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AI探索实践7 - 打造企业智能体(AI Agent)的重要技术-ReAct_智能体 react

智能体 react



文笔有限,这篇文章比较难写。但是ReAct的概念对于实现AI Agent很关键,文末有一些参考链接供大家辅助理解。


AI 大模型开发中有许多概念,让刚开始学习的开发者一头雾水,比如 ReAct

ReAct 并不是指 Facebook 开源的前端开发框架 react,而是一种实现 AI Agent 的一种重要方法。了解ReAct的概念和实现方法,对于实现 AI Agent 至为重要。


我们使用大模型时,你会向它提出一个问题(发送一个提示语),模型能够分析你的问题,并给出答案。有些时候,当我们提出的稍显复杂的问题时,模型的回答很可能并不理想。但当我们给模型发送的prompt,增加一句:Let’s think step by step 时,就会发现模型的表现要比之前好得多!它会因为这句提示,而试图一步步的分析、推理,直到找到答案发送给你。


模型面对复杂问题处理的逻辑过程,其实是在模仿人类的推理过程,不仅给出答案,还会提供一连串的推理步骤。这使得AI的决策过程变得可追溯和可解释,从而让开发者和用户能更好地信任和理解AI的工作机制。这个逻辑过程,被称之为 CoT(Chain of Thought)- 链式思考。

而 Let’s think step by step 就是提醒模型:“请以 CoT 的方式处理我的问题”。


图 1


图 2


图 3


ReAct 实际上是一种方法,通过多次调用 LLM 以交错的方式生成推理轨迹和特定于任务的动作,从而实现两者之间更大的协同作用:推理轨迹帮助模型归纳、跟踪和更新行动计划以及处理异常,而操作允许它与外部源(例如知识库或外部环境、API)交互,以收集附加信息。

由此上面的定义可知,ReAct需要迭代的使用 3 类元素:

  • Thought (思考)。LLM基于用户提出的问题进行推理(Reasoning),并根据推理的结果采取某种行为,类似人类大脑的思考、决策过程。
  • Action (行为)。LLM将决策行为动作的指令发送给外部源(比如调用知识库、外部的API),这就是行为。在上面的例子中,LLM告诉你可能的原因列表,示意你去检查这些原因。
  • Observation(观察)。行为会产生结果,这个结果是可以被LLM观察的。

LLM汇总用户的问题、这一次(每一次)产生的Thought、Action和Observation,进行Reasoning后,会产生新的的Thought、Action和Observation。以此类推,直到LLM的action代表结束。 上面例子的迭代示例如下:

  • Step 1 中,LLM基于 Question 先think(reasoning),然后再决定采取什么行动。这样LLM就会生成 Thought 1 和 Action 1 。执行 Action 1 获得 Observation 1
  • Step 2 中,LLM基于 QuestionThought 1 Action 1 和 Observation 1,汇总所有信息先think(reasoning),然后再决定采取什么行动。这样LLM就会生成 Thought 2 和 Action 2 。执行 Action 2 获得 Observation 2
  • Step 3 中,LLM基于 QuestionThought 1 Action 1 Observation 1Thought 2 Action 2 和 Observation 2,汇总所有信息先think(reasoning),然后再决定采取什么行动。这样LLM就会生成 Thought 3 和 Action 3 。执行 Action 3 获得 Observation 3
  • 以此类推直到 Action 表示结束。



  1. Solve a question answering task with interleaving Thought, Action, Observation steps.
  2. Thought can reason about the current situation, and Action can be three types:
  3. (1) Search[entity], which searches the exact entity on Wikipedia and returns the first paragraph
  4. if it exists. If not, it will return some similar entities to search.
  5. (2) Lookup[keyword], which returns the next sentence containing keyword in the current passage.
  6. (3) Finish[answer], which returns the answer and finishes the task.
  7. Here are some examples.
  8. Question: What is the elevation range for the area that the eastern sector of the Colorado orogeny
  9. extends into?
  10. Thought 1: I need to search Colorado orogeny, find the area that the eastern sector of the Colorado
  11. orogeny extends into, then find the elevation range of the area.
  12. Action 1: Search[Colorado orogeny]
  13. Observation 1: The Colorado orogeny was an episode of mountain building (an orogeny) in Colorado
  14. and surrounding areas.
  15. Thought 2: It does not mention the eastern sector. So I need to look up eastern sector.
  16. Action 2: Lookup[eastern sector]
  17. Observation 2: (Result 1 / 1) The eastern sector extends into the High Plains and is called the
  18. Central Plains orogeny.
  19. Thought 3: The eastern sector of Colorado orogeny extends into the High Plains. So I need to search
  20. High Plains and find its elevation range.
  21. Action 3: Search[High Plains]
  22. Observation 3: High Plains refers to one of two distinct land regions:
  23. Thought 4: I need to instead search High Plains (United States).
  24. Action 4: Search[High Plains (United States)]
  25. Observation 4: The High Plains are a subregion of the Great Plains. From east to west, the High
  26. Plains rise in elevation from around 1,800 to 7,000 ft (550 to 2,130 m).[3]
  27. Thought 5: High Plains rise in elevation from around 1,800 to 7,000 ft, so the answer is 1,800
  28. to 7,000 ft.
  29. Action 5: Finish[1,800 to 7,000 ft]
  30. [More Examples]...


1. ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models

2. ReAct在LangChain中的实现

3. 2023年新生代大模型Agents技术,ReAct,Self-Ask,Plan-and-execute,以及AutoGPT, HuggingGPT等应用

4. LLM Powered Autonomous Agents

5. ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models

