城市生态与人类生活息息相关,快速 、准确 、客 观地了解城市生态状况已成为生态领域的一个研究重点 。基于遥感技术,提出一个完全基 于遥感技术 ,以自然因子为主的遥感生态指数 (RSEI)来对城市的生态状况进行快速监测与评价 。该指数利用主成分分析技术集成了植被指数 、湿度分量、地表温度和建筑指数等 4个评价指标,它们分别代表了绿度、湿度、热度和干度等4大生态要素。
// 第一步:定义研究区,自行更换自己的研究区
var roi =
/* color: #98ff00 */
/* displayProperties: [
"type": "rectangle"
] */
[[[120.1210075098537, 35.975189051414006],
[120.1210075098537, 35.886229778229115],
[120.25764996590839, 35.886229778229115],
[120.25764996590839, 35.975189051414006]]], null, false);
// 第二步:加载数据集,定义去云函数 function removeCloud(image){ var qa = image.select('BQA') var cloudMask = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 4).eq(0) var cloudShadowMask = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 8).eq(0) var valid = cloudMask.and(cloudShadowMask) return image.updateMask(valid) } // 数据集去云处理 var L8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA') .filterBounds(roi) .filterDate('2018-01-01', '2019-12-31') .filterMetadata('CLOUD_COVER', 'less_than',50) .map(function(image){ return image.set('year', ee.Image(image).date().get('year')) }) .map(removeCloud) // 影像合成 var L8imgList = ee.List([]) for(var a = 2018; a < 2020; a++){ var img = L8.filterMetadata('year', 'equals', a).median().clip(roi) var L8img = img.set('year', a) L8imgList = L8imgList.add(L8img) }
// 第三步:主函数,计算生态指标 var L8imgCol = ee.ImageCollection(L8imgList) .map(function(img){ return img.clip(roi) }) L8imgCol = L8imgCol.map(function(img){ // 湿度函数:Wet var Wet = img.expression('B*(0.1509) + G*(0.1973) + R*(0.3279) + NIR*(0.3406) + SWIR1*(-0.7112) + SWIR2*(-0.4572)',{ 'B': img.select(['B2']), 'G': img.select(['B3']), 'R': img.select(['B4']), 'NIR': img.select(['B5']), 'SWIR1': img.select(['B6']), 'SWIR2': img.select(['B7']) }) img = img.addBands(Wet.rename('WET')) // 绿度函数:NDVI var ndvi = img.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4']); img = img.addBands(ndvi.rename('NDVI')) // 热度函数:lst 直接采用MODIS产品 var lst = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD11A1').map(function(img){ return img.clip(roi) }) .filterDate('2014-01-01', '2019-12-31') var year = img.get('year') lst=lst.filterDate(ee.String(year).cat('-01-01'),ee.String(year).cat('-12-31')).select(['LST_Day_1km', 'LST_Night_1km']); // reproject主要是为了确保分辨率为1000 var img_mean=lst.mean().reproject('EPSG:4326',null,1000); //print(img_mean.projection().nominalScale()) img_mean = img_mean.expression('((Day + Night) / 2)',{ 'Day': img_mean.select(['LST_Day_1km']), 'Night': img_mean.select(['LST_Night_1km']), }) img = img.addBands(img_mean.rename('LST')) // 干度函数:ndbsi = ( ibi + si ) / 2 var ibi = img.expression('(2 * SWIR1 / (SWIR1 + NIR) - (NIR / (NIR + RED) + GREEN / (GREEN + SWIR1))) / (2 * SWIR1 / (SWIR1 + NIR) + (NIR / (NIR + RED) + GREEN / (GREEN + SWIR1)))', { 'SWIR1': img.select('B6'), 'NIR': img.select('B5'), 'RED': img.select('B4'), 'GREEN': img.select('B3') }) var si = img.expression('((SWIR1 + RED) - (NIR + BLUE)) / ((SWIR1 + RED) + (NIR + BLUE))', { 'SWIR1': img.select('B6'), 'NIR': img.select('B5'), 'RED': img.select('B4'), 'BLUE': img.select('B2') }) var ndbsi = (ibi.add(si)).divide(2) return img.addBands(ndbsi.rename('NDBSI')) }) var bandNames = ['NDVI', "NDBSI", "WET", "LST"] L8imgCol = L8imgCol.select(bandNames) //定义归一化函数:归一化 var img_normalize = function(img){ var minMax = img.reduceRegion({ reducer:ee.Reducer.minMax(), geometry: roi, scale: 1000, maxPixels: 10e13, }) var year = img.get('year') var normalize = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages( img.bandNames().map(function(name){ name = ee.String(name); var band = img.select(name); return band.unitScale(ee.Number(minMax.get(name.cat('_min'))), ee.Number(minMax.get(name.cat('_max')))); }) ).toBands().rename(img.bandNames()).set('year', year); return normalize; } var imgNorcol = L8imgCol.map(img_normalize);
// 第四步:PCA融合,提取第一主成分 var pca = function(img){ var bandNames = img.bandNames(); var region = roi; var year = img.get('year') // Mean center the data to enable a faster covariance reducer // and an SD stretch of the principal components. var meanDict = img.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry: region, scale: 1000, maxPixels: 10e13 }); var means = ee.Image.constant(meanDict.values(bandNames)); var centered = img.subtract(means).set('year', year); // This helper function returns a list of new band names. var getNewBandNames = function(prefix, bandNames){ var seq = ee.List.sequence(1, 4); //var seq = ee.List.sequence(1, bandNames.length()); return seq.map(function(n){ return ee.String(prefix).cat(ee.Number(n).int()); }); }; // This function accepts mean centered imagery, a scale and // a region in which to perform the analysis. It returns the // Principal Components (PC) in the region as a new image. var getPrincipalComponents = function(centered, scale, region){ var year = centered.get('year') var arrays = centered.toArray(); // Compute the covariance of the bands within the region. var covar = arrays.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance(), geometry: region, scale: scale, bestEffort:true, maxPixels: 10e13 }); // Get the 'array' covariance result and cast to an array. // This represents the band-to-band covariance within the region. var covarArray = ee.Array(covar.get('array')); // Perform an eigen analysis and slice apart the values and vectors. var eigens = covarArray.eigen(); // This is a P-length vector of Eigenvalues. var eigenValues = eigens.slice(1, 0, 1); // This is a PxP matrix with eigenvectors in rows. var eigenVectors = eigens.slice(1, 1); // Convert the array image to 2D arrays for matrix computations. var arrayImage = arrays.toArray(1) // Left multiply the image array by the matrix of eigenvectors. var principalComponents = ee.Image(eigenVectors).matrixMultiply(arrayImage); // Turn the square roots of the Eigenvalues into a P-band image. var sdImage = ee.Image(eigenValues.sqrt()) .arrayProject([0]).arrayFlatten([getNewBandNames('SD',bandNames)]); // Turn the PCs into a P-band image, normalized by SD. return principalComponents // Throw out an an unneeded dimension, [[]] -> []. .arrayProject([0]) // Make the one band array image a multi-band image, [] -> image. .arrayFlatten([getNewBandNames('PC', bandNames)]) // Normalize the PCs by their SDs. .divide(sdImage) .set('year', year); } // Get the PCs at the specified scale and in the specified region img = getPrincipalComponents(centered, 1000, region); return img; }; var PCA_imgcol = imgNorcol.map(pca) Map.addLayer(PCA_imgcol.first(), {"bands":["PC1"]}, 'pc1')
// 第五步:利用PC1,计算RSEI,并归一化 var RSEI_imgcol = PCA_imgcol.map(function(img){ img = img.addBands(ee.Image(1).rename('constant')) var rsei = img.expression('constant - pc1' , { constant: img.select('constant'), pc1: img.select('PC1') }) rsei = img_normalize(rsei) return img.addBands(rsei.rename('rsei')) }) print(RSEI_imgcol) var visParam = { palette: '040274, 040281, 0502a3, 0502b8, 0502ce, 0502e6, 0602ff, 235cb1, 307ef3, 269db1, 30c8e2, 32d3ef, 3be285, 3ff38f, 86e26f, 3ae237, b5e22e, d6e21f, fff705, ffd611, ffb613, ff8b13, ff6e08, ff500d, ff0000, de0101, c21301, a71001, 911003' }; Map.addLayer(RSEI_imgcol.first().select('rsei'), visParam, 'rsei')
// 第一步:定义研究区,自行更换自己的研究区 var roi = /* color: #98ff00 */ /* displayProperties: [ { "type": "rectangle" } ] */ ee.Geometry.Polygon( [[[120.1210075098537, 35.975189051414006], [120.1210075098537, 35.886229778229115], [120.25764996590839, 35.886229778229115], [120.25764996590839, 35.975189051414006]]], null, false); Map.centerObject(roi); // 第二步:加载数据集,定义去云函数 function removeCloud(image){ var qa = image.select('BQA') var cloudMask = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 4).eq(0) var cloudShadowMask = qa.bitwiseAnd(1 << 8).eq(0) var valid = cloudMask.and(cloudShadowMask) return image.updateMask(valid) } // 数据集去云处理 var L8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_TOA') .filterBounds(roi) .filterDate('2018-01-01', '2019-12-31') .filterMetadata('CLOUD_COVER', 'less_than',50) .map(function(image){ return image.set('year', ee.Image(image).date().get('year')) }) .map(removeCloud) // 影像合成 var L8imgList = ee.List([]) for(var a = 2018; a < 2020; a++){ var img = L8.filterMetadata('year', 'equals', a).median().clip(roi) var L8img = img.set('year', a) L8imgList = L8imgList.add(L8img) } // 第三步:主函数,计算生态指标 var L8imgCol = ee.ImageCollection(L8imgList) .map(function(img){ return img.clip(roi) }) L8imgCol = L8imgCol.map(function(img){ // 湿度函数:Wet var Wet = img.expression('B*(0.1509) + G*(0.1973) + R*(0.3279) + NIR*(0.3406) + SWIR1*(-0.7112) + SWIR2*(-0.4572)',{ 'B': img.select(['B2']), 'G': img.select(['B3']), 'R': img.select(['B4']), 'NIR': img.select(['B5']), 'SWIR1': img.select(['B6']), 'SWIR2': img.select(['B7']) }) img = img.addBands(Wet.rename('WET')) // 绿度函数:NDVI var ndvi = img.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4']); img = img.addBands(ndvi.rename('NDVI')) // 热度函数:lst 直接采用MODIS产品 var lst = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD11A1').map(function(img){ return img.clip(roi) }) .filterDate('2014-01-01', '2019-12-31') var year = img.get('year') lst=lst.filterDate(ee.String(year).cat('-01-01'),ee.String(year).cat('-12-31')).select(['LST_Day_1km', 'LST_Night_1km']); // reproject主要是为了确保分辨率为1000 var img_mean=lst.mean().reproject('EPSG:4326',null,1000); //print(img_mean.projection().nominalScale()) img_mean = img_mean.expression('((Day + Night) / 2)',{ 'Day': img_mean.select(['LST_Day_1km']), 'Night': img_mean.select(['LST_Night_1km']), }) img = img.addBands(img_mean.rename('LST')) // 干度函数:ndbsi = ( ibi + si ) / 2 var ibi = img.expression('(2 * SWIR1 / (SWIR1 + NIR) - (NIR / (NIR + RED) + GREEN / (GREEN + SWIR1))) / (2 * SWIR1 / (SWIR1 + NIR) + (NIR / (NIR + RED) + GREEN / (GREEN + SWIR1)))', { 'SWIR1': img.select('B6'), 'NIR': img.select('B5'), 'RED': img.select('B4'), 'GREEN': img.select('B3') }) var si = img.expression('((SWIR1 + RED) - (NIR + BLUE)) / ((SWIR1 + RED) + (NIR + BLUE))', { 'SWIR1': img.select('B6'), 'NIR': img.select('B5'), 'RED': img.select('B4'), 'BLUE': img.select('B2') }) var ndbsi = (ibi.add(si)).divide(2) return img.addBands(ndbsi.rename('NDBSI')) }) var bandNames = ['NDVI', "NDBSI", "WET", "LST"] L8imgCol = L8imgCol.select(bandNames) //定义归一化函数:归一化 var img_normalize = function(img){ var minMax = img.reduceRegion({ reducer:ee.Reducer.minMax(), geometry: roi, scale: 1000, maxPixels: 10e13, }) var year = img.get('year') var normalize = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages( img.bandNames().map(function(name){ name = ee.String(name); var band = img.select(name); return band.unitScale(ee.Number(minMax.get(name.cat('_min'))), ee.Number(minMax.get(name.cat('_max')))); }) ).toBands().rename(img.bandNames()).set('year', year); return normalize; } var imgNorcol = L8imgCol.map(img_normalize); // 第四步:PCA融合,提取第一主成分 var pca = function(img){ var bandNames = img.bandNames(); var region = roi; var year = img.get('year') // Mean center the data to enable a faster covariance reducer // and an SD stretch of the principal components. var meanDict = img.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(), geometry: region, scale: 1000, maxPixels: 10e13 }); var means = ee.Image.constant(meanDict.values(bandNames)); var centered = img.subtract(means).set('year', year); // This helper function returns a list of new band names. var getNewBandNames = function(prefix, bandNames){ var seq = ee.List.sequence(1, 4); //var seq = ee.List.sequence(1, bandNames.length()); return seq.map(function(n){ return ee.String(prefix).cat(ee.Number(n).int()); }); }; // This function accepts mean centered imagery, a scale and // a region in which to perform the analysis. It returns the // Principal Components (PC) in the region as a new image. var getPrincipalComponents = function(centered, scale, region){ var year = centered.get('year') var arrays = centered.toArray(); // Compute the covariance of the bands within the region. var covar = arrays.reduceRegion({ reducer: ee.Reducer.centeredCovariance(), geometry: region, scale: scale, bestEffort:true, maxPixels: 10e13 }); // Get the 'array' covariance result and cast to an array. // This represents the band-to-band covariance within the region. var covarArray = ee.Array(covar.get('array')); // Perform an eigen analysis and slice apart the values and vectors. var eigens = covarArray.eigen(); // This is a P-length vector of Eigenvalues. var eigenValues = eigens.slice(1, 0, 1); // This is a PxP matrix with eigenvectors in rows. var eigenVectors = eigens.slice(1, 1); // Convert the array image to 2D arrays for matrix computations. var arrayImage = arrays.toArray(1) // Left multiply the image array by the matrix of eigenvectors. var principalComponents = ee.Image(eigenVectors).matrixMultiply(arrayImage); // Turn the square roots of the Eigenvalues into a P-band image. var sdImage = ee.Image(eigenValues.sqrt()) .arrayProject([0]).arrayFlatten([getNewBandNames('SD',bandNames)]); // Turn the PCs into a P-band image, normalized by SD. return principalComponents // Throw out an an unneeded dimension, [[]] -> []. .arrayProject([0]) // Make the one band array image a multi-band image, [] -> image. .arrayFlatten([getNewBandNames('PC', bandNames)]) // Normalize the PCs by their SDs. .divide(sdImage) .set('year', year); } // Get the PCs at the specified scale and in the specified region img = getPrincipalComponents(centered, 1000, region); return img; }; var PCA_imgcol = imgNorcol.map(pca) Map.addLayer(PCA_imgcol.first(), {"bands":["PC1"]}, 'pc1') // 第五步:利用PC1,计算RSEI,并归一化 var RSEI_imgcol = PCA_imgcol.map(function(img){ img = img.addBands(ee.Image(1).rename('constant')) var rsei = img.expression('constant - pc1' , { constant: img.select('constant'), pc1: img.select('PC1') }) rsei = img_normalize(rsei) return img.addBands(rsei.rename('rsei')) }) print(RSEI_imgcol) var visParam = { palette: '040274, 040281, 0502a3, 0502b8, 0502ce, 0502e6, 0602ff, 235cb1, 307ef3, 269db1, 30c8e2, 32d3ef, 3be285, 3ff38f, 86e26f, 3ae237, b5e22e, d6e21f, fff705, ffd611, ffb613, ff8b13, ff6e08, ff500d, ff0000, de0101, c21301, a71001, 911003' }; Map.addLayer(RSEI_imgcol.first().select('rsei'), visParam, 'rsei')
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