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在Leaflet地图上集成Echarts_leaflet 集成echarts

leaflet 集成echarts







        3.通过配置项bmap,就是百度地图;  参考地址:https://blog.csdn.net/wml00000/article/details/84566180




       1.下载最新Echarts源代码,http://echarts.baidu.com/download.html  下最大的那个2.86MB;

       2.通过 _theme进行定位,定位到function Echarts(){ }里面的  this._theme = theme$$1;   4.2.0版本大概在第26582行,添加一行代码:   this._geo = Geo; 

      3.对Leaflet  Layer 类进行扩展,新建js文件 leaflet-echarts.js,  加入下面代码:

  1. L.OverlayEcharts = (L.version < "1.0" ? L.Class : L.Layer).extend({
  2. includes: L.version < "1.0" ? L.Mixin.Events : [],
  3. _echartsContainer: null,
  4. _map: null,
  5. _echart: null,
  6. _echartsOption: null,
  7. initialize: function(echartsOption) {
  8. this._echartsOption = echartsOption;
  9. },
  10. onAdd: function(map) {
  11. this._map = map;
  12. this._initEchartsContainer();
  13. map.on("moveend", this._redraw, this);//当地图中心改变后触发
  14. this._redraw();
  15. },
  16. onRemove: function(map) {
  17. this._echartsContainer && map.getPanes().overlayPane.removeChild(this._echartsContainer);
  18. this._echart.dispose();
  19. map.off("moveend", this._redraw, this);
  20. },
  21. // addTo: function(map) {
  22. // console.log(this);
  23. // return map.addLayer(this),
  24. // this
  25. // },
  26. _initEchartsContainer: function() {
  27. var size = this._map.getSize(),
  28. echartsContainer = document.createElement("div");
  29. console.log("=====>mapsize"+size);
  30. echartsContainer.style.position = "absolute";
  31. echartsContainer.style.height = size.y + "px";
  32. echartsContainer.style.width = size.x + "px";
  33. echartsContainer.style.zIndex = 999;
  34. this._echartsContainer = echartsContainer;
  35. this._map.getPanes().overlayPane.appendChild(this._echartsContainer);//在map容器的overlayPane上叠加Echarts容器
  36. },
  37. _resetCanvasPosition: function() {
  38. var bound = this._map.getBounds(),
  39. origin = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(bound.getNorthWest());
  40. console.log(origin);//最开始为[0,0],缩放不会改变,平移会改变\
  41. L.DomUtil.setPosition(this._echartsContainer, origin);//设置Echarts容器的位置,以便与当前地图匹配
  42. },
  43. _redraw: function() {
  44. return this._resetCanvasPosition(),
  45. this._echartsContainer.innerHTML = "",
  46. this.initECharts(),
  47. this.setOption(this._echartsOption),
  48. this
  49. },
  50. clear: function() {
  51. this._echartsContainer.innerHTML = "",
  52. this.echartsOption = {}
  53. },
  54. redraw: function() {
  55. console.log("=======>redraw");
  56. this._redraw();
  57. },
  58. initECharts: function(){
  59. if(this._echart === null || this._echart === undefined){
  60. this._initECharts();
  61. }else {
  62. this._echart.dispose();
  63. this._initECharts();
  64. }
  65. },
  66. _initECharts: function() {
  67. if (this._echart = echarts.init(this._echartsContainer),
  68. "3.0" <= echarts.version) {
  69. var me = this;
  70. console.log(echarts.version);
  71. console.log(me._echart);
  72. me._echart._geo.prototype.dataToPoint = function(lnglat) {
  73. //重写Echarts内部方法,Ecahrts内部有一套将经纬度转为像素坐标的方法,这里要换成与Leaflet相匹配的
  74. var latlng = new L.latLng(lnglat[1],lnglat[0])
  75. , pixel = me._map.latLngToContainerPoint(latlng);
  76. return [pixel.x, pixel.y]; //给定地理坐标,返回相对于地图container容器的相应像素坐标。
  77. }
  78. }
  79. this._unbindEvent();//屏蔽Echarts相关事件
  80. },
  81. setOption: function(echartsOption) {
  82. if (echartsOption.series) {
  83. //var series = echartsOption.series || {};
  84. this._echart.setOption(echartsOption);
  85. }
  86. },
  87. _unbindEvent: function() {
  88. echarts.version < "3.0" ? (this._echart.getZrender().un("dragstart", function() {}),
  89. this._echart.getZrender().un("dragend", function() {}),
  90. this._echart.getZrender().un("mouseup", function() {}),
  91. this._echart.getZrender().un("mousedown", function() {}),
  92. this._echart.getZrender().un("mousewheel", function() {})) : (this._echart.getZr().off("dragstart", function() {}),
  93. this._echart.getZr().off("dragend", function() {}),
  94. this._echart.getZr().off("mouseup", function() {}),
  95. this._echart.getZr().off("mousedown", function() {}),
  96. this._echart.getZr().off("mousewheel", function() {}))
  97. }
  98. }),
  99. L.overlayEcharts = function(options) {
  100. return new L.OverlayEcharts(options)
  101. }

     4. 新建html页面,代码太多,就不全放了,源文件下载地址:https://download.csdn.net/download/wml00000/10837134

  1. <script src="lib/leaflet/leaflet.js"></script>
  2. <script src="lib/echarts.js"></script>
  3. <script src="lib/leaflet/leaflet-echarts.js"></script>
  4. <div id="map"></div>
  5. <script>
  6. var map = L.map('map');
  7. L.tileLayer('http://map.geoq.cn/ArcGIS/rest/services/ChinaOnlineStreetPurplishBlue/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}').addTo(map);
  8. map.setView(L.latLng(37.550339, 104.114129), 4); //设置缩放级别及中心点
  9. //Echarts相关options配置
  10. var option = {};
  11. //将Echarts加到地图上,可以简单理解为在地图上添加了Echarts图层
  12. L.overlayEcharts(option).addTo(map);






  • The L.Map container has “map panes”, which are <div>s.
  • L.Layers are HTML elements inside a map pane
  • The map transforms all LatLngs to coordinates in the map’s CRS, and from that into absolute “pixel coordinates” (the origin of the CRS is the same as the origin of the pixel coordinates)
  • When the L.Map is ready (has a center LatLng and a zoom level), the absolute pixel coordinates of the top-left corner become the “pixel origin”
  • Each L.Layer is offset from its map pane according to the pixel origin and the absolute pixel coordinates of the layer’s LatLngs
  • The pixel origin is reset after each zoomend or viewreset event on the L.Map, and every L.Layer has to recalculate its position (if needed)
  • The pixel origin is not reset when panning the map around; instead, the whole panes are repositioned.


  • 地图容器里面有个map-pane,里面有很多的div
  • 图层其实就是map-pane里面的html 元素
  • 地图把经纬度转换成投影坐标系统下的坐标,再转成绝对像素坐标(投影坐标系统原点与像素坐标系原点重合)
  • 当地图就绪时(中心点以及缩放级别都已经确定了),左上角的绝对像素坐标就是所谓的像素原点(注意这里加了引号,他的像素坐标不一定是0,0)
  • 每个图层会根据像素原点以及图层上的经纬度坐标转换过来的绝对像素坐标在map-pane上进行偏移
  • 每次缩放或视图重置坐标原点也会重置(可以简单理解为地图的重新加载,就是第4条),各个图层也得重新计算位置(因为一缩放,虽然地理坐标不变,实际上不同缩放级别地理坐标对应的像素坐标是不一样的)
  • 当地图平移时像素原点不会重置(实际上当地图平移时,map-pane这个div样式中的transform变了,也就是说map-pane的左上角这个像素原点也走了,但是他的像素坐标不变,注意坐标不一定是0,0),这个map-pane上面的其他div也就跟着动了

对照着这个例子https://leafletjs.com/examples/extending/pixelorigin.html 应该能看个差不多。


Echarts的散点图其实也是在一个Div上画的,只要把这个div给拿到map-pane里面的overlay-pane里面不就完事了。关于点的位置,因为Echarts内部自己有个把地理坐标转为像素坐标的方法,咱不能用他的,想办法给他重写了,用Leaflet 的latLngToContainerPoint( )代替。


  1.大小需要与map container匹配


  3.重写Echarts内部方法 dataToPoint


今天突然发现超图 supermap iclient  9d for Leaflet有Echarts的例子,可以看看:http://iclient.supermap.io/examples/leaflet/examples.html#viz-ECharts

