1. 初始化流量为0。
2. 在图中找到一条增广路径。可以使用深度优先搜索(DFS)或广度优先搜索(BFS)来寻找增广路径。
3. 如果存在增广路径,则确定路径上的最小剩余容量,这将成为增加的流量。
4. 在增广路径上更新每条边的流量,将流量增加到正向边上,减少流量到反向边上。
5. 重复步骤2-4,直到没有增广路径可以找到。
6. 最终,流量的总和就是最大流。
1. 初始化流量为0。
2. 在图中使用广度优先搜索(BFS)找到一条增广路径。BFS会按照节点的层级顺序搜索,确保找到的路径是最短路径。
3. 如果存在增广路径,则确定路径上的最小剩余容量,这将成为增加的流量。
4. 在增广路径上更新每条边的流量,将流量增加到正向边上,减少流量到反向边上。
5. 重复步骤2-4,直到没有增广路径可以找到。
6. 最终,流量的总和就是最大流。
通过使用广度优先搜索来选择最短增广路径,Edmonds-Karp算法保证了每次迭代增加的流量是最优的。算法的时间复杂度为O(V * E2),其中V是节点数,E是边数。
1. 构建初始的残余网络,其中所有边的初始流量为0。
2. 构建层次图,即通过广度优先搜索(BFS)确定每个节点的层级,从源节点开始,每一层只包含从前一层到达的节点。
3. 当存在层次图中的增广路径时,执行以下步骤:
a. 在层次图中使用深度优先搜索(DFS)查找增广路径,路径上的边必须满足残余容量大于0。
b. 在DFS过程中,尽量选择残余容量最大的边,以加快算法的收敛速度。
c. 如果找到增广路径,则确定路径上的最小残余容量,这将成为增加的流量。
d. 在增广路径上更新每条边的流量,增加流量到正向边上,减少流量到反向边上。
e. 更新残余网络,即更新每条边的残余容量。
f. 重复步骤3直到没有增广路径可以找到。
4. 最终,流量的总和就是最大流。
Dinic算法的主要优势在于它的高效性。在每次迭代中,Dinic算法可以找到多条增广路径,并且在每次迭代中,层次图的层级结构都会保持不变,因此可以避免重复计算。算法的时间复杂度为O(V2 * E),其中V是节点数,E是边数,这使得Dinic算法在大多数实际情况下具有较好的性能。
1. 时间复杂度更优:Dinic算法的时间复杂度为O(V2 * E),而Edmonds-Karp算法的时间复杂度为O(V * E2)。在稠密图(边数接近顶点数的平方)中,Dinic算法通常比Edmonds-Karp算法更快。这是因为Dinic算法通过使用层次图和BFS构造增广路径,减少了不必要的搜索和迭代次数。
2. 增广路径选择更优:Dinic算法在每次迭代中选择残余容量最大的边作为增广路径的一部分,从而在每次迭代中增加更多的流量。这使得Dinic算法收敛更快,可以找到更快的最大流。
3. 不会出现返流:Edmonds-Karp算法在每次迭代时使用BFS选择增广路径,可能会导致在残余图中出现返流边,从而需要对返流边进行反复的搜索和调整。而Dinic算法使用层次图构建增广路径,保证了每次迭代中不会出现返流边,从而减少了不必要的操作。
4. 空间效率更高:Dinic算法使用层次图作为辅助数据结构,而不需要维护整个残余图。这使得Dinic算法的空间复杂度较低,只需O(V)的额外空间。
一个医院有 n 名医生,现有 k 个公共假期,每一个公共假期有q天。例如,“五一”假期由5月1日至5月7日一共7天。“元旦”假期由1月1日至1月3日一共3天。
1. 创建节点:
- 源点(Source):表示医生的起始节点。
- 医生节点:表示每个医生,例如医生n1、n2、n3。
- 假期节点:表示每个假期,例如假期k1、k2。
- 假日节点:表示每个假期的每一天,例如假期k1的第一天、第二天、第三天,假期k2的第一天、第二天、第三天。
- 汇点(Sink):表示流网络的终点。
2. 添加边和容量:
- 源点到医生节点:将容量设置为每个医生可值班的最大天数c。
- 医生节点到假期节点:将容量设置为1,表示医生只能在一个假期中值班一天。
- 假期节点到假日节点:将容量设置为1,表示每个假期的每一天只能安排一个医生值班。
- 假日节点到汇点:将容量设置为1,表示每一天只能安排一个医生值班。
3. 运行Dinic算法:
- 使用Dinic算法计算最大流量,从源点流向汇点的最大流量即表示可安排的最大值班天数。
- 根据最大流量的结果,确定每个医生在哪些假期的哪些假日值班。
- //EK算法
- function EdmondsKarpAlgorithm(graph, source, sink):
- // 初始化残余图,将所有边的流量设为0
- residualGraph = InitializeResidualGraph(graph)
- // 初始化最大流量为0
- maxFlow = 0
- // 在残余图中存在增广路径时继续循环
- while ThereExistsAugmentingPath(residualGraph, source, sink):
- // 使用广度优先搜索(BFS)找到一条增广路径
- augmentingPath = FindAugmentingPath(residualGraph, source, sink)
- // 找到增广路径后,计算路径上的最小残余容量
- minCapacity = FindMinCapacity(augmentingPath)
- // 在增广路径上更新每条边的流量
- UpdateFlow(residualGraph, augmentingPath, minCapacity)
- // 更新最大流量
- maxFlow = maxFlow + minCapacity
- // 返回最大流量
- return maxFlow
- function InitializeResidualGraph(graph):
- residualGraph = createEmptyGraph()
- // 在残余图中复制原始图的边,并将初始流量设为0
- for each edge (u, v) in graph:
- residualGraph.addEdge(u, v, capacity=graph[u][v], flow=0)
- return residualGraph
- function ThereExistsAugmentingPath(residualGraph, source, sink):
- // 使用广度优先搜索(BFS)查找从源节点到汇节点的增广路径
- visited = createEmptySet()
- queue = createEmptyQueue()
- queue.enqueue(source)
- visited.add(source)
- while queue is not empty:
- currentVertex = queue.dequeue()
- // 遍历当前节点的邻居节点
- for each neighbor in residualGraph.getNeighbors(currentVertex):
- // 如果邻居节点未被访问且残余容量大于0,则加入队列并标记为已访问
- if neighbor not in visited and residualGraph.getResidualCapacity(currentVertex, neighbor) > 0:
- queue.enqueue(neighbor)
- visited.add(neighbor)
- // 记录从源节点到当前节点的路径
- residualGraph.setParent(neighbor, currentVertex)
- // 如果汇节点被访问到了,说明存在增广路径
- return sink in visited
- function FindAugmentingPath(residualGraph, source, sink):
- // 使用深度优先搜索(DFS)找到从源节点到汇节点的增广路径
- path = []
- currentVertex = sink
- while currentVertex != source:
- // 将当前节点添加到路径中
- path.append(currentVertex)
- // 获取当前节点的父节点
- parent = residualGraph.getParent(currentVertex)
- // 在残余图中删除当前节点和父节点之间的边,相当于将其标记为已访问
- residualGraph.removeEdge(parent, currentVertex)
- currentVertex = parent
- // 将源节点添加到路径中
- path.append(source)
- // 反转路径,使其从源节点到汇节点
- path.reverse()
- // 返回增广路径
- return path
- function FindMinCapacity(augmentingPath):
- // 初始化最小残余容量为正无穷
- minCapacity = infinity
- // 遍历增广路径上的边,找到最小的残余容量
- for each edge (u, v) in augmentingPath:
- // 获取当前边的残余容量
- residualCapacity = residualGraph.getResidualCapacity(u, v)
- // 更新最小残余容量
- minCapacity = min(minCapacity, residualCapacity)
- // 返回最小残余容量
- return minCapacity
- function UpdateFlow(residualGraph, augmentingPath, minCapacity):
- // 在增广路径上更新每条边的流量
- for each edge (u, v) in augmentingPath:
- // 增加流量到正向边上
- residualGraph.increaseFlow(u, v, minCapacity)
- // 减少流量到反向边上
- residualGraph.decreaseFlow(v, u, minCapacity)
- //Danic算法
- function DinicAlgorithm(graph, source, sink):
- // 构建初始的残余网络,将所有边的初始流量设为0
- residualGraph = InitializeResidualGraph(graph)
- // 初始化最大流量为0
- maxFlow = 0
- // 构建层次图(Layered Graph),即确定每个节点的层级
- while ConstructLayeredGraph(residualGraph, source, sink):
- // 在层次图中存在增广路径时继续循环
- while true:
- // 使用深度优先搜索(DFS)查找增广路径
- augmentingPath = FindAugmentingPath(residualGraph, source, sink)
- // 如果没有找到增广路径,跳出内层循环
- if augmentingPath is None:
- break
- // 计算路径上的最小残余容量
- minCapacity = FindMinCapacity(augmentingPath)
- // 在增广路径上更新每条边的流量
- UpdateFlow(residualGraph, augmentingPath, minCapacity)
- // 更新最大流量
- maxFlow = maxFlow + minCapacity
- // 返回最大流量
- return maxFlow
- function InitializeResidualGraph(graph):
- residualGraph = createEmptyGraph()
- // 在残余图中复制原始图的边,并将初始流量设为0
- for each edge (u, v) in graph:
- residualGraph.addEdge(u, v, capacity=graph[u][v], flow=0)
- return residualGraph
- function ConstructLayeredGraph(residualGraph, source, sink):
- // 使用广度优先搜索(BFS)构建层次图
- residualGraph.resetLevels()
- residualGraph.setLevel(source, 0)
- queue = createEmptyQueue()
- queue.enqueue(source)
- while queue is not empty:
- currentVertex = queue.dequeue()
- // 遍历当前节点的邻居节点
- for each neighbor in residualGraph.getNeighbors(currentVertex):
- // 如果邻居节点未被标记层级且残余容量大于0,则将其标记为下一层级
- if residualGraph.getLevel(neighbor) == -1 and residualGraph.getResidualCapacity(currentVertex, neighbor) > 0:
- residualGraph.setLevel(neighbor, residualGraph.getLevel(currentVertex) + 1)
- queue.enqueue(neighbor)
- // 如果汇节点被标记层级,说明层次图构建完成
- return residualGraph.getLevel(sink) != -1
- function FindAugmentingPath(residualGraph, currentVertex, sink, minCapacity):
- // 如果当前节点等于汇节点,返回增广路径
- if currentVertex == sink:
- return [sink]
- // 遍历当前节点的邻居节点
- for each neighbor in residualGraph.getNeighbors(currentVertex):
- // 如果邻居节点的层级是当前节点的下一层级且残余容量大于0
- if residualGraph.getLevel(neighbor) == residualGraph.getLevel(currentVertex) + 1 and residualGraph.getResidualCapacity(currentVertex, neighbor) > 0:
- // 递归地查找从邻居节点到汇节点的增广路径
- augmentingPath = FindAugmentingPath(residualGraph, neighbor, sink, min(minCapacity, residualGraph.getResidualCapacity(currentVertex, neighbor)))
- // 如果找到增广路径,将当前节点添加到路径中并返回路径
- if augmentingPath is not None:
- augmentingPath.append(currentVertex)
- return augmentingPath
- // 如果没有找到增广路径,返回空
- return None
- function FindMinCapacity(augmentingPath):
- // 初始化最小残余容量为正无穷
- minCapacity = infinity
- // 遍历增广路径上的边,找到最小的残余容量
- for each edge (u, v) in augmentingPath:
- // 获取当前边的残余容量
- residualCapacity = residualGraph.getResidualCapacity(u, v)
- // 更新最小残余容量
- minCapacity = min(minCapacity, residualCapacity)
- // 返回最小残余容量
- return minCapacity
- function UpdateFlow(residualGraph, augmentingPath, minCapacity):
- // 在增广路径上更新每条边的流量
- for each edge (u, v) in augmentingPath:
- // 增加流量到正向边上
- residualGraph.increaseFlow(u, v, minCapacity)
- // 减少流量到反向边上
- residualGraph.decreaseFlow(v, u, minCapacity)
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <limits>
- #include <queue>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <unordered_set>
- using namespace std;
- // 生成指定范围内的随机整数
- int getRandomNumber(int minVal, int maxVal) {
- return minVal + rand() % (maxVal - minVal + 1);
- }
- // 随机生成医生的假日集合
- unordered_set<int> generateDoctorHolidays(int numHolidays, int numDays) {
- unordered_set<int> holidays;
- while (holidays.size() < numDays) {
- int holiday = getRandomNumber(1, numHolidays * numDays);
- holidays.insert(holiday);
- }
- return holidays;
- }
- // 边的数据结构
- struct Edge {
- int from;
- int to;
- int capacity;
- int flow;
- Edge(int from, int to, int capacity, int flow) : from(from), to(to), capacity(capacity), flow(flow) {}
- };
- // Dinic算法的实现
- class DinicAlgorithm {
- public:
- DinicAlgorithm(int numNodes) : numNodes(numNodes) {
- adjList.resize(numNodes);
- level.resize(numNodes);
- nextEdgeIndex.resize(numNodes);
- }
- void addEdge(int from, int to, int capacity) {
- adjList[from].push_back(edges.size());
- edges.push_back(Edge(from, to, capacity, 0));
- adjList[to].push_back(edges.size());
- edges.push_back(Edge(to, from, 0, 0));
- }
- bool bfs(int source, int sink) {
- fill(level.begin(), level.end(), -1);
- level[source] = 0;
- queue<int> q;
- q.push(source);
- while (!q.empty()) {
- int current = q.front();
- q.pop();
- for (int edgeIndex : adjList[current]) {
- Edge& edge = edges[edgeIndex];
- if (level[edge.to] == -1 && edge.capacity > edge.flow) {
- level[edge.to] = level[current] + 1;
- q.push(edge.to);
- }
- }
- }
- return level[sink] != -1;
- }
- int dfs(int current, int sink, int minCapacity) {
- if (current == sink) {
- return minCapacity;
- }
- while (nextEdgeIndex[current] < adjList[current].size()) {
- int edgeIndex = adjList[current][nextEdgeIndex[current]];
- Edge& edge = edges[edgeIndex];
- if (level[edge.to] == level[current] + 1 && edge.capacity > edge.flow) {
- int bottleneckCapacity = dfs(edge.to, sink, min(minCapacity, edge.capacity - edge.flow));
- if (bottleneckCapacity > 0) {
- edge.flow += bottleneckCapacity;
- edges[edgeIndex ^ 1].flow -= bottleneckCapacity;
- return bottleneckCapacity;
- }
- }
- nextEdgeIndex[current]++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int maxFlow(int source, int sink) {
- int totalFlow = 0;
- while (bfs(source, sink)) {
- fill(nextEdgeIndex.begin(), nextEdgeIndex.end(), 0);
- int flow;
- while ((flow = dfs(source, sink, numeric_limits<int>::max())) > 0) {
- totalFlow += flow;
- }
- }
- return totalFlow;
- }
- //private:
- int numNodes;
- vector<Edge> edges;
- vector<vector<int>> adjList;
- vector<int> level;
- vector<int> nextEdgeIndex;
- };
- // 主函数
- int main()
- {
- int numDoctors = 3;
- int numHolidays = 2;
- int numDays = 3;
- int maxDutyDays = 3;
- DinicAlgorithm dinic(numDoctors + numHolidays * numDays + 2); // 加2是为了添加源点和汇点
- int source = 0;
- int sink = numDoctors + numHolidays * numDays + 1;
- // 构建网络图
- for (int i = 1; i <= numDoctors; i++) {
- dinic.addEdge(source, i, maxDutyDays); // 源点到医生的边,容量为每名医生最多值班的天数
- }
- for (int i = 1; i <= numHolidays; i++) {
- for (int j = 1; j <= numDays; j++) {
- int holidayNode = numDoctors + (i - 1) * numDays + j;
- dinic.addEdge(holidayNode, sink, 1); // 假日到汇点的边,容量为1
- // 医生到假日的边,容量为1,根据医生的可值班假日集合确定边的连接关系
- // 医生n1的假日集合:{k1的第二天和第三天、k2的第二天和第三天}
- if (i == 1 && (j == 2 || j == 3)) {
- dinic.addEdge(1, holidayNode, 1);
- }
- // 医生n2的假日集合:{k1的第一天和第二天、k2的第一天和第二天}
- if (i == 1 && (j == 1 || j == 2)) {
- dinic.addEdge(2, holidayNode, 1);
- }
- // 医生n3的假日集合:{k1的第二天和第三天、k2的第一天和第二天}
- if ((i == 1 && (j == 2 || j == 3)) || (i == 2 && (j == 1 || j == 2))) {
- dinic.addEdge(3, holidayNode, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- // 求解最大流量
- int maxFlow = dinic.maxFlow(source, sink);
- cout << "Max flow: " << maxFlow << endl;
- // 输出分配方案
- for (int i = 0; i < dinic.adjList.size(); i++) {
- for (int edgeIndex : dinic.adjList[i]) {
- Edge& edge = dinic.edges[edgeIndex];
- if (edge.from != source && edge.to != sink && edge.flow > 0) {
- cout << "Doctor " << edge.from << " assigned to Holiday " << (edge.to - numDoctors - 1) / numDays + 1
- << ", Day " << (edge.to - numDoctors - 1) % numDays + 1 << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <unordered_set>
- #include <queue>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <unordered_map>
- #include<sstream>
- using namespace std;
- // Dinic算法中的边数据结构
- struct Edge {
- int from;
- int to;
- int capacity;
- int flow;
- Edge(int from, int to, int capacity) : from(from), to(to), capacity(capacity), flow(0) {}
- };
- // Dinic算法中的流网络数据结构
- class Dinic {
- public:
- int numNodes;
- vector<vector<int>> adjList;
- vector<Edge> edges;
- vector<int> level;
- vector<int> nextEdgeIndex;
- Dinic(int numNodes) : numNodes(numNodes), adjList(numNodes), level(numNodes), nextEdgeIndex(numNodes) {}
- void addEdge(int from, int to, int capacity) {
- adjList[from].push_back(edges.size());
- edges.emplace_back(from, to, capacity);
- adjList[to].push_back(edges.size());
- edges.emplace_back(to, from, 0);
- }
- bool bfs(int source, int sink) {
- fill(level.begin(), level.end(), -1);
- level[source] = 0;
- queue<int> q;
- q.push(source);
- while (!q.empty()) {
- int currentNode = q.front();
- q.pop();
- for (int edgeIndex : adjList[currentNode]) {
- Edge& edge = edges[edgeIndex];
- if (level[edge.to] == -1 && edge.capacity > edge.flow) {
- level[edge.to] = level[currentNode] + 1;
- q.push(edge.to);
- }
- }
- }
- return level[sink] != -1;
- }
- int dfs(int currentNode, int minCapacity, int sink) {
- if (currentNode == sink)
- return minCapacity;
- for (int& edgeIndex = nextEdgeIndex[currentNode]; edgeIndex < adjList[currentNode].size(); edgeIndex++) {
- Edge& edge = edges[adjList[currentNode][edgeIndex]];
- if (level[edge.to] == level[currentNode] + 1 && edge.capacity > edge.flow) {
- int bottleneck = dfs(edge.to, min(minCapacity, edge.capacity - edge.flow), sink);
- if (bottleneck > 0) {
- edge.flow += bottleneck;
- edges[adjList[currentNode][edgeIndex] ^ 1].flow -= bottleneck;
- return bottleneck;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int maxFlow(int source, int sink) {
- int maxFlow = 0;
- while (bfs(source, sink)) {
- fill(nextEdgeIndex.begin(), nextEdgeIndex.end(), 0);
- int bottleneck;
- while ((bottleneck = dfs(source, INT_MAX, sink)) > 0) {
- maxFlow += bottleneck;
- }
- }
- return maxFlow;
- }
- };
- // 生成指定范围内的随机整数
- int getRandomNumber(int minVal, int maxVal) {
- return minVal + rand() % (maxVal - minVal + 1);
- }
- // 随机生成医生的假日集合
- unordered_set<int> generateDoctorHolidays(int numHolidays, int numDays) {
- unordered_set<int> holidays;
- while (holidays.size() < numDays) {
- int holiday = getRandomNumber(1, numHolidays * numDays);
- holidays.insert(holiday);
- }
- return holidays;
- }
- // 将假日的编号转换为具体的日期
- string getHolidayDate(int holiday, int numDaysPerMonth) {
- int month = (holiday - 1) / numDaysPerMonth + 1;
- int day = (holiday - 1) % numDaysPerMonth + 1;
- return to_string(month) + "/" + to_string(day);
- }
- // 输出医生的排班方案
- void printSchedule(const vector<unordered_map<int, string>>& schedule, int numDaysPerMonth) {
- for (int i = 0; i < schedule.size(); i++) {
- cout << "Doctor " << i + 1 << " schedule: ";
- for (const auto& entry : schedule[i]) {
- //cout << getHolidayDate(entry.first, numDaysPerMonth) << " - " << entry.second << " ";
- cout << getHolidayDate(entry.first, numDaysPerMonth) << " - " << entry.second << " ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- }
- int main() {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned>(time(0))); // 设置随机数种子
- int numDoctors; // 医生数量
- int numHolidays; // 假期数量
- int numDays; // 每个假期的天数
- int maxDutyDays; // 每名医生最多值班的天数
- cout << "Enter the number of doctors: ";
- cin >> numDoctors;
- cout << "Enter the number of holidays: ";
- cin >> numHolidays;
- cout << "Enter the number of days per holiday: ";
- cin >> numDays;
- cout << "Enter the maximum duty days per doctor: ";
- cin >> maxDutyDays;
- // 生成每个医生的假日集合
- vector<unordered_set<int>> doctorHolidays(numDoctors);
- for (int i = 0; i < numDoctors; i++) {
- doctorHolidays[i] = generateDoctorHolidays(numHolidays, numDays);
- }
- // 输出生成的数据
- cout << "Number of doctors: " << numDoctors << endl;
- cout << "Number of holidays: " << numHolidays << endl;
- cout << "Number of days per holiday: " << numDays << endl;
- cout << "Maximum duty days per doctor: " << maxDutyDays << endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < numDoctors; i++) {
- cout << "Doctor " << i + 1 << " holidays: ";
- for (int holiday : doctorHolidays[i]) {
- cout << holiday << " ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- // 构建流网络
- int numNodes = numDoctors + numHolidays * numDays + 2; // 医生节点 + 假期节点 + 源点 + 汇点
- int source = 0;
- int sink = numNodes - 1;
- Dinic dinic(numNodes);
- // 添加医生节点和源点之间的边
- for (int i = 1; i <= numDoctors; i++) {
- dinic.addEdge(source, i, maxDutyDays);
- }
- // 添加假期节点和汇点之间的边
- int nodeOffset = numDoctors;
- // 添加假期节点和汇点之间的边
- for (int i = 1; i <= numHolidays; i++) {
- for (int j = 1; j <= numDays; j++) {
- dinic.addEdge(nodeOffset + (i - 1) * numDays + j, sink, 1);
- }
- }
- // 添加医生节点和假期节点之间的边
- for (int i = 1; i <= numDoctors; i++) {
- for (int j = 1; j <= numHolidays; j++) {
- for (int k = 1; k <= numDays; k++) {
- if (doctorHolidays[i - 1].count((j - 1) * numDays + k) > 0) {
- dinic.addEdge(i, nodeOffset + (j - 1) * numDays + k, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- int qi, zhi;
- qi = clock();
- // 使用Dinic算法求解最大流
- int maxFlow = dinic.maxFlow(source, sink);
- cout << "Maximum flow: " << maxFlow << endl;
- // 解析最大流,生成医生的排班方案
- vector<unordered_map<int, string>> schedule(numDoctors);
- for (const auto& edge : dinic.edges) {
- if (edge.from >= 1 && edge.from <= numDoctors && edge.to >= nodeOffset + 1) {
- if (edge.flow > 0) {
- int doctor = edge.from;
- int holiday = (edge.to - nodeOffset - 1) / numDays + 1;
- string date = getHolidayDate(edge.to - nodeOffset, numDays);
- schedule[doctor - 1][holiday] = date;
- }
- }
- }
- zhi = clock();
- // 输出医生的排班方案
- //printSchedule(schedule, numDays);
- cout << "耗时:" << zhi - qi << " ms" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
- #include <iostream>
- #include <vector>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <unordered_set>
- #include <queue>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <unordered_map>
- #include<sstream>
- #include <chrono>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace std::chrono;
- // Dinic算法中的边数据结构
- struct Edge {
- int from;
- int to;
- int capacity;
- int flow;
- Edge(int from, int to, int capacity) : from(from), to(to), capacity(capacity), flow(0) {}
- };
- // Dinic算法中的流网络数据结构
- class Dinic {
- public:
- int numNodes;
- vector<vector<int>> adjList;
- vector<Edge> edges;
- vector<int> level;
- vector<int> nextEdgeIndex;
- Dinic(int numNodes) : numNodes(numNodes), adjList(numNodes), level(numNodes), nextEdgeIndex(numNodes) {}
- void addEdge(int from, int to, int capacity) {
- adjList[from].push_back(edges.size());
- edges.emplace_back(from, to, capacity);
- adjList[to].push_back(edges.size());
- edges.emplace_back(to, from, 0);
- }
- bool bfs(int source, int sink) {
- fill(level.begin(), level.end(), -1);
- level[source] = 0;
- queue<int> q;
- q.push(source);
- while (!q.empty()) {
- int currentNode = q.front();
- q.pop();
- for (int edgeIndex : adjList[currentNode]) {
- Edge& edge = edges[edgeIndex];
- if (level[edge.to] == -1 && edge.capacity > edge.flow) {
- level[edge.to] = level[currentNode] + 1;
- q.push(edge.to);
- }
- }
- }
- return level[sink] != -1;
- }
- int dfs(int currentNode, int minCapacity, int sink) {
- if (currentNode == sink)
- return minCapacity;
- for (int& edgeIndex = nextEdgeIndex[currentNode]; edgeIndex < adjList[currentNode].size(); edgeIndex++) {
- Edge& edge = edges[adjList[currentNode][edgeIndex]];
- if (level[edge.to] == level[currentNode] + 1 && edge.capacity > edge.flow) {
- int bottleneck = dfs(edge.to, min(minCapacity, edge.capacity - edge.flow), sink);
- if (bottleneck > 0) {
- edge.flow += bottleneck;
- edges[adjList[currentNode][edgeIndex] ^ 1].flow -= bottleneck;
- return bottleneck;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int maxFlow(int source, int sink) {
- int maxFlow = 0;
- while (bfs(source, sink)) {
- fill(nextEdgeIndex.begin(), nextEdgeIndex.end(), 0);
- int bottleneck;
- while ((bottleneck = dfs(source, INT_MAX, sink)) > 0) {
- maxFlow += bottleneck;
- }
- }
- return maxFlow;
- }
- };
- int getRandomNumber(int minVal, int maxVal) {
- return minVal + rand() % (maxVal - minVal + 1);
- }
- unordered_set<int> generateDoctorHolidays(int numHolidays, int numDays) {
- unordered_set<int> holidays;
- while (holidays.size() < numDays) {
- int holiday = getRandomNumber(1, numHolidays * numDays);
- holidays.insert(holiday);
- }
- return holidays;
- }
- string getHolidayDate(int holiday, int numDaysPerMonth) {
- int month = (holiday - 1) / numDaysPerMonth + 1;
- int day = (holiday - 1) % numDaysPerMonth + 1;
- return to_string(month) + "/" + to_string(day);
- }
- void printSchedule(const vector<unordered_map<int, string>>& schedule, int numDaysPerMonth) {
- for (int i = 0; i < schedule.size(); i++) {
- cout << "Doctor " << i + 1 << " schedule: ";
- for (const auto& entry : schedule[i]) {
- //cout << getHolidayDate(entry.first, numDaysPerMonth) << " - " << entry.second << " ";
- cout << entry.first << " - " << entry.second << " ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- }
- int main() {
- srand(static_cast<unsigned>(time(0))); // 设置随机数种子
- int numDoctors; // 医生数量
- int numHolidays; // 假期数量
- int numDays; // 每个假期的天数
- int maxDutyDays; // 每名医生最多值班的天数
- int mo;
- cout << "输入数据规模: ";
- cin >> mo;
- /*
- cout << "输入医生个数: ";
- cin >> numDoctors;
- cout << "输入假期个数: ";
- cin >> numHolidays;
- cout << "输入每个假期的天数: ";
- cin >> numDays;
- cout << "输入每名医生最多值班天数: ";
- cin >> maxDutyDays;
- */
- numDoctors = numHolidays = numDays = maxDutyDays = mo;
- cout << endl;
- // 生成每个医生的假日集合
- vector<unordered_set<int>> doctorHolidays(numDoctors);
- for (int i = 0; i < numDoctors; i++) {
- doctorHolidays[i] = generateDoctorHolidays(numHolidays, numDays);
- }
- // 输出生成的数据
- //cout << "Number of doctors: " << numDoctors << endl;
- //cout << "Number of holidays: " << numHolidays << endl;
- //cout << "Number of days per holiday: " << numDays << endl;
- //cout << "Maximum duty days per doctor: " << maxDutyDays << endl;
- for (int i = 0; i < numDoctors; i++) {
- cout << "Doctor " << i + 1 << " holidays: ";
- for (int holiday : doctorHolidays[i]) {
- cout << getHolidayDate(holiday, numDays) << " ";
- }
- cout << endl;
- }
- // 构建流网络
- int numNodes = numDoctors + numHolidays * numDays + 2; // 医生节点 + 假期节点 + 源点 + 汇点
- int source = 0;
- int sink = numNodes - 1;
- Dinic dinic(numNodes);
- // 添加医生节点和源点之间的边
- for (int i = 1; i <= numDoctors; i++) {
- dinic.addEdge(source, i, maxDutyDays);
- }
- // 添加假期节点和汇点之间的边
- int nodeOffset = numDoctors;
- // 添加假期节点和汇点之间的边
- for (int i = 1; i <= numHolidays; i++) {
- for (int j = 1; j <= numDays; j++) {
- dinic.addEdge(nodeOffset + (i - 1) * numDays + j, sink, 1);
- }
- }
- // 添加医生节点和假期节点之间的边
- for (int i = 1; i <= numDoctors; i++) {
- for (int j = 1; j <= numHolidays; j++) {
- for (int k = 1; k <= numDays; k++) {
- if (doctorHolidays[i - 1].count((j - 1) * numDays + k) > 0) {
- dinic.addEdge(i, nodeOffset + (j - 1) * numDays + k, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- auto start = steady_clock::now();
- // 使用Dinic算法求解最大流
- int maxFlow = dinic.maxFlow(source, sink);
- auto end = steady_clock::now();
- cout << "Maximum flow: " << maxFlow << endl;
- // 解析最大流,生成医生的排班方案
- vector<unordered_map<int, string>> schedule(numDoctors);
- for (const auto& edge : dinic.edges) {
- if (edge.from >= 1 && edge.from <= numDoctors && edge.to >= nodeOffset + 1) {
- if (edge.flow > 0) {
- int doctor = edge.from;
- int holiday = (edge.to - nodeOffset - 1) / numDays + 1;
- string date = getHolidayDate(edge.to - nodeOffset, numDays);
- schedule[doctor - 1][holiday] = date;
- }
- }
- }
- auto last = duration_cast<microseconds>(end - start);
- // 输出医生的排班方案
- printSchedule(schedule, numDays);
- cout << endl << "耗时:" << last.count() * 0.001 << " ms" << endl;
- return 0;
- }
(by 归忆)
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