drop table if exists test;
create table test(a int);
create index idxtest on test(a);
insert into test select generate_series(1,10000);
按道理来讲,这条查询语句与上一条是等价的,但是它却没有使用索引,而是使用的全表遍历。其原因就在于索引字段a存在于四则运算表达式中,在这个情况下a + 1 = 2这个条件是没有办法使用索引的,查询引擎也不会将a + 1 = 2等价为a = 1。这就说明可以作为ScanKey的表达式必须是如下形式:
index_field OP const_expression
typedef struct ScanKeyData
int sk_flags; /* flags, see below */
AttrNumber sk_attno; /* table or index column number */
StrategyNumber sk_strategy; /* operator strategy number */
Oid sk_subtype; /* strategy subtype */
Oid sk_collation; /* collation to use, if needed */
FmgrInfo sk_func; /* lookup info for function to call */
Datum sk_argument; /* data to compare */
} ScanKeyData;
typedef ScanKeyData *ScanKey;
drop table if exists test;
create table test(a int,b int,c int);
create index idxtest on test(a,b,c);
select * from test where a = 1 and b = 1 and c = 1;
上述用例存在三个ScanKey:a = 1、b = 1、c = 1。在PostgreSQL中使用ScanKey的数组来存放这三个ScanKey,数组中的元素个数为3,而这个数组就是ScanKey Array。ScanKey Array表示n个用and连接的比较表达式,在ScanKey定义处的注释中也可以找到相关说明:
* A ScanKey represents the application of a comparison operator between
* a table or index column and a constant. When it's part of an array of
* ScanKeys, the comparison conditions are implicitly ANDed.
select * from test where a = 1 OR a = 2;
- 1
select * from test where a = 1;
- 1
select * from test where a = 2;
- 1
那么索引也就会遍历两次,第一次ScanKey Array的元素个数为1,元素为a = 1;第二次ScanKey Array的元素个数为1,元素为a = 2。
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
select * from test where a = 5;
这两个阶段有一个非常重要的点:定位阶段使用的ScanKey Array可能与遍历阶段不同。下面我们就来重点讨论这个问题。
前面讲过多列索引的构建规则(首先按照a排序,在a相等的情况下按照b排序…),这种规则导致我们在定位阶段时构建的ScanKey Array必须满足最左匹配原则。为了了解最左匹配原则,我们来考虑几个问题(以上述test表为例):
-- 用例1
select * from test where b = 1;
b = 1可以作为ScanKey在B+树索引中利用二分法进行定位么?不可以!因为索引的构建规则是,先按照a排序,a相等时按照b排序。所以从全局来看,a是有序的,而b是无序的,而上述比较条件只包含字段b不包含字段a,所以b = 1这个条件不能用作定位阶段的ScanKey(上述查询语句也不会使用idxtest索引,而是全表遍历)。
-- 用例2
select * from test where a = 1 and c = 1;
c = 1可以作为ScanKey在B+树索引中利用二分法进行定位么?不可以!因为在b相同的前提下,c才有序,而条件中不包含字段b。所以只有a = 1可以作为定位阶段的ScanKey。
-- 用例3
select * from test where a > 1 and b = 1;
b = 1可以作为ScanKey在B+树索引中利用二分法进行定位么?不可以!这一点,和PostgreSQL二分法的实现有关,我们在后面再来仔细分析。
综上所述,在定位阶段我们所使用的ScanKey Array必须满足最左匹配:
对于上述用例,ScanKey Array[0]必须是列a的ScanKey;ScanKey Array[1]必须是列b的ScanKey;ScanKey Array[2]必须是列c的ScanKey。
对于用例1:由于缺乏列a的ScanKey,即ScanKey Array[0].sk_attno为0,所以不存在满足条件的数组。
对于用例2:由于缺乏列b的ScanKey,即ScanKey Array[1].sk_attno为0,所以ScanKey Array只有一个合法元素ScanKey Array[0]。
对于用例3:由于ScanKey Array[0].sk_func为’>',所以ScanKey Array只有一个合法元素ScanKey Array[0]。
select * from test where a <= 1000;
现在思考一个问题,a <= 1是否可以作为ScanKey用作定位阶段?显然不可以!想一想上面这个语句我们应该如何定位?是不是应该直接定位到B+树第一个叶子节点的第一个item?这和a <= 1貌似没什么毛关系!所以 <、<=条件也是不能作为定位阶段的ScanKey的。
select * from test where a <= 1000 order by a desc;
- 1
对于这个语句,最容易想到的方式是先按照从小到大的遍历方式获取满足a < 1000的所有元组,然后再按照a的大小进行降序排列。但显然这种方式是很低效的!由于B+树索引本身就是有序的,所以上述语句正确的执行流程是:
- 利用二分法定位最后一个a = 1000的位置。
- 从这个位置起,降序(Backward)遍历B+树,直到第一个叶子节点的第一个item。
在这个流程中,a <= 1000是作为ScanKey参与定位阶段的。所以<、<=是否可以作为定位阶段的ScanKey,与遍历顺序有关。升序时遍历<、<=不能作为定位阶段的ScanKey,降序时遍历>、>=不能作为定位阶段的ScanKey。
思考一个问题:定位阶段的ScanKey Array中会出现重复的索引列么?不会!例如:
select * from test where a >= 1 and a >= 10;
这里出现了两个关于索引列a的比较表达式a >= 1和a >= 10,但是显然a >=10是a >=1的子集,我们只需要获取满足a >= 10的数据即可。再来看一个用例:
select * from test where a >= 1 and a <= 10;
select * from test where a = 1 and a = 10;
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
select * from test where a > 5 and a <= 8;
select * from test where a > 5 and a != 8;
通过这两个用例,我们不难看出一件事:a <= 8这个条件会决定遍历是否终止,而a != 8只是一个过滤条件,不决定遍历是否终止。所以,我们需要有一个规则来判断哪些条件只是过滤条件,哪些条件可以决定是否终止遍历。一个可以决定遍历是否终止的条件,必须具备以下特定:
运算符只能是:>、>=、<、<=、= 5个中的一个
select * from test where a > 5 and b <= 10;
在这个用例中b <= 10并不满足最左匹配(因为a的条件是>),所以b <= 10只是一个过滤条件。
select * from test where a >= 5 and b <= 10;
在这个用例用b <= 10满足最左匹配(因为a的条件是>=),但由于a的条件不是=,所以b <= 10也只是一个过滤条件。这一点需要特别注意,但是也比较好理解,假设(a,b)有如下值:
(5,1) (5,2) (5,3) (5,11) (6,1) (6,2) (6,3)
如果b <= 10可以用于判断遍历是否终止,那么当遍历到(5,11)时遍历就应该终止,但是显然后面的(6,1) (6,2) (6,3)同样满足条件。
/* * 构建 */ if (priorNumberOfEqualCols == attno - 1) //判断当前key是否满足最左匹配 { int addflags; //下面内容是由_bt_mark_scankey_required函数展开 switch (skey->sk_strategy) { case BTLessStrategyNumber: case BTLessEqualStrategyNumber: addflags = SK_BT_REQFWD; break; case BTEqualStrategyNumber: addflags = SK_BT_REQFWD | SK_BT_REQBKWD; break; case BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber: case BTGreaterStrategyNumber: addflags = SK_BT_REQBKWD; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized StrategyNumber: %d", (int) skey->sk_strategy); addflags = 0; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } skey->sk_flags |= addflags; }
* 判断
* ScanDirectionIsForward用于表示遍历方向
if ((subkey->sk_flags & SK_BT_REQFWD) && ScanDirectionIsForward(dir))
*continuescan = false;
else if ((subkey->sk_flags & SK_BT_REQBKWD) && ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))
*continuescan = false;
在《PostgreSQL B+树索引—查询》中,我们讲解的查询的框架和流程,但是跳过了ScanKey的处理细节,ScanKey的处理集中在**_bt_first**函数中,这个函数代码比较长,我们先来分析下它的大概流程,分析过程中我们使用一个用例来阐述每个步骤的输入输出,用例如下:
SELECT * FROM test WHERE b <= 9000 and a > 8500 and c >= 8000 and a > 10000 ;
在进入_bt_first之前,PostgreSQL会首先获取上述SQL中的所有ScanKey(满足ScanKey的三要素即可)。然后按照索引顺序对ScanKey排序,从而组成一个有序的ScanKey Array,ScanKey Array中的元素如下:
a > 8500、a > 10000、b <= 9000、c >= 8000
这个ScanKey Array被放在IndexScanDescData的keyData成员中,IndexScanDescData的numberOfKeys成员用于记录数组中元素的个数:
合并ScanKey Array
用例中的a > 8500和a > 10000会被合并为a > 10000。
合并前ScanKey Array中的元素个数。
合并前的ScanKey Array。
合并后ScanKey Array中的元素个数。
合并后的ScanKey Array。
对比输入输出,不难看出执行完_bt_preprocess_keys之后,去掉了一个与a相关的ScanKey(去掉的就是a > 8500),然后将a > 10000这个ScanKey进行标记,因为这个条件可能可以决定遍历是否终止。
构建可以用于定位阶段的ScanKey Array。
用于定位的ScanKey Array中的元素个数。
用于定位的ScanKey Array。
处理row comparisons
例如:(x, y) > (c1, c2)这样的表达式就被称为row comparisons
将search-style ScanKey转换为insert-style ScanKey
Part2输出的startKeys可以用于定位,但是startKeys对应的是a>10000,即startKeys[0].sk_func是一个用于计算**>的函数,这个函数返回的是一个bool类型(表示a是否>10000),而含有这样函数的ScanKey被称为search-style ScanKey**。但显然在利用二分法定位时应该是比较a与10000大小,返回0(a = 10000)、1(a > 10000)、-1(a < 10000),所以我们需要将sk_func替换为实现二分法比较功能的函数,而含有这样函数的ScanKey就被称为insert-style ScanKey。
* When nextkey is false (the usual case), we are looking for the first
* item >= ScanKey. When nextkey is true, we are looking for the first
* item strictly greater than ScanKey.
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
select * from test where a = 5;
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
select * from test where a > 5;
select * from test where a >= 5;
select * from test where a < 5;
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
select * from test where a <= 5;
之前在阐述最左匹配时,我们对Scan Array提到了一个要求:数组中除了最后一个ScanKey外,不能出现运算符:>(升序遍历)、<(降序遍历)。
/* * _bt_binsrch() -- Do a binary search for a key on a particular page. * * The passed ScanKey must be an insertion-type ScanKey (see nbtree/README), * but it can omit the rightmost column(s) of the index. * * When nextkey is false (the usual case), we are looking for the first * item >= ScanKey. When nextkey is true, we are looking for the first * item strictly greater than ScanKey. * * On a leaf page, _bt_binsrch() returns the OffsetNumber of the first * key >= given ScanKey, or > ScanKey if nextkey is true. (NOTE: in * particular, this means it is possible to return a value 1 greater than the * number of keys on the page, if the ScanKey is > all keys on the page.) * * On an internal (non-leaf) page, _bt_binsrch() returns the OffsetNumber * of the last key < given ScanKey, or last key <= given ScanKey if nextkey * is true. (Since _bt_compare treats the first data key of such a page as * minus infinity, there will be at least one key < ScanKey, so the result * always points at one of the keys on the page.) This key indicates the * right place to descend to be sure we find all leaf keys >= given ScanKey * (or leaf keys > given ScanKey when nextkey is true). * * This procedure is not responsible for walking right, it just examines * the given page. _bt_binsrch() has no lock or refcount side effects * on the buffer. */ OffsetNumber _bt_binsrch(Relation rel, Buffer buf, int keysz, ScanKey ScanKey, bool nextkey) { Page page; BTPageOpaque opaque; OffsetNumber low, high; int32 result, cmpval; page = BufferGetPage(buf); opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page); low = P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque); high = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page); /* * If there are no keys on the page, return the first available slot. Note * this covers two cases: the page is really empty (no keys), or it * contains only a high key. The latter case is possible after vacuuming. * This can never happen on an internal page, however, since they are * never empty (an internal page must have children). */ if (high < low) return low; /* * Binary search to find the first key on the page >= scan key, or first * key > ScanKey when nextkey is true. * * For nextkey=false (cmpval=1), the loop invariant is: all slots before * 'low' are < scan key, all slots at or after 'high' are >= scan key. * * For nextkey=true (cmpval=0), the loop invariant is: all slots before * 'low' are <= scan key, all slots at or after 'high' are > scan key. * * We can fall out when high == low. */ high++; /* establish the loop invariant for high */ cmpval = nextkey ? 0 : 1; /* select comparison value */ while (high > low) { OffsetNumber mid = low + ((high - low) / 2); /* We have low <= mid < high, so mid points at a real slot */ result = _bt_compare(rel, keysz, ScanKey, page, mid); if (result >= cmpval) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } /* * At this point we have high == low, but be careful: they could point * past the last slot on the page. * * On a leaf page, we always return the first key >= scan key (resp. > * scan key), which could be the last slot + 1. */ if (P_ISLEAF(opaque)) return low; /* * On a non-leaf page, return the last key < scan key (resp. <= scan key). * There must be one if _bt_compare() is playing by the rules. */ Assert(low > P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque)); return OffsetNumberPrev(low); }
loop invariant
在注释中出现了一个词loop invariant,这是循环不变量的意思,这也是这个二分法的关键点。在这个循环中,循环不变量需要保证的是:
当nextkey=false(cmpval=1)时,位于low之前的所有key都 < sacnkey;位于high或high之后的所有key都 >= ScanKey。
那么这就意味着,当low = high跳出循环后,low之前的key < sacnkey,low或low之后的key >= ScanKey,于是我们就找到了第一个 >= ScanKey的item。
当nextkey=true(cmpval=0)时,位于low之前的所有key都 <= sacnkey;位于high或high之后的所有key都 > ScanKey。
那么这就意味着,当low = high跳出循环后,low之前的key <= sacnkey,low或low之后的key > ScanKey,于是我们就找到了第一个 > ScanKey的item。
上述代码的line70,对于high进行了自增。这是为了让high保持循环不变。因为high或high之后的key需要 >= 或 > ScanKey,如果原本high < ScanKey,那么此时high需要指向high++这个位置。这就导致当跳出循环后,得到的位置可能是页面中最后一个solt之后的位置。
* At this point we have high == low, but be careful: they could point
* past the last slot on the page.
* On a leaf page, we always return the first key >= scan key
* On a non-leaf page, return the last key < scan key
在《PostgreSQL B+树索引—查询》中,我们讲过,非叶子中每一个item对应一个叶子节点中的最小值。那么假定非叶子节点中有如下值:
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
select * from test where a = 5;
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10
int32 _bt_compare(Relation rel, int keysz, ScanKey ScanKey, Page page, OffsetNumber offnum) { TupleDesc itupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel); BTPageOpaque opaque = (BTPageOpaque) PageGetSpecialPointer(page); IndexTuple itup; int i; if (!P_ISLEAF(opaque) && offnum == P_FIRSTDATAKEY(opaque)) return 1; itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offnum)); for (i = 1; i <= keysz; i++) { Datum datum; bool isNull; int32 result; datum = index_getattr(itup, ScanKey->sk_attno, itupdesc, &isNull); /* see comments about NULLs handling in btbuild */ if (ScanKey->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL) /* key is NULL */ { //省略 } else if (isNull) /* key is NOT_NULL and item is NULL */ { //省略 } else { //比较 result = DatumGetInt32(FunctionCall2Coll(&ScanKey->sk_func, ScanKey->sk_collation, datum, ScanKey->sk_argument)); if (!(ScanKey->sk_flags & SK_BT_DESC)) result = -result; } /* if the keys are unequal, return the difference */ if (result != 0) return result; ScanKey++; } /* if we get here, the keys are equal */ return 0; }
对于_bt_compare,这里我们对代码进行了简化,这个函数主要的流程就是遍历ScanKey array,取出其中每一个ScanKey然后与索引中的key向比较,如果相等就比较下一个ScanKey。
这也就是为什么ScanKey array中只能出现一次>或<的原因!因为_bt_compare在对于ScanKey进行比较时,是不管ScanKey中的原始符号的,**而比较规则与=、>=、<=是兼容的,但与>、<不兼容。**我们来看一个例子:
(1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
select * from test where a > 1 AND b = 1;
按照上述规则,只有 a > 1可以作为ScanKey,然后定位到(2,1):
(1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
但是如果将a > 1、b = 1都作为ScanKey,那么就会定位到(1,1):
(1,1) (1,2) (1,3) (2,1) (2,2) (2,3) (3,1) (3,2) (3,3)
因为将a > 1、b = 1转换为insert-style,实际上等价于a = 1、b = 1。
void _bt_preprocess_keys(IndexScanDesc scan) { BTScanOpaque so = (BTScanOpaque) scan->opaque; int numberOfKeys = scan->numberOfKeys; int16 *indoption = scan->indexRelation->rd_indoption; int new_numberOfKeys; int numberOfEqualCols; ScanKey inkeys; ScanKey outkeys; ScanKey cur; ScanKey xform[BTMaxStrategyNumber]; bool test_result; int i, j; AttrNumber attno; /* initialize result variables */ so->qual_ok = true; so->numberOfKeys = 0; if (numberOfKeys < 1) return; /* done if qual-less scan */ /* * Read so->arrayKeyData if array keys are present, else scan->keyData * step1:获取函数的输入ScanKey与输出ScanKey */ if (so->arrayKeyData != NULL) inkeys = so->arrayKeyData; else inkeys = scan->keyData; outkeys = so->keyData; cur = &inkeys[0]; /* we check that input keys are correctly ordered */ if (cur->sk_attno < 1) elog(ERROR, "btree index keys must be ordered by attribute"); /* We can short-circuit most of the work if there's just one key * ScanKey array中如果只有1个元素,那么就不涉及合并等操作,可以简单处理 */ if (numberOfKeys == 1) { /* Apply indoption to ScanKey (might change sk_strategy!) */ if (!_bt_fix_scankey_strategy(cur, indoption)) so->qual_ok = false; memcpy(outkeys, cur, sizeof(ScanKeyData)); so->numberOfKeys = 1; /* We can mark the qual as required if it's for first index col * _bt_mark_scankey_required用于标记遍历阶段可以用于终止遍历的条件, * 由于用于终止遍历的条件必须满足最左匹配原则,此时ScanKey array又只有一个元素, * 所以只有cur->sk_attno == 1时才满足最左匹配原则。 */ if (cur->sk_attno == 1) _bt_mark_scankey_required(outkeys); return; } /* * Otherwise, do the full set of pushups. */ new_numberOfKeys = 0; numberOfEqualCols = 0; /* * Initialize for processing of keys for attr 1. * * xform[i] points to the currently best scan key of strategy type i+1; it * is NULL if we haven't yet found such a key for this attr. */ attno = 1; memset(xform, 0, sizeof(xform)); /* * Loop iterates from 0 to numberOfKeys inclusive; we use the last pass to * handle after-last-key processing. Actual exit from the loop is at the * "break" statement below. */ for (i = 0;; cur++, i++) { if (i < numberOfKeys) { /* Apply indoption to ScanKey (might change sk_strategy!) */ if (!_bt_fix_scankey_strategy(cur, indoption)) { /* NULL can't be matched, so give up */ so->qual_ok = false; return; } } /* * If we are at the end of the keys for a particular attr, finish up * processing and emit the cleaned-up keys. */ if (i == numberOfKeys || cur->sk_attno != attno) { //step3: 合并运算符,暂时省略 } /* check strategy this key's operator corresponds to */ j = cur->sk_strategy - 1; /* if row comparison, push it directly to the output array */ if (cur->sk_flags & SK_ROW_HEADER) { //处理row comparison continue; } /* step2: 搜集ScanKey */ /* have we seen one of these before? */ if (xform[j] == NULL) { /* nope, so remember this ScanKey */ xform[j] = cur; } else { /* yup, keep only the more restrictive key */ if (_bt_compare_scankey_args(scan, cur, cur, xform[j], &test_result)) { if (test_result) xform[j] = cur; else if (j == (BTEqualStrategyNumber - 1)) { /* key == a && key == b, but a != b */ so->qual_ok = false; return; } /* else old key is more restrictive, keep it */ } else { /* * We can't determine which key is more restrictive. Keep the * previous one in xform[j] and push this one directly to the * output array. */ ScanKey outkey = &outkeys[new_numberOfKeys++]; memcpy(outkey, cur, sizeof(ScanKeyData)); if (numberOfEqualCols == attno - 1) _bt_mark_scankey_required(outkey); } } } so->numberOfKeys = new_numberOfKeys; }
select * from test where b < 10 and a > 2 and and a > 3 and a >= 1 and a <= 10 ;
这个步骤没什么特别的,输入ScanKey:scan->keyData,输出ScanKey:so->keyData。这里需要注意的是,输入的ScanKey array是一个按照列序升序排列的有序数组:
[a > 2] [a > 3] [a >= 1] [a <= 10] [b < 10]
ScanKey xform[BTMaxStrategyNumber];
* Strategy numbers for B-tree indexes.
#define BTLessStrategyNumber 1
#define BTLessEqualStrategyNumber 2
#define BTEqualStrategyNumber 3
#define BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber 4
#define BTGreaterStrategyNumber 5
#define BTMaxStrategyNumber 5
这个数组用来干什么呢?用来搜集与合并ScanKey。对于上面的ScanKey array:[a > 2] [a > 3] [a >= 1] [a <= 10] [b < 10]
,搜集的方式是遍历这个数组,比如现在我们获取到的ScanKey为[a > 2],其比较运算符是>,所以我们令xform[BTGreaterStrategyNumber-1] = [a > 2](BTLessStrategyNumber从1开始,所以这里需要-1)。然后继续遍历,获取[a > 3],其比较运算符也是>,此时xform[BTGreaterStrategyNumber-1]已经有[a > 2]了,于是我们需要将这两个范围进行合并(也就是注释中所谓的:keep only the more restrictive key)。显然 a > 3是a > 2的子集,于是我们令xform[BTGreaterStrategyNumber-1] = [a > 3]。
执行这个步骤需要两个条件:i == numberOfKeys
或 cur->sk_attno != attno
,也就是说当遍历到最后一个ScanKey或者ScanKey中的索引字段发生变化时。对于上述用例,当我们遍历到[b < 10]时就会触发cur->sk_attno != attno
[NULL] [a <= 10] NULL [a >= 1] [a > 3]
不难发现,[a >= 1]和[a > 3],还可以进一步合并为[a > 3]。这也就是step3的第一个作用:对xform进行最终的合并,合并后就得到了列a的最终ScanKey:[a <= 10] [a > 3]。合并后,不难发现,a > 3满足最左匹配原则,所以这个条件可以作为终止遍历条件,这也就是step3的第二个作用:标记可以终止遍历的ScanKey。这些做完之后,我们就已经处理完了列a对应的ScanKey,所以需要将[a <= 10]、[a > 3]写入输出ScanKey即so->keyData。然后清空xform数组,继续处理后面的列b的ScanKey。step3的相关代码如下:
if (i == numberOfKeys || cur->sk_attno != attno) { int priorNumberOfEqualCols = numberOfEqualCols; /* check input keys are correctly ordered */ if (i < numberOfKeys && cur->sk_attno < attno) elog(ERROR, "btree index keys must be ordered by attribute"); /* 合并=与其他运算符,例如:key = 1 AND key > 2 */ if (xform[BTEqualStrategyNumber - 1]) { ScanKey eq = xform[BTEqualStrategyNumber - 1]; for (j = BTMaxStrategyNumber; --j >= 0;) { ScanKey chk = xform[j]; if (!chk || j == (BTEqualStrategyNumber - 1)) continue; if (eq->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNULL) { /* IS NULL is contradictory to anything else */ so->qual_ok = false; return; } if (_bt_compare_scankey_args(scan, chk, eq, chk, &test_result)) { if (!test_result) { /* keys proven mutually contradictory */ so->qual_ok = false; return; } /* else discard the redundant non-equality key */ xform[j] = NULL; } /* else, cannot determine redundancy, keep both keys */ } /* track number of attrs for which we have "=" keys * 记录含有=的索引列数 */ numberOfEqualCols++; } /* try to keep only one of <, <= * 合并 < 和 <= */ if (xform[BTLessStrategyNumber - 1] && xform[BTLessEqualStrategyNumber - 1]) { ScanKey lt = xform[BTLessStrategyNumber - 1]; ScanKey le = xform[BTLessEqualStrategyNumber - 1]; if (_bt_compare_scankey_args(scan, le, lt, le, &test_result)) { if (test_result) xform[BTLessEqualStrategyNumber - 1] = NULL; else xform[BTLessStrategyNumber - 1] = NULL; } } /* try to keep only one of >, >= * 合并 > 和 >= */ if (xform[BTGreaterStrategyNumber - 1] && xform[BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber - 1]) { ScanKey gt = xform[BTGreaterStrategyNumber - 1]; ScanKey ge = xform[BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber - 1]; if (_bt_compare_scankey_args(scan, ge, gt, ge, &test_result)) { if (test_result) xform[BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber - 1] = NULL; else xform[BTGreaterStrategyNumber - 1] = NULL; } } /* * Emit the cleaned-up keys into the outkeys[] array, and then * mark them if they are required. They are required (possibly * only in one direction) if all attrs before this one had "=". * 输出处理后的ScanKey,标记可以作为遍历终止条件的ScanKey, * 这个ScanKey之前的ScanKey的比较运算符必须是= */ for (j = BTMaxStrategyNumber; --j >= 0;) { if (xform[j]) { ScanKey outkey = &outkeys[new_numberOfKeys++]; memcpy(outkey, xform[j], sizeof(ScanKeyData)); if (priorNumberOfEqualCols == attno - 1) _bt_mark_scankey_required(outkey); } } /* * Exit loop here if done. * 结束ScanKey的遍历 */ if (i == numberOfKeys) break; /* Re-initialize for new attno */ attno = cur->sk_attno; memset(xform, 0, sizeof(xform)); }
if (so->numberOfKeys > 0) { AttrNumber curattr; ScanKey chosen; ScanKey impliesNN; ScanKey cur; /* * chosen is the so-far-chosen key for the current attribute, if any. * We don't cast the decision in stone until we reach keys for the * next attribute. */ curattr = 1; chosen = NULL; /* Also remember any scankey that implies a NOT NULL constraint */ impliesNN = NULL; /* * Loop iterates from 0 to numberOfKeys inclusive; we use the last * pass to handle after-last-key processing. Actual exit from the * loop is at one of the "break" statements below. */ for (cur = so->keyData, i = 0;; cur++, i++) { if (i >= so->numberOfKeys || cur->sk_attno != curattr) { /* * Done looking at keys for curattr. If we didn't find a * usable boundary key, see if we can deduce a NOT NULL key. * * step2:将选中(chosen)的ScanKey输出,即加入startKeys */ if (chosen == NULL && impliesNN != NULL && ((impliesNN->sk_flags & SK_BT_NULLS_FIRST) ? ScanDirectionIsForward(dir) : ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir))) { /* Yes, so build the key in notnullkeys[keysCount] */ chosen = ¬nullkeys[keysCount]; ScanKeyEntryInitialize(chosen, (SK_SEARCHNOTNULL | SK_ISNULL | (impliesNN->sk_flags & (SK_BT_DESC | SK_BT_NULLS_FIRST))), curattr, ((impliesNN->sk_flags & SK_BT_NULLS_FIRST) ? BTGreaterStrategyNumber : BTLessStrategyNumber), InvalidOid, InvalidOid, InvalidOid, (Datum) 0); } /* * If we still didn't find a usable boundary key, quit; else * save the boundary key pointer in startKeys. * 将chosen输出到startKeys中。 */ if (chosen == NULL) break; startKeys[keysCount++] = chosen; /* * Adjust strat_total, and quit if we have stored a > or < * key. * 如果chosen的运算符是>或<,则结束循环 */ strat = chosen->sk_strategy; if (strat != BTEqualStrategyNumber) { strat_total = strat; if (strat == BTGreaterStrategyNumber || strat == BTLessStrategyNumber) break; } /* * Done if that was the last attribute, or if next key is not * in sequence (implying no boundary key is available for the * next attribute). * 如果当前索引列不满足最左匹配,则结束循环 */ if (i >= so->numberOfKeys || cur->sk_attno != curattr + 1) break; /* * Reset for next attr. */ curattr = cur->sk_attno; chosen = NULL; impliesNN = NULL; } /* * Can we use this key as a starting boundary for this attr? * * If not, does it imply a NOT NULL constraint? (Because * SK_SEARCHNULL keys are always assigned BTEqualStrategyNumber, * *any* inequality key works for that; we need not test.) * step1:选择可以用于定位的ScanKey */ switch (cur->sk_strategy) { case BTLessStrategyNumber: case BTLessEqualStrategyNumber: if (chosen == NULL) { if (ScanDirectionIsBackward(dir)) chosen = cur; else impliesNN = cur; } break; case BTEqualStrategyNumber: /* override any non-equality choice */ chosen = cur; break; case BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber: case BTGreaterStrategyNumber: if (chosen == NULL) { if (ScanDirectionIsForward(dir)) chosen = cur; else impliesNN = cur; } break; } } } /* * If we found no usable boundary keys, we have to start from one end of * the tree. Walk down that edge to the first or last key, and scan from * there. */ if (keysCount == 0) return _bt_endpoint(scan, dir);
前面我们讨论过,同一个索引列,只可能有一个ScanKey可以用于定位阶段,所以上述代码的功能就是遍历_bt_preprocess_keys()输出的ScanKey Array,选择可以用于定位阶段的ScanKey,并输出到startKeys中。在前面的用例中_bt_preprocess_keys()输出的的ScanKey Array如下:
[a > 3] [a <= 10] [b < 10]
我们首先获取[a > 3],由于是正向遍历,所以显然[a > 3]可以用于定位,于是chosen指向[a > 3]。然后继续遍历到[a <= 10],此时由于chosen不为空,并且[a <= 10]也不能用于定位,所以继续遍历到 [b < 10],此时遍历到了ScanKey Array的最后一个元素,且索引列也有a变为了b,所以满足 if (i >= so->numberOfKeys || cur->sk_attno != curattr)
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