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NLP-Beginner:自然语言处理入门练习----task 2基于机器学习的文本分类_nlp练习


数据集:http://链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UIrk148uRGWKQBBQp-Q4RQ 提取码:o13v




2.word embedding 的方式初始化


4.用glove 预训练的embedding进行初始化

 GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation


1.word embedding(词嵌入):词嵌入模型即是把每一个词映射到一个高维空间里,每一个词代表着一个高维空间的向量词嵌入实际上是一类技术,单个词在预定义的向量空间中被表示为实数向量,每个单词都映射到一个向量。举个例子,比如在一个文本中包含“猫”“狗”“爱情”等若干单词,而这若干单词映射到向量空间中,“猫”对应的向量为(0.1 0.2 0.3),“狗”对应的向量为(0.2 0.2 0.4),“爱情”对应的映射为(-0.4 -0.5 -0.2)(本数据仅为示意)。像这种将文本X{x1,x2,x3,x4,x5……xn}映射到多维向量空间Y{y1,y2,y3,y4,y5……yn },这个映射的过程就叫做词嵌入。通过词嵌入这种方式将单词转变为词向量,机器便可对单词进行计算,通过计算不同词向量之间夹角余弦值cos而得出单词之间的相似性。






  1. CNN卷积神经网络:一般有3-4层,分别是卷积层,激活层,池化层,全连接层,具有局部连接,权重共享,汇聚等特性的深层前馈神经网络,这里的激活参数选择了ReLU函数,ReLu(x)=max(x,0)池化层相当于是对特征矩阵/向量提取出一些有用的信息,从而减少特征的规模,不仅减少了计算量,也能去除冗余特征。
  2. RNN循环神经网络:一般有2-3层,分别是隐藏层,激活曾,全连接层,具有短期记忆能力的神经网络。隐藏层的目的是为了实现记忆功能。


整个流程:句子x通过word embedding得出特征矩阵X在通过神经网络得到类别概率向量p。


Dropout (丢弃法) 是指在深度网络的训练中,以一定的概率随机地“临时丢弃”一部分神经元节点。 具体来讲,Dropout 作用于每份小批量训练数据,由于其随机丢弃部分神经元的机制,相当于每次迭代都在训练不同结构的神经网络。简单来讲,就是为了防止模型过拟合,且Dropout层在模型测试时不会有任何影响



训练集:测试集: 7:3







  1. # -*- coding: GBK -*-
  2. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  3. # coding=gbk
  4. import csv
  5. import random
  6. from feature import Random_embedding,Glove_embedding
  7. from comparison_plot import NN_embedding_plot
  8. # 数据读入
  9. with open('train.tsv') as f :
  10. tsvreader = csv.reader(f,delimiter='\t')
  11. temp = list(tsvreader)
  12. with open('glove.6B.50d.txt','rb') as f: # glove embedding
  13. lines = f.readlines()
  14. # 用Glove创建词典
  15. trained_dict = dict()
  16. n = len(lines) # lines的长度
  17. for i in range(n): # 遍历
  18. line = lines[i].split() # split分割 upper大写
  19. trained_dict[line[0].decode('utf-8').upper()] = [float(line[j]) for j in range(1,51)]
  20. # 初始化
  21. iter_times = 50 # 做50个epoch
  22. alpha = 0.001 # 学习率
  23. # 程序开始
  24. data = temp[1:]
  25. batch_size = 500 # 批大小
  26. # 随机初始化
  27. random.seed(2021) # 随机种子
  28. random_embedding = Random_embedding(data=data ) # 调用feature
  29. random_embedding.get_words() # 找到所有单词,并标记ID
  30. random_embedding.get_id() # 找到每个句子拥有的单词ID
  31. # 预训练模型初始化
  32. random.seed(2021)
  33. glove_embedding = Glove_embedding(data=data,trained_dict=trained_dict)
  34. glove_embedding.get_words() # 找到所有单词并标记ID
  35. glove_embedding.get_id() # 找到每个句子拥有的单词ID
  36. NN_embedding_plot(random_embedding,glove_embedding,alpha,batch_size,iter_times)


  1. # -*- coding: GBK -*-
  2. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  3. # coding=gbk
  4. # 特征提取
  5. import random
  6. from torch.utils.data import Dataset,DataLoader
  7. from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence
  8. import torch
  9. # 将数据按照一定的比例分割为训练集和测试集
  10. def data_split(data,test_rate=0.3):
  11. train = list()
  12. test = list()
  13. for datum in data:
  14. if random.random() > test_rate:
  15. train.append(datum)
  16. else:
  17. test.append(datum)
  18. return train,test
  19. # 随机初始化
  20. class Random_embedding():
  21. def __init__(self,data,test_rate=0.3):
  22. self.dict_words = dict() # 单词->ID的映射
  23. data.sort(key=lambda x:len(x[2].split())) # 按照句子长度排序,短着在前,这样做可以避免后面一个batch内句子长短不一,导致padding过度
  24. self.data = data
  25. self.len_words = 0 # 单词数目(包括padding的ID:0)
  26. self.train,self.test = data_split(data,test_rate=test_rate) # 训练集测试集划分
  27. self.train_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.train] # 训练集类别
  28. self.test_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.test] # 测试集类别
  29. self.train_matrix = list() # 训练集的单词ID列表,叠成一个矩阵
  30. self.test_matrix = list() # 测试集的单词ID列表,叠成一个矩阵
  31. self.longest = 0 # 记录最长的单词
  32. def get_words(self):
  33. for term in self.data:
  34. s = term[2] # 取出句子
  35. s = s.upper() # 将其转化为大写,避免识别i和I为不同的两个单词
  36. words = s.split()
  37. for word in words: # 一个一个单词进行寻找
  38. if word not in self.dict_words:
  39. self.dict_words[word] = len(self.dict_words) + 1 # padding是第0个,所以要+1
  40. self.len_words = len(self.dict_words) # 单词数目,暂未包括padding的id0
  41. def get_id(self):
  42. for term in self.train: # 训练集
  43. s = term[2]
  44. s = s.upper()
  45. words = s.split()
  46. item = [self.dict_words[word] for word in words] # 找到id列表(未进行padding)
  47. self.longest = max(self.longest,len(item)) # 记录最长的单词
  48. self.train_matrix.append(item)
  49. for term in self.test: # 测试集
  50. s = term[2]
  51. s = s.upper()
  52. words = s.split()
  53. item = [self.dict_words[word] for word in words] # 找到id列表(未进行padding)
  54. self.longest = max(self.longest,len(item))
  55. self.test_matrix.append(item)
  56. self.len_words += 1 # 单词数目,包含padding的id0
  57. class Glove_embedding():
  58. def __init__(self,data,trained_dict,test_rate=0.3):
  59. self.dict_words = dict() # 单词->ID的映射
  60. self.trained_dict = trained_dict # 记录预训练词向量模型
  61. data.sort(key = lambda x:len(x[2].split())) # 按照句子长度排序,短着在前,这样做可以避免后面一个batch内句子长短不一,导致padding过度
  62. self.data = data
  63. self.len_words = 0 # 单词数目(包含padding的id0)
  64. self.train,self.test = data_split(data,test_rate=test_rate) # 测试集和训练集的划分
  65. self.train_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.train] # 训练集类别
  66. self.test_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.test] # 测试集类别
  67. self.train_matrix = list()
  68. self.test_matrix = list()
  69. self.longest = 0
  70. self.embedding = list() # 抽取出用到的,即预训练模型的单词
  71. def get_words(self):
  72. self.embedding.append([0] * 50) # 先加padding的词向量
  73. for term in self.data:
  74. s = term[2] # 取出句子
  75. s = s.upper()
  76. words = s.split()
  77. for word in words:
  78. if word not in self.dict_words:
  79. self.dict_words[word] = len(self.dict_words)+1 # padding是第0个所以要加一
  80. if word in self.trained_dict: # 如果预训练模型中有这个单词,直接记录词向量
  81. self.embedding.append(self.trained_dict[word])
  82. else: # 如果预训练模型中没有这个单词,则初始化该词的对应词向量为0向量
  83. self.embedding.append([0]*50)
  84. self.len_words = len(self.dict_words) # 单词数目(暂未包括padding的id0)
  85. def get_id(self):
  86. for term in self.train: # 训练集
  87. s = term[2]
  88. s = s.upper()
  89. words = s.split()
  90. item = [self.dict_words[word] for word in words] # 找到id列表(未进行padding)
  91. self.longest = max(self.longest,len(item)) # 记录最长的单词
  92. self.train_matrix.append(item)
  93. for term in self.test: # 测试集
  94. s = term[2]
  95. s = s.upper()
  96. words = s.split()
  97. item = [self.dict_words[word] for word in words]
  98. self.longest = max(self.longest,len(item))
  99. self.test_matrix.append(item)
  100. self.len_words += 1 # 单词数目(暂未包括padding的id0)
  101. # 自定义数据集的结构
  102. class ClsDataset(Dataset):
  103. def __init__(self,sentence,emotion):
  104. self.sentence = sentence
  105. self.emotion = emotion
  106. def __getitem__(self, item):
  107. return self.sentence[item],self.emotion[item]
  108. def __len__(self):
  109. return len(self.emotion)
  110. # 自定义数据集的内数据返回类型,并进行padding
  111. def collate_fn(batch_data):
  112. sentence,emotion = zip(*batch_data)
  113. sentences = [torch.LongTensor(sent) for sent in sentence] # 把句子变成LongTensor类型
  114. padded_sents = pad_sequence(sentences,batch_first=True,padding_value=0) # 自动padding操作
  115. return torch.LongTensor(padded_sents),torch.LongTensor(emotion)
  116. # 利用dataloader划分batch
  117. def get_batch(x,y,batch_size):
  118. dataset = ClsDataset(x,y)
  119. dataloader = DataLoader(dataset,batch_size=batch_size,shuffle=False,drop_last=True,collate_fn=collate_fn)
  120. return dataloader
  121. # shuffle是指每个epoch都随机打乱数据再分batch,设置成False,否则之前的顺序会直接打乱
  122. # drop_last是指不利用最后一个不完整的batch(数据大小不能被batch_size整除)


  1. # -*- coding: GBK -*-
  2. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  3. # coding=gbk
  4. import matplotlib.pyplot
  5. import torch
  6. import torch.nn.functional as F
  7. from torch import optim
  8. from Neural_network import RNN, CNN
  9. from feature import get_batch
  10. def NN_embdding(model, train, test, learning_rate, iter_times):
  11. # 定义优化器(求参数)
  12. optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
  13. # 损失函数
  14. loss_fun = F.cross_entropy
  15. # 损失值记录
  16. train_loss_record = list()
  17. test_loss_record = list()
  18. long_loss_record = list()
  19. # 准确率记录
  20. train_record = list()
  21. test_record = list()
  22. long_record = list()
  23. # torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True)
  24. # 训练阶段
  25. for iteration in range(iter_times):
  26. model.train() # 重要!!!进入非训练模式
  27. for i, batch in enumerate(train):
  28. x, y = batch # 取一个batch
  29. # y = y.cuda()
  30. pred = model(x) # 计算输出
  31. optimizer.zero_grad() # 梯度初始化
  32. loss = loss_fun(pred, y) # 损失值计算
  33. loss.backward() # 反向传播梯度
  34. optimizer.step() # 更新参数
  35. model.eval() # 重要!!!进入非训练模式(测试模式)
  36. # 本轮正确率记录
  37. train_acc = list()
  38. test_acc = list()
  39. long_acc = list()
  40. length = 20
  41. # 本轮损失值记录
  42. train_loss = 0
  43. test_loss = 0
  44. long_loss = 0
  45. for i, batch in enumerate(train):
  46. x, y = batch # 取一个batch
  47. # y = y.cuda()
  48. pred = model(x) # 计算输出
  49. loss = loss_fun(pred, y) # 损失值计算
  50. train_loss += loss.item() # 损失值累加
  51. _, y_pre = torch.max(pred, -1)
  52. # 计算本batch准确率
  53. acc = torch.mean((torch.tensor(y_pre == y, dtype=torch.float)))
  54. train_acc.append(acc)
  55. for i, batch in enumerate(test):
  56. x, y = batch # 取一个batch
  57. # y = y.cuda()
  58. pred = model(x) # 计算输出
  59. loss = loss_fun(pred, y) # 损失值计算
  60. test_loss += loss.item() # 损失值累加
  61. _, y_pre = torch.max(pred, -1)
  62. # 计算本batch准确率
  63. acc = torch.mean((torch.tensor(y_pre == y, dtype=torch.float)))
  64. test_acc.append(acc)
  65. if (len(x[0])) > length: # 长句子侦测
  66. long_acc.append(acc)
  67. long_loss += loss.item()
  68. trains_acc = sum(train_acc) / len(train_acc)
  69. tests_acc = sum(test_acc) / len(test_acc)
  70. longs_acc = sum(long_acc) / len(long_acc)
  71. train_loss_record.append(train_loss / len(train_acc))
  72. test_loss_record.append(test_loss / len(test_acc))
  73. long_loss_record.append(long_loss / len(long_acc))
  74. train_record.append(trains_acc)
  75. test_record.append(tests_acc)
  76. long_record.append(longs_acc)
  77. print("---------- Iteration", iteration + 1, "----------")
  78. print("Train loss:", train_loss / len(train_acc))
  79. print("Test loss:", test_loss / len(test_acc))
  80. print("Train accuracy:", trains_acc)
  81. print("Test accuracy:", tests_acc)
  82. print("Long sentence accuracy:", longs_acc)
  83. return train_loss_record, test_loss_record, long_loss_record, train_record, test_record, long_record
  84. def NN_embedding_plot(random_embedding, glove_embedding, learning_rate, batch_size, iter_times):
  85. # 获得训练集和测试集的batch
  86. train_random = get_batch(random_embedding.train_matrix,
  87. random_embedding.train_y, batch_size)
  88. test_random = get_batch(random_embedding.test_matrix,
  89. random_embedding.test_y, batch_size)
  90. train_glove = get_batch(glove_embedding.train_matrix,
  91. glove_embedding.train_y, batch_size)
  92. test_glove = get_batch(random_embedding.test_matrix,
  93. glove_embedding.test_y, batch_size)
  94. # 模型建立
  95. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  96. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  97. random_rnn = RNN(50, 50, random_embedding.len_words)
  98. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  99. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  100. random_cnn = CNN(50, random_embedding.len_words, random_embedding.longest)
  101. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  102. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  103. glove_rnn = RNN(50, 50, glove_embedding.len_words,
  104. weight=torch.tensor(glove_embedding.embedding, dtype=torch.float))
  105. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  106. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  107. glove_cnn = CNN(50, glove_embedding.len_words, glove_embedding.longest,
  108. weight=torch.tensor(glove_embedding.embedding, dtype=torch.float))
  109. # rnn+random
  110. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  111. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  112. trl_ran_rnn, tel_ran_rnn, lol_ran_rnn, tra_ran_rnn, tes_ran_rnn, lon_ran_rnn = \
  113. NN_embdding(random_rnn, train_random, test_random, learning_rate, iter_times)
  114. # cnn+random
  115. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  116. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  117. trl_ran_cnn, tel_ran_cnn, lol_ran_cnn, tra_ran_cnn, tes_ran_cnn, lon_ran_cnn = \
  118. NN_embdding(random_cnn, train_random, test_random, learning_rate, iter_times)
  119. # rnn+glove
  120. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  121. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  122. trl_glo_rnn, tel_glo_rnn, lol_glo_rnn, tra_glo_rnn, tes_glo_rnn, lon_glo_rnn = \
  123. NN_embdding(glove_rnn, train_glove, test_glove, learning_rate, iter_times)
  124. # cnn+glove
  125. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  126. torch.manual_seed(2021)
  127. trl_glo_cnn, tel_glo_cnn, lol_glo_cnn, tra_glo_cnn, tes_glo_cnn, lon_glo_cnn = \
  128. NN_embdding(glove_cnn, train_glove, test_glove, learning_rate, iter_times)
  129. # 画图部分
  130. x = list(range(1, iter_times + 1))
  131. matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 1)
  132. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, trl_ran_rnn, 'r--', label='RNN+random')
  133. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, trl_ran_cnn, 'g--', label='CNN+random')
  134. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, trl_glo_rnn, 'b--', label='RNN+glove')
  135. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, trl_glo_cnn, 'y--', label='CNN+glove')
  136. matplotlib.pyplot.legend()
  137. matplotlib.pyplot.legend(fontsize=10)
  138. matplotlib.pyplot.title("Train Loss")
  139. matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Iterations")
  140. matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Loss")
  141. matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 2)
  142. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tel_ran_rnn, 'r--', label='RNN+random')
  143. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tel_ran_cnn, 'g--', label='CNN+random')
  144. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tel_glo_rnn, 'b--', label='RNN+glove')
  145. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tel_glo_cnn, 'y--', label='CNN+glove')
  146. matplotlib.pyplot.legend()
  147. matplotlib.pyplot.legend(fontsize=10)
  148. matplotlib.pyplot.title("Test Loss")
  149. matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Iterations")
  150. matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Loss")
  151. matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 3)
  152. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tra_ran_rnn, 'r--', label='RNN+random')
  153. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tra_ran_cnn, 'g--', label='CNN+random')
  154. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tra_glo_rnn, 'b--', label='RNN+glove')
  155. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tra_glo_cnn, 'y--', label='CNN+glove')
  156. matplotlib.pyplot.legend()
  157. matplotlib.pyplot.legend(fontsize=10)
  158. matplotlib.pyplot.title("Train Accuracy")
  159. matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Iterations")
  160. matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Accuracy")
  161. matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
  162. matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 4)
  163. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tes_ran_rnn, 'r--', label='RNN+random')
  164. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tes_ran_cnn, 'g--', label='CNN+random')
  165. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tes_glo_rnn, 'b--', label='RNN+glove')
  166. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, tes_glo_cnn, 'y--', label='CNN+glove')
  167. matplotlib.pyplot.legend()
  168. matplotlib.pyplot.legend(fontsize=10)
  169. matplotlib.pyplot.title("Test Accuracy")
  170. matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Iterations")
  171. matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Accuracy")
  172. matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
  173. matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout()
  174. fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
  175. fig.set_size_inches(8, 8, forward=True)
  176. matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('main_plot.jpg')
  177. matplotlib.pyplot.show()
  178. matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 1, 1)
  179. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lon_ran_rnn, 'r--', label='RNN+random')
  180. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lon_ran_cnn, 'g--', label='CNN+random')
  181. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lon_glo_rnn, 'b--', label='RNN+glove')
  182. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lon_glo_cnn, 'y--', label='CNN+glove')
  183. matplotlib.pyplot.legend()
  184. matplotlib.pyplot.legend(fontsize=10)
  185. matplotlib.pyplot.title("Long Sentence Accuracy")
  186. matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Iterations")
  187. matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Accuracy")
  188. matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
  189. matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 1, 2)
  190. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lol_ran_rnn, 'r--', label='RNN+random')
  191. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lol_ran_cnn, 'g--', label='CNN+random')
  192. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lol_glo_rnn, 'b--', label='RNN+glove')
  193. matplotlib.pyplot.plot(x, lol_glo_cnn, 'y--', label='CNN+glove')
  194. matplotlib.pyplot.legend()
  195. matplotlib.pyplot.legend(fontsize=10)
  196. matplotlib.pyplot.title("Long Sentence Loss")
  197. matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Iterations")
  198. matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel("Loss")
  199. matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout()
  200. fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
  201. fig.set_size_inches(8, 8, forward=True)
  202. matplotlib.pyplot.savefig('sub_plot.jpg')
  203. matplotlib.pyplot.show()


  1. # -*- coding: GBK -*-
  2. # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
  3. # coding=gbk
  4. import torch
  5. import torch.nn as nn
  6. import torch.nn.functional as F
  7. # 设计RNN网络
  8. class RNN(nn.Module):
  9. def __init__(self,len_feature,len_hidden,len_words,typenum=5,weight=None,layer=1,nonlinearity='tanh',batch_first=True,drop_out=0.5):
  10. super(RNN, self).__init__()
  11. self.len_feature = len_feature # d的大小
  12. self.len_hidden = len_hidden # l_h的大小
  13. self.len_words = len_words # 单词的个数,包含padding
  14. self.layer = layer # 隐藏层层数
  15. self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_out) # dropout层
  16. if weight is None: # 随机初始化
  17. x = nn.init.xavier_normal_(torch.Tensor(len_words,len_feature))
  18. self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len_words,embedding_dim=len_feature,_weight=x)
  19. else: # Glove初始化
  20. self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len_words,embedding_dim=len_feature,_weight=weight)
  21. # 用nn.Module的内置函数定义隐藏层
  22. self.rnn = nn.RNN(input_size=len_feature,hidden_size=len_hidden,num_layers=layer,nonlinearity=nonlinearity,batch_first=batch_first,dropout=drop_out)
  23. # 全连接层
  24. self.fc = nn.Linear(len_hidden,typenum)
  25. # softmax层冗余,可以不加
  26. # self.act = nn.softmax(dim=1)
  27. def forward(self,x):
  28. # x:数据,维度为[batch_size,句子长度]
  29. x = torch.LongTensor(x)
  30. batch_size = x.size(0)
  31. # 经过词嵌入后,维度为[batch_size,句子长度,d]
  32. out_put = self.embedding(x) # 词嵌入
  33. out_put = self.dropout(out_put) # dropout层
  34. h0 = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(self.layer,batch_size,self.len_hidden))
  35. # dropout层不变,经过隐藏层后,维度变成[1,batch_size,l_h]
  36. _,hn = self.rnn(out_put,h0) # 隐藏层计算
  37. # 经过全连接后,维度变成[1,batch_size,5]
  38. out_put = self.fc(hn).squeeze(0) # 全连接层
  39. # 挤掉第0维度,返回[batch_size,5]的数据
  40. return out_put
  41. # 设计CNN网络
  42. class CNN(nn.Module):
  43. def __init__(self,len_feature,len_words,longest,typenum=5,weight=None,drop_out=0.5):
  44. super(CNN, self).__init__()
  45. self.len_feature = len_feature # d的大小
  46. self.len_words = len_words # 单词数目
  47. self.longest = longest # 最长句子单词数目
  48. self.dropout = nn.Dropout(drop_out) # dropout层
  49. if weight is None: # 随机初始化
  50. x = nn.init.xavier_normal(torch.Tensor(len_words,len_feature))
  51. self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len_words,embedding_dim=len_feature,_weight=x)
  52. else: # Glove初始化
  53. self.embedding = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len_words,embedding_dim=len_feature,_weight=weight)
  54. # Conv2d参数详解:(输入通道数:1,输出通道数:l_l,卷积核大小:(行数,列数))
  55. # padding是指往句子两侧加 0,因为有的句子只有一个单词
  56. # 那么 X 就是 1*50 对 W=2*50 的卷积核根本无法进行卷积操作
  57. # 因此要在X两侧行加0(两侧列不加),(padding=(1,0))变成 3*50
  58. # 又比如 padding=(2,0)变成 5*50
  59. self.conv1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1,longest,(2,len_feature),padding=(1,0)),nn.ReLU()) # 序列,relu激活函数 第1个卷积核+激活层
  60. self.conv2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1,longest,(3,len_feature),padding=(1,0)),nn.ReLU()) # 第2个卷积核+激活层
  61. self.conv3 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1,longest,(4,len_feature),padding=(2,0)),nn.ReLU()) # 第3个卷积核+激活层
  62. self.conv4 = nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(1,longest,(5,len_feature),padding=(2,0)),nn.ReLU()) # 第4个卷积核+激活层
  63. # 全连接层
  64. self.fc = nn.Linear(4 * longest,typenum)
  65. def forward(self,x):
  66. # x:数据,维度为[batch_size,句子长度]
  67. x = torch.LongTensor(x)
  68. # 通过词嵌入后,维度为[batch_size,1,句子长度,d]
  69. out_put = self.embedding(x).view(x.shape[0],1,x.shape[1],self.len_feature) # 词嵌入
  70. # dropout后不变,记为x
  71. out_put = self.dropout(out_put) # dropout层
  72. """X经过2*d卷积后,维度为[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+2-1,1]"""
  73. """挤掉第三维度(维度从0开始),[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+2-1]记为Y_1"""
  74. """注意:句子长度+2-1的2是padding造成的行数扩张"""
  75. conv1 = self.conv1(out_put).squeeze(3) # 第1个卷积
  76. """X经过3*d卷积后,维度为[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+2-2,1]"""
  77. """挤掉第三维度(维度从0开始),[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+2-2]记为Y_2"""
  78. conv2 = self.conv2(out_put).squeeze(3) # 第2个卷积
  79. """X经过4*d卷积后,维度为[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+4-3,1]"""
  80. """挤掉第三维度(维度从0开始),[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+4-3]记为Y_3"""
  81. conv3 = self.conv3(out_put).squeeze(3) # 第3个卷积
  82. """X经过5*d卷积后,维度为[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+4-4,1]"""
  83. """挤掉第三维度(维度从0开始),[batch_size,l_l,句子长度+4-4]记为Y_4"""
  84. conv4 = self.conv4(out_put).squeeze(3) # 第4个卷积
  85. """分别对(Y_1,Y_2,Y_3,Y_4)的第二维(维度从0开始)进行pooling"""
  86. """得到4个[batch_size,,l_l,1]的向量"""
  87. pool1 = F.max_pool1d(conv1, conv1.shape[2])
  88. pool2 = F.max_pool1d(conv2, conv2.shape[2])
  89. pool3 = F.max_pool1d(conv3, conv3.shape[2])
  90. pool4 = F.max_pool1d(conv4, conv4.shape[2])
  91. # 拼接得到[batch_size,l_l*4,1]的向量
  92. # 挤掉第二维(维度从0开始)为[batch_size,l_l*4]
  93. pool = torch.cat([pool1,pool2,pool3,pool4],1).squeeze(2) # 拼接起来
  94. # 经过全连接层后,维度为[batch_size,5]
  95. out_put = self.fc(pool)
  96. return out_put









