- #JSGF V1.0;
- /**
- * JSGF Grammar for Hello World example
- */
- grammar hello;
- public <greet> = (Good morning | Hello) ( Bhiksha | Evandro | Paul | Philip | Rita | Will );
- weather.txt:
- <s> generally cloudy today </s>
- <s> some dry intervals also with hazy sunshine especially in eastern parts in the morning </s>
- <s> highest temperatures nine to thirteen Celsius in a light </s>
- <s> cloudy damp and misty today </s>
#text2wfreq < weather.txt | wfreq2vocab > weather.tmp.vocab
- #% text2idngram -vocab weather.vocab -idngram weather.idngram < weather.closed.txt
- #% idngram2lm -vocab_type 0 -idngram weather.idngram -vocab \
- weather.vocab -arpa weather.arpa
#sphinx_lm_convert -i weather.arpa -o weather.lm.DMP
- open browser
- new e-mail
- forward
- backward
- next window
- last window
- open music player
- #sphinx_lm_convert -i model.lm -o model.dmp
- #sphinx_lm_convert -i model.dmp -ifmt dmp -o model.lm -ofmt arpa
- #sphinx_lm_convert -i model.arpa -o model.lm.DMP
#pocketsphinx_continuous -lm 8521.lm -dict 8521.dic
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