目标:形成均匀多边形分布,所谓的 ‘均匀’ 效果如下图:即是多边形上间距相等
1 .抵达均匀多边形:
'''code = 'utf-8''' '''author = peng''' import copy import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation import time NUM = 10 #设置无人机数量 MOVE_DISTANCE = 0.3 JianCeError = 0.1 '''根据无人机数量NUM得出边界最大容量数量 : MAXNUM''' if ((NUM - 4)/4)%1==0: MAXNUM = (NUM - 4)/4 else:MAXNUM = int((NUM - 4)/4) +1 '''JIANJU是调整单位距离''' JIANJU = 50 /(MAXNUM+1) x = np.random.randint(1, 100, NUM) y = np.random.randint(1, 100, NUM) # x = [36,37,38,39] # y = [36,37,38,39] Point_list = [] for i in range(NUM): Point_list.append([x[i], y[i]]) DING_LIST = [[25, 25], [75, 25], [75, 75], [25, 75]] DingX, DingY = [], [] for each in DING_LIST: DingX.append(each[0]) DingY.append(each[1]) DingX.append(DING_LIST[0][0]) DingY.append(DING_LIST[0][1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlim(0, 100) ax.set_ylim(0, 100) sc = ax.scatter(x, y, color='r', alpha=0.7,marker='1',linewidth = 10) ax.plot(DingX, DingY, color = 'black',linestyle = ':') class Point(): MOVE_DISTANCE = MOVE_DISTANCE JianCeError = JianCeError MAXNUM = MAXNUM JIANJU = JIANJU tiaozheng_aim = None def __init__(self,id): self.id = id def decide(self,list = copy.deepcopy(DING_LIST)): if self.tiaozheng_aim == None: #调整目标定下来就不需要改变了 nearest = self.detect_nearest(list) #检测最近顶点 ID = self.occupy(nearest) #检测占领者 if ID == self.id : self.update(nearest) pass #自己占领 elif ID == None:self.update(nearest) #无人占领,往该方向移动 else:# self.update([50,50]) self.tiaozheng_aim = self.adjust(ID) #调整目标 if self.tiaozheng_aim: #调整成功 self.update(self.tiaozheng_aim) else: #调整失败 # print(list) list2 = copy.deepcopy(list) #深复制防出错 list2.remove(nearest) # print(list) return self.decide(list2) else:self.update(self.tiaozheng_aim) #有调整目标,直接移往该方向 def adjust(self,ID): order = obj_list[ID].send() #1,0 if order == None:return None for each in DING_LIST: d = self.distance_calculate(each, Point_list[ID]) if d < self.JianCeError: identity = DING_LIST.index(each) aim = copy.deepcopy(DING_LIST[identity]) count = self.MAXNUM - order #1,2 if count % 2 == 0: # 偶数顺时针 if identity == 3: aim[0] += self.JIANJU * (count / 2) return aim elif identity == 2: aim[1] -= self.JIANJU * (count / 2) return aim elif identity == 1: aim[0] -= self.JIANJU * (count / 2) return aim else: aim[1] += self.JIANJU * (count / 2) return aim elif identity == 3: # 奇数逆时针 aim[1] -= self.JIANJU * (int((count / 2))+1) return aim elif identity == 2: aim[0] -= self.JIANJU * (int((count / 2))+1) return aim elif identity == 1: aim[1] += self.JIANJU * (int((count / 2))+1) return aim else: aim[0] += self.JIANJU * (int((count / 2))+1) return aim def detect_nearest(self,list): init_distance = self.distance_calculate(Point_list[self.id], list[0]) count, i = 0, 0 for each in list: D = self.distance_calculate(Point_list[self.id], each) if D < init_distance: init_distance = D count = i i += 1 return list[count] def distance_calculate(self, A, B): # [1,1],[2,2] 得1.4142135623730951 return pow(pow(abs(A[0] - B[0]), 2) + pow(abs(A[1] - B[1]), 2), 0.5) def update(self,aim): self_pot = copy.deepcopy(Point_list[self.id]) x = np.array([aim[0] - self_pot[0], aim[1] - self_pot[1]]) # 方向向量 y = np.array([1, 0]) # x轴方向 Lx = np.sqrt(x.dot(x)) # x.dot(x) 点乘自己,相当于向量模平方 Ly = np.sqrt(y.dot(y)) if Lx > self.MOVE_DISTANCE: cos_angle = x.dot(y) / (Lx * Ly) angle = np.arccos(cos_angle) # 0.....pi if x[0] >= 0 and x[1] >= 0: self_pot[0] = self_pot[0] + self.MOVE_DISTANCE * abs(np.cos(angle)) self_pot[1] = self_pot[1] + self.MOVE_DISTANCE * np.sin(angle) elif x[0] <= 0 and x[1] >= 0: self_pot[0] = self_pot[0] - self.MOVE_DISTANCE * abs(np.cos(angle)) self_pot[1] = self_pot[1] + self.MOVE_DISTANCE * np.sin(angle) elif x[0] <= 0 and x[1] <= 0: self_pot[0] = self_pot[0] - self.MOVE_DISTANCE * abs(np.cos(angle)) self_pot[1] = self_pot[1] - self.MOVE_DISTANCE * np.sin(angle) else: self_pot[0] = self_pot[0] + self.MOVE_DISTANCE * abs(np.cos(angle)) self_pot[1] = self_pot[1] - self.MOVE_DISTANCE * np.sin(angle) Point_list[self.id] = self_pot else: Point_list[self.id] = aim def occupy(self,nearest): for each in Point_list : d = self.distance_calculate(each,nearest) if d < self.JianCeError: ID = Point_list.index(each) return ID return None def send(self): '''self.MAXNUM = 2 ,则输出 1,0''' if self.MAXNUM <= 0: return None # 告诉询问着索要失败 else: self.MAXNUM -= 1 return self.MAXNUM obj_list = [Point(i) for i in range(0, NUM)] # 返回生成的NUM个对象的列表 comp_li = None def gen(): # 绘图函数里面用的数据来源 global comp_li while True: li = [] for i in range(NUM): obj_list[i].decide() for each in Point_list: li.append(each) if comp_li == li: print('抵达边界完成,停留3秒') time.sleep(3) exit() else:comp_li = copy.deepcopy(li) with open('set.py','w') as f: f.write('POINT_LIST = '+ str(li)) yield li def update(N_list): sx, sy = [], [] for each in N_list: sx.append(each[0]) sy.append(each[1]) sc.set_offsets(np.c_[sx, sy]) return sc ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=gen, interval=1) plt.show()
class Point()
def __init__(id):
self.id = id
def decide():
'''决策函数,执行后更改全局变量 POINT_LIST '''
return None
obj_list = [Point(i) for i in range(0, len(Point_list))] # 返回生成的NUM个对象的列表
while True:
'''依次执行每个个体的决策函数,更改自身位置,迭代器返回全局变量 POINT_LIST'''
for i in range(NUM):
def decide():
""" mmid 指 前后邻点的中点 与 自己位置 相连的 中点 """
找到前后邻点,计算出 mmid =((pre + next)/2 + my)/2
关于位置移动的处理 :
'''重写 13 ''' '''基本ok 只差停下函数''' '''哇 终于TM的停下来了''' import copy import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation import time from set import POINT_LIST Move_Distance = 20 # 20 * 0.01 =0.2 Ting_Distance = 3 # POINT_LIST = [[41.66666666666667, 25], [25, 41.66666666666667], [41.66666666666667, 75], [75, 25], [25, 75], [75, 58.33333333333333], [75, 75], [58.33333333333333, 75], [25, 25], [75, 41.66666666666667], [25, 58.33333333333333], [58.33333333333333, 25]] # Point_list = [[25, 50.0], [75, 43.75], [43.75, 25], [25, 75], [25, 43.75], [75, 68.75], [56.25, 25], [62.5, 75], [50.0, 25], [75, 62.5], [25, 68.75], [31.25, 75], [25, 25], [31.25, 25], [25, 31.25], [75, 50.0], [37.5, 25], [56.25, 75], [75, 25], [75, 75], [75, 31.25], [25, 62.5], [37.5, 75], [68.75, 25], [75, 37.5], [25, 37.5], [25, 56.25], [68.75, 75], [62.5, 25], [43.75, 75]] # Point_list = [[25, 25], [75, 75], [25, 75], [75, 25], [50, 25]] # Point_list = [[25, 43.75], [25, 56.25], [50.0, 25], [75, 37.5], [68.75, 75], [43.75, 75], [62.5, 25], [75, 43.75], [25, 75], [25, 25], [56.25, 25], [25, 68.75], [75, 50.0], [31.25, 75], [25, 62.5], [75, 68.75], [31.25, 25], [25, 31.25], [62.5, 75], [75, 62.5], [56.25, 75], [75, 56.25], [37.5, 25], [75, 25], [75, 31.25], [25, 37.5], [68.75, 25], [37.5, 75], [43.75, 25]] Point_list = POINT_LIST NUM = len(Point_list) # print(NUM) DING_LIST = [[25, 25], [75, 25], [75, 75], [25, 75]] DingX, DingY, x, y = [], [], [], [] for each in DING_LIST: DingX.append(each[0]) DingY.append(each[1]) for each in Point_list: x.append(each[0]) y.append(each[1]) DingX.append(DING_LIST[0][0]) DingY.append(DING_LIST[0][1]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_xlim(0, 100) ax.set_ylim(0, 100) sc = ax.scatter(x, y, color='r', alpha=0.7,marker='1',linewidth = 10) ax.plot(DingX, DingY, color = 'black',linestyle = ':') '''以间隔0.01生成齿轮链表''' def chain_make(): Tooth_Chain = [] Tooth_Chain.append([25, 25]) for i in np.arange(25.01, 75, 0.01): Tooth_Chain.append([i, 25]) Tooth_Chain.append([75, 25]) for i in np.arange(25.01, 75, 0.01): Tooth_Chain.append([75, i]) Tooth_Chain.append([75, 75]) for i in np.arange(74.99, 25.0, -0.01): Tooth_Chain.append([round(i, 2), 75]) Tooth_Chain.append([25, 75]) for i in np.arange(74.99, 25, -0.01): Tooth_Chain.append([25, round(i, 2)]) return Tooth_Chain def distance_calculate(A, B): # [1,1],[2,2] 得1.4142135623730951 return pow(pow(abs(A[0] - B[0]), 2) + pow(abs(A[1] - B[1]), 2), 0.5) Tooth_Chain = chain_make() Tooth_Len = len(Tooth_Chain) Point_adindex = [] for a in Point_list: for b in Tooth_Chain: d = distance_calculate(a, b) if d <= 0.005: # Point_list数据有问题 a.append(Tooth_Chain.index(b)) Point_adindex.append(a) # print(len(Point_adindex)) def takeThird(elem): return elem[2] Point_adindex_sort = copy.deepcopy(Point_adindex) Point_adindex_sort.sort(key=takeThird) # print(len(Point_adindex_sort)) class Point(): next_dis = 200001 def __init__(self, id): ''' self. pre_id next_id id 这三个是在Point_list中的位置''' self.id = id my_id = Point_adindex_sort.index(Point_adindex[self.id]) if my_id == 0: self.pre_id = Point_adindex.index(Point_adindex_sort[NUM - 1]) self.next_id = Point_adindex.index(Point_adindex_sort[1]) elif my_id == NUM - 1: self.next_id = Point_adindex.index(Point_adindex_sort[0]) self.pre_id = Point_adindex.index(Point_adindex_sort[NUM - 2]) else: self.pre_id = Point_adindex.index(Point_adindex_sort[my_id - 1]) self.next_id = Point_adindex.index(Point_adindex_sort[my_id + 1]) def decide(self): pre_chain_index = Point_adindex[self.pre_id][2] next_chain_index = Point_adindex[self.next_id][2] self_chain_index = Point_adindex[self.id][2] if pre_chain_index < next_chain_index: a = pre_chain_index b = next_chain_index else: a = pre_chain_index b = next_chain_index + 20000 if abs(self_chain_index - (a+b)/2 ) < 100 : pass else: if pre_chain_index < next_chain_index: # 正常情况 self.next_dis = next_chain_index - self_chain_index mmid = ((next_chain_index + pre_chain_index) / 2 + self_chain_index) / 2 # print('pre:', pre_chain_index, ' ', 'self', self_chain_index, ' ', 'next:', next_chain_index) else: self.next_dis = next_chain_index - self_chain_index + 20000 if self.next_dis>= 20000 : self.next_dis -= 20000 mmid = ((next_chain_index + Tooth_Len + pre_chain_index) / 2 + self_chain_index) / 2 # print('pre:', pre_chain_index, ' ', 'self', self_chain_index, ' ', 'next:', next_chain_index) if abs(mmid - self_chain_index) <= Ting_Distance: if mmid % 1 == 0: self.move(int(mmid)) elif self_chain_index > mmid: # 在目标顺市针方向 self.move(int(mmid) + 1) else: self.move(int(mmid)) elif mmid > self_chain_index: self.move(self_chain_index + Move_Distance) else: self.move(self_chain_index - Move_Distance) def move(self, aim): if aim >= Tooth_Len: aim -= Tooth_Len li = copy.deepcopy(Tooth_Chain[aim]) li.append(aim) Point_adindex[self.id] = li def judge(list): d = 20000/NUM for each in list : if abs(each - d) > 100: return False return True def gen(): while True: # print('$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$') li = [] # panduanls=[] # if vari > ? : for i in range(NUM): obj_list[i].decide() # panduanls.append(obj_list[i].next_dis) # else:continue # if judge(panduanls): # print("均匀化分布算法执行完毕,停留3秒") # time.sleep(3) # exit() for each in Point_adindex: li.append(each[:-1]) yield li def update(N_list): sx, sy = [], [] for each in N_list: sx.append(each[0]) sy.append(each[1]) sc.set_offsets(np.c_[sx, sy]) return sc obj_list = [Point(i) for i in range(0, len(Point_list))] # 返回生成的NUM个对象的列表 ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=gen, interval=2) plt.show() ###均匀化代码需要数据POINT_LIST,可以用代码中注释掉的数据看效果。
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