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jvm blog_cannot create vm thread. out of system resources.

cannot create vm thread. out of system resources.




  1. // Create the VMThread
  2. { TraceTime timer("Start VMThread", TRACETIME_LOG(Info, startuptime));
  3. VMThread::create();
  4. Thread* vmthread = VMThread::vm_thread();
  5. if (!os::create_thread(vmthread, os::vm_thread)) {
  6. vm_exit_during_initialization("Cannot create VM thread. "
  7. "Out of system resources.");
  8. }
  9. // Wait for the VM thread to become ready, and VMThread::run to initialize
  10. // Monitors can have spurious returns, must always check another state flag
  11. {
  12. MutexLocker ml(Notify_lock);
  13. os::start_thread(vmthread);
  14. while (vmthread->active_handles() == NULL) {
  15. Notify_lock->wait();
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }


  1. void VMThread::create() {
  2. assert(vm_thread() == NULL, "we can only allocate one VMThread");
  3. _vm_thread = new VMThread();
  4. // Create VM operation queue
  5. _vm_queue = new VMOperationQueue();
  6. guarantee(_vm_queue != NULL, "just checking");
  7. _terminate_lock = new Monitor(Mutex::safepoint, "VMThread::_terminate_lock", true,
  8. Monitor::_safepoint_check_never);
  9. if (UsePerfData) {
  10. // jvmstat performance counters
  11. Thread* THREAD = Thread::current();
  12. _perf_accumulated_vm_operation_time =
  13. PerfDataManager::create_counter(SUN_THREADS, "vmOperationTime",
  14. PerfData::U_Ticks, CHECK);
  15. }
  16. }


  static VMOperationQueue* _vm_queue;           // Queue (w/ policy) of VM operations

VMThread创建完成之后,create_vm函数将等到VMThread启动成功,判断VMThread是否已经正常工作的标准是vmthread->active_handles() == NULL为true,也就是执行了VMThread的run函数,这里说明一下,JVM的线程实现方法是将一个os线程绑定到JVM线程上,所以每创建一个JVM线程都需要创建一个os线程来做绑定,不同环境下创建os线程的方法不一样,比如在Mac下,就是使用bsd的方法来创建os线程的;回头看create_vm函数里面的那段代码片段,可以看到使用了os::create_thread(vmthread, os::vm_thread)来创建了一个os线程,在os_bsd.cpp内部的create_thread函数里面,可以看到创建了一个os线程,并且将该os线程绑定到了创建好的VMThread上,几乎在所有的os上创建线程的同时需要指定一个方法入口,使得os在创建好了线程之后可以准备执行相应的代码,可以在create_thread方法里面看到下面的代码片段:

  1. pthread_t tid;
  2. int ret = pthread_create(&tid, &attr, (void* (*)(void*)) thread_native_entry, thread);


  • (1)、通过remove_next方法获取任务,如果当前任务队列中没有待执行的任务,那么remove_next函数会返回NULL,下面是remove_next函数的具体实现
  1. VM_Operation* VMOperationQueue::remove_next() {
  2. // Assuming VMOperation queue is two-level priority queue. If there are
  3. // more than two priorities, we need a different scheduling algorithm.
  4. assert(SafepointPriority == 0 && MediumPriority == 1 && nof_priorities == 2,
  5. "current algorithm does not work");
  6. // simple counter based scheduling to prevent starvation of lower priority
  7. // queue. -- see 4390175
  8. int high_prio, low_prio;
  9. if (_queue_counter++ < 10) {
  10. high_prio = SafepointPriority;
  11. low_prio = MediumPriority;
  12. } else {
  13. _queue_counter = 0;
  14. high_prio = MediumPriority;
  15. low_prio = SafepointPriority;
  16. }
  17. return queue_remove_front(queue_empty(high_prio) ? low_prio : high_prio);
  18. }
  19. VM_Operation* VMOperationQueue::queue_remove_front(int prio) {
  20. if (queue_empty(prio)) return NULL;
  21. assert(_queue_length[prio] >= 0, "sanity check");
  22. _queue_length[prio]--;
  23. VM_Operation* r = _queue[prio]->next();
  24. assert(r != _queue[prio], "cannot remove base element");
  25. unlink(r);
  26. return r;
  27. }
  • (2)、如果发现任务队列中没有待执行的任务,那么VMThread不能一直傻傻的轮询啊,就会让自己进入等待状态

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  • (3)、在(2)步骤中等待多时之后,VMThread可能会被一些任务填充线程唤醒(notify),这个时候loop函数就会继续执行接下来的代码,有一些Operation任务要求在safe_point执行,比如FullGC,使用SafepointSynchronize::begin()和SafepointSynchronize::end()可以达到这个目的,就像下面这样:
  1. SafepointSynchronize::begin()
  2. /// safe point code
  3. SafepointSynchronize::end();


  1. void VM_Operation::evaluate() {
  2. ResourceMark rm;
  3. outputStream* debugstream;
  4. bool enabled = log_is_enabled(Debug, vmoperation);
  5. if (enabled) {
  6. debugstream = Log(vmoperation)::debug_stream();
  7. debugstream->print("begin ");
  8. print_on_error(debugstream);
  9. debugstream->cr();
  10. }
  11. doit();
  12. if (enabled) {
  13. debugstream->print("end ");
  14. print_on_error(debugstream);
  15. debugstream->cr();
  16. }
  17. }


  1. void VM_GenCollectForAllocation::doit() {
  2. SvcGCMarker sgcm(SvcGCMarker::MINOR);
  3. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  4. GCCauseSetter gccs(gch, _gc_cause);
  5. _result = gch->satisfy_failed_allocation(_word_size, _tlab);
  6. assert(gch->is_in_reserved_or_null(_result), "result not in heap");
  7. if (_result == NULL && GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
  8. set_gc_locked();
  9. }
  10. }


  1. // Callback from VM_GenCollectForAllocation operation.
  2. // This function does everything necessary/possible to satisfy an
  3. // allocation request that failed in the youngest generation that should
  4. // have handled it (including collection, expansion, etc.)
  5. HeapWord* satisfy_failed_allocation(size_t size, bool is_tlab);

这个函数会被VM_GenCollectForAllocation执行的时候回调,也就是doit函数执行的时候调用这个函数,这个函数会做类似于垃圾收集,堆扩展等工作来满足一个"allocation request";当然,回调这个函数之前必然已经尝试进行空间分配申请了,并且已经失败了,所以该函数需要极尽所能去做工作来腾出空间(申请新的空间)来满足已经失败的空间分配申请;collectorPolicy类实现了垃圾收集的策略,所谓垃圾收集策略就是应该在什么时候做GC,做什么类型的GC等,参考价值很大;下面可以试着来看一下satisfy_failed_allocation函数具体是怎么做的;

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看if条件,如果增量GC是安全的,那么就执行增量安全,所谓增量GC,就是按照从轻到重的程度来做垃圾回收,大概分这么几个级别,首先是进行一次MinorGC,其次是进行一次FullGC,最后是进行一次带soft reference清理的FullGC;上面的图片对应的是第一种情况,进行一次MinorGC,然后尝试申请空间,如果成功就打住了,否则就要进行一次清理soft reference的FullGC了,硕大soft reference,可以大概说一下,java中的引用分四个级别,strong reference > soft reference > weak reference > phantom reference;强度梯度下降,strong reference只要对象还在被引用就不会被回收,而soft reference就不一样了,JVM在尝试进行GC来解决内存不足的状况下,如果发现还是无法满足内存申请,那么就会将这部分引用类型的对象回收回来,所以,在使用soft reference的时候不应该强依赖于对象,因为不知道什么时候就被回收了,这种引用可以用在缓存的场景中;weak reference的强度比soft弱一些,它只能存活到下次GC发生,而phantom reference就更弱了,弱到你根本无法获取到一个phantom reference对象,它唯一的作用就是可以在发生GC的时候告诉你它已经被回收了;下面的代码展示了进行FullGC的两种情况:

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** 总结一下再allocate fail的应对策略,首先判断是否有其他线程触发了GC操作,如果是的话则不会进行GC操作,而是尝试去扩展堆来解决allocate fail,否则判断是否可以进行增量GC,如果可以,那么执行一次MinorGC,否则执行一次不回收soft reference的FullGC,之后判断是否可以解决allocate fail了,如果可以了就到此打住,否则进行一次彻底的FullGC,也就是将soft reference也回收回来 **


  1. VM_GenCollectForAllocation op(size, is_tlab, gc_count_before);
  2. VMThread::execute(&op);


2018-11-10 11 21 14




pandening commented on 11 Nov 2018 • 



  1. // Helper function for two callbacks below.
  2. // Considers collection of the first max_level+1 generations.
  3. void do_collection(bool full,
  4. bool clear_all_soft_refs,
  5. size_t size,
  6. bool is_tlab,
  7. GenerationType max_generation);

参数full代表是否是FullGC,clear_all_soft_refs参数表示是否要回收sort reference,size参数需要多说明一点,在一些情况下,GC发生是因为发送了"Allocate Fail",这个size就代表了申请分配的内存大小;is_tlab表示是否使用 TLAB(线程分配Buffer,可以避免多线程在堆上并发申请内存),max_generation参数表示最大的回收代,只有两种类型,YoungGen或者OldGen;下面来仔细分析一下这个函数。

  • (1)、首先是做一些基本的校验,比如是否在safe_point,是否是GC线程访问该函数,以及是否已经有其他的线程触发了GC,这些条件都需要满足才能执行接下来的代码。

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  • (2)、接下来需要做一些GC策略的生成,主要是判断是否回收soft reference对象,是否收集Young或者Old区域等。complete表示是否收集整个堆,old_collects_young表示是否在收集老年代的同时收集新生代,也就是是否有必要收集新生代,JVM参数ScavengeBeforeFullGC控制是否在FullGC前做一次YoungGC,如果设置了该参数,那在收集old区的时候就没有必要再回收young区了;do_young_collection表示是否需要对young区域进行垃圾收集,判断标准就是young区域确实需要回收了,也就是进行YoungGC,

2018-11-11 10 07 02

  • (3)、现在,知道该回收哪些区域了,那么接下来就去回收需要回收的区域,如果do_young_collection是true的,那么就执行YoungGC,collect_generation函数是具体的执行某个区域垃圾回收的入口,待会再来分析这个函数的具体流程;接着也判读oldGen是否需要回收,如果需要的话也进行回收。

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  • (4)、垃圾收集完成之后,需要计算各个分代的大小因为GC之后堆可能会扩展,所以需要重新计算一下各个分代的大小,重新计算大小通过调用函数compute_new_size实现,该函数需要调整各个分代的各种指针,使得堆扩展后各个分代依然可以正常工作。


  1. // Returns "true" iff collect() should subsequently be called on this
  2. // this generation. See comment below.
  3. // This is a generic implementation which can be overridden.
  4. //
  5. // Note: in the current (1.4) implementation, when genCollectedHeap's
  6. // incremental_collection_will_fail flag is set, all allocations are
  7. // slow path (the only fast-path place to allocate is DefNew, which
  8. // will be full if the flag is set).
  9. // Thus, older generations which collect younger generations should
  10. // test this flag and collect if it is set.
  11. virtual bool should_collect(bool full,
  12. size_t word_size,
  13. bool is_tlab) {
  14. return (full || should_allocate(word_size, is_tlab));
  15. }

如果是FullGC,那么无论哪个分代都应该被回收,如果不是FullGC,那么就使用should_allocate函数继续判断是否需要在该分代进行收集,比如对于DefNew(Serial GC下新生代)分代来说,其具体实现就如下:

  1. // Allocation support
  2. virtual bool should_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  3. assert(UseTLAB || !is_tlab, "Should not allocate tlab");
  4. size_t overflow_limit = (size_t)1 << (BitsPerSize_t - LogHeapWordSize);
  5. const bool non_zero = word_size > 0;
  6. const bool overflows = word_size >= overflow_limit;
  7. const bool check_too_big = _pretenure_size_threshold_words > 0;
  8. const bool not_too_big = word_size < _pretenure_size_threshold_words;
  9. const bool size_ok = is_tlab || !check_too_big || not_too_big;
  10. bool result = !overflows &&
  11. non_zero &&
  12. size_ok;
  13. return result;
  14. }


  1. // Do collection work
  2. {
  3. // Note on ref discovery: For what appear to be historical reasons,
  4. // GCH enables and disabled (by enqueing) refs discovery.
  5. // In the future this should be moved into the generation's
  6. // collect method so that ref discovery and enqueueing concerns
  7. // are local to a generation. The collect method could return
  8. // an appropriate indication in the case that notification on
  9. // the ref lock was needed. This will make the treatment of
  10. // weak refs more uniform (and indeed remove such concerns
  11. // from GCH). XXX
  12. HandleMark hm; // Discard invalid handles created during gc
  13. save_marks(); // save marks for all gens
  14. // We want to discover references, but not process them yet.
  15. // This mode is disabled in process_discovered_references if the
  16. // generation does some collection work, or in
  17. // enqueue_discovered_references if the generation returns
  18. // without doing any work.
  19. ReferenceProcessor* rp = gen->ref_processor();
  20. // If the discovery of ("weak") refs in this generation is
  21. // atomic wrt other collectors in this configuration, we
  22. // are guaranteed to have empty discovered ref lists.
  23. if (rp->discovery_is_atomic()) {
  24. rp->enable_discovery();
  25. rp->setup_policy(clear_soft_refs);
  26. } else {
  27. // collect() below will enable discovery as appropriate
  28. }
  29. gen->collect(full, clear_soft_refs, size, is_tlab);
  30. if (!rp->enqueuing_is_done()) {
  31. rp->enqueue_discovered_references();
  32. } else {
  33. rp->set_enqueuing_is_done(false);
  34. }
  35. rp->verify_no_references_recorded();
  36. }


  • (1)、DefNew是Serial GC下的新生代,首先它要判断是否有必要让老年代来做这次GC,使用collection_attempt_is_safe函数来做这个判断,也就是判断出收集该区域是否是安全的,所谓安全的,就是DefNew分代收集了之后,old 区域是否可以完整的将这次Minor GC之后晋升的对象安置起来,如果不能的话,那DefNew就举得自己做GC是不安全的,应该让老年代来做GC,这也是最合适的选择,老年代会做一次规模宏大的GC,并且做一些内存规整的工作,避免新生代中晋升上来的大对象无法找到连续的空间放置,当然,老年代GC实现上几乎都包含"整理"的阶段,这也是为什么老年代发生GC耗时是新生代GC的10倍的原因之一,新生代使用copying算法,是一种非常快速的收集算法,当然也得益于新生代中的对象寿命都比较短,不像老年代中的对象寿命较长,当然,这也是分代的意义所在;

2018-11-11 11 06 01


  1. bool DefNewGeneration::collection_attempt_is_safe() {
  2. if (!to()->is_empty()) {
  3. log_trace(gc)(":: to is not empty ::");
  4. return false;
  5. }
  6. if (_old_gen == NULL) {
  7. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  8. _old_gen = gch->old_gen();
  9. }
  10. return _old_gen->promotion_attempt_is_safe(used());
  11. }

正常来说,用区域内两个survivor中有一个区域总是空闲的,但是在某些情况下也会发生意外,使得两个survivor都不为空,这种情况是有可能发生的,首先DefNew在进行YoungGC之后,会将Eden + From中存活的对象拷贝到To中去,并且将一些符合晋升要求的对象拷贝到old区域中去,然后调换两个survivor的角色,所以按理来说其中某个survivor区域总是空的,但是这是在YoungGC顺利完成的情况,在发生"promotion failed"的时候就不会去清理From和To,这一点在后续会再次说明;但是肯定的是,如果To区域不为空,那么就说明前一次YoungGC并不是很顺利,此时DefNew就举得没必要再冒险去做一次可能没啥用处的Minor GC,因为有可能Minor GC之后需要出发一次Full GC来解决某些难题,所以DefNew基于自己的历史GC告诉Old去做一些较为彻底的GC工作时必要的;如果没有发生"promotion fail"这种不愉快的事情,那么接下来就让old区自己判断是否允许本次Minor GC的发生,也就是_old_gen->promotion_attempt_is_safe的调用,下面来看看该函数的具体实现;

  1. bool TenuredGeneration::promotion_attempt_is_safe(size_t max_promotion_in_bytes) const {
  2. size_t available = max_contiguous_available();
  3. size_t av_promo = (size_t)gc_stats()->avg_promoted()->padded_average();
  4. bool res = (available >= av_promo) || (available >= max_promotion_in_bytes);
  5. log_trace(gc)("Tenured: promo attempt is%s safe: available(" SIZE_FORMAT ") %s av_promo(" SIZE_FORMAT "), max_promo(" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
  6. res? "":" not", available, res? ">=":"<", av_promo, max_promotion_in_bytes);
  7. return res;
  8. }

老年代也会看历史数据,如果发现老年代的最大连续空间大小大于新生代历史晋升的平均大小或者新生代中存活的对象,那么老年代就认为本次Minor GC是安全的,没必要做一次Full GC;当然这是有一些冒险的成分的,如果某一次minorGC发生之后符合晋升条件的对象大小远远大小评价晋升大小,而且这个时候老年代连续空间小于这些符合晋升的对象大小的时候,悲剧就发生了,也就是上面说到的"promotion fail",这个时候就要做一次Full GC。

  • (2)、接着关键的一个步骤就是进行对象存活判断,并且将存活的对象转移到正确的位置,比如To区域或者old区域;

2018-11-11 11 53 16

FastEvacuateFollowersClosure是一个递归的过程,Closure后缀代表 它是一个回调操作,所谓递归,就是在判断对象存活并且copying的工作是递归进行的,首先找到root objects,然后根据root objects去标记存活的对象,并且将它们转移到合适的区域中去;gch->young_process_roots做的工作就是将root objects转移到其他空间去的函数:

  1. void GenCollectedHeap::young_process_roots(StrongRootsScope* scope,
  2. OopsInGenClosure* root_closure,
  3. OopsInGenClosure* old_gen_closure,
  4. CLDClosure* cld_closure) {
  5. MarkingCodeBlobClosure mark_code_closure(root_closure, CodeBlobToOopClosure::FixRelocations);
  6. process_roots(scope, SO_ScavengeCodeCache, root_closure, root_closure,
  7. cld_closure, cld_closure, &mark_code_closure);
  8. process_string_table_roots(scope, root_closure);
  9. if (!_process_strong_tasks->is_task_claimed(GCH_PS_younger_gens)) {
  10. root_closure->reset_generation();
  11. }
  12. // When collection is parallel, all threads get to cooperate to do
  13. // old generation scanning.
  14. old_gen_closure->set_generation(_old_gen);
  15. rem_set()->younger_refs_iterate(_old_gen, old_gen_closure, scope->n_threads());
  16. old_gen_closure->reset_generation();
  17. _process_strong_tasks->all_tasks_completed(scope->n_threads());
  18. }


  1. // NOTE! Any changes made here should also be made
  2. // in ScanClosure::do_oop_work()
  3. template <class T> inline void FastScanClosure::do_oop_work(T* p) {
  4. T heap_oop = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p);
  5. // Should we copy the obj?
  6. if (!oopDesc::is_null(heap_oop)) {
  7. oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(heap_oop);
  8. if ((HeapWord*)obj < _boundary) {
  9. assert(!_g->to()->is_in_reserved(obj), "Scanning field twice?");
  10. oop new_obj = obj->is_forwarded() ? obj->forwardee()
  11. : _g->copy_to_survivor_space(obj);
  12. oopDesc::encode_store_heap_oop_not_null(p, new_obj);
  13. if (is_scanning_a_klass()) {
  14. do_klass_barrier();
  15. } else if (_gc_barrier) {
  16. // Now call parent closure
  17. do_barrier(p);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }


  1. oop DefNewGeneration::copy_to_survivor_space(oop old) {
  2. assert(is_in_reserved(old) && !old->is_forwarded(),
  3. "shouldn't be scavenging this oop");
  4. size_t s = old->size();
  5. oop obj = NULL;
  6. // Try allocating obj in to-space (unless too old)
  7. if (old->age() < tenuring_threshold()) {
  8. obj = (oop) to()->allocate_aligned(s);
  9. }
  10. // Otherwise try allocating obj tenured
  11. if (obj == NULL) {
  12. obj = _old_gen->promote(old, s);
  13. if (obj == NULL) {
  14. handle_promotion_failure(old);
  15. return old;
  16. }
  17. } else {
  18. // Prefetch beyond obj
  19. const intx interval = PrefetchCopyIntervalInBytes;
  20. Prefetch::write(obj, interval);
  21. // Copy obj
  22. Copy::aligned_disjoint_words((HeapWord*)old, (HeapWord*)obj, s);
  23. // Increment age if obj still in new generation
  24. obj->incr_age();
  25. age_table()->add(obj, s);
  26. }
  27. // Done, insert forward pointer to obj in this header
  28. old->forward_to(obj);
  29. return obj;
  30. }


  1. // Ignores "ref" and calls allocate().
  2. oop Generation::promote(oop obj, size_t obj_size) {
  3. assert(obj_size == (size_t)obj->size(), "bad obj_size passed in");
  4. #ifndef PRODUCT
  5. if (GenCollectedHeap::heap()->promotion_should_fail()) {
  6. return NULL;
  7. }
  8. #endif // #ifndef PRODUCT
  9. HeapWord* result = allocate(obj_size, false);
  10. if (result != NULL) {
  11. Copy::aligned_disjoint_words((HeapWord*)obj, result, obj_size);
  12. return oop(result);
  13. } else {
  14. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  15. return gch->handle_failed_promotion(this, obj, obj_size);
  16. }
  17. }


  1. oop GenCollectedHeap::handle_failed_promotion(Generation* old_gen,
  2. oop obj,
  3. size_t obj_size) {
  4. guarantee(old_gen == _old_gen, "We only get here with an old generation");
  5. assert(obj_size == (size_t)obj->size(), "bad obj_size passed in");
  6. HeapWord* result = NULL;
  7. result = old_gen->expand_and_allocate(obj_size, false);
  8. if (result != NULL) {
  9. Copy::aligned_disjoint_words((HeapWord*)obj, result, obj_size);
  10. }
  11. return oop(result);
  12. }


  1. void DefNewGeneration::handle_promotion_failure(oop old) {
  2. log_debug(gc, promotion)("Promotion failure size = %d) ", old->size());
  3. _promotion_failed = true;
  4. _promotion_failed_info.register_copy_failure(old->size());
  5. _preserved_marks_set.get()->push_if_necessary(old, old->mark());
  6. // forward to self
  7. old->forward_to(old);
  8. _promo_failure_scan_stack.push(old);
  9. if (!_promo_failure_drain_in_progress) {
  10. // prevent recursion in copy_to_survivor_space()
  11. _promo_failure_drain_in_progress = true;
  12. drain_promo_failure_scan_stack();
  13. _promo_failure_drain_in_progress = false;
  14. }
  15. }

看起来DefNew还是比较乐观的,既然老年代容纳不了你,那么这个晋升的对象就还呆在新生代吧,说不定下次老年代发生GC就可以成功把它拷贝过去呢。这个时候_promotion_failed也被标记物为了true,这个标记之后会有用,发生"promotion fail"之后From区域可能存在一些对象没有成功晋升到老年代,但是又不是垃圾,这个时候From和To区域都不为空了,这是个难题。


  1. void DefNewGeneration::FastEvacuateFollowersClosure::do_void() {
  2. do {
  3. _gch->oop_since_save_marks_iterate(GenCollectedHeap::YoungGen, _scan_cur_or_nonheap, _scan_older);
  4. } while (!_gch->no_allocs_since_save_marks());
  5. guarantee(_young_gen->promo_failure_scan_is_complete(), "Failed to finish scan");
  6. }


  1. bool GenCollectedHeap::no_allocs_since_save_marks() {
  2. return _young_gen->no_allocs_since_save_marks() &&
  3. _old_gen->no_allocs_since_save_marks();
  4. }


  1. bool DefNewGeneration::no_allocs_since_save_marks() {
  2. assert(eden()->saved_mark_at_top(), "Violated spec - alloc in eden");
  3. assert(from()->saved_mark_at_top(), "Violated spec - alloc in from");
  4. return to()->saved_mark_at_top();
  5. }

top()指向To区域空闲空间的起点,上面已经说过的一个过程是将root objects先标记并且拷贝到To区域或者老年代,这个时候To区域内已经存在的对象是存活的,需要递归遍历这些对象引用的对象,然后也进行拷贝工作,saved_mark_at_top就是判断是否还在有对象呗拷贝到To区域中来,如果还有对象拷贝进来,那么就说明GC还没有完成,继续循环执行oop_since_save_marks_iterate,否则就可以停止了;下面来看看oop_since_save_marks_iterate函数的实现:

  1. #define ContigSpace_OOP_SINCE_SAVE_MARKS_DEFN(OopClosureType, nv_suffix) \
  2. \
  3. void ContiguousSpace:: \
  4. oop_since_save_marks_iterate##nv_suffix(OopClosureType* blk) { \
  5. HeapWord* t; \
  6. HeapWord* p = saved_mark_word(); \
  7. assert(p != NULL, "expected saved mark"); \
  8. \
  9. const intx interval = PrefetchScanIntervalInBytes; \
  10. do { \
  11. t = top(); \
  12. while (p < t) { \
  13. Prefetch::write(p, interval); \
  14. debug_only(HeapWord* prev = p); \
  15. oop m = oop(p); \
  16. p += m->oop_iterate_size(blk); \
  17. } \
  18. } while (t < top()); \
  19. \
  20. set_saved_mark_word(p); \
  21. }

在深入下去的部分就比较复杂了,不再做分析,但是需要注意的一点是,DefNew在将存活对象复制到To区域的时候,Eden + From区域的对象是否存活不仅仅会看是否被To区域的对象引用,还会看老年代是否存在跨代引用新生代的对象的情况,这种情况也需要将存活的对象转到To或者老年代。

  • (3)、接下来需要对GC过程中发现的引用进行一些处理,比如是否回收soft reference,以及堆weak reference的回收等工作;

2018-11-11 1 03 35

  • (4)、到此GC工作大概已经完成了,接下来需要做一些收尾工作,如果发现在Minor GC的过程中发生了"promotion fail",那么就要做特殊的处理,younger_refs_iterate会将那些晋升失败的对象恢复回来,否则下一次发生Minor GC的时候会误以为这些对象已经被复制过了,但是他们确实没有被转移成功,这样的话,这些对象可能一直留在新生代,无论经历多少次GC都无法发生转移;

2018-11-11 1 05 45

2018-11-11 1 05 59


  1. void DefNewGeneration::swap_spaces() {
  2. ContiguousSpace* s = from();
  3. _from_space = to();
  4. _to_space = s;
  5. eden()->set_next_compaction_space(from());
  6. // The to-space is normally empty before a compaction so need
  7. // not be considered. The exception is during promotion
  8. // failure handling when to-space can contain live objects.
  9. from()->set_next_compaction_space(NULL);
  10. if (UsePerfData) {
  11. CSpaceCounters* c = _from_counters;
  12. _from_counters = _to_counters;
  13. _to_counters = c;
  14. }
  15. }

这个函数较为简单,只是swap了一下From和To;再说一句,如果没有发生"Promotion Fail",那么在Minor GC之后,需要将From和Eden清空,因为没有发生晋升失败事件,就说明所以在新生代(Eden + From)存活的对象都安全的转移到了To或者老年代,所以可以清空,但是发生晋升失败意味着有部分存活的对象依然还留在原地等待,所以不能clear掉。



pandening commented on 11 Nov 2018 • 


DefNew的GC属于Minor GC,使用copying算法进行垃圾收集,是Serial GC(-XX:+UseSerialGC)的新生代部分,接下来分析一下Serial GC的老年代部分,也就是Serial Old;TenuredGeneration是Serial Old的堆实现,这里还是要说一下什么情况下可能会发生Old GC,在分析DefNew的时候提到了所谓的"空间分配担保",也就是YoungGen在即将进行Minor GC的时候,让OldGen判断一下是否可以进行这次Minor GC,判断的方法是OldGen可用的连续空间大于新生代的对象大小或者大于新生代历史晋升的平均大小,如果这个条件成立的话,那么Minor GC就会进行,否则就会进行一次Major GC;下面将以TenuredGeneration的实现来分析一下OldGC的实现细节。

  1. void TenuredGeneration::collect(bool full,
  2. bool clear_all_soft_refs,
  3. size_t size,
  4. bool is_tlab) {
  5. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  6. // Temporarily expand the span of our ref processor, so
  7. // refs discovery is over the entire heap, not just this generation
  8. ReferenceProcessorSpanMutator
  9. x(ref_processor(), gch->reserved_region());
  10. STWGCTimer* gc_timer = GenMarkSweep::gc_timer();
  11. gc_timer->register_gc_start();
  12. SerialOldTracer* gc_tracer = GenMarkSweep::gc_tracer();
  13. gc_tracer->report_gc_start(gch->gc_cause(), gc_timer->gc_start());
  14. gch->pre_full_gc_dump(gc_timer);
  15. GenMarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint(ref_processor(), clear_all_soft_refs);
  16. gch->post_full_gc_dump(gc_timer);
  17. gc_timer->register_gc_end();
  18. gc_tracer->report_gc_end(gc_timer->gc_end(), gc_timer->time_partitions());
  19. }


  1. // Mark live objects
  2. static void mark_sweep_phase1(bool clear_all_softrefs);
  3. // Calculate new addresses
  4. static void mark_sweep_phase2();
  5. // Update pointers
  6. static void mark_sweep_phase3();
  7. // Move objects to new positions
  8. static void mark_sweep_phase4();


  • (1)、首先是标记阶段:mark_sweep_phase1

2018-11-11 5 21 54


  1. void GenCollectedHeap::full_process_roots(StrongRootsScope* scope,
  2. bool is_adjust_phase,
  3. ScanningOption so,
  4. bool only_strong_roots,
  5. OopsInGenClosure* root_closure,
  6. CLDClosure* cld_closure) {
  7. MarkingCodeBlobClosure mark_code_closure(root_closure, is_adjust_phase);
  8. OopsInGenClosure* weak_roots = only_strong_roots ? NULL : root_closure;
  9. CLDClosure* weak_cld_closure = only_strong_roots ? NULL : cld_closure;
  10. process_roots(scope, so, root_closure, weak_roots, cld_closure, weak_cld_closure, &mark_code_closure);
  11. if (is_adjust_phase) {
  12. // We never treat the string table as roots during marking
  13. // for the full gc, so we only need to process it during
  14. // the adjust phase.
  15. process_string_table_roots(scope, root_closure);
  16. }
  17. _process_strong_tasks->all_tasks_completed(scope->n_threads());
  18. }


2018-11-11 5 40 11


  1. void MarkSweep::FollowRootClosure::do_oop(oop* p) {
  2. follow_root(p);
  3. }
  4. template <class T> inline void MarkSweep::follow_root(T* p) {
  5. assert(!Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(p),
  6. "roots shouldn't be things within the heap");
  7. T heap_oop = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p);
  8. if (!oopDesc::is_null(heap_oop)) {
  9. oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(heap_oop);
  10. if (!obj->mark()->is_marked() &&
  11. !is_archive_object(obj)) {
  12. mark_object(obj);
  13. follow_object(obj);
  14. }
  15. }
  16. follow_stack();
  17. }


  1. inline void MarkSweep::mark_object(oop obj) {
  3. if (G1StringDedup::is_enabled()) {
  4. // We must enqueue the object before it is marked
  5. // as we otherwise can't read the object's age.
  6. G1StringDedup::enqueue_from_mark(obj);
  7. }
  8. #endif
  9. // some marks may contain information we need to preserve so we store them away
  10. // and overwrite the mark. We'll restore it at the end of markSweep.
  11. markOop mark = obj->mark();
  12. obj->set_mark(markOopDesc::prototype()->set_marked());
  13. if (mark->must_be_preserved(obj)) {
  14. preserve_mark(obj, mark);
  15. }
  16. }


  1. // We preserve the mark which should be replaced at the end and the location
  2. // that it will go. Note that the object that this markOop belongs to isn't
  3. // currently at that address but it will be after phase4
  4. void MarkSweep::preserve_mark(oop obj, markOop mark) {
  5. // We try to store preserved marks in the to space of the new generation since
  6. // this is storage which should be available. Most of the time this should be
  7. // sufficient space for the marks we need to preserve but if it isn't we fall
  8. // back to using Stacks to keep track of the overflow.
  9. if (_preserved_count < _preserved_count_max) {
  10. _preserved_marks[_preserved_count++].init(obj, mark);
  11. } else {
  12. _preserved_mark_stack.push(mark);
  13. _preserved_oop_stack.push(obj);
  14. }
  15. }


  1. inline void MarkSweep::follow_object(oop obj) {
  2. assert(obj->is_gc_marked(), "should be marked");
  3. if (obj->is_objArray()) {
  4. // Handle object arrays explicitly to allow them to
  5. // be split into chunks if needed.
  6. MarkSweep::follow_array((objArrayOop)obj);
  7. } else {
  8. obj->oop_iterate(&mark_and_push_closure);
  9. }
  10. }


  1. inline void MarkSweep::follow_array(objArrayOop array) {
  2. MarkSweep::follow_klass(array->klass());
  3. // Don't push empty arrays to avoid unnecessary work.
  4. if (array->length() > 0) {
  5. MarkSweep::push_objarray(array, 0);
  6. }
  7. }


  1. void MarkSweep::push_objarray(oop obj, size_t index) {
  2. ObjArrayTask task(obj, index);
  3. assert(task.is_valid(), "bad ObjArrayTask");
  4. _objarray_stack.push(task);
  5. }


  1. void MarkSweep::follow_stack() {
  2. do {
  3. while (!_marking_stack.is_empty()) {
  4. oop obj = _marking_stack.pop();
  5. assert (obj->is_gc_marked(), "p must be marked");
  6. follow_object(obj);
  7. }
  8. // Process ObjArrays one at a time to avoid marking stack bloat.
  9. if (!_objarray_stack.is_empty()) {
  10. ObjArrayTask task = _objarray_stack.pop();
  11. follow_array_chunk(objArrayOop(task.obj()), task.index());
  12. }
  13. } while (!_marking_stack.is_empty() || !_objarray_stack.is_empty());
  14. }


2018-11-11 6 12 44

这个处理过程和Minor GC时的处理是一样的;接下来会做一些清理工作:

2018-11-11 6 14 53

SystemDictionary::do_unloading用于卸载一些不再使用到的类;CodeCache::do_unloading用于卸载一些不再使用到的方法(编译好的方法会放在CodeCache里面去);Klass::clean_weak_klass_links用于清理weak reference;StringTable::unlink(&is_alive)用于删除一些不再使用的字符串常量;SymbolTable::unlink()用于从符号表中清理那些不再使用的符号;

  • (2)、接着是mark_sweep_phase2,重新计算存活对象的新地址


  1. void GenCollectedHeap::prepare_for_compaction() {
  2. // Start by compacting into same gen.
  3. CompactPoint cp(_old_gen);
  4. _old_gen->prepare_for_compaction(&cp);
  5. _young_gen->prepare_for_compaction(&cp);
  6. }


  1. void Generation::prepare_for_compaction(CompactPoint* cp) {
  2. // Generic implementation, can be specialized
  3. CompactibleSpace* space = first_compaction_space();
  4. while (space != NULL) {
  5. space->prepare_for_compaction(cp);
  6. space = space->next_compaction_space();
  7. }
  8. }


  1. void ContiguousSpace::prepare_for_compaction(CompactPoint* cp) {
  2. scan_and_forward(this, cp);
  3. }


  1. while (cur_obj < scan_limit) {
  2. assert(!space->scanned_block_is_obj(cur_obj) ||
  3. oop(cur_obj)->mark()->is_marked() || oop(cur_obj)->mark()->is_unlocked() ||
  4. oop(cur_obj)->mark()->has_bias_pattern(),
  5. "these are the only valid states during a mark sweep");
  6. if (space->scanned_block_is_obj(cur_obj) && oop(cur_obj)->is_gc_marked()) {
  7. // prefetch beyond cur_obj
  8. Prefetch::write(cur_obj, interval);
  9. size_t size = space->scanned_block_size(cur_obj);
  10. compact_top = cp->space->forward(oop(cur_obj), size, cp, compact_top);
  11. cur_obj += size;
  12. end_of_live = cur_obj;
  13. } else {
  14. // run over all the contiguous dead objects
  15. HeapWord* end = cur_obj;
  16. do {
  17. // prefetch beyond end
  18. Prefetch::write(end, interval);
  19. end += space->scanned_block_size(end);
  20. } while (end < scan_limit && (!space->scanned_block_is_obj(end) || !oop(end)->is_gc_marked()));
  21. // see if we might want to pretend this object is alive so that
  22. // we don't have to compact quite as often.
  23. if (cur_obj == compact_top && dead_spacer.insert_deadspace(cur_obj, end)) {
  24. oop obj = oop(cur_obj);
  25. compact_top = cp->space->forward(obj, obj->size(), cp, compact_top);
  26. end_of_live = end;
  27. } else {
  28. // otherwise, it really is a free region.
  29. // cur_obj is a pointer to a dead object. Use this dead memory to store a pointer to the next live object.
  30. *(HeapWord**)cur_obj = end;
  31. // see if this is the first dead region.
  32. if (first_dead == NULL) {
  33. first_dead = cur_obj;
  34. }
  35. }
  36. // move on to the next object
  37. cur_obj = end;
  38. }
  39. }


2018-11-11 7 23 01



  1. bool insert_deadspace(HeapWord* dead_start, HeapWord* dead_end) {
  2. if (!_active) {
  3. return false;
  4. }
  5. size_t dead_length = pointer_delta(dead_end, dead_start);
  6. if (_allowed_deadspace_words >= dead_length) {
  7. _allowed_deadspace_words -= dead_length;
  8. CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(dead_start, dead_length);
  9. oop obj = oop(dead_start);
  10. obj->set_mark(obj->mark()->set_marked());
  11. assert(dead_length == (size_t)obj->size(), "bad filler object size");
  12. log_develop_trace(gc, compaction)("Inserting object to dead space: " PTR_FORMAT ", " PTR_FORMAT ", " SIZE_FORMAT "b",
  13. p2i(dead_start), p2i(dead_end), dead_length * HeapWordSize);
  14. return true;
  15. } else {
  16. _active = false;
  17. return false;
  18. }
  19. }
  20. };


  • (3)、步骤(2)完成了存活对象的新地址计算,那么步骤(3)的主要工作就是将对象转移到新的地址去,也算是"整理"了;


  1. void MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure::do_oop(oop* p) { do_oop_nv(p); }
  2. void MarkSweep::AdjustPointerClosure::do_oop_nv(T* p) { adjust_pointer(p); }


  1. template <class T> inline void MarkSweep::adjust_pointer(T* p) {
  2. T heap_oop = oopDesc::load_heap_oop(p);
  3. if (!oopDesc::is_null(heap_oop)) {
  4. oop obj = oopDesc::decode_heap_oop_not_null(heap_oop);
  5. assert(Universe::heap()->is_in(obj), "should be in heap");
  6. oop new_obj = oop(obj->mark()->decode_pointer());
  7. assert(is_archive_object(obj) || // no forwarding of archive objects
  8. new_obj != NULL || // is forwarding ptr?
  9. obj->mark() == markOopDesc::prototype() || // not gc marked?
  10. (UseBiasedLocking && obj->mark()->has_bias_pattern()),
  11. // not gc marked?
  12. "should be forwarded");
  13. if (new_obj != NULL) {
  14. if (!is_archive_object(obj)) {
  15. assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_reserved(new_obj),
  16. "should be in object space");
  17. oopDesc::encode_store_heap_oop_not_null(p, new_obj);
  18. }
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }


  1. static inline void encode_store_heap_oop_not_null(oop* p, oop v) {
  2. *p = v;
  3. }
  • (4)、将所有存活的对象转移到新的地址里面去


  1. void GenCollectedHeap::generation_iterate(GenClosure* cl,
  2. bool old_to_young) {
  3. if (old_to_young) {
  4. cl->do_generation(_old_gen);
  5. cl->do_generation(_young_gen);
  6. } else {
  7. cl->do_generation(_young_gen);
  8. cl->do_generation(_old_gen);
  9. }
  10. }


  1. void do_generation(Generation* gen) {
  2. gen->compact();
  3. }
  4. void Generation::compact() {
  5. CompactibleSpace* sp = first_compaction_space();
  6. while (sp != NULL) {
  7. sp->compact();
  8. sp = sp->next_compaction_space();
  9. }
  10. }





pandening commented on 12 Nov 2018 • 





  1. instanceOop InstanceKlass::allocate_instance(TRAPS) {
  2. bool has_finalizer_flag = has_finalizer(); // Query before possible GC
  3. int size = size_helper(); // Query before forming handle.
  4. KlassHandle h_k(THREAD, this);
  5. instanceOop i;
  6. i = (instanceOop)CollectedHeap::obj_allocate(h_k, size, CHECK_NULL);
  7. if (has_finalizer_flag && !RegisterFinalizersAtInit) {
  8. i = register_finalizer(i, CHECK_NULL);
  9. }
  10. return i;
  11. }


  1. oop CollectedHeap::obj_allocate(KlassHandle klass, int size, TRAPS) {
  2. debug_only(check_for_valid_allocation_state());
  3. assert(!Universe::heap()->is_gc_active(), "Allocation during gc not allowed");
  4. assert(size >= 0, "int won't convert to size_t");
  5. HeapWord* obj = common_mem_allocate_init(klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
  6. post_allocation_setup_obj(klass, obj, size);
  7. NOT_PRODUCT(Universe::heap()->check_for_bad_heap_word_value(obj, size));
  8. return (oop)obj;
  9. }


  1. HeapWord* CollectedHeap::common_mem_allocate_init(KlassHandle klass, size_t size, TRAPS) {
  2. HeapWord* obj = common_mem_allocate_noinit(klass, size, CHECK_NULL);
  3. init_obj(obj, size);
  4. return obj;
  5. }


2018-11-11 10 39 40

申请分两组情况,如果使用TLAB(Thread-Local Allocation Buffer),那么就使用allocate_from_tlab来分配内存,否则使用Universe::heap()->mem_allocate来分配内存;先来看看从TLAB分配内存的情况:

  1. HeapWord* CollectedHeap::allocate_from_tlab(KlassHandle klass, Thread* thread, size_t size) {
  2. assert(UseTLAB, "should use UseTLAB");
  3. HeapWord* obj = thread->tlab().allocate(size);
  4. if (obj != NULL) {
  5. return obj;
  6. }
  7. // Otherwise...
  8. return allocate_from_tlab_slow(klass, thread, size);
  9. }


  1. inline HeapWord* ThreadLocalAllocBuffer::allocate(size_t size) {
  2. invariants();
  3. HeapWord* obj = top();
  4. if (pointer_delta(end(), obj) >= size) {
  5. // successful thread-local allocation
  6. #ifdef ASSERT
  7. // Skip mangling the space corresponding to the object header to
  8. // ensure that the returned space is not considered parsable by
  9. // any concurrent GC thread.
  10. size_t hdr_size = oopDesc::header_size();
  11. Copy::fill_to_words(obj + hdr_size, size - hdr_size, badHeapWordVal);
  12. #endif // ASSERT
  13. // This addition is safe because we know that top is
  14. // at least size below end, so the add can't wrap.
  15. set_top(obj + size);
  16. invariants();
  17. return obj;
  18. }
  19. return NULL;
  20. }



  1. // Retain tlab and allocate object in shared space if
  2. // the amount free in the tlab is too large to discard.
  3. if (thread->tlab().free() > thread->tlab().refill_waste_limit()) {
  4. thread->tlab().record_slow_allocation(size);
  5. return NULL;
  6. }

2018-11-11 10 53 04


2018-11-11 11 01 35


  1. HeapWord* GenCollectedHeap::allocate_new_tlab(size_t size) {
  2. bool gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded;
  3. return gen_policy()->mem_allocate_work(size /* size */,
  4. true /* is_tlab */,
  5. &gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded);
  6. }


  • (1)、首先判断是否可以在Young区分配空间,如果可以,那么就在Young区域分配,如果分配成功了,那么就可以结束这次内存分配之旅了,否则就得继续往下尝试。
  1. if (young->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  2. result = young->par_allocate(size, is_tlab);
  3. if (result != NULL) {
  4. assert(gch->is_in_reserved(result), "result not in heap");
  5. return result;
  6. }
  7. }


  1. // Allocation support
  2. virtual bool should_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  3. assert(UseTLAB || !is_tlab, "Should not allocate tlab");
  4. size_t overflow_limit = (size_t)1 << (BitsPerSize_t - LogHeapWordSize);
  5. const bool non_zero = word_size > 0;
  6. const bool overflows = word_size >= overflow_limit;
  7. const bool check_too_big = _pretenure_size_threshold_words > 0;
  8. const bool not_too_big = word_size < _pretenure_size_threshold_words;
  9. const bool size_ok = is_tlab || !check_too_big || not_too_big;
  10. bool result = !overflows &&
  11. non_zero &&
  12. size_ok;
  13. return result;
  14. }


  1. HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::par_allocate(size_t word_size,
  2. bool is_tlab) {
  3. HeapWord* res = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  4. if (CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways && _old_gen != NULL) {
  5. _old_gen->sample_eden_chunk();
  6. }
  7. return res;
  8. }


  1. // This version is lock-free.
  2. inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::par_allocate_impl(size_t size) {
  3. do {
  4. HeapWord* obj = top();
  5. if (pointer_delta(end(), obj) >= size) {
  6. HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;
  7. HeapWord* result = (HeapWord*)Atomic::cmpxchg_ptr(new_top, top_addr(), obj);
  8. // result can be one of two:
  9. // the old top value: the exchange succeeded
  10. // otherwise: the new value of the top is returned.
  11. if (result == obj) {
  12. assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");
  13. return obj;
  14. }
  15. } else {
  16. return NULL;
  17. }
  18. } while (true);
  19. }


2018-11-11 11 24 40


  1. HeapWord* GenCollectedHeap::attempt_allocation(size_t size,
  2. bool is_tlab,
  3. bool first_only) {
  4. HeapWord* res = NULL;
  5. if (_young_gen->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  6. res = _young_gen->allocate(size, is_tlab);
  7. if (res != NULL || first_only) {
  8. return res;
  9. }
  10. }
  11. if (_old_gen->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  12. res = _old_gen->allocate(size, is_tlab);
  13. }
  14. return res;
  15. }


  1. // Returns "true" iff this generation should be used to allocate an
  2. // object of the given size. Young generations might
  3. // wish to exclude very large objects, for example, since, if allocated
  4. // often, they would greatly increase the frequency of young-gen
  5. // collection.
  6. virtual bool should_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  7. bool result = false;
  8. size_t overflow_limit = (size_t)1 << (BitsPerSize_t - LogHeapWordSize);
  9. if (!is_tlab || supports_tlab_allocation()) {
  10. result = (word_size > 0) && (word_size < overflow_limit);
  11. }
  12. return result;
  13. }


接着看看具体如何在老年代进行内存分配(对于Serial Old);

  1. inline HeapWord* OffsetTableContigSpace::allocate(size_t size) {
  2. HeapWord* res = ContiguousSpace::allocate(size);
  3. if (res != NULL) {
  4. _offsets.alloc_block(res, size);
  5. }
  6. return res;
  7. }


  1. // This version requires locking.
  2. inline HeapWord* ContiguousSpace::allocate_impl(size_t size) {
  3. assert(Heap_lock->owned_by_self() ||
  4. (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() && Thread::current()->is_VM_thread()),
  5. "not locked");
  6. HeapWord* obj = top();
  7. if (pointer_delta(end(), obj) >= size) {
  8. HeapWord* new_top = obj + size;
  9. set_top(new_top);
  10. assert(is_aligned(obj) && is_aligned(new_top), "checking alignment");
  11. return obj;
  12. } else {
  13. return NULL;
  14. }
  15. }


  1. HeapWord* GenCollectorPolicy::expand_heap_and_allocate(size_t size,
  2. bool is_tlab) {
  3. GenCollectedHeap *gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  4. HeapWord* result = NULL;
  5. Generation *old = gch->old_gen();
  6. if (old->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  7. result = old->expand_and_allocate(size, is_tlab);
  8. }
  9. if (result == NULL) {
  10. Generation *young = gch->young_gen();
  11. if (young->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  12. result = young->expand_and_allocate(size, is_tlab);
  13. }
  14. }
  15. assert(result == NULL || gch->is_in_reserved(result), "result not in heap");
  16. return result;
  17. }

堆扩展的顺序是老年代到新生代,内存分配的顺序是从新生代到老年代,这个细节需要注意一下!expand_and_allocate函数永远做堆分代扩展及内存分配的具体工作,首先看Serial Old的expand_and_allocate是如何实现的:

  1. HeapWord*
  2. TenuredGeneration::expand_and_allocate(size_t word_size,
  3. bool is_tlab,
  4. bool parallel) {
  5. assert(!is_tlab, "TenuredGeneration does not support TLAB allocation");
  6. if (parallel) {
  7. MutexLocker x(ParGCRareEvent_lock);
  8. HeapWord* result = NULL;
  9. size_t byte_size = word_size * HeapWordSize;
  10. while (true) {
  11. expand(byte_size, _min_heap_delta_bytes);
  12. if (GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis > 0) {
  13. os::sleep(Thread::current(), GCExpandToAllocateDelayMillis, false);
  14. }
  15. result = _the_space->par_allocate(word_size);
  16. if ( result != NULL) {
  17. return result;
  18. } else {
  19. // If there's not enough expansion space available, give up.
  20. if (_virtual_space.uncommitted_size() < byte_size) {
  21. return NULL;
  22. }
  23. // else try again
  24. }
  25. }
  26. } else {
  27. expand(word_size*HeapWordSize, _min_heap_delta_bytes);
  28. return _the_space->allocate(word_size);
  29. }
  30. }

parallel代表是否是多线程版本的GC,Serial Old是单线程的,所以看else分支即可;expand函数实现堆扩展,allocate函数用于从堆中申请内存,先看看expand函数的实现;CardGeneration::expand是最终指向expand的实际函数:

2018-11-11 11 53 13


  1. HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::expand_and_allocate(size_t size,
  2. bool is_tlab,
  3. bool parallel) {
  4. // We don't attempt to expand the young generation (but perhaps we should.)
  5. return allocate(size, is_tlab);
  6. }
  7. HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  8. // This is the slow-path allocation for the DefNewGeneration.
  9. // Most allocations are fast-path in compiled code.
  10. // We try to allocate from the eden. If that works, we are happy.
  11. // Note that since DefNewGeneration supports lock-free allocation, we
  12. // have to use it here, as well.
  13. HeapWord* result = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  14. if (result != NULL) {
  15. if (CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways && _old_gen != NULL) {
  16. _old_gen->sample_eden_chunk();
  17. }
  18. } else {
  19. // If the eden is full and the last collection bailed out, we are running
  20. // out of heap space, and we try to allocate the from-space, too.
  21. // allocate_from_space can't be inlined because that would introduce a
  22. // circular dependency at compile time.
  23. result = allocate_from_space(word_size);
  24. }
  25. return result;
  26. }


2018-11-11 11 59 12


2018-11-12 12 03 35


  1. bool DefNewGeneration::collection_attempt_is_safe() {
  2. if (!to()->is_empty()) {
  3. log_trace(gc)(":: to is not empty ::");
  4. return false;
  5. }
  6. if (_old_gen == NULL) {
  7. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  8. _old_gen = gch->old_gen();
  9. }
  10. return _old_gen->promotion_attempt_is_safe(used());
  11. }

如果to区域不为空,那么说明发生了"Promotion fail",这种情况下是false,以及_old_gen->promotion_attempt_is_safe也是false;

  1. bool TenuredGeneration::promotion_attempt_is_safe(size_t max_promotion_in_bytes) const {
  2. size_t available = max_contiguous_available();
  3. size_t av_promo = (size_t)gc_stats()->avg_promoted()->padded_average();
  4. bool res = (available >= av_promo) || (available >= max_promotion_in_bytes);
  5. log_trace(gc)("Tenured: promo attempt is%s safe: available(" SIZE_FORMAT ") %s av_promo(" SIZE_FORMAT "), max_promo(" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
  6. res? "":" not", available, res? ">=":"<", av_promo, max_promotion_in_bytes);
  7. return res;
  8. }


回到GenCollectorPolicy::mem_allocate_work函数中来,如果尝试扩展堆之后还是无法申请到内存,那么就只能触发一次VM_GenCollectForAllocation类型的GC Operation了,完成之后再尝试申请内存;


  1. HeapWord* GenCollectedHeap::mem_allocate(size_t size,
  2. bool* gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded) {
  3. return gen_policy()->mem_allocate_work(size,
  4. false /* is_tlab */,
  5. gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded);
  6. }



  • (1)、优先使用TLAB策略进行分配,在线程的TLAB里面进行内分配,如果无法再TLAB里面分配成功,再去堆中进行直接分配
  • (2)、在TLAB模式下进行分配的时候,如果无法分配成功,那么就要尝试去分配新的TLAB,然后再尝试分配内存
  • (3)、无论是重新申请TLAB,还是直接在堆上为内存分配内存,都是一样的,都是在堆上分配内存,下面就不区分了
  • (4)、首先尝试在新生代Eden中申请内存,如果无法完成内存分配,那么尝试从From区域分配(需要判断),如果还是不行,那么再尝试从老年代中分配内存
  • (5)、如果内存申请还是无法得到满足,这个时候就要去扩展堆来满足要去了,当然还是要去判断是否允许进行堆扩展
  • (6)、堆扩展是从老年代到新生代的,而内存分配是从新生代到老年代的,对扩展完了之后再尝试去申请内存,如果还是无法完成内存分配工作,那么这个时候就要试图去From区域分配内存,当然还是要判断是否允许在From区域进行内存分配的
  • (7)、如果还是无法完成内存分配,那么就要出发一次GC来回收垃圾了,然后再去尝试
  • (8)、OOM



pandening commented on 12 Nov 2018 • 


本comment希望能系统的探索一下GC发生的时机,以及各个GC的具体工作内容(流程),GC包括Minor GC和Major GC,下面将分别看看Minor GC和Major GC会在什么时候执行、怎么执行的,也就是希望能了解触发GC的条件和GC原理。

2018-11-12 10 30 50




2018-11-12 10 52 13


  1. void VM_GenCollectForAllocation::doit() {
  2. SvcGCMarker sgcm(SvcGCMarker::MINOR);
  3. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  4. GCCauseSetter gccs(gch, _gc_cause);
  5. _result = gch->satisfy_failed_allocation(_word_size, _tlab);
  6. assert(gch->is_in_reserved_or_null(_result), "result not in heap");
  7. if (_result == NULL && GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
  8. set_gc_locked();
  9. }
  10. }


  • (1)、首先判断是有其他的线程触发了GC,如果是的话,那么本次GC就不能继续了,但是退出前试试能不能扩展堆,如果可以的话说不定就可以在扩展堆之后成功申请到需要的空间了,如果这个时候不能扩展堆的话,那么就只能退出等其他的线程GC完成了;
  • (2)、判断是否可以增量进行GC,如果可以的话,那么就执行一次Minor GC,否则执行一次不回收soft reference的Full GC;如果这次GC之后可以成功申请到内存了
  • (3)、如果(2)结束之后还是无法申请到足够的内存,那么就要进行一次彻底的FullGC,这次GC将要把soft reference都清理掉;

总结一下,VM_GenCollectForAllocation会在内存申请失败的时候进行工作,它可能触发Minor GC和FullGC,首先是Minor GC,如果Minor GC并不奏效,那么就要进行FullGC;



2018-11-12 11 22 23


  1. void VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation::doit() {
  2. SvcGCMarker sgcm(SvcGCMarker::MINOR);
  3. ParallelScavengeHeap* heap = ParallelScavengeHeap::heap();
  4. GCCauseSetter gccs(heap, _gc_cause);
  5. _result = heap->failed_mem_allocate(_word_size);
  6. if (_result == NULL && GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
  7. set_gc_locked();
  8. }
  9. }


  1. // Failed allocation policy. Must be called from the VM thread, and
  2. // only at a safepoint! Note that this method has policy for allocation
  3. // flow, and NOT collection policy. So we do not check for gc collection
  4. // time over limit here, that is the responsibility of the heap specific
  5. // collection methods. This method decides where to attempt allocations,
  6. // and when to attempt collections, but no collection specific policy.
  7. HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate(size_t size) {
  8. assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "should be at safepoint");
  9. assert(Thread::current() == (Thread*)VMThread::vm_thread(), "should be in vm thread");
  10. assert(!is_gc_active(), "not reentrant");
  11. assert(!Heap_lock->owned_by_self(), "this thread should not own the Heap_lock");
  12. // We assume that allocation in eden will fail unless we collect.
  13. // First level allocation failure, scavenge and allocate in young gen.
  14. GCCauseSetter gccs(this, GCCause::_allocation_failure);
  15. const bool invoked_full_gc = PSScavenge::invoke();
  16. HeapWord* result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
  17. // Second level allocation failure.
  18. // Mark sweep and allocate in young generation.
  19. if (result == NULL && !invoked_full_gc) {
  20. do_full_collection(false);
  21. result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
  22. }
  23. death_march_check(result, size);
  24. // Third level allocation failure.
  25. // After mark sweep and young generation allocation failure,
  26. // allocate in old generation.
  27. if (result == NULL) {
  28. result = old_gen()->allocate(size);
  29. }
  30. // Fourth level allocation failure. We're running out of memory.
  31. // More complete mark sweep and allocate in young generation.
  32. if (result == NULL) {
  33. do_full_collection(true);
  34. result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
  35. }
  36. // Fifth level allocation failure.
  37. // After more complete mark sweep, allocate in old generation.
  38. if (result == NULL) {
  39. result = old_gen()->allocate(size);
  40. }
  41. return result;
  42. }

这个函数分下面几个步骤来处理Allocation Fail;

  • (1)、用PSScavenge::invoke()去做"scavenge"的工作,可能是一次Minor GC,也可能是FullGC,如果触发了一次FullGC,那么该函数就会返回true,否则返回false;完成之后,尝试从新生代从新申请空间,如果不能成功,则进行第(2)步;
  • (2)、如果PSScavenge::invoke()做的是一次Minor GC,那么此时就要做一次FullGC,但是先不回收soft reference;结束之后重新尝试去新生代申请空间,如果不能满足,那么继续第(3)步;
  • (3)、既然新生代无法申请到空间,那去老年代试试吧,如果在老年代成功申请到了空间,那么就结束,否则继续第(4)步;
  • (4)、在一次FullGC之后,从新生代和老年代均无法获取到空间,那么就只能把soft reference清理一下了,也就是做一次清理soft reference的FullGC;之后再尝试从新生代申请空间,如果还是无法满足,那么执行第(5)步;
  • (5)、第(4)步还是无法申请成功的话,那么就尝试去老年代试试,如果还不行,那就交给上层处理吧(oom)


2018-11-13 4 11 37

PSScavenge::invoke_no_policy()首先将被调用进行一次MinorGC,在MinorGC的过程中可能有一些对象达到了晋升阈值,但是可能老年代因为空间不够的问题无法将所有晋升的对象都放到老年代,这个时候就发生了Promotion Fail;因为Scavenge GC的一个特点是可以自动调整各个分代的大小以满足设定的参数,这个过程较为复杂,可以在PSScavenge::invoke_no_policy()里面找到这些代码;Minor GC的过程大概和DefNew是一样的,但是和DefNew不一样的地方就是ParallelScavengeHeap使用了多线程来做GC,所以代码要复杂很多,但是流程还是那样,首先标记GCRoot,然后根据GCRoot去遍历存活对象,之后标记-清除;

  1. // If the remaining free space in the old generation is less that
  2. // that expected to be needed by the next collection, do a full
  3. // collection now.
  4. bool PSAdaptiveSizePolicy::should_full_GC(size_t old_free_in_bytes) {
  5. // A similar test is done in the scavenge's should_attempt_scavenge(). If
  6. // this is changed, decide if that test should also be changed.
  7. bool result = padded_average_promoted_in_bytes() > (float) old_free_in_bytes;
  8. log_trace(gc, ergo)("%s after scavenge average_promoted " SIZE_FORMAT " padded_average_promoted " SIZE_FORMAT " free in old gen " SIZE_FORMAT,
  9. result ? "Full" : "No full",
  10. (size_t) average_promoted_in_bytes(),
  11. (size_t) padded_average_promoted_in_bytes(),
  12. old_free_in_bytes);
  13. return result;
  14. }

判断条件很简单,如果发现YoungGen里面等待晋升到OldGen的对象大小大于oldGen的空闲空间,那么就有必要执行FullGC了;接着看进行FullGC的代码,UseParallelOldGC用于判断老年代使用的堆类型,如果我们在JVM启动的时候使用了-XX:+UseParallelOldGC,那么新生代和老年代的组合就是(Parallel Scavenge + Parallel Old),如果使用的是-XX:+UseParallelGC,那么新生代和老年代的组合就是(Parallel Scavenge + Serial Old);这里假设使用了-XX:+UseParallelGC,那么就看PSMarkSweep::invoke_no_policy(clear_all_softrefs);而Serial Old的GC过程前面的文章已经分析过就不继续了。

现在回到ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate函数,看看剩下的部分;PSScavenge::invoke()执行过后,可能进行了一次MinorGC,或者是FullGC,可能将soft reference清理掉了,但是总得来说执行了PSScavenge::invoke()之后已经清理了一波垃圾了,young_gen()->allocate(size)试图从新生代申请空间;如果申请失败,那么就看刚才是否做了FullGC,如果做了,那么就只能oom了,否则通过do_full_collection(false)做一次FullGC,但是soft reference依然还在;接着分别从young 和 old去申请空间,如果还是无法满足要求,那么就通过do_full_collection(true)来做一次清理FullGC,并且将soft reference清理掉,然后再从young 和 old中去试图申请内存,如果还是无法申请成功,那么就交给上层处理吧。(OOM)





  1. void GenCollectedHeap::collect_locked(GCCause::Cause cause, GenerationType max_generation) {
  2. // Read the GC count while holding the Heap_lock
  3. unsigned int gc_count_before = total_collections();
  4. unsigned int full_gc_count_before = total_full_collections();
  5. {
  6. MutexUnlocker mu(Heap_lock); // give up heap lock, execute gets it back
  7. VM_GenCollectFull op(gc_count_before, full_gc_count_before,
  8. cause, max_generation);
  9. VMThread::execute(&op);
  10. }
  11. }


  1. JVM_ENTRY_NO_ENV(void, JVM_GC(void))
  2. JVMWrapper("JVM_GC");
  3. if (!DisableExplicitGC) {
  4. Universe::heap()->collect(GCCause::_java_lang_system_gc);
  5. }
  6. JVM_END



Minor GC发生的原因较为简单,就是"Allocation Fail";发生"Allocation Fail"的原因就是没有足够的内存了,这个时候就要去做Minor GC,但是,内存不足之后不一定进行Minor GC,可能因为某些原因直接进行了FullGC,在JVM里面有大量的用于判断是否应该在某个分代进行垃圾收集的函数,这些函数将根据一些统计数据来判断是否应该在该区域进行垃圾收集;比如在某次Eden区域分配失败的时候,Old区域就需要判断是否允许Young区进行一次Minor GC,因为进行MinorGC的时候一些符合晋升年龄的对象将会晋升到老年代中来,还有一部分对象因为无法移动到To区域(To区满了或者连续空间小于存活对象大小)也需要提前拷贝到老年代,这些对象转移到老年代对老年代来说是一种负担,并且也是有风险的,比如可能老年代根本没有足够的内存容纳这次Minor GC之后晋升的对象,这个时候MinorGC就要报"Promotion Fail",这就需要开启一次FullGC来回收掉一些不再使用的对象,也可能包括正在使用的soft reference;还有一些发生FullGC的条件(或者说是触发FullGC)本文没有分析到,主要原因是关于G1和CMS还不太了解,CMS和G1是相对复杂的GC,需要花费大量的时间去研究分析以及描述出来。




pandening commented on 13 Nov 2018 • 



在create_vm的时候,我们设置的JVM参数会被解析出来,然后生成各种策略,比如设置了 -XX:+UseSerialGC,那么JVM就会适应Serial GC来作为堆的管理者,当然,也就会初始化新生代和老年代,不同的参数设置会生成不同的GC策略,JVM参数众多,不同参数之间有可能互相影响,有些参数可能导致非常诡异的现象,所以在设置JVM参数的时候,如果对一个参数并不是很了解,不要轻易设置。本文将从JVM参数解析开始说起,然后会分析一下堆的初始化,分析堆的初始化的过程也就是去分析JVM是如何使用我们设置的JVM参数的过程。



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  1. static bool set_bool_flag(const char* name, bool value, Flag::Flags origin) {
  2. if (CommandLineFlags::boolAtPut(name, &value, origin) == Flag::SUCCESS) {
  3. return true;
  4. } else {
  5. return false;
  6. }
  7. }
  8. Flag::Error CommandLineFlags::boolAtPut(const char* name, size_t len, bool* value, Flag::Flags origin) {
  9. Flag* result = Flag::find_flag(name, len);
  10. return boolAtPut(result, value, origin);
  11. }


2018-11-13 11 04 18

  1. Flag::Error CommandLineFlags::boolAtPut(Flag* flag, bool* value, Flag::Flags origin) {
  2. const char* name;
  3. if (flag == NULL) return Flag::INVALID_FLAG;
  4. if (!flag->is_bool()) return Flag::WRONG_FORMAT;
  5. name = flag->_name;
  6. Flag::Error check = apply_constraint_and_check_range_bool(name, *value, !CommandLineFlagConstraintList::validated_after_ergo());
  7. if (check != Flag::SUCCESS) return check;
  8. bool old_value = flag->get_bool();
  9. trace_flag_changed<EventBooleanFlagChanged, bool>(name, old_value, *value, origin);
  10. check = flag->set_bool(*value);
  11. *value = old_value;
  12. flag->set_origin(origin);
  13. return check;
  14. }


2018-11-13 11 32 54


  1. void Arguments::select_gc() {
  2. if (!gc_selected()) {
  3. select_gc_ergonomically();
  4. if (!gc_selected()) {
  5. vm_exit_during_initialization("Garbage collector not selected (default collector explicitly disabled)", NULL);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. }


  1. bool Arguments::gc_selected() {
  3. return UseSerialGC || UseParallelGC || UseParallelOldGC || UseConcMarkSweepGC || UseG1GC;
  4. #else
  5. return UseSerialGC;
  6. #endif // INCLUDE_ALL_GCS
  7. }


  1. void Arguments::select_gc_ergonomically() {
  2. if (os::is_server_class_machine()) {
  3. if (!UseAutoGCSelectPolicy) {
  4. FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseG1GC, true);
  5. } else {
  6. if (should_auto_select_low_pause_collector()) {
  7. FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseConcMarkSweepGC, true);
  8. FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseParNewGC, true);
  9. } else {
  10. FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseParallelGC, true);
  11. }
  12. }
  13. } else {
  14. FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(bool, UseSerialGC, true);
  15. }
  16. }


  1. bool Arguments::should_auto_select_low_pause_collector() {
  2. if (UseAutoGCSelectPolicy &&
  3. !FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxGCPauseMillis) &&
  4. (MaxGCPauseMillis <= AutoGCSelectPauseMillis)) {
  5. return true;
  6. }
  7. return false;
  8. }




  • (1)、创建堆


2018-11-13 11 27 58

创建什么类型的堆依赖于选择了什么类型的GC,JVM提供了四种类型的GC,分别是并行GC(UseParallelGC),也就是使用多线程来做GC,G1 (UseG1GC),CMS以及串行GC(UseSerialGC);Universe::create_heap_with_policy函数用于创建对应的堆,它的两个泛型类型,一个是堆的类型Heap,一个是管理堆的策略Policy,比如对于UseSerialGC,那么创建的堆就是GenCollectedHeap,堆管理的策略就是MarkSweepPolicy;在HotSpot中,堆的实现是一种典型的分代实现,简单来说分为新生代和老年代,不同的分代存放的对象具有不一样的特征,但是不同特征的对象也可能放在一起,分在不同分代中的特征包括对象的GC年龄以及对象的大小等因素,对象将优先在Eden中存活,经过多次Minor GC依然存活的对象将晋升(Promotion)到老年代,但是晋升可能失败,所以有部分本该晋升到老年代的对象依然存活在新生代,而在做Minor GC的时候,如果Eden + From中存活的对象无法拷贝到To区域,那么也会直接转移到老年代,这称为提前晋升,还有一些比较大的对象会直接在老年代申请空间;下面的文章将以UseSerialGC为例,看看堆创建的后续流程。


  1. template <class Heap, class Policy>
  2. CollectedHeap* Universe::create_heap_with_policy() {
  3. Policy* policy = new Policy();
  4. policy->initialize_all();
  5. return new Heap(policy);
  6. }




  1. virtual void initialize_all() {
  2. CollectorPolicy::initialize_all();
  3. initialize_generations();
  4. }


  1. virtual void initialize_all() {
  2. initialize_alignments();
  3. initialize_flags();
  4. initialize_size_info();
  5. }


2018-11-14 12 08 46


  1. // Determine maximum size of the young generation.
  2. if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxNewSize)) {
  3. _max_young_size = scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_max_heap_byte_size);
  4. // Bound the maximum size by NewSize below (since it historically
  5. // would have been NewSize and because the NewRatio calculation could
  6. // yield a size that is too small) and bound it by MaxNewSize above.
  7. // Ergonomics plays here by previously calculating the desired
  8. // NewSize and MaxNewSize.
  9. _max_young_size = MIN2(MAX2(_max_young_size, _initial_young_size), MaxNewSize);
  10. }


  1. size_t GenCollectorPolicy::scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(size_t base_size) {
  2. return align_size_down_bounded(base_size / (NewRatio + 1), _gen_alignment);
  3. }

我们可以使用-XX:NewRatio来设置新生代的占用整个堆的比例,NewRatio默认为2,也就是young_gen_size = heap_size / (NewRatio + 1);接着看下面的代码:

  1. if (_max_heap_byte_size == _initial_heap_byte_size) {
  2. // The maximum and initial heap sizes are the same so the generation's
  3. // initial size must be the same as it maximum size. Use NewSize as the
  4. // size if set on command line.
  5. _max_young_size = FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize) ? NewSize : _max_young_size;
  6. _initial_young_size = _max_young_size;
  7. // Also update the minimum size if min == initial == max.
  8. if (_max_heap_byte_size == _min_heap_byte_size) {
  9. _min_young_size = _max_young_size;
  10. }
  11. }


  1. if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
  2. // If NewSize is set on the command line, we should use it as
  3. // the initial size, but make sure it is within the heap bounds.
  4. _initial_young_size =
  5. MIN2(_max_young_size, bound_minus_alignment(NewSize, _initial_heap_byte_size));
  6. _min_young_size = bound_minus_alignment(_initial_young_size, _min_heap_byte_size);
  7. } else {
  8. // For the case where NewSize is not set on the command line, use
  9. // NewRatio to size the initial generation size. Use the current
  10. // NewSize as the floor, because if NewRatio is overly large, the resulting
  11. // size can be too small.
  12. _initial_young_size =
  13. MIN2(_max_young_size, MAX2(scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_initial_heap_byte_size), NewSize));
  14. }


  1. void MarkSweepPolicy::initialize_generations() {
  2. _young_gen_spec = new GenerationSpec(Generation::DefNew, _initial_young_size, _max_young_size, _gen_alignment);
  3. _old_gen_spec = new GenerationSpec(Generation::MarkSweepCompact, _initial_old_size, _max_old_size, _gen_alignment);
  4. }




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pandening commented on 14 Nov 2018 • 



-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC俗称CMS,是一种减少GC停顿时间的堆管理方案,使用的堆管理器是GenCollectedHeap,新生代堆类型是ParNew,老年代是ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration,新生代使用多线程版本的copy算法来进行垃圾收集,将新生代分为Eden + From + To三个空间区域;老年代使用CMS来进行周期性的垃圾收集,可以通过设置CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction来让CMS检测是否需要进行一次CMS GC,CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction的默认值为92%,也就是如果老年代的空间使用占了92%,那么就会进行一次CMS GC,这个默认值是计算出来的:

  1. void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::init_initiating_occupancy(intx io, uintx tr) {
  2. assert(io <= 100 && tr <= 100, "Check the arguments");
  3. if (io >= 0) {
  4. _initiating_occupancy = (double)io / 100.0;
  5. } else {
  6. _initiating_occupancy = ((100 - MinHeapFreeRatio) +
  7. (double)(tr * MinHeapFreeRatio) / 100.0)
  8. / 100.0;
  9. }
  10. }

参数io是CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction,trCMSTriggerRatio;是如果设置了CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction,那么_initiating_occupancy就是(double)io / 100.0,否则通过else分支中的计算分支来计算,假设没有设置CMSTriggerRatio,默认就是80,MinHeapFreeRatio是40;那么计算结果就是0.92;CMS的GC分为background gc和foreground gc,前者是CMS线程进行不但检测是否需要进行CMS GC来实现垃圾回收的,属于后台任务;而后者是被"Allocation Fail"或者“Promotion Fail”触发的,是一种主动的GC,而主动GC是要全程STW的,在实现上使用了SerialOld的策略,使用标记-清除-整理算法来进行整个堆空间的垃圾回收;关于CMS GC的详细细节另论,本文的重点在于UseConcMarkSweepGC下的对象内存分配策略探索。



  1. // First allocation attempt is lock-free.
  2. Generation *young = gch->young_gen();
  3. assert(young->supports_inline_contig_alloc(),
  4. "Otherwise, must do alloc within heap lock");
  5. if (young->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  6. result = young->par_allocate(size, is_tlab);
  7. if (result != NULL) {
  8. assert(gch->is_in_reserved(result), "result not in heap");
  9. return result;
  10. }
  11. }


  1. HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::par_allocate(size_t word_size,
  2. bool is_tlab) {
  3. HeapWord* res = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  4. if (CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways && _old_gen != NULL) {
  5. _old_gen->sample_eden_chunk();
  6. }
  7. return res;
  8. }


  1. HeapWord* GenCollectedHeap::attempt_allocation(size_t size,
  2. bool is_tlab,
  3. bool first_only) {
  4. HeapWord* res = NULL;
  5. if (_young_gen->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  6. res = _young_gen->allocate(size, is_tlab);
  7. if (res != NULL || first_only) {
  8. return res;
  9. }
  10. }
  11. if (_old_gen->should_allocate(size, is_tlab)) {
  12. res = _old_gen->allocate(size, is_tlab);
  13. }
  14. return res;
  15. }


  1. HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  2. // This is the slow-path allocation for the DefNewGeneration.
  3. // Most allocations are fast-path in compiled code.
  4. // We try to allocate from the eden. If that works, we are happy.
  5. // Note that since DefNewGeneration supports lock-free allocation, we
  6. // have to use it here, as well.
  7. HeapWord* result = eden()->par_allocate(word_size);
  8. if (result != NULL) {
  9. if (CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways && _old_gen != NULL) {
  10. _old_gen->sample_eden_chunk();
  11. }
  12. } else {
  13. // If the eden is full and the last collection bailed out, we are running
  14. // out of heap space, and we try to allocate the from-space, too.
  15. // allocate_from_space can't be inlined because that would introduce a
  16. // circular dependency at compile time.
  17. result = allocate_from_space(word_size);
  18. }
  19. return result;
  20. }


  1. // The last collection bailed out, we are running out of heap space,
  2. // so we try to allocate the from-space, too.
  3. HeapWord* DefNewGeneration::allocate_from_space(size_t size) {
  4. bool should_try_alloc = should_allocate_from_space() || GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc();
  5. // If the Heap_lock is not locked by this thread, this will be called
  6. // again later with the Heap_lock held.
  7. bool do_alloc = should_try_alloc && (Heap_lock->owned_by_self()
  8. || (SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()
  9. && Thread::current()->is_VM_thread()));
  10. HeapWord* result = NULL;
  11. if (do_alloc) {
  12. result = from()->allocate(size);
  13. }
  14. return result;
  15. }


  1. bool should_allocate_from_space() const {
  2. return _should_allocate_from_space;
  3. }
  4. void clear_should_allocate_from_space() {
  5. _should_allocate_from_space = false;
  6. }
  7. void set_should_allocate_from_space() {
  8. _should_allocate_from_space = true;
  9. }


2018-11-15 10 57 21


  1. bool DefNewGeneration::collection_attempt_is_safe() {
  2. if (!to()->is_empty()) {
  3. log_trace(gc)(":: to is not empty ::");
  4. return false;
  5. }
  6. if (_old_gen == NULL) {
  7. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  8. _old_gen = gch->old_gen();
  9. }
  10. return _old_gen->promotion_attempt_is_safe(used());
  11. }

如果To区域不为空,那么就直接不可以在From区域进行分配,To区域不为空就说明发生了“Promotion Fail”,如果没有发生过“Promotion Fail”,那么判断晋升是否是安全的,通过_old_gen->promotion_attempt_is_safe函数来实现:

  1. bool ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::promotion_attempt_is_safe(size_t max_promotion_in_bytes) const {
  2. size_t available = max_available();
  3. size_t av_promo = (size_t)gc_stats()->avg_promoted()->padded_average();
  4. bool res = (available >= av_promo) || (available >= max_promotion_in_bytes);
  5. return res;
  6. }

available是老年代可用内存大小,av_promo是新生代评价晋升对象大小,max_promotion_in_bytes是新生代的使用量(Eden + From),所以,如果老年代的可用空间大于新生代评价晋升对象大小,或者大于新生代的使用量,那么就说明年轻代晋升是安全的,否则就是不安全的;


  1. // Returns "true" iff this generation should be used to allocate an
  2. // object of the given size. Young generations might
  3. // wish to exclude very large objects, for example, since, if allocated
  4. // often, they would greatly increase the frequency of young-gen
  5. // collection.
  6. virtual bool should_allocate(size_t word_size, bool is_tlab) {
  7. bool result = false;
  8. size_t overflow_limit = (size_t)1 << (BitsPerSize_t - LogHeapWordSize);
  9. if (!is_tlab || supports_tlab_allocation()) {
  10. result = (word_size > 0) && (word_size < overflow_limit);
  11. }
  12. return result;
  13. }


  1. HeapWord* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::allocate(size_t size, bool tlab) {
  2. CMSSynchronousYieldRequest yr;
  3. MutexLockerEx x(freelistLock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  4. return have_lock_and_allocate(size, tlab);
  5. }
  6. HeapWord* ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::have_lock_and_allocate(size_t size,
  7. bool tlab /* ignored */) {
  8. assert_lock_strong(freelistLock());
  9. size_t adjustedSize = CompactibleFreeListSpace::adjustObjectSize(size);
  10. HeapWord* res = cmsSpace()->allocate(adjustedSize);
  11. // Allocate the object live (grey) if the background collector has
  12. // started marking. This is necessary because the marker may
  13. // have passed this address and consequently this object will
  14. // not otherwise be greyed and would be incorrectly swept up.
  15. // Note that if this object contains references, the writing
  16. // of those references will dirty the card containing this object
  17. // allowing the object to be blackened (and its references scanned)
  18. // either during a preclean phase or at the final checkpoint.
  19. if (res != NULL) {
  20. // We may block here with an uninitialized object with
  21. // its mark-bit or P-bits not yet set. Such objects need
  22. // to be safely navigable by block_start().
  23. assert(oop(res)->klass_or_null() == NULL, "Object should be uninitialized here.");
  24. assert(!((FreeChunk*)res)->is_free(), "Error, block will look free but show wrong size");
  25. collector()->direct_allocated(res, adjustedSize);
  26. _direct_allocated_words += adjustedSize;
  27. // allocation counters
  29. _numObjectsAllocated++;
  30. _numWordsAllocated += (int)adjustedSize;
  31. )
  32. }
  33. return res;
  34. }


  1. HeapWord* CompactibleFreeListSpace::allocate(size_t size) {
  2. HeapWord* res = NULL;
  3. res = allocate_adaptive_freelists(size);
  4. if (res != NULL) {
  5. FreeChunk* fc = (FreeChunk*)res;
  6. fc->markNotFree();
  7. // Verify that the block offset table shows this to
  8. // be a single block, but not one which is unallocated.
  9. _bt.verify_single_block(res, size);
  10. _bt.verify_not_unallocated(res, size);
  11. }
  12. return res;
  13. }

allocate_adaptive_freelists函数将尽最大努力来找到一块合适的内存,这里面的流程也是非常复杂的,但是这里的实现像极了C++ STL中内存池的实现,所以如果有条件的话还是希望去分析一下C++ STL内存池的相关实现。下面来看看allocate_adaptive_freelists函数的具体实现。

2018-11-15 11 21 27

这里顺便说一下,如果从Old区域中也无法满足申请要求,那么就得去通过expand_heap_and_allocate扩展堆再来allocate了,如果还不行,那么就执行进行GC了,VM_GenCollectForAllocation将会被放在VMThread中等待执行,具体执行Minor GC还是FullGC需要具体判断,这部分内容在前面的文章中分析过,就不再赘述,下面将详细分析CMS Free-List内存分配的实现细节,也就是allocate_adaptive_freelists函数的具体实现细节。

  1. HeapWord* CompactibleFreeListSpace::allocate_adaptive_freelists(size_t size) {
  2. assert_lock_strong(freelistLock());
  3. HeapWord* res = NULL;
  4. assert(size == adjustObjectSize(size),
  5. "use adjustObjectSize() before calling into allocate()");
  6. // Strategy
  7. // if small
  8. // exact size from small object indexed list if small
  9. // small or large linear allocation block (linAB) as appropriate
  10. // take from lists of greater sized chunks
  11. // else
  12. // dictionary
  13. // small or large linear allocation block if it has the space
  14. // Try allocating exact size from indexTable first
  15. if (size < IndexSetSize) {
  16. res = (HeapWord*) getChunkFromIndexedFreeList(size);
  17. if(res != NULL) {
  18. assert(res != (HeapWord*)_indexedFreeList[size].head(),
  19. "Not removed from free list");
  20. // no block offset table adjustment is necessary on blocks in
  21. // the indexed lists.
  22. // Try allocating from the small LinAB
  23. } else if (size < _smallLinearAllocBlock._allocation_size_limit &&
  24. (res = getChunkFromSmallLinearAllocBlock(size)) != NULL) {
  25. // if successful, the above also adjusts block offset table
  26. // Note that this call will refill the LinAB to
  27. // satisfy the request. This is different that
  28. // evm.
  29. // Don't record chunk off a LinAB? smallSplitBirth(size);
  30. } else {
  31. // Raid the exact free lists larger than size, even if they are not
  32. // overpopulated.
  33. res = (HeapWord*) getChunkFromGreater(size);
  34. }
  35. } else {
  36. // Big objects get allocated directly from the dictionary.
  37. res = (HeapWord*) getChunkFromDictionaryExact(size);
  38. if (res == NULL) {
  39. // Try hard not to fail since an allocation failure will likely
  40. // trigger a synchronous GC. Try to get the space from the
  41. // allocation blocks.
  42. res = getChunkFromSmallLinearAllocBlockRemainder(size);
  43. }
  44. }
  45. return res;
  46. }




pandening commented on 20 Nov 2018 • 




CMS GC分为foreground gc和background gc,foreground gc是一种主动式GC,是Minor GC造成的一种FullGC,foreground gc将和Serial old使用同样的垃圾收集算法来做FullGC(单线程,mark-sweep-compact);如果触发了foreground gc,但是发现此时background gc正在工作,那么就会发生"Concurrent model fail";background gc也就是CMS old GC,只会收集老年代(ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration),是一种周期性被动GC,ConcurrentMarkSweepThread会周期性的检测是否需要触发一次background gc,判断条件一般是老年代空间使用超过了设置的触发CMS old GC的阈值,默认为92%,可以通过CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction来设置具体的值,建议开启-XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly,否则CMS会根据收集到的数据进行判断,这样可能情况就变得更加复杂了。

UseConcMarkSweepGC依然使用GenCollectedHeap作为堆管理器,所以GC策略还是和Serial GC一样,这里就不再赘述,本文剩下的内容主要分析CMS Old GC的实现细节,以及background gc和foreground gc之间是如何相互配合来回收垃圾的。CMS过程复杂,下面是CMS Old GC可能经过的状态枚举:

  1. // CMS abstract state machine
  2. // initial_state: Idling
  3. // next_state(Idling) = {Marking}
  4. // next_state(Marking) = {Precleaning, Sweeping}
  5. // next_state(Precleaning) = {AbortablePreclean, FinalMarking}
  6. // next_state(AbortablePreclean) = {FinalMarking}
  7. // next_state(FinalMarking) = {Sweeping}
  8. // next_state(Sweeping) = {Resizing}
  9. // next_state(Resizing) = {Resetting}
  10. // next_state(Resetting) = {Idling}
  11. // The numeric values below are chosen so that:
  12. // . _collectorState <= Idling == post-sweep && pre-mark
  13. // . _collectorState in (Idling, Sweeping) == {initial,final}marking ||
  14. // precleaning || abortablePrecleanb
  15. public:
  16. enum CollectorState {
  17. Resizing = 0,
  18. Resetting = 1,
  19. Idling = 2,
  20. InitialMarking = 3,
  21. Marking = 4,
  22. Precleaning = 5,
  23. AbortablePreclean = 6,
  24. FinalMarking = 7,
  25. Sweeping = 8
  26. };

Idling状态是初始状态,也代表background gc目前不在进行垃圾收集,此时进行foreground gc是不会发生 "Concurrent mode fail"的,简单说,CMS Old GC需要经过初始标记(STW)、并发标记、最终标记(STW)、清理垃圾这么几个关键的步骤,看起来CMS Old GC的过程中一直在做标记的工作,这主要是CMS希望能尽量缩短暂停用户线程的时候,所以有些阶段就直接和用户线程并发运行了,这就导致会产生“浮动垃圾”,使得CMS整体实现非常复杂难懂,下面按照一些关键步骤尝试分析每一步所做的事情,以及每一步存在的意义以及可能存在的一些运行时表现。

CMSCollector::collect_in_background函数完成的工作就是background gc的工作,foreground gc的工作由CMSCollector::collect函数完成,下面的分析的入口均从这连个函数进入。

InitialMarking (初始标记)

初始标记是一个STW的过程,当CMS 发现当前状态_collectorState为InitialMarking的时候就会执行初始化标记的工作,下面是InitialMarking工作的入口代码:

  1. case InitialMarking:
  2. {
  3. ReleaseForegroundGC x(this);
  4. stats().record_cms_begin();
  5. VM_CMS_Initial_Mark initial_mark_op(this);
  6. VMThread::execute(&initial_mark_op);
  7. }
  8. // The collector state may be any legal state at this point
  9. // since the background collector may have yielded to the
  10. // foreground collector.
  11. break;


  1. void VM_CMS_Initial_Mark::doit() {
  3. GCIdMark gc_id_mark(_gc_id);
  4. _collector->_gc_timer_cm->register_gc_pause_start("Initial Mark");
  5. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  6. GCCauseSetter gccs(gch, GCCause::_cms_initial_mark);
  7. VM_CMS_Operation::verify_before_gc();
  8. IsGCActiveMark x; // stop-world GC active
  9. _collector->do_CMS_operation(CMSCollector::CMS_op_checkpointRootsInitial, gch->gc_cause());
  10. VM_CMS_Operation::verify_after_gc();
  11. _collector->_gc_timer_cm->register_gc_pause_end();
  13. }


  1. void CMSCollector::do_CMS_operation(CMS_op_type op, GCCause::Cause gc_cause) {
  2. GCTraceCPUTime tcpu;
  3. TraceCollectorStats tcs(counters());
  4. switch (op) {
  5. case CMS_op_checkpointRootsInitial: {
  6. GCTraceTime(Info, gc) t("Pause Initial Mark", NULL, GCCause::_no_gc, true);
  7. SvcGCMarker sgcm(SvcGCMarker::OTHER);
  8. checkpointRootsInitial();
  9. break;
  10. }
  11. case CMS_op_checkpointRootsFinal: {
  12. GCTraceTime(Info, gc) t("Pause Remark", NULL, GCCause::_no_gc, true);
  13. SvcGCMarker sgcm(SvcGCMarker::OTHER);
  14. checkpointRootsFinal();
  15. break;
  16. }
  17. default:
  18. fatal("No such CMS_op");
  19. }
  20. }


  1. // Checkpoint the roots into this generation from outside
  2. // this generation. [Note this initial checkpoint need only
  3. // be approximate -- we'll do a catch up phase subsequently.]
  4. void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsInitial() {
  5. assert(_collectorState == InitialMarking, "Wrong collector state");
  6. check_correct_thread_executing();
  7. TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats tms(_collectorState,GenCollectedHeap::heap()->gc_cause());
  8. save_heap_summary();
  9. report_heap_summary(GCWhen::BeforeGC);
  10. ReferenceProcessor* rp = ref_processor();
  11. assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "Control point invariant");
  12. {
  13. // acquire locks for subsequent manipulations
  14. MutexLockerEx x(bitMapLock(),
  15. Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  16. checkpointRootsInitialWork();
  17. // enable ("weak") refs discovery
  18. rp->enable_discovery();
  19. _collectorState = Marking;
  20. }
  21. }


  1. // The parallel version.
  2. WorkGang* workers = gch->workers();
  3. assert(workers != NULL, "Need parallel worker threads.");
  4. uint n_workers = workers->active_workers();
  5. StrongRootsScope srs(n_workers);
  6. CMSParInitialMarkTask tsk(this, &srs, n_workers);
  7. initialize_sequential_subtasks_for_young_gen_rescan(n_workers);
  8. // If the total workers is greater than 1, then multiple workers
  9. // may be used at some time and the initialization has been set
  10. // such that the single threaded path cannot be used.
  11. if (workers->total_workers() > 1) {
  12. workers->run_task(&tsk);
  13. } else {
  14. tsk.work(0);
  15. }


  1. void CMSParInitialMarkTask::work(uint worker_id) {
  2. elapsedTimer _timer;
  3. ResourceMark rm;
  4. HandleMark hm;
  5. // ---------- scan from roots --------------
  6. _timer.start();
  7. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  8. ParMarkRefsIntoClosure par_mri_cl(_collector->_span, &(_collector->_markBitMap));
  9. // ---------- young gen roots --------------
  10. {
  11. work_on_young_gen_roots(&par_mri_cl);
  12. _timer.stop();
  13. log_trace(gc, task)("Finished young gen initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
  14. worker_id, _timer.seconds());
  15. }
  16. // ---------- remaining roots --------------
  17. _timer.reset();
  18. _timer.start();
  19. CLDToOopClosure cld_closure(&par_mri_cl, true);
  20. gch->cms_process_roots(_strong_roots_scope,
  21. false, // yg was scanned above
  22. GenCollectedHeap::ScanningOption(_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options()),
  23. _collector->should_unload_classes(),
  24. &par_mri_cl,
  25. &cld_closure);
  26. assert(_collector->should_unload_classes()
  27. || (_collector->CMSCollector::roots_scanning_options() & GenCollectedHeap::SO_AllCodeCache),
  28. "if we didn't scan the code cache, we have to be ready to drop nmethods with expired weak oops");
  29. _timer.stop();
  30. log_trace(gc, task)("Finished remaining root initial mark scan work in %dth thread: %3.3f sec",
  31. worker_id, _timer.seconds());
  32. }


Marking (并发标记)

该阶段称为并发标记,这里的并发,指的是用户线程和GC线程并发执行,介于这种并发执行的情况,可能在GC线程标记的过程中存在新生代对象晋升的情况,或者根据内存分配策略大对象直接在老年代分配空间,以及Minor GC的时候存活对象无法转移到To Survivor中去而提前晋升转移到老年代中来,或者更为复杂的是对象引用关系发生变化,这些对象都需要被重新标记,否则就会错误的以为这部分对象不可达而被清理,造成严重的运行时错误。

  1. case Marking:
  2. // initial marking in checkpointRootsInitialWork has been completed
  3. if (markFromRoots()) { // we were successful
  4. assert(_collectorState == Precleaning, "Collector state should "
  5. "have changed");
  6. } else {
  7. assert(_foregroundGCIsActive, "Internal state inconsistency");
  8. }
  9. break;


  1. bool CMSCollector::markFromRoots() {
  2. // we might be tempted to assert that:
  3. // assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(),
  4. // "inconsistent argument?");
  5. // However that wouldn't be right, because it's possible that
  6. // a safepoint is indeed in progress as a young generation
  7. // stop-the-world GC happens even as we mark in this generation.
  8. assert(_collectorState == Marking, "inconsistent state?");
  9. check_correct_thread_executing();
  10. verify_overflow_empty();
  11. // Weak ref discovery note: We may be discovering weak
  12. // refs in this generation concurrent (but interleaved) with
  13. // weak ref discovery by the young generation collector.
  14. CMSTokenSyncWithLocks ts(true, bitMapLock());
  15. GCTraceCPUTime tcpu;
  16. CMSPhaseAccounting pa(this, "Concurrent Mark");
  17. bool res = markFromRootsWork();
  18. if (res) {
  19. _collectorState = Precleaning;
  20. } else { // We failed and a foreground collection wants to take over
  21. assert(_foregroundGCIsActive, "internal state inconsistency");
  22. assert(_restart_addr == NULL, "foreground will restart from scratch");
  23. log_debug(gc)("bailing out to foreground collection");
  24. }
  25. verify_overflow_empty();
  26. return res;
  27. }


  1. bool CMSCollector::markFromRootsWork() {
  2. // iterate over marked bits in bit map, doing a full scan and mark
  3. // from these roots using the following algorithm:
  4. // . if oop is to the right of the current scan pointer,
  5. // mark corresponding bit (we'll process it later)
  6. // . else (oop is to left of current scan pointer)
  7. // push oop on marking stack
  8. // . drain the marking stack
  9. // Note that when we do a marking step we need to hold the
  10. // bit map lock -- recall that direct allocation (by mutators)
  11. // and promotion (by the young generation collector) is also
  12. // marking the bit map. [the so-called allocate live policy.]
  13. // Because the implementation of bit map marking is not
  14. // robust wrt simultaneous marking of bits in the same word,
  15. // we need to make sure that there is no such interference
  16. // between concurrent such updates.
  17. // already have locks
  18. assert_lock_strong(bitMapLock());
  19. verify_work_stacks_empty();
  20. verify_overflow_empty();
  21. bool result = false;
  22. if (CMSConcurrentMTEnabled && ConcGCThreads > 0) {
  23. result = do_marking_mt();
  24. } else {
  25. result = do_marking_st();
  26. }
  27. return result;
  28. }


  1. bool CMSCollector::do_marking_st() {
  2. ResourceMark rm;
  3. HandleMark hm;
  4. // Temporarily make refs discovery single threaded (non-MT)
  5. ReferenceProcessorMTDiscoveryMutator rp_mut_discovery(ref_processor(), false);
  6. MarkFromRootsClosure markFromRootsClosure(this, _span, &_markBitMap,
  7. &_markStack, CMSYield);
  8. // the last argument to iterate indicates whether the iteration
  9. // should be incremental with periodic yields.
  10. _markBitMap.iterate(&markFromRootsClosure);
  11. // If _restart_addr is non-NULL, a marking stack overflow
  12. // occurred; we need to do a fresh iteration from the
  13. // indicated restart address.
  14. while (_restart_addr != NULL) {
  15. if (_foregroundGCIsActive) {
  16. // We may be running into repeated stack overflows, having
  17. // reached the limit of the stack size, while making very
  18. // slow forward progress. It may be best to bail out and
  19. // let the foreground collector do its job.
  20. // Clear _restart_addr, so that foreground GC
  21. // works from scratch. This avoids the headache of
  22. // a "rescan" which would otherwise be needed because
  23. // of the dirty mod union table & card table.
  24. _restart_addr = NULL;
  25. return false; // indicating failure to complete marking
  26. }
  27. // Deal with stack overflow:
  28. // we restart marking from _restart_addr
  29. HeapWord* ra = _restart_addr;
  30. markFromRootsClosure.reset(ra);
  31. _restart_addr = NULL;
  32. _markBitMap.iterate(&markFromRootsClosure, ra, _span.end());
  33. }
  34. return true;
  35. }


  1. // Note that if the closure itself modifies the bitmap
  2. // then modifications in and to the left of the _bit_ being
  3. // currently sampled will not be seen. Note also that the
  4. // interval [leftOffset, rightOffset) is right open.
  5. bool BitMap::iterate(BitMapClosure* blk, idx_t leftOffset, idx_t rightOffset) {
  6. verify_range(leftOffset, rightOffset);
  7. idx_t startIndex = word_index(leftOffset);
  8. idx_t endIndex = MIN2(word_index(rightOffset) + 1, size_in_words());
  9. for (idx_t index = startIndex, offset = leftOffset;
  10. offset < rightOffset && index < endIndex;
  11. offset = (++index) << LogBitsPerWord) {
  12. idx_t rest = map(index) >> (offset & (BitsPerWord - 1));
  13. for (; offset < rightOffset && rest != 0; offset++) {
  14. if (rest & 1) {
  15. if (!blk->do_bit(offset)) return false;
  16. // resample at each closure application
  17. // (see, for instance, CMS bug 4525989)
  18. rest = map(index) >> (offset & (BitsPerWord -1));
  19. }
  20. rest = rest >> 1;
  21. }
  22. }
  23. return true;
  24. }


  1. bool MarkFromRootsClosure::do_bit(size_t offset) {
  2. if (_skipBits > 0) {
  3. _skipBits--;
  4. return true;
  5. }
  6. // convert offset into a HeapWord*
  7. HeapWord* addr = _bitMap->startWord() + offset;
  8. assert(_bitMap->endWord() && addr < _bitMap->endWord(),
  9. "address out of range");
  10. assert(_bitMap->isMarked(addr), "tautology");
  11. if (_bitMap->isMarked(addr+1)) {
  12. // this is an allocated but not yet initialized object
  13. assert(_skipBits == 0, "tautology");
  14. _skipBits = 2; // skip next two marked bits ("Printezis-marks")
  15. oop p = oop(addr);
  16. if (p->klass_or_null_acquire() == NULL) {
  17. DEBUG_ONLY(if (!_verifying) {)
  18. // We re-dirty the cards on which this object lies and increase
  19. // the _threshold so that we'll come back to scan this object
  20. // during the preclean or remark phase. (CMSCleanOnEnter)
  21. if (CMSCleanOnEnter) {
  22. size_t sz = _collector->block_size_using_printezis_bits(addr);
  23. HeapWord* end_card_addr = (HeapWord*)round_to(
  24. (intptr_t)(addr+sz), CardTableModRefBS::card_size);
  25. MemRegion redirty_range = MemRegion(addr, end_card_addr);
  26. assert(!redirty_range.is_empty(), "Arithmetical tautology");
  27. // Bump _threshold to end_card_addr; note that
  28. // _threshold cannot possibly exceed end_card_addr, anyhow.
  29. // This prevents future clearing of the card as the scan proceeds
  30. // to the right.
  31. assert(_threshold <= end_card_addr,
  32. "Because we are just scanning into this object");
  33. if (_threshold < end_card_addr) {
  34. _threshold = end_card_addr;
  35. }
  36. if (p->klass_or_null_acquire() != NULL) {
  37. // Redirty the range of cards...
  38. _mut->mark_range(redirty_range);
  39. } // ...else the setting of klass will dirty the card anyway.
  40. }
  41. DEBUG_ONLY(})
  42. return true;
  43. }
  44. }
  45. scanOopsInOop(addr);
  46. return true;
  47. }


  1. void MarkFromRootsClosure::scanOopsInOop(HeapWord* ptr) {
  2. assert(_bitMap->isMarked(ptr), "expected bit to be set");
  3. assert(_markStack->isEmpty(),
  4. "should drain stack to limit stack usage");
  5. // convert ptr to an oop preparatory to scanning
  6. oop obj = oop(ptr);
  7. // Ignore mark word in verification below, since we
  8. // may be running concurrent with mutators.
  9. assert(obj->is_oop(true), "should be an oop");
  10. assert(_finger <= ptr, "_finger runneth ahead");
  11. // advance the finger to right end of this object
  12. _finger = ptr + obj->size();
  13. assert(_finger > ptr, "we just incremented it above");
  14. // On large heaps, it may take us some time to get through
  15. // the marking phase. During
  16. // this time it's possible that a lot of mutations have
  17. // accumulated in the card table and the mod union table --
  18. // these mutation records are redundant until we have
  19. // actually traced into the corresponding card.
  20. // Here, we check whether advancing the finger would make
  21. // us cross into a new card, and if so clear corresponding
  22. // cards in the MUT (preclean them in the card-table in the
  23. // future).
  24. DEBUG_ONLY(if (!_verifying) {)
  25. // The clean-on-enter optimization is disabled by default,
  26. // until we fix 6178663.
  27. if (CMSCleanOnEnter && (_finger > _threshold)) {
  28. // [_threshold, _finger) represents the interval
  29. // of cards to be cleared in MUT (or precleaned in card table).
  30. // The set of cards to be cleared is all those that overlap
  31. // with the interval [_threshold, _finger); note that
  32. // _threshold is always kept card-aligned but _finger isn't
  33. // always card-aligned.
  34. HeapWord* old_threshold = _threshold;
  35. assert(old_threshold == (HeapWord*)round_to(
  36. (intptr_t)old_threshold, CardTableModRefBS::card_size),
  37. "_threshold should always be card-aligned");
  38. _threshold = (HeapWord*)round_to(
  39. (intptr_t)_finger, CardTableModRefBS::card_size);
  40. MemRegion mr(old_threshold, _threshold);
  41. assert(!mr.is_empty(), "Control point invariant");
  42. assert(_span.contains(mr), "Should clear within span");
  43. _mut->clear_range(mr);
  44. }
  45. DEBUG_ONLY(})
  46. // Note: the finger doesn't advance while we drain
  47. // the stack below.
  48. PushOrMarkClosure pushOrMarkClosure(_collector,
  49. _span, _bitMap, _markStack,
  50. _finger, this);
  51. bool res = _markStack->push(obj);
  52. assert(res, "Empty non-zero size stack should have space for single push");
  53. while (!_markStack->isEmpty()) {
  54. oop new_oop = _markStack->pop();
  55. // Skip verifying header mark word below because we are
  56. // running concurrent with mutators.
  57. assert(new_oop->is_oop(true), "Oops! expected to pop an oop");
  58. // now scan this oop's oops
  59. new_oop->oop_iterate(&pushOrMarkClosure);
  60. do_yield_check();
  61. }
  62. assert(_markStack->isEmpty(), "tautology, emphasizing post-condition");
  63. }


  1. void PushOrMarkClosure::do_oop(oop obj) {
  2. // Ignore mark word because we are running concurrent with mutators.
  3. assert(obj->is_oop_or_null(true), "Expected an oop or NULL at " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(obj));
  4. HeapWord* addr = (HeapWord*)obj;
  5. if (_span.contains(addr) && !_bitMap->isMarked(addr)) {
  6. // Oop lies in _span and isn't yet grey or black
  7. _bitMap->mark(addr); // now grey
  8. if (addr < _finger) {
  9. // the bit map iteration has already either passed, or
  10. // sampled, this bit in the bit map; we'll need to
  11. // use the marking stack to scan this oop's oops.
  12. bool simulate_overflow = false;
  14. if (CMSMarkStackOverflowALot &&
  15. _collector->simulate_overflow()) {
  16. // simulate a stack overflow
  17. simulate_overflow = true;
  18. }
  19. )
  20. if (simulate_overflow || !_markStack->push(obj)) { // stack overflow
  21. log_trace(gc)("CMS marking stack overflow (benign) at " SIZE_FORMAT, _markStack->capacity());
  22. assert(simulate_overflow || _markStack->isFull(), "Else push should have succeeded");
  23. handle_stack_overflow(addr);
  24. }
  25. }
  26. // anything including and to the right of _finger
  27. // will be scanned as we iterate over the remainder of the
  28. // bit map
  29. do_yield_check();
  30. }
  31. }


Precleaning (预清理)


  1. case Precleaning:
  2. // marking from roots in markFromRoots has been completed
  3. preclean();
  4. assert(_collectorState == AbortablePreclean ||
  5. _collectorState == FinalMarking,
  6. "Collector state should have changed");
  7. break;


  1. void CMSCollector::preclean() {
  2. check_correct_thread_executing();
  3. assert(Thread::current()->is_ConcurrentGC_thread(), "Wrong thread");
  4. verify_work_stacks_empty();
  5. verify_overflow_empty();
  6. _abort_preclean = false;
  7. if (CMSPrecleaningEnabled) {
  8. if (!CMSEdenChunksRecordAlways) {
  9. _eden_chunk_index = 0;
  10. }
  11. size_t used = get_eden_used();
  12. size_t capacity = get_eden_capacity();
  13. // Don't start sampling unless we will get sufficiently
  14. // many samples.
  15. if (used < (((capacity / CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio) / 100)
  16. * CMSScheduleRemarkEdenPenetration)) {
  17. _start_sampling = true;
  18. } else {
  19. _start_sampling = false;
  20. }
  21. GCTraceCPUTime tcpu;
  22. CMSPhaseAccounting pa(this, "Concurrent Preclean");
  23. preclean_work(CMSPrecleanRefLists1, CMSPrecleanSurvivors1);
  24. }
  25. CMSTokenSync x(true); // is cms thread
  26. if (CMSPrecleaningEnabled) {
  27. sample_eden();
  28. _collectorState = AbortablePreclean;
  29. } else {
  30. _collectorState = FinalMarking;
  31. }
  32. verify_work_stacks_empty();
  33. verify_overflow_empty();
  34. }


  • (1)、在并发标记阶段,新生代引用了老年代对象,这些老年代对象需要被标记出来,防止被清理;
  • (2)、在并发标记阶段,老年代内部引用关系改变,这些老年代对象也需要被标记出来;


AbortablePreclean其实是一个为了达到CMS的终极目标(缩短STW时间)而存在的,AbortablePreclean阶段要做的工作和Precleaning相似,并且是一个循环的过程,但是是有条件的,达到某些条件之后就会跳出循环,执行STW的Final Mark阶段,AbortablePreclean阶段(包括Precleaning阶段)所要做的事情就是尽最大努力减少Final Mark需要标记的对象,这样STW的时间就减下来了。


  1. // Try and schedule the remark such that young gen
  2. // occupancy is CMSScheduleRemarkEdenPenetration %.
  3. void CMSCollector::abortable_preclean() {
  4. check_correct_thread_executing();
  5. assert(CMSPrecleaningEnabled, "Inconsistent control state");
  6. assert(_collectorState == AbortablePreclean, "Inconsistent control state");
  7. // If Eden's current occupancy is below this threshold,
  8. // immediately schedule the remark; else preclean
  9. // past the next scavenge in an effort to
  10. // schedule the pause as described above. By choosing
  11. // CMSScheduleRemarkEdenSizeThreshold >= max eden size
  12. // we will never do an actual abortable preclean cycle.
  13. if (get_eden_used() > CMSScheduleRemarkEdenSizeThreshold) {
  14. GCTraceCPUTime tcpu;
  15. CMSPhaseAccounting pa(this, "Concurrent Abortable Preclean");
  16. // We need more smarts in the abortable preclean
  17. // loop below to deal with cases where allocation
  18. // in young gen is very very slow, and our precleaning
  19. // is running a losing race against a horde of
  20. // mutators intent on flooding us with CMS updates
  21. // (dirty cards).
  22. // One, admittedly dumb, strategy is to give up
  23. // after a certain number of abortable precleaning loops
  24. // or after a certain maximum time. We want to make
  25. // this smarter in the next iteration.
  26. // XXX FIX ME!!! YSR
  27. size_t loops = 0, workdone = 0, cumworkdone = 0, waited = 0;
  28. while (!(should_abort_preclean() ||
  29. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cmst()->should_terminate())) {
  30. workdone = preclean_work(CMSPrecleanRefLists2, CMSPrecleanSurvivors2);
  31. cumworkdone += workdone;
  32. loops++;
  33. // Voluntarily terminate abortable preclean phase if we have
  34. // been at it for too long.
  35. if ((CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanLoops != 0) &&
  36. loops >= CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanLoops) {
  37. log_debug(gc)(" CMS: abort preclean due to loops ");
  38. break;
  39. }
  40. if (pa.wallclock_millis() > CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime) {
  41. log_debug(gc)(" CMS: abort preclean due to time ");
  42. break;
  43. }
  44. // If we are doing little work each iteration, we should
  45. // take a short break.
  46. if (workdone < CMSAbortablePrecleanMinWorkPerIteration) {
  47. // Sleep for some time, waiting for work to accumulate
  48. stopTimer();
  49. cmsThread()->wait_on_cms_lock(CMSAbortablePrecleanWaitMillis);
  50. startTimer();
  51. waited++;
  52. }
  53. }
  54. log_trace(gc)(" [" SIZE_FORMAT " iterations, " SIZE_FORMAT " waits, " SIZE_FORMAT " cards)] ",
  55. loops, waited, cumworkdone);
  56. }
  57. CMSTokenSync x(true); // is cms thread
  58. if (_collectorState != Idling) {
  59. assert(_collectorState == AbortablePreclean,
  60. "Spontaneous state transition?");
  61. _collectorState = FinalMarking;
  62. } // Else, a foreground collection completed this CMS cycle.
  63. return;
  64. }


  • (1)、首先,CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanLoops用来设置最大的执行次数,默认是0,也就是不做限制
  • (2)、CMSMaxAbortablePrecleanTime用于设置最大的循环时间,默认是5000ms
  • (3)、如果每次循环花费的时间小于CMSAbortablePrecleanMinWorkPerIteration,那么就得等待CMSAbortablePrecleanWaitMillis再继续循环,两个值默认都是100ms
  • (4)、should_abort_preclean函数判断为true
  1. inline bool CMSCollector::should_abort_preclean() const {
  2. // We are in the midst of an "abortable preclean" and either
  3. // scavenge is done or foreground GC wants to take over collection
  4. return _collectorState == AbortablePreclean &&
  5. (_abort_preclean || _foregroundGCIsActive ||
  6. GenCollectedHeap::heap()->incremental_collection_will_fail(true /* consult_young */));
  7. }

_foregroundGCIsActive代表正在进行Serial Old GC,incremental_collection_will_fail代表已经发生了"Promotion Fail",那么就不用进行“递增式GC了”,也就是JVM建议直接进行FullGC,这些情况下should_abort_preclean都会返回true;

  • (5)、ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cmst()->should_terminate()返回true,代表ConcurrentMarkSweepThread被标记为需要terminate;

FinalMarking (最终标记)


  • (1)、并发期间新生代对象引用(或者解除引用)了老年代对象
  • (2)、并发期间GCRoot引用(或者解除引用)了老年代对象
  • (3)、并发期间老年代内部引用关系发生了变化(DirtyCard,引用关系改变的都将记录在DirtyCard内,所以扫描DirtyCard即可)


  1. {
  2. ReleaseForegroundGC x(this);
  3. VM_CMS_Final_Remark final_remark_op(this);
  4. VMThread::execute(&final_remark_op);
  5. }
  6. assert(_foregroundGCShouldWait, "block post-condition");
  7. break;c


  1. void VM_CMS_Final_Remark::doit() {
  2. if (lost_race()) {
  3. // Nothing to do.
  4. return;
  5. }
  7. GCIdMark gc_id_mark(_gc_id);
  8. _collector->_gc_timer_cm->register_gc_pause_start("Final Mark");
  9. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  10. GCCauseSetter gccs(gch, GCCause::_cms_final_remark);
  11. VM_CMS_Operation::verify_before_gc();
  12. IsGCActiveMark x; // stop-world GC active
  13. _collector->do_CMS_operation(CMSCollector::CMS_op_checkpointRootsFinal, gch->gc_cause());
  14. VM_CMS_Operation::verify_after_gc();
  15. _collector->save_heap_summary();
  16. _collector->_gc_timer_cm->register_gc_pause_end();
  18. }


  1. void CMSCollector::checkpointRootsFinal() {
  2. assert(_collectorState == FinalMarking, "incorrect state transition?");
  3. check_correct_thread_executing();
  4. // world is stopped at this checkpoint
  5. assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(),
  6. "world should be stopped");
  7. TraceCMSMemoryManagerStats tms(_collectorState,GenCollectedHeap::heap()->gc_cause());
  8. verify_work_stacks_empty();
  9. verify_overflow_empty();
  10. log_debug(gc)("YG occupancy: " SIZE_FORMAT " K (" SIZE_FORMAT " K)",
  11. _young_gen->used() / K, _young_gen->capacity() / K);
  12. {
  13. if (CMSScavengeBeforeRemark) {
  14. GenCollectedHeap* gch = GenCollectedHeap::heap();
  15. // Temporarily set flag to false, GCH->do_collection will
  16. // expect it to be false and set to true
  17. FlagSetting fl(gch->_is_gc_active, false);
  18. gch->do_collection(true, // full (i.e. force, see below)
  19. false, // !clear_all_soft_refs
  20. 0, // size
  21. false, // is_tlab
  22. GenCollectedHeap::YoungGen // type
  23. );
  24. }
  25. FreelistLocker x(this);
  26. MutexLockerEx y(bitMapLock(),
  27. Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  28. checkpointRootsFinalWork();
  29. }
  30. verify_work_stacks_empty();
  31. verify_overflow_empty();
  32. }


Sweeping (清除)


  1. void CMSCollector::sweepWork(ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration* old_gen) {
  2. // We iterate over the space(s) underlying this generation,
  3. // checking the mark bit map to see if the bits corresponding
  4. // to specific blocks are marked or not. Blocks that are
  5. // marked are live and are not swept up. All remaining blocks
  6. // are swept up, with coalescing on-the-fly as we sweep up
  7. // contiguous free and/or garbage blocks:
  8. // We need to ensure that the sweeper synchronizes with allocators
  9. // and stop-the-world collectors. In particular, the following
  10. // locks are used:
  11. // . CMS token: if this is held, a stop the world collection cannot occur
  12. // . freelistLock: if this is held no allocation can occur from this
  13. // generation by another thread
  14. // . bitMapLock: if this is held, no other thread can access or update
  15. //
  16. // Note that we need to hold the freelistLock if we use
  17. // block iterate below; else the iterator might go awry if
  18. // a mutator (or promotion) causes block contents to change
  19. // (for instance if the allocator divvies up a block).
  20. // If we hold the free list lock, for all practical purposes
  21. // young generation GC's can't occur (they'll usually need to
  22. // promote), so we might as well prevent all young generation
  23. // GC's while we do a sweeping step. For the same reason, we might
  24. // as well take the bit map lock for the entire duration
  25. // check that we hold the requisite locks
  26. assert(have_cms_token(), "Should hold cms token");
  27. assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(), "Should possess CMS token to sweep");
  28. assert_lock_strong(old_gen->freelistLock());
  29. assert_lock_strong(bitMapLock());
  30. assert(!_inter_sweep_timer.is_active(), "Was switched off in an outer context");
  31. assert(_intra_sweep_timer.is_active(), "Was switched on in an outer context");
  32. old_gen->cmsSpace()->beginSweepFLCensus((float)(_inter_sweep_timer.seconds()),
  33. _inter_sweep_estimate.padded_average(),
  34. _intra_sweep_estimate.padded_average());
  35. old_gen->setNearLargestChunk();
  36. {
  37. SweepClosure sweepClosure(this, old_gen, &_markBitMap, CMSYield);
  38. old_gen->cmsSpace()->blk_iterate_careful(&sweepClosure);
  39. // We need to free-up/coalesce garbage/blocks from a
  40. // co-terminal free run. This is done in the SweepClosure
  41. // destructor; so, do not remove this scope, else the
  42. // end-of-sweep-census below will be off by a little bit.
  43. }
  44. old_gen->cmsSpace()->sweep_completed();
  45. old_gen->cmsSpace()->endSweepFLCensus(sweep_count());
  46. if (should_unload_classes()) { // unloaded classes this cycle,
  47. _concurrent_cycles_since_last_unload = 0; // ... reset count
  48. } else { // did not unload classes,
  49. _concurrent_cycles_since_last_unload++; // ... increment count
  50. }
  51. }


foreground gc

上面说到的属于CMS周期性GC,也就是background gc,是一种被动的GC,通过监控老年代空间使用率来启动GC,foreground gc属于主动gc,发生foreground gc一般来说就是年轻代发生了Minor GC,并且发生了"Promotion fail",老年代空间不足等原因,具体原因和GenCollectedHeap堆的GC策略相关,这一点可以看前面的分析文章;下面来简单分析一下foreground gc的一些情况;

发生foreground gc的入口是ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::collect;

  1. void ConcurrentMarkSweepGeneration::collect(bool full,
  2. bool clear_all_soft_refs,
  3. size_t size,
  4. bool tlab)
  5. {
  6. collector()->collect(full, clear_all_soft_refs, size, tlab);
  7. }
  8. void CMSCollector::collect(bool full,
  9. bool clear_all_soft_refs,
  10. size_t size,
  11. bool tlab)
  12. {
  13. // The following "if" branch is present for defensive reasons.
  14. // In the current uses of this interface, it can be replaced with:
  15. // assert(!GCLocker.is_active(), "Can't be called otherwise");
  16. // But I am not placing that assert here to allow future
  17. // generality in invoking this interface.
  18. if (GCLocker::is_active()) {
  19. // A consistency test for GCLocker
  20. assert(GCLocker::needs_gc(), "Should have been set already");
  21. // Skip this foreground collection, instead
  22. // expanding the heap if necessary.
  23. // Need the free list locks for the call to free() in compute_new_size()
  24. compute_new_size();
  25. return;
  26. }
  27. acquire_control_and_collect(full, clear_all_soft_refs);
  28. }

acquire_control_and_collect函数将完成foreground gc的工作,看函数名字就可以猜测它要干嘛,首先要acquire control,也就是获取到堆的控制权,因为在触发foreground gc的时候,background gc可能正在工作,因为不可能同时两中gc同时运行,而foreground gc的优先级明显高于background gc,所以需要让background gc放弃gc,然后foreground gc来完成收集老年代垃圾的工作,当然,foreground gc顺带会回收新生代,所以是一次FullGC,下面具体看看acquire_control_and_collect函数的流程;

  1. {
  2. MutexLockerEx x(CGC_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  3. if (_foregroundGCShouldWait) {
  4. // We are going to be waiting for action for the CMS thread;
  5. // it had better not be gone (for instance at shutdown)!
  6. assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cmst() != NULL && !ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cmst()->has_terminated(),
  7. "CMS thread must be running");
  8. // Wait here until the background collector gives us the go-ahead
  9. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::clear_CMS_flag(
  10. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::CMS_vm_has_token); // release token
  11. // Get a possibly blocked CMS thread going:
  12. // Note that we set _foregroundGCIsActive true above,
  13. // without protection of the CGC_lock.
  14. CGC_lock->notify();
  15. assert(!ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::vm_thread_wants_cms_token(),
  16. "Possible deadlock");
  17. while (_foregroundGCShouldWait) {
  18. // wait for notification
  19. CGC_lock->wait(Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  20. // Possibility of delay/starvation here, since CMS token does
  21. // not know to give priority to VM thread? Actually, i think
  22. // there wouldn't be any delay/starvation, but the proof of
  23. // that "fact" (?) appears non-trivial. XXX 20011219YSR
  24. }
  25. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::set_CMS_flag(
  26. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::CMS_vm_has_token);
  27. }
  28. }

这一段会尝试等background gc主动把堆的控制权转移给foreground gc,在collect_in_background(background gc)中,开始之前会判断是否在进行foreground gc(_foregroundGCIsActive = true),如果在执行foreground gc,那么就会直接退出本次background gc;否则再每完成一个阶段之后都会尝试判断是否foreground gc在等待;

  1. {
  2. // Check if the FG collector wants us to yield.
  3. CMSTokenSync x(true); // is cms thread
  4. if (waitForForegroundGC()) {
  5. // We yielded to a foreground GC, nothing more to be
  6. // done this round.
  7. assert(_foregroundGCShouldWait == false, "We set it to false in "
  8. "waitForForegroundGC()");
  9. log_debug(gc, state)("CMS Thread " INTPTR_FORMAT " exiting collection CMS state %d",
  10. p2i(Thread::current()), _collectorState);
  11. return;
  12. } else {
  13. // The background collector can run but check to see if the
  14. // foreground collector has done a collection while the
  15. // background collector was waiting to get the CGC_lock
  16. // above. If yes, break so that _foregroundGCShouldWait
  17. // is cleared before returning.
  18. if (_collectorState == Idling) {
  19. break;
  20. }
  21. }
  22. }

waitForForegroundGC函数完成等待foreground gc 发生的工作:

  1. bool CMSCollector::waitForForegroundGC() {
  2. bool res = false;
  3. assert(ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::cms_thread_has_cms_token(),
  4. "CMS thread should have CMS token");
  5. // Block the foreground collector until the
  6. // background collectors decides whether to
  7. // yield.
  8. MutexLockerEx x(CGC_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  9. _foregroundGCShouldWait = true;
  10. if (_foregroundGCIsActive) {
  11. // The background collector yields to the
  12. // foreground collector and returns a value
  13. // indicating that it has yielded. The foreground
  14. // collector can proceed.
  15. res = true;
  16. _foregroundGCShouldWait = false;
  17. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::clear_CMS_flag(
  18. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::CMS_cms_has_token);
  19. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::set_CMS_flag(
  20. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::CMS_cms_wants_token);
  21. // Get a possibly blocked foreground thread going
  22. CGC_lock->notify();
  23. log_debug(gc, state)("CMS Thread " INTPTR_FORMAT " waiting at CMS state %d",
  24. p2i(Thread::current()), _collectorState);
  25. while (_foregroundGCIsActive) {
  26. CGC_lock->wait(Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
  27. }
  28. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::set_CMS_flag(
  29. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::CMS_cms_has_token);
  30. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::clear_CMS_flag(
  31. ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::CMS_cms_wants_token);
  32. }
  33. log_debug(gc, state)("CMS Thread " INTPTR_FORMAT " continuing at CMS state %d",
  34. p2i(Thread::current()), _collectorState);
  35. return res;
  36. }

如果此时进行(或者等待)foreground gc,那么就放弃此次background gc;否则告诉后续来到的foreground gc等待一下,等本阶段CMS GC完成会再次来判断的;

在foreground gc中,获取到了堆的控制权之后,就会执行下面的代码片段:

  1. if (first_state > Idling) {
  2. report_concurrent_mode_interruption();
  3. }
  4. void CMSCollector::report_concurrent_mode_interruption() {
  5. if (is_external_interruption()) {
  6. log_debug(gc)("Concurrent mode interrupted");
  7. } else {
  8. log_debug(gc)("Concurrent mode failure");
  9. _gc_tracer_cm->report_concurrent_mode_failure();
  10. }
  11. }
  12. bool CMSCollector::is_external_interruption() {
  13. GCCause::Cause cause = GenCollectedHeap::heap()->gc_cause();
  14. return GCCause::is_user_requested_gc(cause) ||
  15. GCCause::is_serviceability_requested_gc(cause);
  16. }

我们在观察CMS GC日志的时候,偶尔会看到“Concurrent mode interrupted”或者“Concurrent mode failure”这样的日志,就是因为在进行foreground gc的时候发现background gc已经在工作了;如果是类似于System.gc()这样的用户请求GC,那么就会打印“Concurrent mode interrupted”,否则就是“Concurrent mode failure”;

之后CMSCollector::do_compaction_work函数将做一次Mark-sweep-compact的工作,具体的工作在GenMarkSweep::invoke_at_safepoint函数中完成,这个函数在前面分析Serial Old的时候提到过,所以不再赘述;


整个CMS GC其实是非常复杂的,涉及用户线程和GC线程并发执行,以及foreground gc和background gc相互配合的过程,当然还涉及大量的参数,这些参数稍微不注意就会让JVM工作得不好,所以建议在不了解某个参数的具体表现的时候不要轻易使用;

其实CMS Old GC为什么分这么多步骤呢?主要原因是为了降低STW的时候,所以将mark和sweep两个阶段都设计成并发了,initMark和FinalMark会STW,但是initMark阶段所做的mark非常有限,GCRoot-> cms gen , YoungGen -> cms gen,而且因为两个preclan阶段和Dirty Card的存在,使得FinalMark阶段需要扫描的对象大大减小,如果在实际的运行过程中发现每次FinalMark过程都非常长,那么就设置参数在进行FinalMark之前进行一次YGC,使得FinalMark需要扫描的对象减少;CMS Old GC Mark 和 preclean阶段允许用户线程和GC线程并发执行,所以会存在:

  • (1)、yong gen -> old gen
  • (2)、GCRoot -> old gen
  • (3)、old gen internal ref changed

解决这些问题就需要FinalMark的存在,FinalMark将扫描新生代,标记出yong gen -> old gen的部分,老年代内部的对象引用关系如果在并发阶段发生变化,会记录到DirtyCard中去,所以在FinalMark阶段扫描DirtyCard即可;

最后要说一下foreground gc和background gc,最好不要发生foreground gc,因为foreground gc会认为此时已经没有什么办法满足对象分配了,那么就要做一次彻底清理的工作,也就是FullGC,并且foreground gc是单线程运行的,并且是mark-sweep-compact的,所以速度可想而知,如果发现foreground gc发生的频繁,就要分析一下原因了,建议去研究GenCollectedHeap::do_collection,搞明白GC的策略,当然不同GC对应的堆是不一样的,Serial 和 CMS对应的是GenCollectedHeap,其他的就不是了,这个前面的文章说过。

