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CANoe-TestModule-vTESTstudio-Python -- 爱恨情仇_python处理canoe自动化


前面有聊过什么才是真正的自动化平台;其实说起来也是每个测试人的工作之路,从入门的测试执行、测试用例设计、自动化脚本开发、自动化架构开发、自动化平台开发,实际上我们大多数测试人都在纠结第一步的测试执行和第三步的自动化脚本开发,而领导层则更加着重看到平台化的产品;但在我看来测试用例设计和自动化平台开发则尤为重要。今天我们来介绍下实现平台化开发车载网络测试的基础内容 -- 如何通过Python调用CANoe工程,并在CANoe工程中添加TestModule和vTESTstudio工程,后面还会出一块进阶版的Python调用,本篇仅讲解基础的调用整块TestModule和vTESTstudio工程并启动测试。


  1. import time, os, msvcrt
  2. from win32com.client import *
  3. from win32com.client.connect import *
  4. def DoEvents():
  5. pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages()
  6. time.sleep(.1)
  7. def DoEventsUntil(cond):
  8. while not cond():
  9. DoEvents()
  10. class CanoeSync(object):
  11. """Wrapper class for CANoe Application object"""
  12. Started = False
  13. Stopped = False
  14. ConfigPath = ""
  15. def __init__(self):
  16. app = DispatchEx('CANoe.Application')
  17. app.Configuration.Modified = False
  18. ver = app.Version
  19. print('Loaded CANoe version ',
  20. ver.major, '.',
  21. ver.minor, '.',
  22. ver.Build, '...', sep='')
  23. self.App = app
  24. self.Measurement = app.Measurement
  25. self.Running = lambda : self.Measurement.Running
  26. self.WaitForStart = lambda: DoEventsUntil(lambda: CanoeSync.Started)
  27. self.WaitForStop = lambda: DoEventsUntil(lambda: CanoeSync.Stopped)
  28. WithEvents(self.App.Measurement, CanoeMeasurementEvents)
  29. def Load(self, cfgPath):
  30. # current dir must point to the script file
  31. cfg = os.path.join(os.curdir, cfgPath)
  32. cfg = os.path.abspath(cfg)
  33. print('Opening: ', cfg)
  34. self.ConfigPath = os.path.dirname(cfg)
  35. self.Configuration = self.App.Configuration
  36. self.App.Open(cfg)
  37. def LoadTestSetup(self, testsetup):
  38. self.TestSetup = self.App.Configuration.TestSetup
  39. path = os.path.join(self.ConfigPath, testsetup)
  40. testenv = self.TestSetup.TestEnvironments.Add(path)
  41. testenv = CastTo(testenv, "ITestEnvironment2")
  42. # TestModules property to access the test modules
  43. self.TestModules = []
  44. self.TraverseTestItem(testenv, lambda tm: self.TestModules.append(CanoeTestModule(tm)))
  45. def LoadTestConfiguration(self, testcfgname, testunits):
  46. """ Adds a test configuration and initialize it with a list of existing test units """
  47. tc = self.App.Configuration.TestConfigurations.Add()
  48. tc.Name = testcfgname
  49. tus = CastTo(tc.TestUnits, "ITestUnits2")
  50. for tu in testunits:
  51. tus.Add(tu)
  52. # TestConfigs property to access the test configuration
  53. self.TestConfigs = [CanoeTestConfiguration(tc)]
  54. def Start(self):
  55. if not self.Running():
  56. self.Measurement.Start()
  57. self.WaitForStart()
  58. def Stop(self):
  59. if self.Running():
  60. self.Measurement.Stop()
  61. self.WaitForStop()
  62. def RunTestModules(self):
  63. """ starts all test modules and waits for all of them to finish"""
  64. # start all test modules
  65. for tm in self.TestModules:
  66. tm.Start()
  67. # wait for test modules to stop
  68. while not all([not tm.Enabled or tm.IsDone() for tm in app.TestModules]):
  69. DoEvents()
  70. def RunTestConfigs(self):
  71. """ starts all test configurations and waits for all of them to finish"""
  72. # start all test configurations
  73. for tc in self.TestConfigs:
  74. tc.Start()
  75. # wait for test modules to stop
  76. while not all([not tc.Enabled or tc.IsDone() for tc in app.TestConfigs]):
  77. DoEvents()
  78. def TraverseTestItem(self, parent, testf):
  79. for test in parent.TestModules:
  80. testf(test)
  81. for folder in parent.Folders:
  82. found = self.TraverseTestItem(folder, testf)
  83. class CanoeMeasurementEvents(object):
  84. """Handler for CANoe measurement events"""
  85. def OnStart(self):
  86. CanoeSync.Started = True
  87. CanoeSync.Stopped = False
  88. print("< measurement started >")
  89. def OnStop(self) :
  90. CanoeSync.Started = False
  91. CanoeSync.Stopped = True
  92. print("< measurement stopped >")
  93. class CanoeTestModule:
  94. """Wrapper class for CANoe TestModule object"""
  95. def __init__(self, tm):
  96. self.tm = tm
  97. self.Events = DispatchWithEvents(tm, CanoeTestEvents)
  98. self.Name = tm.Name
  99. self.IsDone = lambda: self.Events.stopped
  100. self.Enabled = tm.Enabled
  101. def Start(self):
  102. if self.tm.Enabled:
  103. self.tm.Start()
  104. self.Events.WaitForStart()
  105. class CanoeTestConfiguration:
  106. """Wrapper class for a CANoe Test Configuration object"""
  107. def __init__(self, tc):
  108. self.tc = tc
  109. self.Name = tc.Name
  110. self.Events = DispatchWithEvents(tc, CanoeTestEvents)
  111. self.IsDone = lambda: self.Events.stopped
  112. self.Enabled = tc.Enabled
  113. def Start(self):
  114. if self.tc.Enabled:
  115. self.tc.Start()
  116. self.Events.WaitForStart()
  117. class CanoeTestEvents:
  118. """Utility class to handle the test events"""
  119. def __init__(self):
  120. self.started = False
  121. self.stopped = False
  122. self.WaitForStart = lambda: DoEventsUntil(lambda: self.started)
  123. self.WaitForStop = lambda: DoEventsUntil(lambda: self.stopped)
  124. def OnStart(self):
  125. self.started = True
  126. self.stopped = False
  127. print("<", self.Name, " started >")
  128. def OnStop(self, reason):
  129. self.started = False
  130. self.stopped = True
  131. print("<", self.Name, " stopped >")
  132. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. # main
  134. # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. 打开一个空白的CANoe工程
  136. app = CanoeSync()
  137. # 导入工程配置cfg文件
  138. app.Load('CANoeConfig\PythonBasicEmpty.cfg')
  139. # 导入test modules的配置文件
  140. app.LoadTestSetup('TestEnvironments\Test Environment.tse')
  141. # 导入configuration和test units文件
  142. app.LoadTestConfiguration('TestConfiguration', ['TestConfiguration\EasyTest\EasyTest.vtuexe'])
  143. # 启动CANoe
  144. app.Start()
  145. # 启动test modules
  146. app.RunTestModules()
  147. # 启动TestConfiguration
  148. app.RunTestConfigs()
  149. # wait for a keypress to end the program
  150. print("Press any key to exit ...")
  151. while not msvcrt.kbhit():
  152. DoEvents()
  153. # 关闭CANoe软件
  154. app.Stop()


app = CanoeSync()




  1. 将要打开的CANoe软件版本设置

  1. 获取到已打开CANoe的句柄;如果你不知道句柄是什么意思,你就把这个句柄当成你打开的CANoe即可,剩下的操作你就通过这个句柄进行。





  1. import os
  2. #得到当前工作目录
  3. current_path = os.getcwd()
  4. #返回指定目录下的所有文件和目录名
  5. os.listdir()
  6. # 上级目录
  7. os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  8. os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
  9. 获取路径下test.txt的路径
  10. txt_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cur_dir), "test.txt")


注意:如果需要导入自动化脚本TestModule或者vTESTstudio,要保证Test Setup里面为空,下面我会说为什么




  1. # 导入test modules的配置文件
  2. app.LoadTestSetup('TestEnvironments\Test Environment.tse')
  3. # 导入configuration和test units文件
  4. app.LoadTestConfiguration('TestConfiguration', ['TestConfiguration\EasyTest\EasyTest.vtuexe'])
  5. # 这里可以同时在TestConfiguration下一次性导入多个.vtuexe文件
  6. # 这里的.vtuexe文件路径还是建议使用绝对路径(相对路径很大可能会搞到绝望)
  7. app.LoadTestConfiguration('TestConfiguration', ['TestConfiguration\EasyTest\EasyTest.vtuexe'],['TestConfiguration\EasyTest\EasyTest1.vtuexe'], ['TestConfiguration\EasyTest\EasyTest2.vtuexe'])

大家可以在这里看到一个是导入test modules,一个是导入configuration和test units文件;他们有什么区别呢?test module是在CANoe软件中的test module节点,然后通过CAPL实现的简单自动化测试脚本;而configuration名称和test units文件是通过vTESTstudio软件开发的自动化测试脚本编译生成的后缀名为.vtuexe的文件;这是vector工具链中两种完全不同的自动化脚本(虽然都是通过CAPL实现,但是平台和使用方法完全不同,我的其他文章中有介绍,有兴趣的话可以找下);因此上面两种配置不要出现在同一个CANoe工程中,也就是说,两种导入配置一次只能使用其中的一个(还是那句话同时导入2个也不是不行,但是为了能够跑起来,建议不要这样做)。



  1. # 启动CANoe
  2. app.Start()


到了这里才是我们真正需要的执行的脚本,同第三步一样在这里也是有2种,要保持跟第三步加入的一致,如果在第三步你使用的是test modules那你就使用app.RunTestModules();如果你加入的是TestConfiguration,那就使用app.RunTestConfigs();在执行完该步骤后,你就真正的能够看到你的自动化脚本跑起来了。


  1. # 启动test modules
  2. app.RunTestModules()
  3. # 启动TestConfiguration
  4. app.RunTestConfigs()




  1. # wait for a keypress to end the program
  2. print("Press any key to exit ...")
  3. while not msvcrt.kbhit():
  4. DoEvents()
  5. # 关闭CANoe软件
  6. app.Stop()


