N2N是一个开放源代码的2层跨越3层的×××程序,该程序利用了点对点的架构来处理网络间的成员关系和路由,N2N的原理如下图,在搭建的过程中需要一个super节点和多个edge节点,super节点建立一个通信中心,用来路由edge之间的通讯,对于×××使用来说,super node节点必须有一个公网的IP地址
阿里云服务器地址:X.55.150.X,操作系统centos6.8 此处称为A
协议。由于git clone https://github.com/meyerd/n2n.git 源在国内同步不成功所以使用ntop的源。以下配置需要在supernode所在服务器A,edge服务器B都需要执行
yum install subversion gcc-c++ openssl-devel svn co https://svn.ntop.org/svn/ntop/trunk/n2n cd n2n/n2n_v2 make make install
2、配置super node
在后台启动super node服务,TCP端口为1000,详细的用法可以用supernode -h查看
supernode -l 1000 -v >/dev/null &
edge -d n2n0 -c mynetwork -k encryptme -a -l X.55.150.X:1000 >/dev/null &
edge -d n2n0 -c mynetwork -k encryptme -a -l X.55.150.X:1000 >/dev/null &
#!/bin/bash #####此脚本用来实现安装N2N的客户端,实现内网之间的穿透 ####应用场景: ####客服的服务器有A、B、C三台,其中有一台可以上外网,此处以A为例子,ABC之间的SSH互通 ####N2N的server,即super node为114.114.114.114,端口1000,在阿里云端,可以实现外网访问 ####此脚本用来在客户的内网搭建N2N的client,可以实现和阿里云supernode的通信,这样通过阿里云端就可以SSH到客户服务器内网 N2N_super_node_ip= N2N_super_node_port=1000 ###N2N_edge_ip为搭建的edge的IP,需要设置,网段为10.10.10.* ####但有一个前提,设置的这个IP地址在虚拟局域网中不能冲突,所以需要先判断IP地址是否冲突 N2N_edge_ip= judge_ip_confilct() { if `ping -c 2 ${N2N_edge_ip} &>/dev/null`;then echo -e "\033[32m ${N2N_edge_ip} can ping,has client used,please motified N2N_edge_ip,系统退出\033[0m" exit 0 else echo -e "\033[31m ${N2N_edge_ip} not can ping,N2N_edge_ip can be userd\033[0m" fi } check_super_node_service() { ping -c 6 ${N2N_super_node_ip} if `ping -c 2 ${N2N_super_node_ip} &>/dev/null`;then echo -e "\033[32m super node :${N2N_edge_ip} can ping, N2N server can be used\033[0m" else echo -e "\033[31m super node :${N2N_edge_ip} can not ping ,n2n server can not be used ,please check system quit\033[0m" exit fi } n2n_install_super_node() { if `yum install bc &>/dev/null`;then echo -e "\033[32m yum can be use,starting yum install n2n relative paket:\033[0m" yum -y install subversion gcc-c++ openssl-devel echo "svn co install n2n:" svn co https://svn.ntop.org/svn/ntop/trunk/n2n if [ -e n2n ];then echo "n2n file download successful,beging install n2n" cd n2n/n2n_v2 make make install else echo "n2n file download failed ,has some problems ,please check" exit 0 fi echo "n2n install over,beginging start n2n services" supernode -l 1000 -v >/dev/null & echo "查看 ps -ef | grep supernode" ps -ef | grep supernode echo "supernode -l 1000 -v >/dev/null &" >> /etc/rc.local else echo -e "\033[31m yum not can be use,yum install n2 has some problem,please check\033[0m" exit fi } n2n_install_edge_node() { if `yum install bc &>/dev/null`;then echo -e "\033[32m yum can be use,starting yum install n2n relative paket:\033[0m" yum -y install subversion gcc-c++ openssl-devel echo "svn co install n2n:" svn co https://svn.ntop.org/svn/ntop/trunk/n2n if [ -e n2n ];then echo "n2n file download successful,beging install n2n" cd n2n/n2n_v2 make make install else echo "n2n file download failed ,has some problems ,please check" exit 0 fi echo "check super node server is ok or not" check_super_node_service echo "n2n install over,begining start edge node" edge -d n2n0 -c mynetwork -k encryptme -a $N2N_edge_ip -l $N2N_super_node_ip:$N2N_super_node_port >/dev/null & echo "查看 ps -ef | grep edge,进程是否启动OK" ps -ef | grep edge echo "edge -d n2n0 -c mynetwork -k encryptme -a $N2N_edge_ip -l $N2N_super_node_ip:$N2N_super_node_port" >> /etc/rc.local else echo -e "\033[31m yum not can be use,yum install n2 has some problem,please check\033[0m" exit fi } real=`grep -l '\^H' /root/.bash_profile` if [ $? -eq 1 ];then echo 'stty erase ^H' >> /root/.bash_profile source /root/.bash_profile #这几行主要就是让在使用read键时能使用回删键。写错了,回删了,重启写。不用这段的话,回删键会变成乱码。 fi echo -e '\033[0;33;1m #################nagios################## \033[0m' #让echo能弄点颜色出来好看点。。。 echo "n2n supernode install please input : 1" echo "n2n edgenode install please input : 2" echo -e '\033[0;33;1m ######################################### \033[0m' read -p "please chose : " frist #定义输入的值 if [ $frist -eq 1 ];then n2n_install_super_node else n2n_install_edge_node fi