在查询数据时,字符串匹配经常用到模糊匹配,这时就要用到模糊匹配算法,如Levenshtein Distance 算法,计算编辑距离,这里Python的thefuzz包实现了模糊匹配功能。
pip install thefuzz
from thefuzz import fuzz
rt = fuzz.ratio("我在山东", "我在山东省")
print(rt) # 89
from thefuzz import fuzz
rt = fuzz.partial_ratio("我在山东", "我在山东省")
print(rt) # 100
from thefuzz import fuzz
rt = fuzz.token_sort_ratio("我在 山东", "山东 我在")
print(rt) # 100
from thefuzz import fuzz
rt = fuzz.token_set_ratio("我在 山东", "山东 我在 山东")
from thefuzz import process
choices = ["山东", "山东省", "青岛市", "青岛"]
ls = process.extract("青岛", choices, limit=2)
# [('青岛', 100), ('青岛市', 90)]
from thefuzz import process
choices = ["山东", "山东省", "青岛市", "青岛"]
ls = process.extractOne("青岛", choices)
from thefuzz import process
# 模糊匹配
def fuzzy_merge(df_1, df_2, key1, key2, threshold=90, limit=2):
:param df_1: the left table to join
:param df_2: the right table to join
:param key1: key column of the left table
:param key2: key column of the right table
:param threshold: how close the matches should be to return a match, based on Levenshtein distance
:param limit: the amount of matches that will get returned, these are sorted high to low
:return: dataframe with boths keys and matches
s = df_2[key2].tolist()
m = df_1[key1].apply(lambda x: process.extract(x, s, limit=limit))
df_1['matches'] = m
m2 = df_1['matches'].apply(
lambda x: [i[0] for i in x if i[1] >= threshold][0] if len([i[0] for i in x if i[1] >= threshold]) > 0 else '')
df_1['matches'] = m2
return df_1
df = fuzzy_merge(df1, df2, '字段1', '字段2', threshold=90)
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