对audiotrack的操作是在renderer.render中完成的,回到render方法, 我们曾贴出过下面的代码片段:
@Override public void render(long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs) throws ExoPlaybackException { /* 是否处理EOS */ if (pendingOutputEndOfStream) { pendingOutputEndOfStream = false; processEndOfStream(); } ... // We have a format. /* 配置codec */ maybeInitCodecOrBypass(); ... TraceUtil.beginSection("drainAndFeed"); /* 消耗解码后的数据 */ while (drainOutputBuffer(positionUs, elapsedRealtimeUs) && shouldContinueRendering(renderStartTimeMs)) {} /* 填充源数据 */ while (feedInputBuffer() && shouldContinueRendering(renderStartTimeMs)) {} TraceUtil.endSection(); ... }
private boolean drainOutputBuffer(long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs) throws ExoPlaybackException { /* 判断是否有可用的输出buffer */ if (!hasOutputBuffer()) { int outputIndex; if (codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround && codecReceivedEos) { try { outputIndex = codecAdapter.dequeueOutputBufferIndex(outputBufferInfo); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { processEndOfStream(); if (outputStreamEnded) { // Release the codec, as it's in an error state. releaseCodec(); } return false; } } else { /* 从decoder出列一个可用的buffer index */ outputIndex = codecAdapter.dequeueOutputBufferIndex(outputBufferInfo); } if (outputIndex < 0) { if (outputIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED /* (-2) */) { processOutputMediaFormatChanged(); return true; } else if (outputIndex == MediaCodec.INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED /* (-3) */) { processOutputBuffersChanged(); return true; } /* MediaCodec.INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER (-1) or unknown negative return value */ if (codecNeedsEosPropagation && (inputStreamEnded || codecDrainState == DRAIN_STATE_WAIT_END_OF_STREAM)) { processEndOfStream(); } return false; } // We've dequeued a buffer. if (shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer) { shouldSkipAdaptationWorkaroundOutputBuffer = false; codec.releaseOutputBuffer(outputIndex, false); return true; } else if (outputBufferInfo.size == 0 && (outputBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0) { // The dequeued buffer indicates the end of the stream. Process it immediately. processEndOfStream(); return false; } /* 根据index找到对应的输出buffer */ this.outputIndex = outputIndex; outputBuffer = getOutputBuffer(outputIndex); // The dequeued buffer is a media buffer. Do some initial setup. // It will be processed by calling processOutputBuffer (possibly multiple times). if (outputBuffer != null) { outputBuffer.position(outputBufferInfo.offset); outputBuffer.limit(outputBufferInfo.offset + outputBufferInfo.size); } isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer = isDecodeOnlyBuffer(outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); isLastOutputBuffer = lastBufferInStreamPresentationTimeUs == outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs; updateOutputFormatForTime(outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); } boolean processedOutputBuffer; if (codecNeedsEosOutputExceptionWorkaround && codecReceivedEos) { try { processedOutputBuffer = processOutputBuffer( positionUs, elapsedRealtimeUs, codec, outputBuffer, outputIndex, outputBufferInfo.flags, /* sampleCount= */ 1, outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs, isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer, isLastOutputBuffer, outputFormat); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { processEndOfStream(); if (outputStreamEnded) { // Release the codec, as it's in an error state. releaseCodec(); } return false; } } else { /* 处理输出buffer */ processedOutputBuffer = processOutputBuffer( positionUs, elapsedRealtimeUs, codec, outputBuffer, outputIndex, outputBufferInfo.flags, /* sampleCount= */ 1, outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs, isDecodeOnlyOutputBuffer, isLastOutputBuffer, outputFormat); } /* 处理输出buffer结果为true,表示该outputbuffer已经被消耗完,若为false,表示该输出buffer还有残留数据 */ if (processedOutputBuffer) { onProcessedOutputBuffer(outputBufferInfo.presentationTimeUs); boolean isEndOfStream = (outputBufferInfo.flags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0; /* 将outputBuffer置为空,且buffer的index置为-1,以便下次进入该函数去获取新的输出buffer */ resetOutputBuffer(); /* 判断是否需要处理EOS */ if (!isEndOfStream) { return true; } processEndOfStream(); } return false; }
private boolean hasOutputBuffer() {
return outputIndex >= 0;
/* 消耗解码数据 */
while (drainOutputBuffer(positionUs, elapsedRealtimeUs)
&& shouldContinueRendering(renderStartTimeMs)) {}
@Override protected boolean processOutputBuffer( long positionUs, long elapsedRealtimeUs, @Nullable MediaCodec codec, @Nullable ByteBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, int bufferFlags, int sampleCount, long bufferPresentationTimeUs, boolean isDecodeOnlyBuffer, boolean isLastBuffer, Format format) throws ExoPlaybackException { checkNotNull(buffer); if (codec != null && codecNeedsEosBufferTimestampWorkaround && bufferPresentationTimeUs == 0 && (bufferFlags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM) != 0 && getLargestQueuedPresentationTimeUs() != C.TIME_UNSET) { bufferPresentationTimeUs = getLargestQueuedPresentationTimeUs(); } if (decryptOnlyCodecFormat != null && (bufferFlags & MediaCodec.BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG) != 0) { // Discard output buffers from the passthrough (raw) decoder containing codec specific data. checkNotNull(codec).releaseOutputBuffer(bufferIndex, false); return true; } if (isDecodeOnlyBuffer) { if (codec != null) { codec.releaseOutputBuffer(bufferIndex, false); } decoderCounters.skippedOutputBufferCount += sampleCount; audioSink.handleDiscontinuity(); return true; } boolean fullyConsumed; try { /* 1.通过audiotrack消耗输出buffer,标志位fullyConsumed代表是否完全消耗 */ fullyConsumed = audioSink.handleBuffer(buffer, bufferPresentationTimeUs, sampleCount); } catch (AudioSink.InitializationException | AudioSink.WriteException e) { throw createRendererException(e, format); } if (fullyConsumed) { if (codec != null) { /* 2.如果完全消耗,则release对应的buffer */ codec.releaseOutputBuffer(bufferIndex, false); } decoderCounters.renderedOutputBufferCount += sampleCount; return true; } return false; }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") public boolean handleBuffer( ByteBuffer buffer, long presentationTimeUs, int encodedAccessUnitCount) throws InitializationException, WriteException { Assertions.checkArgument(inputBuffer == null || buffer == inputBuffer); if (pendingConfiguration != null) { if (!drainToEndOfStream()) { // There's still pending data in audio processors to write to the track. return false; } else if (!pendingConfiguration.canReuseAudioTrack(configuration)) { playPendingData(); if (hasPendingData()) { // We're waiting for playout on the current audio track to finish. return false; } flush(); } else { // The current audio track can be reused for the new configuration. configuration = pendingConfiguration; pendingConfiguration = null; if (isOffloadedPlayback(audioTrack)) { audioTrack.setOffloadEndOfStream(); audioTrack.setOffloadDelayPadding( configuration.inputFormat.encoderDelay, configuration.inputFormat.encoderPadding); isWaitingForOffloadEndOfStreamHandled = true; } } // Re-apply playback parameters. applyAudioProcessorPlaybackParametersAndSkipSilence(presentationTimeUs); } /* 初始化AudioTrack */ if (!isAudioTrackInitialized()) { initializeAudioTrack(); } /* 设置audiotrack参数:倍速设置,倍频等 */ if (startMediaTimeUsNeedsInit) { startMediaTimeUs = max(0, presentationTimeUs); startMediaTimeUsNeedsSync = false; startMediaTimeUsNeedsInit = false; if (enableAudioTrackPlaybackParams && Util.SDK_INT >= 23) { setAudioTrackPlaybackParametersV23(audioTrackPlaybackParameters); } applyAudioProcessorPlaybackParametersAndSkipSilence(presentationTimeUs); /* 是否播放数据 */ if (playing) { play(); } } if (!audioTrackPositionTracker.mayHandleBuffer(getWrittenFrames())) { return false; } /* 注意这个inputbuffer是DefaultAudioSink类维护的,如果不为null表示decoder给过来的buffer还没有被消耗完 */ if (inputBuffer == null) { // We are seeing this buffer for the first time. Assertions.checkArgument(buffer.order() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) { // The buffer is empty. return true; } if (configuration.outputMode != OUTPUT_MODE_PCM && framesPerEncodedSample == 0) { // If this is the first encoded sample, calculate the sample size in frames. framesPerEncodedSample = getFramesPerEncodedSample(configuration.outputEncoding, buffer); if (framesPerEncodedSample == 0) { // We still don't know the number of frames per sample, so drop the buffer. // For TrueHD this can occur after some seek operations, as not every sample starts with // a syncframe header. If we chunked samples together so the extracted samples always // started with a syncframe header, the chunks would be too large. return true; } } if (afterDrainParameters != null) { if (!drainToEndOfStream()) { // Don't process any more input until draining completes. return false; } applyAudioProcessorPlaybackParametersAndSkipSilence(presentationTimeUs); afterDrainParameters = null; } // Check that presentationTimeUs is consistent with the expected value. long expectedPresentationTimeUs = startMediaTimeUs + configuration.inputFramesToDurationUs( getSubmittedFrames() - trimmingAudioProcessor.getTrimmedFrameCount()); if (!startMediaTimeUsNeedsSync && Math.abs(expectedPresentationTimeUs - presentationTimeUs) > 200000) { Log.e( TAG, "Discontinuity detected [expected " + expectedPresentationTimeUs + ", got " + presentationTimeUs + "]"); startMediaTimeUsNeedsSync = true; } if (startMediaTimeUsNeedsSync) { if (!drainToEndOfStream()) { // Don't update timing until pending AudioProcessor buffers are completely drained. return false; } // Adjust startMediaTimeUs to be consistent with the current buffer's start time and the // number of bytes submitted. long adjustmentUs = presentationTimeUs - expectedPresentationTimeUs; startMediaTimeUs += adjustmentUs; startMediaTimeUsNeedsSync = false; // Re-apply playback parameters because the startMediaTimeUs changed. applyAudioProcessorPlaybackParametersAndSkipSilence(presentationTimeUs); if (listener != null && adjustmentUs != 0) { listener.onPositionDiscontinuity(); } } if (configuration.outputMode == OUTPUT_MODE_PCM) { /* 统计decoder往audiotrack写的buffer总字节数 */ submittedPcmBytes += buffer.remaining(); } else { submittedEncodedFrames += framesPerEncodedSample * encodedAccessUnitCount; } /* 将decoder的输出buffer赋值给DefaultAudioSink类维护的输入buffer */ inputBuffer = buffer; inputBufferAccessUnitCount = encodedAccessUnitCount; } /* 往audiotrack中写入buffer数据 */ processBuffers(presentationTimeUs); /* 如果buffer中的数据全部被消耗完,则返回true */ if (!inputBuffer.hasRemaining()) { inputBuffer = null; inputBufferAccessUnitCount = 0; return true; } if (audioTrackPositionTracker.isStalled(getWrittenFrames())) { Log.w(TAG, "Resetting stalled audio track"); flush(); return true; } return false; }
private void initializeAudioTrack() throws InitializationException { // If we're asynchronously releasing a previous audio track then we block until it has been // released. This guarantees that we cannot end up in a state where we have multiple audio // track instances. Without this guarantee it would be possible, in extreme cases, to exhaust // the shared memory that's available for audio track buffers. This would in turn cause the // initialization of the audio track to fail. releasingConditionVariable.block(); /* 创建audiotrack */ audioTrack = buildAudioTrack(); ... audioTrackPositionTracker.setAudioTrack( audioTrack, /* isPassthrough= */ configuration.outputMode == OUTPUT_MODE_PASSTHROUGH, configuration.outputEncoding, configuration.outputPcmFrameSize, configuration.bufferSize); setVolumeInternal(); ... /* 这里置为true将会去设置track参数 */ startMediaTimeUsNeedsInit = true; }
private AudioTrack buildAudioTrack() throws InitializationException {
try {
/* 这里去创建audiotrack */
return Assertions.checkNotNull(configuration)
.buildAudioTrack(tunneling, audioAttributes, audioSessionId);
} catch (InitializationException e) {
throw e;
public AudioTrack buildAudioTrack( boolean tunneling, AudioAttributes audioAttributes, int audioSessionId) throws InitializationException { AudioTrack audioTrack; try { /* 创建audiotrack */ audioTrack = createAudioTrack(tunneling, audioAttributes, audioSessionId); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { throw new InitializationException( AudioTrack.STATE_UNINITIALIZED, outputSampleRate, outputChannelConfig, bufferSize); } /* 状态检查,如果异常直接release */ int state = audioTrack.getState(); if (state != STATE_INITIALIZED) { try { audioTrack.release(); } catch (Exception e) { // The track has already failed to initialize, so it wouldn't be that surprising if // release were to fail too. Swallow the exception. } throw new InitializationException(state, outputSampleRate, outputChannelConfig, bufferSize); } return audioTrack; }
private AudioTrack createAudioTrack(
boolean tunneling, AudioAttributes audioAttributes, int audioSessionId) {
if (Util.SDK_INT >= 29) {
return createAudioTrackV29(tunneling, audioAttributes, audioSessionId);
} else if (Util.SDK_INT >= 21) {
return createAudioTrackV21(tunneling, audioAttributes, audioSessionId);
} else {
return createAudioTrackV9(audioAttributes, audioSessionId);
这里会根据Android SDK的版本来创建audiotrack,里面的都是标准代码实现,就不去跟踪了,audiotrack的创建过程封装的确实有点多,不过代码总体很好理解,回到最上面的handleBuffer,在创建了audiotrack之后,会去设置track的参数,确认倍速倍频之类的,重要的是下面的是否确认播放段代码:
/* 是否开始播放数据 */
if (playing) {
public void play() {
playing = true;
if (isAudioTrackInitialized()) {
/* 将decoder的输出buffer赋值给DefaultAudioSink类维护的输入buffer */
inputBuffer = buffer;
inputBufferAccessUnitCount = encodedAccessUnitCount;
private void processBuffers(long avSyncPresentationTimeUs) throws WriteException { /* activeAudioProcessors.length值为0 */ int count = activeAudioProcessors.length; int index = count; while (index >= 0) { /* 这里代表的意思:input = inputBuffer */ ByteBuffer input = index > 0 ? outputBuffers[index - 1] : (inputBuffer != null ? inputBuffer : AudioProcessor.EMPTY_BUFFER); if (index == count) { /* 往audiotrack中写数据 */ writeBuffer(input, avSyncPresentationTimeUs); } else { AudioProcessor audioProcessor = activeAudioProcessors[index]; if (index > drainingAudioProcessorIndex) { audioProcessor.queueInput(input); } ByteBuffer output = audioProcessor.getOutput(); outputBuffers[index] = output; if (output.hasRemaining()) { // Handle the output as input to the next audio processor or the AudioTrack. index++; continue; } } if (input.hasRemaining()) { // The input wasn't consumed and no output was produced, so give up for now. return; } // Get more input from upstream. index--; } }
private void writeBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, long avSyncPresentationTimeUs) throws WriteException { /* 确认buffer中是否有数据 */ if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) { return; } /* 这个if-else总的意思就是确保:outputBuffer = buffer */ if (outputBuffer != null) { Assertions.checkArgument(outputBuffer == buffer); } else { outputBuffer = buffer; if (Util.SDK_INT < 21) { int bytesRemaining = buffer.remaining(); if (preV21OutputBuffer == null || preV21OutputBuffer.length < bytesRemaining) { preV21OutputBuffer = new byte[bytesRemaining]; } int originalPosition = buffer.position(); buffer.get(preV21OutputBuffer, 0, bytesRemaining); buffer.position(originalPosition); preV21OutputBufferOffset = 0; } } /* buffer中可copy数据总量 */ int bytesRemaining = buffer.remaining(); /* 实际写入audiotrack中的数量 */ int bytesWritten = 0; if (Util.SDK_INT < 21) { // outputMode == OUTPUT_MODE_PCM. // Work out how many bytes we can write without the risk of blocking. /* 可以往audiotrack写入的buffer数据总量 */ int bytesToWrite = audioTrackPositionTracker.getAvailableBufferSize(writtenPcmBytes); if (bytesToWrite > 0) { /* 最终确认可以往audiotrack写入的buffer数据总量 */ bytesToWrite = min(bytesRemaining, bytesToWrite); /* 实际上往audiotrack写入的数据量 */ bytesWritten = audioTrack.write(preV21OutputBuffer, preV21OutputBufferOffset, bytesToWrite); if (bytesWritten > 0) { preV21OutputBufferOffset += bytesWritten; buffer.position(buffer.position() + bytesWritten); } } } else if (tunneling) { Assertions.checkState(avSyncPresentationTimeUs != C.TIME_UNSET); bytesWritten = writeNonBlockingWithAvSyncV21( audioTrack, buffer, bytesRemaining, avSyncPresentationTimeUs); } else { bytesWritten = writeNonBlockingV21(audioTrack, buffer, bytesRemaining); } lastFeedElapsedRealtimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (bytesWritten < 0) { boolean isRecoverable = isAudioTrackDeadObject(bytesWritten); if (isRecoverable) { maybeDisableOffload(); } throw new WriteException(bytesWritten); } if (isOffloadedPlayback(audioTrack)) { // After calling AudioTrack.setOffloadEndOfStream, the AudioTrack internally stops and // restarts during which AudioTrack.write will return 0. This situation must be detected to // prevent reporting the buffer as full even though it is not which could lead ExoPlayer to // sleep forever waiting for a onDataRequest that will never come. if (writtenEncodedFrames > 0) { isWaitingForOffloadEndOfStreamHandled = false; } // Consider the offload buffer as full if the AudioTrack is playing and AudioTrack.write could // not write all the data provided to it. This relies on the assumption that AudioTrack.write // always writes as much as possible. if (playing && listener != null && bytesWritten < bytesRemaining && !isWaitingForOffloadEndOfStreamHandled) { long pendingDurationMs = audioTrackPositionTracker.getPendingBufferDurationMs(writtenEncodedFrames); listener.onOffloadBufferFull(pendingDurationMs); } } if (configuration.outputMode == OUTPUT_MODE_PCM) { writtenPcmBytes += bytesWritten; } /* 二者相等表示buffer中的数据全部写入到audiotrack */ if (bytesWritten == bytesRemaining) { if (configuration.outputMode != OUTPUT_MODE_PCM) { // When playing non-PCM, the inputBuffer is never processed, thus the last inputBuffer // must be the current input buffer. Assertions.checkState(buffer == inputBuffer); writtenEncodedFrames += framesPerEncodedSample * inputBufferAccessUnitCount; } /* 将该类的outputBuffer置为null */ outputBuffer = null; } }
/** * @return Whether it may be possible to feed more input data. * @throws ExoPlaybackException If an error occurs feeding the input buffer. */ private boolean feedInputBuffer() throws ExoPlaybackException { if (codec == null || codecDrainState == DRAIN_STATE_WAIT_END_OF_STREAM || inputStreamEnded) { return false; } /* 找到一个可用的inputbuff */ if (inputIndex < 0) { inputIndex = codecAdapter.dequeueInputBufferIndex(); if (inputIndex < 0) { return false; } buffer.data = getInputBuffer(inputIndex); buffer.clear(); } ... @SampleStream.ReadDataResult /* 从媒体文件中将数据写入到buffer */ int result = readSource(formatHolder, buffer, /* formatRequired= */ false); ... /* 校准第一次获得的输入buffer的时间戳 */ onQueueInputBuffer(buffer); try { if (bufferEncrypted) { codecAdapter.queueSecureInputBuffer( inputIndex, /* offset= */ 0, buffer.cryptoInfo, presentationTimeUs, /* flags= */ 0); } else { /* 输入buffer入列 */ codecAdapter.queueInputBuffer( inputIndex, /* offset= */ 0, buffer.data.limit(), presentationTimeUs, /* flags= */ 0); } } catch (CryptoException e) { throw createRendererException(e, inputFormat); } /* 重置输入buffer */ resetInputBuffer(); codecReceivedBuffers = true; codecReconfigurationState = RECONFIGURATION_STATE_NONE; /* 统计读取到decoder中的inbuffer总次数 */ decoderCounters.inputBufferCount++; return true; }
@SampleStream.ReadDataResult protected final int readSource( FormatHolder formatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer buffer, boolean formatRequired) { @SampleStream.ReadDataResult /* 根据流类型去调用对应的readData */ int result = Assertions.checkNotNull(stream).readData(formatHolder, buffer, formatRequired); if (result == C.RESULT_BUFFER_READ) { if (buffer.isEndOfStream()) { readingPositionUs = C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE; return streamIsFinal ? C.RESULT_BUFFER_READ : C.RESULT_NOTHING_READ; } buffer.timeUs += streamOffsetUs; readingPositionUs = max(readingPositionUs, buffer.timeUs); } else if (result == C.RESULT_FORMAT_READ) { Format format = Assertions.checkNotNull(formatHolder.format); if (format.subsampleOffsetUs != Format.OFFSET_SAMPLE_RELATIVE) { format = format .buildUpon() .setSubsampleOffsetUs(format.subsampleOffsetUs + streamOffsetUs) .build(); formatHolder.format = format; } } return result; }
@Override public int readData(FormatHolder formatHolder, DecoderInputBuffer buffer, boolean formatRequired) { if (isPendingReset()) { return C.RESULT_NOTHING_READ; } if (canceledMediaChunk != null && canceledMediaChunk.getFirstSampleIndex(/* trackIndex= */ 0) <= primarySampleQueue.getReadIndex()) { // Don't read into chunk that's going to be discarded. // TODO: Support splicing to allow this. See [internal b/161130873]. return C.RESULT_NOTHING_READ; } maybeNotifyPrimaryTrackFormatChanged(); /* 从这里读取数据 */ return primarySampleQueue.read(formatHolder, buffer, formatRequired, loadingFinished); }
public int read(
FormatHolder formatHolder,
DecoderInputBuffer buffer,
boolean formatRequired,
boolean loadingFinished) {
int result =
readSampleMetadata(formatHolder, buffer, formatRequired, loadingFinished, extrasHolder);
if (result == C.RESULT_BUFFER_READ && !buffer.isEndOfStream() && !buffer.isFlagsOnly()) {
/* 从Queue中读取数据 */
sampleDataQueue.readToBuffer(buffer, extrasHolder);
return result;
public void readToBuffer(DecoderInputBuffer buffer, SampleExtrasHolder extrasHolder) { // Read encryption data if the sample is encrypted. if (buffer.isEncrypted()) { readEncryptionData(buffer, extrasHolder); } // Read sample data, extracting supplemental data into a separate buffer if needed. if (buffer.hasSupplementalData()) { // If there is supplemental data, the sample data is prefixed by its size. scratch.reset(4); readData(extrasHolder.offset, scratch.getData(), 4); int sampleSize = scratch.readUnsignedIntToInt(); extrasHolder.offset += 4; extrasHolder.size -= 4; // Write the sample data. buffer.ensureSpaceForWrite(sampleSize); readData(extrasHolder.offset, buffer.data, sampleSize); extrasHolder.offset += sampleSize; extrasHolder.size -= sampleSize; // Write the remaining data as supplemental data. buffer.resetSupplementalData(extrasHolder.size); readData(extrasHolder.offset, buffer.supplementalData, extrasHolder.size); } else { /* 将数据写入到buffer中 */ // Write the sample data. buffer.ensureSpaceForWrite(extrasHolder.size); readData(extrasHolder.offset, buffer.data, extrasHolder.size); } }
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