【Gazebo仿真·二】Gazebo + ur5e + RealSense + Aruco 二维码识别与跟随仿真_使用realsense进行gazebo仿真-CSDN博客
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HGWTH70RynIQVyEwZCqnkQ?pwd=kr4w 提取码: kr4w
MoveIt! 学习笔记13 - KDL/IKFAST/TRAC-IK运动学求解器区别_moveit 提供了运动学求解器-CSDN博客
在Online ArUco markers generator (chev.me)中生成二维码时,要选择Original ArUco,并且确保生成的Marker ID和Marker size与设置中的相同。否则,将无法通过
rostopic echo /aruco_single/pose
- roslaunch ur5e_moveit_config demo_gazebo.launch
- roslaunch aruco_ros demo.launch
- rostopic echo /aruco_single/pose
- rosrun image_view image_view image:=/aruco_single/result
- rosrun arm_control arm_control
- rosrun arm_control move_with_marker
- /**
- * 控制机械臂在关节空间进行移动,并输出移动前后的关节值
- **/
- #include <moveit/move_group_interface/move_group_interface.h>
- #include <moveit/planning_scene_interface/planning_scene_interface.h>
- #include <moveit_msgs/MoveItErrorCodes.h>
- #include <iostream>
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- ros::init(argc, argv, "arm_control"); // 初始化
- ros::NodeHandle node_handle;
- ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1); // 多线程
- spinner.start(); // 开启新的线程
- moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface arm("arm"); // 初始化机械臂的arm group
- std::string end_effector_link = arm.getEndEffectorLink(); // 获取末端执行器的link名称
- std::cout << "End effector link: " << end_effector_link << std::endl;
- std::string reference_frame = "base_link"; // 设置目标位置所使用的参考坐标系
- arm.setPoseReferenceFrame(reference_frame);
- arm.allowReplanning(true); // 允许重新规划
- arm.setGoalJointTolerance(0.001);
- arm.setGoalPositionTolerance(0.001); // 设置位置和姿态的允许误差
- arm.setGoalOrientationTolerance(0.01);
- arm.setMaxAccelerationScalingFactor(0.2); // 设置最大加速度
- arm.setMaxVelocityScalingFactor(0.2); // 设置最大速度
- // 获取并输出机械臂当前的关节值
- std::vector<double> start_joint_values = arm.getCurrentJointValues();
- std::cout << "Start joint values: ";
- for (double joint_value : start_joint_values) {
- std::cout << joint_value << " ";
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- // 设置目标关节值
- std::vector<double> joint_group_variables;
- // 这里需要根据实际机械臂的关节空间和目标点位来设置关节值
- joint_group_variables.push_back(1.0);
- joint_group_variables.push_back(0.5);
- joint_group_variables.push_back(-0.5);
- joint_group_variables.push_back(1.0);
- joint_group_variables.push_back(0.0);
- joint_group_variables.push_back(0.0);
- // 设置关节目标
- arm.setJointValueTarget(joint_group_variables);
- // 规划路径
- moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::Plan plan;
- moveit::core::MoveItErrorCode error_code = arm.plan(plan);
- if (error_code) {
- ROS_INFO("Joint space planning succeeded.");
- arm.execute(plan); // 执行规划的路径
- // 移动后的关节值
- std::vector<double> end_joint_values = arm.getCurrentJointValues();
- std::cout << "End joint values: ";
- for (double joint_value : end_joint_values) {
- std::cout << joint_value << " ";
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- ros::shutdown();
- return 0;
- }
- //问题:二次移动后,不变轴的数据会被赋予上次的数值(已解决)
- //问题:二次移动二维码后,不能规划(已解决)
- //问题:规划失败后,变量已被提前储存(已解决;规划失败,将变量定为当前数值)
- //问题:在已经完成跟踪后,仍然会不停校正位置,从而导致崩溃(已解决)
- //问题:在规划成功,但运动失败后,变量已被提前储存(已解决)
- //问题:路径规划结果不稳定(已解决)
- //目标:增加终端的信息输出(已解决)
- #include <ros/ros.h>
- #include <moveit/move_group_interface/move_group_interface.h>
- #include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
- #include <iostream>
- class MoveToMarker
- {
- private:
- ros::NodeHandle nh_;
- ros::Subscriber sub_;
- moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface arm;
- geometry_msgs::Pose markerPose_; // 私有成员变量,存储目标位置和姿态
- geometry_msgs::Point compare; // 用于比较位置变化的私有成员变量
- public:
- bool ifMove;
- MoveToMarker(ros::NodeHandle n);
- ~MoveToMarker();
- void markerCb(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& pose);
- void moveOnce();
- };
- MoveToMarker::~MoveToMarker() {}
- MoveToMarker::MoveToMarker(ros::NodeHandle n): nh_(n), arm("arm")
- {
- this->nh_ = n;
- ifMove = false;
- std::string end_effector_link = arm.getEndEffectorLink();
- std::cout << "End effector link: " << end_effector_link << std::endl;
- // 初始化机械臂末端位置及姿态
- markerPose_.position.x = 0.1;
- markerPose_.position.y = 0.134;
- markerPose_.position.z = 0.98;
- markerPose_.orientation.x = 0.0;
- markerPose_.orientation.y = 0.707;
- markerPose_.orientation.z = 0.0;
- markerPose_.orientation.w = 0.707;
- // 初始化对比值
- compare.x = 0;
- compare.y = 0;
- compare.z = 0;
- ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);
- spinner.start();
- std::string reference_frame = "base_link";
- arm.setPoseReferenceFrame(reference_frame);
- arm.allowReplanning(true);
- arm.setGoalJointTolerance(0.001);
- arm.setGoalPositionTolerance(0.001);
- arm.setGoalOrientationTolerance(0.01);
- arm.setMaxAccelerationScalingFactor(0.2);
- arm.setMaxVelocityScalingFactor(0.2);
- geometry_msgs::Pose now_pose = arm.getCurrentPose(end_effector_link).pose;
- std::cout << "now Robot position: [x,y,z]: [" << now_pose.position.x << "," << now_pose.position.y << "," << now_pose.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "now Robot orientation: [x,y,z,w]: [" << now_pose.orientation.x << "," << now_pose.orientation.y << "," << now_pose.orientation.z << "," << now_pose.orientation.w << "]" << std::endl;
- arm.setNamedTarget("init_pose"); // 控制机械臂先回到初始化位置
- arm.move();
- sleep(1);
- sub_ = n.subscribe("/aruco_single/pose", 1, &MoveToMarker::markerCb, this);
- }
- void MoveToMarker::markerCb(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& pose)
- {
- // 检查marker位置是否发生变化(通过对比和阈值,避免噪声的干扰)
- // 通过rostopic echo /aruco_single/pose得知,模拟环境噪声变化绝大多数小于0.01
- // 真实情况需要再次评估噪声
- double threshold = 0.05;
- bool position_changed =
- abs(compare.x - pose.pose.position.x) > threshold ||
- abs(compare.y - pose.pose.position.y) > threshold ||
- abs(compare.z - pose.pose.position.z) > threshold;
- if (position_changed) {
- // 位置发生了变化,更新markerPose_为当前机械臂末端的位置
- markerPose_.position.x += pose.pose.position.x;
- markerPose_.position.y += pose.pose.position.z - 0.8;
- markerPose_.position.z += -pose.pose.position.y;
- // 更新姿态信息,如果需要的话
- // markerPose_.orientation = pose.pose.orientation;
- // 更新对比数值
- compare.x = pose.pose.position.x;
- compare.y = pose.pose.position.y;
- compare.z = pose.pose.position.z;
- ifMove = true; // 设置标志,位置已变化,需要移动
- }
- else{
- ifMove = false; // 设置标志,位置未变化,不需要移动
- }
- }
- void MoveToMarker::moveOnce()
- {
- ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1); // 多线程
- spinner.start(); // 开启新的线程
- // 直接输出目标位置和姿态
- std::cout << "target position: [x,y,z]: [" << markerPose_.position.x << "," << markerPose_.position.y << "," << markerPose_.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "target orientation: [x,y,z,w]: [" << markerPose_.orientation.x << "," << markerPose_.orientation.y << "," << markerPose_.orientation.z << "," << markerPose_.orientation.w << "]" << std::endl;
- // 设置机械臂的目标位置和姿态
- arm.setPoseTarget(markerPose_);
- // 规划路径
- moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::Plan plan;
- if (arm.plan(plan)) {
- // 输出执行前机械臂的目标位置
- std::cout << "Moving arm to target position: [x,y,z]: ["
- << markerPose_.position.x << ", "
- << markerPose_.position.y << ", "
- << markerPose_.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- arm.execute(plan);
- ROS_INFO("Joint space planning succeeded.");
- // 执行规划的路径
- arm.execute(plan);
- // 检查机械臂是否到达目标位置
- geometry_msgs::Pose end_effector_pose = arm.getCurrentPose(arm.getEndEffectorLink()).pose;
- bool reached_target = std::abs(end_effector_pose.position.x - markerPose_.position.x) < 0.05 &&
- std::abs(end_effector_pose.position.y - markerPose_.position.y) < 0.05 &&
- std::abs(end_effector_pose.position.z - markerPose_.position.z) < 0.05;
- if (reached_target) {
- ROS_INFO("The arm has reached the target position.");
- }
- else {
- markerPose_.position = end_effector_pose.position;
- }
- ifMove = false; // 设置标志,已完成移动,不需要移动
- // 输出当前机械臂末端的位置
- std::cout << "Current end effector position: [x,y,z]: ["
- << end_effector_pose.position.x << ", "
- << end_effector_pose.position.y << ", "
- << end_effector_pose.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- }
- else{
- ROS_INFO("Joint space planning failed. Resetting target pose to current end effector position.");
- ifMove = false;
- // 获取当前机械臂末端的位置
- geometry_msgs::Pose current_pose = arm.getCurrentPose(arm.getEndEffectorLink()).pose;
- if (std::abs(markerPose_.position.x - current_pose.position.x) > 0.05 &&
- std::abs(markerPose_.position.y - current_pose.position.y) > 0.05 &&
- std::abs(markerPose_.position.z - current_pose.position.z) > 0.05) {
- markerPose_.position = current_pose.position;
- }
- // 可以在这里添加代码来更新markerPose_.orientation为当前机械臂末端的姿态
- // markerPose_.orientation = current_pose.orientation;
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- ros::init(argc, argv, "move_with_marker_node");
- ros::NodeHandle n;
- MoveToMarker myMove(n);
- ros::WallDuration(5.0).sleep(); // 等待5秒
- while (ros::ok()) {
- ros::spinOnce();
- if (myMove.ifMove) {
- myMove.moveOnce();
- myMove.ifMove = false; // 重置标志,避免重复移动
- }
- ros::Duration(0.2).sleep();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //问题:二次移动后,不变轴的数据会被赋予上次的数值(已解决)
- //问题:二次移动二维码后,不能规划(已解决)
- //问题:规划失败后,变量已被提前储存(已解决;规划失败,将变量定为当前数值)
- //问题:在已经完成跟踪后,仍然会不停校正位置,从而导致崩溃(已解决)
- //问题:在规划成功,但运动失败后,变量已被提前储存(已解决)
- //问题:路径规划结果不稳定(已解决)
- //问题:姿态规划算法不正确(未解决)
- //目标:增加终端的信息输出(已完成)
- //目标:增加位置跟踪功能(已完成)
- //目标:增加姿态跟踪功能(未完成)
- #include <ros/ros.h>
- #include <moveit/move_group_interface/move_group_interface.h>
- #include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
- #include <iostream>
- class MoveToMarker
- {
- private:
- ros::NodeHandle nh_;
- ros::Subscriber sub_;
- moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface arm;
- geometry_msgs::Pose markerPose_; // 私有成员变量,存储目标位置和姿态
- geometry_msgs::Point compare; // 用于比较位置变化的私有成员变量
- public:
- bool ifMove;
- MoveToMarker(ros::NodeHandle n);
- ~MoveToMarker();
- void markerCb(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& pose);
- void moveOnce();
- };
- MoveToMarker::~MoveToMarker() {}
- MoveToMarker::MoveToMarker(ros::NodeHandle n): nh_(n), arm("arm")
- {
- this->nh_ = n;
- ifMove = false;
- std::string end_effector_link = arm.getEndEffectorLink();
- std::cout << "End effector link: " << end_effector_link << std::endl;
- // 初始化机械臂末端位置及姿态
- markerPose_.position.x = 0.1;
- markerPose_.position.y = 0.134;
- markerPose_.position.z = 0.98;
- markerPose_.orientation.x = 0.0;
- markerPose_.orientation.y = 0.707;
- markerPose_.orientation.z = 0.0;
- markerPose_.orientation.w = 0.707;
- // 初始化对比值
- compare.x = 0;
- compare.y = 0;
- compare.z = 0;
- ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1);
- spinner.start();
- std::string reference_frame = "base_link";
- arm.setPoseReferenceFrame(reference_frame);
- arm.allowReplanning(true);
- arm.setGoalJointTolerance(0.001);
- arm.setGoalPositionTolerance(0.001);
- arm.setGoalOrientationTolerance(0.01);
- arm.setMaxAccelerationScalingFactor(0.2);
- arm.setMaxVelocityScalingFactor(0.2);
- geometry_msgs::Pose now_pose = arm.getCurrentPose(end_effector_link).pose;
- std::cout << "now Robot position: [x,y,z]: [" << now_pose.position.x << "," << now_pose.position.y << "," << now_pose.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "now Robot orientation: [x,y,z,w]: [" << now_pose.orientation.x << "," << now_pose.orientation.y << "," << now_pose.orientation.z << "," << now_pose.orientation.w << "]" << std::endl;
- arm.setNamedTarget("init_pose"); // 控制机械臂先回到初始化位置
- arm.move();
- sleep(1);
- sub_ = n.subscribe("/aruco_single/pose", 1, &MoveToMarker::markerCb, this);
- }
- void MoveToMarker::markerCb(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& pose)
- {
- // 检查marker位置是否发生变化(通过对比和阈值,避免噪声的干扰)
- // 通过rostopic echo /aruco_single/pose得知,模拟环境噪声变化绝大多数小于0.01
- // 真实情况需要再次评估噪声
- double threshold = 0.05;
- bool position_changed =
- abs(compare.x - pose.pose.position.x) > threshold ||
- abs(compare.y - pose.pose.position.y) > threshold ||
- abs(compare.z - pose.pose.position.z) > threshold;
- if (position_changed) {
- // 位置发生了变化,更新markerPose_为当前机械臂末端的位置
- double pose_offset = 0.8;
- markerPose_.position.x += pose.pose.position.x;
- markerPose_.position.y += pose.pose.position.z - pose_offset;
- markerPose_.position.z += -pose.pose.position.y;
- // 更新对比数值
- compare.x = pose.pose.position.x;
- compare.y = pose.pose.position.y;
- compare.z = pose.pose.position.z;
- ifMove = true; // 设置标志,位置已变化,需要移动
- }
- else{
- ifMove = false; // 设置标志,位置未变化,不需要移动
- }
- }
- void MoveToMarker::moveOnce()
- {
- ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(1); // 多线程
- spinner.start(); // 开启新的线程
- // 直接输出目标位置和姿态
- std::cout << "target position: [x,y,z]: [" << markerPose_.position.x << "," << markerPose_.position.y << "," << markerPose_.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << "target orientation: [x,y,z,w]: [" << markerPose_.orientation.x << "," << markerPose_.orientation.y << "," << markerPose_.orientation.z << "," << markerPose_.orientation.w << "]" << std::endl;
- // 设置机械臂的目标位置和姿态
- arm.setPoseTarget(markerPose_);
- // 规划路径
- moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface::Plan plan;
- if (arm.plan(plan)) {
- // 输出执行前机械臂的目标位置
- std::cout << "Moving arm to target position: [x,y,z]: ["
- << markerPose_.position.x << ", "
- << markerPose_.position.y << ", "
- << markerPose_.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- if (markerPose_.position.z < 0.23) {
- ROS_WARN("The target position is too low: [x,y,z]: [%f, %f, %f]", markerPose_.position.x, markerPose_.position.y, markerPose_.position.z);
- // 这里可以根据需要添加其他逻辑,例如调整目标位置或取消移动
- // 如果目标位置太低,则不执行移动
- arm.setNamedTarget("init_pose"); // 控制机械臂先回到初始化位置
- arm.move();
- ROS_INFO("Moved back to initial position.");
- ifMove = false;
- return; // 退出函数,取消移动
- }
- ROS_INFO("Joint space planning succeeded.");
- // 执行规划的路径
- arm.execute(plan);
- // 检查机械臂是否到达目标位置
- geometry_msgs::Pose end_effector_pose = arm.getCurrentPose(arm.getEndEffectorLink()).pose;
- bool reached_target = std::abs(end_effector_pose.position.x - markerPose_.position.x) < 0.05 &&
- std::abs(end_effector_pose.position.y - markerPose_.position.y) < 0.05 &&
- std::abs(end_effector_pose.position.z - markerPose_.position.z) < 0.05;
- if (reached_target) {
- ROS_INFO("The arm has reached the target position.");
- ifMove = false; // 设置标志,已完成移动,不需要移动
- }
- else {
- // ! 这里会二次运行
- // 输出当前机械臂末端的位置
- std::cout << "Current end effector position: [x,y,z]: ["
- << end_effector_pose.position.x << ", "
- << end_effector_pose.position.y << ", "
- << end_effector_pose.position.z << "]" << std::endl;
- markerPose_.position = end_effector_pose.position;
- }
- }
- else{
- ROS_INFO("Joint space planning failed. Resetting target pose to current end effector position.");
- ifMove = false;
- // 获取当前机械臂末端的位置
- geometry_msgs::Pose current_pose = arm.getCurrentPose(arm.getEndEffectorLink()).pose;
- if (std::abs(markerPose_.position.x - current_pose.position.x) > 0.05 &&
- std::abs(markerPose_.position.y - current_pose.position.y) > 0.05 &&
- std::abs(markerPose_.position.z - current_pose.position.z) > 0.05) {
- markerPose_.position = current_pose.position;
- }
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- ros::init(argc, argv, "move_with_marker_node");
- ros::NodeHandle n;
- MoveToMarker myMove(n);
- ros::WallDuration(2.0).sleep(); // 等待2秒
- while (ros::ok()) {
- ros::spinOnce();
- if (myMove.ifMove) {
- myMove.moveOnce();
- myMove.ifMove = false; // 重置标志,避免重复移动
- }
- ros::Duration(0.2).sleep();
- }
- return 0;
- }
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