with t_test as( select 1 id, '张三' name, 70 score, 'CHINESE' subject from dual union all select 1 id, '张三' name, 90 score, 'MATH' subject from dual union all select 1 id, '张三' name, 95 score, 'ENGLISH' subject from dual union all select 2 id, '李四' name, 75 score, 'CHINESE' subject from dual union all select 2 id, '李四' name, 85 score, 'MATH' subject from dual union all select 2 id, '李四' name, 90 score, 'ENGLISH' subject from dual union all select 3 id, '王五' name, 90 score, 'CHINESE' subject from dual union all select 3 id, '王五' name, 90 score, 'MATH' subject from dual union all select 3 id, '王五' name, 90 score, 'ENGLISH' subject from dual ) select * from t_test-- 表别名无效! pivot (sum(score) -- 聚合函数 for subject in('CHINESE' as 语文, 'MATH' as 数学, 'ENGLISH' as 英语)) -- where id in (1, 2, 3) order by id;
with t_test as (
select 1 id, '张三' name, 70 chinese , 90 math , 95 english from dual union all
select 2 id, '李四' name, 75 chinese , 85 math , 90 english from dual union all
select 3 id, '王五' name, 90 chinese , 90 math , 90 english from dual
select id,
score 成绩, -- 新增列
subject 学科 -- 新增列
from t_test -- 表别名无效!
unpivot(score for subject in(chinese, math, english))
-- where id in (1, 2, 3)
order by id;
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