Diamond是德国波恩大学Crystal Impact 开发的一款晶体和分子可视化软件。官方网站:http://www.crystalimpact.com/diamond
Diamond is our outstanding molecular and crystal structure visualization software. It integrates a multitude of functions, which overcome the work with crystal structure data - in research and education as well as for publications and presentations.
Diamond does not only draw nice pictures of molecular and crystal structures like most of its competitive programs do. It offers an extensive set of functions that let you easily model any arbitrary portion of a crystal structure from a basic set of structural parameters (cell, space group, atomic positions).
With its high data capacity, its wide range of functions beginning with the generation of molecules reaching up to the construction of rather complicated inorganic structural frameworks, Diamond is a comprehensive tool for both molecular and solid state chemists as well as for surface and material scientists.
Diamond Gallery
Diamond Gallery
Diamond Gallery
Diamond Gallery
Diamond Gallery
Diamond官网提供软件下载,提供3.x和4.x两个版本,目前最新的版本是3.2k和4.6.3,其中4.6.3自带"Crystallography Open Database" (COD)数据库。
4.6.0增加了OBJ (Wavefront Technologies) 和 STL (3D Systems)两种3D文件格式,导入3dsMax、Cinema 4D、blende等专业设计软件更方便了。
The DIAMOND demonstration version is identical with the full version except of the following restrictions:
No saving: Changes in structure documents cannot be saved in the original file formats of Diamond 3 (the Diamond Document format, "diamdoc") and the Diamond Structure File format ("DSF"), which has been used by earlier versions of DIAMOND.
Banner: A banner with "Diamond Demonstration Version" will be written into saved bitmaps, Windows Metafiles, and printouts.
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