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R3Live系列学习(一)Loam-Livox源码阅读_r3live livox

r3live livox








laserCloudScans = m_livox.extract_laser_features( laserCloudIn, laserCloudMsg->header.stamp.toSec() );


  1. //按点云延伸的拐点分为若干个花瓣
  2. int clutter_size = projection_scan_3d_2d( laserCloudIn, scan_id_index );
  3. //计算角点、平面点
  4. compute_features();


  1. template < typename T >
  2. int projection_scan_3d_2d( pcl::PointCloud< T > &laserCloudIn, std::vector< float > &scan_id_index )
  3. {
  4. unsigned int pts_size = laserCloudIn.size();
  5. m_pts_info_vec.clear();
  6. m_pts_info_vec.resize( pts_size );
  7. m_raw_pts_vec.resize( pts_size );
  8. std::vector< int > edge_idx;
  9. std::vector< int > split_idx;
  10. scan_id_index.resize( pts_size );
  11. m_map_pt_idx.clear();
  12. m_map_pt_idx.reserve( pts_size );
  13. std::vector< int > zero_idx;
  14. m_input_points_size = 0;
  15. //遍历整个点云
  16. for ( unsigned int idx = 0; idx < pts_size; idx++ )
  17. {
  18. m_raw_pts_vec[ idx ] = laserCloudIn.points[ idx ];
  19. Pt_infos *pt_info = &m_pts_info_vec[ idx ];
  20. m_map_pt_idx.insert( std::make_pair( laserCloudIn.points[ idx ], pt_info ) );
  21. pt_info->raw_intensity = laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].intensity;
  22. pt_info->idx = idx;
  23. //按下标分配微小的时间戳差距!由于时间戳是扫描到第一个点的时刻,因此所有点的时间戳会有细微不同
  24. pt_info->time_stamp = m_current_time + ( ( float ) idx ) * m_time_internal_pts;
  25. m_last_maximum_time_stamp = pt_info->time_stamp;
  26. m_input_points_size++;
  27. //nan点
  28. if ( !std::isfinite( laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].x ) ||
  29. !std::isfinite( laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].y ) ||
  30. !std::isfinite( laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].z ) )
  31. {
  32. add_mask_of_point( pt_info, e_pt_nan );
  33. continue;
  34. }
  35. //距离过近的点
  36. if ( laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].x == 0 )
  37. {
  38. if ( idx == 0 )
  39. {
  40. // TODO: handle this case.
  41. screen_out << "First point should be normal!!!" << std::endl;
  42. pt_info->pt_2d_img << 0.01, 0.01;
  43. pt_info->polar_dis_sq2 = 0.0001;
  44. add_mask_of_point( pt_info, e_pt_000 );
  45. //return 0;
  46. }
  47. else
  48. {
  49. pt_info->pt_2d_img = m_pts_info_vec[ idx - 1 ].pt_2d_img;
  50. pt_info->polar_dis_sq2 = m_pts_info_vec[ idx - 1 ].polar_dis_sq2;
  51. add_mask_of_point( pt_info, e_pt_000 );
  52. continue;
  53. }
  54. }
  55. m_map_pt_idx.insert( std::make_pair( laserCloudIn.points[ idx ], pt_info ) );
  56. //求解每个点的深度
  57. pt_info->depth_sq2 = depth2_xyz( laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].x, laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].y, laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].z );
  58. //投影至像素点的坐标
  59. pt_info->pt_2d_img << laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].y / laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].x, laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].z / laserCloudIn.points[ idx ].x;
  60. //投影的像素点距离投影中心点的距离
  61. pt_info->polar_dis_sq2 = dis2_xy( pt_info->pt_2d_img( 0 ), pt_info->pt_2d_img( 1 ) );
  62. //估计强度,在投影平面上,距中心点越远的点强度小的可能性越大
  63. eval_point( pt_info );
  64. //求解投影平面的边缘点
  65. if ( pt_info->polar_dis_sq2 > m_max_edge_polar_pos )
  66. {
  67. add_mask_of_point( pt_info, e_pt_circle_edge, 2 );
  68. }
  69. // Split scans
  70. if ( idx >= 1 )
  71. {
  72. //在投影平面上,本个点与上个点的延伸方向
  73. float dis_incre = pt_info->polar_dis_sq2 - m_pts_info_vec[ idx - 1 ].polar_dis_sq2;
  74. if ( dis_incre > 0 ) // far away from zero
  75. {
  76. pt_info->polar_direction = 1;
  77. }
  78. if ( dis_incre < 0 ) // move toward zero
  79. {
  80. pt_info->polar_direction = -1;
  81. }
  82. //本个点向中心点延伸,上个点向外延伸
  83. if ( pt_info->polar_direction == -1 && m_pts_info_vec[ idx - 1 ].polar_direction == 1 )
  84. {
  85. if ( edge_idx.size() == 0 || ( idx - split_idx[ split_idx.size() - 1 ] ) > 50 )
  86. {
  87. split_idx.push_back( idx );//这就是花瓣拐角处,每两个拐角确定一个花瓣
  88. edge_idx.push_back( idx );
  89. continue;
  90. }
  91. }
  92. if ( pt_info->polar_direction == 1 && m_pts_info_vec[ idx - 1 ].polar_direction == -1 )
  93. {
  94. if ( zero_idx.size() == 0 || ( idx - split_idx[ split_idx.size() - 1 ] ) > 50 )
  95. {
  96. split_idx.push_back( idx );
  97. zero_idx.push_back( idx );
  98. continue;
  99. }
  100. }
  101. }
  102. }
  103. split_idx.push_back( pts_size - 1 );
  104. int val_index = 0;
  105. int pt_angle_index = 0;
  106. float scan_angle = 0;
  107. int internal_size = 0;
  108. //cout<<"split_idx.size():"<<split_idx.size()<<endl;
  109. //每个花瓣两个拐点,至少要三个花瓣
  110. if( split_idx.size() < 6) // minimum 3 petal of scan.
  111. return 0;
  112. //再次遍历点云的所有点
  113. for ( int idx = 0; idx < ( int ) pts_size; idx++ )
  114. {
  115. if ( val_index < split_idx.size() - 2 )
  116. {
  117. //在当前花瓣上处理
  118. if ( idx == 0 || idx > split_idx[ val_index + 1 ] )
  119. {
  120. //处理完毕后跳到下一个花瓣
  121. if ( idx > split_idx[ val_index + 1 ] )
  122. {
  123. val_index++;
  124. }
  125. //两个拐点之间的点数目
  126. internal_size = split_idx[ val_index + 1 ] - split_idx[ val_index ];
  127. //将拐点之间的点分为内外两类,分别求得点的极坐标
  128. if ( m_pts_info_vec[ split_idx[ val_index + 1 ] ].polar_dis_sq2 > 10000 )
  129. {
  130. pt_angle_index = split_idx[ val_index + 1 ] - ( int ) ( internal_size * 0.20 );
  131. scan_angle = atan2( m_pts_info_vec[ pt_angle_index ].pt_2d_img( 1 ), m_pts_info_vec[ pt_angle_index ].pt_2d_img( 0 ) ) * 57.3;
  132. scan_angle = scan_angle + 180.0;
  133. }
  134. else
  135. {
  136. pt_angle_index = split_idx[ val_index + 1 ] - ( int ) ( internal_size * 0.80 );
  137. scan_angle = atan2( m_pts_info_vec[ pt_angle_index ].pt_2d_img( 1 ), m_pts_info_vec[ pt_angle_index ].pt_2d_img( 0 ) ) * 57.3;
  138. scan_angle = scan_angle + 180.0;
  139. }
  140. }
  141. }
  142. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].polar_angle = scan_angle;
  143. scan_id_index[ idx ] = scan_angle;
  144. }
  145. return split_idx.size() - 1;
  146. }


  1. void compute_features()
  2. {
  3. unsigned int pts_size = m_raw_pts_vec.size();
  4. size_t curvature_ssd_size = 2;
  5. int critical_rm_point = e_pt_000 | e_pt_nan;
  6. float neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 3 ] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
  7. //再次遍历所有点云
  8. for ( size_t idx = curvature_ssd_size; idx < pts_size - curvature_ssd_size; idx++ )
  9. {
  10. //cout<<"curvature_ssd_size:"<<curvature_ssd_size<<endl;
  11. //忽略过近与nan点
  12. if ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_type & critical_rm_point )
  13. {
  14. continue;
  15. }
  16. /*********** Compute curvate ************/
  17. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 0 ] = 0.0;
  18. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 1 ] = 0.0;
  19. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 2 ] = 0.0;
  20. //与loam相似,查找曲线上前后2个点,共5个点
  21. for ( size_t i = 1; i <= curvature_ssd_size; i++ )
  22. {
  23. if ( ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx + i ].pt_type & e_pt_000 ) || ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx - i ].pt_type & e_pt_000 ) )
  24. {
  25. if ( i == 1 )
  26. {
  27. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_label |= e_label_near_zero;
  28. }
  29. else
  30. {
  31. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_label = e_label_invalid;
  32. }
  33. break;
  34. }
  35. else if ( ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx + i ].pt_type & e_pt_nan ) || ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx - i ].pt_type & e_pt_nan ) )
  36. {
  37. if ( i == 1 )
  38. {
  39. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_label |= e_label_near_nan;
  40. }
  41. else
  42. {
  43. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_label = e_label_invalid;
  44. }
  45. break;
  46. }
  47. else
  48. {
  49. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 0 ] += m_raw_pts_vec[ idx + i ].x + m_raw_pts_vec[ idx - i ].x;
  50. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 1 ] += m_raw_pts_vec[ idx + i ].y + m_raw_pts_vec[ idx - i ].y;
  51. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 2 ] += m_raw_pts_vec[ idx + i ].z + m_raw_pts_vec[ idx - i ].z;
  52. }
  53. }
  54. if(m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_label == e_label_invalid)
  55. {
  56. continue;
  57. }
  58. //求其他四个点与本个点的坐标差值,即看它们是否在空间中一条直线上,差值大则说明有角点
  59. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 0 ] -= curvature_ssd_size * 2 * m_raw_pts_vec[ idx ].x;
  60. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 1 ] -= curvature_ssd_size * 2 * m_raw_pts_vec[ idx ].y;
  61. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 2 ] -= curvature_ssd_size * 2 * m_raw_pts_vec[ idx ].z;
  62. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].curvature = neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 0 ] * neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 0 ] + neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 1 ] * neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 1 ] +
  63. neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 2 ] * neighbor_accumulate_xyz[ 2 ];
  64. /*********** Compute plane angle ************/
  65. //计算本个平面与视角的夹角,忽略掉与视野方向角度较小的平面
  66. Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 1 > vec_a( m_raw_pts_vec[ idx ].x, m_raw_pts_vec[ idx ].y, m_raw_pts_vec[ idx ].z );
  67. Eigen::Matrix< float, 3, 1 > vec_b( m_raw_pts_vec[ idx + curvature_ssd_size ].x - m_raw_pts_vec[ idx - curvature_ssd_size ].x,
  68. m_raw_pts_vec[ idx + curvature_ssd_size ].y - m_raw_pts_vec[ idx - curvature_ssd_size ].y,
  69. m_raw_pts_vec[ idx + curvature_ssd_size ].z - m_raw_pts_vec[ idx - curvature_ssd_size ].z );
  70. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].view_angle = Eigen_math::vector_angle( vec_a , vec_b, 1 ) * 57.3;
  71. //printf( "Idx = %d, angle = %.2f\r\n", idx, m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].view_angle );
  72. //满足曲率与平面度的点将设为平面点
  73. if ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].view_angle > minimum_view_angle )
  74. {
  75. if( m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].curvature < thr_surface_curvature )
  76. {
  77. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_label |= e_label_surface;
  78. }
  79. float sq2_diff = 0.1;
  80. if ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].curvature > thr_corner_curvature )
  81. {
  82. //仅收纳凸出的边缘,可能因为凹进去的边缘误差较大
  83. if ( m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].depth_sq2 <= m_pts_info_vec[ idx - curvature_ssd_size ].depth_sq2 &&
  84. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].depth_sq2 <= m_pts_info_vec[ idx + curvature_ssd_size ].depth_sq2 )
  85. {
  86. if ( abs( m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].depth_sq2 - m_pts_info_vec[ idx - curvature_ssd_size ].depth_sq2 ) < sq2_diff * m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].depth_sq2 ||
  87. abs( m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].depth_sq2 - m_pts_info_vec[ idx + curvature_ssd_size ].depth_sq2 ) < sq2_diff * m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].depth_sq2 )
  88. m_pts_info_vec[ idx ].pt_label |= e_label_corner;
  89. }
  90. }
  91. }
  92. }
  93. }





  1. void pointAssociateToMap( PointType const *const pi, PointType *const po,
  2. double interpolate_s = 1.0, int if_undistore = 0 )
  3. {
  4. Eigen::Vector3d point_curr( pi->x, pi->y, pi->z );
  5. Eigen::Vector3d point_w;
  6. if ( m_if_motion_deblur == 0 || if_undistore == 0 || interpolate_s == 1.0 )
  7. {
  8. point_w = m_q_w_curr * point_curr + m_t_w_curr;
  9. }
  10. else
  11. {
  12. //按时间戳与上一帧的运动结果矫正本帧的运动畸变,一般情况下有imu则优先使用imu的积分结果
  13. if ( interpolate_s > 1.0 || interpolate_s < 0.0 )
  14. {
  15. screen_printf( "Input interpolate_s = %.5f\r\n", interpolate_s );
  16. }
  17. //做线性插值时一般是先将旋转矩阵分解为轴角,按系数相乘后再用罗德里格斯公式转换为旋转矩阵。而这里的位姿变换的先验,是使用上一帧的运动估计进而猜想的直线运动(类似于ORB_SLAM),因此,切勿大幅度运动呀!
  18. if ( 1 ) // Using rodrigues for fast compute.
  19. {
  20. //https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigues%27_rotation_formula
  21. Eigen::Vector3d interpolate_T = m_t_w_incre * ( interpolate_s * BLUR_SCALE );
  22. double interpolate_R_theta = m_interpolatation_theta * interpolate_s;
  23. Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 3> interpolate_R_mat;
  24. interpolate_R_mat = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity() + sin( interpolate_R_theta ) * m_interpolatation_omega_hat + ( 1 - cos( interpolate_R_theta ) ) * m_interpolatation_omega_hat_sq2;
  25. point_w = m_q_w_last * ( interpolate_R_mat * point_curr + interpolate_T ) + m_t_w_last;
  26. }
  27. }
  28. po->x = point_w.x();
  29. po->y = point_w.y();
  30. po->z = point_w.z();
  31. po->intensity = pi->intensity;
  32. //po->intensity = 1.0;
  33. }


  1. int find_out_incremental_transfrom( pcl::PointCloud< PointType >::Ptr in_laser_cloud_corner_from_map,
  2. pcl::PointCloud< PointType >::Ptr in_laser_cloud_surf_from_map,
  3. pcl::KdTreeFLANN< PointType > & kdtree_corner_from_map,
  4. pcl::KdTreeFLANN< PointType > & kdtree_surf_from_map,
  5. pcl::PointCloud< PointType >::Ptr laserCloudCornerStack,
  6. pcl::PointCloud< PointType >::Ptr laserCloudSurfStack )
  7. {
  8. Eigen::Map<Eigen::Quaterniond> q_w_incre = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Quaterniond>(m_para_buffer_incremental );
  9. Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> t_w_incre = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d>( m_para_buffer_incremental + 4 );
  10. m_kdtree_corner_from_map = kdtree_corner_from_map;
  11. m_kdtree_surf_from_map = kdtree_surf_from_map;
  12. pcl::PointCloud<PointType> laser_cloud_corner_from_map = *in_laser_cloud_corner_from_map;
  13. pcl::PointCloud<PointType> laser_cloud_surf_from_map = *in_laser_cloud_surf_from_map;
  14. int laserCloudCornerFromMapNum = laser_cloud_corner_from_map.points.size();
  15. int laserCloudSurfFromMapNum = laser_cloud_surf_from_map.points.size();
  16. int laser_corner_pt_num = laserCloudCornerStack->points.size();
  17. int laser_surface_pt_num = laserCloudSurfStack->points.size();
  18. //screen_printf( "map corner num %d surf num %d \n", laserCloudCornerFromMapNum, laserCloudSurfFromMapNum );
  19. //printf_line;
  20. *(m_logger_timer->get_ostream())<< m_timer->toc_string( "Query points for match" ) << std::endl;
  21. m_timer->tic("Pose optimization");
  22. int surf_avail_num = 0;
  23. int corner_avail_num = 0;
  24. float minimize_cost = summary.final_cost ;
  25. PointType pointOri, pointSel;
  26. int corner_rejection_num = 0;
  27. int surface_rejecetion_num = 0;
  28. int if_undistore_in_matching = 1;
  29. //printf_line;
  30. //特征数量要足够
  31. if ( laserCloudCornerFromMapNum > CORNER_MIN_MAP_NUM && laserCloudSurfFromMapNum > SURFACE_MIN_MAP_NUM && m_current_frame_index > m_mapping_init_accumulate_frames )
  32. {
  33. m_timer->tic( "Build kdtree" );
  34. *( m_logger_timer->get_ostream() ) << m_timer->toc_string( "Build kdtree" ) << std::endl;
  35. Eigen::Quaterniond q_last_optimize( 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f );
  36. Eigen::Vector3d t_last_optimize( 0.f, 0.f, 0.f );
  37. int iterCount = 0;
  38. std::vector<int> m_point_search_Idx;
  39. std::vector<float> m_point_search_sq_dis;
  40. //多次迭代求解,按理说一次基本上就能收敛,一次收敛不了后面也很难收敛
  41. for ( iterCount = 0; iterCount < m_para_icp_max_iterations; iterCount++ )
  42. {
  43. m_point_search_Idx.clear();
  44. m_point_search_sq_dis.clear();
  45. corner_avail_num = 0;
  46. surf_avail_num = 0;
  47. corner_rejection_num = 0;
  48. surface_rejecetion_num = 0;
  49. ceres::LossFunction * loss_function = new ceres::HuberLoss( 0.1 );
  50. ceres::LocalParameterization * q_parameterization = new ceres::EigenQuaternionParameterization();
  51. ceres::Problem::Options problem_options;
  52. ceres::ResidualBlockId block_id;
  53. ceres::Problem problem( problem_options );
  54. std::vector<ceres::ResidualBlockId> residual_block_ids;
  55. //所优化的参数为p、q
  56. problem.AddParameterBlock( m_para_buffer_incremental, 4, q_parameterization );
  57. problem.AddParameterBlock( m_para_buffer_incremental + 4, 3 );
  58. for ( int i = 0; i < laser_corner_pt_num; i++ )
  59. {
  60. if ( laser_corner_pt_num > 2 * m_maximum_allow_residual_block )
  61. {
  62. if(m_rand_float.rand_uniform() * laser_corner_pt_num > 2 * m_maximum_allow_residual_block)
  63. {
  64. continue;
  65. }
  66. }
  67. pointOri = laserCloudCornerStack->points[ i ];
  68. //printf_line;
  69. if ( (!std::isfinite( pointOri.x )) ||
  70. (!std::isfinite( pointOri.y )) ||
  71. (!std::isfinite( pointOri.z )) )
  72. continue;
  73. //将本帧的点转换到世界坐标系下
  74. //形参是按时间戳的插值系数
  75. //默认是进行运动畸变矫正
  76. pointAssociateToMap( &pointOri, &pointSel, refine_blur( pointOri.intensity, m_minimum_pt_time_stamp, m_maximum_pt_time_stamp ), if_undistore_in_matching );
  77. //查找本帧的角点与上一帧的最近的角点(直线)
  78. if(m_kdtree_corner_from_map.nearestKSearch( pointSel, line_search_num, m_point_search_Idx, m_point_search_sq_dis ) != line_search_num)
  79. {
  80. continue;
  81. }
  82. //防止误查找
  83. if ( m_point_search_sq_dis[ line_search_num - 1 ] < m_maximum_dis_line_for_match )
  84. {
  85. bool line_is_avail = true;
  86. std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> nearCorners;
  87. Eigen::Vector3d center( 0, 0, 0 );
  89. {
  90. for ( int j = 0; j < line_search_num; j++ )
  91. {
  92. Eigen::Vector3d tmp( laser_cloud_corner_from_map.points[ m_point_search_Idx[ j ] ].x,
  93. laser_cloud_corner_from_map.points[ m_point_search_Idx[ j ] ].y,
  94. laser_cloud_corner_from_map.points[ m_point_search_Idx[ j ] ].z );
  95. center = center + tmp;
  96. nearCorners.push_back( tmp );
  97. }
  98. center = center / ( ( float ) line_search_num );
  99. Eigen::Matrix3d covMat = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
  100. //计算直线度的方差
  101. for ( int j = 0; j < line_search_num; j++ )
  102. {
  103. Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1> tmpZeroMean = nearCorners[ j ] - center;
  104. covMat = covMat + tmpZeroMean * tmpZeroMean.transpose();
  105. }
  106. //检查直线度是否足够(特征值分解可得到一个出众的特征值)
  107. Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> saes( covMat );
  108. // note Eigen library sort eigenvalues in increasing order
  109. if ( saes.eigenvalues()[ 2 ] > 3 * saes.eigenvalues()[ 1 ] )
  110. {
  111. line_is_avail = true;
  112. }
  113. else
  114. {
  115. line_is_avail = false;
  116. }
  117. }
  118. Eigen::Vector3d curr_point( pointOri.x, pointOri.y, pointOri.z );
  119. if ( line_is_avail )
  120. {
  121. if ( ICP_LINE )
  122. {
  123. ceres::CostFunction *cost_function;
  124. //将pcl点转换为eigen向量
  125. auto pt_1 = pcl_pt_to_eigend( laser_cloud_corner_from_map.points[ m_point_search_Idx[ 0 ] ] );
  126. auto pt_2 = pcl_pt_to_eigend( laser_cloud_corner_from_map.points[ m_point_search_Idx[ 1 ] ] );
  127. if((pt_1 -pt_2).norm() < 0.0001)
  128. continue;
  129. if ( m_if_motion_deblur )
  130. {
  131. //printf_line;
  132. //求解线特征之间的优化,优化的变量是直线向量与另一个向量的投影之差,其实就是夹角大小
  133. //相对地,面特征之间的优化,优化的变量是一个平面的法向量与另一个平面上两点之间的向量的乘积
  134. cost_function = ceres_icp_point2line_mb<double>::Create( curr_point,
  135. pt_1,
  136. pt_2,
  137. refine_blur( pointOri.intensity, m_minimum_pt_time_stamp, m_maximum_pt_time_stamp ) * 1.0,
  138. Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 1>( m_q_w_last.w(), m_q_w_last.x(), m_q_w_last.y(), m_q_w_last.z() ),
  139. m_t_w_last ); //pointOri.intensity );
  140. }
  141. else
  142. {
  143. cost_function = ceres_icp_point2line<double>::Create( curr_point,
  144. pt_1,
  145. pt_2,
  146. Eigen::Matrix<double, 4, 1>( m_q_w_last.w(), m_q_w_last.x(), m_q_w_last.y(), m_q_w_last.z() ),
  147. m_t_w_last );
  148. }
  149. //printf_line;
  150. block_id = problem.AddResidualBlock( cost_function, loss_function, m_para_buffer_incremental, m_para_buffer_incremental + 4 );
  151. residual_block_ids.push_back( block_id );
  152. corner_avail_num++;
  153. }
  154. }
  155. else
  156. {
  157. corner_rejection_num++;
  158. }
  159. }
  160. }
  161. .......
  162. }




  1. //对每个体素网格中的点云进行方差矩阵分析,方差过大则认为是无特征(球形特征)
  2. //对方差矩阵进行特征值分解,若只有一个出众特征值则是线特征,否则是面特征
  3. m_keyframe_need_precession_list.front()->update_features_of_each_cells();
  4. //根据关键帧中所有的面特征,选择最大的面特征(基于特征值分解)的特征向量,与其它线、面特征的向量相乘
  5. //得到线特征、面特征分别的“特征矩阵”,
  6. m_keyframe_need_precession_list.front()->analyze();


  1. FUNC_T static float similiarity_of_two_image_opencv( const Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &img_a, const Eigen::Matrix< float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > &img_b, int method = CV_COMP_CORREL )
  2. {
  3. cv::Mat hist_a, hist_b;
  4. cv::eigen2cv( img_a, hist_a );
  5. cv::eigen2cv( img_b, hist_b );
  6. return cv::compareHist( hist_a, hist_b, method ); // https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/histograms.html?highlight=comparehist
  7. }


  1. //向线特征或面特征的特征矩阵中,增加边界,类似于卷积神经网络的padding操作
  2. res_img = add_padding_to_feature_image( img_b, PHI_RESOLUTION*0.5, THETA_RESOLUTION*0.5 );
  3. //使用模板匹配中的标准相关性匹配,通过两幅图像相乘,若结果越大则相关性越好
  4. max_res = max_similiarity_of_two_image_opencv(img_a, res_img);


