1 显示某个文件下的所有图片
- import matplotlib.image as im
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- %matplotlib inline #jupyter notebook需要加这一句
- import os
- #需要读取的路径
- path_name = r'E:\BreakHis_dataset\validation\12'
- for item in os.listdir(path=path_name):
- img = im.imread(os.path.join(path_name,item))
- plt.imshow(img)
- plt.show()
2 读取图片数据并存储
- import os
- import cv2
- # this if for store all of the image data
- array_of_img = []
- # this function is for read image,the input is directory name
- def read_directory(directory_name):
- # this loop is for read each image in this foder,directory_name is the foder name with images.
- for filename in os.listdir(directory_name):
- #print(filename) #just for test
- #img is used to store the image data
- img = cv2.imread(directory_name + "/" + filename)
- array_of_img.append(img)
- #print(img)
- print(array_of_img)
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