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大学英语词汇解析 中国大学mooc 华中科技大学 测验题答案_we chose him from so many architects because he…

we chose him from so many architects because he…

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You should practice your scales every day. and a set of notes played or sung in order, going up or down
The dentist scaled and polished my teeth last week. and to remove tartar formed on teeth
Which “ch” in the following words sounds different? andinterchange
At the age of 35, she had already scaled the heights of the acting profession. andto climb to the top of something
The ______________ food menu includes hot wings, chicken quesadillas, onion rings and crab cakes, among others. andhappy hour
I try to strike a ___________ when I’m on holiday, and spend half my time doing things and the other half just relaxing. andhappy medium
She’s just found out about the pay cut and she’s not a____________. andhappy camper
A boat uses a motor or oars to ______ forward in the water. andpropel
It took a pep rally and study session to _____ Suzie to do well on her tests. andimpel
If you spot any mistakes in the article just mark them with a pencil. andto see or notice someone or something, usually because you are looking hard
You can be sacked on the spot for stealing. andimmediately
The constant fights that Michael got into at school caused the principal to him. andexpel
My mom sings me a special lullaby to help to possible bad dreams. anddispel
In each group of sentences, is the second sentence a right or wrong explanation for the first sentence?She’s not a painter but a writer. She is a writer, not a painter. and对
The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was .我们开出市区时路上很拥挤,再往后就一路顺畅。 plain sailing
Why can’t they write these instructions in
____?他们为什么不用通俗易懂的英语写这些使用说明? plain English
In each group of sentences, is the second sentence a right or wrong explanation for the first sentence?This car has been nothing but trouble. This car is always breaking down! and对
In each group of sentences, is the second sentence a right or wrong explanation for the first sentence?He’s anything but violent. He is violent in any way. and错
In each group of sentences, is the second sentence a right or wrong explanation for the first sentence?She’s meant to be really nice but she was anything but nice when I met her. She was nice to me when I met her. and错
If she’d been , she wouldn’t have had all the attention.如果她长相不是那么起眼,她就不会成为关注的焦点。 a plain Jane
He prefers
- nothing too fancy.他喜欢清淡简单的食物——不喜欢太讲究的。 plain food
He’s not happy here - that’s
______________.他在这里不愉快——这是明摆着的。 as plain as the nose on your face
To express a positive meaning: The temperature of the water in Miranda’s swimming pool was ______________. (freezing/refreshing) refreshing
here were police in _____________in the crowd.人群中有便衣警察。 plain clothes
To express a positive meaning: Adam wore a ____________________ expression on his face. (thoughtful/glum) thoughtful
To express a positive meaning: The spring rain ____________________ Mrs. Gillig’s garden. (nourished/swamped) nourished
The company produces _________ (mechanism) parts for airplane engines. (Change the form of the word in the blank) mechanical
To express a positive meaning: I bought the dress because it was ____________________. (cheap/inexpensive) inexpensive
It would not be _________ (politics) for you to be seen there. (Change the form of the word in the blank) politic
He looked so __________ (comedy) in that hat. (Change the form of the word in the blank) comical
_(clinic) trials of the new drug may take five years. (Change the form of the word in the blank) clinical
(forge/coin) an official document forge
(forge/coin) a new word coin
They beat him (bad/badly) but he seemed to feel no pain.他们狠狠揍了他一顿,但他似乎没有痛苦。 badly
They beat him (dead /deadly) with only a book.他们用一本书把他打死了。 dead
He was struck (unconscious/unconsciously) by a car last week.上周,他被一辆汽车撞晕了。 unconscious
Some vegetables should be eaten (raw/rawly).有些蔬菜应该生吃。 raw
Millions of people gave (free/freely ) in response to the famine appeal.千百万人响应救灾呼吁而慷慨解囊。 freely
I’d like to drink coffee (black/blackly).我喜欢喝纯咖啡。 black
A _____ is a period equal to 1000 years, also called kiloyears. millennium
During the earthquake, people . 人们在地震中保持了冷静。 kept a cool head
He’s not worried, he has a .他不担心,他有经商的头脑。 good head for business 或 head for business
The met in New York yesterday to speak about global warming. 昨天,各国首脑在纽约开会讨论全球变暖问题。 heads of state
Is there anything to eat? I’m as hungry as a . wolf
He read the book
(从头到尾). from cover to cover
She listened to everything I said and repeated it ______ (逐字逐句地) to her mum. word for word
I promise I won’t wake you up when I get home. I’ll be as quiet as a
. mouse
The vessel was locked in the ice. and被困住
We had to move our things lock, stock, and barrel to the other side of the country. and全部地
Vast sums of money locked up in the stock market. and套牢
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.Both of them have that the football match will be held as planned. andannounced
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.Darwin’s theories about evolution were by many people. anddenounced
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.Gandhi (宣布放弃) the use of violence. andrenounced
Sentence 1: The skirt and jacket looked a little odd together.Sentence 2: 3, 5, and 7 are all odd numbers.The word odd has the same meaning in the two sentences. and错
Sentence 1: How many pages was it, 500 odd?Sentence 2: He has now appeared in sixty odd films.The word odd has the same meaning in the two sentences. and对
Lying and stealing are ________(moral).说谎和偷窃都是不道德的。 immoral
There is huge economic _______(balance) between the two countries.两国之间的经济存在着严重的不平衡。 imbalance
There is a campaign to stop the _______ (legal) sale of cigarettes to children under 18.发起了一项禁止向18岁以下儿童非法销售香烟的运动。 illegal

  1. Children learn to read and write, so they won’t be __________ (literate). 儿童学习阅读和书写,这样他们就不会是文盲了。 illiterate
    It would be (responsible) of me not to advise my company to abandon this project.若我不建议公司放弃这个项目,那我就是不负责任. irresponsible
    spokesman貌似男性发言人, 所以有人用spokeswoman专指女性发言人。若要忽略性别,用一个中性词来表达发言人,该单词为
    __。 spokesperson
    He was eating (regularly), steadily losing weight. 他饮食无规律,慢慢消瘦了下去。 irregularly
    ______. chairperson 或 chair
    Joe and Jerry plan to_________ (furnish) the old house with new furniture.乔伊和杰瑞打算在老房子里重新置办家具。 refurnish
    Mike couldn’t wait to _________ (wrap) his birthday gift from his brother.麦克迫不及待地想打开哥哥送的礼物。 unwrap
    After the flood, many of the roads had to be _______ (pave).洪水过后,很多道路需要重新铺设。 repaved
    Mr. Duff always had difficulty (buckle)his old leather belt when he tried to remove it.达夫先生总是很难解开他的旧皮带。 unbuckling
    Our jet had to _______ (fuel) in England before it continued its flight to Rome.我们的飞机在继续飞往罗马之前必须在英国加油。 refuel
    She tried all means to ______ (fend/defend/offend) off her admirers.她想方设法来打发那些仰慕者。 fend
    Good ________ make good neighbors. 好篱笆就会有好邻居(亲兄弟明算账)。 fences
    The lawyer had (fend/defend) five dissidents. 该律师曾为五位持不同政见者辩护。 defended
    The general immediately launched an _______ (offensive/offence) against the enemy. 将军立即向敌人发起了攻击. offensive
    Obviously if a police officer
    (offend/fend/defend), it’s a fairly serious matter. offends
    She’s quick to take (offensive/offence). 她动不动就生气。(因感觉到伤害,冒犯等) offence
    They were really (出于无奈,只得滥竽充数) when they picked you. scraping the bottom of the barrel
    The talks were meant to (打破障碍,消除隔阂)between the two groups. break down barriers
    You have to know that she’s going to come at us (全力以赴)if we fire her, so just be prepared. with both barrels
    Max should be (坐牢,蹲监狱)soon for his conviction on burglary charges. behind the bar
    The word “donate” comes from its noun form " " via back-formation. donation
    The term “MOOC” is an acronym for " ". massive open online course 或 Massive Open Online Course
    The word “babysit” comes from its noun form " " via back-formation. babysitter
    resemble → _____________ (相像,名词) resemblance
    disturb → _____________ (干扰,名词) disturbance
    All the staff were engaged.全体职员都在忙别的事。 otherwise
    The woman was said to have (比……活得时间长;一个单词) her husband for 8 years. survived
    分手信 ___________________ Dear John letter 或 Dear Jane letter
    ___________ The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
    With over 100 pieces from one inch to four feet, you can create almost any shape __: spiders, flowers, boats, cars, trumpets, dinosaurs … whatever you can dream! andimaginable
    We chose him from so many architects because he was beyond all others. andimaginative
    Jia Baoyu, the main hero of the Dream of the Red Mansion, is actually an _______ character. andimaginary
    He fell to the ground on hearing the terrible news of his wife’s death. andsenseless
    The balance is very to any tiny change of weight. andsensitive
    Beneath her charming lies a very determined woman. andexterior
    One’s university days often appear happier in ________ than they actually were at the time. andretrospect
    He was unwilling to indulge himself in all day long. He had no time to devote to the past. andretrospection
    No credit is given in this shop if you want to buy the lawn mower(割草机)!Q: What is the meaning of the word credit in the sentence? andpermission to delay payment
    I have a credit balance of $5000 in the bank.Q: What is the meaning of the word credit in the sentence? andmoney in one’s bank account
    The sentence “I can’t see the sense of leaving all the work to him.” means “I don’t understand the meaning of leaving all the work to him.” and错
    He is very young, but he has got two films to his credit.Q: What is the meaning of the word credit in the sentence? andsomething that one has achieved
    The sentence “When he first came to China, he was friendless.” means “When he first came to China, he didn’t treat people around him in a nice and pleasant way”. and错
    The sentence “The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.” means “The new job will offer you extremely meaningful experience”. and对
    The sentence “May you live a careless life.” means “Wish you live a life without worries”. and对
    The sentence “Do you have a particular end in your mind for this negotiation?” means “Do you have a particular aim in your mind for this negotiation?” and对
    The sentence “As usual, the football teams exchanged ends at half-time. ” means “As usual, the football teams finished the match at half-time.” and错
    The sentence “He met his end last month in the hospital after five years of struggling against his cancer. ”means “He met someone in the hospital at the end of last month after five years of struggling against his cancer.” and错
    The sentence “We have kept our end of the deal – Let’s see if they can keep theirs.” means “We have observed the contract – Let’s see if they can also observe it.” and对
    The sentence “Everybody believes him, but I suspect he is lying” means “I doubt he is telling the truth”. and对
    The sentence “There is little, if any, water in the desert.” means “There is little water in the desert if there is.” and对
    The sentence “The legislation was made retrospective.” means “The legislation took effect from a date before it was officially approved.” and对
    The sentence “He rarely if ever had heard of that before because he seldom made contact with others.” means “He had never heard of that before because he seldom made contact with others.” and错
    The sentence “Few if any is late for work.” means “Nobody is late for work.” and错
    The sentence “Who, if anyone, can solve that problem?” means “Is there anyone who can solve that problem?” and对
    The sentence “I do not have a bean.” means “I don’t have money.” and对
    The sentence “Einstein did not give a fig for authority.” means “Einstein did not care about authority at all.”. and对
    He says he will come back tomorrow with the money, but I very much ________ (doubt/suspect) it. doubt
    The sentence “He will be in full fig to attend a meeting.” means “He will wear very formal clothes to attend a meeting.”. and对
    I don’t really know how she got the job, but I ________ (doubt/suspect) her mother’s got contacts. suspect
    His grandma never got tired of the silly, _______ (childlike/childish) pranks(恶作剧)he played on her again and again. childish
    His most enduring quality is his ________ (childlike/childish) innocence, which has deeply impressed us. childlike
    The music of the Beatles has been a (n) __________ to generations of young people. andinspiration
    Since you just want to get some working experience, your summer job does not have to be directly related to your career
    . andaspiration
    We ought to serve ______ the people heart and soul. and/
    My ship had been under way for several days. Most of _______ holds contained canned or dried foods. andher
  2. I have been trying to contact ______ you all day. and/
  3. The hour-long programme is updated each week and ________ highlights from recent Olympic games. andfeatures
    At first sight you would ______ him for a football player, not a poet. andtake
    After checking in detail the documents I provided, the bank finally   a 10000- dollar loan to me. andgranted
    Air is to human _______ water is to fish. andwhat
    Our son has just _________ from a tricycle to a proper bicycle. andgraduated
    A ______________degree is a university degree that allows undergraduates to take four years of full time study and complete 150 credits. andBachelor’s
    Children usually become more outgoing when they are _________their grandparents. andin the charge of
    This reading activity was carried out every week during the whole semester and it has into a habit of the whole class. andgraduated
    This pair of shoes are made of artificial materials, not _______ leather. andgenuine
    We always ask the same question, “Is ______ love something that is actually possible, or is it all in our heads?” andtrue
    Jess got a summer job and managed to save enough money to buy a new watch for herself, which is a (n) _______ Swiss make. andgenuine
    Which of the following is true about “a delicate lady”? andShe is an attractive lady.
    He went to the local hospital because of his ______ health condition caused by fatigue and ill-treatment. anddelicate
    What can we infer from the sentence “She used to run a marathon, but now she can’t take part in the race because she’s in a delicate condition?” andShe is pregnant.
    How can we understand the sentence “War doesn’t show who’s right, but who’s left?” andThe people who can keep alive after the war will have more say.
    Writing with a broken pencil is pointless. Q: What are the two meanings of the word pointless in the sentence above? anddull and useless
    In the advertisement for washing machines, “Don’t kill your wife with the chores. Let our machine do the dirty job,” what does “dirty job” actually refer to? anddoing the chores
    The sentence “Tom is as clever as Jim is stupid” can be translated into “Tom很聪明,Jim很愚蠢”. and错
    The sentence “The mountain is as high as the sea is deep” can be translated into“山高水深”. and错
    The sentence “He drinks more wine than is good for his health” can be translated into “他喝酒的量超过了对健康有利的程度”. and对
    Having money in my savings account just gives me _______ of mind. andpeace
    I have been so disappointed with you. I shall say it doesn’t _to me anymore whatever you do since today. andmatter
    After the accident, they just pretended that nothing was _______ and left quietly. andthe matter
    We have 30 people, not ______ the children. andcounting
    Why are you begging to drive my car to school tomorrow when you still need to take your license test in the morning? You should not count your
    , babe! andchickens
    My sister does beautiful calligraphy, but I’m all __—I can barely hold the pen! andthumbs
    Everyone knows the secret now, thanks to Ken’s ______ tongue. andloose
    His eyes seemed to have ______ on her since my sister came into the house. andfastened
    I will be at a loose
    until my wife comes back at the weekend. andend
    She soon got used to the __________ of city life. andhustle and bustle
    With so many things on his mind, he ___for the whole night. andtossed and turned
    “O my Love’s like a red, red rose that’s newly _____ in June,” wrote Robert Burns. andsprung
    John always wears his heart on his _____ so that everyone knows how he feels. andsleeve
    As they moved higher up, their voices . anddied away
    In mathematics, a angle refers to either of two angles that added together to produce an angle of 90° . andcomplementary
    Though there were examples showing that several boxers in their 40’s were still winning world championships, he decided to retire from the
    at 34. andring
    His name rings a ; perhaps we’ve met somewhere. andbell
    He left the office with the manager’s praises ______ in his ears. andringing
    O Henry’s short stories reflected his wide-range of experiences and are distinctive for the witticism(诙谐话), clever wordplay, and unexpected ______ endings. andtwist
    Pets can be a when you want to go away on holiday. andtie
    The minister tied the
    for Diane and Bill yesterday. andknot
    Britain was _____ with Italy for second place; the two teams got the same scores. andtied
    Every morning, all teachers and students at the school come to the hall for the morning . andassembly
    The father helped his children ________ the new bicycle they bought online. andassemble
    The concert is broadcast ______ on television. andlive
    He told us he was a born and bred American. But the moment he started to talk, his accent ____ him. andbetrayed
    The wicked fairy
    the prince and turned him into a frog. andbewitched
    Instead of the normal “Don’t move”, some police would like to use “
    !” andFreeze
    He has fought ______ and nail to be re-elected. andtooth
    You should not drink. Every beer you drink is a nail in your
    . andcoffin
    He beat about the ______for a half hour without coming to the point. andbush
    They need one more point to ______ down the victory. andnail
    “_______the rash(丘疹) will only make it worse,” said the doctor. andScratching
    You really ____ the nail on the head with that answer—good job. andhit
    He scratched his ______ to find answers to the questions. andhead
    This introductory course only scratches the __of philosophy. andsurface
    The fire destroyed everything. Now we’ll have to start again from
    . andscratch
    We need some male ______ for a psychological experiment. andsubjects
  4. They killed the man in such a miserable way. People who commit crimes like that aren’t ______. andnormal
    The volcano ______ last week and destroyed the whole village. anderupted
    The teacher designs many interesting games in her classroom teaching to draw the pupils’ attention since children are usually easily ________. anddistracted
  5. War, famine, and flood are terrible _______ in the world. andevils
    People voted for him as the _____ of two evils. andlesser
    She often speaks ill of other people. She really has an evil _______. andtongue
    I’d like the egg cooked ______ side up, fried on only one side, with the yolks intact, and runny. andsunny
    Don’t believe everything you read literally. Learn to read ______the lines. andbetween
    The old man’s face was covered in and wrinkles. andlines
    He was left with _______ all over his face when his forecast was proved wrong. andegg
    A ____ egg is a substantial sum of money or other assets that have been saved or invested for a specific purpose. andnest
    Bill’s father is strict with him and he has to _____ the line. andtoe
    Smith finished in 2nd place, Warren in 3rd, with poor Davis bringing up the ______ in 12th place. andrear
    We’re having Mary over for dinner tomorrow night. I just hope her husband doesn’t come along with her because he is sometimes a _____ in the rear. andpain
    The magician made the rabbit disappear with a ______ of his wand. andwave
    Right after I got married, I got a big promotion at work, so I was really on the
    of a wave at the moment! andcrest
    She needed badly to ______ herself, but there was no bathroom in sight. andrelieve
    We have to catch the _________ now or we will be left behind in the future. andwave
    I was caught ________ at the restaurant, so I had to borrow money from my mom. andshort
    They tried to _______ embarrassing evidence under the carpet. andsweep
    Be careful with that knife – it’s ______sharp. andrazor
    Nuclear weapons cause destruction on a massive scale. andthe size or level of something, especially when this is large
    She is due for promotion soon. anddeserving
    My rent isn’t due till Wednesday. andneeds immediate payment
    The train is due to arrive at 8:30. andexpected, planned, arranged
    Due attention should be given to this case. andsuitable, proper
    The toddler wobbled and lost his balance. anda state where things are of equal weight or force
    Once we know how much money we’ll need, let’s spend the balance. andthe amount of money left
    Stringent measures were introduced so that the government could balance its budget. andto arrange a system that relates to money so that the amount of money spent is not more than the amount received
    Choose appropriate expressions from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) to match each definition of the word “sharp”. There is more than one answer to each definition.involving an abrupt or marked change especially in direction: ________ anda sharp turnanda sharp drop
    Choose appropriate expressions from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) to match each definition of the word “sharp”. There is more than one answer to each definition.well-defined; distinct; clear: ________ andsharp sightanda sharp outline
    Choose appropriate expressions from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) to match each definition of the word “sharp”. There is more than one answer to each definition.producing a physical sensation of cutting or piercing: ________ anda sharp painanda sharp wind
    Choose appropriate expressions from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) to match each definition of the word “sharp”. There is more than one answer to each definition.quickly aware of things; acute; alert: ________ andsharp intelligenceanda sharp sense of humor
    Choose appropriate expressions from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) to match each definition of the word “sharp”. There is more than one answer to each definition.intended or intending to criticize, injure, etc.; harsh; severe: ________ anda sharp tongueanda sharp criticism
    Choose appropriate expressions from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D) to match each definition of the word “sharp”. There is more than one answer to each definition.(too) smart or stylish: ________ anda sharp dresseranda sharp suit
    Complete the following sentences with the words given in brackets. Make changes when necessary.The drug ___________(traffic) help to fuel corruption in the country. traffickers
    Fill in the blanks with proper words for the sounds that the following animals make. mouse: ________ ( 6 letters) squeak
    Fill in the blanks with proper words for the sounds that the following animals make.bull: ________ (6 letters) bellow
    Fill in the blanks with proper words for the sounds that the following animals make. frog: ________ ( 5 letters) croak
    Fill in the blanks with proper words for the sounds that the following animals make.lion / tiger: ________ ( 4 letters) roar
    Fill in the blanks with proper words for the sounds that the following animals make.cow: _______ ( 3 letters) low
    Fill in the blanks with proper words for the sounds that the following animals make. pig: ________ ( 5 letters) grunt
    Complete the second sentence in each group. Keep in mind that it should have essentially the same meaning as the first sentence.Humans accelerated tropical deforestation markedly during the 1980s. Tropical deforestation ________ markedly during the 1980s. accelerated
    The tall building (house) more than 5 hundred offices for foreign and domestic companies. houses
    She has a wardrobe of clothes but finds none ______. andwearable
    Want to drink him under the table? Don’t even dream of it. He has a _____ leg. andhollow
    It is said that the guesthouse still has a couple of rooms _______ . Let’s go there for tonight’s stay. andvacant
    Because bacteria are invisible to the _____ eye, it was only relatively recently in human history that we even became aware of their existence. andnaked
    The news caused quite a _____ in the village that she married a rich man who is 30 years older than her. andstir
    Many Chinese people like to ___ fry their vegetables in a wok while Americans like to eat them raw. andstir
    The president’s famous speech still stirs the ______ to this day. andblood
    Practically night refers to the time when _______is first ended in the evening, and about to begin in the morning. andtwilight
    Jeff and I somehow ended up holding hands at the movie last night, and now we’re in this weird _____ zone between friendship and dating. andtwilight
    Dogs usually have an _______ sense of smell. andacute
    He worked part time to go _______his higher education. andthrough
    It is difficult for old people to _____ through the winter. andget
    China made a clean ________ of all nine titles in the event, with three more gold medals today. andsweep
    He was ______drunk and behaved really badly. andblind
    These shoes were ______ cheap – I found them on the clearance rack. anddirt
    My boss made it _______ clear that none of us should be late again. andcrystal
