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特征学习的matlab代码和数据集 Matlab Codes and Datasets for Feature Learning_matlab code for unsupervised feature selection wit

matlab code for unsupervised feature selection with multi-subspace rando

Matlab Codes and Datasets for Feature Learning

Dimensionality reduction (Subspace learning) / Feature selection / Topic modeling / Matrix factorization / Sparse coding / Hashing / Clustering / Active learning

We provide here some matlab codes of feature learning algorithms, as well as some datasets in matlab format. All these codes and data sets are used in our experiments. The processed data in matlab format can only be used for non-commercial purpose. 

If you have some problems or find some bugs in the codes, please email: dengcai  AT  gmail  DOT  com

The codes on this site have been regularly updated (bug fixed, functions added ...). The simplest way to keep updated is downloading this entire package (updated on 2012/2/27) .

Maltlab codes

Popular data sets used in our papers

Reproducing experimental results in some of my papers

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