px;
- }
- .container .right-col .result-stats {
- text-align: right;
- color: #666;
- font-size: 15px;
- }
- @media all and (min-width: 1441px) {
- .container .right-col .list-item {
- width: calc(25% - 16px);
- }
- }
- @media all and (max-width: 1024px) {
- .container .right-col .list-item {
- width: calc(50% - 16px);
- }
- }
- @media all and (max-width: 768px) {
- .container .right-col {
- width: 100%;
- position: static;
- padding: 25px 15px;
- }
- }
- @media all and (max-width: 480px) {
- .container .right-col .list-item {
- width: calc(100% - 16px);
- margin-bottom: 20px;
- }
- }

Majority of the styling here is about setting the layout. Add the above css styles to App.css
and import it in your App.js
with a import './App.css'
statement along our other imports and we are done!
此处样式的大多数与设置布局有关。 将上述CSS样式添加到App.css
并使用import './App.css'
In case you are missing a step, you can get the code so far by following these:
- git clone git@github.com:appbaseio-apps/airbeds.git
- cd airbeds && git checkout basic-app
- yarn && yarn start
- # open http://localhost:3000
We went from a boilerplate with CRA to creating an Airbnb-like UI, hopefully well within 60 minutes.
We have just scratched the surface here of what’s possible to build. Some ideas that you can build upon here are:
我们只是在这里初步探讨了可能的构建方法。 您可以在此处建立的一些想法是:
Tap on the above image to go to ReactiveSearch Docs to explore further.
Go star the Reactivesearch Github project so you can find it when you need to build that awesome search.
成为Reactivesearch Github项目的明星,这样您就可以在需要构建出色搜索时找到它。
翻译自: https://scotch.io/tutorials/build-an-airbnb-clone-with-react-and-elasticsearch
react 对象克隆
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