dict_example = {'fruits':['apple', 'orange'], 'language':['English', 'Chinese']}
/ \
>300000 <300000
/ \
"可以贷款" [estate]
/ \
"有" "无"
/ \
"可以贷款" [son_or_daug]
/ \
"有" "无"
/ \
"可以贷款" "不能贷款"
if salary_year > 300000:
return "可以贷款"
if estate:
return "可以贷款"
if son_or_daug == True:
return "可以贷款"
return "不能贷款"
... ...
dict_example = {"salary_year":
字典树英文表示为:trie ,它来自于 retrieval 的中间部分。在wiki百科中,trie表示tree的意思,它属于多叉树结构,是一种哈希树的变种,典型应用场景是统计、保存大量的字符串,经常被搜索引擎系统用于文本词频统计。它的优点是利用字符串的公共前缀来减少查找时间,最大限度的减少无谓字符串的比较和存储空间。
我们可以像前面 字典+树 的形式那样,把单个字母当成一个节点存储在树形字典里。
而有的文章说节点存储的是其他变量属性,而字母是存储在路径中。在官方的百度百科 字典树中写的是第二种,所以我们以第二种写法去理解字典树。
字典树是一个由“路径”和“节点”组成多叉树结构。由根节点出发,按照存储字符串的每个字符,创建对应字符路径。由“路径”记载字符串中的字符,由节点记载经过的字符数以及结尾字符结尾数,例如一个简单的字符串集合:[them, zip, team, the, app, that]
class TrieNode: def __init__(self): self.count = 0 # 表示以该处节点构成的串的个数 self.preCount = 0 # 表示以该处节点构成的前缀的字串的个数 self.children = {} class Trie: def __init__(self): self.root = TrieNode() def insert(self, word): node = self.root for ch in word: if ch not in node.children: node.children[ch] = TrieNode() node = node.children[ch] node.preCount += 1 node.count += 1 def search(self, word): node = self.root for ch in word: if ch not in node.children: return False node = node.children[ch] return node.count > 0 def startsWith(self, prefix): node = self.root for ch in prefix: if ch not in node.children: return False node = node.children[ch] return node.preCount > 0
class Trie: def __init__(self): self.root = {} def insert(self, word: str) -> None: root = self.root for w in word: if w not in root: root[w]={} root = root[w] # 每个单词,设置一个结尾,说明该单词存在 # 比如存了pieapple,但没存pie,搜索pie时,虽然能搜到但实际上该单词不存在 root["#"]='#' # 这里任意符号都可以,只要不是字母,并且能够区分出单词的结尾 # 比如 root['end']={} def search(self, word: str) -> bool: root = self.root for w in word: if w not in root: return False root = root[w] # 说明到了结尾 if '#' in root: return True return False def startsWith(self, prefix: str) -> bool: root = self.root for pre in prefix: if pre not in root: return False root = root[pre] return True # Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such: # obj = Trie() # obj.insert(word) # param_2 = obj.search(word) # param_3 = obj.startsWith(prefix)
class Solution: def replaceWords(self, dictionary: List[str], sentence: str) -> str: root = {} for word in dictionary: cur = root for c in word: if c not in cur: cur[c]={} cur = cur[c] cur['#']='#' words = sentence.split() for ind, word in enumerate(words): cur = root for ind2, c in enumerate(word): if '#' in cur: words[ind] = word[:ind2] break if c not in cur: break cur = cur[c] return ' '.join(words)
class Trie: def __init__(self): self.root = {} def insert(self, word): root = self.root for c in word: if c not in root: root[c]={} root = root[c] root['#'] = '#' def query(self, word): root = self.root for ind, c in enumerate(word): if '#' in root: return word[:ind] if c not in root: return False root = root[c] class Solution: def replaceWords(self, dictionary: List[str], sentence: str) -> str: trie = Trie() for word in dictionary: trie.insert(word) words = sentence.split() for ind, word in enumerate(words): res = trie.query(word) if res: words[ind]=res return ' '.join(words)
class Solution:
def replaceWords(self, dictionary: List[str], sentence: str) -> str:
dSet = set(dictionary)
words = sentence.split()
for ind, word in enumerate(words):
for j in range(1, len(words)+1):
if word[:j] in dSet:
words[ind] = word[:j]
return ' '.join(words)
class WordDictionary: def __init__(self): self.root = {} def addWord(self, word: str) -> None: root = self.root for w in word: if w not in root: root[w] = {} root = root[w] root['#'] = '#' def search(self, word: str) -> bool: def dfs(ind, node): # 索引和单词长度相等时表示搜索完了 if ind==len(word): # 搜索完后如果是结尾标识"#",则能找到这个单词,否则不能 if '#' in node: return True else: return False ch = word[ind] # 遍历到单词的 '.' if ch=='.': # 选择所有可替换的字母,注意不能为'#' for c in node: if c!='#' and dfs(ind+1, node[c]): return True # 遍历到单词其他字母 else: if ch in node and dfs(ind+1, node[ch]): return True return False return dfs(0, self.root) # Your WordDictionary object will be instantiated and called as such: # obj = WordDictionary() # obj.addWord(word) # param_2 = obj.search(word)
参考官方解题官方: 添加与搜索单词 - 数据结构设计
class Trie: def __init__(self): self.val = 0 # self.end = False self.next = {} class MapSum: def __init__(self): # 因为节点有属性,所以不再直接 self.root = {} # 而是创建一个Trie节点,不仅存储self.next = {}字典树 # 并且存储self.val前缀值 self.root = Trie() # 用来记录key-value self.map = {} def insert(self, key: str, val: int) -> None: delta = val # 相同key,之前累加过了,则增加变化量 if key in self.map: delta = delta-self.map[key] self.map[key]=val root = self.root for w in key: if w not in root.next: root.next[w]=Trie() root = root.next[w] # 不同单词相同前缀累加值,注意前面相同key的情况 root.val += delta # root.end=True def sum(self, prefix: str) -> int: root =self.root for p in prefix: if p not in root.next: return 0 root = root.next[p] return root.val # Your MapSum object will be instantiated and called as such: # obj = MapSum() # obj.insert(key,val) # param_2 = obj.sum(prefix)
class MagicDictionary: def __init__(self): self.root = {} def buildDict(self, dictionary: List[str]) -> None: for word in dictionary: root = self.root for c in word: if c not in root: root[c]={} root = root[c] root['#']={} # print(self.root) def search(self, searchWord: str) -> bool: def dfs(node, ind, modify): if ind==len(searchWord): if '#' in node and modify: return True return False ch = searchWord[ind] if ch in node: if dfs(node[ch], ind+1, modify): return True if not modify: for cnext in node: if ch!=cnext: if dfs(node[cnext], ind+1, True): return True return False return dfs(self.root, 0, False) # Your MagicDictionary object will be instantiated and called as such: # obj = MagicDictionary() # obj.buildDict(dictionary) # param_2 = obj.search(searchWord)
class Trie: def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.next = {} class Solution: def minimumLengthEncoding(self, words: List[str]) -> int: root = Trie() for word in words: cur = root for ind, c in enumerate(word[::-1]): if c not in cur.next: cur.next[c]=Trie() cur = cur.next[c] cur.count = ind+1 res = [] def dfs(node): if not node.next: res.append(node.count) else: for c in node.next: dfs(node.next[c]) dfs(root) return sum(res)+len(res)
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