1.blockinfile模块使用:在rhce上文件ansible.txt文件中写入内容 ansible
然后使用blockinfile模块,在文件中插入内容 blockinfile insert content
然后插入内容 blockinfile with marker 且使用指定标记: marker=#{mark}test
在blockinfile insert content之前插入 insertbefore
在blockinfile insert content之后插入 insertafter
2.lineinfile模块使用向node节点上文件 ansible.txt2文件如插入内容 lineinfile insert content
文件中的"Hello ansible,Hiiii"替换成"Hiiii"(使用正则表达式和backrefs)
11.firewalld模块添加端口22, 添加服务 http
13.nmcli模块在node上添加一块网卡,设置IP,gw, method, dns,type,和自动连接
然后对磁盘进行分区: 分区1: 400,分区2: 200M, 分区3:200M,且设置分区1和分区2类型为LVM
17.lvg模块:用上面parted建立的分区: 创建卷组
19.filesystem模块:为逻辑卷和分区3设置文件系统类型为 xfs
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m blockinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt block='blockinfile insert content' insertafter=EOF"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Block inserted"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m blockinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt block='blockinfile with marker' marker=#{mark}test"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Block inserted"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m blockinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt block='insertbefore' insertbefore='blockinfile insert content' marker='#{mark} test'"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Block inserted"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m blockinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt block='insertafter' insertafter='blockinfile insert content' marker='#{mark} test1'"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Block inserted"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m blockinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt block='insertafyer' insertafter='blockinfile insert content' marker='#{mark} test1' state=absent"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Block removed"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lineinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt2 line='lineinfile insert content' create=yes"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup": "",
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "line added"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lineinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt2 line='lineinfile insert content' state=absent"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup": "",
- "changed": true,
- "found": 1,
- "msg": "1 line(s) removed"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lineinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt2 line='insertbefore' insertbefore='lineinfile insert content'"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup": "",
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "line added"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lineinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt2 line='insertafter' insertafter='lineinfile insert content'"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup": "",
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "line added"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lineinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt2 line='Hello ansible,Hiiii'"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup": "",
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "line added"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lineinfile -a "path=/root/ansible.txt2 regexp='(H.{4}).*(H.{4})' line='Hiiii'"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup": "",
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "line replaced"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m unarchive -a "src=/root/apr-1.6.5.tar.gz dest=/home/student mode=0644"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "dest": "/home/student",
- "extract_results": {
- "cmd": [
- "/bin/gtar",
- "--extract",
- "-C",
- "/home/student",
- "-z",
- "-f",
- "/home/student/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1659695531.3050132-5926-83183719667943/source"
- ],
- "err": "",
- "out": "",
- "rc": 0
- },
- "gid": 1112,
- "group": "student",
- "handler": "TgzArchive",
- "mode": "0664",
- "owner": "student",
- "secontext": "unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_dir_t:s0",
- "size": 270,
- "src": "/home/student/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1659695531.3050132-5926-83183719667943/source",
- "state": "directory",
- "uid": 1112
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m cron -a "hour=9 minute=0 weekday=1-5 name="闹钟" job=/root/alarm_cron user=student"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "envs": [],
- "jobs": [
- "闹钟"
- ]
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m user -a "name=li"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "comment": "",
- "create_home": true,
- "group": 1113,
- "home": "/home/li",
- "name": "li",
- "shell": "/bin/bash",
- "state": "present",
- "system": false,
- "uid": 1113
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m user -a "name=li state=absent"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "force": false,
- "name": "li",
- "remove": false,
- "state": "absent"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m group -a "name=li"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "gid": 1113,
- "name": "li",
- "state": "present",
- "system": false
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m group -a "name=li state=absent"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "name": "li",
- "state": "absent"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m yum_repository -a "name=BaseOS baseurl=file:///mnt/cdrom/BaseOS gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 file=my.repo description=BaseOS"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "repo": "BaseOS",
- "state": "present"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m yum_repository -a "name=APPStream baseurl=file:///mnt/cdrom/AppStream gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 file=my.repo description=APPStream"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "repo": "APPStream",
- "state": "present"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m yum -a "name=lrzsz"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "",
- "rc": 0,
- "results": [
- "Installed: lrzsz-0.12.20-43.el8.x86_64"
- ]
- }
- rhce | SUCCESS => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": false,
- "msg": "Permanent and Non-Permanent(immediate) operation"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m firewalld -a 'port=22/tcp permanent=true immediate=true state=enabled'
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Permanent and Non-Permanent(immediate) operation, Changed port 22/tcp to enabled"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m firewalld -a 'rich_rule="rule family=ipv4 source address= service name=http accept" permanent=true immediate=true state=enabled'
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Permanent and Non-Permanent(immediate) operation, Changed rich_rule rule family=ipv4 source address= service name=http accept to enabled"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m firewalld -a 'rich_rule="rule family=ipv4 source address= service name=http accept" state=disabled'
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Non-permanent operation, Changed rich_rule rule family=ipv4 source address= service name=http accept to disabled"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m selinux -a "state=permissive policy=targeted"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "configfile": "/etc/selinux/config",
- "msg": "SELinux state changed from 'enforcing' to 'permissive', Config SELinux state changed from 'enforcing' to 'permissive'",
- "policy": "targeted",
- "reboot_required": false,
- "state": "permissive"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m nmcli -a "conn_name=ens666 ip4= gw4= dns4= type=ethernet state=present"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "Exists": "Connections do exist so we are modifying them",
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "conn_name": "ens666",
- "state": "present"
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m get_url -a "url=https://video.pearvideo.com/mp4/adshort/20180504/cont-1337568-12007359_adpkg-ad_hd.mp4 dest=/root"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "checksum_dest": null,
- "checksum_src": "c8c67c158b16ce84172273cc14dcc1c9f9403ef8",
- "dest": "/root/cont-1337568-12007359_adpkg-ad_hd.mp4",
- "elapsed": 7,
- "gid": 0,
- "group": "root",
- "md5sum": "dee2f423b48d0ce9d6e8ca6f6e78e443",
- "mode": "0644",
- "msg": "OK (11510845 bytes)",
- "owner": "root",
- "secontext": "system_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0",
- "size": 11510845,
- "src": "/home/student/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1659700195.5528436-7695-163031912329044/tmpmcmvn8m5",
- "state": "file",
- "status_code": 200,
- "uid": 0,
- "url": "https://video.pearvideo.com/mp4/adshort/20180504/cont-1337568-12007359_adpkg-ad_hd.mp4"
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m uri -a "url=https://www.baidu.com"
- rhce | SUCCESS => {
- "accept_ranges": "bytes",
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "cache_control": "no-cache",
- "changed": false,
- "connection": "close",
- "content_length": "227",
- "content_type": "text/html",
- "cookies": {
- "BAIDUID": "DF867D0B7155041007B51368264CE9AB:FG=1",
- "BD_NOT_HTTPS": "1",
- "BIDUPSID": "DF867D0B715504104B9BE896590DAD78",
- "PSTM": "1659700306"
- },
- "cookies_string": "BAIDUID=DF867D0B7155041007B51368264CE9AB:FG=1; BIDUPSID=DF867D0B715504104B9BE896590DAD78; PSTM=1659700306; BD_NOT_HTTPS=1",
- "date": "Fri, 05 Aug 2022 11:51:46 GMT",
- "elapsed": 0,
- "msg": "OK (227 bytes)",
- "pragma": "no-cache",
- "redirected": false,
- "server": "BWS/1.1",
- "set_cookie": "BD_NOT_HTTPS=1; path=/; Max-Age=300, BIDUPSID=DF867D0B715504104B9BE896590DAD78; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-37 23:55:55 GMT; max-age=2147483647; path=/; domain=.baidu.com, PSTM=1659700306; expires=Thu, 31-Dec-37 23:55:55 GMT; max-age=2147483647; path=/; domain=.baidu.com, BAIDUID=DF867D0B7155041007B51368264CE9AB:FG=1; max-age=31536000; expires=Sat, 05-Aug-23 11:51:46 GMT; domain=.baidu.com; path=/; version=1; comment=bd",
- "status": 200,
- "strict_transport_security": "max-age=0",
- "traceid": "1659700306025489869811720199910870649460",
- "url": "https://www.baidu.com",
- "x_frame_options": "sameorigin",
- "x_ua_compatible": "IE=Edge,chrome=1"
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m parted -a "device=/dev/nvme0n3 number=1 part_end=400MB state=present flags=lvm"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "disk": {
- "dev": "/dev/nvme0n3",
- "logical_block": 512,
- "model": "NVMe Device",
- "physical_block": 512,
- "size": 1048576.0,
- "table": "msdos",
- "unit": "kib"
- },
- "partitions": [
- {
- "begin": 1024.0,
- "end": 390144.0,
- "flags": [
- "lvm"
- ],
- "fstype": "",
- "name": "",
- "num": 1,
- "size": 389120.0,
- "unit": "kib"
- }
- ],
- "script": "unit KiB mklabel msdos mkpart primary 0% 400MB unit KiB set 1 lvm on"
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m parted -a "device=/dev/nvme0n3 number=2 part_start=400MB part_end=600MB state=present flags=lvm"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "disk": {
- "dev": "/dev/nvme0n3",
- "logical_block": 512,
- "model": "NVMe Device",
- "physical_block": 512,
- "size": 1048576.0,
- "table": "msdos",
- "unit": "kib"
- },
- "partitions": [
- {
- "begin": 1024.0,
- "end": 390144.0,
- "flags": [
- "lvm"
- ],
- "fstype": "",
- "name": "",
- "num": 1,
- "size": 389120.0,
- "unit": "kib"
- },
- {
- "begin": 390144.0,
- "end": 585728.0,
- "flags": [
- "lvm"
- ],
- "fstype": "",
- "name": "",
- "num": 2,
- "size": 195584.0,
- "unit": "kib"
- }
- ],
- "script": "unit KiB mkpart primary 400MB 600MB unit KiB set 2 lvm on"
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m parted -a "device=/dev/nvme0n3 number=3 part_start=600MB part_end=800MB state=present"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "disk": {
- "dev": "/dev/nvme0n3",
- "logical_block": 512,
- "model": "NVMe Device",
- "physical_block": 512,
- "size": 1048576.0,
- "table": "msdos",
- "unit": "kib"
- },
- "partitions": [
- {
- "begin": 1024.0,
- "end": 390144.0,
- "flags": [
- "lvm"
- ],
- "fstype": "",
- "name": "",
- "num": 1,
- "size": 389120.0,
- "unit": "kib"
- },
- {
- "begin": 390144.0,
- "end": 585728.0,
- "flags": [
- "lvm"
- ],
- "fstype": "",
- "name": "",
- "num": 2,
- "size": 195584.0,
- "unit": "kib"
- },
- {
- "begin": 585728.0,
- "end": 781312.0,
- "flags": [],
- "fstype": "",
- "name": "",
- "num": 3,
- "size": 195584.0,
- "unit": "kib"
- }
- ],
- "script": "unit KiB mkpart primary 600MB 800MB"
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lvg -a 'pvs=/dev/nvme0n3p1 vg=myvg1'
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m lvol -a 'vg=myvg1 lv=lv1 size=500'
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true,
- "msg": ""
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m filesystem -a 'dev=/dev/myvg1/lv1 fstype=xfs force=yes'
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m filesystem -a 'dev=/dev/nvme0n3p3 fstype=xfs force=yes'
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "changed": true
- }
- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m mount -a "path=/mnt/test fstype=xfs src=/dev/myvg1 state=present"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup_file": "",
- "boot": "yes",
- "changed": true,
- "dump": "0",
- "fstab": "/etc/fstab",
- "fstype": "xfs",
- "name": "/mnt/test",
- "opts": "defaults",
- "passno": "0",
- "src": "/dev/myvg1"
- }

- [root@rhcsa ~]# ansible rhce -m mount -a "path=/mnt/test1 fstype=xfs src=/dev/nvme0n3p3 state=present"
- rhce | CHANGED => {
- "ansible_facts": {
- "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
- },
- "backup_file": "",
- "boot": "yes",
- "changed": true,
- "dump": "0",
- "fstab": "/etc/fstab",
- "fstype": "xfs",
- "name": "/mnt/test1",
- "opts": "defaults",
- "passno": "0",
- "src": "/dev/nvme0n3p3"
- }

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