温馨提示:文末有 CSDN 平台官方提供的学长 QQ 名片 :)
本项目通过集成网络爬虫技术,实时获取海量汽车数据;运用先进的ARIMA时序建模算法对数据进行深度挖掘和分析;结合flask web系统和echarts可视化工具,为用户提供直观、易用的操作界面。系统主要包含汽车销量分析、汽车品牌车系分析、汽车评分分析、汽车指导价分析、汽车价格预测和汽车个性化推荐等功能模块,旨在为汽车行业从业者、消费者及研究人员提供全面、准确的数据支持和服务。
利用 requests、beautifulsoup等工具包,模拟采集并解析各品牌汽车的品牌、车系、评分、级别、车身结构、发动机、变速箱、指导价、销量等多维数据,经过数据清洗和格式化,并进行数据的存储:
- response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
- response.encoding = 'gbk'
- soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml')
- cars = soup.select('div.list-cont')
- brand_cars = []
- for car in cars:
- try:
- car_info = {'品牌': brand}
- name = car.select('a.font-bold')[0].text
- score = car.select('span.score-number')
- if len(score) == 0:
- score = '暂无'
- else:
- score = score[0].text
- car_info['车系'] = name
- car_info['评分'] = score
- ul = car.select('ul.lever-ul')[0]
- for li in ul.select('li'):
- data = li.text.replace('\xa0', '').replace(' ', '').replace(' ', '').strip().split(':')
- if '颜色' in data[0]: continue
- if len(data) < 2: continue
- car_info[data[0]] = data[1]
- price = car.select('span.font-arial')[0].text
- price = price.split('-')
- if len(price) == 1:
- car_info['最低指导价'] = price[0]
- car_info['最高指导价'] = price[0]
- else:
- car_info['最低指导价'] = price[0] + '万'
- car_info['最高指导价'] = price[1]
- car_info['链接'] = url
- brand_cars.append(car_info)
- except:
- print('error...')
- continue
- def factory_car_sell_count_spider():
- """
- 中国汽车分厂商每月销售量
- https://XXXXXXX/factory.html
- """
- base_url = 'https://XXXXXXX/factory-{}-{}-{}.html'
- year_month = '201506'
- factory_month_sell_counts = []
- now_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m")
- while year_month < now_date:
- for page_i in range(1, 5):
- try:
- url = base_url.format(year_month, year_month, page_i)
- print(url)
- resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
- resp.encoding = 'utf8'
- soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml')
- table = soup.select('table.xl-table-def')
- trs = table[0].find_all('tr')
- for tr in trs:
- tds = tr.find_all('td')
- if len(tds) < 4: continue
- # 厂商logo
- ......
- factory_month_sell_counts.append((year_month, factory_logo, factory, sell_count, ratio))
- time.sleep(1)
- except:
- print('error...')
- continue
- # 下个月份
- ......
利用 Xgboost 构建决策树回归算法,实现对汽车指导价的预测建模:
- df_columns = dataset.columns.values
- print('---> cv train to choose best_num_boost_round')
- all_y = np.log1p(all_y)
- dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(all_x, label=all_y, feature_names=df_columns)
- xgb_params = {
- 'learning_rate': 0.01,
- 'max_depth': 4,
- 'eval_metric': 'rmse',
- 'objective': 'reg:linear',
- 'nthread': -1,
- 'silent': 1,
- 'booster': 'gbtree'
- }
- cv_result = xgb.cv(dict(xgb_params),
- dtrain,
- num_boost_round=4000,
- early_stopping_rounds=100,
- verbose_eval=100,
- show_stdv=False,
- )
- best_num_boost_rounds = len(cv_result)
- mean_train_logloss = cv_result.loc[best_num_boost_rounds -
- 11: best_num_boost_rounds - 1, 'train-rmse-mean'].mean()
- mean_test_logloss = cv_result.loc[best_num_boost_rounds -
- 11: best_num_boost_rounds - 1, 'test-rmse-mean'].mean()
- print('best_num_boost_rounds = {}'.format(best_num_boost_rounds))
- print('mean_train_rmse = {:.7f} , mean_valid_rmse = {:.7f}\n'.format(
- mean_train_logloss, mean_test_logloss))
- print('---> training on total dataset to predict test and submit')
- model = xgb.train(dict(xgb_params),
- dtrain,
- num_boost_round=best_num_boost_rounds)
- # 特征重要程度
- feature_importance = model.get_fscore()
- feature_importance = sorted(
- feature_importance.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
- def cos_sim(x, y):
- """
- 余弦相似性
- input: x(mat):以行向量的形式存储,可以是用户或者商品
- y(mat):以行向量的形式存储,可以是用户或者商品
- output: x和y之间的余弦相似度
- """
- x = x.reshape(1, -1)
- y = y.reshape(1, -1)
- numerator = x * y.T # x和y之间的内积
- denominator = np.sqrt(x * x.T) * np.sqrt(y * y.T)
- return (numerator / (denominator + 0.000001))[0, 0]
- def similarity(data):
- """
- 计算矩阵中任意两行之间的相似度
- input: data(mat):任意矩阵
- output: w(mat):任意两行之间的相似度
- """
- m = np.shape(data)[0] # 用户的数量
- # 初始化相似度矩阵
- w = np.mat(np.zeros((m, m)))
- for i in range(m):
- for j in range(i, m):
- if j != i:
- # 计算任意两行之间的相似度
- w[i, j] = cos_sim(data[i,], data[j,])
- w[j, i] = w[i, j]
- else:
- w[i, j] = 0
- return w
- def top_k(predict, k):
- """
- 为用户推荐前k个商品
- input: predict(list):排好序的商品列表
- k(int):推荐的商品个数
- output: top_recom(list):top_k个商品
- """
- top_recom = []
- len_result = len(predict)
- if k >= len_result:
- top_recom = predict
- else:
- for i in range(k):
- top_recom.append(predict[i])
本项目通过集成网络爬虫技术,实时获取海量汽车数据;运用先进的ARIMA时序建模算法对数据进行深度挖掘和分析;结合flask web系统和echarts可视化工具,为用户提供直观、易用的操作界面。系统主要包含汽车销量分析、汽车品牌车系分析、汽车评分分析、汽车指导价分析、汽车价格预测和汽车个性化推荐等功能模块,旨在为汽车行业从业者、消费者及研究人员提供全面、准确的数据支持和服务。
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