我们用目标库中速度最快的延迟单元来完成 这个可以工作很高时钟下的振荡器的设计,在verilog方面主要体现在以下两方面:1.用generate来表示线延迟;2.添加DC的set_dont_touch来阻止综合工具把我们认为增加的线延迟给优化掉;
以上我们可以得到一个32x的PLL,32xPLL受到1MHz的时钟驱动,并且采样VFO的PLL输出。设置两个计数器,一个是被外部的PLL1MHz的输入时钟驱动,另一个是被PLL内部的P1MHZ的溢出计数器产生的时钟驱动,每个时钟到来时把计数值进行比较,从而得到两个时钟的相对关系。只要两个计数值不相等就会去调整VFO的频率。这两个2比特的计数器对32xPLL Muounter计数器产生时钟输出连续计数,在每一个PLL时钟的上升沿,对应边沿的计数值都用来做比较,从而产生乐调整VFO且及时更新的调整量。模块Zeroer不断检测ClockIn的计数值,当计数值为3时,计数器同时清零。
- module PLLTop (output ClockOut, input ClockIn, Reset);
- //
- wire[1:0] AdjFreq;
- wire MHz32, CtrCarry;
- //
- // -----------------------------------------------
- // The new sample edge generator:
- wire SampleWire;
- //
- DEL005 SampleDelay1 (.Z(SampleWire), .I(ClockIn));
- //
- //synopsys dc_tcl_script_begin
- // set_dont_touch SampleDelay1
- // set_dont_touch SampleWire
- // set_dont_touch ClockIn
- //synopsys dc_tcl_script_end
- //
- // -----------------------------------------------
- assign ClockOut = MHz32;
- //
- ClockComparator
- Comp1 ( .AdjustFreq(AdjFreq), .ClockIn(ClockIn)
- , .CounterClock(CtrCarry), .Reset(Reset)
- );
- //
- VFO1 ( .ClockOut(MHz32), .AdjustFreq(AdjFreq)
- , .Sample(SampleWire), .Reset(Reset)
- );
- //
- MultiCounter
- MCntr1 (.CarryOut(CtrCarry), .Clock(MHz32), .Reset(Reset));
- //
- endmodule // PLLTop.
- //

- // The timescale and VFO_MaxDelta from the Deserializer
- // design are used in VFO:
- //
- `include "SerDes.inc"
- //
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // The empirical frequency-setting parameters:
- // DivideFactor is the number of fast-counter increments
- // per PLL output clock. Thus, PLL output period is
- // given by: T = 2*DivideFactor*ElemDelay, in which,
- //
- // ElemDelay = DelayElementAvgDelay
- //
- // ElemDelay is estimated in ns, averaged over rise &
- // fall, and it is used in VCS message calculations as
- // well as VFO frequency limit stops.
- //
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // The next macro configures the FastClock oscillator and
- // FastDivvy counter (2 elems probably is too fast for
- // DEL005 and 90-nm Typical gates):
- //
- `define NumElems 5 // Delay line length.
- //
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- // We use the PLL multiplication factor, 32, to set the
- // initial DivideFactor.
- // We want to divide the frequency, and the delay line
- // just gives edge delays, so the initial divide factor
- // should be about 1/4 the PLL multiplication factor:
- //
- `define ElemDelay 0.0850 // Delay element avg. delay.
- `define DivideFactor 32.0/(4.0*`NumElems*`ElemDelay)
- //
- // NFastBits will be calculated to ensure that the
- // frequency initialization value (`DivideFactor) will
- // be less than the maximum value of the FastDivvy and
- // DivideFactor regs declared below.
- // ---------------------------------------------------
- module VFO (output ClockOut, input[1:0] AdjustFreq
- , input Sample, Reset
- );
- reg ClockOutReg;
- assign ClockOut = ClockOutReg;
- //
- // Configure the fast clock counter:
- localparam NFastBits =
- (`DivideFactor < (2**3 - (`VFO_MaxDelta/(2.0*`ElemDelay) + 1)) )? 3
- : (`DivideFactor < (2**4 - (`VFO_MaxDelta/(2.0*`ElemDelay) + 1)) )? 4
- : (`DivideFactor < (2**5 - (`VFO_MaxDelta/(2.0*`ElemDelay) + 1)) )? 5
- : (`DivideFactor < (2**6 - (`VFO_MaxDelta/(2.0*`ElemDelay) + 1)) )? 6
- : (`DivideFactor < (2**7 - (`VFO_MaxDelta/(2.0*`ElemDelay) + 1)) )? 7
- : (`DivideFactor < (2**8 - (`VFO_MaxDelta/(2.0*`ElemDelay) + 1)) )? 8
- : 9;
- //
- localparam[NFastBits-1:0] DivideLoLim = `DivideFactor - `VFO_MaxDelta;
- localparam[NFastBits-1:0] DivideHiLim = `DivideFactor + `VFO_MaxDelta;
- //
- // Assertions:
- `ifdef DC
- `else
- initial
- begin
- $display("VFO FastClock delay chain: %0.0f cells @%1.4f ns; f divider=[%0.0f] bits.\n"
- , `NumElems, `ElemDelay, NFastBits
- );
- $display("VFO divide factor=%0.0f; so, initial SYNTH 1 MHz in => %2.1f MHz out.\n"
- , `DivideFactor, 1000.0/32.0
- );
- $display("`VFO_MaxDelta=[%0.0f] => Divider limits: Low Lim=%0.0f and High Lim=%0.0f.\n"
- , `VFO_MaxDelta, DivideLoLim, DivideHiLim
- );
- end
- `endif
- //
- // ---------------------------

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